Maranatha Mission Stories

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: MMS

Program Code: MMS010088S

00:01 Hi, I'm Dustin Comm with the Maranatha Minute.
00:03 Some people wring in the new year with diets,
00:05 exercise plans and other resolutions,
00:08 or if you're a Maranatha volunteer,
00:10 you kick-start January with a project.
00:13 Maranatha's first project of 2021
00:15 was held in Northern Florida at Camp Kulaqua.
00:18 Here, 38 volunteers helped on a number of tasks
00:21 at the Seventh-day Adventist Camp
00:23 and Retreat Center,
00:24 including cutting down a dozen trees,
00:26 cleaning and creating horse trails,
00:29 painting decks,
00:30 and laying 1500 feet of water line.
00:34 The main project
00:35 was the construction of a 40 by 60 foot pavilion.
00:38 This open air space
00:40 will provide a gathering place for picnics,
00:42 meetings and other events.
00:45 This was Maranatha's third consecutive project
00:47 at Camp Kulaqua,
00:48 and one of the many at camps, schools, and churches
00:51 in the United States and Canada.
00:53 If your organization could use Maranatha's help,
00:56 check out our North American project assistance page
00:58 on our website.
01:08 Imagine a place
01:10 where most people have never heard
01:12 the name Jesus,
01:14 where knowledge about the God of the Bible
01:16 is almost non-existent.
01:18 This is a reality
01:20 for much of the sub-continent of India.
01:22 More than 1 billion people live here,
01:24 many without any exposure to the gospel.
01:28 Here, you find a unique blend of cultures,
01:30 languages, and religions,
01:32 where Christianity is a small minority.
01:35 And for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in India,
01:37 spreading God's love has its challenges.
01:41 In some parts of the country,
01:42 traditional methods are suppressed or hindered.
01:45 The church must explore alternative ways
01:48 of reaching people.
01:50 Today, we'll take a look at two of these approaches
01:53 and how Maranatha is helping
02:17 Images of India
02:18 may not conjure up dry desolate landscapes,
02:22 but the need for clean water here
02:24 is just as desperate as other places in the world.
02:28 The total population of India is 1.8 billion.
02:31 And recently,
02:33 the study done by World Health Organization
02:35 found out that
02:36 half of this population
02:38 does not have access to clean water.
02:39 Now that's a big number.
02:42 Twenty one percent of the diseases
02:43 are waterborne disease in India.
02:47 And so the access to clean water is not there
02:53 for millions of millions of people right now.
02:57 The dilemma prompted Maranatha
02:59 to start a water program in India,
03:01 pairing a new well
03:03 with a new church in areas of need.
03:06 The church that we recently dedicated
03:08 Singhimari Church.
03:09 And we found out there,
03:11 when we had just gone to start the construction over there,
03:15 that there were people
03:17 who were using the water
03:18 which was not very far from the church,
03:21 but it was an open well, and it was contaminated.
03:24 We found the layers on the well,
03:26 and the people would just come and take that water
03:29 and take it to their home and drink it.
04:40 Spreading the word of God in my country
04:45 because it's not as easy as it used to be many years back.
04:48 You know, things have changed here quite a bit.
04:51 And one of the ways of reaching out to people
04:56 is water well community service.
05:00 You know, you have this water well
05:03 which is open for everybody.
05:05 It's like an open communion, you know.
05:07 Come, be a part of it.
05:09 This is yours.
05:11 And so the people will just walk and they say,
05:14 "Oh, this well is there.
05:16 I can go and pick my water.
05:18 Where does this well...
05:20 Who does this well belong to?"
05:22 "Oh, this belongs to this church."
05:24 That opens up the well.
05:25 Another aspect, the key people will come to the church.
05:30 They will ask the pastor,
05:32 "What's happening here?"
05:33 They tell them the story of Jesus.
05:46 Another church that we dedicated this Sabbath
05:49 was Mantharam Church.
05:51 And the condition over there was very sad
05:55 because they were crying.
05:56 They were getting the water from the pond
05:58 right next to the church.
05:59 And they were using that water.
06:02 Sometimes they would even go to some houses in the village
06:05 who have the water, you know.
06:09 It is walking quite a bit of distance,
06:12 you know, going from one place to the other
06:14 and getting the water.
06:16 But not everybody
06:17 will give them access to the water.
06:19 Now, again, this comes to a point
06:20 where we have the caste system in our country, you know.
06:25 The people of the higher caste
06:28 will not allow our people
06:30 to take water from their well, you know.
06:32 So they don't have the access to water.
06:35 So they completely depend on those dirty pounds.
06:38 When it rains,
06:40 the pond gets accumulated with water.
06:42 And that's where they grab their water.
07:28 By providing that well,
07:30 it has helped them
07:31 because now their women are safe.
07:33 So, I asked her what is the reason?
07:34 She said that
07:36 when they would go out into the village
07:37 and they'll go to a certain house
07:40 and they're going and taking the water from the well,
07:43 there'll be a man.
07:44 So there they're hesitant.
07:46 They're not sure that
07:47 whether they should enter that house or not.
07:49 They might be attacked
07:50 or something bad might happen to them.
07:52 So, you know,
07:53 well not only gives water for your body,
07:59 but it also protects you.
08:01 By providing such a crucial resource,
08:04 Maranatha is helping the Adventist Church in India
08:07 create new relationships
08:08 between churches and communities.
08:11 Relationships that open the door
08:13 to sharing God's love.
08:59 Jesus' commission was
09:01 that he reached out to everybody,
09:03 regardless of people
09:05 who were high, at high class or the low class.
09:08 One of the aspect of His mission work
09:10 was to reach out to the people who are downtrodden.
09:14 And I feel that
09:17 well is an important aspect of spreading the Word of God.
09:20 You know, you don't have to open the Bible and teach,
09:24 you have to show them with your actions,
09:27 and giving them the water...
09:29 thirst.
09:30 Thirst is something that there is no cure for it.
09:36 You need it, you need it.
09:38 And when you open that well for everybody,
09:41 you're not only quenching the thirst of their body,
09:44 but you're also quenching the thirst of their soul.
09:48 Since 2018,
09:50 43 communities across India
09:52 have benefited from a new water well
09:53 from Maranatha.
09:57 And we're committed to continue
09:59 providing this life giving resource
10:01 into the future.
10:10 When we come back,
10:11 see another way
10:13 the Adventist Church in India is growing.
10:15 Sometimes even in horrendous conditions
10:18 and how Maranatha is helping.
10:34 Have you ever met someone who didn't like waterfalls?
10:37 We haven't either.
10:39 The dollars you give
10:40 to Maranatha Volunteers International
10:42 are creating waterfalls.
10:46 Like this one in India,
10:50 in Kenya and Brazil.
10:55 Maranatha is bringing clean, accessible water
10:58 to hundreds of communities.
11:01 Water for all that eases the burden
11:03 on these women and their families.
11:06 Water that in some cases would have to be purchased,
11:09 depleting monthly income,
11:11 water that is safe to drink and share with a neighbor,
11:17 water to grow a garden,
11:20 water for children going to school.
11:25 So the next time
11:26 you're inspired by one of these,
11:27 think about saving a life with one of these.
11:37 In India,
11:39 conventional ways of sharing God's Word aren't possible.
11:42 So the Adventist Church
11:44 must reach people through different means,
11:46 like providing clean water.
11:49 Another way to share God's love in the community
11:52 is by offering a high quality education
11:54 through Adventist schools.
11:57 It has been tough in past couple of years that
12:00 the Word of God cannot be spread
12:02 the way it used to be spread.
12:04 But, you know, when one door closes,
12:07 the other door opens, you know.
12:09 And the Word of God cannot be stopped.
12:12 And one of the ways
12:14 of spreading the Word of God is education.
12:25 Seventh-day Adventist education is very important in this area
12:31 because the people have started to understand that
12:35 the meaning of education
12:37 is not only to get mental education,
12:41 but they feel that it involve the whole person.
12:47 So they feel that
12:50 Adventist education is the only education
12:52 that can provide mental education,
12:57 physical education, and spiritual.
13:04 When the school is successful,
13:08 usually it is a success of the church as well.
13:11 So we are in the story of Mary and Joseph.
13:16 As they teach the children moral values.
13:21 You know, sometimes the children,
13:23 when they go home,
13:26 they talk to their parents and they tell their parents
13:29 whatever they have learned from the school.
13:32 When the parents see the change in the children,
13:34 they will come and they'll ask,
13:37 "How is this change happening?"
13:39 And there has been instances
13:41 where the parents have joined the church,
13:43 along with the children.
13:47 This transforming influence can be seen
13:49 at the Jingshai Mihngi Adventist School
13:52 in Northeast India.
13:54 Four hundred seventy seven students attend.
13:57 It offers grades K through 10,
13:59 and most of the students are not Adventist.
14:03 The school is popular with families
14:05 because of its strong ethical standards
14:07 and quality teachers.
14:17 Hynorra Rani is not Adventist,
14:19 but she has already sent one of her children
14:21 through the Jingshai Mihngi School,
14:24 and has three more currently attending.
14:27 I choose my children to send in this school
14:31 because in this area, this school is the best school.
14:35 That's because their teachers also,
14:40 they are good, even the principal.
14:42 So we get a chance,
14:43 if you have any problem with our children,
14:46 we can share.
14:48 We do have risk factors except that now it has...
14:51 This school is very different from others
14:53 because here we teach them moral lesson.
14:55 And then they learned a lot about what...
14:59 Many children, they learn about Jesus
15:03 and many non-Adventists,
15:05 especially this area,
15:07 more of the students here are non-Adventist
15:12 and they learn,
15:14 and they like to attend our church.
15:19 I mean, in this school,
15:20 they don't only teach us about subjects,
15:21 but even teach us moral values that factored in that
15:25 we can communicate with God.
15:27 We do assembly every day.
15:29 So we worship, we have worship every day.
15:35 I learned a lot
15:37 because we sing gospel songs here.
15:40 Every morning, we would have short devotion in here
15:43 and we read memory verse,
15:45 and it develops us
15:49 in knowing about God.
15:52 They really have interest in taking part in this.
15:55 They learn a lot about God from this
15:58 through this worship, or through this moral lesson.
16:05 Whatever you're planning to do...
16:06 Families appreciate
16:08 the well-rounded education students receive
16:10 at Jingshai Mihngi.
16:12 Students are stretched spiritually.
16:15 They are also challenged academically
16:17 and perform well on standardized tests.
16:20 We have a board exam after 10,
16:25 then they'll have to appear for the board exam.
16:28 So what happened,
16:29 I can see that our teachers are very hardworking teacher.
16:33 We work as a team.
16:34 And then so far we produce a good result.
16:38 We prepare the students in good way
16:41 for the board exams.
16:42 Like I told you, my daughter passed the board exam.
16:44 Board exams means
16:46 they compete with other schools.
16:47 She's really coming up with flying colors.
16:52 Though the Jingshai Mihngi School
16:53 has a great reputation with the community
16:55 in many ways,
16:57 it is merely surviving
16:58 when it comes to the desperate condition
17:00 of the physical facilities.
17:08 I feel like I'm always living in fear.
17:13 Because why?
17:14 The school is about to...
17:17 I don't know for how long it will be, it was time.
17:22 It's sinking.
17:24 And then when it rained, it's flooding.
17:29 And sometime, you know, there are holes
17:31 because there are holes even in our classroom
17:37 in underground there are holes.
17:38 So what happened?
17:40 The water is seeping into the classroom.
17:44 It's leaking.
17:46 So sometime, you know, we have to tell our children.
17:50 Yeah, please don't sit here, we have to fix this.
17:56 When, sometimes it's raining,
17:58 especially when we are in these tins,
18:01 like there's a lot of noise.
18:03 So sometimes you have to stop our teaching
18:06 and we have to do something else,
18:08 maybe singing or that.
18:10 So that happens when it rains.
18:12 And then not only that,
18:14 even like the water seeping from the roof,
18:19 you know, in some of the classes.
18:23 You know, sometime I just read that,
18:25 God, please, uh,
18:27 you please stop the rain till the school is over
18:31 because we don't want.
18:33 We know that, when it rain what will happen,
18:37 then the light will go off.
18:39 And the children, they cannot open the windows.
18:42 If you open the windows, rain will come.
18:45 So we have to sit in the dark
18:48 and then sometimes I have to run away
18:52 because tears, when I look at my students.
18:56 So I just go in the corner and then I used to pray.
19:02 Leaky, dark, congested classrooms
19:08 flooded sinking buildings.
19:12 These conditions are inadequate on their own.
19:15 But when we come back
19:17 hear what it is like dealing with all of these factors,
19:20 plus an open sewer line,
19:22 five feet from the classrooms.
19:34 In 2020,
19:35 many of Maranatha's International
19:37 Volunteer projects were put on hold,
19:39 but in December
19:40 we held our first overseas volunteer project
19:42 in nearly nine months in Africa.
19:45 This March, join us on the same continent
19:47 in the country of Zambia.
19:49 Volunteers on this mission trip will construct a building
19:52 for the Liomba Adventist School.
19:54 The school was established in 1928,
19:57 and many of the buildings are deteriorating.
20:00 There isn't enough space
20:01 for the 360 students who attend,
20:03 and staff housing is also limited
20:05 with one teacher
20:07 bedding down in a classroom each night.
20:10 Maranatha is responding to this need
20:12 by building new classrooms, bathrooms
20:15 and staff housing at Liomba.
20:17 Volunteers on this project
20:19 will help us construct one of these buildings.
20:22 There will also be opportunities
20:23 to conduct community outreach
20:24 through activities like children's ministry programs
20:27 and health education.
20:29 Learn more about this project at
20:45 Anyone can build a church,
20:46 simply give just $10 each month.
20:49 And your donation, along with thousands of others,
20:52 will fund a new place of worship
20:53 every month.
20:56 The potential for change is all around you.
20:59 All you have to do is look.
21:10 The Jingshai Mihngi Adventist School
21:12 has many problems with its campus,
21:15 but perhaps the worst is the constant stench
21:18 of raw sewage.
21:19 An open sewer line
21:21 sits directly next to the classrooms
21:23 making studying and teaching nearly impossible.
21:28 You know, in the beginning, actually,
21:31 not many peoples around.
21:33 So the drainage is still okay.
21:36 But as population is increasing,
21:39 so what happened?
21:42 The dirty, muddy,
21:44 all those things get stuck in a place where we are,
21:48 almost very near to the classroom.
21:52 Well, for us who experienced it,
21:54 it's quite terrible,
21:56 but really
21:57 I cannot really show you on the camera on that.
22:00 But really when we get into the class,
22:02 sometimes we want to come out.
22:04 And I'm just thinking for the children.
22:07 For us, only a period or two, we go to that class.
22:09 But think about the children the whole day,
22:10 the whole year through,
22:12 they have to go through that difficulty.
22:15 We have to bear the smell, you know.
22:18 And then not only that,
22:22 like we cannot open the windows.
22:25 Like we just have to close because we have to like,
22:29 you know, not allow that smell
22:31 to really bother us so much in the class.
22:33 And then in that way,
22:35 like there's no ventilation for the children
22:37 to really learn and all in the school.
22:43 We are pretending actually like we don't get the smell.
22:47 We are pretending because if you say, you know,
22:50 some student and even some teachers
22:52 or so they, oh, it's terrible so they cover their mouth,
22:55 they cover their nose.
22:57 But I said, this smell,
23:00 I pretend like I didn't get the smell
23:02 because if the teacher me, myself, you say oh,
23:06 it's smelling then the children,
23:07 you know, they don't even want to sit in the class.
23:19 Sometimes we face discouraging, but we work here.
23:25 We feel that
23:27 we are working for the glory of God.
23:29 And then we work here for the benefit of the children
23:33 so that they will learn.
23:35 It's not only for our profit, our benefit,
23:38 but we think about the children.
23:40 Then we try to neglect or forget about those
23:44 challenges are there,
23:46 bad condition that we are facing here.
23:49 They said that,
23:50 how can you be able to operate in this way?
23:52 So, the teacher, they ask the question.
23:56 But I believe that God is in control.
24:01 The more we are facing this problem,
24:04 the more we understand about His love.
24:08 And then, you know, later when you guys comes here
24:11 and then helping us,
24:13 we feel that it's just like a manna that come from heaven.
24:19 In 2019,
24:21 the school reached out to Maranatha.
24:24 We agreed to construct a new campus
24:26 for the Jingshai Mihngi Adventist School.
24:29 The property is five minutes away
24:31 and sits atop a hill covered in trees
24:33 with views into a green valley below.
24:38 When I heard that the news
24:40 that Maranatha and those God's people
24:45 will come and help to build a school,
24:48 I'm so thankful to God.
24:53 And I feel that God works in a very mysterious way
24:57 at the right time and the right moment.
25:01 For the last five years I've worked here.
25:04 And we know that there's a land over there,
25:07 but we do not have the capacity to like,
25:11 you know, to move there and start a school.
25:14 We really long, you know, for God's blessing.
25:17 And I feel that
25:18 God had chosen maybe Maranatha to do this work for us.
25:24 So I feel it's God's work.
25:28 He listened to our prayers that we pray every day,
25:31 because we really long to have a better school
25:34 for the betterment of our children too.
25:36 This change of scenery for the school
25:38 will not only give relief to the horrendous conditions,
25:41 but improve its ability
25:42 to radiate the gospel in its community.
25:46 Jingshai Mihngi
25:48 in our language mean that is a light.
25:51 And then I can see that our school,
25:53 it is really live up to that name.
25:57 Jingshai Mihngi is a light,
26:00 a light that is spreading the Adventist belief.
26:05 So it really lives up to that name.
26:10 They are following, example.
26:15 And they started to even practice
26:19 what Adventist is teaching.
26:21 And many of them,
26:23 I think they are improving in the society
26:27 because of Adventist school.
26:31 Maranatha is all about
26:32 giving opportunity to the people,
26:34 the volunteers to come on the project,
26:37 the donors to donate to the projects.
26:40 And what happens here when you come on a project,
26:43 or when you donate,
26:45 you're changing many things here.
26:47 First of all, you're changing the lives of the children
26:50 who have been studying
26:51 in those shabby looking buildings,
26:54 you know.
26:55 Second,
26:57 you are giving the opportunity to the children
26:59 and the staff members to reach out to the people,
27:03 reach out to the parents who have been not Christians.
27:08 You're giving them the opportunity
27:10 to bring them to the foot of the cross.
27:14 In India, there are many projects
27:16 like the Jingshai Mihngi Adventist school
27:18 that need your help.
27:21 Through your support,
27:22 we can continue spreading God's love
27:24 in this special country
27:25 through mediums like water well community service
27:28 and quality Adventist education.
27:32 There are still good people in this world
27:35 that God is using.
27:38 They are willing to give.
27:40 So we praise God for that.


Revised 2021-02-11