It Is Written

Great Characters of the Bible: Peter

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW020227S

00:19 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written.
00:21 I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me.
00:25 Success doesn't always come easy,
00:28 and frequently success follows repeated failure.
00:33 After working on a whaling ship,
00:35 Rowland started a business with his brother in California.
00:39 The business failed.
00:41 So he headed east and opened a store.
00:44 Then another, then another, then another.
00:48 They all failed.
00:50 So then he went all in, moving to New York City
00:54 and opening yet another store.
00:57 This time the business didn't fail.
01:00 In fact, it became a big success.
01:02 After his death, that store was moved to 34th and Broadway,
01:06 where Macy's became one of the largest department stores
01:11 in the world.
01:12 Henry Ford's success in the auto industry is the stuff of legend.
01:16 But that success wasn't instant.
01:19 His first venture folded without producing a single car.
01:23 His second attempt was just as unsuccessful as the first.
01:26 He quit his next company, but Ford eventually revolutionized
01:31 not only the vehicle manufacturing industry
01:34 but industry himself.
01:36 He said, "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,
01:40 this time more intelligently."
01:43 How many people fail at faith before making a success
01:47 of their spiritual life?
01:48 Well, the answer is probably everyone.
01:51 Today we're continuing our series
01:53 "Great Characters of the Bible,"
01:56 and we're looking at someone
01:57 who took a long time to get it right.
02:00 His experience has to be an encouragement to anyone
02:03 who knows the feeling of blowing it as a follower of Jesus,
02:07 of falling short, of wondering if you'll ever get the hang
02:10 of being a disciple of Christ.
02:13 So how bad was it for this man?
02:14 Well, he was violent.
02:17 He was racist.
02:18 He made promises he didn't keep,
02:21 and was even referred to as "Satan"
02:24 by none other than Jesus Himself.
02:27 When we're introduced to Peter in the Bible,
02:29 he's a fisherman.
02:30 His name is Simon Bar-Jonah, Simon the son of Jonah.
02:35 And Jesus gave him the surname Peter,
02:39 which is why he's sometimes referred to as Simon Peter.
02:42 When we read of his call to follow Jesus in Matthew 4,
02:45 we get the impression that he'd been acquainted with Jesus
02:48 for some time.
02:50 Jesus called to Peter and Andrew his brother
02:52 and said, "'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.'
02:56 And they straightway left their nets, and followed Him."
03:00 Now, it's significant that Jesus called Peter, of all people.
03:05 Peter wasn't a religious leader.
03:08 He hadn't graduated from the best religious schools
03:11 in the land.
03:12 But it's not that Peter hadn't been educated;
03:15 he hadn't been miseducated.
03:18 The schools in that day were riddled with pride and bigotry.
03:22 Jesus was looking for someone genuine, teachable, humble,
03:27 someone with moral worth who had a desire to see God honored.
03:31 If you have that,
03:33 God can use you, no matter what you do in life.
03:37 And there's another reason it's significant
03:39 that Jesus called Peter, and that's because Peter was...
03:43 Peter was Peter. He was far from perfect.
03:47 He was rough around the edges,
03:49 and it was going to take a lot of sanding
03:51 before Jesus could smooth those rough edges out.
03:55 He once said to Jesus, "See, we have left all and followed You.
03:59 Therefore what shall we have?"
04:01 In other words, what's in it for us?
04:04 Peter would ask questions that other people wouldn't ask,
04:07 and he'd say the things that others wouldn't say.
04:10 When Jesus was going to wash the disciples' feet,
04:12 Peter said, "You shall never wash my feet!"
04:15 Before telling Jesus to wash not only his feet,
04:18 but his hands and his head also.
04:20 When he saw Jesus on the shore of the lake one time,
04:22 he was so excited he dived in and swam for shore.
04:27 That was Peter:
04:28 impetuous, in a hurry, an action man,
04:31 speak first, think second.
04:34 "I will lay down my life for [You]," he told Jesus.
04:37 And of course we know how that turned out.
04:40 Peter had some growing to do.
04:43 And that's who Jesus calls to be His disciples:
04:46 people who have some growing to do.
04:49 Because the fact is that's everyone.
04:53 No one is the finished product.
04:55 If you feel God is calling you, and He is,
04:58 don't wait until you're ready to accept that call.
05:02 Don't wait to be good enough for God.
05:05 Peter accepted Jesus' call, and he grew.
05:09 Peter was transparent. He was honest,
05:12 honest about his feelings, honest about his love for God,
05:16 and honest about himself.
05:18 So let's take a look at several episodes from the life of Peter.
05:22 We'll see what we can learn, not only about Peter,
05:25 but about ourselves and how we can have
05:28 a successful relationship with God in spite of our failings.
05:33 One of the most memorable Peter moments occurred on a lake
05:38 late one night.
05:40 Jesus had fed the thousands with just five loaves and two fish.
05:43 And then He sent the disciples on ahead by boat
05:46 to the other side of the lake.
05:48 A storm came up.
05:49 The Bible says, "The boat was... tossed by the waves,
05:52 for the wind was contrary."
05:54 And based on what John writes, it seems like the disciples
05:57 were about 3/4 of the way across the sea when Jesus appeared
06:02 walking on the water.
06:06 The disciples were initially afraid,
06:07 not certain of what they were seeing.
06:09 But Jesus said,
06:10 "Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid."
06:14 Peter was beside himself.
06:17 He called to Jesus and said, "'Lord, if it is You, command me
06:21 "to come to You on the water.' So He said, 'Come.'
06:24 "And when Peter had come down out of the boat,
06:27 he walked on the water to go to Jesus."
06:30 Walk on water?
06:33 Since when?
06:34 But this is what God can do.
06:36 Loudmouth Peter, shoot-first, aim-second Peter,
06:41 and Jesus gave Peter a unique experience.
06:44 No other disciple ever did what Peter did that night.
06:49 But Peter was about to learn something,
06:51 something he would forget when he really needed to remember it.
06:56 He began to sink.
06:57 Evidently he took his eyes off Jesus
06:59 and looked instead at the stormy sea.
07:01 When you look at the storms of life, that's what happens.
07:04 When you focus on the problems more than on the solution,
07:07 when you forget that God is able,
07:09 that's what happens.
07:10 Peter sank into a stormy sea in the dead of night,
07:14 with no lifejacket.
07:16 But he had the presence of mind to do the right thing,
07:18 and he called out to Jesus.
07:20 There was no time for eloquence or oratory.
07:22 There was no time for flowery language.
07:24 He cried out from the heart just a three-word prayer:
07:28 "Lord, save me!"
07:30 And what did Jesus do?
07:32 He reached out to Peter, took him by the hand,
07:35 and got him back in the boat.
07:36 Matthew 14:32,
07:38 "And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased."
07:42 When you take your eyes off Jesus,
07:44 that's when the trouble starts.
07:45 When you call out to God in desperation,
07:47 He hears you, and He answers your prayer.
07:50 It was Peter's own fault that he was in a fix.
07:54 But that didn't matter to Jesus.
07:56 He came to Peter's aid.
07:58 And that's what He does for you.
08:00 In the storms of life, don't take your eyes off Jesus.
08:05 In a moment, Peter forgets the lesson he learned
08:08 that night on the lake.
08:10 I'll be right back.
08:11 ♪[music swells and ends]♪
08:20 >>John: Deceptions in the modern church--
08:22 more common that you think,
08:24 and you don't want to be led away from faith in the Bible.
08:27 "Deceptions in the Modern Church," a revealing book
08:30 exposing common teachings undermining Christianity.
08:33 Get your free copy
08:35 of "Deceptions in the Modern Church."
08:37 Call 800-253-3000,
08:39 800-253-3000.
08:41 You can write to the address on your screen
08:43 or visit
08:46 Get "Deceptions in the Modern Church,"
08:48 800-253-3000.
08:51 >>John Bradshaw: Thanks for joining me today
08:52 on It Is Written.
08:54 This is "Great Characters of the Bible,"
08:57 and while we know how it worked out in the end for Peter,
09:01 Peter wasn't an instant success as a follower of Jesus.
09:05 When Jesus asked His friends who people said He was,
09:07 "They said, 'Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah,
09:11 "and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.'
09:14 "He said to them, 'But who do you say that I am?'
09:17 "Simon Peter answered and said, 'You are the Christ,
09:21 the Son of the living God.'"
09:23 But just down the page in the same chapter,
09:27 as Jesus is explaining to them that He is going to suffer
09:30 at the hands of the religious leaders,
09:32 and that He'll be crucified, and that He'll be raised
09:35 from the dead on the third day, Peter speaks up again.
09:39 The Bible says Peter "began to rebuke [Jesus],"
09:43 to admonish Him, to censure Jesus.
09:47 He said, "Far be it from You, Lord;
09:50 this shall not happen to You!"
09:53 Now, Peter wasn't helping Jesus by saying that;
09:56 he was trying to discourage Jesus from carrying out
09:59 His mission to save the world.
10:01 He was trying to prevent the death of Jesus on the cross,
10:03 whether he realized that or not.
10:05 You know, you're not always helping someone
10:07 when you show what you think is concern.
10:10 A missionary is going off to a faraway place;
10:12 you don't always help him by telling him how dangerous
10:14 that place is going to be.
10:16 Someone's committed to a great humanitarian work
10:19 or some great community project of some kind;
10:21 you're not necessarily helping them when you tell them to think
10:25 of the cost and what else they could buy with all that money.
10:29 Peter expressed concern,
10:31 but not in a way that was assisting Christ's mission.
10:34 Jesus responded by saying this:
10:37 "Get behind me, Satan! You are an offense to me,
10:42 "for you are not mindful of the things of God,
10:45 but the things of men."
10:46 [inhales sharply] Ooh, that had to sting!
10:49 But Peter in his zeal didn't realize what he was doing.
10:52 Satan was trying to discourage Jesus,
10:55 and he was using Peter.
10:57 Peter was slow to learn that Jesus' path
11:01 and the path of Jesus' followers
11:03 was a path of difficulty and humility.
11:07 Peter shrank away from trials.
11:09 Jesus was direct with Peter because Peter needed to grow.
11:13 He needed to see the state of his heart,
11:15 and Jesus knew we'd read these words one day,
11:18 and so He was speaking for our benefit, too.
11:21 But Peter did learn eventually.
11:23 Here's what he wrote later in 1 Peter chapter 4:
11:26 "Beloved, do not think it strange
11:28 "concerning the fiery trial which is to try you,
11:31 "as though some strange thing happened to you,
11:34 "but rejoice to the extent that you partake
11:36 "[in] Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed,
11:40 "you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
11:43 "If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you,
11:47 for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you."
11:51 Here's the thing with Peter;
11:52 he learned; he grew.
11:55 God was patient with him, which means God will be patient
11:58 with you as you grow in your faith.
12:02 In fact, again in the same chapter, when Peter said
12:04 to Jesus that Jesus was the Son of the living God,
12:08 Jesus said this to Peter:
12:10 "And I also say to you that you are Peter,
12:13 "and on this rock I will build my church,
12:16 and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
12:20 Now, some want to believe that Jesus was calling Peter
12:24 "this rock," or that Peter was the first pope,
12:27 the first bishop of Rome.
12:29 Well, He wasn't.
12:31 There were no popes in the first century A.D.
12:34 He wasn't a pope, he wasn't a Catholic,
12:38 and he wasn't "the rock."
12:40 Now, you could see how somebody might want to read it that way,
12:43 but the evidence of the Bible just doesn't support that.
12:46 Look at it linguistically.
12:48 Remember, Jesus gave Peter the name Peter.
12:52 It's from the Greek "pétros," which means "a stone,"
12:55 a small slab of stone maybe.
12:58 Jesus said, "You are [Pétros]," a stone,
13:02 "and upon this rock"--this "pétra," a big rock, a boulder--
13:08 "I will build my church, and the gates of hell"--
13:11 the Greek word there is "Hades," the grave--
13:13 "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
13:17 Peter himself was certainly prevailed against.
13:20 Linguistically, Peter isn't "the rock."
13:22 Experientially, Peter isn't "the rock."
13:25 You don't want your church built on Peter.
13:29 But the Bible refers to Jesus as "the rock" again and again.
13:33 Second Samuel chapter 22:
13:34 "The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock;
13:38 and exalted be the God of the rock of my salvation."
13:41 Psalm 89:
13:42 "He shall cry unto me, 'Thou art my Father,
13:44 my God, and the rock of my salvation.'"
13:48 This is divinity being referred to.
13:51 Now, Peter made an immense contribution
13:54 to not only the early Christian church,
13:55 but to the growth and development of Christianity.
13:58 And he still does.
14:00 But he wasn't "the rock," and he wasn't a pope.
14:04 He was a faulty man used by God to do great things.
14:10 And as far as we can tell, only four people wrote
14:13 more books of the Bible than Peter did.
14:17 But unfortunately, for a man who wrote two books of the Bible,
14:20 he's probably best remembered for his worst moment.
14:25 It was the night before Jesus died.
14:27 They're in the upper room,
14:29 and Jesus had just instituted the Lord's Supper.
14:31 "Then Jesus said to them, 'All of you will be made to stumble
14:35 "'because of me this night, for it is written:
14:38 "'"I will strike the Shepherd,
14:39 and the sheep of the flock will be scattered."'"
14:42 Jesus quoted the prophet Zechariah.
14:45 Then He said, "'But after I have been raised,
14:49 "I will go before you to Galilee.'
14:51 "Peter answered and said to Him, 'Even if all are made to stumble
14:55 "because of You, I will never be made to stumble.'
15:00 "Jesus said to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you that this night,
15:05 "before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.'
15:09 "Peter said to Him, 'Even if I have to die with You,
15:12 I will not deny You!' And so said all the disciples."
15:17 I'm sure you and I would have said the same thing.
15:19 "Oh, no! I'd never do that, no, not me."
15:22 And then it all unraveled.
15:25 But that's the thing with Peter;
15:27 someone who fell so low was able to bounce back
15:31 and become a truly outstanding follower of God.
15:35 How can that happen?
15:37 Well, we'll find out in just a moment.
15:40 ♪[music swells and ends]♪
15:49 >>John: Deceptions in the modern church--
15:51 more common that you think,
15:53 and you don't want to be led away from faith in the Bible.
15:56 "Deceptions in the Modern Church," a revealing book
15:59 exposing common teachings undermining Christianity.
16:02 Get your free copy
16:04 of "Deceptions in the Modern Church."
16:05 Call 800-253-3000,
16:08 800-253-3000.
16:10 You can write to the address on your screen
16:12 or visit
16:15 Get "Deceptions in the Modern Church,"
16:17 800-253-3000.
16:20 >>John: More than 5 million people in the United States
16:23 currently live with dementia,
16:25 ♪[somber music]♪
16:26 almost 50 million people around the world.
16:29 And numbers are rising.
16:32 Many people live in fear, wondering if they'll be next.
16:36 ♪[upbeat music]♪
16:37 If there were something you could do to combat
16:39 cognitive decline, you'd want to know.
16:42 Don't miss part 1 of "Preventing Cognitive Decline,"
16:45 brought to you by It Is Written.
16:48 Author and international speaker Dr. Wes Youngberg
16:51 lets you know that there is hope in the battle for the mind.
16:54 Sharing solid signs and the results
16:56 of comprehensive research,
16:58 Dr. Youngberg provides reliable advice
17:01 that has seen many people turn back the advance of dementia.
17:04 Dementia impacts individuals, families, communities,
17:08 and it kills.
17:09 Don't miss "Preventing Cognitive Decline"
17:11 and learn what you can do to give yourself the best chance
17:14 at a bright tomorrow.
17:16 "Preventing Cognitive Decline" on It Is Written.
17:21 >>John Bradshaw: Peter was confident.
17:22 He was too confident, really.
17:24 Like when he walked on water and took his eyes off Jesus,
17:27 down he went.
17:29 Well, he clearly took his eyes off Jesus again,
17:32 because not long after telling Jesus he would die
17:36 before he denied Him, things aren't going well.
17:40 Jesus went to Gethsemane to pray.
17:43 Peter, James, and John are told to go with Him and pray for Him,
17:48 but they fall asleep.
17:50 Jesus even said to Peter when He found Peter sleeping,
17:53 "Could you not watch with me one hour?"
17:56 He was warning Peter:
17:57 Peter, for a man who said he would rather die than deny me,
18:02 you're not off to a great start.
18:04 When Jesus is arrested, Peter takes his sword and swings it,
18:09 cutting off the ear of the high priest's servant.
18:13 Now, you don't think Peter aimed for his ear, do you?
18:16 He was either the best swordsman in all of Israel,
18:20 or what's more likely is that he was aiming for the man's head.
18:24 The man must have ducked at just the right time.
18:28 After Jesus is arrested, Peter denied Him:
18:31 "I do not know what you are saying."
18:33 That's Matthew 26, verse 70.
18:35 Then "he denied with an oath, 'I do not know the Man!'"
18:39 That's two, if you're counting.
18:41 And someone says, "[You're] one of them."
18:43 We can tell by "your speech," your dialect.
18:46 "Then he began to curse and swear, saying,
18:50 "'I do not know the Man!' Immediately a rooster crowed.
18:54 "And Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him,
18:58 "'Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.'
19:03 So he went out and wept bitterly."
19:07 And that had to be bitter.
19:11 "I'll never deny You. I'd rather die."
19:15 That has to be just about as low as you can get.
19:18 Have you ever been that low?
19:20 Well, look at what happened.
19:22 When Jesus was raised from the dead,
19:24 an angel told the women who went to the tomb,
19:27 "Go, tell His disciples-- and Peter--
19:32 that He is going before you into Galilee."
19:35 You see? Jesus hadn't forgotten Peter.
19:39 He hadn't cast him off.
19:40 In John 21, when Peter miraculously catches
19:43 those 153 big fish, and they're eating with Jesus on the shore,
19:49 Jesus says to him, "'Simon, son of Jonah,
19:53 "do you love me more than these?'
19:56 "He said to Him, 'Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.'
20:00 He said to him, 'Feed my lambs.'"
20:03 No self-assurance now.
20:05 Jesus asked him a second time, same reply.
20:08 "He said to him the third time,
20:10 "'Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me?'
20:14 "Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time,
20:16 "'Do you love me?' And he said to Him,
20:19 "'Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.'
20:23 Jesus said to him, 'Feed my sheep.'"
20:28 What's interesting is if you look at the Greek words used--
20:31 Jesus asks him, "Do you love me?"--
20:35 but He used the Greek word "agapé" when He asked him
20:38 those first two times.
20:40 "Agapé," that's a self-sacrificing love.
20:43 It's the highest form of love.
20:45 It's not "phileó," brotherly love;
20:47 it's unconditional love.
20:50 "Peter, do you love me with that?"
20:54 That's the kind of love that motivates someone
20:56 to stand for Jesus even if he has to die.
21:01 Peter answers, "You know I [phileó] You."
21:04 I love You with brotherly love.
21:07 Jesus asked him a second time, "Do you love me, Peter?"
21:09 Do you [agapé] me, love me unconditionally?
21:14 Again, Peter says, "You know I [phileó] You," brotherly love.
21:19 Now, that third time He said, "Peter, do you [phileó] me?"
21:23 Do you love me with brotherly love?
21:25 Peter said, "Lord, You know all things," which is interesting.
21:31 You know I love You with a brotherly love.
21:33 You also know that the last time I made a big profession,
21:38 I fell flat on my face.
21:40 You know how weak I am.
21:43 And Jesus said to him, twice actually,
21:46 "Feed my sheep."
21:48 Peter denied Jesus three times.
21:51 Jesus puts it to him three times.
21:55 And three times Peter came through.
21:59 Now, think about that.
22:00 Peter had failed dismally, and yet Jesus commissioned him
22:05 to be a leader in the church.
22:07 He restored Peter.
22:10 He showed love for Peter.
22:15 And what Jesus did for Peter, He can do for you...or anyone else.
22:22 So what happened to Peter?
22:24 At Pentecost he was filled with the Holy Spirit
22:28 and preached powerfully.
22:30 Three thousand people were baptized in that one day
22:34 when the floodgates opened, and the church exploded with growth.
22:39 He and John were met by a paralyzed man in Acts chapter 3,
22:43 a beggar hoping for coins.
22:45 "Peter said, 'Silver and gold have I none;
22:48 "'but such as I have give I thee:
22:51 In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.'"
22:56 The man went "walking, [and] leaping, and praising God."
23:01 Peter was a miracle-worker now.
23:04 He delivered some of the most bold,
23:06 some of the most stirring lines in the book of Acts.
23:10 "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you
23:12 "more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak
23:16 the things which we have seen and heard."
23:19 In Acts chapter 5, he was arrested for his faith.
23:21 He was put in prison, liberated by a miracle of God,
23:25 and then went straight back to the temple to preach,
23:28 saying, "We ought to obey God rather than men."
23:32 Herod had Peter arrested in Acts chapter 12.
23:35 James had been executed.
23:37 Peter was clearly next, but when his life was hanging
23:41 by a thread, he was in prison and slept so soundly
23:47 an angel had to smite him to wake him up,
23:51 and he walked out of the prison
23:53 as the gates miraculously opened up before him.
23:56 This was a new man.
23:58 God took that rough stone and polished it,
24:02 and Peter was used powerfully for God.
24:06 Now, he wasn't perfect.
24:08 Acts chapter 10 makes clear he still had race issues.
24:11 Bigotry was sort of the order of the day back then,
24:14 and Peter hated gentiles.
24:18 But he was given the vision of the sheet
24:19 lowering the unclean animals.
24:22 This is where God said, "Rise, Peter; kill and eat."
24:25 Peter protests,
24:26 "I have never eaten anything common or unclean."
24:28 But then he realizes God is telling him
24:31 not to call the gentiles unclean.
24:35 This had nothing to do with food;
24:37 it had to do with his racism.
24:39 The scales fell off his eyes, and off his heart.
24:43 And Peter grew and changed... and learned to love all people.
24:50 What a character!
24:53 Peter--impetuous, impulsive, rash, reckless at times,
25:00 but Jesus hung in there with him,
25:03 lovingly brought him to repentance,
25:06 and loved him even after he had really messed up.
25:10 There are lessons there that we can learn
25:12 about how to treat others--
25:13 but also about how God treats us.
25:17 If you can see yourself in Peter,
25:20 then you can see God's love for you
25:23 in Jesus' treatment of Peter.
25:26 God loves you.
25:27 There's a Peter in all of us--
25:30 and a new Peter just waiting to come out.
25:34 Trust God with your life today, with your faults,
25:38 with your failings, with your brokenness,
25:40 with your inadequacy,
25:42 and know that God will make you a whole new person,
25:46 just like He did Peter.
25:48 >>John: Thank you for remembering that It Is Written
25:50 exists because of the kindness of people just like you.
25:54 To support this international life-changing ministry,
25:57 please call us now at 800-253-3000.
26:01 You can send your tax-deductible gift
26:03 to the address on your screen,
26:04 or you can visit us online at
26:08 Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support.
26:11 Our number again is 800-253-3000,
26:15 or you can visit us online at
26:19 >>John Bradshaw: Let's pray together now.
26:21 Our Father in heaven, I thank You that You demonstrate
26:23 in Peter's experience that people can fail
26:27 and then find success,
26:29 that sinners really can be turned around,
26:31 that those who make mistakes can learn from them and grow
26:35 and become just what You want them to be.
26:38 We thank You for Your patience.
26:39 As You were patient with Peter,
26:40 we know that You're patient with us.
26:42 And, Father, I ask that You would work in our lives
26:44 just as You worked in Peter.
26:46 Now, friend, would you like to ask God right now
26:49 to work in your heart and give you hope and a new life?
26:52 Maybe you've done that before,
26:53 so perhaps your prayer is just a prayer of agreement.
26:56 Although maybe you're that one who is saying,
26:59 "Oh, I'm far from God. I'm the failure.
27:02 "I'm more likely to take the sword and swing it
27:04 "or make a rash promise that I can't keep
27:07 than I am to simply be humble and faithful."
27:10 Friend, if you've failed, God can restore you, wants to.
27:13 If you've blown it,
27:15 God can put the broken pieces back together again.
27:18 In fact, God can do better than that.
27:20 He can completely remake you.
27:22 Would you like that?
27:23 If you would, lift up your heart to God right now.
27:25 You might even want to lift up your hand right now, if you can.
27:28 Our Father and our God, thank You for treating us
27:32 the way You treated Peter
27:34 and for giving us hope that You can make a person new.
27:38 We thank You for that newness.
27:40 We claim it now through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
27:45 And it's in Jesus' name that we pray.
27:48 Amen.
27:50 Thank you so much for joining me.
27:52 Look forward to seeing you again next time.
27:54 Until then, remember:
27:56 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
28:00 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
28:04 ♪[dramatic theme music]♪


Revised 2020-12-03