Health for a Lifetime

Bright Colors & Your Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh (Host), Victor E. Herry


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000193

00:01 The following program presents
00:03 Principles designed to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the place
00:06 of personalized professional care.
00:09 The opinions and ideas expressed
00:11 are those of the speaker.
00:12 Viewers are encouraged to draw their
00:14 own conclusions about the information presented.
00:50 Hello and welcome to Health For A Lifetime.
00:52 I'm your host Don Mackintosh
00:53 and we're glad that you joined us today.
00:55 This is going to be a very colorful program literally.
00:58 We're going to be joined with Dr. Victor Herry,
01:00 Dr. Herry is from the DC area and you are a specialist
01:05 in internal medicine and you told me that some of the
01:09 things you like to talk about with people are like
01:11 what we have right here on the, on our set today.
01:14 The colorful foods. That's correct.
01:16 And why is that that you like to talk about colorful?
01:19 It is very interesting that nature has made things
01:22 colorful and one wonders why, but if you think
01:27 in terms of red for instance. Okay we got red.
01:30 Red apple. We got a red apple.
01:32 Or the beet which is also red,
01:34 now the pigment in these foods provide healing.
01:38 So, when you look at color you actually look at
01:41 healing and so in all of these colors a tremendous
01:45 amount of antioxidants and antosianins,
01:51 all of these things that aid in healing.
01:53 Let's start with the red. Let's start with the red.
01:57 Okay, for instance in the cherry red we have
01:59 what is called anthocyanins, now these are pigments
02:04 that when taken into the body system they enable
02:08 the body to fight various kinds of diseases,
02:11 fight cancers and also even prepare the body to,
02:19 for the agents that it would encounter.
02:21 Let me, let me give you an example of
02:23 and as we are on the red, take strawberries.
02:25 Okay. This is a red, this is a red apple,
02:27 but I'll give you an experiment that was done
02:29 with strawberries. Now you're making me hungry
02:31 even talking about this. Now, now the two things about
02:34 strawberries that I want to mention to you,
02:36 now let's take the experiment first
02:38 because that will fascinate you. Okay.
02:40 Now rats, the two groups of rats,
02:44 one group of rats were feed strawberries
02:47 and the other group of rats were exposed
02:50 to 100% oxygen without being feed strawberries.
02:54 Now those rats who were exposed to 100% oxygen
02:58 for 48 hours. Okay. They aged from 18,
03:02 from 12 months to 18 months in 48 hours.
03:08 Just by having pure oxygen. Just by having pure,
03:11 pure oxygen because pure oxygen is deleterious,
03:13 it's like the aging of a human being from 18-years-old
03:16 to 60 years old. What happened was these,
03:20 the rats were then feed over two months a diet of
03:24 strawberries. Okay. Okay,
03:26 and then exposed to a 100% of pure oxygen
03:31 for 48 hours. So, no, not 24,
03:33 for 48 this time. 48, both of those group
03:36 of rats for 48 hours. Okay.
03:38 Right, nothing happened to the group of rats
03:40 that were exposed to, who were feed the diet of
03:44 strawberries. So, it protected them from
03:46 the oxidizing. That's, that's correct.
03:48 It protected them from the negative effects of
03:52 oxygen on their system. Now Dr. Herry, you're not
03:55 paid by the strawberry industry are you?
03:57 Certainly not, certainly not, no and those are
04:01 experiments done by red. It was also found that
04:05 if you fed rats spinach the same thing happens.
04:10 Spinach will do it. Spinach will do it also.
04:12 So your greens. So that you have,
04:15 the color has something to do with the protective
04:20 nature. So that when you have color foods
04:23 and we began with red. Right. So that's red
04:26 strawberries, beat red you have the Beta-carotene
04:31 and the Alpha-carotene and you have the betacyanins
04:35 which have the, all the colors in there.
04:37 Those are protective, they have to fight diseases.
04:41 So, an apple a day does keep Dr. Victor Herry away.
04:45 It suddenly would, if you have one everyday
04:48 and we're talking about the red apple now.
04:50 The red apple. The red apple not.
04:52 Because we're talking about the color red not the green.
04:55 Not the green or the or the yellow.
04:57 But this would considered a red one.
04:59 red with yellow in it, that's fine. Okay.
05:01 Because of the color. Okay.
05:03 Because we're talking about the anthocyanins
05:05 that contain in that red color.
05:08 And those are antioxidants. And those are antioxidants,
05:12 those are pigments that enable the body to
05:15 fight disease. Protected the rats,
05:17 so they wouldn't age. They protected the rats
05:18 and so they protect you too. So if you don't.
05:22 Thank you, so if you want to be younger
05:27 and that age is rapidly you eat red apples
05:30 and strawberries. What we are saying is this,
05:34 if your diet contains as part of your diet it
05:39 contains a number of these pigments
05:42 the red foods, not just throwing color in it,
05:44 but coloring. I'm talking about the natural foods,
05:48 okay, then they have protective mechanisms
05:51 for the body. Now this, for instance strawberries
05:55 also I mentioned strawberries and the rats.
05:57 Right. Strawberries also contain a substance
06:00 Ellargic Acid, ELLARGIC is the word, ellargic acid
06:06 and that also has a protective nature it helps
06:09 fight cancers. So that by eating one wonders then
06:14 why you are advised by God to eat all those things,
06:17 even from Eden, Adam was advised to eat all the
06:19 fruits that he can get, God knew that he placed
06:23 all these pigments in there so that as we eat them
06:27 on a regular daily basis not once a year
06:29 or once a month, but as we eat them on a regular
06:32 basis they provide us with protection.
06:35 Strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, red grapes,
06:38 beats, red peppers, tomatoes, anything else
06:41 about red. That's, anything else red, they do that,
06:44 they would help protect them.
06:45 Now, tomatoes for instance not only do they contain
06:48 the red pigment but they also contain Lycopene,
06:52 which is a substance that protects the prostate
06:56 from prostate cancer. So that these foods are
07:02 in themselves protective. Protective, now you've got
07:05 yellow, green, blue, purple, orange,
07:07 brown all these different things, we got to move.
07:10 So, let's go through yellow, what's up with the
07:11 yellow. Alright, take take the orange.
07:13 Okay, the orange. Okay.
07:14 Take the orange. Or the lime.
07:16 Yeah, the orange or the lime. Okay.
07:18 Now they contain in the color,
07:21 they contain many of the pigments that protects.
07:28 Okay. Against diseases now.
07:30 Such as? Now orange, let me,
07:32 let me tell you what happened with.
07:33 Oranges. Take the carrot for instance,
07:36 not the yellow. Okay.
07:37 We'll come back to the orange. Alright.
07:39 You know a study was done on nurses in 1993,
07:43 good and it was found that if the nurses ate five
07:50 carrots, large carrots a day right.
07:55 Okay five carrots a day.
07:56 Right, it reduce stroke by 65%. Wow! 65%.
08:02 That's right. Too bad this is a fake carrot,
08:04 I'd eat it right now. So, the beta-carotene
08:09 and the alpha-carotene not only does
08:12 it protect you against strokes,
08:14 if you eat a number of carrots, but it also
08:17 protects against cancers. Alpha-carotene
08:21 because we always hear about beta-carotene
08:23 from carrots. Right. But alpha-carotene
08:25 is another potent pigment in carrots
08:28 that protects against cancers.
08:32 Cancers and strokes and it makes you probably
08:34 see better too I heard. Now, that we will touch
08:37 a little later on because there are some things
08:39 that we have to talk about with those colors.
08:43 Okay. Yeah. Anything else about yellow?
08:46 Yeah, its it lowers cholesterol by 11%.
08:51 This would lower by 11%.
08:53 The 11% and it's a good source of vitamin A.
08:57 Vitamin A. Yes, listen what Vitamin A does,
09:01 you see Vitamin A maintains the integrity of the skin
09:06 and of the lining of the organs of the body.
09:08 So, if you want to have oil overlay,
09:11 it doesn't even match this. Listen if you,
09:14 if you would eat foods of color okay,
09:18 nature has so designed that these foods contain
09:23 all of the anthocyanins, the beta-carotenes,
09:27 the alpha-carotenes, the Vitamin A, the Vitamin C
09:31 that protects the Epithelium, and remember that most
09:34 cancers begin in the Epithelium of most of
09:37 the organs. Now look at this,
09:39 what is this Epithelium? Is that?
09:40 The lining, the lining, the lining,
09:43 the thin lining of the first cell.
09:46 Right in the, right in the artery.
09:47 Just in your skin, in skin the Epithelium
09:49 of the skin is the outside of the skin outside
09:51 lining right, that's protected by the foods
09:54 that we eat and what's contained in those foods.
09:57 You know we've got a number of programs
09:59 Dr. Herry but you seem the most excited
10:01 about this one, because it's so, these foods are
10:05 so powerful right. Yes, they are,
10:06 they are because if we were to take foods of color
10:11 and we were to eat them properly.
10:12 Now many of the diseases that we have,
10:17 that would not exist. Now let me mention
10:20 one more thing I know you're anxious
10:21 to move forward. Right.
10:22 Earlier on we talked about strawberries.
10:24 Okay. Now strawberries contain a substance
10:30 that is very important to the DNA of your body
10:34 and you know what that substance is absorbed
10:37 in the mouth when you eat the strawberries.
10:39 What is that substance? The, the, I'll come back
10:44 to the name it just slipped me right off here,
10:45 it's hard to talk, but I'll give you the name
10:47 very shortly but it is so important,
10:49 it is so important that these foods be part
10:53 of our diet. It protects the DNA and if the DNA
10:55 is not protected that means that you're gonna
10:57 be mutations or age early.
10:59 We age early, we age early, right.
11:01 Okay, so we've talked about red,
11:02 we've talked about yellow, anything else about
11:04 yellow before we go to green.
11:06 Just before we go to green. Okay.
11:08 In oranges it contains, there is a substance called
11:12 Hesperetin. Hesperetin, okay.
11:15 That's right, Hesperetin it protects the heart.
11:18 From what? From disease, from heart disease,
11:21 heart attacks, it helps cleans out the inside
11:25 of the arteries. It's cancer fighting.
11:28 I got to get a list of this,
11:29 I mean for our fruit program and our church
11:31 is gonna help. Okay, no question.
11:34 We're helping people with fruit programs.
11:35 Yeah. But you can't expect to eat it today
11:38 and get healing tomorrow.
11:39 Got to keep doing it regularly.
11:41 So you have to start it from childhood.
11:43 Anything difference between eating the orange
11:45 itself and orange juice? Some things are destroyed
11:50 during the processing of juicing.
11:52 Of juicing. Okay, so that when you take that
11:55 and in addition you get the pulp
11:57 and the pulp act as a roughage and that additional
12:01 roughage reduces cholesterol,
12:03 because it bangs cholesterol and takes it
12:05 out of the body with the waste.
12:06 So, this is this is how it protects the heart.
12:08 That's one of the ways in which it protects
12:10 the heart. Man, so red, yellow.
12:12 So every diet should have red and yellow
12:17 and blue, raspberries, blueberries,
12:20 all of those and then we talk about things like
12:23 mangoes for those who love mangoes,
12:26 it has anticancer effects. And this would be
12:29 considered what? Red or mangoes
12:32 are usually red. Yellow. Usually yellow.
12:34 Yellow, yellow, okay. Yeah. When they're ripe.
12:36 For those who are listening and the tropical
12:39 in their orientation. Okay.
12:41 So they, so the substance in the mangoes is called
12:44 Carotene and that substance has cancer protection.
12:50 This is beautiful. What about we are ready to move
12:52 to green yet? Yeah, green is very important.
12:54 Let's talk about green. Now green is the life
12:55 of the planet. Green okay.
12:58 It is life of the planet. Alright.
12:59 That's why in the spring everything around
13:01 you gets green, right. Okay.
13:03 Because the sun comes up the light of the sun
13:07 and then it gives you that beautiful green color.
13:10 Alright so here is our green. Green, that's right
13:12 Green like a pepper. That's right.
13:14 Now chlorophyll is that is that green agent.
13:17 Now, that's the basis of food,
13:19 because chlorophyll plus light you get
13:22 carbohydrates. Okay. Plus oxygen.
13:25 So if you don't get green you can't get oxygen
13:27 because the plant give off oxygen to the air.
13:30 So you see how important green is just from
13:32 the aspect of being green.
13:34 Let me, let me follow that again. Sure.
13:35 If we eat green, it gives you. Before we eat green.
13:38 Alright, before you eat it.
13:39 The plants alright, the plant takes light.
13:43 Takes light. The green pigment called chlorophyll
13:47 takes the light and then takes carbon dioxide
13:52 with light it makes carbohydrate.
13:54 Okay, so that's why. And then it gives us oxygen
13:57 that's what you breath everyday.
13:58 Alright. Alright, so that's why you need green
14:00 even before you eat it you need it.
14:02 We need it because it produces the oxygen.
14:04 It produces the oxygen that you use.
14:06 And then once you eat it what's it do for you?
14:08 And then once you eat it now here where it
14:10 comes remember I mentioned earlier
14:12 on that rats who were fed strawberries.
14:16 Strawberries, didn't age.
14:18 And what else? What's the green substance,
14:19 you remember the green ones I mentioned?
14:22 Spinach. Spinach. Yeah. That's right,
14:24 that means you're paying attention.
14:26 So rats that were fed spinach right were able
14:30 to go through that aging process without aging
14:34 or the effect or they overcome that aging
14:37 process because of the spinach. Okay, good.
14:40 So that the substances therefore in that spinach
14:44 is the animal in fighting the disease process
14:48 or the aging process. So, anything green protects
14:54 you from aging. That's right.
14:55 Anything else about green? It decreases aging process.
14:57 Anything else about green? Well here is what happens,
15:02 now there are some substances
15:04 let's see like the watercress. Watercress.
15:07 Watercress, that your make. It's green isn't it?
15:09 Yes, it is. Okay. And the watercress itself
15:12 when you if you take it you know it acts as
15:14 a diuretic. It does. Yeah, so it makes you,
15:17 it gets rid of. Pollution. Pollution
15:20 and a study was done in Minnesota,
15:23 listen what happened and people who smoke
15:25 were fed watercress. Okay. Guess what happens,
15:29 when they check their urine there was a tremendous
15:32 detoxic effect of the watercress on them.
15:35 So that it is believed that watercress
15:38 when taken reduces lung cancer.
15:40 Is that right? Yes, that's right.
15:42 So, it gets the toxins out sooner.
15:43 It gets the toxins out sooner.
15:45 But the best thing is to stop smoking probably.
15:46 Oh! yes that's the best thing, that is definitely.
15:49 Anything else about green? We talked about cataracts,
15:56 we didn't talked about cataracts. Not yet.
15:57 The green decreases cataracts.
15:59 How does that work? Alright, because in the spinach
16:04 let's say for instance it contains a substance called
16:07 Lutein right, that substance Lutein protects the rods
16:13 and cones of the eyes. Those little cells.
16:16 Those little cells right at the macular area,
16:19 the back of the eye which is the retina,
16:22 and that substance protects them from blindness.
16:26 So one of the things that can reduce Macular
16:29 Degeneration is eating a lot of spinach.
16:32 Spinach. That's right.
16:34 Man and these are so simple things.
16:36 And also yellow corn too. Yellow corn too.
16:37 Yellow corn, yes, so yellow corn,
16:40 spinach all of these green things can reduce things
16:44 like macular degeneration. We're talking with
16:46 Dr. Victor Herry, we're talking about the colors of
16:49 food red, yellow, black or white all precious
16:53 in his sight, we've heard that sign,
16:55 but we're seeing that it's really true,
16:57 when we come back we're going to look at blue
16:59 and other colors and I know you want to join us.
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18:04 Welcome back we've been talking Dr. Victor Herry,
18:06 we're talking about the foods and their colors
18:10 and we've talked about red, we've talked about yellow,
18:13 we've talked about green. We got to press on
18:15 but anything else you want to mention about green.
18:18 Yeah, I want to mention, I began by saying that
18:21 spinach contains a substance called Lutein
18:26 and that Lutein protects. The eye.
18:29 The back of the eyes, right, now there are three groups
18:32 of people that's important to, number one is women
18:36 they should eat a lot of spinach.
18:38 Okay, number two is people with blue eyes. Blue eyes.
18:41 And the reason for that is that people
18:43 who have blue eyes, the ray of light blue is destructive
18:48 to the back of the eyes and so by eating a lot of
18:51 spinach, what it does it protects the back of the
18:56 eye, because of the light rays you know it acts
18:59 like a sunglasses. I see. So by eating spinach
19:02 you are actually putting on your sunglasses
19:04 imagine that. I can see all these Norwegians
19:06 going right now to the super market.
19:08 That's right, I'm getting this.
19:10 So, so these are the three groups of people,
19:13 people who have a family history of macular
19:14 degeneration, women. And why women especially?
19:17 Women because they use Lutein very little of it.
19:21 Okay and so they need a lot of it to protect them.
19:24 Okay. So, we talk about people with macular
19:27 degeneration, I mentioned women and people with
19:30 blue eyes, these are the three groups of people
19:31 who are important. Speaking the blue then
19:33 let's move to the color blue. I think we have
19:35 something here there that's kind of blue maybe.
19:37 Yes, that's important that's an egg plant.
19:40 Yeah. Now the egg plant is anti-inflammatory.
19:43 Alright. Okay and if you notice we were told a
19:47 lot because of inflammation and now there are
19:50 some studies done which shows that the increase
19:53 of inflammation in the body make you at risk for
19:55 heart disease and all of that. So by eating some
19:58 of those blue things like the blueberries,
20:01 the egg plant, they're antihistaminic in nature,
20:04 they're anti-inflammatory, in addition to the Vitamin C
20:07 and the Vitamin A that they contain,
20:09 so you get added benefit. So, eating those blue
20:13 things, yes, they protect against the inflammatory
20:16 process and you're saying this as an allergist
20:18 and an immunologist right, you have a little bit of
20:21 training in that. Yes, the inflammation within the
20:23 body system you know that within the,
20:26 within the vessels of the body you develop
20:29 inflammation. It is that inflammatory process
20:32 that results in the formation of atherosclerosis,
20:37 it's all inflammation here. Alright.
20:38 Okay and so by eating these foods,
20:42 what it does, it decreases that process
20:46 and so as a result protects the heart.
20:48 Anything about arthritis? Does this help or not?
20:51 Well, cherries do yes, cherries do because
20:54 they're also anti-inflammatory
20:55 and these do too. Cherries and eggplant
20:58 and blueberries, anything else about blue.
21:01 What about blueberries? We just mentioned
21:03 that they're anti-inflammatory.
21:05 Do they help with your memory?
21:06 Some people told me they help with your memory.
21:07 Well by eating a lot of them they have some of the
21:10 similar things that strawberries do have
21:13 and so they have, because the rats,
21:15 if you remember the story of the rats then you
21:17 remember that they do help you.
21:19 Okay and then moving, moving on to purple,
21:22 anything with purple? Purple, the grapes,
21:24 you can't forget concord grapes
21:26 and all of those grapes that remember,
21:29 if you if you if you've been hearing
21:31 a lot about grapes and protecting the heart,
21:35 yeah how does that work? That, because of the
21:39 antioxidants contained in there,
21:41 it's heart protective. So, grapes and all of these
21:46 substances do protect the heart. Orange?
21:50 Orange is the yellow. The yellow oranges,
21:52 the Ellargic acid in them, those help to protect.
21:56 Well, you have listed here also then brown.
21:59 Brown foods, you know well we could talk about
22:01 chocolate, cocoa, okay, that contains
22:06 antioxidants again. Okay. And so that protects.
22:11 So chocolate it protects you, this is good news
22:13 for people listening. Yeah it's a good source
22:15 of antioxidants. Is that right?
22:17 Yeah. So, are there any downsides to chocolate.
22:20 Well you know it contains Theobromine,
22:23 and it can increase your heart rate and those
22:25 kinds of things but it does contain a lot of
22:27 antioxidants. Okay, so in what form would you say,
22:31 what about carob is that brown.
22:32 Would it be considered brown.
22:33 No, I have not studied the carob,
22:35 so I wouldn't be able to answer your question,
22:36 but carob is brown and I'm sure that carob
22:39 does have some protective things in them,
22:41 but that's my ad-libbed. Well, what about
22:44 antiseptics you have done here,
22:46 what is that all about? Now, there are some
22:48 foods that kill bacteria and protect the body.
22:55 They protect the skin, so that you can
22:57 and I say foods because take for instance the
23:01 cucumber. Okay. We refer to the cucumber
23:04 as a food but the cucumber can you used
23:07 externally as and also internally.
23:11 As an antiseptic. Anti means like sepsis.
23:14 Yeah. Against disease. Against disease,
23:17 so you can use cucumber and put it on psoriasis?
23:20 Okay. Cut the cucumber and literally put it on
23:22 your skin if you have Psoriasis and over time
23:25 it can heal that area of Psoriasis.
23:28 So psoriasis then is as a dry skin condition
23:31 and just by rubbing cucumber on that it can
23:33 turn around. Over time, yes it can,
23:36 and cucumber also is a laxative,
23:40 additionally people who have gout,
23:44 which is the increase of the build up of uric acid
23:47 in the blood stream. By eating a lot of cucumbers,
23:50 they can help get rid of the uric acid.
23:52 So that's healing in foods. So the Habsburg dynasty
23:56 that had all the gout would have loved to hear this.
23:58 Yeah, eat of lot cucumbers they might have been
24:00 better off then. Okay, diuretics?
24:06 I mentioned earlier that watercress acts as a
24:08 diuretic, okay. They get with the smokers
24:10 and the nicotine passes out. That's correct, right.
24:13 Cucumber too acts as a diuretic,
24:15 yeah and in addition to that being diuretic in nature,
24:20 it also helps you get rid of excess uric acid.
24:23 Is cucumber high in potassium? It does contain
24:27 potassium, but it's, that's not as this all might.
24:29 Now if you want something that's high in
24:31 potassium would be figs, figs high in potassium,
24:35 chestnut high in potassium. Well, the reason I ask is
24:39 because usually when we take diuretics
24:40 when we go to a doctor then they have to give us
24:42 potassium supplements and we wouldn't have that
24:45 problem if you took cucumbers.
24:47 No, no, no that's natures way of dealing with the
24:50 body. So, if you can't take your laxatives
24:52 or your you might actually, or your other medication
24:54 for your heart condition and you are in a country
24:56 eat cucumbers. Well you know what,
25:00 eat cucumbers anyway, they are,
25:04 they are good for you. Okay.
25:06 And please take your medication if your
25:07 hypertensive. That's right, don't misunderstand.
25:10 That's right. What about fibers?
25:12 Now fibers are important, fibers are important for
25:16 multiple ways. Now apples contain the fiber
25:19 called Pectin. Pectin. Right and pectin binds
25:23 cholesterol and excretes it from the body.
25:26 So high fiber foods causes proper illumination,
25:33 removes antitoxins of toxic material from the gut
25:39 and at the same time reduces cholesterol.
25:41 Isn't that beautiful? Isn't that, that's wonderful.
25:44 So and fibers are in most of these.
25:46 Yes, fruits and vegetables, yes you eat it
25:48 and fiber does it work. So, we've talked about red,
25:51 yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, orange,
25:56 antiseptic foods, diuretic foods, fiber foods.
25:59 That's right. Man you know,
26:01 you seemed to be the most excited about this,
26:05 this subject, why is that? I mean think about it.
26:09 If you can eat properly and live long wouldn't
26:13 that be something you want to do?
26:14 Sure, yeah and that's why it's exciting.
26:17 It is less costly to the society in the end.
26:21 So if we can train our people to eat appropriate
26:25 foods, colorful foods, not only I mean it looks
26:29 beautiful. You put it on a table I mean just to
26:31 look at it, it's wonderful, all the different colors,
26:34 if you think of the follow, when you take your drive
26:37 out and you see all the green and the yellow
26:40 and the brown. So, when you think of your table
26:42 you should think of the fall colors all of the colors
26:44 that come together. Now you know as a
26:47 Christian physician, do you talk about these
26:50 things to your patients and do you bring in the
26:53 fact that God created these. Certainly I do,
26:56 that's part of my daily talk to the patient,
27:00 that in changing lifestyle fruits, vegetables
27:04 and greens are very important.
27:06 It helps reduce blood pressure.
27:09 It decreases diabetes, it promotes cancer health,
27:13 anticancer, and all of these things I guess
27:17 that's why Adam lived so long.
27:19 We've been talking with Dr. Victor Herry,
27:22 he is a specialist in internal medicine in the
27:25 Washington D.C., area, it must be a really
27:28 a joy and privilege to visit his office
27:31 and we thank you very much by the way for
27:33 coming to be here with us on Health For A Lifetime
27:36 and we hope that you as well as you've listened
27:38 today will just go to that supermarket,
27:41 pull out those different colors
27:43 and enjoy the benefits, some of which you may
27:45 have not known about some of which I am sure
27:48 we haven't covered but all of which were created
27:51 for you, so that you can have health well it's not
27:54 just for now but for an entire lifetime.


Revised 2014-12-17