Body and Spirit (New)

Cardiovascular Training / Balance And Strength

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lyndi Schwartz (Host), Andi Hunsaker, Nancy Diaz


Series Code: NBAS

Program Code: NBAS000029

00:01 The following program is designed to demonstrate
00:02 simple workouts that you can use to improve your health.
00:05 Be sure to consult your physician
00:07 before beginning any exercise program.
00:11 If you want to have a great time,
00:14 join us for Body & Spirit.
00:38 Hi, welcome to Body & Spirit.
00:41 My name is Lyndi Schwartz and I am the host
00:43 of your program today.
00:45 With me I've two of my favorite people,
00:48 we have Nancy Diaz and she is from Portugal
00:50 and she is the mother of two.
00:52 And then I have my identical twin sister
00:54 of 55 years, Andi, you won't lie.
00:57 And my sister is a physician
00:59 from Boston and I'm also a physician,
01:01 and we're very delighted to be with you today
01:04 to lead you in this exercise program.
01:06 Before we get started I'd like to exercise
01:09 with a thought on our hearts and that's from Psalm 27 verse 14.
01:14 "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage,
01:16 and He shall strengthen your heart.
01:19 Wait, I say, on the Lord."
01:21 Today, we're going to be exercising
01:24 with these balance balls and the whole idea today
01:27 is to do three things at one time,
01:29 cardiovascular exercise, balance and strength.
01:33 And so we're gonna began by sitting on the balls.
01:36 And so if you have a ball at home
01:38 and if you don't have one yet,
01:40 these can be bought at any exercise store.
01:45 And we will begin by sitting on the balls
01:48 and we will just take some deep breaths and warm-up.
01:52 So let's just take some breaths and inhale, inhale up.
01:56 And always take deep breaths and exhale out.
01:59 Inhale up and out, up and out.
02:06 Now we're gonna out towards
02:07 the front and exhale, inhale out.
02:10 Exhale and round your back, this feels really good.
02:14 Inhale and round your back, good.
02:17 Exhale, inhale, round your back, inhale.
02:24 This feels so nice.
02:25 Let's do another three times.
02:28 That feels great.
02:33 Good, last time.
02:34 Okay, now we're gonna stretch our arms before we get started
02:38 and what we'll do is we put one arm over at a time
02:41 and then the other arm.
02:42 And you move your feet and just take deep breaths
02:45 as you're moving your arms out.
02:46 Stretch the whole length of your body, it feels really good.
02:50 And you will need this actually as you get started.
02:53 And we can actually do that even a little faster
02:57 and just swing a little bit.
02:58 Out to the front, out to the front, out to the front.
03:02 Very good, sweep out to the front.
03:04 Sweep over head, over head, over head, good.
03:08 Over head, excellent.
03:11 Okay, now let's get both arms involved.
03:14 Out with both arms, out.
03:16 Out in front, out, good, out, out,
03:20 then upward, up, up towards the sky.
03:23 Up, up and out, out good, out.
03:28 Now we will do with single arms
03:30 and sweep, sweep, good sweep, sweep.
03:34 Overhead, overhead, tricked you, overhead, overhead good.
03:38 Both arms out, both arms, both arms
03:41 and overhead, overhead good, good.
03:45 Okay, now let's stand
03:46 and we'll do some squats to warm up further.
03:49 Now the idea of these balls is like I said for balance,
03:54 cardiovascular and for strength.
03:56 So we'll hold the ball about like this, not up here
03:59 but down like this and we will just pose
04:02 the ball and squat and squeeze.
04:05 So the whole time we're doing this,
04:08 you'll be squeezing the ball, press and out.
04:11 Press, good, press,
04:16 good, press, press, good.
04:20 Very slow press and squeeze,
04:23 because it will really work your arms.
04:25 And the whole time we're doing this,
04:27 you'll be squeezing like this and actually
04:29 doing something with your arms, good.
04:31 Squat, good, squat.
04:34 Okay, now good, let's put the balls on the floor
04:38 and now we're going to actually do another stretch,
04:39 but this time we'll be-- put your legs apart
04:42 like this and we'll slide the ball like this.
04:45 Put the arm up, turn to the side.
04:48 Again to the other side, arm up.
04:52 Okay, good this really stretches your back, you can feel it.
04:55 Okay, very nice and very slow.
04:58 Arm up and hold it there like that.
05:01 Up and up and up, good
05:08 and up, very good.
05:12 Okay, now hold the ball on that side
05:13 and want you now to turn over
05:15 to the left like this and now I want you to just slide
05:18 the ball forward, bring your chest down to your knee
05:22 and extend your arm and just stretch.
05:25 Good, now bring the ball back to the middle and stretch again,
05:31 good, up to the middle.
05:34 Stretch, up, stretch, little faster,
05:40 up and down, good.
05:43 Up and down, if you don't want to go this fast,
05:47 keep doing it slowly.
05:48 For you at home, do not try to do things that will cause pain
05:54 or tearing of tissue, so go as slowly as you need to go.
05:57 Okay, that's good, let's turn and let's do the other side
06:03 and let's turn to the right next up.
06:05 We'll turn to our right, next up
06:07 and then we will do the same thing,
06:10 push the ball forward and lean, good.
06:14 And lean, good, lean, good,
06:20 good, lean and lean, very good
06:25 and hold the ball out again like this and turn up
06:31 to the sky, turn up.
06:33 Okay, good and come back to the center again.
06:37 Okay, now what I want us to do, we'll pick up the ball
06:43 okay and we'll do the same squats again
06:47 and then we'll just go out, hold the ball down low and push
06:51 good, push and push,
06:56 very good, push and push.
07:01 Squeeze the ball, squeeze the ball,
07:04 good, squeeze the ball.
07:06 Okay, now stand with your feet little bit wider
07:09 and we're going to lunge the ball about in a circle.
07:10 Okay, now always squeeze the ball, okay.
07:13 And so we go up and round, up and around, good.
07:18 Bring the ball around, good, bring the ball around.
07:22 Yes, last time.
07:24 Stop, switch sides.
07:26 Bring the ball around, good.
07:28 Bring the ball around.
07:30 You guys hang in there.
07:32 You guys are hanging in there, why you're laughing at me?
07:34 Okay, good.
07:36 Okay, very good, all right.
07:40 We'll put the balls down.
07:42 Okay, now we're going to enter
07:44 into the cardiovascular part of this exercise.
07:46 We will do some slow ones
07:48 and then we'll do some faster ones.
07:50 Initially, let's pick our balls up again
07:53 and we'll hold the balls like this.
07:55 We'll do a slow squat, one and up, one and up, good, one.
08:01 Squeeze the ball, always getting it away from you,
08:06 exercising your arms, your muscle
08:07 should be bulging, is that right?
08:09 Little bit painful.
08:10 Oh, they're kind of painful. Oh, little bit.
08:11 Okay, little pain is good, not too much.
08:13 Okay, little faster, out, good,
08:17 pump, pump the ball, pump.
08:20 For balance you can have your feet about hips width apart.
08:23 Pump, good, pump, pump.
08:26 Next time when we go down,
08:28 we'll pump the ball for three like this.
08:31 One, two, three and up, good.
08:34 One, two, three, up. One, two, three, up.
08:40 One, two, three, up. One, two, three, up, good.
08:46 One, two, three, good.
08:48 Now this time what I want to do as we go down
08:51 and we come up have our legs go out this side,
08:53 I'll show you.
08:54 Out and up, out and up,
08:58 out good up, out, out, good.
09:03 See the whole time, I'll tell you what we're doing here.
09:05 This is really about balance.
09:07 One leg, balance and you're squeezing the ball
09:10 whole time and your heart rate is also going up.
09:14 Good, good.
09:20 Okay, now what we're gonna do is again
09:22 is we gonna slide the ball.
09:24 Let's put the balls down and the thing
09:26 we did in the beginning with sliding the ball, again.
09:29 This time I go like this to the right,
09:32 slide and slide,
09:36 slide slow, good.
09:43 Okay, little faster, slide.
09:47 Now you at home keep going slowly.
09:54 We'll go little faster, really good and always twist.
09:59 Nice stretch in the back as you're twisting.
10:04 Okay, very good.
10:08 All right, now pick up your ball,
10:10 I want you to turn to the right
10:12 and first--now this is the modified version.
10:16 And I'm gonna do this initially.
10:18 And what we'll be doing is dipping down
10:21 and out, down and out.
10:24 I want you to stay at this level for the modified.
10:28 What we're going to do is what we call Arabesque
10:31 and it's like this.
10:33 Down and up, down and up,
10:37 down, up, good, down, up,
10:40 down, up, down, good, down, up.
10:46 Now we're gonna change a little bit here.
10:48 Next time we'll come down, twist, front and up, down,
10:53 twist, front, good.
10:56 Now at home, I want you to stay doing
10:59 this, down, twist, up and up, okay.
11:05 Now I'm gonna go little faster
11:07 like this. Good.
11:19 Okay, now let's turn to the front.
11:21 We do what we call the core motion,
11:22 that's like this, down,
11:25 swing the ball, swing and press the whole time
11:29 you're squeezing the ball.
11:31 Okay the whole time you're squeezing, good.
11:38 Okay, very good.
11:40 Now let's slide the ball again, put the ball down
11:44 and we'll slide first slow, slow to the right,
11:47 like this, up, faster, full speed.
11:54 At home keep going slowly.
12:01 Okay, great.
12:02 Now let's pick up our balls again.
12:04 We'll pick them up and we will have same thing
12:08 with the knee and we'll put our knee like this again
12:12 and we go down and up.
12:15 At home stay just doing this okay, down, up, down, up.
12:22 Next time Arabesque, up, out with the leg good, good.
12:28 At home just stay what we were doing before.
12:33 Okay now we're gonna do the rear sweep,
12:36 next time sweep to the back and up.
12:38 Slow, slow, up, good.
12:44 Now we just sweep fast, sweep, good.
12:50 Good, very good, all right.
12:57 Okay, come back to the front.
12:58 We'll do core motion again.
12:59 Core motion,
13:02 core motion, good.
13:09 Okay, let's slide the ball again.
13:11 Slide the balls put them down again, slow,
13:18 little faster, faster.
13:21 At home go slow at home.
13:23 Don't try and go too fast at home,
13:25 make sure that you're going at a pace
13:29 that is reasonable for you.
13:33 Okay good, the next move we're going to do.
13:37 We're going to do a knee lift
13:40 and that is kind of fun move, okay.
13:42 So we'll have the ball up like this, turn to side,
13:45 we bring the ball in, lift this knee, back, up, okay.
13:50 We've that. Yeah. That's okay.
13:52 So let's practice, in out, in, and again this is for balance,
13:59 squeeze the ball, in with the knee, bounce on one leg.
14:03 This is cardiovascular, balance and strength.
14:08 Strength, squeezing the ball, balance, lift up the knee,
14:12 cardiovascular, faster, faster.
14:15 Now stay doing slow at home, don't do this fast at home.
14:21 Good.
14:27 Okay, now let's go at that core motion again okay, here.
14:31 Good, core motion. This is for your core.
14:34 This is to strengthen you torso, your back muscles,
14:38 your trunk muscles, your thigh muscles,
14:40 your gluteal muscles.
14:43 Okay, everything. Everything.
14:45 That's exactly right, okay.
14:49 Okay, now let's turn to this side
14:52 and let's repeat the same thing.
14:56 Okay, so now we'll again practice slowly,
15:01 out and up, good.
15:04 At home, this is what you want to practice doing, very slow.
15:09 Okay, strength, push, balance, up.
15:13 Strength, push, balance, up.
15:16 Cardiovascular, little faster, in, good.
15:27 Excellent, how is that girls?
15:29 You have raised up? Yeah. Yeah.
15:31 Okay good.
15:34 Okay, now let's repeats this now
15:36 with the core motion for the last time.
15:42 Okay, good, all right.
15:47 Now let's stop here.
15:48 We want to do some weights.
15:50 Okay, let's go get our weights. Okay. All right.
15:57 Okay, for this segment, we're going to do weights,
16:00 however my twin sister Andi
16:02 will show a modified version of this
16:04 and she will not use weights.
16:06 So we can do the exact same motions,
16:08 we will have weights and Andi will not.
16:11 My recommendation is either no weights
16:13 or somewhere between
16:14 three and five pound weights, that's it.
16:16 And what we're going to do at first
16:18 is just biceps curve, just on the ball.
16:21 Just sitting on the ball alone will stabilizes
16:23 your core and that's the whole idea.
16:25 We'll be doing something that seems very counter intuitive.
16:28 So let's just start with just the biceps curls initially.
16:31 And you notice my sister, she is not using any weights,
16:34 but what's interesting if you look she has her fist clinched
16:39 and she is really contracting the biceps,
16:41 you really don't need the weights for this even.
16:43 So you can just squeeze your biceps as you do this.
16:46 The weights will do it for you, but passively
16:48 you can just use squeezing your biceps.
16:50 Okay, so that's one thing.
16:52 So we will just do the biceps
16:54 and then we'll do a little bit more than biceps.
16:57 Let's go like this, just watch me,
16:58 it's call the swimmers press.
16:59 You go up, out and down,
17:04 in, up, rotate out and down.
17:11 And as you begin to feel comfortable,
17:13 you will begin to use weights
17:18 and there won't be a problem, okay.
17:20 The next thing then I would like to do
17:23 is what we call some shoulder flies.
17:26 And shoulder fly is actually
17:27 are some of our favorite exercise, aren't they, Nancy.
17:32 They're really important,
17:33 but I think none of us really particularly care for them.
17:36 The shoulder flies look like this.
17:37 Okay, put your hands to your sides and you'll go out.
17:44 Okay, now this is what we're going to do next.
17:46 Now this is going to be tricky
17:47 and at home be very careful doing this.
17:50 I want you to first of all practice putting one leg out
17:53 and stabilizing yourself on the ball,
17:57 then put the next leg out.
17:59 Then we're gonna practice some coordination.
18:01 Look like I almost fall off too.
18:03 And what we're gonna do is put one leg out first,
18:05 just like this, in and down,
18:10 then the shoulder fly, then again next leg out,
18:15 balance, balance, up, shoulder fly, good.
18:22 Next balance and this is balance exercise.
18:27 Good, shoulder flies, good, balance.
18:32 This is, I tell you this is for real,
18:34 we're not faking it here you know,
18:36 we're really working hard.
18:39 Shoulder fly, good.
18:41 One more time and it really stabilizes
18:45 your core, shoulder fly, good.
18:46 Andi, are you glad you don't have weights for this.
18:48 Yeah, I'm like really so happy.
18:50 Would you like this much.
18:51 And especially she didn't like the shoulder fly,
18:53 so there is no love lost here.
18:55 Okay, good.
18:56 But do you see how this can really improve
18:58 your ability to use multiple muscle groups at one time.
19:02 Including, you know, your trunk, your legs,
19:05 your arms, your torso and have balance as well.
19:09 Okay, let's good, let's stop with that for time being.
19:13 Let's put our weights down.
19:15 And at home, at home you can do this as much
19:19 as you want, but we'll just kind of get
19:21 all cardiovascular back up a little bit.
19:23 The way we'll do it is what we did in the beginning.
19:25 Start with the left side okay and we stretch.
19:29 Now you can stay at this speed if you like.
19:31 Nancy, do you want to stay at this speed?
19:33 And then we'll gonna speed up, okay, speed up.
19:36 Want to get our heart rate back up.
19:37 Cardiovascular exercise
19:38 means that your heart rate is going up, okay.
19:42 Heart rate is going up.
19:43 And what we'll do is we'll repeat
19:45 some of the same exercises that we just did already.
19:50 Okay, this section is cardiovascular,
19:54 balance and strength.
19:56 I just want to remind you of the text that we began with,
19:59 "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage,
20:03 and He will strengthen your heart."
20:05 And so when I exercise I like to think of scripture.
20:08 Do you guys seem to think that scripture comes to your mind?
20:11 Oh, yes, no question. Almost a new way as you're exercising.
20:13 Yeah. Okay, now let's stand up.
20:16 And this is the last segment of our cardiovascular section.
20:19 And again the cardiovascular is designed
20:21 to increase your heart rate.
20:23 So let us first do the squats.
20:25 Squat, little fast like this.
20:32 Okay, good.
20:34 And then we'll do lateral extensions
20:35 beginning with the left leg, okay.
20:37 Up out, up out right, up to the left, up left leg,
20:45 out right leg, out left leg, out right leg,
20:50 good, excellent, excellent.
20:53 At home, now you can do this as slowly
20:55 as you want to do it as long as you moving,
20:58 moving is what we meant to be.
21:00 Our bodies were made to move.
21:02 So throw the ball out there, throw the ball out,
21:05 good, throw the ball out, good.
21:10 Okay, now we'll pause now and again, do again for three.
21:13 One, two, three, explode up.
21:16 One, two, three, explode up.
21:19 One, two, three, explode up.
21:22 One, two, three, extend at this last time.
21:26 Left side leg, left leg.
21:29 Left leg, left leg, good.
21:32 Okay, good. Excellent.
21:37 It's kind of fun, it's a ball, so it's kind of neat.
21:39 Okay, good.
21:41 Now we'll do sliding the ball again,
21:42 let's put the ball down, let's slide.
21:46 Okay, okay, very good.
21:52 And this is very good for your back.
21:55 You'll notice your back feels great,
21:58 because you really stretching it.
22:05 Okay, very good.
22:06 Okay, now let's pick up the ball again and this time
22:10 again we want to again return to our right side.
22:13 The right side, now we're going to go down.
22:15 Down and up, down up, down, arabesque now, down arabesque.
22:23 Now practice at home as you want to learn
22:25 to balance on the one leg.
22:28 Andi is doing the modified.
22:29 You can see Andi there doing the modified.
22:32 Okay, down up, down, good.
22:36 Now we'll sweep to the back on the next time,
22:39 sweep to the back and up
22:42 and stay with Andi for the modified.
22:47 Okay, let's speed up a little bit, speed up.
22:50 I can go in slowly. Andi is going slowly.
22:56 Okay, just get the leg up.
22:59 This is good for balance and for strength,
23:01 remember the whole time guess what you are doing,
23:04 you're squeezing this ball.
23:06 Good okay, let's turn to the left side.
23:10 Okay, same thing again, first just down, up
23:14 down up, down up, down arabesque,
23:19 down arabesque, good, very nice.
23:23 Down arabesque, very nice, okay.
23:27 Next time we'll sweep to the back, sweep to the back,
23:31 sweep to the back.
23:33 And look at Andi, she's again doing the modified.
23:40 Okay, very good, all right, that's good.
23:45 Now we'll do this core motion again and we'll do core motion.
23:51 Okay, this is very good
23:55 for your trunk, very good, okay.
24:01 Okay, now return to our right side.
24:04 On the right side we'll do that knee thing again.
24:07 The knee thing is were we go, in and out, okay.
24:11 Let's do that.
24:12 In slow and up, in and look at my sister,
24:18 she's got the leg just coming in just a little bit.
24:21 We've the knee all the way up the floor eventually,
24:24 this will also come-- very good, Andi
24:26 I like your modified, that's great. On the fly.
24:29 Okay, let's go little faster, little faster.
24:36 Very good. Okay.
24:43 Okay, let's turn to the front and do the core motion again.
24:46 Core motion, very good.
24:53 Okay, now stay on our left side.
24:57 We'll do that knee thing again.
24:59 Okay, so here we go, let's practice.
25:00 Knee in and up, knee in and up,
25:06 good, knee in up, in,
25:10 a little faster now, in up,
25:13 in up, in, good, in.
25:18 Okay. Okay, very good.
25:24 Now let's turn to the front.
25:26 One more time just want to do squeezing
25:27 the ball one more time and we'll just squeeze
25:29 the ball down and up, push really hard, push.
25:32 Last time for those biceps,
25:33 get those biceps involved, good push.
25:36 Okay, three times push and up, push up,
25:43 push up, push up, good now.
25:48 Let's do that last time we'll do this with the motion like this.
25:55 Okay, little faster. Andi will continue slowly.
26:03 Okay, I hope you're having a great time.
26:06 We're so glad you've chosen to join us for exercising today
26:10 and we hope that your body will feel stronger,
26:13 you'll have more balance, all right.
26:16 Okay, let's get the ball right in front.
26:18 We don't need the balls anymore,
26:20 but let's just them as we march a little bit
26:22 and we'll just hold march,
26:24 and then we eventually pull this down,
26:25 put this down at some place.
26:27 Let's just keep marching.
26:30 Thank you very much, all right.
26:33 We'll just keep marching.
26:34 We've been exercising a lot.
26:36 We burned a lot of calories and as we cool down
26:40 you can see even your heart rate is still up,
26:43 we're still glowing.
26:45 Glowing profusely, isn't that true?
26:49 I think that's the case we glowing profusely
26:51 but we feel good right? Yeah.
26:53 We've done something with our bodies
26:55 and that's a really nice thing.
26:56 Okay, then I'll do just a little bit of a side step to cool down,
26:59 side step, really slow, side step, good, side step.
27:05 Okay, very good.
27:10 I had a great time, you had a great time.
27:13 We got. You know, actually
27:16 when I first began doing the balance ball
27:18 I was really bad, I was always falling off,
27:20 I say you know, I can't do this, I really cannot do it.
27:23 As I said we are 55 years old, we're not really spring chickens
27:26 but we feel like spring chickens. Amen.
27:28 Makes all the difference in the word,
27:30 but the balance ball is something
27:31 I found to be so good for your trunk
27:34 and so I encourage you, if the first time
27:37 you get on that ball you fell like
27:38 I can't do this, I'm gonna fall off
27:40 this thing, I'm gonna break something,
27:41 just stick with it, go slowly but be safe also.
27:45 I want to thank all of you for joining us today
27:49 and hope that as you continue to pursue
27:52 health and fitness that God will richly bless your life,
27:56 spiritually, physically and mentally.
27:59 And thank you so much for joining us.
28:01 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17