Issues and Answers (D2D)

Obey Your Thirst

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Karen Thomas (Host), Pastor Kymone Hinds


Series Code: IAADD

Program Code: IAADD000040A

00:27 Welcome to Issues & Answers.
00:29 Say, have you ever been so thirsty.
00:34 But outside is so hot, you have to...
00:36 Hold a second.
00:38 Have some more water and you're like, "Oh, man!"
00:41 Oh, no, I got to have some more.
00:45 Or have you ever wanted something
00:47 besides being thirsty?
00:49 Have you ever wanted something so badly that you can taste it?
00:55 Well, today we're going to talk about obey your thirst.
01:00 And our guest today is none other than Pastor Kymone Hinds.
01:04 He is a graduate. He's a native New Yorker.
01:07 He graduated from St. John University
01:09 in New York City with actuarial science.
01:13 Yeah.
01:14 And then the Lord called him to the ministry
01:16 and he attended Andrews University
01:18 and obtained a Masters of Divinity.
01:20 He was a former youth director for Central States Conference
01:24 of Seventh-day Adventist.
01:25 And he is now in Memphis, Tennessee
01:27 pastoring Overton Park Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:30 and is planting a new church journey fellowship.
01:33 Welcome to the program, Pastor Hinds.
01:36 Thank you. Thank you for having me.
01:38 I'm glad to be here.
01:39 So we get to obey our thirst?
01:41 Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.
01:43 Okay. What's that all about?
01:45 Well, you know, let me, let me start here.
01:47 Have you ever really had a really good dream?
01:49 I'm talking about the dream that
01:51 you're getting to do all the things you want to do
01:53 and in this dream while you're sleeping,
01:56 you're getting to the point of the dream.
01:58 It's the best part of the dream.
01:59 Yes.
02:01 And we're getting to the part where you win the game,
02:03 the part where you get the new house.
02:05 And all of a sudden your dream gets interrupted.
02:07 Yes.
02:09 I mean like your alarm clock goes off
02:10 or someone wakes you up.
02:12 Isn't that one of the most
02:13 frustrating experiences of life?
02:14 Yes.
02:16 As a matter of fact, at one time I was in the hospital,
02:17 and I was having this wonderful dream.
02:19 And you said that... I got waken up by the nurse.
02:22 It's time for your shot.
02:24 Now, what do you do to...
02:25 You know, what do you do when your,
02:27 when your dream gets interrupted?
02:28 I know what I try to do.
02:30 I try to go back to sleep,
02:31 to get the rest of the dream and it never works out.
02:33 It never works out.
02:35 And it's frustrating when
02:37 someone wakes you up out of your dream,
02:38 when life wakes you out of your dream.
02:40 Right.
02:42 But it's even more frustrating
02:43 when the dreams we have for life
02:47 are awakened dreams are interrupted by life.
02:50 When the things that we hope for
02:52 and we long for in life,
02:54 we just can't seem to have them.
02:55 Right.
02:57 And I feel like all of us have awakened dreams.
02:58 We have daydreams.
03:00 Dreams of things we want to do
03:02 and things we want to accomplish in life
03:05 or even as parents, we have dreams for our children.
03:07 Sure.
03:08 Things that we want them to accomplish
03:11 and just go on in life.
03:12 And just seems like there are times
03:14 when life interrupts our dreams.
03:16 So what do most people do when that happens?
03:19 You know, when our dreams get interrupted by life,
03:22 we substitute something else for the lofty things
03:26 that we were going after.
03:28 Instead of going after big dreams,
03:31 we begin settling for smaller things.
03:34 We begin just living life at a lower level.
03:37 We make a substitute.
03:38 You know, it's like if you can't find
03:40 what you're really looking for water.
03:42 Sometimes we'll substitute it for some drink
03:44 that may have lesser value.
03:46 Like soda. That's what we do. Yeah.
03:48 And there's a story in the Bible
03:49 actually about a lady
03:51 who had big dreams for her life, I'm sure.
03:54 But now it started settling for something less
03:57 and had substituted
03:58 for something a whole lot lesser.
04:00 And Jesus interrupts this, this substitute,
04:03 this settling of life
04:05 and begins to awaken a dream in her.
04:08 It's found in John 4.
04:10 John 4? Yep.
04:11 And it's the story that we call
04:12 "the woman at the well" story.
04:14 Okay.
04:15 That Jesus now comes in
04:16 and begins to awaken in her dream
04:19 that she had before.
04:20 It's John 4.
04:22 And here's how Jesus awakens that dream in verse 7,
04:24 He says to her simply give me a drink.
04:28 Well, it's just a simple line, "Give me a drink."
04:30 And here it is this lady was coming to the well at noon
04:35 when no one else is supposed to be there.
04:37 She comes to this well expecting no one to be there,
04:41 expecting no one to, to interrupt her
04:44 and to talk to her.
04:45 And Jesus has a plan to stop her
04:49 and to say to her, "Give me a drink."
04:51 Now, to you and I that's, that's no big deal.
04:55 But this lady begins to dialogue.
04:56 And she says to Jesus, who's a Jew, she's a Samaritan.
05:00 She says, "It's not the custom
05:03 that a Jew would ask a Samaritan to drink."
05:05 Now, now why are you having this dialogue with me.
05:08 And Jesus says these interesting words.
05:10 "If you only knew who was offering you this drink,
05:14 if you only knew the gift of God,
05:16 you would ask me give me a drink
05:19 and I would give you Living Water."
05:22 Jesus says, "If you only knew who you were talking to.
05:25 If you only knew what I had for you,
05:28 you would be clamoring for what I have.
05:32 You would, you would run to me and you would ask me for it
05:35 because what I have
05:37 is what you've been looking for all along."
05:39 Wow! Wow!
05:42 So what happens next?
05:43 I mean, so now, it's interesting
05:44 the woman begins to try to tell Jesus
05:47 this interesting thing, in verse 11.
05:49 I think it's something we all tell God from time to time.
05:52 She says in verse 11,
05:53 "Sir, you have nothing to draw water with
05:57 and the well is deep."
05:58 She says, "Jesus, I hear this offer
06:01 that you want to give me water.
06:03 You want to satisfy me.
06:05 But as I look at you,
06:07 You have nothing to draw water from
06:09 and the well is deep."
06:11 And in our lives there are parallels.
06:13 We sometimes tell God, "God, I see your offer of life.
06:16 I see your offer of blessing me.
06:19 But you don't understand my issues
06:21 because my pain is deep and my issues run deeper."
06:25 Yes.
06:26 You don't have what I need because what I've been,
06:30 I've been dealing with God is a whole lot deeper
06:32 than what you're able to handle.
06:34 You know, that, that's so true.
06:36 That's so true.
06:38 Sometimes life can just be overwhelming.
06:40 Sure.
06:41 And you just wonder, like you said,
06:42 you just wonder is it possible for God
06:44 to be able to address this particular issue in my life.
06:47 Sure. Sure.
06:48 I mean, let's, let's think about some of the issues
06:50 where we feel lonely, for instance.
06:51 Yes.
06:53 And we think, "God, you're offering me all of these things
06:56 that can satisfy me but after I'm done praying,
06:59 I'm still alone.
07:00 After I'm done praying,
07:02 I'm still going home to a house by myself.
07:04 You don't have anything to draw water with and my,
07:07 my well runs deep.
07:08 Yes.
07:10 You know, we say, "God, I know all of these solutions
07:13 that we've talked about.
07:14 But maybe that was good when I was a child.
07:16 When, when I was dealing with small problems
07:18 like someone didn't want to play with me at school
07:21 but now I'm dealing with grown up issues.
07:22 Right.
07:24 I've dealt with abuse some people are thinking,
07:26 I've dealt with rejection,
07:27 I've dealt with some of life's hurts
07:30 and I've even inflicted things on myself.
07:32 God, you have nothing to draw water with
07:35 and my well runs deep.
07:37 And we say, "God, I've been tired
07:39 of trying all the things that people say,
07:42 you should try a spiritual people.
07:44 I've been tired of, you know, naming it and claiming it
07:47 and reaching up my hands and grabbing it,
07:49 and God, I don't see it because maybe it's me.
07:52 Maybe my issues run too deep for God.
07:56 And I think like that woman, sometimes we think,
07:58 "Jesus, I see the offer,
08:00 but maybe I'm beyond the point that You can help me."
08:04 That is so true. That is absolutely true.
08:06 Yeah.
08:08 I don't know, I think, in all of us as human beings,
08:10 there is a part of us that feels
08:11 that maybe my issues are too deep for God.
08:15 I've felt that way.
08:16 I felt, "Maybe God, I'm too messed up.
08:20 I have too much baggage."
08:23 We've all felt, "Maybe God, you can help other people
08:26 but my well runs too deep.
08:28 And God, you can't get to the bottom of this.
08:31 You can't fix this."
08:32 And this woman is telling Jesus,
08:35 "You have nothing to draw water with
08:37 and this well runs deep.
08:41 And then Jesus says to her...
08:42 She says to Him,
08:44 "Are You greater than our fathers?
08:45 Are you greater than all the people
08:46 who thought they could help us?"
08:48 And then Jesus says to her,
08:49 "Everyone who drinks, verse 13,
08:52 of this water will be thirsty again.
08:54 But whoever drinks of the water
08:56 I will give him will never be thirsty.
08:59 The water I will give him will become in him a spring of water
09:03 welling up to eternal life.
09:04 Jesus says. "Here's what I'm going to do.
09:07 You come to this well to get water.
09:10 But when you come you go home
09:12 and you exhaust what you've taken home.
09:15 You come to a mountain and you worship
09:17 but when you go home, that experience is gone."
09:20 Jesus says, "I'm going to make this personal.
09:23 I'll put the well inside of you.
09:25 I got to tell you this.
09:26 You telling this story
09:28 is really touching my soul so much.
09:30 And it's true, you know,
09:31 I don't, I don't think of anybody
09:33 who's lived life long enough,
09:35 you're gonna have some serious disappointments.
09:37 You're gonna have some things that you feel like you've,
09:40 you know, that you felt that, that, you know,
09:42 you haven't quite made, met the mark.
09:45 But you're saying that God is
09:46 able to give us something that is,
09:50 that will supply that thirst in us.
09:52 That's right.
09:53 Because all of us have a longing,
09:57 that only God can supply.
10:00 We may run after other things
10:02 but God is the only one that can supply that longing.
10:06 And at our core level, there is,
10:09 there are just sometimes that we say,
10:12 "I'm not satisfied.
10:14 I have been coming to this well for the lady.
10:17 Well, I've been doing this experience.
10:20 I've been trying this thing. And I'm still not satisfied."
10:24 And Jesus says, "All of the things you try,
10:27 they're not personal but what I'm saying,
10:29 I want to come, put the well inside of you.
10:31 I want to give you something that not only satisfies you
10:35 but overflows out of you."
10:37 So we don't have to go to the well.
10:39 You're saying God is,
10:40 Jesus is willing to put the well inside of us?
10:42 Yes.
10:44 So we don't have to go and seek out the well.
10:45 Right.
10:46 Let me go, get this thirst quench.
10:48 Let me go over here. Let me try this here.
10:50 Let me keep looking over here.
10:51 You're saying, we' don't have to keep looking anymore.
10:53 Right. Now, let me, let me say this.
10:55 I'm a pastor.
10:56 And every week, I'm ministering to people.
10:59 And from time to time someone will say,
11:02 I'm just so broken down by life.
11:03 I just got to get to church to get filled up,
11:06 and that sounds great.
11:08 And we're glad that the church becomes a place
11:10 where people can find God and experience God.
11:12 Right.
11:13 But God is saying, "I want to do something
11:15 even greater than that.
11:16 I don't want you to come to religious services
11:18 each week empty."
11:19 Right.
11:21 "And get filled up and go out through the week
11:23 and get exhausted and, and emptied into life
11:26 and then come back."
11:28 God is saying, "I want you to live life on full.
11:31 I want you to live life where you're not coming to...
11:33 Live life of full.
11:35 That's right. I like that idea.
11:36 You're not getting your needle going down to E.
11:38 And then you come back to us,
11:40 worship service and you get back to F.
11:42 No, God is saying, "I want you to live life
11:45 on full to the point
11:46 where the supply is bubbling over out of you
11:49 and spilling out to others."
11:51 So can you imagine,
11:52 what would happen if everyone
11:54 received the well on the inside.
11:55 And we all came together,
11:57 what kind of experience we would have as believers,
12:00 as worshippers, as human beings
12:02 when all of us who are living life on full
12:05 because God is supplying us on the inside.
12:07 We're connected with others who are full
12:09 and we're just overflowing in love and just,
12:13 just the grace of God is flowing out
12:14 from us to others.
12:16 What would happen to us?
12:17 We would have one great wave that we could ride a wave.
12:20 That's right. That's right.
12:22 Now, what's interesting in this story is,
12:23 Jesus has just awakened a desire.
12:25 He just, you know,
12:26 He's just given her that dream back again.
12:29 And she says to Him,
12:30 "Sir, give me this water in verse 15.
12:33 She's like, ''Okay, I got it.
12:35 The dreams that I've had as a girl,
12:37 the dreams that I've been longing for,
12:39 I now see it.
12:40 Give me this water. I want that.
12:41 I don't want to keep coming back to this well.
12:44 Give me this water."
12:45 And you would think that Jesus will say,
12:47 "Okay, here's the water."
12:49 But something interesting happens.
12:50 In verse 16, He says,
12:52 "Go, call your husband and come here."
12:55 Now come on Jesus after all of this time,
12:57 you're trying to tell us how good the water is.
13:00 Sell her on the benefits of this."
13:02 Yes.
13:03 "You've been marketing this water.
13:04 I mean, you've packaged it so well,
13:06 that she says, I want to buy it.
13:08 And you go change the subject to say,
13:10 "Go, call your husband."
13:12 I mean, that's like,
13:13 if you, if you study marketing you don't do that.
13:15 You make the sale
13:16 and you complete the transaction.
13:18 Close the deal. Yes, right.
13:19 You close the deal.
13:20 Jesus changes the subject and says,
13:22 "Go, call your husband."
13:23 Now, I know in today's culture like
13:25 people don't want you to get in your business.
13:28 They don't want you to get up-close and personal.
13:30 This is Jesus now getting into her stuff.
13:33 And I would just pay money to see some people
13:36 what they would say to Jesus
13:37 if He said that to them at the well that day.
13:39 Oh, oh.
13:40 Like, uh-uh, Jesus, don't get up in my business.
13:42 We work fine when we were talking about water.
13:45 But now you're talking about my personal stuff.
13:48 And Jesus says, "Go, call your husband."
13:50 So she tries what we all do.
13:51 We divert, you know, we change the subject.
13:53 I don't have a husband.
13:55 Jesus says, "You're right
13:56 because you've had five husbands
13:58 and the man you're with now is not your husband."
14:00 I mean now, Jesus is getting really into her business.
14:03 Put her on blast. That's right.
14:05 He's all up in the Kool-Aid. He's right there.
14:06 Right.
14:08 And, and she, she says,
14:10 "Sir, I think you're a prophet."
14:11 Now what's interesting here is Jesus is offering her water.
14:15 He wants to satisfy her.
14:17 But before He gives her what will satisfy,
14:20 He wants to deal with the things
14:22 she's been using to substitute
14:24 what she's been really longing for.
14:26 So even though Jesus satisfies, He doesn't share.
14:31 He doesn't want to share with anything else
14:35 what only God should supply for us.
14:38 Explain that one? Now think about this.
14:41 This lady had been using relationships to satisfy
14:46 and to quench her thirst.
14:47 Right.
14:49 She had been going from relationship to relationship
14:51 to satisfy the longing that only Jesus could satisfy.
14:55 And Jesus is saying, "I want to,
14:57 I want to be that,
14:58 that one thing that satisfies you.
15:00 But before I do that,
15:02 I've got to address all the things
15:04 you've been using as a substitute for me.
15:07 I want to address the things you've settled on,
15:10 that you've been using to now,
15:13 make you not long for me as much.
15:15 I want to, I want to remove that,
15:16 I want to call that thing out.
15:17 Address the issue.
15:19 I want to address the issues
15:20 and Jesus does the same thing for us,
15:23 because all of us have things in our lives
15:25 that we've used to substitute for God.
15:28 Like what kinds of things?
15:30 Things like achievement.
15:32 You know, even good things, I am successful.
15:37 I do well in all the things that I put my hands to
15:41 and I have attained a certain level of just status.
15:45 And those things can sometimes become the things
15:48 that we substitute for the longing
15:51 that we really should have for God.
15:53 Amen. Amen.
15:54 I think even as a parent, it's so dangerous
15:56 that we can use our children
15:58 and their endeavors into things that we are pushing them after
16:02 to substitute for what only God can supply for us.
16:06 Wow, that's really powerful.
16:07 You know, there's a line. I want to just skip down.
16:09 There is a line here in verse 29
16:10 that I feel like it's so interesting.
16:12 You know, we know part of the story
16:14 and we get down to the part where the lady goes into town.
16:17 Right.
16:18 And she begins to tell others to come see Jesus.
16:20 Right.
16:21 And she says in verse 29,
16:22 "Come see a man who told me all that I ever did.
16:26 Can this be the Christ?"
16:28 Now listen to the word she tells to the people.
16:30 Jesus told me everything that I ever did.
16:35 Now, you read the dialogue.
16:36 We just read the dialogue.
16:37 The only thing Jesus told her about herself is
16:40 you've had five husbands
16:41 and the man you're with now is not your husband.
16:44 He didn't tell her about her upbringing,
16:46 didn't talk about what school she went to...
16:47 Right.
16:49 We don't know what career she had.
16:50 All we know is she's had five husbands.
16:52 And the one she's with now, that's not her husband.
16:55 And she describes that as all I've ever did.
17:00 And you know for all of us, there is a story of
17:03 all I've ever did because we all have a pattern.
17:08 Her pattern was I define myself by relationships.
17:12 And I go from relationship to relationship
17:15 because that's all I've ever done.
17:18 That's what I know.
17:20 That's the pattern I've gotten myself into.
17:22 That's what I use to satisfy the longings of my soul.
17:26 That's all I've ever done.
17:28 And all of us, Karen... Right.
17:30 I have it.
17:31 There's some things that I do, that's all I've ever done.
17:34 And our listeners
17:36 and the people are watching this.
17:37 Right. We all have a story.
17:38 That's, that's all I've ever done.
17:40 And for some people, we, we, it's, you know,
17:43 I try to get into relationship with someone
17:46 and if I'm out of a relationship,
17:47 I feel useless.
17:49 I'll go to another one that I may not,
17:51 that may not be good for me or good to me,
17:52 but that's all I've ever done.
17:54 How do we get caught up in that?
17:56 You know, it's just a cycle.
17:58 And we, and we, we find ourselves in the cycle
18:00 and we do it because that's all we've ever done.
18:03 And I think after a while,
18:04 we get tired of doing all we've ever done.
18:08 Yes. We get tired.
18:09 We just, we just get tired of
18:11 going from one thing to the next,
18:13 going from one person to the next,
18:16 one achievement.
18:17 And it's so empty, you know, you get to the top of the hill
18:21 and when you look down, you realize,
18:22 "Man, this hill isn't as high as I thought it was
18:24 and the view isn't as great."
18:26 Right.
18:27 But it's all I've ever done, so I chase the next hill.
18:30 You know, I make this accomplishment
18:32 and I hang it on the wall.
18:33 And it's not as shiny as I thought it would be.
18:36 And it doesn't give me as much points in my ego bank
18:39 as I thought it would.
18:40 But I'll chase the next one
18:42 because that's all I've ever done.
18:45 And Jesus says, "I'm here for you
18:48 when you're tired of doing all you've ever done."
18:51 Amen. Amen.
18:53 Because your thirst leads you to Jesus.
18:59 And when you obey your thirst,
19:01 you realize Jesus is the only thing
19:03 that satisfies us.
19:06 And so Jesus tells this woman,
19:08 "I don't want to share your allegiance,
19:10 I don't want you to think you can fulfill this need
19:14 with something else.
19:16 I want to show you that I'm the only one
19:17 that can fulfill this.
19:19 And so the woman says,
19:21 "I wanted Jesus,
19:23 I want whatever you have for me."
19:26 And it's interesting in this story.
19:28 What I love about this story is this woman
19:32 leaves her water pot behind
19:34 to go into town to tell people she's found Jesus.
19:37 Now, why did she come to the well, Karen?
19:39 She was thirsty. So she came for...
19:41 I'm assuming she is thirsty or she needed water.
19:43 She came for water. She needed water.
19:45 That's right.
19:46 But she actually forgets the reason
19:48 that she came to the well.
19:50 Right. Right.
19:52 You know, it's so interesting that
19:54 have you ever been doing something
19:56 and you're so fulfilled by that one thing
19:59 that you forget to eat.
20:00 Yeah. You forget to drink.
20:02 You're like, "Wow, I realize.
20:04 I've gone all day along
20:06 and I haven't even eaten anything.
20:08 I didn't realize I was thirsty
20:10 because whatever I was doing was so fulfilling.
20:12 So much fun. Right.
20:14 Or so fulfilling. That's right.
20:16 This lady had gotten...
20:18 When she grabbed the hold of the offer
20:20 that Jesus had for her,
20:21 she actually left behind the thing
20:24 that she had brought with her
20:26 to fulfill a legitimate human need.
20:28 She had become so satisfied what Jesus had offered her,
20:32 that her water pot, she left it behind
20:34 and she goes into town to tell everyone,
20:37 "I've found the thing that I've been looking for."
20:39 Wow! Wow! My thirst is quenched.
20:43 But can I tell you something else in that story?
20:45 Please do.
20:46 She wasn't the only one that was satisfied that day.
20:50 Look at the story. It's interesting to me.
20:53 The Bible tells us early on that Jesus gets to this well.
20:57 It says, He needed to go through Samaria.
21:00 Now, that's interesting words.
21:02 Jews never walk through Samaria.
21:04 Really? They would walk around.
21:06 They had so much strife between them and Samaritans
21:09 that they would never go through Samaria.
21:11 They would go the long way, you know.
21:13 You know, how it is when you are in, you know,
21:16 you don't, you're not getting along with someone.
21:18 You see them coming one way, you walk the long way around.
21:20 Right.
21:21 Well, Jews would actually walk the long way around.
21:23 How far was that to go out of their way?
21:25 Well, it was, it at least added hours to their journey.
21:27 Hours?
21:29 But Jesus says, I have to go through Samaria.
21:32 He had an appointment.
21:33 And He gets to this well with His disciples
21:37 where He sends His disciples away into town to get food.
21:41 Now, Jesus understands, you know, the disciples,
21:44 they couldn't handle certain things.
21:45 So He gets rid of these guys
21:47 before they mess up this whole thing.
21:49 He said, you know what?
21:50 Go get me something to eat.
21:52 Now, He probably is legitimately hungry.
21:54 So Jesus sends them away to get food.
21:58 And He has an appointment with this lady at the well.
22:01 This is not by accident.
22:03 This is a divine appointment that Jesus has set up
22:05 to meet this woman who is longing for Him.
22:09 So Jesus now meets her at the well.
22:11 And He offers her the living water.
22:13 He deals with the things that
22:15 she's been using as a substitute.
22:17 And after He does that and she goes into town,
22:20 who show up on the scene?
22:21 The disciples.
22:23 They come back. They come back.
22:24 And what are they bringing?
22:26 They're bringing food. Food.
22:27 They are like Jesus, "You sent us to get food.
22:29 We did it. Here's the food.
22:30 We got exactly what you like."
22:32 You know, I don't know what Jesus was looking for
22:35 but they brought exactly what He was looking for.
22:38 And when they come back
22:39 and they bring the food to Jesus.
22:42 They say to Him, "The disciples are urging Him,
22:45 saying, Rabbi, eat."
22:47 Verse 31. Jesus, eat.
22:48 The food is there. It's getting cold.
22:50 You know, we, we've brought it.
22:51 We walked fast.
22:52 We got exactly what you needed.
22:54 Eat something. Right.
22:55 Jesus says to them, verse 32,
22:58 "I have food to eat that you don't know about."
23:01 Now the disciples are saying to one another,
23:03 "Someone else brought Him food."
23:05 You know like, we didn't take that long.
23:06 I thought we came as fast as we could.
23:08 We went to the closest store.
23:10 How does someone else beat us to give Jesus food?
23:12 Right.
23:14 And Jesus says, "My food is to do the will of Him
23:17 who sent Me in to accomplish His work."
23:19 Wow!
23:21 So the lady leaves her water behind
23:24 and Jesus leaves His food behind...
23:26 His food behind.
23:27 Because the lady is satisfied because she's found Jesus.
23:31 And Jesus is fulfilled because He's found someone
23:35 who's been looking for Him.
23:38 See not only are we longing for God,
23:42 God has been longing for us.
23:45 And the reason we even desire God
23:48 is because He has been the one that has been desiring us.
23:53 Wow!
23:54 That's amazing. That's amazing.
23:56 So God really desires us as much as we need Him
24:00 and desire Him or He puts that desire in us like thirst.
24:03 That's right.
24:05 The God who we thirst for has been the God
24:08 who has been longing for us even before we knew it.
24:12 It says, "Jesus was the lamb slain
24:15 from the foundation of the world
24:17 before we were even created,
24:19 and before we even had a problem.
24:22 God provided a solution for us.
24:25 God says, "I'm longing for you
24:27 more than you've been longing for me."
24:30 And I don't know about you but sometimes in my low moments,
24:34 I feel God has given up on me.
24:37 God does not want me.
24:39 And I want, I need to be reminded.
24:42 We all need to be reminded
24:44 that we didn't come looking for God,
24:46 God has come looking for us.
24:49 When Adam and Eve sinned,
24:50 they were running away from God
24:52 but the Bible tells us that God came looking for them.
24:56 And maybe there is somebody
24:57 listening to this who might feel,
25:00 "I've gone to the end of the road.
25:01 I'm at that point in a road that says,
25:04 you know, no more.
25:06 I'm at the point of the road it says, failure.
25:08 God is disappointed in you.
25:11 God wants nothing to do with you."
25:12 And I want you to know,
25:14 when you get to the end of that road,
25:15 there is someone standing there and that's Jesus.
25:17 Amen.
25:18 He is waiting for you because He's been longing for you
25:22 more than you've been longing for Him.
25:24 Wow!
25:25 That's just, that's just really,
25:28 that really is amazing, amazing love.
25:31 You know, so much talk about love,
25:34 and met love matches, and love connections,
25:36 and all those stuff, you're saying that
25:38 there is a divine desire for a love connection.
25:41 That's right. That's right.
25:43 You know, we love God.
25:45 And we need to love God and God wants us to love Him.
25:48 But I think the thing that awakens our love for God
25:51 is understanding how much God loves us.
25:54 I mean God is crazy about us.
25:56 God desires us.
25:58 God is so attracted to us,
26:01 and God comes after us, and God says,
26:04 if you understand how much I love you.
26:07 How much I'm crazy about you
26:09 that you're the apple of my eye.
26:11 It will cause a love within you to well up for me.
26:15 God is in love with us. Oh, wow!
26:18 You know, I know that I would like to have prayer.
26:21 And I know that those
26:23 that are watching for you at home,
26:25 this has touched my soul.
26:26 I hope it has touched your soul as well.
26:28 I'm gonna ask Pastor Hinds,
26:30 if you would please offer prayer for all of us
26:33 that we're able to obey our thirst.
26:36 That' right. That's right.
26:37 God, we thank You.
26:41 We thank You that when life has caused this
26:43 to give up on our dreams,
26:45 that You've come into our lives and You've awakened that dream,
26:48 that longing within us that only You can satisfy.
26:52 God, we thank You for Jesus.
26:55 A Jesus who comes after us.
26:58 A God who comes looking for us when we run away from Him.
27:02 And a God who is not satisfied when there is one lost soul
27:07 and one lost person out there in the world
27:09 thinking there without hope.
27:11 But God you send Jesus,
27:12 if there were just one person in this world,
27:14 you sent Jesus for that one person.
27:16 Yes.
27:17 So God, I pray for that person who is watching this right now,
27:20 who may have been thinking
27:22 and been tempted to give up on their relationship with You
27:25 because they've messed up so badly.
27:27 Others are disappointed in them
27:28 and they're disappointed in themselves.
27:30 And they are thinking God
27:31 does not want to have relationship with me anymore.
27:35 But God, I want You to let them know that
27:37 You are in love with them
27:39 that You sent Jesus to die for them,
27:41 that You're longing for them.
27:43 And because You love them so much God,
27:45 You want to awaken within them a love for You.
27:48 So God, we accept the love that You've given us.
27:50 We want to receive
27:52 what You've done for us on the cross,
27:54 that You've sent Jesus to die for us in our place
27:57 and now you offer us His righteousness.
28:00 So God we accept it.
28:01 We thank You for the gift.
28:03 And we long for what You give us.
28:04 God, we want to obey our thirst
28:06 and understand that Jesus is that Living Water.
28:09 Thank you God, in your name we pray.
28:11 Amen. Amen. Amen.
28:13 Thank you so much for joining us today
28:15 and God bless.
28:16 Obey your thirst.


Revised 2017-03-09