Heart Lift

Pride: A Jealous Heart

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone


Series Code: HLFT

Program Code: HLFT000018A

00:25 Hello, and welcome to Heart Lift.
00:26 I'm Jill Morikone, and I'm so glad that you
00:29 have joined us today.
00:31 We're on a journey toward hope, toward healing,
00:34 toward the transformation that the Lord Jesus wants to work
00:39 in your heart and in mine as women, as daughters of God.
00:43 If you're just joining us, we're in the middle
00:46 of a section on pride.
00:47 We talked about the boastful heart, and how God wants us to
00:51 turn our eyes heavenward and behold Him, and give thanks.
00:55 We talked about, our last program, we talked about the
00:59 the critical heart, the critical spirit, and how God wants
01:03 to enable us to esteem other people as better than ourselves.
01:08 To focus on other people.
01:10 To give of ourselves and sacrifice for other people.
01:15 Today's program is on jealousy; The Jealous Heart.
01:19 Our Scripture for today is Philippians 4:11.
01:23 We're going to spend a lot of time in Philippians today.
01:27 Philippians 4:11. The Bible says, the second part of the
01:32 verse: I have learned in whatsoever state I am
01:36 therewith to be content.
01:40 Let's pray. Father we come before You right now
01:43 in the name of Jesus.
01:45 Thank You for the deliverance that You want to bring
01:48 to each one of us.
01:49 Thank You that You can get rid of whatever jealousy
01:53 is in our heart, and You can replace it with a spirit of
01:58 contentment, with a spirit of thankfulness.
02:01 And right now I ask that you would hide me,
02:03 and that we could hear whatever you have from Your Word.
02:08 And we thank You in the precious and holy name of Jesus, Amen.
02:13 He was apparently a shy man.
02:16 Quiet, so quiet in fact that when the prophet Samuel first
02:21 spoke to him he responded by saying that he was from the
02:26 least tribe in all of Israel.
02:29 And in addition to that, he was from the smallest
02:32 family in that tribe.
02:36 The prophet Samuel wanted to see him,
02:38 and wanted to spend time with him.
02:41 The man's name was Saul.
02:44 God had chosen Saul to be the first king of Israel.
02:48 And I believe in the beginning that he was a good king.
02:52 It wasn't in God's will for them to have a king.
02:55 The Bible's clear about that.
02:57 But at the same time the Lord said,
02:59 If this is what you want, that's okay.
03:02 I'll give you a king.
03:03 And the Lord Himself chose Saul for their first king.
03:07 Over time a young upstart, a young man by the name of David,
03:14 who followed after God's heart, stole the heart of
03:19 everybody there in Israel.
03:23 He killed the giant Goliath.
03:26 And everybody started talking about him.
03:28 We see Saul's pride crop up in several areas.
03:34 We see it when he offered the burnt offerings himself
03:37 instead of waiting for the prophet Samuel,
03:40 like the Lord had instructed him to do.
03:42 We see it in his treatment of his son Jonathan after Jonathan
03:47 had stormed the Philistines garrison.
03:50 We see it in his direct defiance to God's command to destroy
03:55 everything that belonged to the Amalekites.
03:58 So there was some pride going on there, some refusal to follow
04:03 what God had directly commanded.
04:05 And then David comes on the scene,
04:08 and there was this competition.
04:11 Saul's pride, I really think, shifted to a jealous pride.
04:15 He saw David as a competitor, as someone who was going
04:19 to take the throne.
04:20 And he became jealous of David.
04:24 Jealousy is usually directed at other people;
04:27 maybe what they have, what they possess,
04:30 what they look like.
04:31 The spirit of jealousy is really closely related to the
04:35 spirit of covetousness.
04:37 And if you get all of the way down to the roots,
04:40 if you go all the way through the plant to the bottom,
04:43 the root of that covetousness, the root of that
04:46 jealousy is really pride.
04:49 Lets do our self evaluation.
04:52 Ask yourself, How much does jealousy control my life?
04:57 How much does it control my life?
05:00 With all our self evaluations be honest.
05:04 Put down what you feel, which category you most
05:07 closely identify with. 1.
06:12 Maybe you're at the last one, 4.
06:33 I don't know where you feel you are today in your walk with God.
06:38 You might say, Jill I've got jealousy all over me.
06:42 When I hear that I'm definitely at number one.
06:46 And I know that jealousy.
06:48 I feel it toward my boss.
06:51 I feel it toward my co-workers.
06:53 I feel it toward my neighbor, and my friend,
06:57 and even my spouse.
06:59 It's just all over me.
07:01 God said, I came to set you free.
07:04 I came to release you from that spirit of jealousy.
07:09 Of course God knows of ourselves we can't get rid of it.
07:12 But He said, I came to set you free.
07:16 The spirit of jealousy, the spirit of pride is not really
07:21 new with us as humans.
07:22 It began several thousand years ago in heaven.
07:27 How sin began in a pure and sinless atmosphere in heaven,
07:34 I have no idea. But the point is it did.
07:38 Lucifer, he was called Lucifer then,
07:41 now we just call him Satan.
07:43 He was the covering cherub.
07:45 Of all the angels, of all the created beings there in heaven,
07:49 he was the most, I think, beautiful, maybe not,
07:54 but he was at least, we know,
07:57 he had the most exalted position.
08:01 He was right next to God Himself.
08:04 He had that job right next to God.
08:07 And how sin began in his heart, is really to me
08:12 a confusing thing.
08:13 I mean, how could it even start when everything's pure there?
08:15 That's a question I want to ask God about.
08:18 But lets turn over to Isaiah 14.
08:24 It gives us just a little glimpse of Lucifer here.
08:27 Isaiah 14, verse...Let's look at 13 and 14.
08:32 Talking about Lucifer, son of the morning, You said in your
08:36 heart, I'm going to ascend into heaven.
08:38 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
08:42 I will sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest
08:45 sides of the north, where God sits.
08:48 Then verse 14. Isaiah 14:14.
08:52 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
08:56 I will be like the Most High.
09:00 Pride never just stays with us.
09:04 In Lucifer's case, he became prideful.
09:09 He had pride in his heart.
09:11 And his pride was, I think, a jealous pride,
09:15 because he wanted to be like God.
09:16 He was jealous of who God is.
09:20 However, his pride didn't stay with him.
09:23 It spread. Remember that?
09:25 And it influenced one third of the angels
09:30 to join his encampment.
09:32 And, you know what?
09:33 When they came down to this earth, and Adam and Eve
09:36 took of the forbidden fruit, and they fell.
09:39 That pride spread to you and I.
09:43 That jealousy spread.
09:44 It's part of our human condition.
09:47 Pride never just stays with ourselves.
09:50 It influences and spreads to other people; those around us.
09:54 Pretty soon it involves them in our sin as well.
09:59 I think the jealous heart is never really satisfied.
10:02 If I have one dollar, what do I want? 5 more, or 500 more,
10:07 or 5,000,000 more.
10:10 If five people think I'm pretty special, then what do I want?
10:14 I wish another five people would think the same thing;
10:19 always reaching, always grasping.
10:22 But you know, the beautiful thing, when God shows us our
10:26 heart, He never shows us for us to sit in shame,
10:30 in guilt, in condemnation.
10:32 He always shows us because He has a solution.
10:36 Because He deals redemptively.
10:40 Because He wants to change us.
10:43 How do we break free from jealousy?
10:47 In my own experience I have found that surrender
10:51 is one of the keys.
10:52 1. Surrender. And as I surrender learn to practice contentment.
10:59 We're going back to the book of Philippians.
11:01 It's actually one of my favorite books in the Bible.
11:04 Philippians, and we're going to look at Philippians 4.
11:09 Philippians 4:11. This was our opening Scripture.
11:13 I have learned in whatever state I am to be content.
11:18 How do we practice contentment and thankfulness?
11:23 Begin by surrender.
11:26 Are you jealous of how many friends your co-worker has?
11:30 Surrender that desire to God; that desire for more friends.
11:35 Thank God for the friends that you do have,
11:38 and strive to be a better friend to other people.
11:41 Do you wish that your job paid more?
11:44 Surrender that need.
11:46 Thank God that you do have a job in today's economy.
11:50 Ask Him to provide for your needs, and enable you to do the
11:55 best work you possibly can at the job you have.
11:59 Do you envy your friend's gift of singing?
12:03 Surrender that dream.
12:05 Thank God that your friend is using her gift for Jesus,
12:10 and strive to use the gifts that God has given you for His honor,
12:15 and for His glory.
12:17 You know, contentment doesn't always come easily to me.
12:21 I can surrender it, and want to be content, but contentment
12:25 is not always an easy thing for me.
12:27 My husband Greg often tells me, Everything you have Jilly,
12:32 hold onto it with an open hand.
12:35 Sometimes the people I love, the things around me,
12:40 I want to hang onto tightly, with a tightly clenched fist,
12:46 because somehow I feel safer.
12:50 I feel more in control; I feel better.
12:53 But God comes to me and says, Will you open up your fist Jill?
12:59 Are you willing to practice contentment?
13:02 Are you willing to surrender those things you have,
13:05 and those things maybe even that you don't want,
13:09 that you don't have, but that you wish you did have.
13:12 Are you willing to surrender that to Me?
13:16 You know what? I've tried to surrender.
13:19 And sometimes my fist is clenched so tightly that the
13:23 knuckles are white, and I say, God I can't.
13:26 I've tried. I can't do it.
13:29 And He says, Are you willing to let Me do it?
13:34 And I say, Okay. God please open up my fist.
13:39 Open up that hand.
13:42 Philippians 2:13 talks about that very thing.
13:46 It says: It is God who works in us both to will and to do
13:53 of His good pleasure.
13:55 I love looking up the Greek, the Greek origin of words.
14:00 Or if you're in the Old Testament,
14:01 the Hebrew origin of words.
14:03 I love seeing where they came from, and what their original
14:07 meaning is in the original language.
14:09 If you look up, in that verse, it says, It is God who works
14:14 in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
14:20 If you look at those two verbs, will and do,
14:24 in the Greek will means wish.
14:27 Do you know what God says?
14:29 He said, I'm going to give you the desire to open up that
14:32 tightly clenched fist.
14:34 I'm going to give you the desire to break free from jealousy.
14:37 I know you can't even create that desire.
14:40 I'm going to give it to you.
14:41 God works in us both to will, to give us desire, and to do.
14:48 Now in the Greek do means aid: power.
14:53 God wants to not only give us the desire to break free,
14:58 He wants to give us the power.
15:00 Andrew Murray, in the book Humility and Absolute Surrender,
15:04 said this about surrender: I give myself absolutely to God
15:11 to do His will, to be only what He wants.
15:16 And I think that's the key.
15:18 As we surrender, we give ourself to God.
15:22 God, I want to be Yours.
15:24 Whatever You want me to be, I want to be Yours.
15:28 I give myself to God to be only His; to do His will,
15:33 to do only what God wants.
15:37 To obey when it seems the hardest
15:41 is true surrender to God.
15:44 Sometimes I say, Oh, I'm obeying, and I'm doing a
15:47 really good job of it.
15:49 But maybe its something that I want to do,
15:51 or something that I like.
15:52 Truly to obey, when it seems the hardest,
15:56 that's when the rubber meets the road.
16:00 That's when we experience true surrender.
16:04 So first, we want to surrender and to practice contentment.
16:11 Second, Give thanks.
16:14 Matthew Henry, I don't know if you're familiar with him,
16:17 but he's a Christian speaker, and author.
16:19 This was years ago.
16:21 He wrote this in his diary.
16:23 He said he was robbed.
16:26 And after he was robbed, he wrote these four things:
16:32 I'm thankful that first, I was never robbed before.
16:37 Second, although they took my purse, they didn't take my life.
16:44 Third, Although they took my all, it wasn't much.
16:49 And fourth, that it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.
16:56 You see that thankful spirit?
16:58 If I had been robbed, I probably would have been mad.
17:01 But instead, what did he do?
17:04 He went to God. He chose to give thanks in the midst of that.
17:11 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul says, In everything give thanks.
17:17 For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
17:23 Now that does not mean that everything,
17:26 we should be thankful for everything.
17:28 Of course not! Not everything is thankworthy.
17:31 But it does mean that in everything we can give thanks.
17:37 It means when we drive a high mileage car we thank God that
17:42 we don't have to walk.
17:44 Learning to practice contentment,
17:46 learning to give thanks for the blessings we do have,
17:50 even if it's not the one I wished I had.
17:53 It means that if we didn't get the job at church that we
17:57 wanted, or we didn't get the promotion at work that we
18:01 wanted, we thank Jesus that He knew what was best for us,
18:06 and we practice contentment serving in the job we have,
18:10 serving in the job where God has called us to,
18:15 serving in the ministry that He has given to us.
18:19 I called one of my girlfriends on the phone not too long ago,
18:22 and I said to her, How are you doing today?
18:25 It was before we actually got into the business
18:28 of why I called her.
18:30 I just said, How's your day going?
18:31 And do you know what she said?
18:33 She said, Today I have a thankful heart.
18:36 A thankful heart is a beautiful thing,
18:40 and it's not only a beautiful thing, it's Biblical.
18:44 And I believe a thankful heart is the God given antidote
18:50 to dealing with jealousy.
18:52 We practice contentment, and we surrender
18:55 those jealous feelings.
18:56 If our fist is tightly clenched,
18:58 and we can't open it up, we ask God for the desire.
19:02 We ask Him to open it.
19:04 We ask God for the power.
19:06 And then we practice giving thanks.
19:09 One of my friends, somebody I respect highly;
19:14 a friend of Greg and myself.
19:15 He's been through some painful experiences in his life.
19:20 And do you know what he said?
19:22 He said in the midst of those painful experiences
19:26 I chose to praise God.
19:30 I chose to give thanks.
19:34 I chose to give praise.
19:38 He went through the loss of his son, the death of his son.
19:43 His business failed.
19:46 He lost a marriage.
19:48 That's a lot of pain.
19:51 One of those would be enough pain, wouldn't it?
19:53 Yet you think your business failed; that would be horrible.
19:56 I think you go through a painful divorce,
19:59 or a death the spouse; that would be horrible.
20:03 You go through the death of a child; that is horrible.
20:07 But yet in the midst of that he said, I'm going to praise,
20:11 I'm going to give thanks.
20:13 And he said, every time he does that,
20:17 every time he gives thanks, you know what God does?
20:22 He opens up his heart.
20:24 He said it's like a weight coming off of his shoulders.
20:27 And he said, I'm free.
20:30 It sets me free. Do you want to be free from the jealous heart?
20:35 Do you want to be set free from that that binds you so tightly,
20:40 or that tightly clenched fist that doesn't want to open up?
20:45 Then give thanks. Praise God.
20:48 You might not feel like it at the beginning.
20:51 We've talked about this on previous programs.
20:55 When we don't feel like it, that really doesn't matter.
20:58 We bring our thoughts, and our words into line with what God's
21:02 word says, and God will change your feelings.
21:07 God will bring those feelings into line.
21:10 We have to take a short break right now.
21:12 We're going to come back in just a moment.
21:15 We will do our application, our assignment for this week,
21:19 something that will, hopefully, help and encourage you as you
21:24 seek to break free from the jealous heart.


Revised 2016-04-25