It Is Written

Song of Solomon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001413A

00:06 It has stood the test of time,
00:12 God's book, the Bible. Still relevant in today's
00:18 complex word. It Is Written
00:25 sharing hope around the globe.
00:36 This is It Is Written. Thanks for joining me.
00:39 I'm John Bradshaw. As a newly minted high school
00:43 student, just 12 years old, I was fortunate enough to have
00:46 a good English teacher. A Mr. Braithwaite.
00:50 Now he might have been good but the truth is I don't
00:52 remember too much about the actual class - the odd
00:54 writing assignment maybe - although I do remember
01:00 poetry. Somehow poetry made a bit of
01:02 an impression on me. And I vividly remember
01:04 learning this poem by the British poet Rupert Brooke:
01:07 "If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some
01:12 corner of a foreign field that is for ever England.
01:15 There shall be in that rich earth a richer dust
01:18 concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made
01:20 aware..." and so on...
01:24 The poem was called, "The Soldier", and Brooke was a
01:26 soldier in World War I. I'm not really sure why we
01:29 young high schoolers had to study that particular piece
01:32 of verse, but I've never forgotten it so there must be
01:35 something about the way it's written.
01:37 Good poetry endures. Sometimes poetry that isn't
01:41 any good endures too. And down through the annals
01:43 of time there've been many great poets and many
01:47 memorable poems. I was always slightly amused
01:50 by this one. I think that I shall never
01:54 see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is
01:58 prest Against the sweet earth's flowing breast; A
02:02 tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms
02:06 to pray... That's from 'Trees' by Joyce
02:09 Kilmer who was from New Jersey.
02:11 TS Elliot was slightly more gritty.
02:14 Because I do not hope to turn again Because I do not hope
02:19 Because I do not hope to turn Desiring this man's gift and
02:23 that man's scope I no longer strive to strive towards such
02:27 things (Why should the agèd eagle stretch its wings?) Why
02:32 should I mourn The vanished power of the usual reign?
02:34 And so forth ... Which is from the poem, "Ash
02:38 Wednesday". In the 1800s Elizabeth
02:41 Browning Barrett wrote, How do I love thee?
02:44 Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and
02:49 breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out
02:52 of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace...
02:57 Well... And you can't really discuss
03:00 poetry without mentioning William Shakespeare.
03:03 All the world's a stage,? and all the men and women
03:07 merely players; ?they have their exits and their
03:11 entrances,? and one man in his time plays
03:13 many parts,? his acts being seven ages.
03:17 There you go. It's from Shakespeare's work
03:21 "As You Like It". I've got a brother who used
03:23 to be a bit of a poet - I mean, an amateur poet.
03:27 His wife tells the story about how she first became
03:29 attracted to him by the poetry he wrote.
03:33 Evidently he had a way with words back then and thereby
03:36 won her heart. Just as wel certainly didn't
03:40 get her with his looks... The Bible contains a lot of
03:46 poetry. Of the 66 books in the Bible,
03:49 5 of them are books of poetry: The book of Job
03:52 is a book of poetry. The book of Psalms
03:55 is a collection of 150 psalms - songs, mainly - poems, really
03:59 they are. Proverbs is another of the
04:01 poetic books of the Bible: 31 chapters of wisdom.
04:05 If you like, a chapter every day for a month if you like
04:08 to read that way - and it's fairly straightforward
04:10 reading. Ecclesiastes is poetry -
04:13 Solomon's reflections on the ultimate meaning of life.
04:18 And then there's one more book of poetry in the Bible -
04:22 a book that has caused a lot of people to scratch their
04:25 heads and wonder. I'd say it's one of the least
04:29 read books of the Old Testament.
04:31 It's The Song of Solomon. What's THAT about?
04:37 There are only 117 verses in the 8 chapters of the Song of
04:41 Solomon. Yet it's a book of the Bible
04:43 not very many people have read.
04:45 It's a love story, and the language can get a bit
04:48 intense at times... I would venture to suggest
04:53 that a lot of people have not figured out how the Song
04:55 of Solomon can play a role in their devotional lives.
04:59 So let's consider - the Song of Solomon.
05:03 How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O prince's
05:06 daughter!? The curves of your thighs are
05:09 like jewels, the work of the hands of a skillful workman.
05:14 Song of Solomon 7:1 NKJV What's THAT all about?
05:19 We'll find out more about the Song of Solomon
05:21 in just a moment.
05:24 [Music]
05:31 If you want to develop a closer relationship with Jesus,
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05:37 'STEPS TO CHRIST.' This book will help you in your
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05:58 Lines are open 24 hours daily. They may be busy, so please
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06:22 Our toll-free number is:
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06:38 It Is Written is dedicated to sharing the gospel around
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06:43 It Is Written, visit our website:
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07:01 Thanks for joining me today on It Is Written.
07:04 The book of Genesis. Well, you know what that's
07:06 about. It's the book of beginnings -
07:08 the creation story, the fall, the flood, Abraham, Isaac,
07:13 Jacob, Joseph...that's Genesis Then there's Exodus -
07:17 the Israelites exit Egypt and they begin their journey to
07:20 the Promised Land. What's Proverbs about?
07:23 - Well that's the book of wisdom.
07:25 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John - the stories of Jesus' life
07:28 and ministry. Easy.
07:30 But the Song of Solomon? If you've spent much time
07:34 reading the Bible or going to church you'll likely
07:37 recognize some of the verses in the Song of Solomon.
07:40 "He brought me to the banqueting house, and his
07:43 banner over me was love." That's Song of Solomon 2:4
07:46 NKJV That phrase "The little foxes that spoil the vines",
07:50 that comes from Song of Solomon 2:15 NKJV "This is my
07:54 beloved, and this is my friend."
07:57 Song of Solomon 5:16 NKJV That's popular at weddings.
08:03 As is, "Many waters cannot quench love, nor can the
08:05 floods drown it. If a man would give for love,
08:07 all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly despised.
08:11 Song of Solomon 8:7 NKJV But the content of the Song
08:16 of Solomon is generally rather different to any other book
08:19 in the Bible. "Let him kiss me with the kisses
08:22 of his mouth, for your love is better than wine."
08:26 Song of Solomon 1:2 NKJV "Your lips are like a strand
08:31 of scarlet, and your mouth is lovely.
08:34 Your temples behind your veil are like a piece of
08:37 pomegranate." Song of Solomon 4:3 NKJV
08:41 "Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a
08:44 gazelle, which feed among the lilies."
08:47 Song of Solomon 4:5 NKJV Now that's an interesting book.
08:51 Why the... language?
08:55 Well, the Song of Solomon is an allegory, using the love
08:59 and affection expressed between Solomon and his wife
09:01 - or at least, one of his wives - to express the love
09:04 and tender care of God towards the church.
09:08 No it's certainly a love story, no doubt about it,
09:11 and in this story is expressed the love between Solomon
09:14 and his wife. But God uses it to represent
09:17 the greater love - the love of God for His church,
09:22 and the love of God's people for Him.
09:24 The key character in the Song of Solomon is Jesus -
09:28 and some people find it curious that God would express
09:31 His love for His people and Christ's commitment
09:33 and devotion to a sinful human beings in this way.
09:38 But perhaps the Song of Solomon helps us to see how
09:40 the relationship between a man and a woman who love each
09:48 other is designed by God to be representative of the love
09:50 of God for His people. The imagery isn't entirely
09:53 unique to the Song of Solomon - in Isaiah 54:5 God says,
09:55 "Your Maker is your husband." Isaiah 54:5 NKJV And Paul
09:58 told the Corinthians, "For I have betrothed you to one
10:03 husband." 2 Corinthians 11:2 NKJV In
10:06 the Bible - especially in Bible prophecy - a woman is
10:11 used as a symbol to represent a church.
10:14 You find that in Jeremiah 6:2, where God says, "I have
10:18 likened the daughter of Zion to a lovely and delicate
10:22 woman." Jeremiah 6:2 NKJV Hosea uses
10:24 the same symbol (find that in Hosea 1:2, in fact, the whole
10:27 book of Hosea) and God uses the symbol of a woman to
10:30 represent a church in the book of Revelation,
10:33 especially in Revelation 12 and 13.
10:38 So for God to use this story, The Song of Solomon,
10:41 to represent his love for his church, isn't a stretch at
10:45 all. It seems that in the Song of
10:48 Solomon, Solomon had just become King.
10:51 In his early 20s he was rich, powerful and very likely very
10:56 handsome and up until that time a very eligible
10:59 bachelor. You can imagine Solomon
11:02 thinking about his future and thinking about his world
11:05 and then wondering where he was going to find a wife.
11:08 At first blush you might think that every girl in the
11:11 land would marry him - if only he would ask.
11:14 But Solomon had to walk that minefield of finding out
11:17 whether a woman loved him for himself or simply because
11:21 he was the king. A modern royal love story
11:24 is that of Prince William and Kate Middleton -
11:26 now the Duchess of Cambridge. It seems to be a story of two
11:30 young people drawn together by mutual love.
11:33 In apparent contrast the Prince's father's experience
11:36 with finding true love was rather more anguished.
11:40 Prince Charles' marriage to Princess Diana was fraught
11:43 with difficulty and ended in discord.
11:45 And later there was tragedy. So how would Solomon find
11:49 a wife who truly loved him? Well, he hatched a plan.
11:55 He disguised himself as a shepherd and started
11:57 to travel throughout his kingdom looking for Miss Right.
12:01 How long did that take him? Well, some time I think,
12:03 because by the end of his search he found himself at
12:06 the farthest end of his kingdom in the land of Shulam
12:09 - and it was there that he met the woman of his dreams.
12:13 They fell in love, the girl from a farming family
12:16 and Solomon the King disguised as a shepherd.
12:19 We can probably imagine how Solomon felt.
12:22 He's head-over-heels in love, walking on air because he's
12:25 found the woman who truly fulfills him.
12:29 Now the girl - though obviously beautiful -
12:32 had a low opinion of herself. She said, "Do not look upon
12:37 me, because I am dark, because the sun has tanned
12:40 me. My mother's sons were angry
12:43 with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards, but
12:47 my own vineyard I have not kept."
12:50 Song of Solomon 1:6 NKJV This young maiden worked
12:53 on her family farm. And the rest of the Song
12:56 of Solomon goes through their love story, hers
12:58 and Solomon's. It seems Solomon liveed with
13:01 the family for some time as this relationship
13:03 developed... and then he disappeared.
13:07 Out of sight. Never to be found again it
13:10 seemed. Just --- gone.
13:13 How would a woman in love feel having that experience
13:19 thrust upon her? Now it does happen, you know.
13:22 Do you remember back in 2005, a woman in Duluth, Georgia
13:26 disappeared four days before her wedding day?
13:28 There was a huge search, more than 200 people taking part
13:31 in the search for her. A 32-year-old, who simply
13:35 left her fiancé with absolutely no idea of where
13:38 she was. Now she called him a couple
13:40 of days later - the day before they were scheduled to
13:42 be married - and she claimed that she'd been abducted...
13:46 Now thankfully it was all a hoax and the woman
13:48 hadn't been harmed. The poor girl simply had cold
13:51 feet and skipped town, and at the time the story was
13:55 unfolding there was an outpouring of sympathy
13:57 for a young man whose wife-to-be had simply vanished.
14:03 The woman in Song of Solomon expresses her sorrow like
14:06 this. Song of Solomon 3:1-3 "By
14:09 night on my bed I sought the one I love; I sought him, but
14:15 I did not find him. 'I will rise now,' I said,
14:18 'And go about the city; in the streets and in the
14:21 squares I will seek the one I love.' I sought him, but I
14:26 did not find him." Song of Solomon 3:1-3 NKJV
14:28 She must have felt as though her world was coming to an
14:31 end. Put yourself in that
14:33 position: she likely had trouble focusing on work and
14:36 probably didn't get much sleep.
14:39 But while we don't know how long this separation went on
14:41 for, it can't have been "very" long because in Song
14:45 of Solomon later on in chapter 3 it says this.
14:50 Who is this coming out of the wilderness like pillars of
14:52 smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all
14:57 the merchant's fragrant powders?
15:00 Behold, it is Solomon's couch,?
15:03 with sixty valiant men around it, of the valiant of Israel.
15:07 They all hold swords, being expert in war.
15:10 Every man has his sword on his thigh because of fear in
15:13 the night. Of the wood of Lebanon
15:16 Solomon the King made himself a palanquin [chariot]: He
15:20 made its pillars of silver, its support of gold, its seat
15:23 of purple, its interior paved with love ?by the daughters
15:28 of Jerusalem." Song of Solomon 3:6-10 NKJV
15:34 The cry must have gone through the land, "Solomon is
15:36 coming! Lets go out to meet him."
15:38 Her heart would have raced: "Where is he going?
15:43 Is he coming to see me?" Well we know the answer.
15:46 He was traveling to the furthest reaches of his
15:48 kingdom to the land of Shulam to find his true love.
15:52 Can you imagine what it was like when Solomon and his
15:55 entourage stood at her door? And you can you imagine how
15:58 she felt when she realized it was Solomon...
16:01 the one that she loved so much?
16:04 Chapter 3 verse 4 says that when she found Him "I held
16:08 him and would not let him go till I had brought him to my
16:13 mother's house, to the room of the one who conceived me."
16:16 Isn't that a wonderful story? Now, how does this tell us
16:21 about Jesus? How does the Song of Solomon
16:24 reveal the love that God has for his people?
16:28 I've got that just ahead.
16:31 [Music] Every Word is a one-minute
16:33 Bible based daily devotional presented by Pastor John
16:35 Bradshaw and designed especially for busy people
16:38 like you. Look for Every Word on selected
16:41 networks or watch it on-line every day on our website,
16:48 [Music]
16:55 You don't want to miss any of the more hidden gems of
16:58 the Bible. If you look at the Bibles many
17:00 people own, you'll see that the pages around the gospels
17:03 and maybe the book of Acts are worn, but there are lots
17:06 of pages that are as new-looking as the day the Bible was bought
17:08 because they've rarely been opened.
17:11 Paul wrote to Timothy and said in 2 Timothy 3:16 that 'All
17:14 Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and
17:18 is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
17:21 for instruction in righteousness.'
17:23 You'll be blessed if you read the book of Amos, the story
17:25 of Hosea, the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, the prophecies
17:28 of Jeremiah. Yes, some of it is a little
17:31 difficult at times, but don't neglect those 'other' parts
17:34 of the Bible. When you come to Bible,
17:37 read broadly. God inspired it all and it's
17:40 all for your good. I'm John Bradshaw for
17:43 It Is Written. Let's live today by
17:44 Every Word.
17:49 [Music] Planning for your financial
17:53 future is a vital aspect of Christian Stewardship.
17:56 For this reason, It Is Written is pleased to offer free planned
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18:45 [Music]
18:48 Thanks for joining me today on It Is Written.
18:50 I'm John Bradshaw. Do you think that God is
18:53 busy? Now by human terms, I'd say
18:55 that God probably is. The Bible tells us that He
18:58 created all things and that includes this vast universe.
19:02 Then about 6,000 years ago, Adam and Eve turned their
19:05 back on God. They allowed sin into their
19:08 lives - and into the world. The Bible is clear that sin
19:12 is the transgression of the law and the wages of sin is
19:16 death. Let me ask you this: In his
19:18 busyness, did God turn his back on Adam and Eve?
19:21 Well no, of course he didn't. In fact, ahead of time, God
19:25 had devised a plan where if Adam and Eve were to turn
19:28 from Him, God would restore them.
19:31 Jesus - like Solomon in the Song of Solomon - would go
19:34 out in search of the lost. Jesus left heaven and
19:38 travelled to the farthest reaches of his kingdom.
19:41 And where did he end up? He came to us.
19:44 He came to this sinful world and calls to our hearts -
19:48 just as He called to Adam in the Garden of Eden after they
19:51 fell. God went in pursuit of Adam
19:54 and Eve and you'll read in the Book of Genesis that God
19:56 came to them saying, "Adam, where are you?"
20:01 The Song of Solomon discusses the love between a Creator
20:04 God and His children here on the Earth: a Saviour who
20:07 loves us so much that he crossed the universe to find
20:11 us and save us for His kingdom.
20:13 And the Song of Solomon doesn't stop there.
20:16 It tells us just what type of relationship Jesus wants to
20:19 have with us. What happened when Solomon
20:23 met his girl? Sparks began to fly!
20:26 They got married. And in chapter 8:5 we see
20:30 Solomon and his bride. "Who is this coming up from
20:35 the wilderness leaning on her beloved?"
20:39 Song of Solomon 8:5 NKJV This is a picture of 2 people in
20:41 love. It describes Mrs. Solomon as
20:44 leaning on her beloved. It is not just a picture of 2
20:47 people holding hands. It is more than that.
20:50 They are in love and she is described as leaning her full
20:53 weight on Solomon. Solomon is supporting her.
20:56 If he'd pulled away right then, Mrs. Solomon would have
20:58 fallen over. She trusts him completely.
21:02 And isn't that the same type of relationship Jesus wants
21:05 us to have with him? I remember reading about some
21:09 Bible translators somewhere in the South Pacific trying
21:11 to find a way to translate the word 'faith' into the
21:14 local language, as the word didn't exist in that
21:17 language. They finally decided to use
21:19 the idea of leaning one's whole weight upon something
21:23 to portray what faith was. To lean your whole weight
21:27 upon. To have faith in.
21:29 God wants us to lean our whole weight upon Him.
21:32 To cast all our cares upon Him.
21:35 Verse 7 of Song of Solomon chapter 8 says "Many waters
21:41 cannot quench love, nor can the floods drown it.
21:45 If a man would give for love all the wealth of his house,
21:49 it would be utterly despised."
21:51 Song of Solomon 8:7 NKJV Pure love is something that cannot
21:55 be destroyed. It isn't something that can
21:57 be bought. And this is the kind of love
21:59 that God offers to us... for free.
22:03 God comes to us at a time that we most need Him and he
22:06 sweeps us off our feet. He says, "I have loved you
22:09 with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness
22:13 I have drawn you." Jeremiah 31:3 NKJV I got to
22:17 know a lady once, a single Mom with a lovely daughter
22:20 about, oh, 10 to 12 years old.
22:23 She'd had some unfortunate relationships that had caused
22:25 some real trouble in her life in the past.
22:28 She said to me one day, she said, "John, I've finally met
22:32 a man that I can love!" I was happy - so I asked the
22:36 obvious question. "Who?"
22:39 She smiled, she paused, and then she said, simply,
22:45 "Jesus. She said, He'll never leave
22:48 me, He loves me for who I am and He'll never let me down."
22:53 How right she was. And perhaps this is one of
22:57 the most encouraging verses in the book.
22:59 "Who is she who looks forth as the morning, fair as the
23:06 moon, clear as the sun, awesome as an army with
23:11 banners?" Song of Solomon 6:10 NKJV You
23:14 see God looks with admiration upon His church - a church
23:17 that will one day be ready to meet Him.
23:20 What a day that's going to be!
23:22 And the thing that's going to get us from here to there is
23:25 the love of God and our love for Him.
23:28 When we understand that God loves His people passionately
23:31 - using one of the greatest love stories in the Bible to
23:34 describe that love - something wonderful is going
23:36 to happen. You can trust Someone you
23:39 know loves you completely. You can feel safe with
23:43 Somebody that you know loves you totally.
23:46 And you can love Somebody that you know loves you no
23:49 strings attached, which is why the Bible says, "We love
23:53 Him, because He first loved us."
23:57 1 John 4:19 NKJV [Music]
24:00 And if you've ever wondered if God has a plan for this
24:02 troubled world, the Song of Solomon assures you
24:06 He definitely does. Jesus left this Earth 2000
24:10 years ago, but not so He'd be gone forever.
24:13 Like Solomon in the story, He'll be back soon to get His
24:19 bride. If you'll learn to lean on
24:21 your beloved, one day soon you'll see Jesus return.
24:25 The wait will be worth it. We'll be reunited with Jesus
24:31 - and we'll be with Him forever.
24:33 You can be ready.
24:36 You don't need to think that your Beloved has forgotten
24:38 you, or that when He comes back He won't be coming back
24:42 for you. If you can choose to have
24:44 faith in this great God who interestingly the Bible says
24:49 is Love. It doesn't just say that God
24:51 loves, it says in 1 John 4 that God IS love.
24:54 If you can learn to accept that love, you'll experience
25:01 a complete transformation in your life and you will find
25:04 loving God is the easiest thing in the world.
25:07 Perhaps we should pray now and ask that God, the one who
25:10 loves us so much, will keep us, preserve us and soon come
25:15 to get us and take us home. Let's pray.
25:19 Our Father in heaven, I thank you that you love us
25:22 passionately. I thank you that you are
25:25 crazy about this world. I thank you that you long to
25:28 come soon and gather up your people and take them home.
25:31 Let that day come soon and let us be ready by exercising
25:36 simple faith in this great God who is love.
25:40 Lord, we choose you today. Thank you for loving us.
25:43 Give us the grace to love you back and to grow in you as we
25:48 trust you and lean on you. We thank you today and we
25:52 pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
26:21 If you want to develop a closer relationship with Jesus,
26:24 please call and request today's FREE book,
26:27 'STEPS TO CHRIST.' This book will help you in your
26:30 daily walk with Jesus. Please call or write us and
26:34 STEPS TO CHRIST will be on its way to you.
26:37 There is no cost and no obligation.
26:40 It's our free gift to you. Just call 1-800-253-3000,
26:45 and ask for the book: 'STEPS TO CHRIST.'
26:48 Lines are open 24 hours daily. They may be busy, so please
26:52 do keep trying. You may also request this
26:55 free book by writing to: It Is Written, P O Box 6,
26:59 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401, and we will mail a copy to your
27:04 address in North America. For immediate access, you
27:07 can download a FREE electronic version of the book
27:10 'STEPS TO CHRIST' from our website:
27:12 It Is Written is a faith-based
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27:22 Your tax-deductible gift can be sent to the address on your
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27:29 Thank you for your continued prayerful support.
27:32 Again, our toll-free number is, (800) 253-3000, and our web
27:36 address is,
27:45 Thanks for joining me today. I look forward to seeing you
27:47 next time. Until then, remember - It Is
27:50 Written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
27:54 word that proceeds from the mouth of God.


Revised 2016-08-22