Health for a Lifetime

Types Of Memory Loss

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh (Host), Dr. Neil Nedley


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL00241B

00:01 Welcome back! We're talking with Dr. Nedley
00:03 We're glad you remembered to come back.
00:04 We're talking about memory,
00:06 and Dr. Neil Nedley, we're glad you're with us. Thank you
00:09 Now, we had a graphic... I want to just review again
00:11 for those who were watching that maybe had transient memory
00:15 and immediately forgot this.
00:16 And we want to look at what we were talking about...
00:18 the different forms of memory loss...
00:21 We had TRANSIENCE, which basically... you just heard
00:25 something and then you just immediately forget it
00:28 is a transient fact
00:29 Yeah, well, it's not just immediately...
00:30 that's more absentmindedness...
00:32 But transience means that you tend to lose it over time
00:35 You DID know it, but then you lose it.
00:37 ABSENTMINDEDNESS... You're not watching and you get lost...
00:40 and you're not really paying attention... Lack of focus
00:42 BLOCKING... You knew it but it's on the tip-of-your-tongue
00:46 You can't bring it back... That's right
00:47 MISATRIBUTION... you attribute to someone else...
00:50 "Oh, that's what I wrote. " "That's what I said,
00:52 but it wasn't really you at all. "
00:53 That's right, or some detail you have partial memory
00:56 but the complete memory is flawed.
00:58 SUGGESTIBILITY... Someone else says, "You did this,
01:01 and you did that" And you say, "I did it"
01:03 This is, many times, in cases of abuse, or even other things
01:07 where we looked at some of those things. Right?
01:10 BIAS... You bring your own sense of opinions,
01:14 and different things to the situation,
01:16 and you're using that...
01:17 You put it through your mental filter, and it messes up your...
01:20 In other words, you rewrite history based on your bias
01:23 on what actually occurred.
01:24 And then, PERSISTENCE...
01:26 That's like flashbacks from posttraumatic syndromes
01:30 that's like nightmares when they occur...
01:32 and those different things...
01:33 Things that we'd like to forget,
01:34 but they continue to come forward.
01:36 So let's say you have a patient that comes to you,
01:38 and they're saying, "I have memory losses"
01:40 What do you do?
01:41 Or what do you recall that you do?
01:43 Well, ha, ha, ha first we need to find out
01:47 which one of these memory problems is there.
01:50 And probably one of the most common ones that people
01:53 come to me for... They don't tend to come
01:55 to me for blocking, for instance
01:57 They don't tend to come to me for bias.
02:00 They don't think they are biased.
02:02 You know, they think they're accurate.
02:04 What they tend to come to me and complain about
02:06 is their inability to retain the
02:08 information a long period of time,
02:10 so their short-term memory is a problem,
02:13 or intermediate memory is a problem,
02:15 and that's why they're there.
02:16 So that's the transience part.
02:17 So if they truly have transience,
02:20 I actually start to do a workup on them.
02:22 So what do you do?
02:24 Well, first of all, I will give them a mental status examination
02:28 This is kind of a mental test to see how their recall is,
02:33 see how their ability is to...
02:35 How did I do by going through those different things?
02:37 Was my recall all right?
02:39 Your recall was pretty good...
02:40 but we could go through a "Mini Mental Status Exam" here
02:44 It might take us the rest of the program...
02:46 It usually takes us about 5 to 7 minutes to do it.
02:50 And then we could find out how you're truly doing...
02:53 But ah... Well, let's just go ahead
02:55 and do that between ourselves
02:56 so no one else has to remember it... HA, HA, HA, HA
02:59 So you do this mental status exam...
03:01 which is a battery of questions?
03:02 Battery of questions... right.
03:04 That you remember, or they have that a written form?
03:07 Well no, it's not a written form
03:08 I'm actually testing them.
03:09 I'll give them 3 things to recall later on
03:12 I'll make sure that they know where they're at,
03:16 and they know what city, and what state...
03:19 some simple things like that.
03:20 Then I'll have them do some simple math.
03:22 Actually, it gets a little more complicated by the 7th question
03:27 But it is math that the average individual should be able to do.
03:30 Counting backwards, simple addition. That's right
03:32 Subtracting 7's from 100 serially is what we tend to do.
03:37 And then, as far as their past memory,
03:40 seeing if they can remember the past 4 presidents.
03:43 And then see if they can obey simple commands.
03:46 that have 2 or 3 steps to them before they start them.
03:50 I mean... "Bush, Bush, Bush" is pretty... Ha, ha, ha, ha... okay
03:56 Okay, so you have those different tests...
03:58 Right, and then that can tell me a little about the
04:01 character of the memory problem.
04:02 Then, as part of the examination I will also measure
04:07 some things in their blood.
04:09 There are some things in the blood that are very much
04:11 associated with lack of transient memory,
04:15 in other words, transience becomes a problem over time.
04:19 And, this would be things like high homocysteine levels
04:22 Is that right? So that's related to
04:23 transient memory loss... That's right
04:25 And if the homocysteine level is high,
04:28 then we're going to try to do our best to get it down
04:30 And if we can get it down,
04:31 the individual's memory will improve. Hmm
04:35 How do you get the homocysteine down
04:36 besides amputation? Ha, ha, ha
04:39 There isn't amputation.
04:40 Homocysteine is an amino acid that can adversely
04:43 affect the memory.
04:44 But we bring it down through vitamins actually... B12
04:47 B12 is critically important in memory.
04:51 We'll measure the B12 level and see what it is.
04:53 And we like to see B12 levels greater than 500.
04:56 If they're less than 350, often it can cause
04:59 some mild-to-moderate memory problems.
05:02 If it's less than 100, it can cause some rather severe
05:05 memory deficits.
05:06 So, along with that, we'll measure folate.
05:09 Folate is a B vitamin that also will bring the
05:12 homocysteine level down nicely and help the memory.
05:15 And then the other 2 vitamins associated with that are
05:17 vitamin B6 and vitamin B2.
05:20 So all the B's...
05:21 If you're living with all the B's, you'll be all right.
05:25 If you're living with all the B's, you'll be much better
05:28 as far as transient memory is concerned.
05:31 Okay, so anything else for transience?
05:33 Yes, there are some other things.
05:36 High cholesterol levels actually can adversely affect
05:39 the memory... in SEVERAL WAYS it's not just the
05:42 plugged arteries... and studies show that the higher
05:45 the cholesterol levels,
05:46 the more little memory holes you'll see on an MRI
05:51 And so getting the cholesterol level down
05:53 can help preserve the memory.
05:54 So ANYONE that has a memory problem,
05:56 I always measure their cholesterol level
05:59 measure their LDL cholesterol, as well as triglycerides...
06:03 All of these can have adverse
06:04 effects as far as the memory is concerned.
06:07 So basically, anything that would lead to heart disease
06:09 also leads to...
06:11 There's a mind-heart connection.
06:13 Is that right? Yes
06:14 And, you know, the Bible was pretty accurate
06:15 Often the Bible uses those terms interchangeably
06:19 and if you have a heart problem,
06:22 you actually, very likely, also have mind problems,
06:25 and vice versa can also occur
06:28 Then on top of that, I'll do simple things like
06:30 measuring their blood pressure.
06:32 Studies show the higher the blood pressure,
06:35 the faster the memory declines with age.
06:37 And it doesn't need to occur that way
06:40 if we keep the blood pressure down...
06:41 And that's why even things like sodium intake
06:43 can have a role to play...
06:44 The HIGHER the sodium intake,
06:46 the LOWER the memory goes with age...
06:49 And so we need to watch that as we age.
06:52 SO, homocysteine, cholesterol, sodium,
06:56 and then get your B vitamins
06:58 Anything else in terms of transience? Vitamin D
07:03 Vitamin D Oh again, it shows up!
07:05 Vitamin D... one of the problems is that we cannot
07:08 store our memories in our hippocampus.
07:12 What occurs at night when you're resting... is that
07:15 you're actually going through some storage systems
07:19 I see... You know, backup systems
07:20 You know how your computer backs up at night,
07:22 or if you have a good computer system,
07:24 that's what's happening at night.
07:25 The same thing occurs with your brain computer.
07:28 At night, you're actually storing those memories
07:31 And you have to have a melatonin level
07:33 that's up in order to be able to very precisely
07:37 store those memories. Hmm
07:39 That's one of the reasons why college students
07:42 ...the lifestyle factor most related to how good they do
07:46 in college... is early to bed, early to rise
07:49 Why is that?
07:50 The earlier they go to bed, closer to when the sun goes down
07:54 the more melatonin they make!
07:56 And the more melatonin they make,
07:58 the better their working memory is,
08:01 and the better able they are to recall those things.
08:04 And what studies show is...
08:06 if you don't have vitamin D on board,
08:09 you don't have calcium come in...
08:11 And if you don't have calcium cross your intestinal tract
08:14 into your bloodstream,
08:16 it adversely affects your melatonin output.
08:18 So you're not putting out melatonin.
08:20 And so, we measure anyone that has a memory problem
08:23 We're now measuring vitamin D's in all of them
08:26 And that's something very simple And CALCIUM too...
08:28 CALCIUM... Now it turns out calcium in the bloodstream
08:31 is regulated by the kidneys,
08:32 and the parathyroid hormones and those type of things.
08:37 Your calcium can LOOK okay in the bloodstream...
08:39 when in reality, it's being leached from your bone
08:41 to get it to be okay
08:43 And, that doesn't help your melatonin level...
08:46 you need calcium in your diet in order to be able to
08:48 put out the melatonin.
08:50 Fascinating, so, you know, when they're in the military,
08:55 sometimes in the military, they will sleep-deprive
08:58 different people in different parts of the Service
09:01 to see how they do under sleep deprivation...
09:04 Why do they do that?
09:05 They do it to see what affects their memory actually...
09:09 And also their ability to perform and both things go down.
09:14 Their memory is not as much of a problem as the frontal lobe
09:17 Sleep deprivation affects the frontal lobe more so
09:20 than the memory, but it can also affect the memory.
09:23 And so we need adequate sleep in order to have very good memories
09:29 So, anything else... you've got another patient
09:31 that comes in to save...
09:32 What other form do you want to talk about
09:34 in our remaining time... absentmindedness, blocking,
09:36 misattributions, suggestibility Which?
09:38 Yeah, we can talk about absentmindedness.
09:40 Absentmindedness... You need a more organized brain,
09:43 and you need a brain that provides focus
09:45 And so, for those individuals,
09:46 we're going to talk about omega-3
09:48 Omega-3 in the diet will significantly help the
09:51 absentmindedness, significantly improve the focus.
09:55 And these are foods like walnuts, flaxseeds, spinach,
09:58 almonds... they are great foods for improving your focus,
10:04 and improving your absentmindedness.
10:07 The other thing we are going to recommend is
10:09 classical music, particularly, Baroque music
10:12 Baroque is very organized music.
10:14 It's rhythmic, it has melody, it has harmony.
10:17 It has a lot of interest.
10:20 And Baroque for the brain...
10:22 In fact, we've developed 2 CDs that are based on the music
10:26 that will improve your memory,
10:28 and improve your mental performance.
10:30 You can listen to Baroque for the brain,
10:32 and just simple music therapy can actually
10:35 improve your brain function.
10:36 So if your brain is broke, listen to Baroque! There you go!
10:40 And do you have those available on your website?
10:43 We do, yes... drnedley. com
10:46 And a lot of this information, by the way,
10:48 if you forget it, you can find
10:50 it on your website as well. Right? That's right
10:53 Or, you can enroll in one of our
10:54 peak mental performance programs...
10:56 It's just 5 days, and not very expensive...
10:58 We'll DO all these tests on you actually.
11:00 We'll do the vitamin D levels, and that type of workup
11:03 so that we can optimize every part of your brain performance.
11:06 Would this be good for students to go through?
11:08 Absolutely! In fact, we've had students
11:10 that are wanting to... for instance, get into
11:12 medical school, wanting to perform at a high
11:15 level... They'll take our courses
11:17 and do better. They'll get in.
11:20 Or, in addition, if you are failing college,
11:23 DEFINITELY come because even B grades
11:27 in college will serve you far better later on
11:29 in life than not learning college well
11:32 and getting D's and F's
11:33 Now, we got 1 minute left,
11:34 I have to ask a question you didn't cover...
11:37 Let's say, you know, you have PARTIAL RECALL,
11:39 I mean, you remember SOMETHING about everything,
11:43 but not EVERYTHING about ANYTHING!
11:45 That requires a workup, you know...
11:48 It's similar to the transience problem.
11:51 And that usually means that you're focus isn't good,
11:56 or you're having too many biases.
11:58 And that's why we also utilize cognitive behavioral therapy...
12:01 so we can get rid of errors of thinking.
12:03 There are 10 Commandments in the Bible,
12:05 and there are 10 ways of distorted thinking.
12:07 If we can get rid of the distorted thinking,
12:09 our memories improve.
12:11 And in order to do that, we MIGHT need a workup as well
12:15 We might have a problem with vitamin D, or B12,
12:17 or something like that.
12:18 I'm going to tell you, I will not soon forget this program
12:22 It's got a lot of very interesting things,
12:24 and things that I think we need to remember,
12:27 and that can help us remember.
12:28 Thank you for coming and spending time with us,
12:31 and coming here to "Health for a Lifetime"
12:34 You're welcome... Glad to be here
12:36 And thank YOU for coming... I know you'll not want to
12:38 forget this program, so why not get a copy?
12:40 Thanks!


Revised 2014-12-17