In The Footsteps of Paul

A Night To Remember

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tony Moore


Series Code: IFP

Program Code: IFP000017

01:37 While at Corinth, Paul learned of a plot on his life.
01:41 He changed plans, instead of taking the ship, he walked
01:45 in land up through Macedonia.
01:47 He visited the churches he had planted one final time.
01:51 He came to see the believers in Berea and Salonika and
01:56 Philippi, encouraging them and sharing with them.
01:59 Encouraging them to walk faithfully in the footsteps
02:03 of Jesus, then he went down to Neopolis, caught a ship
02:07 and sailed across the Aegean.
02:09 Luke notes that at this time it took him five days
02:12 to make the passage.
02:14 He came here to the great port city of Alexandria and Troas.
02:19 They came here to the great city and met the other
02:21 disciples who had come ahead of them.
02:23 And here Paul stayed teaching for seven days.
02:26 Luke records a fascinating meeting, it was the last
02:31 meeting of Paul's time here, the last time he would visit
02:34 this great city of Alexandria and Troas.
02:37 Luke notes a very interesting story that took place.
02:52 Luke describes how Paul intended to leave the next day.
02:55 Later in the passage Paul leaves the great city of Alexandria
03:01 and Troas and walks 30 miles down the coast to
03:04 Assos, he sends the disciples by ship to that great harbor
03:09 30 miles south of this great city.
03:12 Paul was intending to walk that 30 miles, but he meets
03:17 with the disciples and has a farewell meeting.
03:19 It is noted that it is on the first day of the week.
03:22 So I read again.
03:33 Paul knew that this would be the last time he would see the
03:35 believers here at Troas.
03:38 He would leave here and go to Assos, catch the ship, go
03:42 past Ephesus and land at Miletus.
03:46 There he would call for the Ephesian elders to come down
03:49 to meet him, he would share his heart concern with them
03:52 and tell them that I will never again see your face.
03:55 They wept, they cried, they kissed and he sailed
03:59 on to Jerusalem where he was arrested and
04:01 ultimately taken to Rome.
04:03 Paul shares his heart burden's with the leaders
04:08 of the church here at Troas.
04:11 Luke said they were meeting on the first day of the week,
04:13 they had come together to break bread because Paul
04:16 intended to leave early the next morning at daybreak.
04:19 Paul went on talking and sharing and
04:23 teaching until midnight.
04:37 Now I have to tell you that right now I'm perched quite
04:40 high on what seems to be about a three-story window.
04:44 Eutychus us was sitting in a three-story window listening
04:47 in an upstairs meeting room, there were many lamps there
04:51 and Paul had went on and on.
04:53 He was sharing his heart concern because he knew he would
04:56 not see these people again.
04:58 Luke tells us Eutychus went to sleep.
05:09 What an incredible story, Eutychus goes to sleep, he's in
05:12 the third story and falls back.
05:13 The people catch their breath as they hear him hit the
05:17 ground, they run outside and see that he is dead.
05:21 Verse 10.
05:40 What an intriguing story!
05:42 Luke tells us that it happened on the first day of the
05:47 week, now many have taken this passage to mean that Paul
05:51 was having a meeting on Sunday because he had transferred
05:55 the solemnity of the Sabbath from Saturday, the seventh
05:59 day, to Sunday the first day.
06:01 Now that would be very curious wouldn't it?
06:04 Paul has tarried for the feast of unleavened bread.
06:08 He still, apparently, is celebrating the feast, he is
06:12 hoping to make Pentecost in Jerusalem at the temple.
06:16 It would be very curious if Paul had adopted
06:20 another day of worship.
06:22 As we have traveled through this great land in the
06:25 footsteps of Paul, we noted how in Pisidian Antioch that
06:28 nearly the whole city, both Jew and Gentile, came
06:31 together on the Sabbath and then were invited to come
06:35 together on the next Sabbath.
06:37 We seen that when Paul was in Philippi that he was
06:41 accused of being a Jew and proselytizing Romans.
06:46 Wouldn't that be curious if while in the city of Philippi
06:50 he adopted the first day of the week, and he was being
06:53 accused of being a Jew?
06:55 It makes no sense at all, as a matter of fact Paul could
06:59 say with a straight face and a sincere heart, that he had
07:03 done nothing against the fathers.
07:05 No he had not given up worshipping on the Sabbath.
07:10 This was a farewell meeting, Paul had spent a week here,
07:14 he knew he would never see these disciples again.
07:18 He was sharing his heart concern because he planned to
07:21 leave the next morning at daybreak.
07:24 He intended to walk the 30 miles down to the port of
07:30 Assos, the question is why does Luke include the story?
07:34 Does he include the story to tell us that the church
07:37 here in Troas adopted the first day of the week?
07:40 Of course not, he includes the story to tell us about
07:44 Eutychus, and how Eutychus had fallen out of a window
07:47 and how that he had been taken up for dead and yet
07:51 was raised to life.
07:53 It was a miracle that brought great encouragement to the
07:57 believers of God's power.
07:59 But the question is this,
08:01 just when did this meeting happened?
08:04 They had gathered together on the first day of the week,
08:08 but what time were they breaking bread?
08:11 Did they break bread before midnight, or after midnight?
08:16 A careful reading of the text tells us that Paul kept on
08:21 talking until midnight, and that Eutychus fell out the
08:26 window after midnight and then Paul went upstairs and
08:32 broke bread with the disciples.
08:34 Then at daylight he left for Assos.
08:38 So the question is this, at what time of the day would
08:43 Luke consider this meeting to be taking place?
08:46 The breaking of bread clearly happens after midnight.
08:51 The question would be, was Luke reckoning time as a
08:56 Gentile, or as a Jew?
08:59 You see Jewish people celebrate the day from sunset
09:04 to sunset, after the sun would set on a Sabbath, that is
09:08 what we would call Saturday night, that would be the
09:12 beginning of the first day of the week.
09:15 Not at midnight, but at sunset.
09:17 Paul met with the disciples on the Sabbath, and after
09:21 the Sabbath closed they had a farewell meeting where
09:24 he was sharing his heart concern, much like he would do
09:27 with the Ephesian elders when he calls them down to
09:30 Miletus, because this is the last time he will see them.
09:33 He meets with them sharing and goes on and on and goes
09:37 past midnight, and then Eutychus falls out of the window.
09:41 The miracle happens.
09:43 Paul comes upstairs, they share a meal together.
09:48 They share the Lord's supper together and then at daylight
09:51 Paul walks 30 miles, a day's journey,
09:54 up to Assos and so again we ask the question.
09:59 Was the meeting happening on Saturday night, was this
10:02 simply a farewell meeting after Sabbath services?
10:05 Certainly this is the position of the new English Bible
10:09 takes, because it says on Saturday night we came into
10:12 the upper room and they had many lamps in the house.
10:16 Then he relates the story of Eutychus.
10:18 Some would say however that it could not be on Saturday
10:22 night, then Luke was a Gentile.
10:24 Well if you take that position it would be a curious one
10:28 to take, then Paul has come together on the first day of
10:31 the week, but they break bread, that is they celebrate
10:35 the Lord's supper after midnight on Monday morning.
10:40 Then Paul walks for 30 miles to Assos.
10:43 Either way we see that Paul was not having a special
10:47 religious meeting on the first day of the week.
10:51 It was a farewell meeting, most likely happening on
10:55 Saturday night with Paul on Sunday morning walking the
10:59 30 miles up to Assos to meet the disciples who had gone
11:03 by ship ahead of him.
11:06 So we see that this text is in complete harmony with all
11:09 that we have seen of Paul through our journeys in his
11:13 footsteps, whether it was in Pisidian Antioch or Philippi
11:17 or in Corinth, indeed he was thought of as a Jew because
11:22 he was celebration Shabbat.
11:24 We have noted that Paul indeed was taking Christianity to
11:30 a new level, recognizing that Judaism had its limits.
11:35 Recognizing that you did not have to be circumcised,
11:39 that is you did not have to become a Jew to be saved.
11:44 No Christianity was far beyond Judaism and yet the
11:48 Sabbath was an integral part of Paul's experience and
11:53 also the experience of the early church.
11:55 In Ephesus we saw the great temple of Hadrian.
11:59 Hadrian played a very important part in the change of
12:03 the day of worship from the seventh day Sabbath to the
12:07 first day of the week.
12:08 In the beginning part of the second century, a Jewish
12:12 leader named Simon bar Kosiba led a rebellion.
12:16 His real name was Simon bar Kosiba, or Sun of a star.
12:22 Simon bar Kokhba led a rebellion against Rome.
12:26 It was a tremendous rebellion and it went on for
12:28 three years, they struck new coins saying the
12:31 freedom of Israel.
12:33 He was called the sun of a star, he was considered by many
12:39 to be the Messiah.
12:41 He led this uprising and Rome came down with a terrible
12:45 vengeance, Hadrian came in and destroyed the city.
12:50 Today as we walk on the streets of Jerusalem there
12:53 are very few places that we can actually walk that
12:56 Jesus walked because the city was rebuilt
13:00 in the second century.
13:02 It was rebuilt in Roman splendor, and it was named the
13:06 Aelia Capitolina, the new capital of Palestine.
13:11 Jews were forbidden to come within 50 miles of Jerusalem.
13:15 It is very interesting that this edict also applied to
13:19 Christians, because from the Roman mind, Jews and
13:23 Christians were celebrating the same day so they
13:26 must be the same people.
13:28 As a matter of fact there was a great controversy that
13:30 was taking place in the early church.
13:33 It was called? Quattro Decemens?
13:36 Most of the early churches celebrated the crucifixion
13:40 of Jesus on the 14th day of the first Jewish month.
13:43 That is on Passover.
13:45 Jesus died on Passover which was tied to a day of the
13:49 month, not a day of the week.
13:51 He rested in the tomb on the ceremonial Sabbath, and on
13:55 the first day of the week He came back to life.
13:59 That was the 16th day of the first Jewish month.
14:02 The fascinating thing is, that the 14th day was Passover.
14:06 The Lamb would be killed at three in the afternoon.
14:09 Then there was a ceremonial Sabbath, there were seven
14:11 annual ceremonial Sabbath's that were not tied to a day
14:14 of the week, but tied to days of the month.
14:17 The year that Jesus died, the ceremonial Sabbath happened
14:22 to coincide with the weekly Sabbath.
14:24 Thus John said it was a high Sabbath.
14:27 But on the 16th day, in which that year happened to be
14:30 the first day of the week, was the offering of the first
14:34 fruits, the first fruit offering was incredible.
14:38 The first ripening grains of barley were coming to
14:41 fruition in Palestine.
14:43 The priest would go and take some of those first ripening
14:46 grains and bring them in the temple and dedicate the
14:50 barley harvest to God.
14:52 This was taking place on the 16th day of the first Jewish
14:56 month, think of what happened that day.
14:59 Jesus came back to life.
15:03 Paul said that Jesus was the first fruits of them that
15:06 should be raised from the dead.
15:08 Jesus was indeed the first fruit of the resurrection.
15:13 While the Jews were down waving their sheaves of barley
15:18 in the temple, Jesus was ascending before
15:20 the Father in highest heaven.
15:22 You recall that when Jesus died on the cross, the veil
15:25 was torn from the top to the bottom.
15:27 The Angels said there was no longer any need
15:30 for earthly sacrifices because the Lamb of God
15:32 has been offered for us.
15:34 Paul says in 1 Corinthians that Jesus was our Passover
15:38 Lamb, and now He fulfills the other part of the feast.
15:43 The wave sheath offering ascending as the first fruits
15:47 to be raised from the dead, well as I mentioned, this
15:51 took place on the 14th, 15th, and 16th day of
15:55 the first Jewish month.
15:56 The early Christians did not celebrate on Friday,
16:00 Saturday, Sunday, that is good Friday, Easter Sunday.
16:04 They celebrated it with Passover.
16:06 But when the bar Kokhba rebellion brought down the wrath
16:10 of Roman on Jews, Christians in Rome and Alexandria,
16:14 the two greatest cities of the Roman Empire tried to
16:18 distance themselves from Jews.
16:20 It was really anti-cynicism, they try to distinguish
16:24 themselves by saying we are not Jews and so in Rome
16:28 they chose to honor the resurrection of Jesus on the
16:32 festival of Ishtar, can you hear it?
16:35 Ishtar - Easter.
16:37 The festival of Ishtar was celebrated through
16:40 the ancient near East.
16:42 It took place on the first Sunday after the full moon,
16:45 after the spring equinox.
16:47 It was a time of celebrating harvest.
16:50 It was a time of celebrating life.
16:53 Have you ever wondered why there are Easter eggs?
16:57 Really they are Ishtar eggs and we see them all through
17:00 the temples we visited.
17:01 All through the ruins where Paul preached we see those
17:04 eggs decorating the temples.
17:06 Symbols of fertility, symbols of life.
17:09 Jesus indeed was resurrected from the dead on the first
17:15 day of the week, but it was in fulfillment of the
17:18 offering of the wave sheath, the first fruits of them
17:21 that would be raised from the dead.
17:23 No, Paul was not teaching that we should worship on the
17:28 first day of the week instead of the Sabbath.
17:30 He was the Sabbath keeper through and through.
17:32 We seen that he even did a vow of cutting his hair.
17:36 Sailing from Cenchraea to Caesarea, and going up and
17:40 burning his hair in the temple.
17:42 He wanted to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost.
17:45 Paul was Jewish through and through, but he recognized
17:49 the limitations of Judaism.
17:51 He recognize that Christianity must not be shackled to
17:54 circumcision, that you did not have to be a Jew to be
17:59 saved, and so as we visited in Colossae, we saw that Paul
18:03 wrote to that city.
18:05 He wrote on this very point, Paul said you have been so
18:08 completely forgiven by Jesus Christ at Calvary's cross,
18:13 the very list of the sins you had committed has been
18:17 blotted out, it has been nailed to the cross,
18:20 the devil has been exposed and made a public spectacle
18:23 because he is a defeated foe.
18:27 Therefore in light of your complete forgiveness,
18:29 Paul says, don't let anybody judge you, whether you
18:32 keep the festivals, or you don't keep the festivals.
18:34 Don't let anybody judge you when you offer the drink
18:37 offerings or the grain offerings because you have
18:40 been forgiven through Jesus.
18:43 You have been made whole and complete.
18:45 As a Jew, Paul continued to keep the festivals.
18:49 As a Jew, Paul continued by even offering a vow.
18:54 He was arrested in the temple while performing a vow
18:58 with several other men.
19:00 But Paul says that if you are a Gentile,
19:03 you don't have to keep the festivals,
19:06 you don't have to keep Passover because Jesus is our
19:10 Passover and He has been offered for us, He is the first
19:14 fruit of the resurrection from the dead.
19:16 So Paul says don't let anyone judge you in these matters,
19:21 because your forgiveness was achieved by the death of
19:26 Jesus on Calvary's cross.
19:28 And to that we say praise and honor and glory to our God.
19:33 For Jesus has made us complete, one in Him.
19:37 Paul recognized that if this division continued between
19:43 Jew and Gentile, it would destroy the church.
19:46 So he bridges it with this wonderful teaching from
19:49 Colossians chapter 2, showing the unity we have in Jesus.
19:54 It's an option to keep the feasts.
19:56 The question would be is that an option about the
19:59 Sabbath? Well let me answer it this way.
20:02 Our salvation does not rest upon observing the Sabbath,
20:08 or not observing the Sabbath.
20:10 Just as our salvation does not rest upon keeping any of
20:14 God's commandments, our salvation rests upon what
20:18 Jesus did at Calvary's cross.
20:21 We are saved by grace through faith, that is what he
20:24 wrote to the church of Ephesus.
20:27 That was his message over and over again, but he also
20:30 wrote to the church of Ephesus, that because we are saved
20:34 by grace through faith, that we were also created in
20:38 God to do good works to the glory and honor of God.
20:42 So as he said to the church of Ephesus, we always want
20:46 to do those things that are pleasing to the Lord.
20:50 I know that that is my desire, and I hope it's yours too.
20:56 Paul leaves the great city of Alexandria and Troas and
21:00 walks 30 miles down the coast to Assos.
21:04 He sends the disciples by ship to the great harbor 30
21:08 miles south of this great city.
21:15 I am walking among the ruins of the ancient Temple of
21:18 Athena, built in the sixth century BC.
21:22 This Temple dominated the Acropolis of Assos.
21:27 You can see the sparkling blue waters
21:30 of the Aegean behind me.
21:32 The Acropolis and Temple can be seen for miles away,
21:38 a must of been a tremendous beacon to Mariners
21:41 sailing down the coast.
21:43 Paul would have walked down this road to the harbor
21:47 to meet his friends before catching the boat and sailing
21:50 to Miletus south of Ephesus.
21:54 We are here at the Port of Assos, a picturesque harbor
21:59 Village, a fishing village as you can see.
22:03 A working fishing village just under the leeward
22:06 side of the Lesbos island.
22:08 This is the port to which Paul walked from Alexandria
22:13 and Troas and here he rendezvoused with Silas and Luke
22:18 and the others who have taken a ship down from
22:20 Alexandria and Troas to this port.
22:22 Together they sailed down the coast past Ephesus, to Melitus,
22:27 where Paul called for the elders of the church to come
22:30 and meet with them and gave him that farewell parting,
22:33 farewell instructions.
22:36 We are going down to Miletus, this spot where Paul called
22:41 for the elders of the church and shared his heart
22:44 concern, telling them that he would never
22:47 see their face again.
22:52 He gave a moving appeal, reminding them how he had not
22:55 laid a charge to them, but worked with his own hands
22:59 while he had been at Ephesus for three years.
23:02 He reminded them how he had taught them publicly at the
23:06 Hall of Tyrannus and house to house.
23:09 Paul continues his heartfelt appeal to
23:12 the elders of Ephesus.
23:29 And then he gives a stirring appeal,
23:32 a deep heartfelt appeal.
24:07 Paul shares one of his deepest warnings ever with the
24:11 overseers, the elders of the church of Ephesus.
24:14 He reminds them of how for three years he had taught
24:17 them publicly about this.
24:19 He says I know after I leave that grievous wolves will
24:23 come in and not spare the flock.
24:25 I know that after I leave that some of you listening to
24:30 me right now, will rise up and distort the true and
24:34 draw away disciples after yourselves.
24:36 Paul had given a similar teaching when he wrote back to
24:41 the church at Thessaloniki.
24:44 He told them that before Jesus would, come there would be
24:47 a falling away first, a perversion of the truth.
24:51 An apostasia, a walking away from the gospel.
24:54 Paul had warned the church at Thessaloniki that this
24:59 would take place before Jesus would come.
25:02 Now he warns the elders at Ephesus, that the same would
25:05 happen, men of your own selves will arise and distort
25:09 the truth, drawing away disciples after themselves.
25:13 To the Thessalonians he had written that the mystery of
25:17 iniquity is already at work.
25:21 The mystery of Anomia, a spirit of lawlessness.
25:26 Paul senses this is going to happen in Ephesus as well.
25:30 When Jesus writes His letter to the church of Ephesus,
25:35 penned by John on Patmos Island he said, watch out for
25:39 those who have the doctrine of the Nicolaitians.
25:43 The Nicolaitians taught a doctrine of anti-nomism.
25:46 They were teaching that in the freedom they have
25:49 in Jesus, that they did not have to be obedient.
25:52 Paul warns that this will come and affect the
25:55 church of Ephesus as well.
26:27 Paul reminds them that he was not a charge to them,
26:30 that he worked at his trade of tent making with
26:33 his own hands, he supported his companions.
26:35 He reminded them of the words of Jesus, it is more
26:39 blessed to give than to receive.
26:42 Then there was this final appeal.
27:07 Paul shares with the elders of Ephesus that he will
27:11 never see their face again, they're heartbroken,
27:14 they kneeled together there by the beach, they embrace,
27:19 they cry, they hugged, they kiss,
27:24 and Paul boards the ship.
27:27 But he first prays with them that they will be faithful
27:31 to the charge that they have received.
27:33 That they will run the race faithfully as he has run
27:37 the race, that they will complete the course that God
27:41 has set for them, just as he must complete the
27:44 course God has set for him.
27:46 They kneel here at Melitus, and they pray
27:51 a prayer commitment, join me as we pray together.
27:54 Father as we think of that time when Paul came
27:58 to this port, this great harbor city and called for the elders
28:02 of the church to come down and meet him here.
28:04 How they shared, they hugged, they kissed, because Paul
28:08 had said he would never see their face again.
28:10 Father help us to run the race as Paul did.
28:13 Help us to follow wherever You lead.
28:16 May our footsteps follow Your footsteps just as Paul's
28:20 has before us I pray, in Jesus name Amen!
28:24 Please join us for our next chapter in this exciting
28:29 series, Paul goes to Jerusalem for Passover.
28:33 There, there is a tremendous turn in of events when
28:36 Paul must appeal to go before Caesar.


Revised 2014-12-17