It Is Written

Bulls and Bears

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001347

00:00 [music] I4m John Bradshaw and this
00:03 is It Is Written.
00:06 Thanks for joining me today.
00:07 I am at the financial nerve center of the world,
00:11 right outside the New York Stock Exchange, on the corner
00:16 of Wall Street and Broad Street in Lower Manhattan, in e heart
00:19 of New York City.
00:20 What takes place here affects the financial well-being
00:24 of every corner of the globe.
00:27 Fortunes are made here and they are lost here.
00:31 National and global economies are fueled here and they
00:35 are depressed here.
00:37 It is here that the movers and the shakers of the financial
00:40 world, sometimes the Bulls and the Bears, make decisions
00:43 that affect the material destiny of millions of people
00:46 all over the world and sometimes it4s even a whispered rumor
00:51 emanating from this place that can have enormous
00:55 consequences, sometis devastating
00:57 consequences.
00:58 Now there are plenty of people who believe that what takes
01:01 place here on Wall Street is nothing but a legalized form
01:05 of high stakes and gambling, which one investor said
01:08 "lacks the dignity of Las Vegas."
01:10 Of course, there are plenty of people who invest here and in
01:14 other places in good faith and with the best of motives.
01:18 But what we know is this: Wealth is a dynamic thing
01:22 and it can even be a very dangerous thing.
01:26 Apart from what it can do to economies, it holds major
01:30 potential for either inflating or collapsing our emotional
01:33 self-worth.
01:35 Wealth can mean the difference and often in extreme terms
01:38 between comfort and crisis.
01:41 And also, wealth can impact our relationships,
01:46 often in dramatic ways.
01:48 Our relationships with people and our relationship with God.
01:57 [Intro music] It has stood the test of time,
02:07 God's book, the Bible.
02:12 Still relevant in today's complex world.
02:17 It Is Written, sharing hope around the globe.
02:32 [music] In the 1920's, the United States
02:34 firmly believed it had reached the summit of material success.
02:39 President Herbert Hoover spoke expansively of how the country
02:43 was drawing closer in, in his words, to such a complete
02:48 triumph over poverty unlike anything that had ever occurred
02:50 in the history of any land.
02:52 Investors bought feverishly.
02:55 Some, even embezzling company funds in the confidence
02:58 that they could easily pay the money back because,
03:02 in the words of one person, the stock market was about
03:04 to climb to the moon.
03:08 [Music]
03:16 Let's go back to that fateful fall and the waning months
03:19 of 1929.
03:22 As September began to unroll, New York City streets
03:27 were filled with back to school and back to the city shoppers.
03:30 Fifth Avenue windows drew crowds of admiring shoppers
03:33 looking at the latest fashions.
03:35 Theater ticket brokers were rushed off their feet.
03:37 Broadway musicals were sold out months in advance.
03:41 The building industry was booming.
03:43 Towers and terraces were rising along streets and avenues
03:47 all around the city.
03:50 And through it all, the stock market was at an all-time high.
03:55 On the 3rd of September, 1929, a single share of Montgomery
03:58 Ward stock bought the previous year for $132 was selling
04:03 for $469.
04:06 Shares in Radio Corporation of America, best known
04:09 as RCA sold the previous year at $95.50 and now they
04:14 were selling at $505.
04:18 There were a lot of people in those heady days who owned
04:20 thousands of shares like these.
04:22 After all, you could buy them with only 10% down and owe
04:27 the broker for the rest.
04:32 Then, on the 4th of September, there was a little slip
04:35 in the market.
04:36 Nobody really noticed.
04:38 The following day, the New York Times reported that the market
04:40 had dropped by 10 points.
04:42 Surely, nothing for anybody to get too concerned about.
04:45 But one well-known financial writer warned that in his
04:50 opinion, the wild ride of prosperity was over
04:53 and soon a depression would follow.
04:57 But like so many prophets, whether secular or sacred,
05:00 he was treated nothing more than an alarmist.
05:03 After all, people said, surely things must slip a little bit
05:06 [sad blues music under] before the rise continues
05:10 in earnest.
05:12 It was on October 21st, though, that the market slide began
05:16 to pick up speed and brokers started sending out margin
05:20 calls.
05:20 [Thunder] When the money wasn't
05:22 forthcoming, and how could it be, the dumping began.
05:27 On October the 24th, later known as Black Thursday, a structure
05:32 of the market cracked wide open.
05:39 Millions of shares were pitched into streaming chaos on
05:41 the floor of the Stock Exchange.
05:44 On this very corner right behind me, crowds gathered ...
05:47 numb and waiting ...
05:49 hoping against hope that something would happen
05:51 to restore the damage and to retrieve the losses
05:54 that they and so many others were experiencing.
05:56 That day became known as the day of the millionaires
05:59 slaughter.
06:02 For five days the madness continued until on October 29th,
06:06 the market really hit rock bottom.
06:08 On one of those five days, General Electric saw its stock
06:12 price absolutely plummet and GE had historically been
06:16 a very sound and well performing company.
06:20 Even though at the time the people did not
06:22 even realize it, it was worse yet to come.
06:25 Companies such as US Steel and General Motors saw
06:28 their share prices drop precipitously.
06:32 This economic downturn, this hardship affected people
06:35 so badly that across the country there were people who took
06:39 their own lives, so badly had they been affected
06:43 by what had happened in the stock market crash.
06:46 [sad slow Piano muisc] Around the city, the towers
06:48 and the terraces stopped rising.
06:50 The building industry, usually an indicator as to the strength
06:53 of weakness of an economy, came to a virtual standstill.
06:56 It has been said that children born in 1929 didn't even hear
07:01 the sound of builders at work until they
07:05 graduated high school.
07:09 So how does God feel about money?
07:11 The Bible has a lot to say about money and finance.
07:14 We'll find out more in just a moment.
07:20 In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God says, "It is written, man shall
07:24 not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds
07:28 from the mouth of God.
07:29 Every Word is a one-minute Bible-based daily devotional
07:32 presented by pastor John Bradshaw and designed
07:35 especially for busy people like you.
07:40 Look for Every Word on selected networks or watch it on-line
07:42 everyday on our website,
07:45 Receive a daily spiritual boost.
07:47 Watch Every Word.
07:48 You'll be glad you did.
07:50 Here's a sample.
08:01 Thanks for joining me.
08:02 Every now and then my daughter will show me
08:04 a feature on my phone that I knew nothing about and I'll say,
08:07 "well, that's really helpful, I did not know that."
08:10 It can be like that with God's blessings.
08:13 There might be things we are missing out on because we
08:15 simply don't know about them.
08:18 You know, the Bible says in Exodus 20:8, "Remember
08:20 the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
08:22 God carved a day out of the rock of time and set it aside
08:25 for us to spend time especially with him.
08:29 If you are missing it, you are missing it,
08:31 you are missing a real blessing.
08:33 I wonder how many people are losing a blessing because
08:35 they are not remembering the Sabbath day.
08:37 Just letting the hours pass by without taking them
08:39 to spend with God.
08:40 Don't make that mistake.
08:41 Let the Sabbath be the blessing that God wants it to be
08:45 in your life.
08:46 I am John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
08:49 Let's live today by Every Word.
08:54 This is It Is Written.
08:56 I'm John Bradshaw.
08:57 Thanks for joining me today.
08:59 It's with good reason that the writer, George Santiano once
09:02 observed that those who do not remember the past are condemned
09:06 to repeat it.
09:07 When we think back to the more recent economic crisis
09:10 this planet has gone through, we would be excused
09:13 if we thought that people just don't seem to be very good
09:17 at learning from history.
09:20 The crash of 2008 was really brought about by the collapse
09:24 of the housing market in 2007.
09:27 Just as people in the 1920's were able to buy stocks
09:31 at ridiculously low prices, leaving them vulnerable
09:34 to the demands of brokers when the difficult times came,
09:37 people were able to buy homes in the first decade
09:41 of this century when their finances and, in fact,
09:45 the shape or the financial health of many
09:48 of the institutions suggested that wasn't a very good idea.
09:52 There was easy credit, fraudulent underwriting,
09:54 predatory lending practices.
09:57 And what happened was, when the economy tanked,
10:00 and people lost their jobs, they became terribly,
10:04 terribly vulnerable.
10:07 Making mortgage payments became either
10:09 excruciatingly difficult or, in many cases,
10:11 simply impossible.
10:12 The economy was in disastrous shape.
10:18 Foreclosures and evictions multiplied and the pain
10:22 is still being felt today.
10:25 As in 1929, the stock market soared to record heights
10:29 in October of 2007.
10:31 The Dow Jones got up past 14,000 points.
10:35 But after the crash, there was a dramatic decline.
10:39 It picked up pace during 2008 so that by March of 2009,
10:44 rather than being way up at 14,000 points, the Dow Jones
10:48 was way down at 6,600.
10:52 Market analyst Phil Dow compared the great depression
10:57 and the months and years that followed that with
10:59 the recent collapse and the years that followed
11:02 that and he said, these were his words,
11:04 "it's very troubling when you have a mirror image."
11:08 Now not all analysts agree with his assessment and by many
11:12 markers, by many indications, the US economy has rebounded,
11:16 in some ways, in recent years.
11:18 But as the recent economic difficulties have shown us,
11:22 when we fail to learn the lessons of the past,
11:25 it can be ruinous.
11:28 Even though there are certainly some differences, there are
11:30 many parallels between what happened in 1929 and what
11:34 happened in 2008.
11:37 But one big difference is this and this might be just a little
11:40 troubling when we think about it.
11:43 In 1929, far more Americans lived in rural areas and on
11:47 farms and could at least grow their own food.
11:51 Today, many more Americans live in suburbia and in big cities
11:57 where self-sufficiency is virtually impossible.
12:00 The civil and the social unrest that would follow an even
12:04 larger financial melt-down would be dramatic and would lead
12:08 to scenes of chaos and unrest, the likes of which you have
12:12 never seen before.
12:15 [Oriental style string Music] Just as many stories
12:24 of personal tragedy followed the Wall Street crash of 1929,
12:28 many similar stories followed the global economic crisis
12:32 of 2008.
12:34 One of them was the story of Adolf Merkel, a businessman
12:38 and a stock trader and one of Germany's richest people.
12:41 Merkel was born into a very wealthy family in the City
12:45 of Dresden.
12:47 He developed his Bohemian grandfather's chemical wholesale
12:51 company and turned it into one of Germany's largest
12:54 pharmaceutical outlets.
12:55 His family's holdings also included a genetic drug
12:59 manufacturer, a cement company and a vehicle manufacturer.
13:04 Even though he was trained as a lawyer, he spent
13:06 most of his time and energy investing and just like many
13:10 people towards the end of the roaring 20's,
13:13 Adolf Merkel got involved in some risky and speculative
13:17 investments.
13:18 In 2007 he was worth 12 billion dollars, but after the global
13:23 financial collapse, his worth had dropped to 9 billion.
13:27 Still a lot of money and he was still one of Germany's
13:29 five richest men.
13:33 But the loss of that $3 billion weighed heavily upon him
13:36 to the extent that in the early days of 2009 near his home
13:41 in Southern Germany, Adolf Merkel threw himself
13:44 into the path of an oncoming train.
13:47 He left behind a wife and four daughters.
13:57 But of course there are plenty of stories that have much
13:59 happier endings.
14:01 In 2001, Michael Bloomberg became the Mayor
14:04 of New York City.
14:06 Now he is somebody that many people have called a genuine
14:09 success story.
14:10 Not only has he earned plenty of money but he has devoted
14:13 a lot of his time and many of his resources
14:16 to public service and philanthropy.
14:19 Michael Bloomberg was born to an immigrant father, a real
14:22 estate agent in Boston, Massachusetts.
14:25 Young Michael worked his way through college as a parking
14:29 lot attendant, helping to pay for his tuition at Johns
14:32 Hopkins University.
14:33 He earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and then he
14:37 began his career as a general partner at Solomon Brothers
14:41 on Wall Street.
14:42 Eventually he found his own company and by the year 2012
14:48 he was worth $27 billion, making him the 13th richest
14:54 man in the world.
14:56 But what is most important?
14:59 To hear some preachers tell it, God wants everybody
15:02 to be wealthy.
15:03 You're not blessed until your rich.
15:06 But looking at it biblically, that can't possibly be true.
15:09 1 Timothy 6:10 says that, "the love of money
15:14 is the root of all kinds of evil."
15:16 Jesus told one man who evidently had plenty
15:19 of resources to sell everything that he had and give
15:22 the proceeds to the poor.
15:25 In fact, the Bible contains a lot of warnings about
15:27 the misuse of wealth, how we ought to be careful
15:30 about money and careful that finance, money, wealth,
15:34 doesn't become an idol to us.
15:37 One interesting thing the Bible says is this, in Proverbs 23:5,
15:41 it says: "For riches certainly make themselves wings.
15:44 They fly away as an eagle towards heaven.
15:52 That's the thing with money.
15:53 It can be here today and gone tomorrow.
15:57 So, does God have a plan?
15:59 Does he have a plan to bless and prosper his people.
16:02 We will find that out in just a moment.
16:14 Eyes for India is giving sight to the blind and you
16:18 can be a part of this amazing work that God is doing.
16:21 15 million blind people live in India, more than
16:25 any other country in the world.
16:26 And many of the blind in India could see again
16:29 if only they could have simple cataract surgery.
16:32 It Is Written is making that happen.
16:35 Would you support Eyes for India?
16:38 For just $75, you'll be giving the gift of sight to someone
16:42 who desperately wants to see.
16:45 Here is all you need to do: Call 1.800.253.3000.
16:50 That's 1.800.253.3000 to donate and support Eyes
16:56 for India or you can write to It Is Written, Box O, Thousand
17:01 Oaks, California 91359.
17:04 You'll also find Eyes for India on-line
17:08 at
17:09 Every $75 you give gives someone the precious gift
17:13 of sight.
17:14 Eyes for India, doing the work of Jesus in opening
17:17 the eyes of the blind, and opening hearts
17:21 to the love of God.
17:23 Just a couple of years ago one California businessman earned
17:26 $33 million in just one year.
17:31 He had 5 homes, a fleet of luxury cars, including
17:34 a chauffer driven $320,000 Maybach.
17:38 He socialized with lots of big name people, he had Wolfgang
17:41 Puck to his house to cook him dinner.
17:44 The man was doing very, very well.
17:46 But then, his company hit some difficult circumstances,
17:49 which meant that before long, his company was bankrupt.
17:54 No more charter jets.
17:56 No more chauffer driven vehicle.
17:58 all that wealth, disappeared He had had a net worth of $230
18:04 million but suddenly all the wealth was gone
18:10 just like that, gone!
18:14 Now, let's not think for a moment that the Bible
18:17 says that God doesn't want anybody to be rich,
18:20 that's just not true.
18:21 And Jesus certainly doesn't say that everybody should sell
18:24 their possessions and give the money to the poor.
18:26 In fact, in Deuteronomy 8:18, the Bible says it is God who
18:32 gives you power to get wealth.
18:35 Wealth and material prosperity are simply gifts given us
18:38 by God.
18:40 And like all gifts given us by God, here is the key.
18:44 God wants that our wealth and our prosperity be used
18:47 in ways that bring glory to him.
18:52 [Electronic Music]
18:57 The Bible contains a lot of stories about people who
18:59 were very wealthy in terms of this world's goods
19:03 and yet they remained faithful to God.
19:06 One person like that was Job.
19:07 He had 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen and 500 female
19:11 donkeys.
19:12 This man was rich and yet the Bible says of him that he
19:16 shunned evil and he feared God.
19:19 In fact, when he lost everything, virtually all
19:22 of his family and all of his possessions, the Word of God
19:25 says in all of this, Job did not sin.
19:28 In fact, during one point in his affliction, Job said:
19:32 "Though he slay me yet will I trust in him."
19:37 After Job lost everything, God gave back to him twice as much
19:42 as he had before.
19:43 So clearly God doesn't disapprove of wealth.
19:46 What God disapprove of is when wealth becomes the overruling
19:51 passion, the overriding passion in our lives to the extent
19:54 that when suffer a loss of means, we consider,
19:57 like Adolf Merkel, that maybe life isn't worth living.
20:01 When we live to get and acquire and to have for selfish
20:06 purposes, that becomes a problem.
20:09 In Luke 12:15 Jesus said, "Take heed and beware of covetousness
20:15 for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things
20:19 he possesses.
20:21 The Patriarch Abraham was also a man of great wealth, yet God
20:24 said of him at one point: For I have known him in order that he
20:28 may command his children and his household after him,
20:31 that they keep the way of the Lord to do righteousness
20:35 and justice.
20:38 Though he had plenty of it, material wealth wasn't
20:41 the focus of Abraham's life.
20:42 Now, it was the focus of the life of the rich
20:45 young ruler, the young man Jesus spoke to in the 19th
20:48 Chapter of the Gospel of Matthew.
20:50 Jesus told him to sell everything that he had and give
20:53 the proceeds to the poor because his possessions
20:56 were coming between him and a right relationship
20:59 with God.
21:00 Now, in his final address to the nation of Israel, King
21:04 David said this: For all things come from you and of your own,
21:09 we have given you.
21:10 Here is where we see the principle of what we
21:14 could call Biblical stewardship.
21:16 Now it does not only apply to our finances but to
21:19 everything that we possess.
21:21 When we dedicate what we have to God, we are only giving him
21:26 what was his in the first place.
21:29 The children of Israel acknowledged this principle
21:31 as they returned to God their tithes and offerings.
21:34 And what God had to say about this through the prophet Malachi
21:38 contains one of the most remarkable promises
21:41 in the entire Bible.
21:44 "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse
21:46 that there may be food in my house and prove me
21:50 now in this, says the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open
21:53 for you the windows of heaven and pour out
21:56 for you such blessing that there will not be room
21:59 enough to receive it.
22:03 The children of Israel were to acknowledge God's ownership
22:06 of everything they possessed.
22:08 By returning to God a 10th of all they earned, this was
22:13 the tithe.
22:14 The tithing system was established by God long ago,
22:17 even before the establishment of the Nation of Israel.
22:20 You see this in Genesis 14 where Abraham gave tithes
22:25 to Melchisedec and you see it in the experience of Jacob, who
22:29 when he was fleeing from his brother Esau made a similar vow
22:32 to God in Genesis 28:22.
22:37 "And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be
22:40 God's house.
22:41 And of all that you give me I will surely give a 10th
22:44 to you."
22:47 Now of course, there are some who will say that the tithing
22:49 system was done away with when Jesus died on the cross so that
22:53 God's people today no longer have to return to him a 10th
22:56 of their increase as was done during the Old Testament times.
23:00 But writing to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 9:13, 14,
23:05 Paul couldn't disagree with that idea more strongly.
23:08 Here is what he said: "Do you not know that those who
23:11 minister the holy things eat of the things of the temple
23:16 and those who serve at the altar partake of the offerings
23:20 of the altar.
23:22 Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach
23:25 the gospel should live from the gospel."
23:28 What we can see is that the tithing system
23:31 was established by God.
23:33 It existed before Israel was a nation during the time of his
23:37 realm during Christ's time on earth and was even endorsed
23:40 by the Apostle Paul after Jesus had died and gone to heaven
23:44 and it is not just about tithing as important as that is.
23:48 The believer in God says God has control of everything,
23:52 everything that I have and everything that I am.
23:56 When we give it to God, God blesses.
23:58 Jesus said, "where your treasure is, there will your heart
24:01 be also."
24:02 If your treasure is parked in the driveway and never placed
24:06 in the offering plate, it might be time to think again.
24:09 If your treasure is in your bank account and in your stock
24:12 portfolio and not given to God and to the work of God,
24:15 it could be that we have got things out of balance.
24:19 And remember this, here is the promise of Jesus
24:22 in Matthew 6:33.
24:23 He said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his
24:25 righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.
24:29 You can't out-give God.
24:30 You don't give to God and end up broke.
24:32 Malachi's promise was God's promise through Malachi
24:36 that when we give to God he will open up the windows of heaven
24:39 and pour out such a blessing we won't have room enough
24:41 to receive it.
24:42 Not that we give to God to be blessed but we give to God
24:46 knowing that he will bless.
24:50 We give to God our stuff, our finances, we give to God
24:54 everything we have and everything we are.
25:09 Today we've been talking about crucial financial issues
25:12 that affect all of us.
25:13 Our goal at It Is Written is to help you live
25:15 a more satisfying and God-centered life.
25:17 So this week, our free offer is a helpful book on finance
25:21 called "God will Provide."
25:23 It is a practical discussion on how a faithful God
25:26 has promised to provide for the needs of his
25:28 faithful children.
25:29 And includes a special section prepared by Ed Reid on Managing
25:33 Finances in Difficult times.
25:35 Please call or write us and this free book
25:37 will be on its way to you.
25:38 There's no cost and no obligation.
25:41 Just call 1.800.253.3000 and ask for the book God
25:46 Will Provide.
25:47 You can call any time day or night.
25:50 If the line is busy, please keep trying.
25:53 You can also request this free book by writing to It Is
25:56 Written, Box O, Thousand Oaks, California 91359.
26:00 And we'll mail a copy to your address
26:03 in North America.
26:04 Please note, this free book is limited to the supply
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26:17 It Is Written is a faith-based ministry made possible
26:20 by viewers like you.
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26:48 Let's take the time to pray together for a moment:
26:51 Our father in heaven, I thank you that you are
26:54 the giver of all good gifts.
26:55 I thank you that you give us power to get wealth
26:57 and that you bless us as you do and I know that many people
27:02 and they are saying Lord,sing I am struggling to make
27:06 ends meet.
27:07 Father, irrespective of how much we have, I pray that all
27:10 we have can be placed on the altar and given to you.
27:13 You have given what we have is all yours.
27:16 Take it and please bless it and bless us.
27:20 Let us be faithful to you in all things I pray,
27:22 in Jesus' name, Amen.
27:46 Thanks for joining me today.
27:47 I look forward to seeing you again next time.
27:49 Until then, remember, it is written, man shall not
27:54 live by bread alone but by every word
27:57 that proceeds from the mouth of God.


Revised 2015-03-04