Heart Lift

Pride: A Critical Heart

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone


Series Code: HLFT

Program Code: HLFT000017A

00:25 Hello, and welcome to Heart Lift.
00:26 I'm Jill Morikone, and I'm so glad that
00:29 you've joined us today.
00:31 We're on a journey toward hope, toward healing,
00:34 toward the transformation that the Lord Jesus wants to work
00:39 in your heart and in mine, as women, as daughters of God.
00:44 If you're just joining us, our last program we began several
00:47 we began several programs in this series that will deal with
00:50 the subject of pride.
00:52 Our last program was a boastful heart.
00:55 And we talked about how boastful hearts;
00:58 we really never see Jesus.
01:00 And how, if we behold Him, if we give thanks for that which
01:05 maybe humbles us a bit, and if we behold Jesus, how He can work
01:10 in our lives to create in us His humility and His meekness.
01:16 Today's topic is a critical spirit, a critical heart.
01:21 Our Scripture is 2 Corinthians 10:12, 2 Corinthians 10:12.
01:30 The Bible says, For we dare not class ourselves,
01:34 or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves:
01:38 but they, measuring themselves by themselves,
01:42 and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
01:47 Let's pray. Father, we come before You right now
01:51 in the name of Jesus.
01:52 Thank You that You want to work freedom in our hearts.
01:56 Thank You that You want to bring deliverance from the critical
02:01 heart, from those things that are displeasing to You.
02:05 And right now we just open up our hearts to receive
02:08 what you have for us.
02:11 And we thank You in Jesus' name, Amen.
02:14 I was having my early morning time with God.
02:19 One of those times where you just love spending time
02:23 in Jesus' presence.
02:24 I had drunk deeply from His Word.
02:27 I had spent time in prayer, and now I was just sitting quietly
02:31 savoring the presence of being with my King.
02:35 This particular morning I decided to pray
02:38 Psalm 139:23, 24 over my life.
02:42 And I've shared with you before that I love this Scripture,
02:45 and it's a beautiful prayer to pray over our hearts and lives.
02:50 David says, Search me, O God, and know my heart:
02:54 try me, and know my thoughts: and see...
02:57 The Bible Says... see if there's any wickedness in me,
03:01 and lead me in the way everlasting.
03:04 Now that's what David says, but I always say, because I know
03:08 the wickedness exists, so I always say, Reveal to me what's
03:13 displeasing to You, and lead me in Your perfect way.
03:17 So as I was praying this prayer, I all of a sudden, saw my heart
03:24 laid out on my lap.
03:26 Now I'm not trying to tell you I had a vision,
03:28 because I do not have that.
03:30 So we're not talking about that.
03:31 But it was as if I could see my heart.
03:34 I was sitting. It was as if I could see my heart
03:37 laid out on my lap.
03:38 In the middle was fresh clean tissue; healthy looking.
03:45 All the way around the edges were pockets of diseased tissue.
03:51 I began to cry as I realized the junk that's in those pockets,
03:58 the junk that that stuff represents.
04:02 I had no idea what it was, but I knew that God would
04:07 show me in His time.
04:09 That very day a situation arose.
04:13 Instantly my heart responded with a critical,
04:18 and a judgmental spirit.
04:21 And in that moment, when I responded with a critical
04:24 spirit, I felt God tap me on the shoulder, and He said, Jill,
04:29 My precious daughter, this is one of those pockets
04:34 that I showed you this morning.
04:36 You didn't know what it was, you just knew it was junk,
04:39 and disease filled, but this is what was in
04:42 one of those pockets.
04:44 And I said, God, I'm sorry.
04:45 And He said, I forgive you!
04:47 Instantly, completely!
04:50 And then He said, I want to work in your life to remove
04:55 this spirit of criticism.
04:58 We have our self-evaluation.
05:01 We always like to begin our programs with a self-evaluation.
05:04 As always, I want to encourage you to be honest.
05:08 Don't feel like you have to share this with anybody else,
05:11 or you have to somehow measure up to anybody else.
05:14 All you need to do is simply be honest.
05:17 Where do you feel you are right now in your
05:20 relationship with God? Self-evaluation.
05:31 We have several options here.
05:33 Just pick the one that fits you the best.
05:34 1.
05:55 Maybe that's where you feel you are right now.
05:57 2.
06:10 3.
06:26 And I have to be honest with you, I have been in
06:28 category 1 and 2 definitely.
06:30 I know I have, but I think more than any other category,
06:33 I've been right there at 3.
06:35 I think the critical thoughts.
06:38 I might not outwardly express it,
06:40 but I'm still thinking it inside, and God says,
06:43 Jill, that's the same.
06:44 Sin is sin, right?
06:46 It doesn't matter whether I'm acting out, or if I'm thinking.
06:49 It's the same thing.
06:50 Maybe you're not at any one of those three.
06:52 Maybe you're at the next one.
07:05 And the last one, finally.
07:22 The pocket of a critical heart is like a cancer.
07:26 It spreads; it poisons my life with Jesus, and cripples my
07:32 walk with Jesus, and it spreads to effect other people.
07:39 It eats away at our hearts.
07:41 Often, you probably have seen this, the pocket of a critical
07:44 spirit separates best friends, and can divide homes.
07:49 It can destroy innocent lives.
07:53 I'm sure you've seen examples of the critical heart,
07:56 and we're going to look at a couple examples
07:58 of the critical heart here today.
08:00 Some modern day examples I can think of is at the dinner
08:04 table, after the Pastor has preached.
08:06 At the dinner table afterward what can happen?
08:10 The critical spirit, the critical heart can pop out with
08:14 maybe some comments.
08:15 When it might pop up in nominating committee
08:19 when someone is suggested for an important position,
08:23 and all of a sudden the critical spirit, a critical word
08:27 begins to slip out.
08:29 It even manifests itself in seemingly harmless ways,
08:34 such as someone might come to you with the prayer request,
08:37 Oh, pray for Sister Jane and Sister Helen.
08:41 They can't seem to get along.
08:44 In the beginning we're almost sucked in without realizing it.
08:47 Oh yes, we want a prayer.
08:49 We want to pray for Sister Jane, and Sister Helen.
08:52 We believe in prayer.
08:54 But underneath all of that, you know what we see?
08:58 We find the critical spirit.
09:00 You and I get along with each other.
09:02 We're not like Sister Jane, and Sister Helen.
09:05 We're a little bit better than that, because we can
09:09 get along with them.
09:10 And in our self righteous attitude, we can pray for them.
09:13 Now I'm not saying it's not a good thing to pray for people.
09:17 That's a beautiful thing.
09:19 It's the spirit that is insidious underneath and behind.
09:24 It's the story of the Pharisee and the tax
09:27 collector all over again.
09:29 And we see this in Luke 18, Luke 18.
09:33 It's the story of the Pharisee and tax collector.
09:35 Verse 9. Jesus spoke this parable to some who trusted
09:41 in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
09:46 Two men went up to the temple to pray; one was a Pharisee.
09:51 He was a religious leader.
09:53 He was a religious ruler.
09:56 The other was a tax collector.
09:59 King James says Publican.
10:01 Someone who was not well thought of in society.
10:05 So you have one man; they're both going
10:06 to the temple to pray.
10:08 One man is reputable, and people think well of him.
10:12 The other man is maybe lower caste in society,
10:16 and people would naturally judge him.
10:19 The Bible continues, Verse 11.
10:22 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank
10:27 You that I am not like other men: extortioners, unjust,
10:33 adulterers, or even as this lowly tax collector.
10:38 I fast twice in the week, and I give tithes of all I possess.
10:43 Do you see that pride? Oh, that's huge!
10:45 It just comes right off the page as you read it.
10:49 And the tax collector; see the difference in his spirit.
10:53 The tax collector; he stood afar off.
10:57 He would not so much as lift up his eyes to heaven,
11:01 but he beat on his chest, and he said,
11:05 God be merciful to me a sinner.
11:10 The Bible says, I tell you, this man went down
11:14 to his house justified.
11:16 The man who everyone else thought was a low life,
11:19 he went down justified rather than the Pharisee.
11:23 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
11:26 and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
11:31 Now was God being mean there?
11:32 Was God saying, I don't want to justify the Pharisee?
11:37 Of course not. Simply he didn't ask.
11:41 Did you notice that?
11:42 Having asked for nothing, he received nothing.
11:46 He was so busy telling God how much better he was than
11:50 the people around him, he didn't even ask.
11:52 He didn't even say, God I need You. I want you.
11:56 James 4:6, the Bible tells us, God resists the proud,
12:00 but gives grace to the humble.
12:04 You see, the tax collector received grace,
12:08 and the Pharisee received nothing, because he didn't ask.
12:12 Matthew 7 tells us that.
12:13 This is the sermon, part of the sermon on the mount.
12:16 We have the beatitudes in 5, and then it just kind of
12:19 continues through 5, 6, and 7, through there.
12:21 And Matthew 7:7 Jesus says, Ask, and it will be given you;
12:27 seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you:
12:33 For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds;
12:38 and to him who knocks it will be opened.
12:42 The disciples battled this critical pride often.
12:45 It wasn't just in the heart of the Pharisee,
12:48 in the heart of the religious ruler.
12:50 This critical pride could effect any one of us.
12:53 They battled this often.
12:55 In my mind's eye I can see them now, toiling up some dusty road
13:01 in Galilee, absorbed with trying to keep the closest
13:06 spot next to Jesus, because that was the most important.
13:10 Trying to keep those women and insignificant children
13:15 in the background, arguing as they walk about
13:21 who is the greatest.
13:23 Mark 9, Mark 9:33, 34.
13:29 Jesus came to Capernaum.
13:32 When He was in the house He asked them, What is it that you
13:35 disagreed among yourselves along the way?
13:38 What were you arguing about?
13:40 The Bible says they kept silent, for on the road they had
13:46 disputed among themselves who would be the greatest.
13:51 Jesus said, What were you arguing about?
13:53 What was troubling you?
13:55 But they kept quiet, because they had been arguing
13:59 on that dusty road.
14:00 They'd been arguing about who was the best.
14:03 Who was the best disciple?
14:05 Who was the one most worthy to take that place right next to
14:10 Jesus when He should set up His earthly kingdom?
14:13 For that's what they believed He was going to do.
14:17 I want to share, in the remainder of our program,
14:20 four steps to breaking free from the critical spirit.
14:26 How do we break free from the critical spirit?
14:29 1. Don't get discouraged, don't despair, don't give up,
14:35 don't listen to the lies of the enemy.
14:37 There's hope and victory in Jesus.
14:40 So if you feel like, Boy, I do criticize people a lot.
14:44 Boy, I do have the critical heart.
14:47 Don't be discouraged.
14:48 The Lord Jesus, already knows everything about our hearts,
14:52 and He says, I love you.
14:54 I can change you. I want to change you.
15:00 I love that about our God.
15:02 Jesus can show us our hearts.
15:05 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, He's faithful and just
15:10 to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us
15:14 from all unrighteousness.
15:16 Ezekiel 36:26, the Bible says: A new heart also will I give you,
15:23 and a new spirit will I put within you:
15:26 I'm going to take away that stony heart, Jill, that you
15:30 possess. And I know I do.
15:32 And He says, Jill, I'm going to give you a heart of flesh,
15:36 a heart that's soft, a heart that's pliable,
15:40 and moldable to Jesus Christ.
15:45 Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through
15:50 our Lord Jesus Christ.
15:51 Victory is assured; victory is sure in Jesus.
15:56 And finally Hebrews 10:16.
15:59 I like this promise.
16:01 He says, I can write My law of humility in your heart.
16:06 He wants to write His law of humility in your heart as well.
16:11 We can't do that. God knows that.
16:12 He knows we can't any sooner get rid of critical pride
16:16 than we can change our skin color, than we can change our
16:19 hair color, except with dye, of course,
16:21 than we can grow taller.
16:24 We can't do that. We come to God and He writes His law
16:28 of humility in our hearts.
16:31 John 13, the book of John, I believe is one of my
16:36 favorite books in the Bible.
16:37 I just love the way John expresses his thoughts.
16:41 John 13, we see when Jesus washed the disciples feet.
16:47 Here we are with Him, the Messiah, the Son of God
16:52 stooping down, and washing their feet.
16:56 Let's look at two verses: John 13:3, 4. I love verse 3.
17:01 It says, Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into
17:05 His hands, and that He had come from God, and was going to God;
17:10 He rose from supper, He laid aside His garments;
17:16 He took a towel, and He girded Himself.
17:21 You notice John prefaces Jesus kneeling down, and washing the
17:27 feet of the disciple with that statement.
17:29 He's not saying Jesus had a momentary lapse in memory.
17:33 He's not saying Jesus forgot who He was and thought,
17:36 Okay, I'm a servant.
17:38 I can just go down here, and I can do that job. No!
17:41 With full knowledge of His divinity...
17:44 That's what I have written in the margin of my Bible.
17:46 With full knowledge of His divinity,
17:49 He still chose to serve.
17:53 First remember that God...
17:56 Don't despair, don't get discouraged, God can work
18:00 in our heart and change us.
18:01 Second, we learn to esteem other people
18:04 as better than ourselves.
18:07 We want the mind of Christ.
18:11 We see that mind in Philippians 2.
18:13 Philippians 2 is a beautiful picture of the mind of Christ.
18:20 Philippians 2, and we're going to start with verse 2.
18:24 It says, Fulfill my joy, by being like-minded,
18:29 having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
18:35 How much strife and division could we avoid if we considered
18:39 each other as brothers and sisters in Jesus,
18:42 instead of shoving each other out the way, in our frantic
18:46 struggle to get to the top?
18:48 Or maybe we pick up little pebbles, and we toss them
18:52 at other people; people who don't think like we do,
18:55 people who don't dress like we do, people who don't act like
19:00 we do, people who anyone that we would view as a threat.
19:05 Verse 3. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition,
19:10 or conceit; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem the others
19:16 as better than themselves.
19:19 To me that is the mind of Christ; esteeming other people,
19:24 that servant heart; Him getting down and washing the
19:27 feet of His disciples.
19:29 That is the key: esteeming other people as better than ourselves.
19:33 They have what they call the crab mentality.
19:37 Maybe you've heard of it.
19:39 And I'm not talking about being a crabby person.
19:41 I'm talking about, it's actually a term.
19:43 You can Google it: the crab mentality.
19:46 If fisherman want to collect crabs; they want to catch them.
19:51 They can put them in a bucket without a lid on.
19:54 Do you know why? Because if one crab reaches up
19:57 a little claw... I don't like crabs.
19:59 If one crab reaches up a little claw to climb out of the bucket,
20:03 you know what happens?
20:04 His brother in the bucket reaches up a claw,
20:07 and pulls him back down.
20:09 So they don't even need a lid on it, because they're not
20:12 going to get out of the bucket.
20:13 They're always pulling each other down.
20:15 The crab mentality is, If I can't have it, neither can you.
20:19 That's the crab mentality.
20:21 In addition to esteeming other people as better than ourselves,
20:25 we want to focus on others.
20:27 Learn to listen instead of always speaking.
20:30 I really need to learn this one.
20:32 Is someone telling a story?
20:34 Listen to what they say without trying to interrupt it,
20:37 or without, while they're talking, thinking,
20:39 How am I going to top this story?
20:41 Or what am I going to say to one up what they just said to me?
20:45 Is someone excited about their promotion? rejoice with them
20:48 Rejoice with them instead of feeling sorry for yourself.
20:52 Is someone struggling because they're not friends with
20:55 the popular person?
20:56 Encourage them, and be friends with them.
20:59 Pay attention to their needs.
21:01 Are they sick? You could cook them a meal, pick up groceries,
21:05 and bring them to their house.
21:07 Do they need a friend?
21:09 You could drop by and listen to them.
21:12 Are they discouraged?
21:14 You could offer to pray with them, or for them.
21:17 Claim promises from the Word of God over their life.
21:21 My mother-in-law, Valerie, my husband Greg's Mom.
21:24 I just call her Mom.
21:26 She's a beautiful example of a servant's heart,
21:29 of someone who esteems other people as better than herself,
21:34 and someone who focuses on other people instead of herself.
21:39 Hers is a beautiful heart because it's patterned after
21:42 the heart of Jesus Christ.
21:45 Lastly we want to give of ourselves.
21:49 Sometimes it requires sacrifice to do that.
21:52 Does someone need a ride, and it's out of your way?
21:55 Maybe drive a distance anyway.
21:57 Is someone lonely and discouraged, and yet you're
22:00 too tired to go? Go and visit with them anyway.
22:05 J. D. Quinn always says, It was the right thing to do.
22:09 Meaning, go and do it anyway, even if you don't feel like it.
22:14 Go and do it anyway.
22:15 Is someone obnoxious, and just likes to talk about themselves?
22:19 and those people kind of drive you nuts?
22:20 Maybe sit and listen anyway.
22:24 Jesus lived to bless other people.
22:28 He lived to bless others.
22:30 And He says we will be following in the footsteps of Jesus
22:35 when we do the same.
22:37 No matter where you feel you are right now, with that critical
22:41 spirit, you might say, It's just all over me.
22:44 And God says, don't be discouraged.
22:46 I can forgive you.
22:47 I can give you the mind of Christ.
22:49 I can teach you to focus on other people, to esteem others
22:53 as better than yourself, to give of yourself, to even sacrifice
22:58 if need be for them.
23:00 We're going to take a short break, and when we come back,
23:03 we're going to do our practical application for this week.
23:07 Something you can do at home that will be a help, I pray,
23:10 and an encouragement to you.
23:11 And then our next program deals with jealousy.


Revised 2016-06-02