Heaven's Point of View

Thou Knowest Not

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Frank Fournier


Series Code: HPOV

Program Code: HPOV000014B

00:01 Have you ever considered your need of help from God?
00:04 You know, I have a quotation that clarifies that for me.
00:08 In 6 BC 1078, it says this,
00:13 "The religious services, the prayers, the praise,
00:18 the penitent confession of sin."
00:20 Now, friends, these are all very good things.
00:23 And notice from whom they come.
00:26 It says here, "They ascend from true believers
00:28 as incense to the heavenly sanctuary."
00:30 This is fantastic.
00:31 This is true.
00:32 But the next word is but.
00:36 But is a conjunction.
00:37 A conjunction between a negative and the positive.
00:40 If I says you have a dirty face,
00:42 but then you have hope.
00:43 But if I say you have a beautiful face,
00:44 but then, you know, there is some trouble.
00:46 And here it says,
00:47 "We can send our religious services to God.
00:51 But passing through
00:53 the corrupt channels of humanity,
00:55 they are so defiled that unless purified by blood,
00:58 they can never be a value with God."


Revised 2014-12-17