Health for a Lifetime


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh (Host), Neil Nedley


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000225

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health
00:05 and is not intended to take the place of
00:06 personalized professional care.
00:09 The opinions and ideas expressed
00:11 are those of the speaker. Viewers are encouraged
00:13 to draw their own conclusions about
00:15 the information presented.
00:49 Welcome Health for A Life Time
00:50 and I'm your host Don Mackintosh.
00:52 And today we're gonna talk about something
00:53 you hear a lot about at least in America
00:56 and that is protein, high protein diets
01:00 versus not having those, but it's all the rage
01:03 right now and it seems to go in cycles.
01:04 And talking with us about protein today
01:07 is Dr. Neil Nedley. We're glad that
01:09 you're with us today. And this is,
01:10 this is the topic that you know it seems
01:12 to cycle over every 30-40 years.
01:16 It's a lot of myths about it you know;
01:18 we call it the great meat and protein myth.
01:20 Okay, so we wanna talk about that,
01:23 what is protein? What it's made up of,
01:25 and help us swerve through nerves here?
01:28 Well, protein actually is made up of amino acids.
01:32 Amino acids are the building
01:33 blocks of protein. Okay. And there are eight
01:37 essential amino acids that are necessary
01:40 in a human's diet and if we don't get all eight
01:43 of those in the proper quantities we're gonna
01:46 end up with problems. Okay. And as a result of
01:50 that people erroneously concluded back
01:54 around the World War II Era,
01:57 that we needed to get so much of those
02:00 eight that there was no problem
02:01 in getting an excess, just to assure that
02:04 we're getting the eight. And so, they were
02:06 recommending animal bases of protein as
02:09 being superior because it had
02:12 higher protein contents.
02:14 So, I think we have a graphic showing
02:16 the proteins you wanna work as
02:17 through that all the amino acids?
02:19 Yes, Dr. Rose debunked this myth,
02:21 but he found out that all eight of the essential
02:25 amino acids were in sweet potatoes alone
02:29 and those are the amounts of each one of
02:31 the eight starting with the red and ending
02:33 with the purple there. All eight essential
02:36 amino acids were present in proper amounts
02:39 in baked potatoes, brown rice, tomatoes,
02:43 pumpkin and in whole wheat.
02:48 And in addition to that corn,
02:50 rolled oats, white beans,
02:52 asparagus and you can see the huge amounts
02:54 there in asparagus and beans and broccoli.
02:58 And now you can see the recommended
02:59 amounts that's what he found out was
03:02 actually needed and that was double the amount.
03:05 His recommended amount was double the
03:07 amount that he found for any
03:09 grown very active man.
03:12 So, in other words to take to home from
03:14 that is that you can get all your
03:16 protein in any one of those.
03:18 Any one of those foods, if you are eating enough
03:20 to maintain your way, now that was you know
03:24 we wouldn't recommend eating enough potatoes
03:28 to maintain your way, you don't have to
03:29 eat a large amount of potatoes for
03:31 instance to do that. But that helps to
03:33 explain something you know,
03:34 I was teaching this actually in a nutrition
03:37 course in my town and one of the ladies taking
03:41 the course was in her 70s and she said,
03:46 this explains why we survive the great
03:49 depression? I said, what do you mean?
03:51 She said, all we had were white potatoes
03:54 that's all we ate for years during the great
03:57 depression because our family couldn't afford
03:59 anything else, we thought we'll all die out,
04:01 but we grew, and the kid grew and it was normal.
04:05 And yeah, they were probably shorting
04:06 themselves in some nutrients,
04:07 but they weren't shorting themselves
04:09 in protein because they got all
04:11 the eight essential amino acids.
04:13 That's fascinating, I mean you know,
04:14 I've referred people also talk about,
04:17 actually over in Germany or the different
04:20 concentration camps they would feed them
04:21 just potatoes or just that.
04:24 And at the end of the work of course the people
04:25 that were in those camps they didn't get
04:27 killed or actually healthier than the soldier
04:30 they came to emancipate them.
04:32 That's right 'cause they weren't getting
04:34 too much protein and that's the,
04:36 the flip side of this is therefore so worried
04:38 about getting enough protein.
04:40 Chances are that we're eating a lot of animal
04:42 bases of protein and the, the
04:44 animal protein actually can give us too much.
04:48 And in excess protein could uses urea,
04:52 and urea acts as a diuretic,
04:55 but it not only getvs rid of fluorine,
04:57 but it will also get rid of calcium.
05:00 Diuretics virtually never just get rid of fluid
05:03 they always take something else with it,
05:05 some diuretics will take potassium,
05:06 some will take sodium, the urea takes calcium
05:10 with it and with that of course 99% of calcium
05:14 being in the bones with that we'll also lose
05:19 bone mineral density and it's one of the reasons
05:22 why meat has been so strongly
05:25 associated with osteoporosis.
05:28 So, there is another reason to get your
05:30 protein from plants as basically
05:32 what you're saying?
05:33 That's right, and that is it can help
05:35 prevent osteoporosis.
05:37 The study that we have on the,
05:40 on a graphic shows that when we're eating
05:44 just 48 grams of protein a day we'll safe 20
05:48 milligrams of calcium per day that means
05:50 19 of those 20 milligrams end up in the bones.
05:54 When we're eating 95 grams of protein we lose
05:57 40 milligrams of calcium per day.
05:59 And if we eat 142 grams and these people
06:02 on these high protein diets are doing that.
06:06 They are losing actually over 100 milligrams
06:10 of protein per day. And that's a,
06:13 that's a huge amount over the time it will
06:16 cause loss of bone marrow density.
06:18 You mean they're losing not protein,
06:20 but calcium as what you mean to say?
06:22 That's right losing calcium. Okay.
06:25 And the protein is actually,
06:27 the excess protein is leaching
06:28 calcium all the bones.
06:29 Okay, so each one of those graphics,
06:32 it was actually the losing calcium
06:34 the more protein need. The more protein need,
06:36 right. Okay, so what is then, it's,
06:39 this is probably somehow associated
06:41 all the hip fractures and all these other things
06:43 we see in a country where this myth is prevalent
06:47 that is that we should eat meat to get our
06:49 protein rather than the plant sources
06:51 where we could get it?
06:52 That's right, the plant sources are of course
06:54 are the original primary sources of protein.
06:58 You know the cow, where does it get
06:59 all it's protein from You know it's a total
07:02 vegetarian essentially and it's getting
07:05 it from the grains. And that's a much
07:08 better way of getting it.
07:11 So, I think you have a graphic that then shows
07:13 relationship between the calcium level and,
07:17 and the hip fracture level.
07:19 Yes, it's a kind of interesting that
07:21 the higher the calcium intake,
07:25 you know up to a 1000 milligrams a day
07:27 the higher the hip fracture risk
07:29 and you can see Denmark, US, United Kingdom,
07:33 they're all up there in calcium intake.
07:36 And they're also up there in hip fracture
07:38 and here we have South Africa way down
07:40 the rayed only 200 milligrams
07:42 of calcium per day. And their hip fracture
07:45 rates are extremely low,
07:47 which help us to realize?
07:48 Now, this doesn't mean that calcium causes
07:51 the hip fractures. But interestingly the
07:53 societies that eat the most calcium also eat
07:56 the most protein and the most salt
07:59 and the most sugar. And all of these
08:01 together can lead to osteoporosis
08:04 and so we're actually getting rid of more
08:07 calcium in the body then what
08:09 we're are putting in, where the South Africans
08:11 they spare at all essentially because
08:15 being on a much higher plant-based diet and
08:18 not having the sugar and excess salt.
08:21 So, that's fascinating, when we, that we try
08:24 and do things the wrong way, we try and say,
08:26 okay, we'll eat all kinds of proteins from animal
08:28 sources and it hurts us. And let me say, okay
08:30 we're trying to take calcium supplements
08:32 and it doesn't really help us.
08:35 That's right, it's much better to get your
08:37 calcium from plant foods
08:40 instead of animal foods.
08:41 And what are some foods that are
08:42 higher in calcium, if I'm going down
08:44 to the story. I need some
08:45 foods that have calcium.
08:46 Well, you can see oatmeal is good as it is,
08:49 it doesn't have a lot of calcium.
08:50 One cup just 19 milligrams and lentils
08:55 38 milligrams and that should be calcium
08:58 content in milligrams. Quinoa 102 milligrams,
09:05 a rutabagas 115 milligrams of calcium.
09:08 Mustard greens are much higher source,
09:10 one cup a 152, Kale which is my favorite green,
09:14 one cup of 179 milligrams of calcium.
09:19 And then we have foods that are extremely
09:22 high in calcium. And there's would be
09:26 turnip greens, one cup 249
09:29 milligrams of calcium. Soya beans,
09:31 one cup 261 milligrams. You can see milk where
09:35 it lines up the whole milk 290,
09:38 skim milk is 301, but there are
09:40 higher sources, carob flour is one of
09:42 those 358 milligrams of calcium and
09:45 the highest source of calcium
09:47 is actually Lambsquarters.
09:49 Now, that is not the hind leg of a small sheep.
09:53 Lambsquarters is actually a green it grows
09:56 as a weed where I'm from in Oklahoma
10:00 very tasty green, very tender
10:02 and very high in calcium.
10:04 Is that right? So, the highest sources
10:06 of calcium are not milk, but plant again.
10:09 Yes, grains are excellent sources.
10:13 One exception and that would be spinach.
10:14 Spinach has a lot of calcium too,
10:16 but also contains oxalates so we're not
10:18 really absorbing that calcium like we are
10:21 going to from kale. Kale it's absorbed
10:23 to high degree, even lambsquarters,
10:25 it's absorbed in high degree.
10:26 And I might tell you those of who are
10:28 watching you think my kids won't eat kale,
10:30 my kids love kale, alright, for some reason
10:33 I mean, they didn't get that from me,
10:36 I'm learning to love kale, but man,
10:38 their, their mother and the kids they sit
10:40 around and they just you know,
10:41 could I have some more kale they're screaming
10:43 them back? And they love it,
10:46 they put a little lemon on it and that doesn't
10:48 do anything bad, does it? No. No,
10:50 and they just sit there and they just like
10:51 I've a kale feast. And you know it's amazing.
10:55 I should actually take a video maybe roll
10:57 it in the next time we do this program
10:59 'cause people are not believing me,
11:01 but they do, they do love kale.
11:03 And maybe after just put some
11:05 lambsquarters in there as well.
11:07 Other good source of calcium is sesame seeds.
11:10 Sesame is a good source, Tahini would be a good
11:13 source of calcium and figs are also
11:16 are excellence source of calcium.
11:18 Well, what about sodium? Is there any
11:20 connection between protein and sodium?
11:23 Well, there isn't regards osteoporosis.
11:25 A lot of people don't realize that high
11:27 sodium in the diet also leaches calcium
11:30 out of the bones. Is that right?
11:33 And high sodium will not only cause
11:35 high blood pressure, it not only increases
11:37 the risk of heart diseases,
11:39 but it also significantly increases the risk of
11:42 kidney stones because it's leaching calcium out
11:44 of the bones and putting it into the urine.
11:47 And it also is one of the major
11:50 contributors to osteoporosis.
11:53 Wow! So, you have a graphic on these on
11:54 sodium foods and where we are?
11:57 Let's look at that. Yes, the average
11:59 American diet has 4000 milligrams
12:01 of sodium a day. Wow! Those with
12:03 normal blood pressure should not have
12:05 more than 2400 milligrams a day;
12:08 those with high blood pressure no more than
12:10 2000 milligrams a day, and those with high
12:13 blood pressure and congestive heart failure
12:15 or liver problems a 1000 milligrams a day.
12:17 Some people with high blood pressure should
12:20 only be on a 1000 'cause their blood pressure
12:22 would drop a lot better,
12:23 but we do need some sodium in diet,
12:25 a minimum of 250 milligrams a day.
12:28 If you had a sodium free diet that would
12:30 not be recommended and so this is why if
12:33 you're totally on the plant-based diet for
12:34 instance if you're a total vegetarian,
12:37 you would add a little bit of sodium,
12:39 wouldn't have to a lot, but plants foods
12:41 are so low in sodium which you might sure
12:43 yourself if you didn't had a little bit.
12:45 But what are these foods that are
12:47 so high in sodium in American diet?
12:50 Well, prepared foods you know,
12:53 you go to any restaurant and people think in order
12:56 to enhance the taste for the general
12:57 public you have to dump sodium into them.
13:00 When we come back we're gonna look
13:01 at the list of foods that are high in sodium
13:03 just in case you haven't figured out
13:04 which ones are? I'm gonna talk
13:06 more about some of these myths as there is,
13:08 as a related to protein and calcium.
13:11 Join us when we come back.
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14:14 Welcome back we've been talking
14:15 to Dr. Neil Nedley. We've been talking
14:16 about some myths as they are associated
14:19 with protein, high protein diet
14:21 seem to be all their age. And we've also talked
14:23 about osteoporosis that's relationship to calcium
14:27 and sodium which was interesting.
14:29 Dr. Nedley we're glad that you are with us.
14:31 Thank you. Now, some of these things
14:33 are brand new, you have a lot of the
14:35 base lines things in your book Prove Positive.
14:37 People that want information about that
14:39 can review the page Nedley,
14:42 and they,
14:45 they can read the base things,
14:46 but you're ensuring some new things with us.
14:49 Yes, and one of those new things is that
14:50 a high sodium diet actually leaches
14:53 calcium out of the system.
14:55 And it can lead to osteoporosis;
14:58 also if we don't have enough calcium on board
15:00 we don't make enough melatonin at night.
15:03 So, it can even cause premature graying,
15:06 it can cause increase the risk of certain cancers
15:11 because of not enough of the
15:13 anti-oxidant melatonin on board.
15:16 So, are you trying to talk about my grey
15:17 hair suddenly is that what you're trying to say?
15:19 Well, I mean there is genetically we are
15:23 all programmed to get grey at certain points
15:24 so as we get older it's actually normal to grey,
15:29 but we don't want the premature graying.
15:32 Okay. And if we run into calcium deficits
15:35 we're gonna run into some premature graying.
15:37 So, you're just saying I'm getting older,
15:39 I appreciate that. Well, alright,
15:41 well Dr. Nedley you know, we want to look
15:43 at the foods that are higher in sodium,
15:45 which foods are higher in sodium?
15:47 You kind of have a quiz for us here,
15:48 which of these? Yes I'd like to you
15:49 all to take this quiz that are watching here today.
15:52 Corn chips, what do you think is higher?
15:54 One cup of corn chips or one cup of corn flakes?
15:58 Then which do you think is higher,
16:00 a quarter cup of peanuts or
16:02 a can of tomato soup?
16:04 Then what do you think is higher,
16:07 a half cup of frozen peas or a half cup
16:09 of canned peas? And then which is
16:13 higher a cup of butter milk or a cup of
16:15 cottage cheese? One small bag of
16:18 potato chips or a cup of instant mash potatoes?
16:22 And then again which is higher
16:24 a serving of French fries or
16:25 serving of ice cream, soft serve?
16:30 Well, I'm ready to take the quiz,
16:32 I'm everyone at home has written those down
16:33 and they have their answers.
16:34 Let's look at the answers.
16:36 Well, actually each one that was second
16:39 in the list was the highest.
16:40 Notice the corn flakes higher than
16:42 the corn chips, cereals acceptance
16:45 for shredded wheat tends to be pretty
16:48 high in sodium. The peanuts 155 milligrams,
16:51 but look at that can of tomato soup
16:53 932 milligrams. Wow! Frozen peas
16:57 only 17 milligrams. Can peas are gonna
16:59 have higher sodium content 340,
17:03 buttermilk moderately high;
17:04 dairy is moderately high in calcium 257,
17:07 but look at that cottage cheese 850 milligrams.
17:12 Now, small bag of potatoes chips 168 milligrams,
17:15 but instant mashed potatoes quite high
17:17 491 milligrams. French fries 123,
17:21 but that ice cream again dairy moderately
17:23 high 220 milligrams of sodium.
17:27 And so, the take home message for
17:29 this is to read your labels.
17:32 A lot of people say hey,
17:33 I don't use much salt because they're not
17:35 using a salt shaker routinely,
17:38 but getting rid of the salt shaker only gets
17:40 rid of less than a third of the sodium
17:43 consumed in America. Two thirds of it is
17:46 already dumped into the foods before
17:48 we ever eat it. And so, that means reading
17:51 the labels is important. You may not be thinking
17:53 you're on a high sodium diet,
17:54 but once you read those labels you may
17:56 find out that your sodium intake is too
17:58 high and is contributing to a number of problems.
18:01 Like you said osteoporosis which is new for
18:04 someone of us and, that's right,
18:05 you also said lower melatonin grey hair.
18:08 That's right. I mean that right alone is gonna
18:10 stimulate a lot of people will do this.
18:13 That started lowering their sodium
18:14 intake. So, what are some foods
18:16 that are low in sodium, you said shredded,
18:18 shredded wheat was the only cereal that
18:20 you know or is total is total okay?
18:22 Well, total is gonna have more because
18:24 they do they put sodium in their,
18:26 shredded wheat there is no sodium added.
18:27 Okay. And so, the foods that are
18:30 whole plant foods, we have the graphic
18:32 showing you the foods that are
18:33 very low in sodium. And even peas
18:36 are gonna be very low. The frozen peas still
18:38 have some sodium added into it.
18:40 Your average serving a fresh fruit 6
18:42 milligrams of sodium. Average grains,
18:46 whole grains and cereals 7 milligrams of sodium,
18:49 if your nuts are unsalted only 3
18:51 milligrams of sodium. Vegetables have
18:54 a little higher 15 milligrams and then a
18:56 shredded wheat one serving only 3 milligrams.
18:59 And if you add up all of the sodium there,
19:02 in those plant foods you may not have your
19:05 minimum 250 milligrams a day
19:06 and that's why it's okay, if you're on a plant,
19:10 totally plant based diet to add a little bit
19:12 of sodium there, but for the average individual
19:15 who is buying all these prepared foods not
19:17 only should they not use the salt shaker
19:19 they really need to limit their intake
19:22 of these prepared foods.
19:23 What about these salt substance,
19:26 substitutes like potassium and other things
19:28 they put on, what do you say about those?
19:30 Well, potassium chloride is better than
19:32 sodium chloride for the average person.
19:34 However, if you have mild renal failure,
19:38 it can be dangerous because you're not
19:40 getting rid of the potassium and it can
19:41 actually cause the heart to stop.
19:44 Also we're finding out it's not so much
19:46 to sodium is the problem, but it's the chloride.
19:49 Alright. In potassium chloride still has
19:51 the chloride molecule and that chloride molecule
19:54 still gonna end up dumping
19:55 a little bit of calcium. Interesting, so when we
19:59 reduce our sodium you have the graphics that
20:01 helps us know what we're reducing our risk of.
20:03 Yes, we're reducing our risk of
20:06 high blood pressure; you can drop your
20:07 blood pressure up to 20 points by getting
20:10 on a diet that's 1000 milligrams
20:12 of sodium per day. It's been shown to
20:15 reduce the risk of heart attack.
20:17 No matter what other underline risk factors
20:19 of heart attacks that you have.
20:21 In addition, it reduces the complications of
20:24 congestive heart failure, cirrhosis,
20:26 liver and kidney failure. Reduces the risk of
20:29 stomach and nasopharyngeal cancer,
20:31 reduces osteoporosis and reduces kidney stones.
20:35 Speaking of congestive heart failure I knew
20:38 of several individuals one in particular that every
20:43 time that she would have even like a
20:45 bowl of soup she would end up in emergency
20:47 room with firmament congestive heart failure.
20:50 And after incubator put it on the ventilator
20:52 and give a strong talking to in regards to not
20:55 eating high sodium foods.
20:57 She'd be a good for a while and then
20:59 a temptation would come and boom
21:01 she do it again. And she would
21:02 end up in the ICU almost on death door
21:05 and this happened repeatedly we've had
21:08 dietitian come talk to etc,
21:11 but sometimes that soup became so
21:14 tempting, the memory, that she thought,
21:17 well you know maybe I'll get buy with
21:19 it this time, she ended up dying.
21:23 One time she got to the emergency room
21:24 too late after her high sodium foods
21:28 that with pickles I think. Pickles are also quite
21:30 loaded in sodium, she had some pickles and,
21:34 and some French fries and boom that was it.
21:38 That was it. Yeah, and that's because her
21:40 heart was so weak that. How old,
21:42 how about how old this is individual?
21:44 She was in her 70s. In her 70s,
21:46 so when you're on the edge especially.
21:49 Yeah, you all know the difference right away.
21:51 And of course a lot of people don't have that
21:52 immediate feedback on their body;
21:55 it's just paying a toll in the slow gradual
21:58 pull down turn. And then eventually
22:02 they have the feedback when
22:03 sometimes it's too late.
22:04 So, the protein problem, the calcium
22:07 problem and the sodium problem is
22:09 causing all kinds of osteoporosis?
22:12 And then another piece of new information
22:14 as far as osteoporosis we now know that
22:17 refined sugar also leaches calcium from the bone.
22:20 In fact, it may do so more so than the protein
22:24 and meat at least the recent study show this.
22:28 So, a lot of people are just worried about
22:30 their calcium, maybe they're low in the protein
22:32 if they have osteoporosis they also
22:33 need to watch out for the sodium and the sugar.
22:37 Okay, now once, I mean, I wanna look at that you
22:39 have a graphic on preventing osteoporosis
22:42 we wanna look at in a minute,
22:43 but when should people start being
22:44 concerned about, when they're 60, 70?
22:46 No, before that really we start tending
22:49 to lose bone mineral density after
22:51 the age of 20-25. And so,
22:55 it's not a bad idea if you have access to get
22:57 a bone mineral density in your 40s and see
22:59 where you at before, by the time you're
23:01 in the 60s osteoporosis can be so severe,
23:05 you can maintain, but won't be able
23:06 to catch up back again.
23:08 Okay, so if you'r in your 20s,
23:09 you should be listening to this program.
23:11 Absolutely. Okay, preventing osteoporosis,
23:15 you have a graphic that helps us.
23:16 Yes, restricting animal protein,
23:18 restrict sodium intake getting enough
23:20 absorbable calcium in the diet particularly
23:22 from the green sesame. Magnesium is also
23:25 important we need half as much
23:26 magnesium as calcium.
23:29 And then gravity exercises,
23:32 now that means brisk walking, running,
23:34 swimming is not one of those real
23:35 gravity exercises. And then if you're
23:38 standing for more than 4 hours a day
23:40 routinely that's been shown to
23:41 reduce the risk as well.
23:43 Okay, wonderful. What about animal protein
23:46 and certain glandular or lymph cancers?
23:50 Well, that's the other problem with too
23:52 much of animal protein; it does seem to
23:53 increase the risk of cancers.
23:55 In fact, T Colin Campbell has written
23:57 an entire book on this, and we get too much
23:59 of the essential amino acids it surprises
24:02 the immune system when cancer tendsto come about.
24:05 And lymphoma is one of those;
24:06 studies have shown that according to the graph
24:11 that we have as a graphic the higher
24:15 the animal protein intake,
24:17 the higher the incidence of
24:19 lymphoma worldwide. So, let's look at this
24:21 graphic and we'll see that you can see
24:24 a kind of increases as it goes up there
24:26 towards United States again.
24:28 That's right, Japan lower amounts of
24:30 animal protein virtually no lymphoma,
24:34 Yugoslavia is higher and then when
24:36 we get to Untied Kingdom, Netherlands,
24:38 Denmark, US we have high animal protein
24:42 intake particularly beef protein and we
24:45 have much higher rates of lymphoma.
24:47 And that even New Zealand I think another
24:49 graphs I've seen was very high as well.
24:51 Right. Well, talk to me then about low protein
24:57 diets in terms of what they
24:59 do with kidney failure?
25:02 Well, this has been an interesting phenomenon.
25:04 For years the medical profession was taught,
25:07 I was taught and medical school that one say
25:10 diabetic started to get dumping protein
25:13 in their urine, they were automatically
25:16 gonna be on dialyses, if they lived long enough.
25:19 In other words, their kidneys would continue
25:21 to deteriorate year-after-year.
25:24 In fact, every diabetic every year
25:25 if they're been followed by good doctor
25:27 is they're getting their protein measured
25:29 in their urine to make sure they're not on this
25:31 course and if they are we can't intervene
25:34 at this point. We used to try an intervene by
25:36 controlling the blood sugars that didn't work,
25:40 but what did work was not only controlling
25:43 the blood sugars, but on top of that lowering
25:45 the protein in the diet. And once we put these
25:48 diabetics on a 40 gram protein diet which is
25:52 adequate protein and you're still
25:53 getting eight the, eight of these
25:54 essential amino acids, but you're not
25:57 getting the access in proteins that's going
26:01 to leach not only calcium from the bone,
26:05 but the access in protein will destroy nephrons.
26:08 And we have a graphic that shows us this,
26:12 you can see the individual their kidney
26:14 function had gone down significantly they
26:17 are filtering over a 100ccs of blood,
26:19 now it was only 50ccs. Once you're down to
26:22 15 you're on dialysis. And then their kidneys
26:26 stabilized by being on a low protein diet,
26:30 no worst function. What happen to
26:33 the protein in their blood stream that's
26:35 what the next slide that goes over?
26:37 And this is pretty amazing,
26:39 the protein in their blood stream increased
26:42 you know you'd say well they're on a low
26:43 protein diet why did their protein increased
26:45 because they were dumping less
26:47 protein in their urine. Their kidneys actually
26:50 were able to spare the protein.
26:52 And so, even now their kidneys were
26:53 filtering the same, they weren't dumping
26:55 the protein in their urine and their body
26:57 nutritional status actually
26:59 improved significantly.
27:01 So, when you are a diabetic and you start to
27:05 have this dumping, the real solution there
27:08 is not so much focusing on the sugar
27:10 all though that's, that's.
27:12 We'll still focus on that. Yeah,
27:13 so focus on that, but it is lessening
27:15 the protein in the diet.
27:17 Lessening the protein in the diet,
27:19 getting on the strict on a strict low protein
27:21 diet will prevent you from needing
27:24 dialysis in the future.
27:25 And again let's back to Genesis 129 it's
27:28 those foods just grown that are the best to eat
27:31 if you're trying to lower that and get
27:33 an adequate source. Exactly. So, Genesis
27:36 strikes again back to the beginning.
27:39 Yep, that original diet that was good
27:41 for the man and a woman then
27:45 are also a good for human kind today.
27:48 Thank you, so much for being with us
27:49 Dr. Nedley, and thank you for being with
27:51 us for Health for A Life Time. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17