It Is Written

The Physiology of Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW018163S

00:19 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Writn. I'm John Bradshaw.
00:22 Thanks for joining me.
00:23 Go to the Bible anyou find that the Word of God
00:26 says a lot about worship,
00:28 unsurprisingly, as t the Bible is God's book.
00:32 But look in e book of Psalms and you find God appealing to us
00:35 and sang some, some impressive things.
00:37 Look with me at alm 96 and verse 9:
00:43 "O worship the Lord in fear before Him, ththe beauty of holiness: all the earth."
00:46 And in Plm 95 and verse 6, the Bible says,
00:49 "O come, let us worship d bow down:
00:52 let us kneel before the Lord our Makaker."
00:55 And so you mht think, well, yes, of course, worship
00:57 it's the underpinning our relationship with God.
01:00 It speaks of the way we relalate to God as Sovereign,
01:03 as Creator, as Mesty.
01:05 But let's go a ttle bit further.
01:08 Is worship good for you?
01:09 How does the practice of worship actually affect your life?
01:14 Here to discuss with me the physiologygy of worship
01:17 is cardiologist Dr. James Marcum,
01:20 who practices withth the Chattanooga Heart Institute.
01:23 Dr. Marcum, thanks for joining me.
01:24 >>Dr. MaMarcum: My pleasure, John.
01:25 And this excites me more t than anything else,
01:28 because when a patient comes in
01:30 and has a lot of medical problems,
01:32 sometimes they're on ls of pills.
01:35 And these pills have side effefects,
01:37 and they cost mone
01:38 But when youtart talking about things that they can do
01:41 to help improve their body,
01:42 both short term and fofor eternity,
01:46 and you bring up worship, they,
01:48 they sort of shakeke their heads at first.
01:49 ThThey say, "No, how can that help me?"
01:51 >>JoJohn: So, so that's the question.
01:52 How w can worship, you're saying, actually benef your health?
01:57 >>>>Dr. Marcum: Yes, worship is actually a presiption.
02:00 And I have to show the evidence behind it,
02:03 and they have to start doing it.
02:04 But now we have studies that otherhave done,
02:07 even our ministries worked on studies thathow
02:10 how people that worship the true God
02:12 have physiologic benefits our own genetics.
02:16 >>John: So how does that work?
02:17 What you're sasaying is--this is a pretty big statement--
02:21 that worship affects one's genes.
02:25 >>Dr. Marcum: Yes. That's whwhat we're saying.
02:26 >>John: You're saying that.
02:27 >>Dr. Marcum: And if you go o back a few years ago,
02:28 we haven't aays been able to say this.
02:30 WeWe didn't have the technology.
02:32 But a few years ago, um, Francis llins,
02:35 who's now at the National Institute of H Health,
02:37 he sequenced our DNA.
02:39 >>John: Sure.
02:40 >>Dr. Marcum: Now, what that means is he looked at the DNA.
02:42 Herote a book called "The Language of God."
02:45 He thought that this DNA wawas the language of God,
02:47 because th is how we express ourselves.
02:50 Um, this is how we turn things on and off.
02:53 And if you think of the DNA like a harardware of a computer,
02:57 you know, is is what we're born with,
02:59 and unfortunately, each o one of us, me included,
03:02 is born with bad g genes.
03:04 >>John: Sure.
03:05 >>Dr. Marcum: We have bad genes. And d these have been passed down.
03:07 And soer or later, different things that we do to these g genes
03:11 causes them to malfunction or mutate.
03:14 In fact, we have telomeres that somometimes get shorter,
03:16 anthey damage our DNA.
03:18 When our DNA is damaged, guess wh happens?
03:22 A mutation happens. Then we ha a malfunction.
03:25 And sooner or later, ifnough of these happen,
03:27 we have a symptom.
03:29 And modern medice reaches to treat the symptoms,
03:31 and we do that very effectively sometimes,
03:33 but we don't get at the cause of our bad ges.
03:36 >>John: So explain to me,explain to us, what's in DNA?
03:42 Deoxyribonucle acid-- we know that.
03:45 But what is it, and how does youour DNA
03:48 express self or affect one's day-to-day life?
03:51 >>Dr. Marcumum: Yeah.
03:52 >>John: I know many people arere saying,
03:53 "I know that already, John But for those who don't...
03:55 >>Dr. Marcumum: Well, this is the core of who we are.
03:57 It's our template. It decides everything.
04:00 For instance, when we're talking here,
04:01 the DNA is actually making proteins,
04:04 messenger RNA,
04:06 different t things that is affecting enzyme systems,
04:08 that's affecting the way you ththink,
04:10 the way you move, what makes youheart beating.
04:12 The DNA is at the core of everytng.
04:15 when something malfunctions
04:16 at the very core molecular basis, wlook at DNA.
04:20 >>John: So tl me now.
04:22 Somebody has a malfunction at the DNA level,
04:24 how might that be expressed?
04:26 >>Dr. Marcum: Well, it's accccording--
04:27 some people are born with bad gegenes,
04:29 d we have, um, genetic diseases.
04:31 Um, and we see that quite a bibit, you know,
04:33 um, Tay-Sachs disease and different sease
04:36 that's passed down from generation to generations.
04:38 Those are genes that havee been affected that we can't
04:41 do anything abt.
04:43 Now, somometimes gene mutations
04:44 are because of the difffferent things we do.
04:46 Let's say yoyou smoke a lot, and you have a genetic defec
04:50 that p predisposes you to cancer, and you smoke.
04:53 Well, that puts stss on those genes,
04:55 and those genes might malfunction oner.
04:58 >>John: And the result might becancer, lung cancer?
05:00 >>Dr. Marcum: ThThat's correct.
05:01 For instance, let's say evyone in the Bradshaw family
05:04 became harard of hearing at age 60, okay?
05:07 >>John: What was that?
05:08 >>Dr. Maum: Oh yeah. [laughs]
05:09 Became h hard of hearing at age 60,
05:11 and I yelled in your ear every sisingle day.
05:14 I'm yelling and screreaming in your ear every day.
05:16 Well, at puts stress on those genes,
05:19 which is the stress of the epigenetics
05:21 the thingshat influences your hardware,
05:23 the software, and those genenes might wear out sooner.
05:26 So y you might have problems at a younger age
05:29 because we put stress on those gene
05:31 Well, that can happen anywhere in our body.
05:34 If we have a genetic defect, we all d
05:37 and we put stress on those genes,,
05:39 whether it be from oking or not sleeping well,
05:42 or yelling, or whatever, those genes might malfunctction earlier,
05:46 and ess what?
05:47 We have a mutation; it leads to aging and diseasese processes.
05:50 Because these genes tell our bodies what to do.
05:53 Everything that we do influenced by these genes.
05:56 >>John: So we can understand the genec code, our DNA,
05:59 as a little bit likeke the program that makes your computer run,
06:03 and we all know if you g get a glitch in the program,
06:05 then it's just not gonna a work,
06:08 and eventually things crash.
06:09 >>Dr. Marcum: Exactly.y.
06:10 >>John: So it's like that.
06:11 >>Dr. Marcum: That's exactly rit.
06:12 >>John: So we can...what?
06:14 >>Dr. Marcum: Influence--
06:15 >>John: We can influence, we can infnfluence?
06:17 >>Dr. Maum: We can influence our hardware
06:18 by these software,these things that we do.
06:21 >>John: Okay.
06:23 >>>>Dr. Marcum: Um, for instance, if you, if y don't smoke,
06:24 that helps those genes thahat might have cancer in them.
06:27 >>John: Okay.
06:28 >>Dr. Maum: Um, if we do other things that might keep
06:29 the genes from getting older quicke
06:31 and that might be good nunutrition
06:33 or even drinking water or getting enough st.
06:39 affects epigenetics, Well, we're now understanding that worip what affects our genes,,
06:42 keeps us fm getting older.
06:43 There's now some data on this thathows that worship,
06:46 when w we worship God,
06:48 when we worship the best that He's given u
06:50 that affecects our genes.
06:51 And whene don't worship, that tends,
06:56 You know, we look for can put stress on our body. something to worshipip.
06:58 If we worship the wrong things, itit puts stress on us as well.
07:01 >>Johnhn: So, so we have a genetic makeup.
07:04 >>DrDr. Marcum: Um-hmm.
07:05 >>John: It might be that your genes are gonnnna flip out
07:07 in this way, that way, malfunction, mutate.
07:10 Hover, there are things that you can do to aid yourur genes,
07:15 the genetic code,
07:17 to prevent certain this from happening that are negative
07:20 or to cause positive things to hpen that are positive.
07:23 So you can influence your own health
07:25 at the very deepest lelevel.
07:27 And what you're sayi is that worship actually has
07:31 a measurable, materi impact on one's genes.
07:35 >>Dr. Marcum: That's correct. And we're e just now beginning,
07:37 in some of the science that's been de, to look at this.
07:41 e of the original studies by Dr. Newberg
07:43 athe University of Pennsylvania,
07:45 he looked at people's brains,
07:47 and he had people just worship for a sht period of time,
07:51 and saw that their brain, the prefrontal cortex,
07:54 the part that we have that separates us from m animals,
07:56 actually got bigger.
08:00 The anterior cingulalate grew and got bigger just from worship. cortex part of the brain
08:03 And he also fod out that when people worship
08:05 for short periods of time, the e stress part of the brain,
08:08 ththe part we share with animals, the part thadamages us,
08:11 you know, we don't like these chronic stress,
08:13 the part that justst says, I want to stay alive and live,
08:16 that turns o on the chemicals like adrenaline,
08:18 cortisol, inflammation that causes these epigenetitic problems
08:23 that causes us to ageand the DNA to get worse,
08:25 those were turned down in people e that worship.
08:28 So he did that sdy, but studies have been
08:31 even done further says, well, th's,
08:33 see a structural change,
08:34 but it's w what's happening in the molecules, the very A.
08:38 And now we have some studies, you know,
08:40 back at Dusek, at Harvard,enson's Lab,
08:44 they looked at different thgs that people do to relax,
08:47 and people that relax, repetitive prayer,
08:49 they've looked people with yoga,
08:51 those type of things, includining worship,
08:54 those things turn onon and off genes.
08:57 And when those genes, the stress genes are turned off,
09:00 ople do better.
09:01 They, if you think about it, when stresseturn off,
09:04 every chroronic disease will improve,
09:06 slows down aging, slows down inflammatioion,
09:10 lowers blood pressurure, improves immune systems.
09:13 So now, , what I'm trying to, to do right now is,
09:16 well, they've looked at differerent types of worship.
09:18 You know, there's many differenent types of worship.
09:20 There'e's yoga, there's meditation,
09:22 there's repetiti prayer,
09:24 there's differenttypes of worship.
09:25 Well, what would these genelook like
09:27 if w we do biblical worship, 10 minutes of biblicalorship?
09:32 And wouldn't it be great-- Let's lo at the genes.
09:33 we're working on publishing a study that says
09:35 whwhen someone participates in biblical worshi
09:38 this lowowers the risk of chronic disease,
09:40 slows down aging, lowewers the risk of heart attack,
09:43 infections, diabetes, hypertenon,
09:46 alall of these things.
09:47 Well, have the preliminary workup that says
09:49 we know what the answer's gonna to be.
09:51 Now have to do the study.
09:52 >>hn: Fascinating. Worship, good for you.
09:55 Worship, good foyour genes.
09:58 Worship, able to influence your health
10:00 in a measurable and materialal way.
10:02 You want to know more abouthis.
10:04 We'll be bacwith more in just a moment.
10:05 ♪[Music]♪
10:15 >>Announcer 1: Everyonwants to live a long life.
10:18 And God wawants to give you a life
10:20 that's not only long but eternal.
10:22 Learn about the coconnection between physical health
10:24 and spiritual health in tod's free offer,
10:27 "Living Life to the Fullest!"
10:29 To recei this free guide,
10:30 call 800-253000
10:33 or visit us online at
10:36 Learn how to live the longest life posossible.
10:39 Call 800-253-3000
10:42 or visit
10:45 >>Announcer 2: Discover the powerful ways
10:46 that Godod is part of the healing process.
10:49 Go beyond d what the media and popular trends say
10:51 about healthare and learn from an expert
10:53 what it rereally means to be healthy.
10:55 In his book, "The Ultimate Presiption,"
10:57 Dr. James L. Marcum explains
10:59 some of the common misconptions
11:00 about health care th are prevalent in our society today,
11:03 how you can avoid them, and how to take care
11:05 of the spiritual dimensionon of your health.
11:07 To order "The Ultimate Prescription,"
11:09 call88-664-5573
11:12 or visit
11:16 >>John: Thanks for joiningng me today on It Is Written,
11:18 whe my special guest is Dr. James Marcum,
11:20 a cardiologist and the leader of Heartwisise Ministries,
11:24 commitd to helping you and me both
11:27 see the great connection ththere is between our physical
11:29 and our mental heah and how we can live life
11:32 to the very fullest.
11:34 In Revelation, chapter 14,
11:36 you readbout three angels flying in the midst of heaven,n,
11:40 with messages for everybody on P Planet Earth.
11:44 And the first angel says,
11:46 "Fear God, and givelory to Him;
11:48 for the hour of His judgment is come:
11:51 and worship Him ththat made heaven, and earth,
11:54 and the se and the fountains of waters."
11:56 There is a call worship in the final gospel message
12:00 that goes to the wororld.
12:02 Now, D Dr. Marcum, we're talking about how worship
12:04 isis actually good for a person.
12:05 Here's my question for you:
12:07 You might even mention relaxationnd other things
12:11 that researchers have found sitively impact your health.
12:14 So, is t worship of God just the Christian spin on this,
12:18 or is there someing different and unique about worshiping God
12:22 over even these other things, you mimight say--
12:24 relaxation, breathing exercises, and so foh?
12:27 What's unique about the worship ofof God?
12:30 >>Dr. Maum: That is an excellent question.
12:31 That's why we need morore research on this specifically.
12:35 You know, 'cause w we know what the results are going to be.
12:38 We know that as we worship the true God
12:41 biblicalal worship, um,
12:42 we are goi to have more positive changes
12:45 thane would doing anything else, okay?
12:47 ThThe other studies have shown all sorts of thingthat imply this,
12:51 but now we reallhave to have the biblical worship study
12:54 oking at people's DNA directly.
12:57 Um, we have some indirect studies by Newbererg,
13:00 so, as ourrain gets larger when we worship God,
13:04 but he decided what worship looked lik
13:06 But that's a great qstion.
13:08 What does worship lookok like in this end stage?
13:11 You know, what does worship lolook like?
13:13 Some people might worship by studydying the Word,
13:16 byraying.
13:17 Some people ght worship by serving others,
13:20 by praising, by thanking.
13:22 There's many ways of f worship,
13:24 including liviving a life of worship.
13:26 So, but now we havehe technology,
13:28 John, to do these studies to show, you know, well,
13:32 worship for you mighght look like this on your DNA.
13:35 But worship like this might help your DNA en more.
13:39 You know, whwhen you serve, you get this type of benefit
13:41 health benefit.
13:42 But when you serve, pray, and stududy the Word,
13:45 you might get thisype of benefit.
13:48 We're now starting to havehe technology to show
13:50 the type of physiologic changes.
13:52 >>John: So worship is measably good for a person,
13:55 which means that those w do not live a life of worship,
13:58 people who are choosing to live sconnected from God,
14:01 are missing ouout not only spiritually,
14:03 but phically, and therefore spiritually as well,
14:07 as one impacts the other.
14:08 So a patieient comes to you, and you suggest to the patie,
14:11 okay, we're going to walklk down this road.
14:14 How would thatook in practice in a person's life?
14:16 Theyome to your practice; they speak to you; you mayaybe,
14:19 the conversation takes on thihis bent.
14:22 How does that play out in someone'sife?
14:23 >>Dr. Marcum: Well, you know, I would,
14:25 I would start byby giving them evidence.
14:27 I'd say, "Listen, you know, you dodon't feel so good.
14:29 You had d a bypass surgery, you know. Things were ba
14:32 But you've done alof these things."
14:34 But they always say,
14:35 "Well, you know, I have hard time giving up this."
14:38 >>John: Sure..
14:40 >>Dr. Marcum: "Y"You know, I have a hard time walking every da
14:41 I have a hard time eating right.
14:42 I have a hard time thiing right.
14:43 All these stressors that are turning on the bad genes,
14:47 I'm having problemems with."
14:48 I said, "Well,l, you know,
14:50 I have problems with ththat myself, you know.
14:52 Would you like to, to hear aboutut a way, scientifically proven,
14:56 that we can help our genes and help givus the power,
14:59 one step at a time, toto do better?"
15:02 I said, "Well," I said, "askChrist to come into your life.
15:05 Ask Him to give you the por."
15:07 And I point them back to Matthew :28,
15:10 "Come unto me"--worship -- "and I will give you rest."
15:14 Would you like that ft today?
15:17 Is there any reason you can't enter into
15:19 a relationship, worsrship?
15:20 Because that's how our nes were designed to be.
15:23 >>JoJohn: Um-hmm.
15:24 >>Dr. Marc: And as we get back to our original template,
15:29 everything works better. It also, but more importantly, Aging slowdown.
15:30 it gives us the power to make these anges.
15:33 And I give them examples of patients,
15:35 and I said, "Listen, we're working g on studies
15:37 to prove this atat higher levels.
15:38 But why don't yoyou just ask Christ into your life today,
15:41 to give you the power to do onone thing?
15:43 What would that be?
15:46 And I give them a short prayer And come into and a short t worship study. a worshipful state."
15:49 If they' never worshiped before, I said,
15:51 "Here's 10 mutes of what worship looks like.
15:53 Would you be wilng to do that every day?"
15:55 And so, "Oh, yeah, I'll give that a try."
15:57 And I said, "In addition, let's pick o thing that's stressing
16:01 yourur life out, that's hurting your genes,
16:03 that we can make a change o"
16:04 And it might be something simplele like drinking water,
16:07 or resting or not losing your temper,
16:10 or it might be eating beer or giving up cigarettes.
16:13 Just one thing.
16:14 And whenhey do this, when they actually have that power,r,
16:18 God enters theirife,
16:19 sohen they're in this state of worship,
16:21 the Holy Spirit comes and isorking on this,
16:23 goes into thehippocampus part of the brain.
16:25 So it's working all day long in themem.
16:27 So they have to o decide what they want to do with this worsh.
16:30 So this worship starts in the morning,
16:32 and it goeoes all day long,
16:33 so it's sosort of living in a state of worship.
16:35 And then they start getting powewer, and they notice,
16:37 "Youou know what? I did, I was able to do this."
16:40 And then they feel God comg
16:42 into their life, leading them more and re.
16:44 And as they dodo this, they get very excited.
16:46 And ththen we move to the next thing.
16:47 "Well, wld you like to do this?
16:48 Would you like to do that?"
16:50 And they start making these e powerful changes.
16:52 And as God influences their life,
16:54 gives them t the power to make changes,
16:55 they're doing things outf love and not out of obligation.
16:59 They're doing things for the right asons.
17:00 >>John: You know, it's, I think it's imptant for us
17:02 to point this out:
17:03 we're not suggesting, if youe sick,
17:05 just worship God and you'll getet well.
17:07 This i isn't the new wonder drug, the wonder drug worship.
17:10 But what you're saying is whenhe heart,
17:12 the mind, is focuseded on God and connected to God,
17:15 this measurably benefits a perso
17:18 Can pepeople achieve the same physiological results
17:24 withouout God?
17:25 "I"I'll just relax. I shall take walks on the ach."
17:29 Clearly those things are good for y.
17:32 >>Dr. rcum: Yes, yes.
17:33 >>John: But can you, can y you say, "I like this thought.
17:35 Iture makes sense. I get my mind in a good place.
17:43 I prevent these stressors from reallgetting at me. So instead of worship,
17:46 I'll do an end run arounund this by doing A, B, C and D"?
17:48 >>Dr. Marcum: Yes.
17:49 >>John: Possible, or not possible?
17:50 >>Dr. Marcum: Toome degree,
17:52 ththat might help you in the short term.
17:54 >>John: Sure.
17:55 >>Dr. Marcum: Might helpou in the short term.
17:59 We all need a Savior, But remember, wewe all have bad genes. ultimately.
18:02 So I expla to them,
18:03 those things might help ithe short term,
18:05 but are they an ultimate solution to our chronic disease?
18:10 No.
18:11 >>John: Worship, good for you, good foror your body,
18:13 good for your mind,
18:13 worship affecting u on a genetic level.
18:17 See, there's a reaeason Mom and Dad took you to church,
18:20 encouraged you to pray, intruced you to God.
18:27 worshiping God, a relationship Another reason, anand with God, afaffects you in ways that is that faith in God,
18:32 that you mht not have even thought possible.
18:34 Now, in just a moment,
18:35 a case study of someone who put thiso practice in his life,
18:40 and the benefits were jusfantastic.
18:42 More in just a moment.
18:52 >>Announcer 1: Everyone wantnts to live a long life. ♪[Mususic]♪
18:55 And God wants to give you a fe
18:57 that's not only long butut eternal.
18:59 Learn about t the connection between physical health
19:02 and spiritual health in today free offer,
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19:14 Learn how to live the longest t life possible.
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19:23 ♪[Music]♪
19:25 >>nouncer 3: Planning for your financial future
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19:53 >>John: Thanks for joining me today on It Is Wriritten.
19:55 I'm John Bradshaw.
19:56 My guest is cardiolologist Dr. James Marcum,
19:59 who pracces in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
20:02 and leads Heartwise Ministries
20:05 Dr. MaMarcum, we're talking about something fascining.
20:07 I think, I think, huge for people
20:10 who've never contemplated this,
20:11 and that is that woworship measurably,
20:14 material affects somebody for the good on a genetic level.l.
20:18 Now, here's my question:
20:20 Grandma wohiped God all her life,
20:22 fervently and faithfully, and died at 53 of cacancer.
20:25 Somebody's uncle worshiped God, sererved God,
20:28 missioionary, minister, whatever it might be,
20:30 and loved God, died young from a a lifestyle disease.
20:34 So, put those two thoughts together.
20:36 Worship's goodod for you, but people who worship die young
20:40 Why?
20:41 Dr. Marcum: Yeah. And we alluded to this earlier..
20:43 We all come to the plate with b genes.
20:47 We have bad genes.
20:48 We have, from headad to toe, we have bad genes.
20:51 The way we think, the way we metabolizize,
20:54 is determined a lot byur ancestors.
20:55 And we have no cocontrol over our hardware.
20:59 It's's there in us.
21:01 And for people that have these, thesissues,
21:05 what I tell them is, you ow, look,
21:06 look athe New Testament.
21:07 You know, Christ healed4, 25 people.
21:10 Sometimes people He raised from thdead.
21:12 He healed them. And yet they all dieied.
21:15 >>John: Sure.
21:16 >>Dr. Marcum: They all died.
21:17 So, but, He, sometimes He walked people that needed healing,
21:22 because He wted to preach the gospel.
21:24 He wanted to come into their r heart through worship.
21:27 Because there was something even more that transcended
21:30 our bad genetics when we do that.
21:32 And I tell people, "It's not only aboutut today.
21:35 It's abobout forever."
21:37 >>John: So we wouldn't suggest anybody--
21:38 >>Dr. Marcum: No.
21:39 >>Jo: I think we spoke about this earlier,
21:40 but I do need to just... reiterate.
21:44 No one is suggesting, if you're unwell,
21:48 worship and you'll though that may happen. miraculously be well,
21:50 But I believe what science is now telelling us,
21:52 Dr. Marcum, is noo matter what your state,
21:55 worship and you'll do better.
21:57 >>Dr. Marcum: Yes.
21:58 >>John: And sometimes dramatically better.
22:00 Now, can you sre with me any case studies,
22:03 somebody you know w implemented this into his or her life,
22:06 and now we've got something to demstrate
22:08 this really positively affectsou?
22:10 >>Dr. Marcum: I had a patient that came e to me
22:12 from Wall Street. He was in hihis 40s.
22:15 He had significant cocoronary disease,
22:17 already had a bypass surgery.
22:19 All of the arteries were toooo small to do anything more.
22:23 Every time he would walk, his 40s,
22:25 would have chest tightness.
22:27 >>John: This is not good.
22:28 >>Dr. Marcum: No, and he'd gone to all the spececialists,
22:29 and he was on all the ght medicines,
22:31 all the right pills.
22:32 But he was still having symptoms.
22:34 So he came, and we went throrough this discussion,
22:36 and he s says, "You know, I work on Wall Street.
22:38 I don't think I can st more. I don't think I can eat better.
22:41 I don't thinI can do any of this better."
22:44 d I said, "Well, John"--you know, I'm using a pspseudo-name.
22:47 >>JoJohn: Sure.
22:48 >>DrDr. Marcum: I said, "Listen, have you heard oworship?"
22:51 He goes, "No, I haven't heard d of that."
22:52 I said, "Do you believe in G?"
22:54 He said, "I don't believe in God."
22:56 I said, "Well, let me intruce a new concept to you.
22:59 Let me give you so information.
23:01 You know, go looking foHim, and see if,
23:03 see if you can, can find Him.He'll hunt for you.
23:06 There's science, evidenc that there is God. It's not--”
23:09 So I gave e him some information. He started reading andtudying.
23:12 And he started worshipg.
23:15 I said, "Well, listen, let's just pick onthing,
23:17 and let's ju worship for 10 minutes a day.
23:19 Let's start there."
23:20 And he s started there.
23:22 He wasn't with a a denomination, but he came to God.
23:24 He asked the Lord to be Lord of his life, Savioror,
23:26 to come into hisis heart, to teach him.
23:28 He start reading the Bible text,
23:30 anGod started moving in him.
23:32 And all of a sudden He gave h him power to do things.
23:35 And he w was working to midnight every night.
23:37 Well, he reazed he couldn't do this every day.
23:40 So he started quitting work eaearlier.
23:41 God gave him the wer to do that.
23:44 All of a sden, he was able to walk a little bit more.
23:47 He learned aboutut eating better, and guess what?
23:49 He started eating more plants
23:51 and less of some ofhe bad foods.
23:52 He was able to give up cigarett.
23:55 And God kept changing his heart
23:57 onstep at a time as he worshiped with Him.
23:59 So not only was the worship helping g his,
24:02 some of his epigenenetics, slowing down the aging,
24:04 those stress genes,
24:06 but the worship was also helping him ve power
24:08 to overcomome other things that was affecting his genes
24:11 >>John: re.
24:12 >>Dr. Marcum: And he knethat he had bad genes to begin with,
24:14 anand sooner or later he was going to wear out,
24:16 but he didn't want to wear out so soon.
24:18 >>John: Righ
24:19 >>Dr. Maum: So by worship,
24:20 not only h he accomplished something short term,
24:23 but he also was accomplishing stuff eternally.y.
24:25 And when he realized that aling
24:27 was more than justst the life he lives now,
24:29 it invololved forever,
24:31 a forever relationship th his Creator,
24:33 when these doors started opening up
24:36 he s the importance.
24:37 Now he's d doing very well.
24:38 Heas able--in the office not too long ago-
24:42 he's now walking about a le and a half a day. >>John: Fantastic.
24:44 >>Dr. Marcum: In fact, he has changed so mucin his life now
24:46 that he's giving up Wall S Street,
24:47 anand he's going to buy a farm in Montana and le there.
24:52 So God can change us when we looko Him.
24:54 r God is powerful.
24:56 And even if we have geneticisease
24:58 that sort of limits our lifespan,
25:01 there's more to it,
25:02 both in the shshort term and in the long term.
25:04 God has a plan.
25:06 >>John: So there, we have this genec makeup.
25:08 There are things thahat we can do to start up bad processes
25:13 in our genes, anand things that we can do to stop
25:16 bad processes and totart good processes in our genes.
25:20 Our genes are afcted strongly by our actions.
25:23 And worshiis one of those things
25:27 that positively affects us at a geneticic level.
25:31 ♪[Music]♪
25:40 >>Announcer 1: Everyone wants to live a lo life.
25:43 And Gowants to give you a life
25:45 that's not only long but etern.
25:47 Learn about the nnection between physical health
25:49 and spiritual health in today's free offefer,
25:52 "Living Life to the Fullest!"
25:54 To receive this free guide,
25:55 call 800-253-3000
25:58 or visit us online at
26:01 Learn how to live the longest li possible.
26:04 Call 800-253-3000
26:10 or visit >>John: Thank you for remembering that It Is Written
26:12 ists because of the kindness of people just like yoyou.
26:18 To support this international please call us now at life-chahanging ministry, 800-253-3000.
26:23 You can send your taxax-deductible gift
26:24 to the address on your screen,
26:26 or you can visit us online at itiswritten.m.
26:29 Thank you for r your prayers and for your financial support.
26:32 Our number again is 800-253-3000,
26:37 or youou can visit us online at
26:40 >>John: Let's pray togethenow.
26:42 Pray with me.
26:43 r Father in heaven,
26:45 we are grateful th You are God.
26:49 You demand notothing from us.
26:52 You force nothing on us.
26:55 But You offer us eternity.
26:58 You invite us to kw You through Your Son Jesus,
27:02 to surrender our lis to You,
27:04 and to worip You.
27:05 And I invite Y You to take, take our hearts,
27:08 take our hearts right now.
27:09 Right now there is somebo who is saying,
27:12 "I need to worship Godod.
27:16 I must ent into God, take my heart." that relationship.
27:17 Lord, would You do that?
27:19 Take every heart on offer,r,
27:21 and speak to each one consididering You now.
27:26 And urge every man, every woman, every young peperson,
27:30 to k know You as the great God of love
27:31 who reigns eternally and wantus to reign with Him.
27:36 We thank Y You. We love You.
27:39 We worship You. We pray in Jesus' me,
27:43 amen.
27:44 Dr. Marcum, again, thanks, thanks so mu.
27:46 >>Dr. Marcum: MyMy pleasure, John.
27:47 >>John: And thank you for joining .
27:48 I'm looking forward to seeing you agagain next time.
27:50 Until then, remember
27:52 "Iis written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
27:56 but by every word that proceeds from t the mouth of God.'"
27:59 ♪[Theme music]♪


Revised 2021-08-18