3ABN Kids Camp Bible Buzz

Jacob’S Lie

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KCBB

Program Code: KCBB190013A

00:28 Welcome, boys and girls, to Bible Buzz,
00:31 a fast paced Bible show where we learn about the Bible
00:35 and then your knowledge to the Bible gets tested.
00:37 And we are here together
00:39 with an awesome group of boys and girls.
00:41 In fact, we got two teams today.
00:44 Two teams, I want to introduce them to you.
00:46 Team number one are the Eagles.
00:48 Let's welcome the Eagles.
00:50 All right.
00:52 Eagles are here today wearing the bright color blue.
00:55 And we have a second team, team number two,
00:58 they're wearing the bright red shirts.
01:00 And these are the Cardinals.
01:05 All right, excellent.
01:08 And if you're viewing from home,
01:09 you are part of this too.
01:11 We're so glad you're joining us.
01:13 And I'm not alone.
01:14 Today I'm with my sidekick Neto.
01:16 Can you say hi, Neto?
01:18 Hi, Neto!
01:20 And not only do I have Neto,
01:22 but we have really important players here today,
01:25 key players.
01:26 We have not one, not two, but three referees.
01:31 Let's welcome Grandma Tina.
01:33 Yes, yes, she is here.
01:35 Let's give Grandma Tina a hand.
01:38 Yeah, and Emily and Ellie.
01:41 Let's give them a hand.
01:43 All right, they're going to make sure
01:46 that everything is under control.
01:48 All right, Neto, I'm so glad you're here.
01:51 Why don't you introduce yourself?
01:52 Tell us a little bit about yourself?
01:54 Hello, guys, do you know where I'm coming from?
01:56 I come from the land of Brazil.
01:59 That's why I have a weird accent.
02:01 But I also live here in America in the state of Oregon,
02:05 and now I'm here in Illinois, playing with you guys.
02:08 All right.
02:09 Well, we are so excited that Neto is part of our team.
02:12 All right, Neto, are we ready for the story?
02:14 I think so.
02:16 Let's go right into it.
02:17 Well, first of all, I want to ask you,
02:19 how many of you have had a great day today?
02:22 Raise your hands.
02:24 Man, it's been loads of fun. Great day.
02:27 Neto, have you had a great day today?
02:29 Yeah. Really good. Really? What did you do today?
02:31 I was outside today and it was this beautiful day.
02:34 So I got in the hot air balloon.
02:35 You did? And I went up, like 500 feet.
02:39 What?
02:40 And then it was like really pretty from up there...
02:42 Wait, wait, wait, wait, Neto, Neto,
02:44 it was not a sunny day.
02:47 It was very cloudy and was it raining today?
02:50 Yes.
02:52 So, Neto, are you sure you're telling the truth?
02:56 No.
02:57 Come on, Neto.
02:59 Did you really ride in a hot air balloon today?
03:02 It was my car.
03:04 Ah, you went riding on your car?
03:08 Yeah. Okay.
03:10 Well, Neto, lying is not good, Neto.
03:14 You know better than that. Sorry.
03:16 In fact, it reminds me of a story
03:18 in the Bible of two brothers,
03:20 and one of them did not tell the truth.
03:26 How many of you have brothers?
03:28 Okay, whoa, once you've have brothers.
03:31 Neto, you have a brother? I have a brother.
03:33 What's his name? Leo.
03:35 Leo. Leonardo.
03:37 Is that right? Yeah.
03:39 Are you and Leo friends?
03:40 We're like besties. Are you serious?
03:42 You're best friends with your brother?
03:44 He lives all the way in Canada and I call him every day.
03:47 Really? Yeah.
03:48 Wow.
03:50 Well, these two brothers in the Bible.
03:54 I wouldn't say they were best friends.
03:56 I wouldn't call them best friends.
03:57 In fact, they were quite different from the other.
04:01 One of them, Neto, one of them was a hunter.
04:05 Do you like to hunt, Neto? Mm-hmm.
04:06 You're from Brazil.
04:08 People from Brazil hunt.
04:10 I like little animals.
04:12 I don't want to kill them.
04:13 Well, Esau was the hunter.
04:18 He liked to go out with his bow and arrow
04:20 and he went hunting out in the fields.
04:23 His brother Jacob, Jacob no, he was not a hunter.
04:28 Do you know what he liked to do?
04:31 Stay home.
04:32 And not only that,
04:33 but he liked to work in the garden.
04:35 Any of you gardeners here?
04:37 Not too many hands.
04:39 Yeah.
04:40 Working in the garden can be quite fun,
04:42 but it's not like hunting, right?
04:44 So two brothers very different, very different from the other.
04:49 And not only were they different,
04:51 boys and girls, but they looked different.
04:54 They were very different from the other.
04:57 Really? Yeah.
04:58 How different?
04:59 Well, in fact, the Bible says that one of them was hairy.
05:04 He was hairy, can you guess which one was hairy?
05:07 Esau. Esau.
05:09 The who?
05:10 Hunter. The hunter.
05:12 Esau, the hunter was the hairy one.
05:14 And one day, something really interesting happened.
05:18 You see, Esau was out in the field hunting,
05:21 and Jacob was at camp making lunch.
05:25 And he made this awesome killer lentil soup.
05:28 I mean, it was amazing.
05:30 Have you ever had amazing lentil soup?
05:33 Oh, yeah.
05:34 Whoa, it's pretty awesome, isn't it?
05:36 Well, he was making the soup
05:38 and he knew that Esau was going to come back hungry.
05:43 And so Jacob came up with the plan.
05:46 He said, "Ha-ha ha-ha,
05:47 I'm going to take advantage of this opportunity
05:50 to try to trick Esau into selling me his blessing."
05:55 You see, when you were born first,
05:56 you received a special blessing and it was only for you.
06:01 And Jacob said,
06:02 "How can I make Esau give his blessing to me?"
06:06 Ah, I'll know what I'll do.
06:07 I'll sell him.
06:09 Or I'll give him soup for his blessing.
06:11 Can't believe he pulled that off.
06:12 Did he trick him? He pulled it off too.
06:14 Really? Yeah, Jacob pulled it off.
06:16 Esau said, "Whatever, take my blessing.
06:19 I don't care.
06:20 Give me food."
06:22 And so now he was hungry.
06:25 And it goes from bad to worse.
06:27 Can you believe it?
06:28 Jacob, later on, comes with, comes up with a different plan.
06:33 This time he straight out lied, Neto, he lied.
06:39 He made his father believe that he was Esau.
06:42 Unbelievable.
06:44 And so what happens next, guys,
06:46 is that Jacob chose to tell a lie
06:52 rather than to tell the truth.
06:55 And you know what?
06:57 Whenever you tell a lie, and not the truth,
07:01 the consequences are not good.
07:06 He pretended to be his brother and lied to his father.
07:10 And as a result, the brother was so angry.
07:13 Oh, I gotta get Jacob.
07:15 I gotta get Jacob and he wanted to kill Jacob.
07:18 This is what happens when you lie.
07:20 Things do not get better.
07:21 No, no, no, no.
07:23 Things do not get better when you lie.
07:25 They always get worse.
07:26 And now, the brother wanted to kill Jacob.
07:30 And so what did Jacob do?
07:32 He ran away.
07:33 He ran away from home as fast as he could.
07:41 But you know what?
07:42 God was still in control.
07:45 God was still watching out for Jacob...
07:47 That's really good.
07:49 God still loved Jacob no matter what Jacob did,
07:53 God still loved Jacob.
07:56 And you know what, boys and girls?
07:57 God was able to protect Jacob
08:00 and actually bless him in many different ways.
08:04 And what an amazing story
08:06 about the importance of telling the truth,
08:10 always tell the truth.
08:12 You cannot go wrong when you tell the truth.
08:16 All right, so now, that brings us to the story.
08:19 And now, Neto, we're going to get ready for the quiz.
08:22 Yeah, but we'll do that. We'll do that.
08:24 For those watching at home, stay nearby
08:27 because we're going to do that as soon as we come back
08:29 from this break.
08:30 We're going to test your knowledge
08:32 of the story we just told
08:34 and see how much you remember.
08:36 So we'll be right back.


Revised 2020-04-09