3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz

Fixing Our Mistakes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBB

Program Code: KCBB190015A

00:29 Welcome to Bible Buzz,
00:31 a time where we're going to be quizzed
00:33 and we're going to test your Bible knowledge.
00:35 We're so glad to be joined today
00:37 by two exciting teams.
00:40 Welcome. Welcome.
00:42 We have the Hawks here today.
00:45 Let's see. Let's hear Hawks.
00:48 Welcome to Bible Buzz, Hawks. Yeah!
00:52 And we want to welcome the Blue Jays.
00:56 All right, well, and we want to welcome
00:59 all our viewers from home,
01:00 we're so glad you're part of this fun adventure.
01:03 My name is Christian Martin,
01:05 and I'm going to be your captain
01:07 as we go through a Bible story.
01:10 And then we test your knowledge to see how well you remember
01:14 some details.
01:15 But I'm not here alone.
01:17 I want to welcome you
01:18 and introduce you to the one and only, Neto.
01:22 Let's give him. Yeah.
01:26 Yes, I am your sidekick, but you know I'm better.
01:29 You know, you're the best, Neto.
01:32 You are the best. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
01:34 Yeah.
01:35 We're so glad that Neto is with us here today.
01:37 Are you ready? Yes!
01:40 All right. So what are you saying, Neto?
01:44 Should we go right into the story?
01:46 Yeah, yeah. Let's do it. All right.
01:49 Well, today's story takes us to the Old Testament
01:52 to a man who had 12 sons.
01:57 Twelve sons? Twelve.
01:59 No girls? And girls.
02:02 But he had 12 boys that the Bible talks about.
02:06 That's a lot of boys. His name was Jacob.
02:08 Jacob had 12 sons. Can you imagine?
02:12 How many of you have brothers? Do you have brothers?
02:15 How many of you have more than two brothers?
02:18 How many of you have just one brother?
02:21 Oh, boy.
02:23 Well, I'm sure we'll count the dog.
02:26 How many of you have more than 10 brothers?
02:30 Twelve?
02:32 If you're viewing at home
02:33 and you have that many brothers,
02:35 that's amazing.
02:36 Let us know. Let us know.
02:37 Just like send us an email. That's right.
02:40 Go to our website and let us know
02:42 how many brothers you have.
02:43 We'd love to know.
02:44 Well, this man had 12 sons.
02:47 And oh, guess what, Neto?
02:49 What? The man had a favorite son.
02:55 Yeah, well, Jacob did.
02:57 He had 12 sons but he had one favorite
03:00 and his name was Joseph.
03:04 No, his name was not Neto.
03:06 Joseph. Joseph.
03:09 And God has some very special plans
03:12 for this boy named Joseph.
03:14 Very special plans.
03:16 So special that God decided that
03:19 He would communicate to Joseph...
03:21 Through email.
03:23 Um, do you think he communicated through emails?
03:27 No. Text message?
03:30 No. Text message?
03:33 No, no, no.
03:36 He did not communicate through text messages.
03:39 He communicated with dreams. Oh, dreams.
03:44 How many of you have dreams every night?
03:46 I have dreams. Do you have dreams every night?
03:49 Sometimes you forget them, sometimes you don't.
03:52 Sometimes they're super exciting and fun.
03:55 Sometimes they're kind of scary.
03:56 Well, God communicates through dreams.
03:59 I had a dream yesterday. You had a dream, Neto?
04:01 Yeah, there was like this horse,
04:03 but the horse had a head and look like a dinosaur
04:06 and I was riding the dinosaur head.
04:08 Okay. I got it, Neto.
04:09 I get it.
04:11 We'll talk later, okay? You're fine.
04:12 You can tell me all about it later,
04:14 Neto, later, please.
04:15 Okay. Neto focus, Neto focus.
04:17 I'm trying to. All right, back to our story.
04:19 So, God gave Joseph dreams.
04:24 And one dream was this really, really amazing dream.
04:29 God gave Joseph a dream where there were 11 stars.
04:35 And they were all bowing down to him.
04:39 Joseph couldn't believe it.
04:40 They were bowing down to him.
04:42 So he woke up from these dreams and he wondered,
04:45 "What is God trying to tell me?"
04:48 Well, the days went by and one day
04:52 Joseph decided that he would go and visit his brothers.
04:56 After all, he wanted to go see what they were doing.
04:59 So he went out there to take them lunch.
05:02 I wonder what kind of lunch Joseph took his brothers?
05:05 What do you think, Neto?
05:06 What kind of lunch what they eat?
05:08 Hot pockets? I don't know.
05:10 Hot what? Hot pockets.
05:11 Hot pockets? Put in a microwave.
05:13 Turn it on... Microwave?
05:14 Yeah.
05:16 There were no microwaves back in the Bible times.
05:19 No, no, no, no.
05:21 Maybe he had some apples and maybe some cheese,
05:26 some bread, some olives,
05:30 some green olives or maybe black olives.
05:33 No, green is better. Green olives.
05:35 Oh, so Joseph took them lunch.
05:38 Was he wearing anything special?
05:42 You know Neto, you are right.
05:45 See that's why he's my sidekick.
05:47 He's right.
05:48 You see, Joseph was looking pretty good.
05:52 You know why, boys and girls?
05:54 'Cause he was wearing something very special.
05:57 Something very special
05:58 because his dad had given him a gift,
06:01 and this gift was a coat,
06:04 and this coat was not just any coat,
06:08 this coat had all sorts of colors,
06:11 blue, and green, and yellow and...
06:15 Fuchsia? What?
06:16 Fuchsia. Fu what?
06:18 Fuchsia.
06:19 The fuchsia?
06:21 It's like pink but better.
06:23 Okay, fine.
06:24 Sure, he had fuchsia.
06:26 These are quite exotic colors.
06:29 Sure, we'll say that he had all sorts of exotic colors.
06:33 And, but you know what, though, boys and girls?
06:37 The brothers...
06:41 You got it. They were not happy.
06:44 They're like, "Look at that.
06:46 That's not fair.
06:48 Our brother gets all these nice clothes.
06:51 All these gifts and what do we get?
06:54 Nothing.
06:55 We get cheese for lunch." And they were jealous.
06:59 They were jealous and they were angry.
07:02 And so when Joseph gets close to the camp,
07:05 the brothers come up with this plan.
07:07 What kind of plans? Oh, bad plan.
07:10 A very mean plan. Mean.
07:13 Did they spray him with water? Meaner than that.
07:15 Oh, really? Yes.
07:17 Did they turn off the light when he was like trying to walk
07:19 during the night?
07:21 Even meaner than that. I don't know.
07:23 Why was it? Even meaner than that.
07:26 You know what they did?
07:27 They grabbed him.
07:29 They picked him up and they carried him,
07:32 and guess what they did?
07:34 What? That's right.
07:36 Can you imagine those of you from home, isn't that mean?
07:39 That is so mean.
07:40 What was it like throw him in what?
07:42 They picked him up,
07:43 can you imagine they picked him up
07:45 and they threw him into a deep dry well.
07:49 Wow, that is mean.
07:50 And there Joseph was, he couldn't believe
07:53 what his brothers were doing.
07:55 Did he get hurt? Probably, right?
07:58 I'm sure, he got hurt.
08:00 And so here's Joseph crying out saying,
08:02 "What is happening?"
08:05 The brothers were jealous.
08:06 And you know what, boys and girls?
08:09 Jealousy is never a good thing.
08:13 Never, never, never.
08:14 You see, jealousy is when you want something
08:18 that belongs to somebody else.
08:21 But it makes you angry because you don't have that.
08:24 In this case, in this story, the brothers were jealous
08:28 because their father treated Joseph more special
08:33 than anybody else.
08:35 And this made them jealous.
08:37 But jealousy, boys and girls,
08:39 never has good consequences
08:41 and never, is never a good thing.
08:46 And you know what?
08:47 Even though the brothers made a terrible,
08:50 mean, terrible mistake,
08:53 God, He was still able to actually do something
08:58 that would be for their good.
09:01 God has special plans, very special plans
09:05 because God is able to take our mistakes
09:07 and turn them into blessings, into good things.
09:12 Oh, God is so good, boys and girls,
09:14 and we can trust Him.
09:16 So now I think we're ready for our pop quiz
09:18 after the break.
09:20 So if you're watching from home, don't go too far.
09:22 We'll be right back.


Revised 2020-04-29