Health for a Lifetime

Cancer Pt.2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh (Host), Neil Nedley


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000217

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health and is not
00:05 intended to take the place of
00:06 personalized professional care.
00:09 The opinions and ideas expressed are
00:11 those of the speaker. Viewers are encouraged
00:13 to draw their own conclusions about
00:15 the information presented.
00:50 Hello and welcome to Health for a Lifetime.
00:51 I'm your host Don Mackintosh and today
00:53 we're gonna be talking about cancer.
00:55 Here to talk with us is Dr. Neil Nedley, he is
00:58 a specialist in Internal Medicine and he is
01:00 from Ardmore, Oklahoma. Welcome Dr. Nedley.
01:03 Thank you Don. Now you, you do internal
01:05 medicine, you do a lot of different things
01:07 under that rubric, one of the things is the
01:10 things like you're doing today education,
01:12 and we're talking about, today about
01:14 cancer and that kind of strikes fear in
01:16 people's hearts, should it? Absolutely, yeah
01:19 cancer is a deadly disease and it often
01:21 disfigures and really humiliates significantly
01:25 before that death occurs. And is it the leading
01:29 cause of death, where is it now?
01:30 Yeah, depending on how you look at,
01:32 it could be the leading cause of death.
01:35 Coronary artery disease used to be
01:36 considered the leading cause of death.
01:38 There are less cases of that then there use to
01:40 be, but there are more causes of cancer
01:43 and so in some estimations cancer
01:46 now is number one, over 550,000 deaths
01:49 per year in this country just due to cancer.
01:52 And there is, you know there's warning
01:53 sings like bleeding and unusual bladder
01:57 habits and all those different kind of things.
01:58 We talked about that in our previous
02:00 program, but I think you know as we just
02:02 began here, we're not gonna focus on that as
02:04 much, but we're gonna be talking
02:06 about the immune system on what we
02:08 have to defend against it in this program.
02:10 But lets just briefly mention that people
02:13 should be aware of the warning signs and
02:15 the screenings, what are some of those?
02:17 Well warning signs would be unusual
02:19 bleeding or discharge, change in bowel or bladder
02:21 habits, thickening of the breast, difficulty
02:25 in swallowing or indigestion, that's a
02:28 big warning sign actually because
02:30 reflect is so common and Esophageal
02:32 cancer is on the rise. Okay. Then as far as
02:35 screening colonoscopies? At age 50 stool slide
02:39 test, for microscopic blood at 40,
02:42 for women mammograms, Pap smears.
02:45 For men PSA test and then physical exams
02:48 where there is tension to the thyroid,
02:50 the lymph nodes, ovaries, testicles.
02:53 What about Thermograms? Thermograms, yes actually
02:58 the Thermograms can have less radiation to
03:01 them however there is new mammography
03:04 now that only has about 1/50th of the
03:08 radiation of previous mammograms,
03:11 and so if you get modern mammography really
03:16 there isn't a concern that there used to be.
03:18 We're gonna talk today about things
03:20 that people can do once they know the
03:21 warning signs, of course avoiding the
03:22 Carcinogens themselves like smoking and
03:25 alcohol and meats and all these different
03:29 things that we put into our systems.
03:31 Polluted areas, we talked about fish,
03:33 we talked about how they you know are
03:36 seen to be drawing all the pollutants in the
03:38 streams, but we wanna talk about
03:40 protective foods? Yes you know interestingly
03:44 no matter how much we try, we can't
03:48 completely avoid all Carcinogens and
03:50 that's why we really need to focus on the
03:52 immune system. And I recently saw a
03:55 cartoon of a horse lying in a hospital bed
03:59 and there was an IV going into the horse,
04:01 that said Chemotherapy and the caption said
04:03 all those years with the Marlboro man.
04:06 So yeah, in another words you, you can't
04:09 avoid everything. You got to be, there's
04:11 gonna be people in your environment that
04:14 or the situations that I'm not saying people
04:16 out there are cancer causing, but it's gonna
04:18 be situations that you need to be looking at
04:21 protective elements in foods.
04:23 Yes, absolutely and in another ways it's not
04:25 just foods, but one of the greatest protective
04:27 elements actually are the Carotenoids.
04:31 Carotenoids. Yeah Carotenoids are what
04:33 turns your tomatoes red or strawberries
04:37 red, actually there are orange Carotenoids as
04:39 well, and the Carotenoids also in
04:43 green vegetables. And Carotenoids actually
04:46 decrease the tissue line in cancers,
04:49 so cancer of the lung being a tissue lying of
04:52 the bronchial tubes is decreased.
04:54 Cancer of the mouth and oral cavity is decreased.
04:59 And there is evidence showing cancer of the
05:00 breast or any other lining tissue cancer.
05:03 The cancer of Endothelium or the
05:07 Epithelial layers. So that's that outer layer
05:11 like if you're looking in there is just that
05:13 layer right here. That's right.
05:15 And all these are protecting that.
05:17 That's right, the Carotenoids protect
05:21 from developing cancer. And that's only a one
05:23 cell layer isn't it? That's right, often it's
05:25 just a one cell layer. Correct. Okay.
05:28 So, we have a graphic actually describing
05:31 the foods that are high in Carotenoids and
05:34 you can see mixed vegetables, pretty
05:36 good source, that's 78 percent of the RDA or
05:40 they recommend daily amounts for Beta Carotene.
05:44 Getting above a 100 is even better.
05:45 Cantaloupe just the half of a Cantaloupe
05:47 86 percent. Sweet red bell pepper if you eat
05:51 a whole one of those, a 135 percent of the
05:54 RDA of Beta Carotene. Sweet potato, again
05:58 being that orange color loaded with
06:00 Beta Carotene 249 percent for a medium
06:06 baked sweet potato. Cooked pumpkins
06:09 271 percent, raw carrots a cup 309
06:13 percent, but notice the cooked carrots have
06:14 even more, the cooking of the carrots
06:16 actually breaks down some of the fibers
06:18 membranes and allows more Beta
06:20 Carotene into the system and then the
06:22 highest source are orange yams, peeled
06:24 after baking one cup 436 percent.
06:28 And this is gonna, if you eat those that's
06:30 gonna be protecting that layer.
06:32 Exactly, wow, yeah. And many cancers
06:35 form in the Epithelium. Great, any other
06:39 protective food we should know about?
06:42 Vitamin C foods, Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant.
06:45 Okay. Antioxidants will protect against
06:48 the number of cancers actually Vitamin C
06:51 not only can protect you from cancer,
06:54 but also your offspring if you're a male.
06:57 A study show that males who are not
07:00 getting 250 milligram of vitamin C per day
07:04 their sperm can be genetically damaged,
07:06 even though they don't have bad gene
07:08 themselves, their sperm can be
07:10 genetically damage and that damaged
07:12 sperm can increase the risk of cancer of
07:14 the kidney, and cancer of the nervous system
07:18 and even lymphoma in their children.
07:22 And many people don't realize that
07:25 cancer is the second leading cause of death
07:27 in children, and many of those cancers are
07:30 not from the children's lifestyle
07:32 habits, but the lifestyle habits of the parents.
07:35 So what we realty need to get the
07:37 message out, any man who is reproductive
07:40 and wanting to have children
07:41 needs to get enough Vitamin C.
07:43 Well the Pastor did a lot of pre-marital
07:45 counseling maybe I should give them Vitamin C.
07:47 There you go. Alright, so foods that are high
07:51 in Vitamin C then. We have a graphic on
07:53 that is well. Okay. And the foods that are
07:55 high in Vitamin C are listed on the screen,
08:00 Broccoli, with Vitamin C you wanna
08:02 have it raw, cooking is gonna destroy
08:04 about half the Vitamin C, so you can
08:06 see Broccoli raw is gonna have more,
08:08 an half cup 41 milligrams. Sweet green bell
08:11 pepper 66 milligrams, just one orange will
08:15 have 70 milligrams of Vitamin C, but many
08:17 people are unaware that small kiwi has
08:19 even more, 75 milligrams of Vitamin
08:22 C and the strawberries are loaded, one cup
08:25 82 milligrams of Vitamin C. Grapefruit higher yet
08:29 94 milligrams. Brussels sprouts are
08:32 loaded, they are so loaded that even if
08:34 they're boiled, one cup is gonna have 98
08:36 milligrams. That's a hard sell for me.
08:38 Orange juice fresh one cup 124
08:41 milligrams and sweet red bell pepper one
08:44 medium 141 milligrams. A lot of people don't
08:47 realize red bell pepper is not only high in
08:49 Beta Carotene, but very high in Vitamin C.
08:53 Now regards to orange juice, what
08:54 type of orange juice you think would have
08:56 more Vitamin C in it. The orange juice
08:58 that's ready to serve, that you buy off the
09:00 shelf or the orange juice that comes from
09:03 the orange concentrate? Boy, I would say
09:07 probably off the shelf because they added to it.
09:10 Well, false, off the shelf if it stays there
09:14 for a while, yeah, just keeping it on the shelf
09:17 is going to deactivate the Vitamin C.
09:19 I knew that, but I was just saying
09:20 you're trying to trick me. And so if you are
09:22 there you know if it's been there a week or
09:24 two you're gonna have a lot less
09:25 Vitamin C, so the orange concentrate
09:27 would be able to preserve that or if you
09:30 freshly squeeze that orange juice would
09:33 even be better than the orange concentrate.
09:35 Boy, a kiwi and some orange juice.
09:38 But, I wanna tell you I'm gonna avoid the
09:39 Brussels sprouts myself, but the other
09:41 stuff there I just love it all.
09:42 Yeah, well you can avoid several of those
09:44 foods and still get your 250 milligrams a day.
09:46 Okay, any other vitamins we need that
09:49 are protective especially with cancer?
09:52 Vitamin E is very important in protecting cancer.
09:55 Vitamin E is actually a more potent
09:57 antioxidant than even Vitamin C.
10:00 And Vitamin E in foods has been shown
10:01 to reduce prostate cancer and also
10:04 actually skin cancer. One interesting study
10:08 in rabbits, a hairless strain of rabbits where
10:12 ultra light was shown down on them,
10:13 so much so that 24 percent of them got
10:16 skin cancer within a few weeks.
10:19 If the rabbits were fed extra Vitamin C and E
10:22 none of them got skin cancers, so C seems
10:25 to work with E in helping to prevent
10:27 skin cancer. And we have a graphic on the
10:30 foods that are high in Vitamin E.
10:32 Kind of feel sorry for those hairless rabbits
10:34 and rats or whatever there,
10:35 but let's look at our list.
10:36 Alright, yeah I do too with those,
10:38 that was the study. Soybean oil, one
10:41 tablespoon 23 percent of the RDA of
10:44 Vitamin E for one day, just ten almonds
10:47 would have 27 %, love almonds.
10:49 Almonds are perfect for Vitamin E.
10:51 Canola oil, one tablespoon 30 percent
10:55 of the RDA. Almond butter of course it's
10:58 concentrated then that would a good source,
11:00 sunflower seeds are an excellent source,
11:02 just one tablespoon 42 percent of the intake
11:07 of Vitamin E. Good news for a Kansan
11:08 like me. Yeah, absolutely. And then
11:11 there are other foods that are higher yet,
11:12 the sunflower oil of course being more
11:14 concentrated and wheat germ oil an
11:17 excellent source and that really
11:20 underscores the need to eat the whole wheat bread.
11:23 If you're eating the white bread you're not
11:24 getting the Vitamin E. So it sounds like it
11:27 from the list that the concentration is in the
11:29 oil of those foods. That's true, Vitamin E
11:32 is a fat soluble vitamin and so tends
11:35 to come with the fat of plants.
11:38 You're really not gonna get it in the fat
11:40 of the animals or say near that, unless they
11:43 have eating a lot of plants.
11:44 Well even then not near as high as getting
11:47 it directly from the plants. Sure,
11:49 and I was talking to a man that you know
11:50 works for a huge manufacturing plant
11:53 in the Mid West that makes soybean oil
11:56 and he was telling me that, that a soybean or
11:58 excuse me sunflower seed, yeah, sunflower
12:02 oil and all that stuff, high concentration in
12:04 those, in those seeds, yeah, you can see that
12:08 there as well. Vitamin E is very important
12:11 there, and by the way don't be afraid of the
12:13 food-grade canola. There's a lot of people
12:16 out there saying canola is the cause of
12:17 mad cow disease and it's really tractor oil
12:20 and that type of thing. There is a type of
12:22 rapeseed oil that is used for tractors and
12:24 it's now food-grade, but they've gotten that
12:26 confused and they think that's what
12:28 people are eating off the shelf and that's not
12:31 true, canola has been shown to be a healthy oil.
12:33 So really the food, this produce department in
12:36 the supermarket is like a friend of mine
12:38 says the department of defense.
12:41 Absolutely. If you wanna go there and
12:43 get tooled up. Yeah. We wanna talk about
12:45 antioxidants and all these different things
12:47 when we comeback and look more fully at
12:49 that, but looking at the warning signs,
12:52 avoiding the Carcinogenic foods,
12:55 having your screening as well, but then
12:57 going and enhancing the immune system
13:00 with these protective foods that's the message.
13:02 That's the message, and of course there's
13:03 other some protective foods as well.
13:05 Selenium foods actually are protective too.
13:08 We're talking with Dr. Neil Nedley, we're
13:10 talking about how to protect yourself
13:13 against cancer. That's good news that God
13:15 has provided fruits and vegetables and
13:18 nuts as well that can be protective.
13:20 When we comeback we're gonna look at
13:21 the antioxidants, join us when we comeback.
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14:26 Welcome back we're talking with Dr. Nedley
14:28 about cancer. The bad news is a lot of people
14:31 are getting cancer, but the good news is there
14:32 are things you can do to protect yourself
14:34 against it. Thanks so much for being with us.
14:37 Thank you Don, it's great to be here.
14:38 In our first half we're talking about
14:40 protective foods, we're talking about
14:41 vitamin C, we said we should probably had
14:43 mentioned that in marriage counseling,
14:45 because the male can protect his offspring
14:49 from cancer fascinating and then also the
14:52 Vitamin E largely in the plant oils and
14:55 that's protective as well. You also mentioned
14:57 the Selenium. What's Selenium?
14:59 Selenium is a trace mineral and it's in the
15:02 soil and it's found primarily in wheat
15:06 products and seeds. Particularly the wheat
15:09 grown in the Dakotas is loaded with
15:11 Selenium and that prevents colon cancer.
15:14 So, we wanna talk now about so called
15:17 antioxidants is that like something like
15:19 that's against oxygen. Are you against
15:22 oxygen Dr. Nedley? Well no, oxygen is a
15:25 very good thing. But to get your tissues
15:28 oxidized is not a good thing. Alright, so tell
15:30 me, what's that mean. You're a biochemist
15:32 major? Yeah O2 is great but O3 is not
15:37 great when you bring it in. O3 is ozone
15:41 and ozone if you put it into the system that
15:45 free oxygen off of the O2 is like a free
15:49 radical and so it bounce around and
15:53 bang up things, and actually get into genes
15:56 and help change the genes.
15:58 So, so the antioxidants are
16:01 protecting against O3? Exactly, and other
16:04 types of substances that can actually
16:07 oxidize the tissues or cause cancer.
16:10 So let's go back to the department of defense,
16:12 we're in the food section, right, and
16:13 we're gonna look at antioxidants,
16:15 you're gonna help us to that?
16:16 Yes, interestingly a cup of kale has 50
16:22 milligrams of Vitamin C, wow, and 13 units
16:26 of vitamin E. But if you take a look at the
16:29 antioxidant potential of a cup of kale,
16:33 it's actually equal to 800 units of vitamin E
16:38 and 1100 milligrams of vitamin C.
16:42 So in another words the whole plant
16:45 actually super seeds by far the sum of its
16:49 component parts as far as the antioxidant potential.
16:53 And that's why it's much better than you
16:55 know then giving them Vitamin C at
16:57 marriage counseling a bottle of Vitamin C
17:00 would be giving them a whole cup there of kale.
17:05 You know I think maybe that something we're gonna do.
17:10 Well the University of California at Berkeley
17:12 went the next step and actually took a look at
17:15 the top ten antioxidant fruits.
17:19 Okay, let's look at those. And we have them up
17:22 on the screen as a graphic, but number
17:25 one I usually like to start number ten,
17:27 go the other way around, but number
17:29 one is strawberry, oh that's good news for me.
17:31 Strawberry very important antioxidant fruit.
17:34 Plum, a lot of people don't think of,
17:36 you know they think of plums being rather
17:38 humble fruit, but they're actually very
17:41 important antioxidant. Orange is number
17:43 three, red grapes will all there bio-flavor
17:45 and it's number four. Kiwi number five,
17:48 grapefruit six, white grapes not quite as
17:50 good as red grapes, but still very good.
17:52 Banana is number 8, apples following line
17:56 there at number nine and they rated tomato
17:58 as a fruit and that is number ten. Wow.
18:02 Tomato has been shown particularly to
18:04 help prevent prostate cancer.
18:06 So this because of I guess the
18:08 red pigment or something in it?
18:10 Yeah the red pigment in tomatoes lycopene,
18:13 those with the highest levels of lycopene in
18:15 their blood stream from fruits and
18:16 vegetables have the lowest rates of
18:18 Pancreatic cancer in the world and also
18:20 lower rates of prostate cancer and other cancers.
18:23 So strawberry, all these things are kind
18:25 of red there is white too, but these are the
18:29 Antioxidants. So take this list with you
18:31 when you go to the store the next time if
18:32 you wanna be protected. Absolutely. But the
18:34 big message is kale right? Well kale is a vegetable
18:38 and so they went and ranked the vegetables
18:40 as well, and I should mentions they did not
18:42 rank the legumes and if they had done that
18:46 some of the legumes may have come out
18:47 even on top of some of the vegetables,
18:49 because beans we know are loaded with
18:52 a number of different antioxidants you
18:55 know chemicals in them. They are made in the
18:58 formation of the legume. But let's take a look at
19:01 the graphic on the top ten antioxidant vegetables.
19:04 Okay. Number one garlic, garlic.
19:09 Very potent antioxidant vegetable,
19:11 actually it has some antibacterial,
19:13 antiviral property, has been shown to also
19:15 help prevent heart disease as well as cancer.
19:17 Kale comes in as number two and I'm
19:20 happy about that, kale is actually my favorite
19:22 green at least the way Erica makes it at home.
19:24 Spinach, it is good advice to follow your
19:29 grandma when she said to eat your spinach.
19:31 Number four Brussels sprouts, number five
19:33 Alfalfa sprouts, number six is
19:36 Broccoli, seven beets, eight red bell pepper,
19:40 we've been talking about that as far as its
19:42 vitamin E and C potential. Nine is onion and ten corn.
19:46 Corn, not corn chips, not corn chips, but the
19:50 whole corn. So these foods are back to kale
19:53 and all those others, they're just excellent.
19:56 Yeah, yeah and they are excellent and
19:59 that's why the American Cancer
20:00 Society continues to recommend to people
20:03 to eat their fruits and vegetables.
20:05 Now when you were telling that some of
20:07 these are just higher in the substances then
20:10 medications or other things you can get,
20:13 why aren't that, these not just being touted
20:15 even more and more like when you go to
20:17 your physician, here's a bowl of strawberries
20:19 and gives them to you, why not?
20:21 It should, really should be, it should
20:23 be part of health education to inform
20:25 people that the produce section can
20:28 prevent them from actually suffering a
20:30 horrible death, I mean cancer is a horrible death.
20:32 It's often and very painful, and these
20:35 fruits and vegetables and study after study
20:37 have been shown to prevent it.
20:39 You were telling me that there was some
20:40 research being done on tumeric, but it was
20:43 not funded, but you know these agencies
20:46 that usually fund things for health.
20:48 Was funded by I think the department of
20:51 defense or something. Right. But the studies
20:54 on these foods, there's not a lot of study,
20:57 because you can't really what, market it?
21:00 Well, what I was describing to you was
21:03 not just the cancer prevention studies.
21:05 The cancer prevention studies are done
21:07 through epidemiology, so the study of disease
21:10 groups and then the study of what they ate
21:12 or what lifestyle habits they had.
21:15 Where we can't get the funding is
21:18 in the treatment. I see. And so if we're using
21:20 plant foods to treat cancer, there is no
21:23 pharmaceutical company who is going to invest
21:26 in that, because you can't pattern a plant.
21:28 You know no one can plant a strawberry and
21:30 says it belongs to Pfizer. You can't pattern
21:33 turmeric, because it's a natural product.
21:36 I see. And so what Dr. Aggarwal at MD
21:40 Anderson of Houston would say, was that
21:43 he can't get funding for studies and his
21:46 studies are showing turmeric, not only
21:48 preventing, but actually treating breast cancer.
21:52 Treating a multiple myeloma, treating a
21:56 number of different cancers that are very
21:58 difficult to treat and he's having success
22:00 with that, at least in animal studies and
22:03 he's wanting to branch over human studies,
22:06 but he's having trouble funding it,
22:07 because you can't get it from companies and
22:10 you have to try to get it from the U.S.
22:11 Government and his arm of the U.S.
22:13 Government and help him fund his last
22:14 turmeric study was the department of defense.
22:17 Amazing, okay so you know, you know we
22:20 talk about the plant sources, I want to just
22:22 add one of the questions some
22:23 companies are taking these phytochemicals,
22:27 these antioxidants and they are putting them
22:29 into pill form and different things.
22:32 Is there anything to that?
22:34 Well, in pill they're gonna be good too.
22:37 But if you want to get tomorrow's
22:40 phytochemicals that have been shown to
22:42 prevent cancer, you will get it in today's
22:44 fruits and vegetables, because that's where
22:46 they get it from, and so I recommend
22:48 eating the fruits and vegetables, because
22:50 there's probably even other beneficial
22:51 properties besides the lycopene in the C and
22:54 the E that we don't know about.
22:55 Fiber, all those little things we do know
22:57 about this, but other things as well that
22:59 maybe good for us. Correct.
23:00 Okay, so we're talking about the immune
23:03 system here. We've talked about the
23:04 protective foods, we talked about vitamin
23:07 C, we talked about vitamin E, we talked
23:09 about the fruit that were antioxidants,
23:11 we talked about the vegetables that were
23:13 antioxidants, anything else for boosting the
23:15 immune system? Exercise, physical
23:17 exercise actually will improve endorphin
23:21 level, it will actually boost natural
23:23 endorphin levels. Endorphin is a
23:25 chemotherapy agent that we use in certain
23:27 types of cancers but your own white blood
23:30 cells make it and it will make more by
23:33 vigorous exercise, also improving the
23:36 interleukin levels. It improved interleukin
23:38 one, interleukin two and it's also been
23:40 shown to improve natural killer cells.
23:43 Natural killer cells don't work by the
23:45 antibody system which was another
23:46 system of the immune defense that the body
23:48 has, but seem to be able to sniff out
23:51 cancer cells and destroy it.
23:52 It's actually still a mystery as to how the
23:55 natural killer cells work, but we do know
23:57 that exercise improve natural killer cells and
24:00 can even double the amount.
24:01 Okay, so if your exercise is making
24:03 your, your killer cells just mean lean fight
24:07 machines, they can sniff better, they can,
24:08 they can find what's causing the problem.
24:11 Yes, absolutely and so we recommend
24:14 Aerobic physical exercise on a daily
24:16 basis, including a vigorous exercise and
24:20 a lot of people may not feel fit enough to
24:21 do that, but if they alternate vigorous
24:23 exercise with like rest or slow exercise
24:26 maybe 40 seconds each, they can get that
24:29 vigorous exercise and still benefit
24:31 from a great deal. What about obesity?
24:34 You know I've heard that someone who is
24:35 obese has a constant state of kind of
24:38 inflammation or infection, is that true,
24:40 is this something want to try and avoid?
24:42 No, it is true, obesity suppresses the
24:44 immune system as well and that's why
24:46 there have been a number of cancers
24:47 associated with obesity. Cancer of esophagus,
24:50 cancer of colon, prostate, breast,
24:53 lymphoma and the list goes on in regards to
24:57 obesity and its role in helping bring about a
25:02 cancer probably do to it's oppressing effect
25:04 on the immune system, but there
25:05 maybe some other factors as well.
25:07 Okay, exercise, obesity anything
25:09 else with our immune system?
25:10 One of the things about obesity is to
25:13 realize the new way of finding out whether
25:16 you're obese or not. Okay.
25:18 You know of course you can step on the
25:19 scale and that can give you a clue if you
25:22 pinch here and you're and you're pinching
25:25 more than an inch, that's an
25:27 indicator you're obese.
25:28 Now, I'll do it right here.
25:32 Well we're gonna talk about it.
25:34 Dr. Scharpenberg says, you can lay
25:36 down here on the floor and if you put
25:38 your chin down and you can't see your
25:40 feet, that's a sign that you're obese.
25:43 But actually the new scientific way is to do
25:46 a waist to hip measure. You put a measuring
25:50 tape around your waist above where
25:52 your bones are at and I used to say that
25:56 above the bones, but really a lot of people
25:58 would miss their waist measurement if
26:00 they didn't also include the naval in
26:02 that, but some people's naval is way
26:04 down here. So you wanna put the naval
26:06 in that waist measurement and then
26:09 the denominator is the hip measurement and
26:11 that's where the bones are at, and so if the
26:13 waist to hip ratio, yes, is greater than 0.8
26:19 and you're a woman you have an increased
26:22 risk of all the cancers that I have mentioned
26:25 earlier that are associated with obesity.
26:27 You also have an increased risk of
26:28 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease.
26:31 If it's greater than 0.95 and you're man
26:34 you have an increased risk of all
26:35 those cancers as well. Because really when
26:39 you're that obese there, the problem is
26:41 not what it looks like on the outside,
26:42 but what's inside, all of the fat around all
26:45 those organs. Exactly, the abdominal obesity
26:47 is where the risk is at and that's
26:49 what this is measuring. Well we've learned a
26:53 lot about the most important section of
26:57 the supermarket today. Yes. And you know
27:00 people are usually walking right past
27:02 that, going to the diary section and the
27:04 meat section and choosing the first
27:06 section in the store. So you really don't
27:08 even have to shop as long man, if you take
27:10 this to heart, but do take it to heart.
27:12 This is very important. Dr. Nedley, thank you
27:15 so much for being with us today to talk
27:16 about our immune system and the
27:18 department of defense. Is there a spiritual
27:21 lesson you draw from this?
27:22 Well there is a spiritual, we sin is
27:25 spiritual cancer and we need to have
27:28 cancer warning signs, we need to have
27:30 screening test for sin like David did and we
27:32 need to have prevention where we
27:34 avoid spiritual carcinogens and also
27:36 avoid, boost our spiritual immune system
27:39 and then that would give us life eternal.
27:43 Good advice. Thanks so much for joining us
27:45 today and we hope as a result of today's
27:47 program you're gonna go to the supermarket
27:48 and buy those foods, protect yourself,
27:50 protect your kids, your family,
27:51 your friends and we hope that God richly
27:54 blesses you, and you have health that lasts
27:56 for a lifetime and you know him as well.


Revised 2014-12-17