3ABN Kids Camp Kitchen Fun

Bean and Cornbread Casserole

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCKF

Program Code: KCKF190004S

00:01 Hey, campers, welcome to Kitchen Fun.
00:02 Today, Julie and I are going to demonstrate to you
00:05 the importance of safety in the kitchen.
00:07 You know, it's always important
00:08 to have a responsible adult nearby
00:10 when you begin to cook.
00:12 Julie, what are you doing?
00:14 Playing with knife.
00:15 Oh, woah, no, no.
00:17 Let me take that.
00:18 Always be careful with sharp things.
00:20 Ask your parents or someone older than you
00:22 to help you cut, dice, slice or chop up
00:25 something in the kitchen.
00:26 Yeah.
00:27 And it's also really important that
00:29 if you're cooking with the stove or oven
00:30 to make sure and keep your hands and hair
00:32 away from the heat.
00:37 What do we do? What do we do?
00:39 Oh, don't panic.
00:41 We're just gonna put it out, calmly and responsibly.
00:56 Now that we know the importance of fire safety,
00:59 let's go into hygiene, Julie.
01:02 Right.
01:04 It's important that we wash our hands.
01:06 And if you have long hair,
01:07 make sure to keep it pulled back.
01:09 It's always good to have a clean working environment.
01:12 So make sure to clean those tables,
01:14 pots and pans before you use them.
01:16 And if you're working with fruits or vegetables,
01:18 make sure to wash them under hot water
01:20 before cooking them,
01:22 I'll demonstrate.
01:24 So if you come over here, grab your vegetables,
01:27 we go take it to the sink and disinfect them.
01:33 This will work.
01:35 Julia, I don't think that's how you...
01:37 Almost done... Don't.
01:39 We'll rub it off a little bit, and we're ready to go.
01:43 Please don't try to disinfect your vegetables.
01:46 Oh, times almost up.
01:50 We hope that you've all learned
01:51 how to be safe in the kitchen.
01:52 Yeah, quick recap.
01:54 Make sure to have an adult present
01:56 when using sharp objects.
01:58 Make sure to be extra careful around fire or hot tools.
02:01 Always wash your hands and environment when you cook.
02:04 Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do.
02:07 Do it all to the glory of God.
02:09 Kitchen Fun is up next.
02:34 Hello and welcome to Kids Camp Kitchen Fun.
02:40 And do you know why we call this Kitchen Fun?
02:43 You're going to learn when you watch this program
02:47 because we have fun in the kitchen.
02:50 Who loves to be in the kitchen?
02:52 Me!
02:55 Boys and girls,
02:56 I hope you love to be in the kitchen
02:58 as much as we do.
03:01 And you know,
03:02 just relax and watch our program.
03:04 Don't worry about trying to write all the recipe down
03:07 because you can go
03:10 to 3abnkidscamp.tv
03:16 and you can download the recipes,
03:18 and then you'll have them,
03:19 so you don't have to worry,
03:21 you can just watch and enjoy the program,
03:22 okay? Who's ready to cook?
03:25 Me!
03:26 Let's get started.
03:28 Who would like to know what we're cooking today?
03:31 Me!
03:34 How about if we make
03:36 sauerkraut and green bean casserole.
03:41 Ew.
03:46 Okay, how about if we make...
03:53 cornbread and bean casserole?
03:59 Oh, that sounds better, doesn't it?
04:01 Oh, okay, let's get started.
04:05 Okay, when it's important
04:08 to always have a recipe
04:11 which Miss Cinda has.
04:13 But another thing that's important when you ever,
04:17 you're working in the kitchen, boys and girls, is safety.
04:22 So we are working with electric skillet.
04:25 So always make sure if you're at home
04:29 that you don't ever turn on any electrical appliance
04:34 unless you have an adult with you
04:36 or use knives or anything because,
04:39 boys and girls, the safety is so important.
04:42 So we have assistants
04:45 that are with each group of children
04:47 to make sure that we're all safe.
04:50 So make sure you're safe, okay?
04:52 Okay, kids or assistants, turn on your electric skillet,
04:57 you'll want to turn them on to between 350 and 400.
05:02 And, kids, I want you to take,
05:05 I'll hand you, yours Tucker,
05:08 you two will work together, okay, on this skillet.
05:11 Tucker, you're gonna work with me in my skillet.
05:13 So I'll hand you stuff.
05:15 Kids, pour in just about
05:19 half of your oil in your skillet.
05:21 You don't want all of it because to be healthy,
05:25 we do not want to use a lot of oil.
05:28 That's good, Tucker.
05:29 No, no, just half.
05:30 Okay.
05:32 We don't wanna use a lot of oil.
05:34 But your body does need some, so we just want a little bit.
05:37 Now put in your onions,
05:40 we've chopped your onions for you.
05:41 So put in your onions.
05:43 We decided to chop the onions so that one,
05:47 you didn't have to use sharp knives.
05:49 And two, does onions bother anybody's eyes?
05:54 Yes.
05:55 We didn't think you'd all want to be
05:57 crying on the set.
06:00 You want to be crying on the set?
06:03 No!
06:05 Okay, now take your spatulas, this is, take your,
06:10 this is a spatula and take it
06:13 and stir your onions into the oil
06:15 and make sure they're all coated
06:17 because we don't want them to burn.
06:19 Stir, stir them up real good.
06:22 And take turns.
06:24 We're working in pairs.
06:25 So take turns, not just one person so.
06:30 And if you don't have that kind of a spatula,
06:33 you can use this kind of a spatula
06:36 because all of our spatulas here at the studio
06:40 are what we call heat resistant.
06:42 So these we can go up to about 450 degrees tough,
06:47 so they won't burn.
06:48 So you, if you don't have the other kind of a spatula,
06:53 you can use this one.
06:54 Okay, now, I want you to add to that
06:58 your chopped red pepper.
07:02 And spread your onions out, boys and girls.
07:05 Don't leave them in a big pile.
07:06 See Tucker,
07:08 you want to spread your onions out
07:09 so they'll all cook.
07:11 Very good.
07:12 Now mix them up.
07:14 You need to get all your peppers out.
07:16 You can use your fingers if you want.
07:18 You've all washed your hands so if you need to use them.
07:22 That's okay.
07:23 Because we use our hands in cooking, don't we?
07:27 There you go.
07:30 Let's take that, I don't want right in there.
07:32 Okay.
07:34 All right.
07:35 And you have paper towels here if you guys need them.
07:39 You wanna put that right down there, honey,
07:41 and here's Tucker some for you
07:42 and there's some few, Jonah, you all have paper towels
07:45 and if you need more let me know.
07:47 Okay, now you're gonna have, I want you guys to take,
07:50 pick this up and smell it
07:53 and tell me what this is?
07:56 Jonah.
07:58 Get it right, Jonah.
08:00 And let now Kadence smell it.
08:04 Can you guys say really loud what this is?
08:07 Garlic!
08:08 Very good.
08:10 Who thinks garlic is healthy for you?
08:14 You're all right, it is healthy for you.
08:17 So put your chopped garlic in there.
08:19 Get it all in there.
08:23 That's good garlic.
08:25 Here, you got a spatula too,
08:27 you can use your spatula to get it in.
08:30 Here, I'll hold this
08:31 and you can get all your garlic in there.
08:33 And make sure you stir it around kids
08:36 because you don't want your garlic to burn,
08:38 because garlic cooks very fast, okay?
08:42 So you do not want that to burn.
08:44 So make sure you stir it around good.
08:46 There you go, stir it around good.
08:50 Okay... I think it's burning.
08:52 Now, it's not burning.
08:54 Now, oh, here's gonna be a harder question.
08:58 I want you to pick up this brown powder stuff
09:01 or reddish brown and smell it
09:04 and tell me what this is?
09:08 Cinnamon?
09:10 No.
09:13 Elijah?
09:14 Paprika?
09:16 No. A chili?
09:18 Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what did Charis say?
09:22 Chili.
09:23 You're right.
09:24 It's chili powder.
09:27 Doesn't it smell good?
09:31 This is not a hot chili, no, it's not a hot one.
09:34 This is a mild, you wanna...
09:36 Oh, your skillet's not on here.
09:39 You pour, put this in, be careful not to touch.
09:42 Yes... Should we measure it?
09:44 This is, oh, you know what, good point.
09:48 You can put in one teaspoon
09:52 if you don't like a lot of chili powder,
09:55 but if you like a lot, I had Tucker put all mine in
09:58 because I like the flavor.
10:01 Let's see.
10:05 There you go.
10:07 Good thing you,
10:08 good thing Jonah for telling me.
10:10 Okay, Kadence, if you don't,
10:11 if you guys liked a lot of chili powder,
10:14 you can add it all, if you don't,
10:16 you can add just one teaspoon.
10:20 What would you like?
10:21 Teaspoon.
10:22 Okay, let's get her a teaspoon and measure.
10:26 And stir it all up.
10:29 Good.
10:34 Okay.
10:39 Now you should have some cayenne pepper on there.
10:44 This is hot.
10:46 So if you don't want hot stuff, don't put it in.
10:49 And if you do like hot stuff,
10:52 you can put it in just a little bit
10:54 because if you put it all in, it's gonna be pretty hot.
10:59 What do you want... Do you want, do you like?
11:02 Let's, we like cut stuff don't we know?
11:05 No.
11:09 Well, we might, Miss Cinda have samples.
11:12 But my, the one I made you to eat you won't have,
11:15 doesn't have it in there.
11:16 Okay, stir it up.
11:21 Mine will.
11:22 Do you like it?
11:24 Oh, I do.
11:25 Okay.
11:27 Do you guys have all that stirred up really good?
11:31 Good job, boys.
11:32 Do you guys all have it stirred,
11:34 you know what?
11:35 Let's move you over a little bit so you can...
11:37 Is that better?
11:39 Whoa.
11:41 Oh, geez, right did you guys put all your cayenne?
11:45 Did you put all your cayenne in?
11:48 We're gonna be sneezing.
11:52 How is it, girls? Good.
11:53 Oh, you guys, that looks awesome.
11:56 Okay kids,
11:58 now you may add your tomatoes,
12:02 your and add your tomatoes
12:06 and get that simmering.
12:09 You can add all of your tomatoes.
12:14 Yes, Tucker, I'm gonna get you your tomatoes.
12:17 It's okay. It'll be fine.
12:19 If you just leave it. There you go.
12:21 You can put it down like this too.
12:27 Okay.
12:30 And you have tomato sauce.
12:34 The other red liquid is tomato sauce.
12:36 You add it all.
12:43 Let's get it all in there, Tucker.
12:46 There you go.
12:47 Okay, stir it up good.
12:51 Now, you have two different kinds of beans
12:56 on your tray.
12:57 Who can tell me
12:59 and you can taste it if you want,
13:01 if you wanna see what it really is.
13:03 I want you to taste the... Is that red beans?
13:06 Or just in.
13:07 Oh, you, you girls are just smart.
13:10 Okay, we're...
13:12 You're just very smart.
13:14 Okay, I'll, Elijah...
13:17 I think these are pinto beans.
13:19 You taste that and see if that's a pinto bean?
13:24 Red beans.
13:26 No.
13:28 I was over by your skillet.
13:32 And your cayenne pepper got me.
13:34 Yeah.
13:35 Okay, that's not right.
13:37 Well, I guess red bean is not the official name.
13:41 What do you think this bean is?
13:43 Kidney beans. Very good.
13:45 Your red beans is kidney beans.
13:49 So add all of your kidney beans.
13:53 Add all of your kidney beans, you're gonna need your hands.
13:56 It's heavy.
13:58 Very good, add all your kidney beans.
14:02 Now taste these beans and tell me what these...
14:06 Now tell me what the light brown beans are?
14:09 Who can tell me what the light brown beans are?
14:12 Pinto.
14:13 Pinto.
14:14 Pinto beans.
14:16 Say it real loud.
14:17 Pinto beans.
14:19 That's right.
14:20 You guys are so smart.
14:21 Put all your pinto beans in.
14:26 You got it, put.
14:27 It's okay, we'll wipe it off.
14:28 I'll wipe it off while you do that, okay?
14:30 Okay, put all your pinto beans in and stir that up real good.
14:35 Now what I want you to do and assistants,
14:39 you're going to have to take this mixture
14:42 and put all this mixture
14:45 into your 9x13 pan, okay?
14:51 So we're gonna unplug our skillet.
14:56 And I'm gonna hold the skillet up
14:57 and I'll hold yours up for you, Jonah.
15:00 So, assistants, you can hold the skillet up,
15:03 and we're gonna dump it.
15:04 Can you take the spatula, Tucker?
15:06 There you go.
15:08 We're gonna dump it all into there.
15:12 There you go. Now spread it out.
15:18 So, yep, pour it into the thing.
15:21 Spread it out and let me help you guys now.
15:24 Yes, yes.
15:27 You can if you want.
15:30 We can spray it also the top sides to it.
15:35 It does help it not to stick.
15:36 Very good, Jonah.
15:38 Okay.
15:41 Let me put yours in.
15:45 There we go.
15:47 Okay, spread that out.
15:52 Okay, now we're going to put
15:55 corn bread topping on it.
15:58 So get it all spread out even and you can take your pan,
16:03 your nonstick cooking spray,
16:06 and spray the top edges.
16:10 Mm-hmm.
16:13 Spray all around the top in the inside edges.
16:18 What?
16:24 Oliver, I think you're doing great.
16:27 Oh, but you know what?
16:29 You don't have to hold your can,
16:30 you can't hold your can upside down.
16:32 Let me show you, just do like this.
16:38 There you go.
16:39 Okay, now set this aside.
16:42 Okay, kids,
16:43 here's what I want you to do now,
16:45 you're gonna take your red bowls.
16:50 You're gonna take all of your corn meal mixture.
16:54 This is Miss Cinda's cornbread recipe
16:57 and at home you can take,
16:58 I'm sorry, did I move that for you?
17:00 You're gonna take all of Miss Cinda's cornbread mixture
17:05 and pour it into your red bowl.
17:16 Good job, Tucker.
17:17 Is this milk?
17:19 This now what I have given you
17:23 this is your almond milk.
17:27 But wait, you're given two,
17:32 this as a test.
17:33 Let's see how much you guys know.
17:35 You're given two one cup measuring cups.
17:39 We need to measure our almond milk.
17:43 Boys and girls, do you know the answer to this?
17:46 This is a trick question.
17:49 Okay, which one would I put my almond milk in?
17:54 Left one.
17:56 Hold up the one I would put my almond milk in.
17:59 Now who can tell me, why would I put my...
18:02 Why can I put my almond milk in this?
18:06 Yeah. Well, there is.
18:07 Well, this one's easier to pour out.
18:11 You actually have the liquid one
18:13 actually pours I think more accurate for liquid.
18:16 And when you're measuring a liquid,
18:19 I'm gonna stand back here so I don't have my back to you.
18:22 When you're pouring them, when you're measuring a liquid
18:26 you always put, set it down.
18:29 You don't want to do like this.
18:32 Because like you're trying to pour in
18:34 and look like what am I doing?
18:37 Yeah, so is my measurement gonna be even?
18:40 No.
18:41 No, so you wanna find your one,
18:45 see, you don't just fill it to the top.
18:47 Find where the top line is where it says one cup.
18:52 Then you set your cup down on the counter and look down.
18:58 And as you're pouring,
18:59 make sure you get it even, okay?
19:03 Whose one cup did I take?
19:05 Oh, I took ours.
19:06 Okay.
19:08 Okay, so find your one cup.
19:11 Where's the one cup line?
19:12 There you go.
19:14 Now pour in your milk
19:15 just to the one top of the one cup.
19:18 Make sure you get it good.
19:21 Make sure you get it even.
19:24 What happens if you get too much liquid?
19:30 It's gonna be dry.
19:31 Oh, no soggy. You're right.
19:33 You're right, Jonah, it's gonna be too liquidity
19:36 and then you were not gonna get a nice bread.
19:38 Uh-huh, wait a minute, Tucker.
19:39 I need you to look at that.
19:41 Boys and girls, can you see this?
19:44 Tucker, tell me what I'm gonna say about that.
19:48 It's too high.
19:49 What is it? It's too high.
19:51 That's right. So it got too high.
19:53 So you need to pour some out,
19:57 and get it just to the level,
19:59 you need to get way down so you can see.
20:03 Now is that even?
20:08 What do you think, Tucker?
20:09 A little too high.
20:11 A little too high, okay, put a little bit back in.
20:14 Make sure our measurements are good.
20:16 Okay, now you can pour it in your bowl.
20:19 And then take your spatulas.
20:21 And before you stir it up, you need to add
20:24 one tablespoon of milk also.
20:29 It takes one cup
20:30 plus one tablespoon, okay?
20:36 Now, the tablespoon has
20:39 a T and a B and a S on it.
20:43 Which one has a T and a B and a S?
20:47 This one. Very good.
20:50 Okay, now stir it up and you wanna make sure
20:53 you stir it up.
20:55 You won't get all the lumps out and that's okay.
21:00 You do not have to get all of the lumps out.
21:03 Okay?
21:06 We mixed it up really good.
21:08 You did, let me see, Elijah.
21:12 Let me get a scooper and see if there's any powder
21:16 on the bottom.
21:18 You did, you boys did perfect.
21:22 That's awesome.
21:24 So, boys and girls, when you're stirring
21:27 you want to go around the edge like these boys did.
21:30 And then you go around and then go to the bottom lift
21:35 and turn over.
21:36 Look, no powder.
21:38 You guys did awesome.
21:40 We never even did that.
21:42 Wow.
21:45 Are you guys done too?
21:49 Perfect.
21:50 Excuse me, Miss Cinda.
21:52 Yes, Scarlett. Is ours okay?
21:54 Let me see.
21:55 So the test is, boys and girls,
21:58 go all the way around the side,
22:03 like this.
22:04 And then let's go on the bottom.
22:06 Oh, am I gonna see white powder?
22:09 No.
22:10 It's not, you guys did perfect, yes.
22:14 All right, you want me to check yours?
22:15 Okay, let's see.
22:18 Okay, the big test, all the way around the side.
22:23 And come up from the bottom,
22:26 perfect, you're awesome.
22:30 Okay, now take it.
22:32 Pour it on the top of your bean mixture
22:36 and spread it out very gently.
22:38 You don't wanna mix it up.
22:40 It's only supposed to be on the top.
22:44 Let's check.
22:46 Oh, you want me to check yours?
22:48 Very good, Tucker.
22:50 Now pour it on top.
22:52 And let me check yours.
22:53 Okay, let's see what we got.
22:55 Oh, you gonna,
22:57 am I gonna find powder, Kadence?
23:00 Jonah, am I gonna find powder?
23:02 Oh, Jonah is sure, I'm not gonna find powder.
23:05 Perfect!
23:07 Yay!
23:09 Okay.
23:11 Now let's turn this over.
23:12 You can just lay it down.
23:14 Now pour that take, you take your spatula.
23:18 And now remember, you're gonna need your spatula,
23:21 or you can get it out as well.
23:22 Jonah hold the bowl and you can scrape it out.
23:25 You're gonna put it on,
23:26 but just gently spread it on the top.
23:29 Because you do not wanna mix it in your beans,
23:32 you want it to just bake on top?
23:36 Very good.
23:39 You got here, Tucker.
23:40 How about if I hold the bowl
23:42 and you scrape the rest of it out?
23:44 Make sure you guys use your rubber spatulas
23:47 to get all of your cornbread batter out.
23:51 Yes, Elijah.
23:53 Can we lick the bowl?
23:55 Can you lick the bowl?
23:57 You know, actually you can because there's no eggs in it.
24:02 But thank you for asking.
24:05 You getting it all, Tucker.
24:07 So just evenly and gently put it on
24:11 and spread it over the top, okay?
24:16 And here, you want me to, would you like me to help you?
24:19 Okay.
24:21 And then I want you to spread it over the top.
24:23 Okay.
24:25 So, boys and girls, at home,
24:27 I want you to make sure that you get it.
24:29 See how we're getting it all out.
24:31 You wanna make sure that's why
24:33 you have these rubber spatulas,
24:35 you can get it all out and that way
24:38 you'll have enough cornbread topping.
24:40 Yes?
24:42 Do you get to eat it afterwards?
24:44 You sure can.
24:46 You like cornbread?
24:48 I never tasted it...
24:50 Oh, well, then for sure we need to taste it.
24:55 And since you asked so nice,
24:56 we're gonna let you taste it first.
25:00 There you go.
25:03 Yummy. Yummy.
25:09 There you go.
25:13 There you go.
25:18 Let's get you some.
25:22 Who loves to be in the kitchen?
25:24 Me!
25:27 Who learned something new today?
25:29 Me!
25:33 Okay.
25:37 Boys and girls,
25:39 I hope you love to be in the kitchen.
25:41 And remember anytime you can be in the kitchen,
25:44 it's fun.
25:46 There you go, guys.
25:48 Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,
25:50 do it all to the glory of God.


Revised 2021-01-13