Health for a Lifetime

Back Pain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh (Host), John Clark


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000197

00:01 The following program presents principles designed
00:03 to promote good health and is not intended to take
00:06 the place of personalized professional care.
00:09 The opinions and ideas expressed are those of the
00:11 speaker. Viewers are encouraged to draw their
00:14 own conclusions about the information presented.
00:50 Hello and welcome to Health For A Lifetime,
00:52 I'm your host Don Mackintosh. Today, we are
00:54 gonna talk about maybe many of you are
00:56 experiencing and that's low back pain and talking
00:59 with us about this is Dr. John Clark, he is an
01:02 orthopedic surgeon and they see you when they
01:04 wanna get rid of the low back pain. Yeah,
01:06 that's right. Is this, how, how, how many people
01:11 are struggling with this in America? You know,
01:14 probably lot more people than we know, but those
01:17 who have come to medical attention about 20%
01:20 of the population this year will have an episode of
01:24 low back pain. Over a lifetime, 80% of people
01:28 experience low back pain. That's a lot. That's a lot
01:33 it's is also very expensive for workers compensation,
01:36 is the number one most expensive diagnosis for
01:39 workers' compensation. So, I mean this is an
01:41 obvious question, but what is your most memorable
01:45 patient that you have seen with low back pain.
01:48 Well, you know, I saw one recently that comes to
01:51 mind. So, gentlemen who had five years earlier had
01:56 an episode where he slipped and fell while carrying a
01:59 heavy object at work. And the pain in his back
02:04 was excruciating, he had drove him to go see the
02:06 doctor after he saw the doctor, they did an MRI and
02:09 they decided he needed a surgery. They took him to
02:13 surgery, took out a disc and he has had for six
02:16 months after that. He did fine, but then it was all the
02:20 same again. And the pain was driving him to seek more
02:25 medical help, he had gotten more MRIs and so finally
02:28 they said there is nothing more we can do.
02:31 Well, then he came to see me for a second opinion
02:33 to see what he could figure out. He was telling me
02:36 that he no longer had energy to do anything,
02:39 he had this low aching pain in his back, he couldn't
02:42 go out with his kids and play basketball, and he is
02:45 wishing he could. He was in his early 50s and his
02:48 kids were in their teenage years and he was just
02:50 feeling like he is getting left out. I think he was
02:53 really coming to me because he wanted disability.
02:57 But you didn't give him disability. You, you must
03:00 have suggested something else or you wouldn't tell
03:02 me the story. Yeah, I don't see disability as the
03:06 best solution necessarily and so I talked with him a
03:10 little bit and discussed with him what was happening,
03:13 I did an exam I could tell there was nothing that was,
03:17 you know, pressing as far as a neurological deficit or
03:21 anything. The low back pain was in the middle of his
03:24 back, it radiated little bit down to the side of his
03:28 back and, and pelvis, sometimes to his legs.
03:34 He told me that he was working at a job,
03:36 where he stock shelves in a local department store
03:40 and he was getting to where he couldn't do that
03:43 anymore, it was starting to really bug him.
03:46 So, what do you tell him to do? Well, I decided to
03:50 talk to him about this. I said, now sir you know,
03:53 you have got this big problem you had it for five
03:55 years it's destroying your life. Would you be willing
03:58 to try something just for one week? I mean even
04:01 if it was really, you know, difficult and challenging,
04:04 but maybe we can get you through this and he
04:06 said sure I'll try anything for one week. I said,
04:08 you know, you know, there is a program we will
04:11 try for one week and, and at the end of that week
04:14 I'll reevaluate you and see how you are doing.
04:17 So, he says okay. So, I said, alright. First thing,
04:21 I want you to do is draw the schedule here for me.
04:27 Now, I talked him about his lifestyle, his diet and
04:28 everything. So, I kind of knew what he was already
04:30 doing. Okay. And so I started down the schedule
04:33 I said the first thing you do when you get up in the
04:35 morning as I want you to drink two glasses of water.
04:41 Two glasses of water or more, it might be good for
04:43 people watching to take down this and they can try
04:44 it for a week, right? That's right, if you are having
04:47 low back pain. Two glasses of water; start up.
04:49 That's right, two glasses of water and as soon as you
04:53 get up in the morning start the hydration early.
04:56 Okay. And then when you eat breakfast I want you
04:59 to eat something specific for breakfast. I asked him
05:02 if he had ever eaten oatmeal. He says, oh, yeah,
05:04 I have. I said, alright I want you to eat oatmeal
05:07 for breakfast. All week. All week. For the first
05:10 week. First week. I told him now this is a necessarily
05:14 the way you are gonna live the rest of your life.
05:16 But this week. But this week you are on a therapeutic
05:19 program. Alright. So, he said okay, I said now with
05:21 your oatmeal, I don't want you to put oils on it,
05:24 butter, margarine or anything like that. Any dates.
05:28 You can put in a few dates or raisins, but and keep the
05:31 salt to minimum, no sugar. Okay. Because we wanna
05:34 really avoid refined things and then as soon as
05:39 you finish eating breakfast. I want you to take a
05:43 walk for 10 minutes. And that's after each meal of
05:47 the day, you know, and so 10 minute walk in the
05:50 open air even if it's raining or snowing just put on
05:53 appropriate clothing, get outside also with each
05:57 meal take 500 mg of vitamin C, and then between
06:04 breakfast and lunch about two hours after
06:08 breakfast I want you to take two more glasses of water,
06:14 but avoid drinking with your meals just drink your
06:16 water between meals. Now, if you are used to
06:18 eating between meals I told him and you start
06:21 getting hungry, drink a glass of ice water, and just
06:26 douche the stomach in cold water and it usually
06:28 fixes the problem. Then when you get the lunch time
06:32 on your special program for this week, I want you
06:34 to eat nothing but vegetables preferably raw as much
06:38 as you want, but don't eat vegetables that have
06:42 lots of oils or salt. You can eat cooked vegetables,
06:46 but make sure they are not overly, they have sugar
06:51 with them or oil with them and then on your salad
06:54 make sure you don't eat too much salad dressing,
06:56 low fat if you have to have some or else make a
06:58 good dressing and then of course with your lunch,
07:01 your vitamin C, your 10 minute walk between lunch
07:04 and supper another two glasses of water.
07:09 And for supper I want you to eat nothing,
07:12 but fruit preferably fresh fruit. Fruit that is in his
07:17 natural state as possible with all the fiber,
07:20 no refining, no juices, and eat at least three hours
07:26 before bedtime, take your vitamin C, walk immediately
07:30 after supper for 10 minutes and then between supper
07:34 and bedtime, drink your two glasses of water again
07:38 that will make a total of 8 glasses of water for the day.
07:41 Eight glasses and then what are the 1500 mg of
07:45 vitamin C? That's right, lot's of vitamin C, lots of
07:49 water, good diet, lots of exercise and then I told
07:53 him be sure you avoid things like coffee, tea,
07:58 alcohol, things that would give you back trouble.
08:03 And so that was the program that I put him on and
08:06 I send him out of the office. So, why did you tell
08:09 him to drink so much water? Well, you know,
08:13 the discs in your back are largely made out of
08:18 water and we can put up a graphic here and on our
08:22 graphic we have a picture of a vertebrae above
08:25 and a vertebrae below, and I've colored the middle
08:28 disc yellow. Those discs are made up of about 70
08:33 to 80% water. For in the water your disc kind a
08:36 shrinks. That's right, it's like a tire that runs out
08:39 of air, your disc runs out of water and most people
08:43 live their lives in dehydration. Now, if we put
08:46 up the next graphic, the point there is that if you
08:50 look at the disc it only has a blood supply to the
08:55 edge of it to the, what we call the annulus.
08:59 And when the blood supplies the annulus,
09:02 the rest of the disc is dependent upon diffusion or
09:06 soaking through of the nutrients into the disc and
09:10 the oxygen into the disc and all has to soak
09:13 through and or pump through by the action of
09:17 your walking. These discs are especially vulnerable
09:22 to dehydration to poor nutrition to anything
09:25 that affects the vessels running to them.
09:28 So, drinking plenty of water keeps the disc full,
09:31 it keeps the medium in the disc that lets nutrients
09:34 flow from the vessels to the centre of it. So, you have
09:38 plan, you had to drink a lot of water, so the enough
09:40 water to send, if you had a walk, so it pushes and
09:43 squeezes it through there by diffusion these were the
09:46 ideas. That's exactly right. And then let me guess,
09:50 the oatmeal and all of the healthy food was,
09:52 the vessels would be nice and clean and deliver
09:55 everything he needs for his disc. That's exactly
09:58 right, and to talk little bit more about the walking.
10:02 The reason I had him walk after each meal was
10:05 because when you just finished eating,
10:09 you have a lot of nutrients pouring out of your
10:14 stomach, out of your intestines into your blood
10:16 stream. And if the blood becomes stagnate during
10:19 that period of time, it tends to slug up and that
10:24 decreases the oxygen and nutrients to the disc.
10:29 Also walking as it pumps the disc helps to move
10:33 nutrients in and out of the disc, further if you are
10:36 walking out in the open air; you have a lot higher
10:39 oxygen in your bloodstream. And as the oxygen
10:43 that were trying to get to these discs, to get
10:46 these cells active again, pumped up and fluffy.
10:49 Pumped up and fluffy, so that they end up healing
10:52 any damage done to the disc and that they also
10:56 remove irritations, waste products. So, why no oil
11:01 or sugar for breakfast. Oils and sugar.
11:04 I usually have my oatmeal and my brown sugar,
11:06 so why did you take that away from me?
11:08 Well, because I'm mean. No, really because the
11:12 sugar in the diet. You know, we won't created
11:15 the sugar, you have to go look in for the sugar in
11:17 order to find it the way you find is you have to boil
11:20 down a whole bunch of sugarcane or beets or
11:22 something and then you make this white chemical
11:25 looking stuff that's granular and you put in your
11:27 food is not really good for it. We can talk a lot
11:31 about that, but sugar when it gets in the
11:33 bloodstream does a couple of things, one when
11:37 you eat high glycemic index foods that is foods that
11:40 have a lot of sugar. Foods that put a lot of
11:42 sugar in the bloodstream fast; it creates the
11:47 environment for sugar to stick to proteins permanently.
11:51 We called it glycosylation. When the sugar sticks
11:55 to the vessels that surround the disc, then the disc
11:59 cannot get nutrients because the nutrients can't
12:02 go by the sugar barrier. When the sugar gets high
12:05 in the bloodstream it sticks to the red blood
12:08 cells and they become stuck together or what
12:12 we called glycosylated, hemoglobin A1C is what we
12:16 called it and you can test for it, but when you get
12:19 these, the sugar sticking all over everything
12:21 pretty soon blood cells stick to the sides of blood
12:25 vessels, the sugar doesn't allow nutrients to pass
12:28 from the blood cell to the blood vessel to the adjacent
12:32 tissues. It's a big problem, further the blood cells
12:36 all stick together, it becomes stacked up,
12:39 the affect we called a Rulo effect. Rulo. Rulo
12:44 is kind of a French word, its kind a like that,
12:46 I like. Roulette, like Roulette. Well, I don't know
12:49 about that's right, but anyway the cells all stick
12:52 together in a stack and they won't make it
12:55 through the capillaries like they should.
12:57 So, you have, you gave him the water, you gave him
13:01 this diet with no sugar, but also no fat,
13:06 no oils you said. That's right; oils have the same
13:10 affect of sugars of causing the cells to all
13:13 stack together. Okay, so they make it viscous and
13:16 doesn't get the oxygen or other nutrients there.
13:19 That's right. Okay, well I want to see what
13:22 happens with this man. And I'm sure everybody
13:23 else does too. So, when we comeback we are
13:25 gonna talk about the vitamin C and about some of
13:28 these other things you have talked about and
13:30 then I think it's gonna be a good result.
13:33 Maybe we can go through that list again too when
13:34 we comeback because people out there, they are
13:36 beginning to understand they say, may I wanna
13:38 make that list and say, I'm gonna try that for
13:41 one week. We hope you can join us when we comeback.
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14:45 Welcome back we have been talking with
14:46 Dr. John Clark, we are talking about low back pain,
14:49 it afflicts many Americans 20% this year and 80%
14:54 at sometime during their lifetime and it is a
14:58 huge problem in the workplace, it's workmen's
15:02 comp number one thing that people complain
15:04 about or that leads to those work comp claim,
15:07 so I'm sure that there is a lot of occupational
15:10 medicine doctors and what not the see a lot
15:12 of this, but you do too as an orthopedic surgeon.
15:14 That's right. And we have been talking about
15:17 this man that came in and you, he was about
15:20 ready to call it quits in his early 50s, gets in his
15:24 teens, was the stock person who couldn't really
15:26 make it, was wondering what he was gonna do and
15:29 you said, hey are you willing to try something for a
15:30 week and then you outlined this program he was
15:33 going through, which is basically. Well, I think
15:37 we have a list of it. We can look through it and
15:38 summarize it again. And we will look at that list
15:42 and then we will catch up to what we were and we
15:45 were looking at some of these different areas
15:47 that you were talking about we will pick that up
15:49 again. So, if you had that list we will look at it and
15:52 we will, we will see what your recommendation was.
15:54 For breakfast, I think it was you said wake up in
15:56 the morning, two glasses of water when you get
15:59 up. Upon arising. Then breakfast plain oatmeal,
16:05 you can put a few dates in it if you want it,
16:07 but no sugar we talked about why? Vitamin C 500 mg
16:13 and then for lunch. I think he walked right after
16:18 breakfast as well too, isn't that correct? Yes.
16:20 And then you could drink a couple of glasses
16:24 after, after, after breakfast sometime there couple
16:26 of hours afterwards. In lunch, vegetables of any
16:30 kind raw preferred no oils or different things on
16:33 them, we talked about why? You would want to put
16:36 it that on them. Vitamin C 500 mg and then right
16:40 after the meal walk again, so that all those vitamins
16:43 and nutrients could get out there. And then two
16:46 glasses of water mid morning or this would be mid
16:51 afternoon I think, right after lunch. Supper,
16:54 raw fruit, three hours before bedtime you want
16:57 them to eat. Again vitamin C 500 mg, 10 minutes
17:02 walking right after the meal and then two glasses of
17:05 water, two hours after supper and then at
17:09 bedtime, no coffee, tea, sodas, alcohol, tobacco
17:14 generally no eating between meals, drink ice water if
17:18 you get hungry in between the meals because
17:20 it kind a just sterns the stomach. I guess and take
17:25 that's away, is that right, is that a fair summary?
17:28 That's a fair summary Don. Okay, so now we were
17:30 talking about you know, we talked about the water,
17:33 we talked about why no sugar, why no oil,
17:36 but vitamin C you are getting them 1500 mg a day.
17:42 You know, what's the purpose with that, isn't the
17:43 water soluble or they just urinating out all the
17:46 vitamin C. That's a good question Don and, you know,
17:50 I didn't give it to him all in the morning. Okay.
17:52 Or at night because your body can only absorb
17:56 about so much vitamin C at a time anyway and
17:59 500 mg is about you can handle. Now, vitamin C has
18:03 a number of beneficial effects for the back.
18:06 It's actually been written up in some medical
18:09 articles. But the vitamin C is important to collagen
18:14 healing. It's an important vitamin to help the collagen
18:18 to repair in actually making the collagen.
18:21 Also vitamin C is an acid; ascorbic acid it's a
18:25 lot like aspirin in a sense that it's an acid,
18:28 it actually thins the blood a little bit like aspirin
18:31 too, which helps the circulation to some of these
18:35 discs that we talked about that only have
18:37 circulation to their outer edges. So, it works on
18:43 the collagen area as well vitamin C? Yeah, it's very
18:47 important for collagen synthesis. So, 500 mg any
18:52 particular kind, just any kind you get? Yeah,
18:54 pick your favorite one. Okay, you tell him to walk
18:58 for 10 minutes after each meal, I think that's,
19:01 that's an elimination nourishment cycle.
19:04 That's right, you know, the whole body works on
19:06 cycles. You know, as we said, don't eat
19:08 between meals either. Your body is made to
19:11 work on cycles, your heart pumps and as you walk
19:17 you know, you don't go on roller skates and roll
19:19 you actually pump your whole body, isn't that
19:21 interesting? It pumps blood up from your feet
19:25 to walk on your feet. There is a lot of aspects
19:28 about movement that your body benefits from.
19:31 In this case, we want you to move so the disc
19:33 pumps and it actually does pump, they have done
19:36 studies, large molecules like nutrients don't make
19:41 it into the disc very well unless the disc because
19:43 it actually being pumped. And so the walk helps
19:47 with that, not only that the walk is important for
19:50 increasing the oxygen in your bloodstream and
19:53 that's important for your disc. So, action is
19:57 really a law of life. That's right. You've got to be
20:00 on the move. Okay, so these things seem very
20:03 simple obvious, but they are really quite significant
20:07 when we looked at them, they really, there is
20:09 really some anatomy and also physiology by
20:12 how the body works here that where these
20:14 principles are built on, this wasn't just some
20:16 flipped remark to someone that was trying to
20:18 get workmen's comp, this was really trying to help
20:20 them. Oh! That's right, that's exactly right,
20:23 you know, as we said each supper at least
20:24 three hours before bedtime. Right. And eat only
20:27 fruit, you see when a person eats a large heavy
20:32 meal late at night it really keeps the whole
20:36 system stuffed up all night. And so the discs
20:40 again suffer because the system is slugged up
20:43 with food particles and nutrients that are
20:46 overloaded and, and everything is going
20:50 slowly and the discs aren't happy with that,
20:55 your body spends all night trying to digest the
20:58 food and it doesn't have that cycling of food
21:02 and then rest, food and then rest. Also none of us,
21:06 we picked foods that were all natural that
21:08 would have their fiber with them. Lot of people
21:11 gets low back pain because they have a
21:13 load of food in their stomach that is three days
21:15 old and is putting enough toxins and you know the
21:18 stomach is very close to the back. And you
21:22 end up with these pains; some back pain is just
21:24 pain from the abdomen. Now, you talked about
21:28 no snacking, no coffee, no caffeinated type things
21:32 or sodas between meals. That's right, you see
21:37 when we talk about these discs, the discs aren't
21:40 that important to the body when they body is
21:43 worried about fight or flight, if you are worried
21:46 about fight or flight, the body wants the blood
21:49 reserve approach the body that are very important
21:53 the brain, the heart, you know, different things
21:56 like that. And it shunts blood away from the
22:00 discs. This also happens, if you have a lot
22:03 of stress in your life. The stress will tend
22:06 to tell the discs to shut down the blood to them.
22:11 The way this works is through the sympathetic,
22:14 parasympathetic nervous systems.
22:16 People who are under more stress tend to
22:17 have more back pain. People who have a lot
22:20 of issues in their life that they are dealing with
22:22 will have more back pain. I used to have a
22:25 student from a Local University, who had come
22:27 to me for his back pain every test week.
22:31 And it point toward the back pain he was in,
22:34 and after a couple returns I started ask him,
22:36 what's happening this week, oh! It's test week.
22:39 And I started picking up that this was a stress
22:41 related phenomenon. Part of taking a walk in
22:45 the outdoors after each meal is about relieving
22:48 stress. So, you tell this guy never to take tests
22:51 or what? Well, I don't think it would have work;
22:55 there is something's you can't tell people,
22:57 won't you. You know, that's an interesting point
22:59 you bring up though because in I think in Psalm
23:01 32, when David was having the terrible problems
23:05 that he had brought upon himself by having a
23:08 relationship with so many he shouldn't have
23:09 had. He said, you know, when I kept silent my
23:12 bones growl throughout my groaning all the day
23:15 you know. That was interesting. And the hand
23:16 was heavy upon me, so for about a year I
23:19 guess we figured out you know, Psalm 32
23:22 coupled with Psalm 51, we realize that he was
23:25 really going through that, so he was experiencing
23:28 probably low back pain at least some kind of
23:30 pain in his bones because of that. That's right,
23:33 you know, studies have shown that people who
23:36 are under stress especially if the stress is related
23:40 to childhood abuse have a higher incidence of
23:43 low back pain. That's right, so like you know,
23:45 you got your firemen, let's say, you know,
23:50 I have got a friend who is a chapel for firemen,
23:52 I used to be a paramedic and everything,
23:54 these people are under terrible stress, but they
23:56 also have all kinds of back problems, we usually
23:58 associated just with the kind of lifting their joint,
24:01 but we are suggesting is it could be actually
24:03 related to the stress itself. That's right,
24:06 you know, we have people who injure their
24:08 backs and are being lifelong involute. Well,
24:12 that's interesting because bones heal in the
24:15 matter of weeks, ligaments tendons and joints heal
24:19 in a matter of you know, few months,
24:21 well why are they spending the rest of the
24:23 life with pain. So, this man he was like,
24:27 you have given him like a seven day test,
24:29 you went quite Daniel one with the 10 days,
24:30 test but your seven day test with kind of Daniel's
24:34 diet here, what happened when he came back
24:37 to your office, was he, what were the results?
24:42 Well, you know, I thought he would leave and
24:44 just go home and say, Oh fooly, what's that
24:47 doctor think that he is a nut, well anyway he went
24:50 home and he was gone and he came back in a week
24:53 and as he walked down the hall, I tried to watch
24:56 him, to see what. His gait was like. What his gait
25:00 was like and I can't tell a whole lot, he was,
25:02 was like and I can't tell a whole lot, he was,
25:03 you know, he is kind a hit his feelings well and I
25:05 just couldn't tell I was thinking okay well. Get out
25:08 the disability papers. Well, he came in, he sat
25:11 down and says, well so how do you go, he said,
25:14 you know, within three days, I could tell a
25:17 dramatic difference, I no longer had that died
25:22 heavy tired feeling in my back, but you know I
25:26 peed an awful lot. You know, I ended up
25:28 drinking a lot of ice water because I was always
25:30 hungry because I'm used to eating between meals
25:34 and he says, I didn't feel a lot, but during breaks
25:37 I was wide awake when everybody else was
25:39 asleep. And he says, I had no trouble on my jobs,
25:44 stocking shelves, he says, this is just you know,
25:46 great thank you so much. Is that right?
25:49 So, just one week, this is definitely worth to try,
25:52 Isn't it? it's definitely worth to try, you know,
25:54 one week you think what happened after
25:56 that three months later, I went to that
25:58 department store where he works and there
26:01 he was pushing a big cart with a bunch of
26:03 boxes and i said, hey! How you are doing?
26:05 And he looked at me and he says, Oh!
26:07 Dr. Clark, he says, yeah. Well, I'm doing quite fine
26:11 you know, I'm you know, I feel better now
26:14 then I have in months. And he says, I'm staying
26:16 with the program, there are some other things
26:18 I'm not sticking with this course I probably should,
26:20 but I'm doing the exercise, I'm watching my diet,
26:23 and you know thank you very much. And when
26:27 we left, he says, you know, God bless you.
26:30 Is that right, well you know, I want to put that
26:31 list back up because I think this is worth to try
26:34 people may not have written it down,
26:35 but I definitely worth to try it, I mean as we
26:37 putting it up you know, just briefly comment
26:42 surgeries, if you just go that row you know,
26:44 you could have said, well you probably need
26:46 surgery, if you were like maybe some doctors
26:49 and not all of them are like that, but some
26:51 maybe would be saying, alright you need
26:52 surgery because that's, you know, would take the
26:55 pressure off and what not. How successful
26:58 are surgeries as a treatment for low back pain.
27:03 Certain types of problems with the back need
27:06 surgery, but there is a lot of excess surgery
27:09 done in our world, it's because the surgeon gets
27:14 paid by doing surgery not by telling patients about
27:18 a low fat vegetarian diet. And so there is
27:22 a lot of, you know, financial incentive to the
27:25 way our system works, pain is rewarded and
27:28 that's a whole another topic to get into,
27:30 but surgery often times you end up with the patient
27:34 that needs another surgery and another surgery.
27:36 Okay. And about 50% of time it does not work.
27:41 So, really this is not the best option,
27:43 the surgical option it is just is like catch up
27:46 work really if you go that way. We have been
27:48 talking with Dr. John Clark, really helpful information
27:52 for low back pain, we hope that you try it,
27:54 get that list go through it, we know that it
27:57 will help you have health that lasts for a lifetime.


Revised 2014-12-17