It Is Written

Faith and Failure

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001421A

00:07 It has stood the test of time. God's book, the Bible.
00:14 Still relevant in today's complex world.
00:22 It Is Written ... sharing hope around the globe.
00:36 I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me
00:38 on It Is Written. In 1903 the Ford Motor
00:42 Company was born. It was founded by a 40-year-old
00:45 man named Henry Ford, who had tried before to
00:48 get into the automobile manufacturing business
00:50 but without a lot of success. This time around, within ten
00:53 years Ford had introduced the assembly line into his
00:56 manufacturing process and in less than twenty years
00:59 was producing a million cars a year.
01:02 Doubling his employees' pay not only meant they were better
01:05 off but there were a whole lot more people who could
01:08 afford to buy Ford vehicles. And that helped Henry Ford.
01:13 Ford produced the famous Model T and the Model A
01:16 and sold millions of each.
01:18 ♪ [Music playing] ♪ [old time car horn]
01:27 The first car I ever owned was a Ford - a white 1969
01:31 Mark 2 Ford Cortina, a thing of beauty that I
01:35 could start with a screwdriver. Unfortunately, it ended up
01:39 in a wrecker's yard after I was hit by a drunk driver,
01:42 but that's another story. Thank the Lord,
01:45 I walked away unhurt. Ford bought Lincoln in 1922
01:47 and then he brought the Mercury brand into the Ford fold
01:51 in the 1930s, and down through the years Ford has produced
01:54 some classic vehicles, like the Thunderbird
01:56 [Big V8 rumble/purr] and the Mustang.
02:00 ♪[Music]♪ There's been the Falcon
02:03 and the Taurus and the Fiesta and the Explorer
02:06 [Many car horns] ♪ [music] ♪
02:08 and outside the United States the Mondeo... and...
02:13 And in the 1950s Ford started work on a car it hoped
02:16 would take the automotive world by storm.
02:18 They poured hundreds of millions of dollars into making
02:21 the car a success, and named it in honor of Henry Ford's
02:24 son - Edsel. But a success it was not.
02:30 In 1958, the first year the Edsel went on the market,
02:33 more than 63,000 Edsels sold - which was way short
02:37 of what was hoped for. In 1959 that number
02:40 dropped by about a third. In 1960, less than
02:44 3,000 Edsels sold. Ford lost a boat load of money
02:49 - about two billion dollars in today's value - and the Edsel
02:52 became synonymous with failure. To be honest with you
02:56 I'm not really sure why. It's said that the car
02:58 failed because of styling, engineering and marketing.
03:01 If you ask me the Edsel wasn't the "ugliest"car ever,
03:04 it wasn't even the ugliest Ford ever made.
03:07 The Edsel wasn't that different technologically from
03:09 other cars that were a success, and in fact it boasted
03:12 some improvements. The failure of the Edsel might
03:15 even have had something to do with the media.
03:17 Whatever the reasons, the Edsel sank like a rock.
03:22 And what was the ultimate fallout
03:24 of that colossal failure? Today, Ford is the fifth-largest
03:28 maker of automobiles in the world,
03:31 second largest in the United States.
03:34 The top-selling vehicle in the United States
03:37 is often a Ford. No question the failure
03:38 of the Edsel hurt Ford at the time, but over the years
03:41 the Ford company - like so many others
03:45 - learned to weather failure and turn it around
03:50 and enjoy success. Now, I've got another
03:53 failure story for you. I wonder if you can figure
03:56 out who I'm talking about. This is the story of a young
03:59 man whose lfe began with great promise, but unlike Henry Ford
04:02 when this man was 40 years old his life
04:06 was falling apart. (Don't worry - the story has
04:09 a happy ending.) As a baby he narrowly escaped death,
04:13 then was raised in privilege, a member of the Royal Household
04:18 of a prominent Middle-Eastern country.
04:21 He was given a world-class education.
04:24 He was destined to be a high-ranking member
04:26 of the royal family. But then one day as a young man
04:29 with the world at his feet, he witnessed an act
04:33 of injustice that made him so angry that he murdered a man.
04:36 He saw slaves being mistreated, and flew into a rage
04:40 so intense that he murdered the man who was mistreating
04:43 the slaves. Murder, as you know,
04:46 is a serious business and he realized he had to leave town
04:49 in order to save his own life. So he fled the royal household
04:52 and spent the next 40 years living in an arid wilderness.
04:57 This young man had been bound for great things.
05:00 God had especially set him up to be a high-achiever,
05:04 to be a man of great influence in the world.
05:07 And what did he do? He took God's gifts
05:10 and he threw it all away. Even his adoptive father
05:13 was determined to kill him. Imagine that.
05:16 Having it all, and then failing so badly
05:20 you lose it all. In place of luxury and wealth
05:24 this man became a fugitive, a criminal with a murder charge
05:28 on his record, on the run in a Middle Eastern desert.
05:33 And how do you think this turned out?
05:35 Or let me ask you this: how do you think it
05:39 SHOULD have turned out? He was bound for greatness
05:41 but murdered a man. What do you think he deserved?
05:44 Believe it or not, believe it or not ... that man is in
05:49 heaven right now. I'm serious. We've got evidence for it.
05:54 This man who was a colossal failure is in heaven.
05:59 How did that happen? I'll tell you more in just
06:01 a moment.
06:02 [Music]
06:08 If you could just go back in time and do things
06:11 differently. Perhaps you've struggled with
06:13 regret and the added weight of guilt.
06:16 And while there's no way to undo the past, God offers us a
06:19 forgiveness so complete that it comes with a
06:21 promise of a life that will never end.
06:24 Sound too good to be true? Well, see what the Bible says.
06:27 Our booklet, "Hope for a Planet in Crisis,"
06:30 will walk you through the Bible's teachings about
06:32 sin and forgiveness and show you how a new start
06:35 can be yours. Just call (800) 253-3000 and
06:41 request your free copy of "Hope for a Planet in Crisis."
06:45 If the line's busy please do keep on trying, or write to
06:48 It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401.
06:54 We'll mail a free copy to your address in North America.
06:57 Again, our toll-free number is (800) 253-3000, and our web
07:02 address is
07:08 Thanks for joining me today on It Is Written.
07:11 I'm John Bradshaw. Today, Faith and Failure.
07:15 A young man raised in privilege, a young man with
07:18 the world at his feet, a young man raised in
07:21 a Middle Eastern Royal Family... murders someone, and leaves
07:25 behind his life of privilege and flees to live
07:28 in an arid wilderness. A classic example
07:30 of a man throwing his life away. You couldn't call the man
07:34 much other than a failure. Yet the Bible tells us that this
07:38 man is in heaven while we're talking here today.
07:41 Seriously. I'll tell you why that is.
07:44 Because God is able to take our failures and turn
07:48 them into victories. It's a terrible thing to fall
07:50 so far, to lose everything you have, everything you've worked
07:53 for, maybe lose everything someone else has worked
07:55 for for you. The shame can be unbearable
07:58 and the disappointment can be crushing.
08:00 But God is able to take our messes and somehow get us
08:04 through them and lead us on to a better tomorrow.
08:07 And how can I be so sure about that?
08:09 Because that's what God did for Moses, our young Middle
08:14 Easterner who was raised in Pharaoh's household but fled
08:17 when he murdered someone. Now, no matter which way
08:20 you measure this thing, Moses had made a complete mess
08:22 of his life. He had been given so much
08:25 but had thrown it away. Instead of being the success
08:27 he was raised to be, he was an abject failure.
08:30 But God is in the business of working with failures.
08:33 According to the Bible Moses is in heaven right now -
08:37 he appeared with Jesus when Jesus was transfigured,
08:40 and it says this in the book of Jude verse 9,
08:57 Evidently Moses' body was resurrected and he was taken
08:59 to heaven. A murderer. A failure.
09:03 Resurrected and taken to heaven!
09:06 You see, that's what God can do with our failures -
09:11 if you'll let him. Moses is really the Biblical
09:14 poster boy for failure. God miraculously spared his
09:19 life, and then not only did he murder the Egyptian and then
09:22 spend 40 years in the wilderness, but leading God's
09:25 people for another 40 years, on the borders of the Promised
09:28 Land, after having seen God and spoken with God and having
09:31 stood at the burning bush and after leading Israel through
09:34 the Red Sea and after seeing the pillar of cloud
09:38 and the pillar of fire and after eating manna sent from
09:40 God for four decades - he blew it again!
09:44 In a pique of anger he struck the rock to bring out water
09:47 instead of speaking to the rock, and God had to explain
09:51 to Moses that his offense was so serious he couldn't
09:54 enter the Promised Land. Two strikes against him.
09:58 And then what? Moses was resurrected
10:01 and taken to the Heavenly Promised Land.
10:06 You know, too many people are ready to quit because
10:07 of their failures. It happens in everyday life.
10:10 I've heard of people who gambled away
10:11 everything they had - [Police siren]
10:13 and they killed themselves.
10:17 I know of people who've lost everything due to bad business
10:20 deals or due to a challenging economy, and have ended their
10:24 lives - or have gone nuts on drugs or alcohol and lost
10:26 their family and friends. And it happens in church
10:29 or in a person's relationship with God.
10:32 The person will stumble, fall, embarrass themselves or their
10:35 family, and then they feel they aren't worthy
10:38 of God's mercy - which is true, incidentally: we're not worthy
10:41 but God gives it to us anyway - and very often people decide
10:45 to give up on their faith - they give up on God.
10:48 [Single sharp pistol shot] Look: if Moses can murder
10:52 someone and still be commissioned by God
10:54 to lead the exodus, there has to be hope for you.
10:58 If Moses can blow it at the rock and still be resurrected
11:00 and taken to heaven... What does that say
11:03 about the hope we have - even when we foul things up?
11:05 Let's think about King David. Knowing better, he took
11:09 another man's wife. He deliberately had the
11:12 woman's husband killed in battle, he lied about it,
11:14 he brought calamity upon his family...
11:18 If David can go through all that, and STILL be God's man,
11:22 the leader of God's people, that has to reassure you that
11:26 God is in the business of using broken people to
11:28 accomplish great good. Now I want to be careful
11:31 about something. This is not to say
11:33 that the sins of Moses and David weren't of consequence
11:35 or weren't serious. They were!
11:38 The Bible says in Romans 6:23
11:44 Sin is a serious business! But what Moses and David did
11:47 was they repented - and they were accepted by God when they
11:52 saw the seriousness of their sin and asked God to "cleanse"
11:54 them of their sin. Look at David's
11:58 repentance with me. We read about it in Psalm 51.
12:02 Remember what David had done. Adultery, murder, dishonesty,
12:05 he'd disgraced his throne and sadly misrepresented
12:10 his God. But he comes to God
12:12 understanding something. He understands that God
12:15 is the God of the new start. David knows that he can rely
12:19 on God to forgive him and let him begin again.
12:25 Psalm 51 is where we will read.
12:27 I want you to think about how encouraging this is if YOU'VE
12:29 ever made mistakes, if you've ever done something
12:32 you're not proud of. If you've ever failed,
12:34 even spectacularly. This is what David says,
12:57 Then in verse 7 David says this,
13:07 Hyssop was used at the Passover to sprinkle blood upon
13:10 the doorposts of the homes, and it was used in special
13:14 cleansing ceremonies in the Old Testament.
13:16 David saw his need of cleansing.
13:37 And God DID forgive David, to the extent that Jesus
13:39 was referred to as the "Son of David".
13:43 David is quoted in the New Testament and included among
13:46 the great faithful ones in Hebrews 11.
13:49 So if you've failed, there's hope for you.
13:52 Think of some of the other failures in the Bible, people
13:54 who God then worked with and made new.
13:57 There was the woman taken in adultery.
13:59 A group of men were prepared to stone her,
14:02 but what did Jesus do? He said to her, "
14:08 He didn't justify her sin, but he understood her
14:10 repentance and accepted it, and sent her on her way
14:14 forgiven and cleansed. There was the woman
14:17 at the well. Jesus said to her,
14:21 Hardly a picture of stability and domestic bliss.
14:24 But Jesus sought her out so he could forgive her and give her
14:28 hope - He didn't seek her out to condemn her.
14:33 Now we're familiar, many of us, with John 3:16,
14:37 "God so loved the world", but not as many people
14:38 are familiar with the next verse, John 3:17.
14:44 Even though it's one of the most hopeful verses in the Bible,
14:47 and it talks about God's plan to lift up the fallen,
14:49 to turn around the lives of those who have failed.
14:52 I'll share that hopeful verse with you in just a moment.
14:56 [Music]
15:11 Time for today's Bible question. Here it is: When Cain was driven
15:15 out after he killed his brother, it is said he dwelt in the land
15:18 of Nod and then the record says that "Cain knew his wife".
15:22 But the world had just been created,
15:24 where did the other people come from since according
15:26 to the written word, only Adam and Eve and their two
15:29 children would have been the inhabitants.
15:31 In other words, where did Cain's wife come from?
15:35 Now, don't be shocked at what I am about to say
15:38 but the fact is that Cain married his sister.
15:41 Now we don't know how old Cain was at the time or how old she
15:44 was or if they grew up together or perhaps if they
15:46 didn't even know each other for the majority of their life
15:49 until they met later on. See, Adam and Eve
15:51 lived to be very old and it seems that Eve
15:53 had many children over a long period of time.
15:56 Adam was 130 years when he fathered Seth who came after
15:59 Cain and Abel. Seth was 105 when he fathered
16:03 Enos. Now Cain did certainly
16:05 did not get married at 22, or 20, or 19 or 18 years old.
16:07 He was older. By then, he would have had
16:11 a sister who was old enough to be his wife.
16:14 As distasteful as this sounds, keep in mind that we have got
16:17 examples in the Bible where similar things happened.
16:21 Abraham married his half sister, for example.
16:24 Now later, God strictly forbade,
16:27 he strictly prohibited this, but early on there weren't
16:30 the genetic issues that we face today that would
16:32 make this sort of marriage a problem based
16:34 on health grounds. So Cain married his sister ...
16:38 a little creepy, perhaps, but we are talking about
16:40 thousands of years ago and really, really,
16:42 it could not have been any other way.
16:44 If you would like me to answer your Bible question,
16:46 please go to, you'll see the link and you
16:48 could submit your question there and I might be able
16:51 to answer your Bible question in a future program.
16:55 [Music] Every Word is a one-minute
17:02 Bible-based daily devotional presented by Pastor John
17:05 Bradshaw and designed especially for busy people
17:08 like you. Receive a daily spiritual boost.
17:11 Watch Every Word. [Music]
17:21 He was a "couldn't miss" college baseball prospect, but when he
17:24 dived head-first into a base during a college game Corey
17:28 Hahn broke his neck and was paralyzed.
17:31 His playing days were over. But in the baseball draft the
17:35 Arizona Diamondbacks drafted him.
17:38 He became a member of a professional baseball
17:39 organization. He won't play, but even with his
17:43 disability they selected him for the team.
17:45 It's a story of compassion and kindness.
17:47 And I see a parallel. Even though we've been injured
17:50 by sin - disabled by sin - out of His incredible kindness and
17:54 grace God drafts us onto His team.
17:57 God says in Isaiah 41:9, "You are My servant, I have chosen
18:01 you and have not cast you away." If anyone asks what team you
18:06 play for, you can tell them in spite of your lack,
18:09 God has chosen you to be on His team.
18:11 Let's live today by Every Word.
18:14 I'm glad you've joined me today.
18:15 I'm John Bradshaw and this is It Is Written.
18:18 Today - Faith and Failure. God is so good that even
18:22 when we fail He is able to give us hope.
18:25 I have a good friend who's studying right now
18:27 to be a Christian minister. He came to faith
18:29 in Christ in a jail cell. His life was at rock bottom.
18:32 He'd made some terrible errors of judgment, and while he was
18:35 in prison he reached out to God and God lifted Him up.
18:39 Today, very much a free man, his life is dedicated to sharing
18:42 hope with others. I've come to know men
18:46 in prison on murder charges, men who have realized
18:48 that a failure in this world doesn't have to mean
18:51 eternal failure. They've learned that God
18:53 is able to change a life and change a heart.
18:55 And while that in no way means that God condones the crimes
18:59 that were committed, there are people in prisons all over
19:02 the world who know that God has given them new life.
19:05 Their spiritual failures have been turned
19:08 into spiritual victory. One night Jesus spoke
19:12 with a man named Nicodemus and He said this to him.
19:15 You'll find it in John 3:17. Here is what Jesus said
19:19 to Nicodemus,
19:32 If Jesus wanted to condemn you for your mistakes
19:35 He surely could! Paul wrote in Romans 3:23,
19:41 But what God wants to do is forgive, He wants
19:43 to remake, He wants to recreate and transform.
19:47 Think of some of the great failures in the Bible.
19:50 Peter denied Jesus. Outright denied Him.
19:54 And what did Jesus do? After His resurrection He sent
19:57 a special message to Peter. Remember?
20:01 An angel said to Mary at the tomb in Mark 16:7,
20:19 There was reassurance for Peter. "Peter, I'm not done with you.
20:22 You're still special to me. I still love you and I've still
20:25 got a plan for you." Imagine how Peter must have
20:28 felt to get that message from Jesus!
20:30 There's no doubt he felt terrible for what he had done,
20:33 and he probably was beating himself up badly.
20:35 But Jesus reassures him. "I haven't forgotten you,
20:39 Peter." Even though you failed.
20:42 Think of King Manasseh. The Bible says a lot about him
20:45 - and almost all of it is very uncomplimentary.
20:50 It says he sinned more than the heathen nations
20:52 that the Lord destroyed; it says he did abominations,
20:55 he made Israel sin with his idols; he shed
20:58 innocent blood so that he filled Jerusalem from one end
21:01 to the other. That's what the Bible says.
21:04 And what became of Manasseh? 2 Chronicles 33 tells us he
21:09 repented and he died a saved man.
21:13 Manasseh was a failure, a disgrace.
21:16 He was a despicable individual - but he came back from his
21:20 failures and found faith in the God of heaven.
21:24 There was Solomon had all those wives and concubines -
21:28 hundreds of them - and worshiped pagan gods,
21:30 and yet God forgave him when he repented.
21:32 I think about Abraham lying about Sarah, saying she was
21:35 his sister and not his wife. His son Isaac did the same
21:42 thing, lying about Rebekah, his wife.
21:44 saying that Rebekah was his sister
21:46 Both men almost lost their way because they were cowardly
21:49 and lied. Yet God forgave their spiritual
21:53 failures. It's a wonder, but it seems
21:56 their wives forgave them too! There was Aaron, the brother
22:00 of Moses, made an idol of gold - a golden calf - when Moses
22:03 was up on the mountain receiving the ten commandments.
22:06 I mean - what was he thinking?! And he comes up with a lame
22:10 excuse saying that, oh, we just threw a bunch of gold
22:11 in the fire and what do you know?
22:14 This calf just came out? I mean... that's ridiculous.
22:18 And yet Aaron served God as God's high priest.
22:23 The good news is, Spiritual failure doesn't need to mean
22:28 the end for you and me. Now again, I'm not minimizing
22:32 the danger of sin or of dishonoring God.
22:35 There's a high price to pay for that.
22:37 Our spiritual failures may come back and cause us
22:40 trouble in our lives. That's true.
22:42 But it is good to know that failing spiritually once,
22:45 or twice, OR over a period of years, doesn't mean that God
22:49 is done with us and can't use us.
22:51 And that we cannot enjoy everlasting life.
22:53 We all need to hear that. We all have our issues,
22:56 some more than others, and every day there are people
22:59 crashing and burning spiritually.
23:02 And the devil wants those people to think that God
23:05 is finished with them. Well, He isn't.
23:10 Now, I'll mention some other Bible characters.
23:12 Judas. Sold Jesus to His murderers.
23:15 King Saul, just fell apart, really, and lost his way
23:18 spiritually. Achan, who stole the gold
23:21 and the clothing from the enemy and died as a result.
23:23 You know, God could have forgiven them.
23:26 God "would have" forgiven them, except they never came
23:29 to God to be forgiven. They didn't repent.
23:33 And so they owned their failures and weren't forgiven.
23:38 The greatest basketball player to ever play the game
23:41 was Michael Jordan. An NBA champion 6 times
23:47 and won two Olympic gold medals. Yet here's what he says.
24:12 And basketball's just a game that doesn't mean a thing
24:14 in the final analysis. But that's the attitude
24:16 of a winner. And it's the attitude
24:18 of a Christian who trusts in Jesus.
24:20 I might have failed over and over again, but I know God
24:24 isn't finished with me and I'm pushing forward.
24:28 I'm hanging on. Reminds me of Thomas Edison.
24:31 He said,
24:37 ♪ [Music] ♪ He said,
24:51 I hope you'll remember today that God doesn't cast off
24:54 those who stumble and fall. He is not finished with you
24:58 when you fail, but welcomes you back to forgive you
25:04 and give you a new start. In fact, He has promised
25:07 to do so. [Music]
25:10 Our booklet, "Hope for a Planet in Crisis,"
25:13 will walk you through the Bible's teachings about
25:15 sin and forgiveness and show you how a new start
25:18 can be yours. Just call (800) 253-3000 and
25:23 request your free copy of "Hope for a Planet in Crisis."
25:27 If the line's busy please do keep on trying, or write to
25:30 It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401.
25:36 We'll mail a free copy to your address in North America.
25:40 It Is Written is a faith-based ministry, and your support
25:43 makes it possible for us to share God's good
25:45 news with the world. Your tax deductible gift can be
25:49 sent to the address on your screen, or through our
25:51 website at Thank you for your continued
25:55 prayerful support. Again, our toll-free number is
25:58 (800) 253-3000, and our web address is
26:07 Planning for your financial future is a vital aspect of
26:10 Christian stewardship. For this reason It Is Written is
26:14 pleased to offer FREE planned giving and estate services.
26:17 For information on how we can help you, please call
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26:33 Today we've talked about faith and failure.
26:35 I imagine if you're anything like me, it's not hard
26:38 to remember your spiritual failures.
26:42 I want to pray with you right now and ask that God will give
26:45 you success in the place of defeat and disappointment.
26:49 Let's pray. Our Father in heaven, we thank
26:53 you that you are the God of the new start.
26:56 We thank you that you are able to take a failure and turn
27:00 that person into a spiritual success.
27:02 We thank you that you see beyond our mistakes, beyond
27:04 our shortcomings, beyond our weaknesses, and you see
27:07 what we can be through faith in Christ.
27:10 So please today, Lord, let that be in our lives.
27:13 Give us the grace not to repeat our past
27:16 errors and give us the encouragement we need
27:19 that when we are low because of our stumbles
27:20 and falls, to look up and remember that you welcome us
27:23 into your arms and that you will cleanse us
27:27 and forgive us. We thank you today that there
27:31 is victory in Jesus and we pray in Jesus' name,
27:34 Amen.
27:43 [Music]
27:51 Thank you for joining me today.
27:52 I look forward to seeing you next time.
27:55 Until then, remember the Bible says
27:57 It is written, man shall not live by bread alone but by
28:01 every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
28:09 ♪ Theme Music ♪


Revised 2016-07-25