Health for a Lifetime

Chips Program

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Eric Shadle, Don Mackintosh


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000116

00:51 Hello and welcome to "Health for a Lifetime"
00:53 I'm your host Don Mackintosh and today we're going to be
00:55 talking about women's health issues.
00:57 One of the big killers for women is heart disease...
01:01 In fact, it's the #1 killer.
01:03 And our guest today, Dr. Eric Shadle
01:05 is going to be talking with us about heart disease
01:08 as it relates to women's health.
01:10 You see the women all the time;
01:11 you work in obstetrics and gynecology, isn't that right?
01:15 And have a rather large practice I think you have 6 other folks
01:18 that take call for you and your group
01:20 so you see a lot of women...
01:21 And is it true the #1 cause of death is
01:24 heart disease for women?
01:25 That's right, it is the #1 cause...
01:28 More than all other causes combined as a matter-of-fact.
01:32 And in your practice, then, you're talking about
01:35 women's health and whatnot,
01:36 you wouldn't really think about that -
01:38 You'd think, "Well, that's not a women's issue"
01:40 Do most women look at it that way?
01:42 Do they think it's no big deal?
01:44 Actually, most women are more concerned with breast cancer
01:47 and other issues than they are with cardiovascular disease.
01:51 Somehow, the message hasn't gotten out there that
01:53 that is actually the public enemy #1 for both men AND women,
01:59 cardiovascular disease.
02:01 So what do you use in your practice;
02:02 how is it that you educate people about
02:04 heart disease and these issues?
02:06 Well, I'm glad you asked that because
02:10 it really relates back to about 4 years ago
02:13 when I went through a CHIP Program
02:17 that Dr. Hans Diehl is the founder of CHIP
02:21 which means - "Coronary Health Improvement Project"
02:24 and I went through that program,
02:28 and, honestly, it changed my life.
02:31 And it's a program that deals with lifestyle issues,
02:35 and dietary changes that can have a positive impact
02:40 on a person's risk for cardiovascular disease
02:44 as well as a whole host of other medical conditions.
02:46 I think you have a graphic about this that shows
02:49 the general principles that go over, now let's look at this...
02:51 Yeah, well - you see there CHIP which is
02:55 the "Coronary Health Improvement Project"
02:57 It's a 40-hour long lifestyle modification program
03:02 and there are 5 basic principles
03:04 associated with the CHIP Program.
03:06 And these are the principles that have
03:10 affected my life so positively and that is...
03:12 Number 1, we want to decrease empty calories.
03:15 The empty calories that we would take in during the day.
03:18 We want to decrease the amount of animal products.
03:21 We want to eat more foods as grown.
03:24 We need to exercise...
03:25 And then a buddy system for accountability.
03:28 A lifestyle change can often or almost always
03:33 be very difficult to institute in our lives,
03:36 and it's good to have someone that we can talk to
03:42 and that can help hold us accountable.
03:44 So in your practice then, you not only are involved
03:46 personally in this, but you involve people
03:48 from your practice in it and refer people to it,
03:51 and it works with your program. Absolutely!
03:53 I refer patients to CHIP Program...
03:57 Actually we do a CHIP Program in our church;
03:59 local churches can do a CHIP Program...
04:03 And it's fun, it's easy to do,
04:07 and it impacts peoples lives dramatically.
04:10 Now it talks about a diet or a lifestyle change,
04:14 but predominantly you're talking about
04:15 the nutritional intake of people.
04:17 What kind of changes are you asking them to make?
04:20 What kind of diet is it?
04:21 Well specifically, we're looking at
04:23 decreasing the amount of fat that we take in.
04:26 In the United States, the amount of fat intake
04:31 has actually gone down in the last few years,
04:33 but it's still extremely high.
04:34 It's about 37% of our total caloric intake,
04:37 and the CHIP Program recommends less than 20%.
04:41 So that's the first step that makes a major impact.
04:47 Another principle when we're talking about empty calories -
04:50 Most of our empty calories is because there is no
04:53 fiber in the food that we eat...
04:55 And the average American gets about 11-12 grams of fiber
04:59 a day and that's average; that means there's a lot of
05:02 Americans that get 1 or 2 grams of fiber a day,
05:05 and that's just not enough for the
05:07 body to be able to function normally.
05:11 So the CHIP program recommends at least 30,
05:14 and I personally recommend to my patients
05:16 more than 40 grams of fiber a day.
05:18 And with women's health issues,
05:20 this diet helps them with constipation or...
05:23 Constipation, but you know, constipation - the same forces
05:29 that are causing constipation also cause hemorrhoids,
05:32 varicose veins that women are very concerned about.
05:36 It causes diverticular disease
05:39 that all people are concerned with, appendicitis.
05:45 It can increase the risk for gallbladder disease,
05:47 high blood pressure - even a low fiber diet is
05:51 associated with heart disease,
05:53 coronary artery disease and stroke.
05:55 So all these basic fundamental problems you see then are
05:59 addressed by concepts that are covered in the
06:02 Coronary Health Improvement Project or CHIP
06:03 That's right and just getting some more fiber,
06:06 and eating less fat in our diets.
06:09 Now I notice that there is an exercise component
06:12 to this program and all these other components,
06:16 how does that work?
06:18 You refer them but what exactly do they recommend
06:21 in this program or what are you recommending
06:23 to patients in terms of exercise and these other areas
06:26 aside from diet?
06:27 Anyone who wants to lose weight, for example,
06:30 should exercise 60 minutes a day in the form of walking.
06:36 Now if you are going to be a runner or you're going to
06:41 bike hard or some of these other things,
06:44 then you might be able to do
06:46 less than that - such as maybe 30 minutes a day...
06:49 But walking 60 minutes a day is a safe thing,
06:53 and almost everyone can do that,
06:57 and that is what we recommend at least 5-6 days a week.
07:03 But CHIP is much more than just diet and exercise.
07:08 You know to have health, we really need a
07:11 balance between the physical, obviously,
07:15 the mental aspects of life, but also the emotional
07:19 and the spiritual.
07:21 And if any one of those is out of sorts,
07:23 then we're really not healthy.
07:25 And so we need all 4 of those components coming together
07:30 to provide for health.
07:34 So you don't just provide the social-emotional ties
07:38 with all the people that are coming to your practice,
07:40 you are able to refer them to a group of people
07:42 that can give them that kind of support,
07:44 and also meet some of those other needs.
07:46 That's right and that's why it has been so important
07:49 in my practice - to be able to do that
07:51 because before CHIP, I was prescribing medications...
07:57 For instance, menopausal symptoms...
08:00 I would just get out the prescription pad
08:02 and give estrogen as opposed to talking about
08:05 dietary changes and being able to put somebody into a program
08:10 that can actually have an impact on their lives...
08:12 Because let's face it, in a busy practice,
08:16 I don't have time - even if I took 1/2 hour or an hour
08:20 with a patient, there's no way I can even start to
08:23 impact their lives the way a 40-hour program
08:26 that occurs over 30 days.
08:28 You know, I've heard about the CHIP Program
08:31 and different venues, talked with other guests here
08:33 and different things and talked with people who've done that
08:35 and they've seen some real changes in peoples lives
08:39 in terms of lowering their cardiovascular risk,
08:41 heart disease and you know, weight loss,
08:44 and all those different types of things,
08:45 but have you followed the people in your program
08:48 and in your practice have gone through,
08:50 what kind of documented changes have you seen in your patients?
08:53 I've seen in just 4 weeks, a 20-25% drop in cholesterol
09:00 in some of the groups that we've had go through the program.
09:03 We see weight loss.
09:04 Actually we have an average of about a 4% weight loss,
09:09 and that's in 4 weeks.
09:10 Now that may not sound like a lot,
09:12 but 4% in 4 weeks is really pretty dramatic.
09:20 We see a lowering of the pulse rate - which is a good thing
09:23 because the healthier we are,
09:25 the lower our resting pulse will be...
09:27 And we find blood pressures normalize.
09:30 We've had a lot of people who have gone through the
09:33 CHIP Program actually get off high blood pressure medicine,
09:36 get off of their Lipitor which
09:38 is a medicine to decrease cholesterol,
09:41 and be able to get off of some of these things.
09:43 So that's not as hard on their liver,
09:45 and they're not having to have all these medications go through
09:48 and so a lot of the things that you have to do,
09:51 you don't have to do anymore, the medications. That's right
09:55 Now are there any specific medical diagnoses
09:59 in which CHIP is especially helpful in your practice
10:02 or, I guess, for everybody as well.
10:04 Oh I tell you what, I use CHIP principles
10:07 in my practice every day.
10:09 I see patients who have problems ranging from,
10:15 like you mentioned before, constipation to
10:18 menopausal symptoms and I use
10:22 CHIP principles for ALL of those issues.
10:26 Weight is a big issue with a lot of women, men too,
10:30 but of course, I don't see men at my practice...
10:33 So the women that I see are very concerned about weight,
10:37 and the CHIP principles, that diet will definitely
10:42 lend itself to decreasing weight.
10:44 So there are different groups...
10:46 I think you have some graphics of different diagnoses
10:49 that really are benefited in your practice that
10:53 you shared with me.
10:54 One was for postmenopausal people and then others were for
10:59 obstetrical - let's look at the postmenopausal issues here.
11:02 Yes, we have here with the postmenopausal issues,
11:06 I specifically use CHIP to talk to women about
11:10 osteoporosis, heart disease and vasomotor symptoms
11:13 such as hot flashes.
11:16 The CHIP Program is definitely
11:21 relevant in each one of those areas.
11:24 And so when they go to the CHIP Program,
11:27 they can really address, in a fundamental, dietary,
11:29 nutritional, spiritual, motivational way... osteoporosis
11:33 In other words, they teach them
11:34 how to eat the green leafy vegetables and all those foods
11:37 and how to prepare them so they taste good. That's right
11:40 And then heart disease - how that lowers their cholesterol
11:44 and then hot flashes...
11:47 How does that work exactly with diet?
11:48 Well with hot flashes, it's due to a rapid decrease
11:54 in estrogen and maybe even in overall deficiency in estrogen,
11:57 and what we find is that THAT effect is exaggerated
12:03 by a high fat diet - especially before the menopause
12:07 that will tend to increase the amount of estrogen produced
12:13 in a woman's body and, thus, when she goes through the
12:15 menopause, there's a bigger drop,
12:17 and so her symptoms are much more dramatic.
12:20 So it's sets them up to not be seeing that huge drop
12:24 that makes them feel so terrible... That's right
12:25 But once they are already menopausal,
12:29 and they make the dietary changes at that time,
12:32 it may not help them get rid of hot flashes,
12:36 but they will have mood changes that are positive,
12:40 and they will feel better overall and be able to get
12:45 through those hot flashes easier.
12:50 Well, the other thing was obstetrical issues...
12:52 In other words, you are an OB/GYN, so the OB things,
12:56 what do you see here?
12:57 Well I use CHIP for younger patients who are pregnant;
13:03 to talk about proper nutrition, calcium intake and fetal health.
13:08 Those are all, of course, issues that all pregnant woman are
13:15 very concerned about and CHIP
13:18 definitely has an impact in those issues.
13:23 So prenatal nutrition and all those different kinds of things.
13:26 Is the diet or the nutrition that CHIP recommends,
13:31 is it healthy for the pregnant mom?
13:34 Absolutely! In fact, it's the healthiest diet
13:38 that any of us can eat, so there's nothing wrong
13:42 with taking it in pregnancy.
13:44 It's kind of interesting that I have had colleagues
13:49 who are concerned about a woman on a vegetarian diet.
13:55 In fact, I had a patient that changed physicians,
13:59 came to me and on the front of her chart,
14:02 and I think this might have been one reason she came to me
14:04 is because on the front of her chart, her previous physician
14:07 had put on there that she was a high-risk pregnancy,
14:11 and the only thing that made her a high-risk pregnancy
14:13 was that she was consuming a vegetarian diet...
14:17 which in fact - would make her a low-risk pregnancy
14:20 because the vegetarian diet will actually feed her baby
14:26 better because you're getting more antioxidants,
14:30 you're getting plant protein, you're getting less
14:37 overall protein, so you're going to have
14:40 fewer problems with calcium deficiency,
14:42 and overall calcium metabolism because our high protein diets
14:47 actually flush the calcium right out of our bodies.
14:52 I noticed here under obstetrical issues,
14:56 under that actually was a part
14:59 of the postmenopausal or obstetrics,
15:02 and you said that this seems to help people that are
15:04 suffering from depression and fatigue and also
15:07 chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis...
15:10 How does that work with the
15:11 chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis?
15:13 Well those are issues that we have a graphic here
15:21 showing that omega-3 fatty acids are increased
15:29 when you consume a vegetarian diet,
15:32 and it actually decreases the prostaglandins that cause pain
15:38 and it can independently seem to decrease endometriosis.
15:42 Now let me just explain that a little bit,
15:44 and that is that those omega-3 fatty acids that we are
15:48 increasing through a vegetarian diet,
15:51 through a plant-based diet, actually are the types
15:57 of fatty acids that help to prevent pain.
16:01 When we take an aspirin or an antiprostaglandin such as
16:05 Motrin, ibuprofen - what we're doing is blocking
16:09 the prostaglandin synthesis at a level that will prevent pain.
16:16 And in the prostaglandin synthesis,
16:19 there are 2 arms that goes down;
16:22 one prostaglandins that actually cause pain,
16:25 the other one that actually reduces pain...
16:28 And so, in medicine, what we do is give patients
16:32 medications to decrease pain by blocking
16:36 the prostaglandins that cause pain.
16:38 But if we eat plant products, we find a prominent production
16:45 of the prostaglandins that don't cause pain,
16:52 and that actually relieve pain and interestingly enough -
16:54 if you eat a lot of animal protein, those products
16:58 have the prostaglandins that go down the other chain
17:01 that will actually increase pain.
17:03 So you set yourself up for what kind of pain you have.
17:07 That's right. Chronic pain or even -
17:09 I don't know if it's related to acute pain,
17:11 but certainly what you eat sets you up to either have
17:14 more pain or less pain.
17:15 Wow! That's fascinating! That's right
17:18 And so CHIP seems to be related to that or IS related to that.
17:22 It is related to that and this has been documented in research
17:28 that is certainly independent of any
17:31 CHIP Program or CHIP principles.
17:33 We're talking with Dr. Eric Shadle
17:35 We're talking about how he educates his patients
17:38 in issues of women's health using the
17:41 Coronary Health Improvement Project - the CHIP Program
17:43 Join us when we come back!
17:52 Have you found yourself wishing that you
17:53 could shed a few pounds?
17:55 Have you been on a diet for most of your life,
17:57 but not found anything that will really keep the weight off?
18:00 If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions,
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18:46 It's ABSOLUTELY free of charge, so call or write today.
18:57 Welcome back, we're talking with Dr. Eric Shadle
19:00 We've been talking about women's health issues
19:02 and we're talking about the CHIP Program,
19:04 how you've used it in your practice to really minister
19:08 a whole bunch of different problems and things
19:10 that women deal with - you maybe have some other
19:14 ways that you use the practice or the CHIP Program in your
19:17 practice, we want to talk about those, but we also...
19:20 Well, why don't we talk about that first..
19:22 Are there any other ways you use CHIP in your OB practice?
19:25 Well, obstetrically, I find that I use it quite a bit;
19:30 in my OB patients - those women who are pregnant,
19:33 they are concerned about 2 primary things, I find,
19:36 at least as it relates to their diet...
19:39 One is that they are very concerned about weight gain,
19:43 and they are concerned about calcium intake.
19:46 And so I have the opportunity to talk to them about
19:50 weight gain and some of the principles of how to eat...
19:54 As we talked about earlier, the need to increase the
19:58 fiber intake, the plant-based diet and get plenty of
20:04 vegetables, grains, fruits - those types of things will
20:07 help them - actually help them control their weight.
20:10 But, they are also VERY concerned about calcium
20:14 because it seems they all come in and say...
20:16 "My mother-in-law is making sure that I drink
20:19 a gallon of milk a day or a 1/2 gallon of milk a day -
20:22 you know - make sure I get at least 3 or 4 glasses of milk"
20:25 And many of them are extremely concerned with this
20:31 because many of them - they find that consuming milk
20:35 is making them sick - of they just
20:38 don't have a taste for it anymore.
20:41 They don't want to drink it - you have good news for them!
20:44 And I have good news for them because actually for every
20:48 glass of milk they drink, they have a net calcium LOSS,
20:51 and that's been documented by multiple studies.
20:54 And so, for proper calcium metabolism,
20:57 what they actually need is a good plant-based diet.
21:04 And so they don't need any milk at all.
21:07 Wow, so that's a shocking news to them then
21:10 from all kinds of milk to no milk and probably
21:12 pretty gratifying since they have told them...
21:15 "Hey, drink a bunch of milk"
21:16 Yeah, actually what I do to tell them so it's not so
21:21 dramatic for them or such a dramatic change,
21:24 and seemed radical to them, I really talk about protein,
21:28 and telling them that they REALLY need to
21:30 decrease their protein down to 50 grams a day or so,
21:35 and that is one reason they don't need that milk.
21:39 So weight gain - they are worried about;
21:41 they are also worried about calcium intake.
21:43 One of the things we've talked about before the break was
21:45 pain and prostaglandins;
21:48 I guess prostaglandins are those things that lead to pain...
21:51 They are made in every part of the body.
21:54 They are made in blood vessels.
21:56 They are made in the uterus.
21:57 They are made throughout the entire body.
22:00 And they do a lot of different things;
22:03 in some areas they cause the blood vessels to constrict.
22:06 In others, they cause the blood vessels to dilate,
22:09 and that's because there are these 2 main pathways.
22:12 And if you get those out of balance by eating the
22:15 wrong diet, eating animal products,
22:20 you get a concentration of the types of prostaglandins
22:26 that will cause constriction,
22:27 and the type of prostaglandins that cause pain.
22:30 And so, what you want is more
22:35 of a plant-based diet that gives you better...
22:37 So before you have the baby and you're going to be
22:39 experiencing a lot of pain from the childbirth,
22:41 it would make good sense to eat foods that wouldn't
22:44 stockpile all the things that would cause all the constriction
22:47 and all the real violent pain maybe.
22:50 That's right, yes - that makes a big difference for women,
22:53 and there are more and more ongoing studies that are
22:56 looking at that, but I think that over the
22:58 next few years we'll see science documenting
23:01 this more and more, yet one more reason
23:04 to be on a vegetarian diet.
23:06 So a plant-based diet also probably helps them with
23:09 constipation which is big in pregnancy too maybe.
23:11 That's right - that's right, because it's full of fiber.
23:15 The only place you get fiber is in plant products,
23:20 and so you eat your grains and you...
23:25 In fact, I give my patients a prescription!
23:28 I give a prescription to those
23:30 who are having problems with constipation.
23:34 I say, "Well you have a choice, you can either go to the store
23:37 and you can buy your Metamucil
23:39 and your stool softeners and that,
23:41 which I can give you a prescription for,
23:42 OR, let me give you THIS prescription"
23:45 Eat a 7-grain cereal that has probably about
23:48 10 grams of fiber in it every morning;
23:51 put your bananas and put some strawberries in that;
23:54 maybe a little bit of soymilk and then eat 2 pieces of
24:00 a good bread and in our area, we use a bread from a
24:05 company that makes whole grain breads,
24:08 and there are 5 or 6 grams of fiber for every slice of bread,
24:12 so a couple of slices there.
24:13 I have my patients consuming 20 grams of fiber
24:18 just for breakfast and I don't know how many patients
24:21 I've had come back to me and say, "OH thank you!"
24:23 Things are on the move again.
24:25 "Things are on the move, I feel better than I ever have before"
24:28 Are there any other areas that you use CHIP in your practice?
24:32 You know, we've talked about prenatally and all those
24:35 different things - are there any other areas
24:36 that you use those principles?
24:39 Well one is in patients who have had surgery.
24:43 So postoperatively, after the surgery, I talk to them
24:48 about what I just said - about the Metamucil,
24:51 constipation because abdominal surgery tends to cause
24:55 the bowel to move very slowly.
24:56 We call it "ileus" and the bowel moves slowly,
24:59 and so what you want is to have a proper diet
25:03 to allow the bowel to move like it needs to...
25:06 And so these same principles looking at fiber in the diet,
25:12 is very helpful for ALL postoperative patients,
25:16 but in my case, women who are any age... C-section
25:21 or hysterectomy or just about any type of surgery.
25:24 We have about 2-1/2 minutes and I want to talk about
25:26 something that I think is very important...
25:27 A lot of women that you see they do have some bouts of
25:32 depression - maybe postpartum or whatever depression,
25:35 and how does CHIP relate to that?
25:37 CHIP relates to depression by a couple of different ways...
25:42 One is PMS - "premenstrual syndrome"
25:45 We see that very frequently.
25:47 Of course, women can have depression in
25:49 other areas as well...
25:51 But we find that CHIP helps with depression by
25:56 increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids, the tryptophan,
26:01 exercise, proper sleep and avoid negative thinking.
26:06 Those are areas that actually Dr. Nedley has talked about
26:10 in his book... "Depression: The Way Out"
26:13 which I found to be very helpful in dealing with patients
26:18 and their depression.
26:19 You used a lot of big words; omega-3 fatty acids,
26:22 and then tryptophan...
26:24 Are those related to elevating mood or?
26:26 Absolutely - it's really related to serotonin which
26:33 actually most of our antidepressant medications
26:36 are used to INCREASE the amount of serotonin
26:41 that we have in our brain.
26:43 And we find that actually, we can increase that
26:46 through natural means by eating foods that are high
26:50 in tryptophan; for example, things such as tofu,
26:55 pumpkin seeds, gluten flours, sesame seeds, almonds,
26:59 black walnuts, black-eyed cowpeas...
27:01 These are all very high in tryptophan.
27:04 And then that is made into serotonin,
27:05 and makes us feel better. That's right
27:07 So this diet actually helps get rid of the PMS? Yes
27:13 And also maybe any depression that comes after surgery
27:16 or after having a baby. That's right
27:18 Fascinating!
27:20 Proper sleep, negative thinking, all those different things,
27:23 of course, go along with this whole thing.
27:26 Yes again, we're made to have the emotional and the spiritual
27:33 and all these aspects of our lives coming together,
27:36 and if one gets out of balance, then we're not healthy.
27:41 Thank you so much for sharing with us the way you
27:43 integrate God's principles really in your practice
27:46 concerning diet and nutrition.
27:47 We hope you've enjoyed today's program,
27:50 and that you've learned things that can help you
27:52 in your journey and that you have
27:53 Health that Lasts for a Lifetime as a result.


Revised 2014-12-17