Health for a Lifetime

The Cause And Effect Of Eating Disorders

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mckintosh (Host), Jennifer Jill Schwirzer


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000187

00:01 The following program presents principles designed
00:03 to promote good health and is not intended
00:06 to take the place of personalized professional care.
00:08 The opinions and ideas expressed are those
00:11 of the speaker. Viewers are encouraged to draw
00:14 their own conclusions about the information presented.
00:50 Hello and welcome to Health For A Lifetime.
00:52 I'm your host Don MacKintosh.
00:53 We're glad you joined us today.
00:54 We're gonna be talking about a very important
00:57 subject today, anorexia and bulimia, eating disorders.
01:01 Many times they affect ladies, women but also some
01:05 men are affected. It's not the largest problem
01:08 in America, because many people are suffering from
01:11 diseases of over abundance but there are a few
01:14 that really struggle with this and joining us to talk
01:17 about this is the survivor of this very problem.
01:21 Survivor of anorexia, Jennifer Jill Schwirzer
01:26 and she has a webpage and
01:29 we're excited about the material that she is sharing
01:32 and about the book that you've written,
01:34 Dying To Be Beautiful. Excellent book,
01:37 you have put a lot of research into this and pulled
01:40 together a multidisciplinary team, a registered
01:45 dietitian and a psychologist and you've got some very
01:48 good reviews on this book and what I like about
01:51 it is that it comes from your own personal
01:53 perspective as well. Yeah I wove a lot of stories
01:57 in and out of the main text that was more
01:59 you know research, I've put ten stories of survivors
02:03 woven into the books so there is a lot of personal
02:06 interest and it reads well. And you've told me
02:10 that this is a problem for what percentage of people
02:13 in America? Well, we're looking at a lifetime
02:16 prevalence rate for anorexia of about 0.5%,
02:19 so that's not a large percent, bulimia is higher 1 to 3%
02:22 lifetime prevalence but that prevalence drastically
02:27 increases for a certain age population and a
02:30 certain gender. And that is young women,
02:32 women between the ages of 15 and 25.
02:34 And we've talked about how this came as result
02:37 of just a movement in people's minds from fat being
02:41 where was it was at so to speak in other words
02:43 that was a sign of affluence then the thin being
02:46 in and that wasn't always the case. Okay.
02:49 I mean when he looked at those pictures of the
02:50 Mona Lisa and others you see that hey there
02:54 has been a big shift in what people
02:55 think is beautiful. Right.
02:57 Social revolution, industrial revolution,
02:59 sexual revolution all those things factored in.
03:02 Until today our young women are beholding
03:05 this images of catwalk models and I specified before
03:09 that the thinness isn't in everywhere but
03:12 it's particularly in, in the fashion industry
03:14 and particularly the catwalk fashion industry
03:18 where these woman are showcased the new fashions
03:20 and they value very thin bodies because the clothes
03:25 simply hang on their bodies like they would on a coat
03:27 hanger so the focus is on the clothes and not
03:28 on the girl. And so the young women are seeing
03:31 these images and taking this in and that's what
03:33 they idealize and partly as a result of that eating
03:37 disorders are much more common among young women.
03:40 So, today we wanna kind of grapple with the causes
03:43 and affects of these eating disorders and you
03:45 wanna give us some definitions on eating disorders.
03:49 That's right I wanna define anorexia and bulimia
03:51 for you, according to the American Psychiatric
03:54 Associations diagnostic manual we're gonna look
03:56 at the criterion. First of anorexia, lets
03:58 look at the next graphic. These have been paraphrased
04:02 but if you get the point these are characteristics
04:05 of Anorexia Nervosa. A refusal to maintain body weight
04:10 of more than 85% of normal weight,
04:12 in other words you're 15% underweight or more.
04:14 Intense fear of becoming fat is a characteristic
04:19 of anorexia. Denial; obsession with body weight;
04:24 self-worth is tied unduly to weight.
04:29 And so as people are in denial of their condition
04:33 and not only that but they're very focused on
04:36 attaining this low weight and that it consumes
04:39 them and they define themselves in those terms.
04:42 Amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is the loss of
04:43 the monthly cycle that is a characteristic of Anorexia
04:47 Nervosa and that has to happen for 3 consecutive
04:50 months in order for them to qualify.
04:52 The diagnosis. That's right,
04:54 and so those for criterion are what constitute
04:57 a diagnosis, all of them have to be in place with
05:00 this cavia that there are two types of anorexia.
05:03 One is the binging purging type and the other
05:06 is the restricting type. The binging purging type
05:08 can some times be mistaken for bulimic because
05:10 they binge and purge. But, bulimics aren't
05:13 generally underweight. So, what does Nervosa mean.
05:19 You know what I don't know I was thinking about that,
05:21 I need to look that up, you caught me.
05:23 Okay anorexia. I think it has to do with
05:26 nerves, but I'm not sure I need to look that up,
05:29 anorexia means a loss of appetite which is not true
05:32 because anorexics obsess about food
05:35 they're always hungry, they're like
05:36 starvation victims, so it's a misnomer.
05:39 Okay, so what is the impact of anorexia on the body?
05:44 On the body, okay lets look at that,
05:46 everything in the body slows down and in a sense
05:50 it dries up. Okay, because you are not fueling
05:54 your body, you are not really hydrating your body
05:56 and so it's getting ratchet itself down into what
05:59 is basically survival mode. Blood pressure lowers,
06:03 pulse lowers, respiration slows down, digestion
06:07 slows down. People become constipated.
06:11 They become dehydrated; they are kind of like
06:13 a fish out of water. And all of this is an attempt
06:16 on the body's part to slow down to ratchet
06:19 everything down, because they are in conservation
06:21 mode. Okay, we're starving now and we need to slow
06:24 everything down just to get through this starvation
06:26 period until there is food available again that's what
06:28 the body is saying. Often there is a cold intolerance
06:31 that's because of very little body fat.
06:34 But it's also because of thyroid changes inability
06:37 of the body to keep itself warm.
06:38 There is very dry skin and hair, body doesn't wanna
06:42 waste any extra oil or any extra resources
06:45 on keeping the hair moist and the skin moist,
06:48 so that becomes dry. In severe cases you can develop
06:52 something called Lanugo, which is a fur that
06:55 develops on the body and it's in fact the bodies
06:58 last attempt stay warm. Hmm.
07:01 Kinda like when you have that one before
07:03 you're born in the womb. That's right, similar.
07:05 Estrogen drops and there is a lot of consequences
07:08 as a result of the dropping Estrogen.
07:10 One being that the lining of the uterus,
07:12 this is not shed every month as it is in the
07:14 monthly cycle. And that sets a women out for female
07:18 types of cancers. Another consequence of Estrogen
07:22 loss is osteoporosis, everybody knows about the
07:26 correlation between menopause and increased
07:28 incidents of osteoporosis because of a drop in
07:31 Estrogen. Estrogen is the bone building hormone.
07:33 So, if you take a woman who is in the formative
07:36 stage of life which young women are,
07:37 they are still building their bones and you take away
07:40 the Estrogen or a lot of the Estrogen,
07:43 they're gonna have osteoporosis.
07:46 In fact I have osteoporosis, I believe as a result of.
07:50 Of going thorough that. Yes, I do. Then there
07:53 is insomnia. The body is basically trying to wake you
07:55 up to get something to eat women have difficulty
07:58 or people have difficulty sleeping and there is
08:00 actual brain shrinkage. The brain is a physical organ
08:03 and we have to remember that the mind is housed
08:06 in a physical organ and so what often happens
08:09 with anorexics is they have to force feed them to bring
08:13 their nutrient levels up so that they will even
08:15 respond to counseling, or respond to any form of
08:18 mental therapy. Because they just won't respond because
08:21 their brain is in kind of a paralyzed state.
08:26 So your electrolytes probably go off too,
08:27 your potassium, magnesium all those different things?
08:30 That right and that's also a characteristic of bulimia
08:32 and let's look at the diagnostic criterion for bulimia.
08:35 Here on the next slide, this is again the
08:38 American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual
08:41 and here are the criterion for Bulimia Nervosa.
08:43 And we need to look up that Nervosa,
08:45 I should have known that. Recurrent binging,
08:47 eating extreme quantities and feeling out of control.
08:51 And then self-induced vomiting or some kind of
08:56 purging behavior using either vomiting.
08:59 Most often vomiting, but sometimes laxatives diuretics,
09:02 enemas, fasting or exercise. So, there is a binging
09:06 purging pattern. This must happen 2 times per week
09:10 for 3 months. And again self-worth is tied unduly
09:14 to weight. These people become obsessed
09:16 with this pursuit of the perfect body and with food
09:19 and that is becomes who they are and it can
09:22 be very challenging to try to talk to someone
09:25 in that condition. So, 2 to 3 times per week
09:27 for 3 months. I think that's what it said.
09:30 Yeah. Yeah, so. And so do you wanna look at the way
09:33 that bulimia impacts the body.
09:34 Yeah I wanna see, we looked at how anorexia
09:37 does that, what does bulimia do.
09:38 Okay, you mentioned a few moments ago about.
09:41 Electrolytes. Electrolyte imbalances,
09:44 there are heart irregularities that can come about
09:46 as a result of bulimia because of the throwing off
09:51 of the electrolytes. Potassium.
09:53 Particularly potassium and that can cause
09:55 something called malignant cardiac arrhythmia.
09:58 This is what Karen Carpenter,
10:00 the singer died of. Ironically she was in her closet
10:04 getting ready to go out and celebrate a recent
10:08 weight gain. I believe she was an anorexic 'cause
10:10 she was quite underweight, but she I believe a
10:12 binging, purging type of anorexic and she had
10:15 a potassium imbalance. That led to heart attack
10:19 and she dropped dead in her closet.
10:20 This is also what is believed to have happened to
10:24 Terri Schiavo. She had a binging, purging pattern
10:28 going and it was believed that she had a heart problem
10:31 because of that. Another consequence of bulimia
10:34 is over expansion of the stomach.
10:36 These people are eating huge quantities of food.
10:39 The largest quantity I've heard of is 50,000 calories.
10:44 50000 calories. And so the average intake
10:46 of calories is 2000, right, right around 2000
10:50 so that's how many types more that's like.
10:52 That like off the charts. Like 25 times more. Yeah.
10:55 So, it's huge. So we're talking huge quantities of food
10:59 binging and purging, 50,000 calories in a day's time,
11:03 many different binges. So, there is over expansion
11:06 of the stomach because of the contact of
11:09 stomach acid with the esophagus, it sets person
11:13 of first esophageal cancer, they can also develop
11:16 hoarseness. I met a girl in the course of my
11:18 research whose singing voice had been affected
11:21 by bulimia. And she was a singer and enjoyed singing
11:24 but she says my voice will never be the same.
11:26 The parotid glands for some reason they don't know
11:29 why but the parotid glands on the sides of the
11:31 neck swell in bulimia and the person develops
11:34 a chipmunk cheek appearance. So, that's a give away
11:36 sign sometimes. Soars on the backs of the finger
11:39 that's a result of putting the fingers down the throat,
11:41 the fingers push up against the teeth and often
11:44 bulimics will develop sores. And then tooth decay
11:48 as a result of the stomach acid coming in contact
11:51 with the teeth and wearing away the enamel.
11:53 Serious impact on the body.
11:55 Right, so for both anorexia and bulimia
11:58 you can see some tell-tell signs.
12:00 What about the psychological factors?
12:02 Okay, well let's talk about the causes;
12:05 I think the causes are multiple. I think we
12:10 have three basic categories
12:12 or I break it down into the three categories.
12:13 One is biological, things in people's genetic codes
12:19 so to speak and I'm gonna talk about that
12:21 for a moment. But, then there are psychological
12:23 factors, there are things that can set a person out
12:28 for developing an eating disorder.
12:29 That are in their family of origin,
12:32 that are in their individual psyche and then the third
12:35 factor is of course cultural factors
12:36 which we've been talking about.
12:38 Okay so what about the biological again,
12:42 we talked about what are those factors.
12:44 Okay, there is an association between particularly
12:48 bulimia and major affective disorder which affective
12:52 disorder has to do with the mood.
12:54 So, like bipolars is what we usually call that?
12:56 Well, it's not just bipolar major affective
12:58 disorder is kind of an over arching category
13:00 and under that category comes bipolar,
13:02 comes depressive disorder anything that affects
13:05 the mood or the emotions, effective means mood.
13:08 Okay. That means emotion, so there is an association
13:11 between particularly bulimia and major affective
13:14 disorder. In other words if the person has
13:16 major affective disorder in their family they are
13:19 gonna have a greater likelihood of developing
13:21 bulimia. And that's good news, because...
13:24 That can be treated. That's right,
13:25 and bulimia does respond to antidepressant use so.
13:30 And then psychological factors.
13:31 Okay, psychological factors when I say that I mean
13:34 specifically things in the individual or in their
13:37 past history or in their family of origin.
13:40 I am not talking about the psychological impact
13:42 of cultural factors. Okay. In fact I'm putting
13:44 in a separate category just for the sake of organizing
13:46 all the information. So, what I found in my study
13:49 was that there was a relationship;
13:51 there was a greater incidence of eating disorders
13:54 developed in women who had been the victims
13:56 of incest. It was much greater than the incidence
14:01 of eating disorders in women who had been
14:04 victims of abuse. Just abuse, somehow incest
14:08 is a greater invasion and I, in one study that
14:11 I read broke it down this way, it said that women develop
14:14 people develop their social skills in their family
14:18 of origin. If there is incest in a family it's a good
14:21 indication that the family relationships are so esque
14:25 that the family is not a good environment
14:28 for the development of social skills and as a result
14:30 they come into adulthood without social skills.
14:32 There is isolation from you know relationships
14:35 in general because they've never developed that ability
14:37 and as a result they set themselves up
14:40 for all kinds of addictions including eating disorders.
14:43 We're talking with Jennifer Schwirzer,
14:45 she has done a book on anorexia and bulimia
14:48 called 'Dying To Be Beautiful.'
14:50 We're gonna continue looking at the causes but
14:52 then also some good news about how we can find
14:55 help and hope when we come back.
15:00 Have you found yourself wishing that you could shed
15:01 a few pounds, have you been on a diet for most
15:04 of your life, but not found anything that will really
15:06 keep the weight off, if you have answered yes
15:09 to any of these questions then we have a solution
15:12 for you that works Dr. Hans Diehl and Dr. Aileen Ludington
15:16 have written a marvelous book that's called Reversing
15:19 Obesity Naturally and we would like to send it to you
15:22 free of charge. Here's a medically sound approach,
15:25 successfully used by thousands,
15:27 who were able to eat more and lose weight
15:29 permanently without feeling guilty or hungry through
15:32 lifestyle medicine. Dr. Diehl and Dr. Ludington have been
15:36 featured on 3ABN and in this booklet they present
15:39 a sensible approach to eating nutrition and lifestyle
15:42 changes that can help you prevent heart disease,
15:45 diabetes and even cancer. Call or write today
15:48 for your free copy of Reversing Obesity Natural
15:50 and you could be on your way to a healthier,
15:52 happier you, it's absolutely free of charge,
15:56 so call or write today.
16:00 Welcome back we have been talking with
16:01 Jennifer Schwirzer she is written a book
16:04 Dying To Be Beautiful. And a lot of the information
16:06 that we have been covering you can access
16:08 on her website and how's
16:15 that spelled Jennifer, JENNIFER.
16:17 Traditional spelling
16:22 Okay, and they can find information about the book
16:25 which was published by Review and Herald,
16:27 excellent book. Did a lot of research,
16:29 fascinating to see some of the things you have
16:31 been saying about the factors, the biological factors,
16:34 you know I used to of course from time to time work
16:38 on a eating disorders unit and we saw a lot of people,
16:41 16 years old, 17 years old, people coming
16:45 with heart attacks all from this.
16:47 Significant problem then you also talked about the
16:50 psychological factors, you were describing the
16:53 connection between specifically incest
16:56 and an increase. That's right.
16:59 Level those that are struggling with
17:02 anorexia or bulimia, that's associated with
17:04 that because of the just invasion of the personal
17:08 privacy. What else about psychological factors.
17:10 Okay there are certain characteristics,
17:12 psychological characteristics that have been
17:14 identified in women with eating disorders
17:17 and they would be body dissatisfaction,
17:19 not surprisingly, they are not happy with their bodies.
17:21 We've dwelt pretty heavily on that previously.
17:25 Something called negative emotionality
17:28 which is just feeling bad. You know negative
17:31 emotions depression, anxiety, anger,
17:34 negative emotions, that's consistent among women
17:38 who and men who struggle with eating disorders
17:41 and then something called lack of
17:43 interoceptive awareness.
17:44 What's that mean, interoceptive?
17:46 And interoceptive awareness is the ability
17:49 to read what's going on inside of you.
17:52 Like I can sit here and talk to you and I can
17:55 tell you I'm a little nervous.
17:56 Or I can tell you I'm getting hungry.
17:58 But, they aren't in touch with their feelings.
17:59 They aren't in touch with their feelings
18:00 and are not able to articulate them and this is
18:02 consistently present among those that are prone
18:05 to develop eating disorders.
18:07 So, what are then are the cultural factors,
18:11 you talked about biological, psychological.
18:13 Are there cultural factors?
18:14 Well, the reason I keep coming back to this issue
18:16 is because that is the over arching causative
18:19 factor is what's going on in our culture today.
18:21 In relationship to the idealization of a very,
18:25 very thin ideal of beauty plus the pressure
18:29 that's on women to look a certain way
18:31 and to be beautiful and a combination of those
18:34 things creates a scenario where there is a much
18:38 higher rate of anorexia and bulimia in western
18:43 cultures or western influence cultures.
18:45 In fact eating disorders, these two types of eating
18:47 disorders are thought to be western culture bound.
18:50 Meaning that you just don't find them in cultures
18:54 that don't have the western influence.
18:56 And it's true that wherever western culture invades
18:59 or goes into a culture then you start seeing
19:01 a raise in eating disorders because the overarching
19:04 factor is there is a pressure to look a certain
19:08 way and this thin, ultra thin ideal of beauty.
19:11 Now the way it works is this. You have this
19:13 overarching factor, this pressure on everybody,
19:15 but not everybody reacts to it whether the individual
19:19 reacts in developing an eating disorder is based
19:23 on their individual... Biological, psychological.
19:26 And their individual psychology.
19:28 So, those with the weakness will develop an eating
19:31 disorders other will not. I think you have a
19:32 graphic that shows this changing shape of beauty.
19:35 Yeah. Okay, lets look at this, as the Weight
19:40 of Miss America Winners for instance and you can see
19:43 this in fashion magazines, you can see it in many
19:45 different forms but the Weight of Miss America Winners
19:47 has gone down consistently since 1950
19:50 to you know the year 2000, every year it's gone down,
19:54 but at the same time the weight of the average
19:57 woman has increased. And so again we come back
20:01 to the fat gap, the gap the between the ideal
20:04 and the real. Reality.
20:05 That's right. And this sets women up for continual
20:09 frustration with the way they look,
20:10 which is just a common nominator
20:13 among women today. But, there are few women
20:16 for whom that pressure becomes overwhelming
20:19 and they develop an eating disorder,
20:21 pathological dieting. Most women diet,
20:23 some become pathological in dieting and the dieting
20:26 takes on a life of its own.
20:27 So, this is really dangerous what you see on
20:30 the news stands, what you access in the media
20:33 can just really you don't know if its gonna
20:36 be your child or your wife or probably more of
20:40 your kids as they're growing up I mean
20:42 I have two young daughters and what you're
20:44 telling me just makes me underline in my mind
20:47 that I wanna be very specific about what they see;
20:52 the images they see or don't see and help them
20:55 you know recognize the difference between those.
20:59 You know another bigger factor probably
21:01 than anything they see on television or in magazines
21:04 is what they see in their own mother.
21:06 So you need to just encourage your wife
21:08 that she is beautiful, tell her whatever stage of life
21:12 she is at. You know you affirm her;
21:14 you love her for who she is as a total person
21:16 even Dobson says don't compliment
21:19 your teenage daughter by telling her she is pretty.
21:22 That's something that she had nothing to do with.
21:23 Compliment her on something that she developed
21:26 in herself or something that she had some control over
21:29 and so the more you do that for your wife,
21:31 the more your wife will be satisfied in who she is
21:33 and she won't be prone to scrutinize her appearance
21:36 and be overly idealistic about the way she looks
21:39 and then she will pass that contentment
21:41 on to her daughters, you know.
21:43 Well, honey I believe you're beautiful
21:44 for who you are. So, if you are watching
21:46 I believe that and also my daughter.
21:48 That's easier for you though because your wife
21:49 really is beautiful. So, what about a guy
21:52 who is you know. Yeah. Well, you know well,
21:54 you know that she is beautiful but you know
21:57 I was drawn to Luminitsa because of her mind,
22:00 her beauty was a bonus.
22:03 She is an architect right?
22:04 She is an architect but she just very interesting
22:07 analytical you know vivacious person so.
22:11 That's great. I was really drawn to her by that.
22:13 Now the cost of beauty you talk about.
22:15 Yeah, well you know we can see this beauty obsession
22:19 and this appearance obsession in women it
22:23 reflected in other areas. Okay. For instance the plastic
22:26 surgery industry. Lets look at the next graphic
22:29 here and we'll talk about what women are spending
22:31 to be beauty, I mean what do you see on television
22:33 anymore is makeover shows.
22:34 $9.4 billion. 2003, $9.4 billion
22:38 that's a 300% increase over 6 years.
22:42 Someone's getting rich there, probably the dermatologist.
22:44 That's right. Dieting ads, 2005,
22:47 Dieting aids, 2005, aids okay, $40 billion.
22:51 Cosmetics, 2005 over $20 billion.
22:56 Beauty is expensive, we're spending lots and lots
23:00 of money on it. We are not happy with who we are.
23:02 And people are taking advantage of that.
23:04 And they are taking advantage of that,
23:05 that's right. They create us a false reality
23:07 and then they take advantage of us,
23:09 I mean this is the American way,
23:10 and I think the core problem here is something
23:12 I like to call Looksism. Looksism.
23:15 So, I wanna look at the next graphic here,
23:16 okay what's that? The core problem is Looksism,
23:18 which is characterized by two main things.
23:22 One is an overemphasis on physical beauty.
23:24 You know lets not lie to ourselves,
23:27 physical attractiveness is important and we don't
23:30 wanna underemphasize it and pretend
23:32 that it doesn't matter at all because then we come
23:34 across like we don't care about ourselves.
23:35 So, we need to look as beast we can,
23:37 but there is an overemphasis on physical appearance
23:40 to the point where it becomes obsession as a result
23:44 of these influences I've been talking about,
23:46 the second characteristic of Looksism is a distorted
23:50 ideal of beauty, in other words we don't have
23:54 a normal concept anymore even of what beauty
23:57 is and you can see this throughout history
23:59 and it seems like women are always the victims of this.
24:02 There is this idea that comes in the culture
24:05 that a certain thing is beautiful and then women
24:09 peruse that idea in order to reach that standard
24:11 of beauty to their own harm.
24:13 Let's look at some examples.
24:14 Like high heels probably.
24:16 Well I'm gonna get to that, you've given away
24:18 my punch line. Lets look at your first graphic,
24:20 this a corset, now corset wearing is still active today
24:24 in a very small population, they will actually
24:27 have ribs taken out, we talked about this before
24:29 that the internal organs are compressed,
24:31 the smallest waist today is by a corset wearers is,
24:36 owned by a corset wearer name Cathie Jung,
24:38 who is 15 inches that the size of a jar of mayonnaise.
24:42 So, her liver is compressed everything else.
24:45 I don't know how the body can function but
24:47 apparently it's worth it to her, but this is,
24:49 this just gives you an idea of the kind of harm
24:51 women will subject themselves to.
24:52 Lets look at the next graphic here in Asian cultures,
24:57 foot binding was once popular,
24:59 it's now illegal because it's extremely harmful,
25:01 but the young female foot was broken and bound
25:05 for many years until it would fit into shoes
25:08 like these shoes. Oh man.
25:10 So, that they would have tiny,
25:11 because small feet are considered feminine
25:13 and so they would have these tiny feet and this very
25:15 mincing gate and then lets look at the next graphic here.
25:20 This is popular in some of the African countries.
25:23 Oh! the neck, the elongated neck.
25:24 The neck rings, they will add the rings gradually
25:26 to elongate the neck, Oh! Man.
25:29 Countries like Burma and other places,
25:30 the problem is that if you took those neck rings
25:33 out the women would die because she would not
25:35 be able to support the weight of her head.
25:38 Now you maybe thinking well we're so civilized
25:40 in the Western world, but we have our own version
25:43 of looksism in our own distorted ideal of beauty.
25:47 So, let's look in particular at evening wear,
25:50 let's look at the next graphic, lets think about what
25:53 men versus women wear in a typical formal night out.
25:56 The man is dressed in a suit.
25:58 Which is what he usually wears.
25:59 Which is what he usually, man are always
26:01 comfortable, have you ever notice that?
26:02 Are you uncomfortable right now?
26:04 I'm very probably too comfortable.
26:06 You are comfortable, so men are wearing
26:08 you know double layers sometimes in the cold night
26:10 there, lets look at that graphic again,
26:12 they're in flat shoes. But, this lady has high heels,
26:16 she is on this dressed, she is gonna trip down her hair.
26:18 She has high heels; she has long dress,
26:19 now she can trip, she is, her back, her chest,
26:22 her arms. Her shoulders are exposed to the
26:24 cold night air, she is wearing lots of makeup
26:26 and she spent hours on her hair and who know
26:29 what chemicals she has on her hair so.
26:30 Each one of them meet someone in the parking garage
26:32 who pulls out a switchblade, which one can defend
26:35 themselves, which one can run away,
26:37 you now what I'm saying.
26:38 Well if looks could kill, I don't know.
26:40 Yeah exactly, but they really can, but they can.
26:42 Yeah, right now they're just totally esque.
26:45 That's right and so consistently health,
26:46 let's look at the next graphic here is sacrificed
26:48 on the altar of beauty and that's been the case
26:51 throughout the ages and women are typically
26:54 the victims of that. So, the real thing you're saying
26:56 I mean there is biological, there is psychological,
26:58 but really it's the culture again that's toxic
27:01 and so you know and looking at these is
27:03 there help? Is there hope? How can we standup
27:05 against a really destructive culture.
27:08 There is help and there is hope,
27:10 I'm an example of that, I'm a survivor of anorexia
27:13 and a person can; a person can deal with it
27:16 and they can go on with their lives and develop
27:18 a healthy attitude. Well again you know thank you
27:20 for being open about the subject,
27:23 I mean people that are struggling with it are really
27:26 struggling, they are really in danger.
27:27 I hope that if you are watching today and
27:30 you know someone that's struggling with this,
27:32 that you refer them to this program or they can go
27:34 to your webpage
27:37 That's right. And figure out how to
27:38 find out about this book 'Dying To Be Beautiful'
27:41 and really get some good tips and maybe a
27:44 context to help people that are struggling with this.
27:47 Thank you so much for watching Health For A Lifetime
27:50 and we hope today's program is a help to you or
27:52 someone you know and love, don't let it slip by,
27:55 use the information today.


Revised 2014-12-17