It Is Written

Depression and its Causes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw (Host), Neil Nedley


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001443A

00:00 The Bible says that people should
00:03 rejoice evermore. So what if you're somebody
00:07 who suffers from depression, as do one in ten American
00:10 adults? Depression can seriously
00:13 impact a person's Christian experience, and depression
00:17 has been implicated in the deaths of very many people.
00:19 I've come to Weimar, California to speak with Dr.
00:23 Neil Nedley, the president of Nedley Health Solutions.
00:27 Today, part one of a two-part series on depression, its
00:30 causes and its cures. Thanks for joining me today.
00:40 [driving theme music]
00:54 Dr. Nedley, thank you very much for joining me today.
00:56 I'm just so thankful you've been able to make this time.
00:59 NN: Thanks for inviting me, John.
01:00 I'm glad to be here. JB: Depression.
01:03 Let's start right at the beginning.
01:06 What is it? NN: It is an epidemic in our
01:09 society today. It's dramatically increasing
01:11 and it causes a lot of deep sadness.
01:15 That's what most people equate with depression,
01:18 feelings of deep sadness. But, you know, that's not the
01:22 only symptom that you get. You can actually not have
01:25 that symptom, you can just have a feeling of emptiness
01:28 and have depression. JB: Now when you talk about
01:30 depression, you know, people, PEOPLE have a bad day and
01:32 they're not depressed. People can be sad and not be
01:35 depressed, they can just be sad.
01:37 So there's a difference between being in a funk and
01:40 experiencing what is technically known as
01:42 depression. NN: Yes.
01:44 JB: So how do we really describe this technical
01:46 depression? If someone's depressed,
01:48 they're going to exhibit what?
01:50 NN: They're going to exhibit five, at least five of nine
01:53 symptoms for the majority of the time for the last two
01:56 weeks or more. JB: Okay, so there are nine
01:59 symptoms that qualify in this basket known as depression.
02:04 NN: Correct. JB: If you've got five of
02:06 them, you're depressed. NN: You have depression,
02:08 yeah, as long as you have those five the majority of
02:10 the time. So if you're sad for just one
02:12 day out of 14, it doesn't count.
02:13 But if you're sad the majority of the last 14 days,
02:17 then that would be symptom number one right there.
02:20 JB: Okay. We're going to talk about
02:21 those symptoms in just a moment.
02:23 But first let's point out a couple of things.
02:25 One in 10 Americans suffer depression, correct?
02:27 NN: Correct. Yes, right now as we're
02:29 speaking. JB: Okay.
02:31 And how does that break down by gender?
02:33 NN: Well, one of four women will suffer from it at some
02:34 point in their life. One out of eight men.
02:38 So it's twice as common in women as it is in men.
02:41 And it's actually increasing. Those are kind of old
02:43 statistics. It may be, this newer
02:45 generation, it looks like it's going to be a one out of
02:47 two lifetime risk for girls that are growing up today,
02:52 suffering from major depression.
02:54 JB: One out of two? NN: One out of two is what
02:56 it's looking like. JB: That is an epidemic.
02:58 NN: It is an epidemic, yeah. It's dramatically increasing.
03:01 Each successive generation when we look at it from
03:05 a epidemiological standpoint, each successive generation
03:08 has had significantly more depression than the previous
03:11 generation. JB: And my understanding is
03:13 that, I don't want to overstate this, but I'll tell
03:16 you what I think and you can correct me if you need to.
03:18 The majority of people who suffer depression aren't
03:22 aware that what they have is depression.
03:24 NN: That's true. Actually, it's been well
03:27 documented that about half of people with major depression
03:31 in the United States alone are not diagnosed with it.
03:36 In other words, they haven't sought help, they haven't
03:39 gone to a caregiver to find out why they're having the
03:41 symptoms that they're having, and they just think it's a
03:44 normal part of their existence for where they're
03:46 at in life. But depression is not normal.
03:49 It shouldn't be considered a normal part of existence.
03:53 JB: So there will be a lot of people watching us today who
03:57 might be completely unaware that they suffer from
04:01 depression. NN: Yeah, they might learn
04:03 something as a result of this and might realize that
04:05 they're actually suffering from it.
04:07 JB: Okay. Today we're talking about
04:09 depression and its causes, and a moment ago we talked
04:12 about these nine points, if you have five of them for the
04:14 majority of the time over two weeks, you're depressed.
04:17 NN: Yes. JB: What are those?
04:19 Do you have time to talk about what those five points
04:21 are? NN: Sure.
04:22 Yes. The first one would be either
04:24 a deep sadness or emptiness. Men tend to feel the
04:27 emptiness, women more of the sadness, although the men can
04:30 get sad too. Women will tend to have
04:33 crying spells where something they preferred not happen,
04:38 happened and they start to cry and they say, well, that
04:41 wasn't that bad, why am I crying?
04:44 And so they'll tend to seek help a little more than men.
04:46 Men just tend to feel empty and think that that's normal.
04:49 But either one qualifies as symptom number one.
04:51 The second is apathy. This is where you wake up in
04:54 the morning and you're not really interested in the
04:57 day's activities. You get up out of a sense of
05:00 responsibility but you're not really interested in the day.
05:04 And that is not a normal symptom to have the majority
05:07 of the time, and so apathy is distinctly abnormal.
05:11 The third one is agitation. This is where you're more
05:16 irritable than you used to be or you would also qualify for
05:20 symptom number three if you've had a slowing of your
05:25 muscle movement. You've just kind of slowed
05:27 down. A lot of people don't
05:28 recognize this until they see themselves on a video that
05:31 they've slowed down, but the irritability and the
05:35 slowness, that's the one the individual may not recognize
05:36 themselves, and they'll have to ask their spouse, am I
05:39 more irritable than I used to be?
05:41 The spouse will definitely tell you, or your friends
05:43 might tell you that as well. The fourth is a lack of
05:45 concentration. This is where you don't
05:51 really have the ability to sort things through to make
05:57 complex decisions and you recognize that you're just
06:00 not able to do that mental task like you used to.
06:05 Another symptom is sleep disturbances.
06:07 The most common sleep disturbance in someone with
06:09 depression is early-morning awakening.
06:13 This is where they go to bed, they can sleep okay, but then
06:16 they wake up too early and can't get back to sleep.
06:19 But you would also qualify for this symptom if you had
06:22 insomnia. In other words, you're not
06:24 able to go to sleep well. Or if you have hypersomnia.
06:27 Many people with depression suffer from just being sleepy
06:31 all the time. We have people who come to
06:34 our program who have been sleeping 20 hours a day for
06:36 weeks. Severe depression.
06:40 And so that's another symptom.
06:42 Another symptom is weight or appetite changes.
06:45 The most common is weight gain.
06:46 People tend to self-medicate themselves with chocolate
06:49 and soda pop and food, and as a result of this
06:53 self-medicating they tend to gain weight, but rather
06:56 severe sudden onset depression often has anorexia
07:01 or weight loss. JB: So it can go either way.
07:03 NN: It can go either way, yeah.
07:04 Another symptom is fatigue. Now fatigue is different than
07:09 apathy. Apathy means that you don't
07:12 have the interest in the day's activities, fatigue
07:15 means you just are tired and you don't know why you're
07:16 tired. You run out of energy
07:19 and you'd like to have more. And that's a very prominent
07:22 symptom in the people that see me as a physician in an
07:26 internal medicine office. And then the more severe
07:29 symptoms tend to be associated with morbid
07:31 thoughts. This is where the individual
07:35 has a preoccupation with death or symbols of death.
07:40 And so it's not just thinking about taking your own life,
07:43 although that would definitely qualify.
07:45 It might be fantasizing about someone else being dead.
07:48 Or just preoccupation with death in general.
07:50 And we are seeing that a lot more commonly today with
07:53 people tattooing skeletons and symbols of death.
07:57 There's even a new bathing suit line that my wife showed
07:59 me in a fashion magazine that just came out where the
08:02 ladies' bathing suits are all skeletons, and people are
08:07 resonating with this. If you resonate with that,
08:09 it's a sign that it's a morbid thought.
08:11 Not really normal, and if you have the other symptoms that
08:16 go along with it, it could be a clear sign that you're
08:18 experiencing depression. And companies are
08:22 capitalizing on people's morbid thoughts by changing
08:26 their fashion statements to resonate with them.
08:29 JB: Right. And if a person has five of
08:31 those pretty consistently over a two-week period, that
08:34 person really might well could be clinically
08:36 depressed. NN: Exactly.
08:39 JB: But there is a way out. NN: There is.
08:41 JB: Thank God for that. NN: Yes.
08:43 JB: And we're going to talk a little bit more about the
08:45 causes of depression, what causes this stuff to actually
08:49 take place in just a couple of moments.
08:52 Depression, serious business. The Bible says that we ought
08:55 to be full of joy as believers in Jesus.
08:58 That's not always the case for everybody.
09:01 Don't go away, we'll be back in a moment with more.
09:04 [MUSIC] Every Word is a one-minute,
09:06 Bible-based, daily devotional presented by Pastor John
09:09 Bradshaw and designed especially for busy
09:11 people like you. Look for Every Word on selected
09:15 networks, or watch it online every day on our website,
09:21 [upbeat music]
09:29 The book of Revelation contains a lot of wonderful promises.
09:32 Here's one of them. Revelation 21:4 starts by saying
09:35 that "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
09:39 That is, the eyes of His people as we enter into eternity.
09:43 This is a sad world. I've attended more funerals than
09:46 I ever thought I would. Every new day brings stories of
09:49 heartbreak and sadness, and in a world on the brink of ruin
09:53 there is desperation and misery everywhere you
09:55 turn. How is it with you?
09:57 Are you anguished, depressed, discouraged?
10:00 If not, I'm sure you know someone who is.
10:02 But what a great thought. "God shall wipe away all tears
10:05 from their eyes." Isn't that encouraging?
10:08 We might have to go through some trials and disappointments on
10:11 this earth, but there's coming a time when the last tear will
10:14 have been shed. That's good to know.
10:16 I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
10:18 Let's live today by every word.
10:22 JB: Thanks for joining me today.
10:24 I've come to Weimar, California to speak with Dr.
10:26 Neil Nedley, the president of Nedley Health Solutions and
10:29 the founder of the Nedley Clinic.
10:34 Dr. Nedley, you are, in fact, an internal medicine
10:36 physician. NN: Correct.
10:38 JB: But you've become very interested in and very
10:41 effective at treating depression.
10:44 NN: Yes. JB: So how did you get from A
10:45 to B? How did that happen?
10:47 NN: Well, it's kind of interesting.
10:49 When I was a faculty member at Kettering Medical Center,
10:52 Wright State University, I used to teach residents.
10:56 And I used to teach my residents in internal
10:57 medicine that they needed to learn the common diseases
11:00 well. I wanted them to learn
11:03 pneumonia as good as a pulmonologist.
11:05 I wanted them to learn congestive heart failure as
11:07 good as a cardiologist, or gastroesophageal reflux
11:10 disease as good as a gastroenterologist.
11:13 Why? Because they were going to be
11:15 seeing these diseases almost every day of their life
11:19 and they really needed to know as much as the expert does in
11:22 the common diseases. After I finished my teaching
11:26 career I set up a practice, the Nedley Clinic, you just
11:30 mentioned it, in Ardmore, Oklahoma, and there was an
11:33 article that crossed my desk from the Archives of Internal
11:36 Medicine showing that up to one in three people that an
11:40 internist sees is suffering from major depression.
11:44 And I thought, well, that's not true in my patient
11:46 population in Oklahoma. But I thought, you know, I
11:49 can't just assume that, we'll test them.
11:51 So I had them go through the little screening test,
11:54 the nine-point screening test that we discussed earlier,
11:57 when they came in and I found out that it wasn't quite that
12:00 high, it was about one in four, but then it struck me,
12:03 common disease. Do I know this as good
12:06 as a psychiatrist? And I had to admit that I
12:09 didn't and so I started to learn at the feet of
12:12 preeminent psychiatrists, and then I recognized my need
12:16 of more study because there hadn't been enough research
12:19 done on the actual underlying causes.
12:23 And as an internist, when I see swollen feet, I don't
12:27 diagnose swollen-foot syndrome and send them out
12:30 the door with a diuretic, I try to find the cause of the
12:33 swollen feet, of which there can be about 100 different
12:35 causes. And so I thought let's try to
12:39 find out what are the real causes of depression, and I
12:42 did some extra research and that's how I started to get
12:46 very involved in this and then started treating my own
12:49 patients with results that were far better than what I
12:51 had ever anticipated. JB: I've seen the results of
12:55 what you've done. Your depression recovery
12:57 seminars have been held from sea to shining sea in many,
13:00 many places. I recall seeing the results
13:03 of depression recovery seminars, no names were
13:06 shown, I must point that out, and my friend said, this red
13:09 line is how depressed people were, this green line is how
13:12 undepressed they were, or how they were at the end.
13:15 And I said to my friend, who had conducted this Neil
13:18 Nedley Depression Recovery Seminar, are you fudging the
13:20 results.. NN: (LAUGHTER) JB:...
13:23 because they were so dramatic.
13:25 Depression is something a person can come back from.
13:27 NN: Absolutely, absolutely. JB: Okay, well,
13:30 what causes it? What are these underlying
13:32 causes? NN: Well, there are 10
13:34 categories of causes that we uncovered in our research.
13:39 And there's actually over 100 separate identifiable causes
13:41 for depression, but they can be categorized in 10
13:45 different ways. And you have to have four of
13:48 those categories of causes before you end up with
13:51 depression or anxiety disorder.
13:54 But one of them is frontal lobe causes.
13:57 That's the one that we deal with first.
13:59 The frontal lobe of the brain is the front portion of the
14:02 brain. It's the analytical portion
14:05 of the brain. Scientific studies show it's
14:08 the seat of spirituality, morality and the will.
14:12 It's the reason why we are spiritual beings and human
14:15 beings worship because our frontal lobe size is so much
14:19 greater than cats and dogs that you don't see in worship
14:22 services, because they can't identify with it.
14:25 But the frontal lobe circulation when it goes
14:29 down, it is a major setup for depression or anxiety
14:33 disorders and there's a lot of different things that can
14:36 fit under the categories of what can suppress or enhance
14:39 frontal-lobe function. JB: I've got to jump in with
14:41 "such as" ... give me three, four or five
14:43 pretty quickly. Things that suppress
14:45 frontal-lobe functions. NN: Well, for instance, rapid
14:48 scene of reference, entertainment television ...
14:52 JB: Oh, okay. NN: ...
14:53 suppresses the frontal lobe of the brain.
14:55 It can actually set yourself up for an addiction.
14:59 JB: And most people are just feasting on that every day.
15:01 NN: Right. Certain types of music.
15:04 The syncopated, boom-cha, rock-and-roll music can
15:08 actually suppress the frontal lobe of the brain.
15:12 JB: Something else that masses of population are
15:15 into. NN: You know, the interesting
15:16 thing about this, John, is a lot of the things that I
15:19 mention that detract from frontal-lobe function people
15:22 do to try to get happiness. And this is the ironic thing;
15:29 there are more fun things to do than ever before in human
15:32 history, but yet we have more depression than ever before
15:36 in human history. If these fun things actually
15:40 prevented or cured depression we should see the lowest
15:43 rates of depression on the planet.
15:45 These rapid-moving video games can actually suppress
15:47 the frontal lobe of the brain.
15:50 A lot of this screen time, this entertainment screen
15:56 time that America is fascinated with, a lot of it
15:59 does suppress frontal-lobe function.
16:01 And then just when we're not really exercising the
16:06 spiritual part of our brain, when we're not involved in
16:10 worship, when we're not involved in spiritual
16:14 analysis or reading, like the Bible, and analyzing
16:19 scripture with scripture, that's going to be a hit as
16:21 well. And it's not that necessarily
16:25 we have to have the Bible, but we need to have some sort
16:29 of analysis, some sort of abstract analysis that can
16:31 help frontal-lobe function. JB: Okay.
16:36 NN: So the second area is exercise, actually, lifestyle
16:41 causes. Physical exercise actually
16:45 helps the brain. Under the lifestyle causes,
16:47 sunlight. The light and the blue sky
16:50 that we're under here at Weimar actually helps
16:52 depression. It improves serotonin levels
16:55 in the brain. So when we're indoors, not
16:58 experiencing outdoor light, we're getting a hit with
17:01 that. And then not regularly
17:03 breathing fresh air. Here at Weimar we've got
17:07 these beautiful pine trees exuding negative ions, just
17:09 breathing that in can help in regards to depression.
17:14 The third category is circadian rhythm.
17:17 This has to do with our sleep-wake cycle and our
17:20 regularity. The more irregular we are in
17:22 schedule, the more that is a blow to the brain.
17:25 The brain likes a regular regimented schedule and the
17:30 best circadian rhythm as far as optimal performance for
17:34 the brain is early to bed, early to rise.
17:37 You make more melatonin and it's one of the reasons why
17:41 almost across the board successful business people
17:44 tend to be early-to-bed, early-to-rise people.
17:48 Highly successful. The only exception to that is
17:50 the entertainment industry and those individuals, of
17:53 course, have much higher rates of depression, but
17:56 they're late-nighters just because of their occupation.
17:59 The fourth category after circadian rhythm is
18:05 nutrition. What we are putting into our
18:07 body actually gets turned into neurotransmitters.
18:10 And so there's a lot to nutrition and the brain and a
18:15 lot to the typical American diet.
18:18 It's short in omega-3, not high in tryptophan and
18:21 carbohydrates to the degree to make enough dopamine and
18:24 norepinephrine and serotonin. And so we really do a good
18:28 nutritional analysis on our patients and change that
18:31 factor. Fifth has to do with
18:34 addiction hits. If you're addicted to any
18:37 substance or non-substance, be it gambling, pornography,
18:42 alcohol, any addiction can actually be a setup for
18:46 depression. Not in and of itself causing
18:50 it, but if you have three other causes and that, it's
18:53 going to tide you over into rather severe depression.
18:57 JB: Let's touch on these remaining two or three or
18:59 four just quickly. NN: In regards to our social
19:02 situation, it can have a role to play.
19:05 In regards to medical conditions, like thyroid,
19:08 that can have a role to play. In regards to genetics, that
19:13 can also have a role to play. JB: Dr. Nedley, who fits the
19:17 profile of the typical depression sufferer?
19:22 NN: Well, you know, that profile is so broad.
19:25 It really is. Very likely your next door
19:27 neighbor. It's probably someone you're
19:29 working with. In fact, chances are, not
19:33 just chances, it's actually basically a 100% chance that
19:37 you know someone that has depression.
19:40 Any viewer knows someone that has depression or they have
19:43 depression themselves. That's how common it is.
19:45 JB: Speaking stereotypically, I admit I'm doing this, you
19:49 know, I'm thinking depression, a kid with black
19:51 clothing and long stringy hair who mopes around sitting
19:54 in a corner and whatever, but it could just as well be the
19:57 lady next door in the business suit who's taking
20:00 the bus to work. NN: Exactly.
20:02 Yeah, both of them could have depression.
20:04 I mean, antidepressants are the number one selling
20:05 category of drugs today and they're flying off shelves in
20:11 pharmacies. Anyone who works at a
20:13 pharmacy sees all sorts of people, even professional
20:16 people, people with suits and ties that appear to have some
20:20 level of success taking these in order to feel like they
20:25 can function. JB: Depression even goes so
20:27 far as to wreak havoc with a person's relationship with
20:29 God, doesn't it? NN: Oh, absolutely.
20:32 Yeah, I mean, because of what it does to the frontal lobe,
20:34 the area of spirituality and morality and the will, it's a
20:37 major threat to the spiritual part.
20:40 Now that's not saying that you can't run into depression
20:42 if you're a spiritual person. We know from Elijah, Elijah
20:49 was a very spiritual person and very connected with God
20:53 and believed his Word, but slipped into very severe
20:57 depression for good reasons. JB: That's interesting, isn't
21:00 it. Fervent, committed, faithful
21:02 believers in Jesus can suffer serious depression.
21:06 NN: Yes, they can. JB: And can we say through no
21:09 fault of their own? What I mean is they're not
21:11 bad people, they didn't give up on God, they just fell
21:13 into some of these situations that lead to depression.
21:16 NN: Yeah. And they did it ignorantly,
21:18 you know. In Elijah's situation, he
21:21 didn't realize what he was doing to lead
21:24 himself into it. JB: We've got other people in
21:27 the Bible, too, suffering from depression?
21:28 NN: Yeah. Saul suffered from depression
21:30 and Saul had definite reasons.
21:32 Unfortunately he went through a therapeutic program but he
21:34 never took care of the underlying distorted
21:38 thoughts. That's another characteristic
21:40 of virtually every depressed individual.
21:41 They have thoughts on the surface that appear valid,
21:44 but when we actually delve into them, they are
21:49 irrational, just plain wrong, and twisted thinking is a
21:52 major cause of suffering. And that was true with Saul,
21:55 it was true with Elijah, he had twisted thinking.
21:58 It was true with Solomon. JB: Tell me about Solomon.
22:01 NN: Well, Solomon tried to do everything that would
22:04 experience pleasure and make him happy.
22:07 So he tried alcohol, he tried opium, he tried pornography,
22:11 had live pornography. In fact, he said, anything
22:14 that anyone else was doing where it looked like they
22:17 were having fun he wanted to do it.
22:19 And he said, therefore he hated life and it brought him
22:21 to despair. And so he got into the
22:24 culture of today. One of the reasons why we
22:27 have so much depression and that's why he wrote the book
22:29 Ecclesiastes was to warn young people to not go where
22:32 he went, because it's going to lead to problems.
22:35 JB: Strange isn't it? You mentioned this before.
22:37 So much in the world that offers us fun and a thrill
22:40 and a good time and distractions, and yet we're
22:43 more depressed than we've ever been.
22:45 What? Is it true?
22:46 Are we more depressed than we've ever been?
22:48 NN: Absolutely. More depressed than we've
22:49 ever been. JB: God has a way out, yes?
22:51 NN: Absolutely. JB: Okay.
22:53 Tell me a little bit about what the Bible says God's
22:57 willing to do in a person's life to bring him back to
22:59 where he wants him to be? NN: Well, he is willing to
23:02 change disappointment into appointment.
23:05 And there are steps to get there.
23:07 JB: Okay, now ... sorry, I'm jumping in here.
23:09 In your Depression Recovery Seminar you use that very
23:11 phrase. NN: Absolutely.
23:14 JB: Tell me about that. NN: From disappointment to
23:15 appointment. And we actually study, in
23:17 order to get the frontal lobe going, we study the book of
23:20 Daniel. Daniel's revered by the Jews,
23:23 revered by the Muslims, revered by Christians.
23:26 Even secular individuals. Isaac Newton was very
23:29 interested in Daniel, and every story, every chapter in
23:33 Daniel starts out with a disappointment, ends with an
23:35 appointment. And there's a spiritual key
23:38 that transforms it from one to the other.
23:41 And that's part of the therapeutic program that we
23:43 put people on. JB: How important do you
23:45 think the Bible itself plays, how important a role does it
23:49 play bringing people out of depression into the place God
23:53 wants them to be? NN: Well I think it plays a
23:56 very important role, because of that spiritual nature that
23:59 we have in the frontal lobe of the brain.
24:02 And so it plays a crucial role.
24:04 Yes, you can get rid of depression without it, but
24:07 you can also get rid of depression far faster and
24:10 also far more comprehensively when we have that spiritual
24:13 part intact, because that also gives us the ability,
24:17 the power to be able to do things that we don't want to
24:22 do now. We may not want to go out and
24:24 exercise. We may not want to eat foods
24:27 that are high in omega-3. We may not want to get the
24:29 light therapy. Depressed people tend to not
24:31 be very motivated people. But when that spiritual part
24:34 is there, the motivation can come and they can start
24:38 making significant changes in their life for the better.
24:42 JB: Now, we talked about some of the things that cause
24:45 depression and we talked about some of those danger
24:48 areas that you identified several of them.
24:52 What should a person do who feels that he or she might be
24:55 dealing with depression? NN: Well I would recommend
24:57 that they maybe go to our website, take the test.
25:00 We have a little test online that can tell them if they
25:03 have depression, anxiety, and it can also tell them which
25:06 one of those 10 categories of hits or multiple hits are
25:09 active in them, and then get the resources and get on the
25:13 program that will reverse it. JB:Dr. Nedley, thanks for
25:17 joining me today. NN: Oh, it's been great.
25:18 JB: Friends, thank you for joining me, too.
25:20 Depression is a serious, serious issue and it's so
25:23 serious that it can even get in between a person and God.
25:27 I don't want that going on in your life and if you know
25:30 somebody else who is at risk for that, then now you've got
25:33 tools to help that person get to the place that God wants
25:36 them to be, depression free and healthy and thriving in
25:40 the Lord. Dr. Nedley, let's pray
25:42 together and pray for the many people, not only
25:44 suffering depression, but who are able to go and be agents
25:48 of change in the lives of other people.
25:50 Let's pray. Our Father in heaven, I thank
25:53 you that in your presence there is fullness of joy.
25:56 But owing to a variety of factors there are many people
26:00 who are not there and depression is holding them
26:03 down. Dear Lord, I pray that you
26:05 would break those bonds and set people free.
26:10 Free to find joy and hope and wholeness in Jesus.
26:14 We pray in Jesus' name, Amen. NN: Amen.
26:24 Our free offer for you this week is a DVD produced by
26:28 Dr. Nedley on the topic of depression.
26:31 If you or someone you love is struggling with depression
26:34 I encourage you to call us today and order this free DVD.
26:39 Now please note that this offer is limited to the supply
26:42 on hand. Our toll-free number is
26:44 1-800-253-3000. Ask for the
26:48 "free depression DVD". Or write to It Is Written
26:53 PO Box 6, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 37401
26:57 and we'll mail mail a copy to your address in North America.
27:00 It Is Written is a faith-based ministry and your support makes
27:04 it possible for us to share God's Good News with the world.
27:08 Your tax-deductible gift can be sent to the address on the
27:11 screen. Or through our website at
27:13 Thank you for your continued
27:16 prayerful support. Again, our toll-free number is
27:19 800-253-3000, ask for the "free depression DVD".
27:25 And our web address is:
27:31 David wrote that in God's presence there is fullness
27:34 of joy and there is no question God wants you
27:38 and me to experience his joy today.
27:41 Thanks for joining me today. Please do join me next time for
27:45 part 2 of my discussion with Dr. Nedley on this important
27:48 subject of depression. Until then, please remember,
27:53 It is written: "Man shall not live by bread
27:56 alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
28:04 [sweeping orchestra music]


Revised 2016-11-26