Issues and Answers (D2D)

Every Child's Chance

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Karen Thomas (Host), Principal Walter Turner


Series Code: IAADD

Program Code: IAADD000001A

00:28 Welcome to Issues and Answers.
00:29 Today, our topic is Every Child's Chance.
00:32 Researches have described the key essential learnings.
00:35 Common Core State Standards have been adopted nationwide.
00:38 Psychologists have found
00:40 17 factors that are necessary for children to thrive.
00:43 But what is the chance that every child deserves.
00:46 Our guest today is Walter M. Turner Jr.
00:48 He grew up in Los Angeles, California.
00:51 And Principal Turner went to Walla Walla,
00:53 got his masters from there,
00:55 had his undergraduate degree from Oakwood University
00:58 in Ministerial theology and education, secondary,
01:02 you got a lot of degrees there.
01:04 Just a few.
01:05 And you served in different capacities
01:08 as principal, dean, missionary, evangelist
01:11 in the United States and abroad.
01:12 Welcome to the program, Principal Turner.
01:15 Thank you for coming. Thank you, thank you.
01:16 Thank you so much. I appreciate the invite.
01:18 And I know you had to stop the school day
01:19 and everything to be able to come
01:22 but we are so glad to have you
01:23 and you're here to share with us
01:25 about what is every child's chance.
01:28 What does every child deserve?
01:30 The word says that "All thy children
01:32 shall be taught of the Lord
01:34 and great shall be the peace of thy children."
01:37 I believe that, I teach that, I preach it, I live it
01:40 and it started with me way back in the third grade
01:43 when I had to repeat the third grade
01:46 for not doing well academically.
01:50 And but it was not until the sixth grade
01:52 that I had teachers that cared about me
01:55 and were determined that I would be a success
01:57 and not a statistic.
02:00 And we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior
02:03 in the sixth grade.
02:05 In the sixth grade. In the sixth grade.
02:06 Continued on in public school
02:09 and went to Whaley Junior High School
02:11 in Compton, California.
02:12 Wow.
02:14 And it was that year
02:15 that I decided that I needed out of public school.
02:19 So you had just kind of gotten into a new faith,
02:22 had repeated the third grade
02:25 and now we're thinking that
02:26 you needed a new kind of school,
02:29 coming from Compton, what did you do next?
02:31 You know, what is your family?
02:33 What kind of decisions do they make for you
02:34 so that you'd be successful?
02:36 Well, there are five of us. Wow.
02:38 And we couldn't afford it.
02:41 And my dad said, I would not give one penny
02:44 for Christian education because I pay taxes.
02:47 Wow.
02:48 And my mother stepped out in faith
02:50 through the encouragement of a dear sister
02:53 that brought her to the Lord and said,
02:56 and said, I'm gonna put you in."
02:58 We're gonna put the children in one at a time.
03:00 And so I started at LA Union. Oh, yeah.
03:03 In the seventh grade. Wow.
03:05 And it was in the seventh grade while I was having worship,
03:10 the Lord said, "Walter, I want you to be a minister."
03:13 In the ninth grade, He says, "I want you to be a teacher."
03:17 And that's where he instructed me
03:19 to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations."
03:22 And that's what we have been doing for the past 32 years.
03:24 Wow. Teaching all nations.
03:27 So when you got that calling,
03:28 'cause not everybody gets a calling on their life
03:31 you know where a direct kind of voice from God
03:33 at such a young age.
03:34 How did you receive that?
03:37 You know, what steps did you take after ninth grade
03:39 to be able to become that minister, teacher?
03:43 Well, I listen to the Lord.
03:46 I spend a lot of time in Bible study and prayer.
03:48 I did a lot of evangelism,
03:51 worked with the former George Rainey,
03:54 our pastor, Samuel Meyers in Los Angeles.
03:57 I worked with other evangelists in the LA area
04:01 where we raised a church every year
04:03 for about eight or nine years, a brand new church.
04:05 Wow.
04:07 So I have a lot of experience in evangelism
04:09 and then as I was growing and studying,
04:12 the Lord said, "Go to Oakwood."
04:15 And I went to Oakwood and went right in education,
04:19 got my degree in theology and minor in history,
04:21 secondary education.
04:22 And from then on, rest has been history.
04:26 They are rolling ever since. They are rolling ever since.
04:27 So now like, tell us some of the experiences
04:29 that you've had like, you know, your first school,
04:32 was it all equipped?
04:34 Did you have, you know, every single thing
04:36 that you possibly could need in the class room?
04:39 What was that like?
04:41 That was in San Francisco. Oh. Wow.
04:43 Matter of fact, I was hired with a telephone interview
04:47 and my mother called me, she says, "Walter,
04:52 a Mr. Stigner has called you."
04:54 I said, "Mom, he's Stigner?"
04:56 So I called the number.
04:57 It was Mr. Stigney, very fine Christian gentleman
05:01 and he interviewed me.
05:02 Next thing I knew,
05:04 my wife and I were headed to San Francisco.
05:07 Did we have everything? No.
05:09 But it was a great school
05:10 and several of the students that we have taught
05:12 have gone on to be Christian professionals
05:16 in our Christian school, in our small Christian school.
05:19 It went from K through tenth grade.
05:21 Yeah, I'm familiar with the San Francisco
05:23 Bay area, right.
05:25 Worked there and lived there myself
05:27 and so that's a kind of a interesting situation.
05:31 You got a city, a big city environment there
05:34 and a lot of private schools,
05:36 good private schools that are there.
05:38 But kind of going on to what,
05:41 why was it so important do you think for people
05:43 to send their kids
05:44 to a Seventh-day Adventist school in San Francisco?
05:47 Several of the parents understood
05:51 that the foundation of their children,
05:54 the educational foundation of their children,
05:57 what they were doing at home was important,
06:00 in doing for Sabbath school, church is very important.
06:04 But they also needed another tier
06:06 and I believe in the home, school and the church approach.
06:09 You need all three tiers
06:10 and if one of those tiers is broken,
06:13 your children, many times would be deficient.
06:16 And it has been proven through studies,
06:18 that the longer our children are in our church schools,
06:23 the likelihood of them staying in the church
06:26 and growing in the church increase.
06:29 It increases, they have done the studies.
06:32 It's been proven.
06:33 And so San Francisco was a challenge
06:35 but it was good.
06:36 And several of those students, I've kept in touch with them
06:39 and they are still in the church today.
06:40 Wow. Amen.
06:42 And you said they are also serving in capacities
06:44 as Christian educators around the country.
06:47 Educators, doctors, they worked in banks
06:52 and other professions in the San Francisco area.
06:56 It's been a blessing. Wow.
06:58 So now you left San Francisco and did you go to,
07:01 I know we've talked about
07:03 some of your boarding school experiences.
07:05 Share us some of those life experiences with the kids.
07:08 What are some of the memories that you have from there?
07:11 Our first boarding experience was in a little small school
07:16 in Pennsboro, West Virginia.
07:18 Self supporting school.
07:20 And that was a blessing
07:22 'cause one of these students that graduated from that school
07:26 is now a minister and has done great work
07:28 in the Adventist church.
07:31 From there, another boarding school we worked in
07:33 was Auburn Adventist Academy in Auburn, Washington.
07:37 Great school.
07:40 We love Auburn and I encourage anyone,
07:43 if you are looking for a school where you can,
07:47 your children need to go away, please send them to Auburn.
07:49 To Auburn.
07:51 Okay, of course, you know, everybody is boarding,
07:52 schools gonna say,
07:53 send them there, send them there, so.
07:55 There's no place like Auburn. Okay, great.
07:57 So tell me about Auburn.
07:58 Tell me about some of the kids and some of the families
08:00 and some of the situations that you dealt with there?
08:04 Auburn was, it was wonderful.
08:06 We would on Sabbath afternoon knowing that kids in the dorm
08:11 loved home cooking,
08:14 I would cook on Friday afternoon
08:16 expecting another 15 or 20 to come to the house.
08:19 Some would come on Friday night after worship and eat
08:23 and some would come Sabbath afternoon.
08:25 We would see them mattering across the campus.
08:30 I said, "Young people, had you checked out the dorm?"
08:32 Do the deans...
08:34 Know that you are out?
08:35 And they would say, "No."
08:37 I'd say, "Okay, well, come on in, come on in.
08:39 And there is the kitchen.
08:41 Go eat and call the dorm and let the deans know."
08:46 It was just, it was, that was one experience.
08:48 Something else that happened.
08:50 Our second year there, our,
08:53 I encouraged the juniors to take their campus for Christ
08:58 and they started their own prayer meeting.
09:01 Really? What did they do?
09:03 They divided in a several segments.
09:05 One was Bible studies, one was testimonies,
09:09 one was the music ministry, they had different ministries.
09:12 My job was simply to open the door
09:13 and to monitor, make sure the kids were doing with,
09:15 they were conducted themselves.
09:17 And it was wonderful.
09:19 Several of the young people that they brought in seniors,
09:22 they brought in freshmen, sophomores.
09:25 And then around my third or fourth year there,
09:28 'cause I worked there for six years,
09:30 there were students that, they said, "Mr. Turner,
09:32 we need to have our own Bible study
09:35 in the afternoon.
09:36 So I opened up the dorm,
09:39 I mean, up the chapel, at the school
09:42 and it started off with 10 kids, 15, 25, 30.
09:46 Next thing you know, we were in the library.
09:49 It was scores of children. Wow.
09:51 Just voluntary,
09:52 not required worship, just on their own.
09:54 Yes. On their own.
09:56 So was every child perfect at the school
09:58 that you had no problems with any of them, right?
10:01 Well, being the, I went,
10:04 I started there as the 11th and 8th grade,
10:07 I mean, the Bible 11 teacher.
10:10 And I there I taught some math and some history on the side.
10:14 My fourth, fifth and sixth year,
10:16 I became the vice principal and village dean.
10:23 And someone had told me that I was gonna be a dean
10:25 and I said, "Oh, no. I'd never be a dean.
10:27 But yes, I became, I became the dean,
10:29 the village dean, the head dean
10:31 and there were some students that we had to ask
10:34 not to return unfortunately.
10:36 One of them
10:38 that we had to ask not to return.
10:41 It was rough. Yeah.
10:43 His mother, his mother and father were very hurt by it
10:46 but they knew it was the best thing.
10:48 About a year later,
10:51 I spoke to the young man and his parents.
10:55 He is now giving Bible studies and bringing others to Christ,
11:00 for the same reason that he was asked to leave,
11:02 he is now ministering to those type of individuals.
11:04 Wow. Wow.
11:06 And he said, the best thing for him
11:08 was for us to ask him to depart.
11:11 It turned his life around.
11:12 How about academically?
11:14 You know, a lot of times people say,
11:15 "Well, it's really great to be able to send your child
11:17 to a Adventist school but the academics,
11:21 you know, you know,
11:22 they are gonna get Jesus and everything
11:24 but, you know,
11:26 do you have any stories of where you've seen
11:28 people's lives totally turn around?
11:29 Some kids, maybe they came in low and you know,
11:32 share with us that?
11:33 I have several.
11:37 There was one young man in San Francisco.
11:39 He was not doing well academically.
11:44 And he was a discipline issue. We had to encourage him.
11:49 Back in those days,
11:50 you could use other methods to help them, to...
11:54 And now we cannot. Yes, amen.
11:57 But I learnt that by taking this young man
12:00 and putting him in the dirt, having him digging the dirt,
12:04 it did something to burn out that extra energy
12:08 and his mother says, "Mr. Turner,
12:11 what are you doing to my son?"
12:12 I said, "Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait, Mrs. Ramo,
12:15 what do you mean what I'm doing to your son?"
12:17 My son is not getting in trouble.
12:18 His grades have gone up. What has happened?"
12:20 I said, "Oh, simple. I put him in the dirt."
12:23 "In the dirt?"
12:25 Teacher was sending him to my class,
12:27 he'd get in trouble,
12:28 I send him out into the garden and say,
12:30 "E.K., I need two rows, I want all the weeds taken out.
12:35 I want you to dig it up, take all the weeds out."
12:37 He did a beautiful job.
12:39 His academics went up,
12:42 his disciplinary issues went down.
12:44 The same young man
12:46 started attending Sabbath school.
12:48 And he was there
12:49 before the Adventists were for Sabbath school.
12:52 He was there at 9 o'clock 'cause he had to catch a bus.
12:53 Wow.
12:55 And he also joined Pathfinders, he and his brother.
12:58 And thank God, it was a miracle that happened years later,
13:03 I was the only teacher
13:04 that he invited back to his wedding.
13:06 Wow. My wife and I.
13:07 That's really great.
13:09 So that's just one
13:10 and now there have been other young people...
13:12 Tell us some more.
13:13 That have struggled over the years.
13:16 And I remember one young man, I taught in Las Vegas.
13:21 And the pastor said,
13:24 "My son has never done well in school.
13:29 And he has turned it around
13:32 and it's all because of Mr. T."
13:33 And I said, "That's not me. It's Jesus."
13:36 I'm just loving the kids
13:38 and helping them to know Jesus as their personal savoir
13:41 and putting before them
13:42 that they can be whatever they want to be.
13:45 And so, yes, there have been students throughout the years
13:48 that have just, they did just enough to get by
13:51 and I've held the fire to them,
13:54 I said, "You could do better than this."
13:57 There is no mind, we've been told,
13:59 there's no mind that is too dull to learn,
14:01 no mind.
14:02 So I believe it and I tell kids,
14:05 "Regardless of your past scores,
14:07 regardless of your low grades,
14:09 you are intelligent, you are smart."
14:11 And they said, "I am?"
14:14 And then I helped them, take them where they are
14:17 and then build them up
14:18 and then as they see success, breed success
14:21 and that's very, very important audience must understand.
14:24 Success breeds success.
14:26 So if every parent, teacher, educator, church member,
14:32 would simply take the kids where they are
14:35 and continue to give them positive encouragement,
14:37 they will climb.
14:39 And as a result,
14:40 some have become great leaders in our church today.
14:43 They baptized many souls so God says,
14:45 He said, "Walter, go take this gospel to all the world,
14:48 teach all nations, I've done that
14:50 and those students have gone throughout the world.
14:53 Some have been missionaries.
14:55 Students have been my own children.
14:57 Wow.
14:59 And that has been a blessing.
15:01 Well, I've been in a Christian education too
15:03 as a Christian educator.
15:04 I got my shirt on, okay.
15:06 And my children have gone through.
15:08 Amen.
15:09 But what can you share with the audience?
15:11 What is special, what happens like in a typical day
15:15 at an Adventist school?
15:16 What's so special about there as opposed to maybe,
15:20 another kind of a school?
15:21 Why, why again, we got to go back to that
15:23 because a lot of people are asking that question.
15:25 Yeah, you know, if I take my kid to,
15:27 my children to church
15:29 and I'm, you know, helping them after school
15:32 and we're having worship in our home,
15:35 you know, and the cost for Christian education...
15:39 The cost, I'll deal with that first.
15:40 The cost.
15:42 It's an investment.
15:44 It's not, it's not,
15:47 yes, I could drive a nicer car today,
15:50 I could have nicer cloths and fancy house,
15:54 but knowing that my children
15:57 and I call them, text them on Sabbath morning,
16:02 they text me and told me, "Daddy, we are in church."
16:07 I said, "Why are you testing me in church."
16:09 "Well, there's something happening in the church."
16:11 And it was as it--
16:13 something exciting was happening in the church
16:14 'cause they want me to know about it.
16:17 That is very, very important.
16:20 The foundation that we set with the morning worship,
16:24 with Sabbath school, and then school.
16:27 Why school?
16:29 We're taught, we're told about the serving the Lord
16:33 and it's that early education, those first few years,
16:38 many wait till college
16:40 and I said it kindly, it's too late,
16:43 because their habits have already been formed.
16:46 So we, over the 32 years,
16:50 the teachers that I've worked with
16:51 were shaping and melding characters.
16:53 When a child has an issue, we can stop and we can pray,
16:58 we can encourage them, we can put our arm around then.
17:01 And they are hurting on the inside.
17:03 They are coming from situations where home may be broken,
17:07 and we can say Jesus is there with us.
17:10 We can do this in Jesus.
17:12 The Lord is going to anoint,
17:13 He's gonna work this situation out.
17:15 I've had to bury students,
17:17 I have to deal with those that have lost loved ones
17:21 and when you can take that
17:22 that spirituality and the academics,
17:27 then you have a holistic person and they are well rounded.
17:30 And they can go on and do great things.
17:32 So the typical day, yet but the typical day,
17:36 we start the day out with the worship.
17:38 Start it off with Jesus.
17:39 I've had parents tell me,
17:41 "Mr. Turner, I know my child is active
17:45 but one thing that I'm loving above all things
17:48 is him coming home quoting Scripture,
17:52 singing the Christian songs, excited about his studies."
17:59 What else can I say, it just
18:02 and then you're just continuing to build on that
18:03 and continue to build on it and as a result,
18:07 every school, every school that I've ministered in,
18:11 several have given their life to Jesus, several.
18:15 And that's the most important thing,
18:17 you know, that's the big why
18:19 that we want to have the kids be able to give their hearts
18:22 to the Lord.
18:23 You mentioned something that I want to go back to.
18:25 You said that you had to bury some students.
18:27 Yes. How old were they?
18:29 One was in the,
18:31 I believe she was a first grader.
18:33 She had cancer. First grade.
18:35 So there is no guarantee
18:36 that children are gonna live a certain life
18:39 and then we hope maybe when they get older,
18:41 then they'll accept Christ and they'll kind of come back.
18:45 First grade, that's kind of young.
18:47 And what was the other age of the other one?
18:49 There have been, there have been,
18:50 there was one young man.
18:52 He was in his early 20s.
18:55 He had a disease. Took his life.
18:58 But there's one thing that inspired me,
19:00 he came to my house and said, "Mr. T,
19:03 I know you are here. I just came by to see you."
19:05 And he began to tell me his experiences with Christ.
19:08 He says, "I have this disease.
19:11 The doctors have it in check."
19:14 But the greatest thing that moved me was,
19:18 him sharing how he's grown in Christ,
19:22 how he is growing in Christ.
19:24 Then a few months later
19:25 we've learned that he took his life.
19:28 So I've had a few and it hurts, but knowing that the children
19:32 are resting in Jesus...
19:34 Yes.
19:35 I can't, that's worth it all. Yeah.
19:39 It's worth it all.
19:40 It is, it is.
19:42 So let's say a parent decides,
19:45 okay, we're gonna just figure out
19:47 some kind of way to pay for this education
19:51 and they bring the child to your school
19:54 and the student is low.
19:57 What kinds of things you said about little successes,
20:00 what kinds of things do you implement
20:02 to be able to help children achieve?
20:05 I've had students that couldn't speak English.
20:10 So I, one thing I did with him, this is a fifth grader,
20:14 couldn't speak English and I had a few of them.
20:17 And so I worked with phonics, very important.
20:22 So not only did I have my non English speaking students
20:27 do phonics, I had everyone do phonics
20:29 because as you break up the phonics,
20:31 whole language is good, you need it
20:33 but there is something about phonics
20:35 because that's what turned me around.
20:37 I could not read. I could not see the board.
20:40 I needed glasses
20:41 and but the teacher taught me phonics.
20:46 Once I finally caught on that education is important,
20:49 and my mother wasn't gonna accept anything else less than,
20:53 and she caught my attention.
20:55 Right.
20:57 But the key was phonics.
20:59 So I've taught kids phonics.
21:01 I believe in taking
21:02 the rudiments of building up their comprehension
21:07 and 'cause if you build up the comprehension,
21:11 there's various things that we are using at our school
21:12 in Elsie.
21:15 And as we are building up their comprehension,
21:17 we have discovered that as you build that up,
21:21 the test scores start going through the roof.
21:24 Because then they can start reading all types of genre
21:28 because you built up the reading.
21:29 And then of course, with the math.
21:31 We've done several things with our math,
21:34 with a new math system we have in our Adventist system.
21:36 And our kids are making strides.
21:39 And so we are looking,
21:41 what I like to see with my students
21:43 is two years of growth in one year.
21:46 So if the student is low, very low,
21:48 you take them where they are, you build on those low areas
21:52 and success breeds success and next thing you know,
21:55 the child says, "I am intelligent,
21:57 I can learn and he starts taking off.
21:59 Right.
22:00 So where does the word of God come into this reading
22:04 and math and science and social studies.
22:08 How is that integrated in Adventist schools?
22:11 Throughout the whole curriculum.
22:13 Bible is not just taught in Bible class.
22:16 Biblical principles are expounded upon, are shared,
22:20 and all of, in every aspect,
22:22 I've heard it from all of my teachers,
22:24 I walk to their classrooms,
22:26 one of which is yours.
22:28 Yeah.
22:30 And I've heard the word of God being expressed in science,
22:32 I've heard it expressed in social studies.
22:35 That is not going to happen in pubic school.
22:37 It can't happen in public school.
22:39 Right. It's the opposite.
22:41 They aren't sure whether or not we came from monkeys.
22:43 Yeah. I share it with my students.
22:45 I know individuals that look like monkeys,
22:48 they may have act like monkeys
22:49 but none of us have ever come from monkeys.
22:51 They are not our cousins. We are made by the Creator.
22:55 We come from His hand.
22:56 And so there's like this whole new curriculum
22:59 that's out with Adventists that's by design.
23:02 Tell us a little bit of that as it relates to science?
23:05 It's excellent. It is excellent.
23:08 I've had parents tell me that is that what she,
23:11 one of the parents mentioned to me just recently
23:13 that what she is doing in nursing,
23:15 what she is studying in nursing,
23:17 it's been presented on a easier lower level
23:21 in our seventh and eighth grade curriculum
23:23 and she is saying, she's excited.
23:25 She said, this is the best science program
23:27 she has ever seen.
23:29 We are one of the best in the country.
23:30 Wow.
23:32 So what about the Common Core State Standards
23:34 and you know, all of these other kinds of things
23:37 that are, you know, does it,
23:38 will students coming to an Adventist school
23:40 get that?
23:42 That plus. Oh, yeah.
23:44 We have, it's been proven
23:45 that a student will be average in our schools
23:49 leave and go to public school
23:52 and actually now they are top of their class.
23:55 And the parents say, "Well, how can that be?"
23:57 It's real simple
23:58 because we, we don't have the discipline issues
24:01 of public school.
24:02 So our teachers can teach.
24:06 We are held to a higher standard.
24:08 So we are able... What standard?
24:09 When you say you are held to a higher standard,
24:11 what does that mean?
24:12 The word.
24:14 The word of God. The word of God.
24:15 God says that our children are to be taught.
24:17 They are to be the head and not the tail.
24:20 That's true.
24:21 He wants our kids to be the head, not the tail.
24:23 So since He wants our kids to be the leaders,
24:27 I share it with my parents and my students.
24:30 There are ten people looking for a job.
24:34 There are only two jobs.
24:38 Shouldn't those two jobs go to us?
24:41 And what has happened over the years,
24:43 our Adventist children are well prepared
24:46 to go into every aspect of service.
24:51 I've had, I've known individuals
24:52 that attended Oakwood
24:54 and because of their academia and because of them pushing
24:57 and doing well on their test scores,
25:00 as well as in their school work,
25:02 they have been offered jobs.
25:04 One for the CIA,
25:08 so I know this happens.
25:11 Wow, wow.
25:12 So where does,
25:13 okay, so we've talked a little bit about the spirit,
25:15 we've talked about the academics.
25:17 What about social? Social?
25:20 That's very, very important
25:22 because our kids, just like any other children
25:27 come to us with their issues
25:32 and so we encourage going spiritually,
25:36 mentally and socially.
25:37 We encourage our kids
25:39 on how they are to speak to each other,
25:42 how they are to relate to each other,
25:45 how they are to respect each other.
25:48 And if a student decides
25:51 they don't want to be respectful,
25:53 obedient, courteous, kind,
25:56 then we have to ask them,
25:58 maybe this is not the place for you.
26:00 But for the most part, after much prayer, hard work,
26:04 the majority of them,
26:06 through the anointing of the Spirit,
26:07 turn it around and say, I want this.
26:12 And I've got so many parents say,
26:13 "There is something different about my child.
26:16 What is it? I said, "I don't know."
26:19 Wow.
26:20 But I guess I do know what it is.
26:22 It's the Spirit. The Holy Spirit.
26:23 'Cause God has promised that in the last days,
26:26 He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.
26:28 That's a promise. And so I claim it.
26:30 I claim for the anointing of God upon the children.
26:33 And then not only the children but upon their parents
26:38 and as a result of the children hearing about Jesus,
26:41 we have had non-Adventist parents accept Jesus
26:45 as their personal savoir.
26:47 One school I taught just recently,
26:50 the whole family was baptized because of the daughter.
26:54 I made a call during one chapel
26:57 and the girl went to the bathroom,
26:58 got on her knees, gave her life to Jesus,
27:01 went home, told her parents about it.
27:04 And the whole family was baptized.
27:06 Well, Principal Turner,
27:07 this has really been enlightening,
27:08 it's been fantastic.
27:10 We didn't really get a lot into the sports,
27:11 but does sports have a part to play
27:13 in Adventist education, just briefly?
27:15 Briefly. Sports does.
27:18 But I encourage young people,
27:20 God has not called us to be professional athletes
27:24 and yes, I do know some individuals
27:26 that have had the opportunity to go into professional sports
27:29 but they have not.
27:30 Because of the Sabbath issue. Right.
27:32 Play the sports, have fun but don't forget Jesus.
27:36 Well, I want to thank you so much
27:38 for coming to the program today.
27:39 It's just been very enlightening.
27:41 We really appreciate your coming.
27:44 We always like to end with a prayer
27:46 for the families that are part of this,
27:48 so we probably close out today with our prayer.
27:51 Would you offer a prayer for us?
27:53 Yes. Let us pray.
27:54 Father God, in the name of Jesus,
27:56 we want to thank you for this privilege
27:58 to be here today to share and to experience You.
28:03 There are many people that are listening today
28:06 that need to put their children in church school.
28:08 They need to make a decision.
28:10 They may not be able to afford it.
28:13 They may not know where the school is,
28:15 but please dear Lord, open the door
28:17 just as You did for me.


Revised 2016-03-30