Health for a Lifetime


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh, Hans Diehl


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000060

00:46 Hello and welcome to "Health for a Lifetime"
00:48 I'm your host Don Mackintosh,
00:49 and today, I'm delighted to welcome
00:51 Dr. Hans Diehl to our program.
00:53 Welcome Dr. Diehl! Glad to be here.
00:55 Today we're going to talk about something that's
00:57 a little different than maybe the normal lecture that you give
01:01 You're involved in what's called the
01:02 "Coronary Health Improvement Program"... the CHIP Program
01:05 A 30-day program that helps people reverse
01:09 coronary artery disease.
01:11 You've just come out with a new video series
01:13 that's available for communities where people that want to
01:16 change... not only their own lives, but the lives of the
01:18 community can be involved in that.
01:20 But today, you want to talk about LOVE and FORGIVENESS?
01:24 How does that match up? YEAH...
01:26 See, I don't think that hardening of the arteries
01:31 is the most devastating disease
01:33 even though I spend a lot of time on that... Right
01:36 But you know, the most devastating disease
01:41 is really hardening of the ATTITUDES!
01:44 It's kind of a spiritual atherosclerosis
01:47 where our attitudes get stiffened and hardened
01:51 and we are no longer flexible to deal with the issues of life
01:54 in a productive manner.
01:57 How can we know whether or not
01:58 we're suffering from this disease?
02:00 Well, people will let you know about that...
02:03 Yes, they'll pick it up.
02:05 You see, but many times people don't understand
02:08 that there's a relationship between emotions
02:12 and... well, emotions and physical illness.
02:18 You know, it seems to be so obvious to us
02:20 it should be, and yet many times we didn't understand it.
02:23 Some years back, Dr. Harold Wolff,
02:27 one of the Eastern Medical Center prominent physicians,
02:33 had a very interesting case.
02:34 He had a patient coming to him who had suffered
02:37 some kind of a gun wound to his stomach
02:40 and somehow for some reason, luckily for the physician,
02:45 but maybe not quite so lucky for the patient,
02:47 that wound did not want to heal.
02:50 So his stomach was open. His stomach was open!
02:52 And this afforded now, this research-oriented
02:56 scientist-physician to have a chance to look into the
02:59 inside of the stomach.
03:00 So he took advantage of his bad situation... Yes, that's right.
03:04 Some people even thought maybe he purposely
03:06 did everything he could NOT to let this wound heal too fast
03:10 because this was a fascinating experiment.
03:13 This was years back now... we had no idea
03:16 how the stomach digests food,
03:19 and this physician now had an unusual opportunity
03:21 to look into the stomach.
03:23 Here's something that happened...
03:25 The patient came to him...
03:27 The patient was irritated.
03:29 The patient was crimson red.
03:30 The patient was agitated!
03:32 And the physician does his usual thing.
03:34 He looks into the opened wound; into the stomach, inside,
03:40 and what do you think he sees?
03:41 He sees an inside lining that is crimson red.
03:45 It's bloated and there is a lot of acid pouring out.
03:50 And all of a sudden a light goes on in the mind of
03:54 this physician... Could it be that this emotional
03:57 state of that patient, and what I see
04:00 on the inside of the stomach...
04:01 could there be a relationship?
04:03 So, did it go away when he was not upset?
04:07 YES... when the patient would come in to him relaxed,
04:11 the stomach lining was relaxed.
04:14 It wasn't that crimson red.
04:16 There was not all that acid pouring out.
04:17 Everything was looking pretty nice and fine and calm.
04:20 As the exterior of the face,
04:23 so the inside lining of the stomach.
04:26 So, we became aware that emotions can have a
04:32 powerful effect on our level of health.
04:35 This was the beginning really.
04:37 Yes, since those early observations,
04:40 we NOW know that some people can respond to
04:42 harbored negative emotions with asthma, migraine,
04:47 ulcers, and even angina attacks.
04:50 Emotions then break down the life force
04:53 and invite disease and death...
04:55 OR, they can actually promote health!
04:58 It depends on the kind of emotions.
05:02 Our health and our happiness then depend really,
05:04 in part, on how we react to life's challenges,
05:08 and how we solve daily problems... doesn't it?
05:10 So, we're to react in an actively positive way...
05:16 regardless of what comes. YES!
05:18 Well, as-a-matter-of-fact, you know
05:20 how we relate to the problems of life...
05:22 how we react to everyday occurrences,
05:25 determines largely HOW well we are going to be growing.
05:31 For instance, there are some people, and I guess we all do it
05:35 ...we actually, instead of WELCOMING
05:38 facing problems in life, and learning from that,
05:41 we actually try to get OUT of these problems.
05:43 You know we have different ways, mechanisms, of how to do this.
05:46 Some people IGNORE the problems.
05:49 They blame others for their problems.
05:51 They try to avoid problems.
05:53 They deny that any problem exists.
05:57 Or, you know, sometimes we also find ways
06:00 like drowning these problems.
06:02 And yet in the process, we really only
06:05 hurt ourselves don't we?
06:07 Because when you solve problems it leads to growth,
06:11 to insight, to character development...
06:15 all the things that we miss out on
06:17 when we try to stay away from these things.
06:19 So put the fire out, don't just ignore it! Yeah!
06:25 Correct... Be involved in the solution.
06:28 But don't solve other people's problems either.
06:30 Someone once said, if you're not part of the problem,
06:34 then you're not part of the solution either.
06:37 Would that be true? Yes!
06:41 But you see, when you don't get involved in solving problems
06:45 you usually lose-out on the area of overcoming poor habits.
06:51 Trying to deal with some of the boredom in life,
06:56 we begin to stagnate, so when you say "YES"
07:01 to problem-solving... problems that come your way,
07:04 you have the opportunity for growth, insight,
07:06 understanding, and it really enriches our life. Doesn't it?
07:09 Um hm... You know, as a matter of fact,
07:11 I have come to some interesting conclusions.. it's probably very
07:14 simplistic, but I have come up with some very basic
07:18 insight, I guess... and that is that
07:21 LIFE either makes you bitter or it makes you better.
07:25 Really! That's probably true... Well, it IS true!
07:28 Bitter or better... That's a good way to put it.
07:31 I mean we all have disappointments in life.
07:33 They say life is not fair to us, right?
07:35 I mean, that's how the saying goes.
07:37 So how do you react to it?
07:39 It's going to make you bitter, or it's going to make you better
07:42 But, you know, everything depends on our EGO.
07:46 On that "I" See?
07:49 If we feel that somebody is trampling on OUR rights,
07:52 "Who dares to do this to me?"
07:54 Well... see, now life is making you bitter
07:58 Instead of saying... "What can I learn from this?"
08:01 "Why is this happening to me?"
08:03 "Is there a lesson in it for me?"
08:05 Right? So change the "I" to an "E"
08:08 Yeah, that's right... from bitter to better
08:13 You see in life, it's not so important, really,
08:17 what happens to us in life, but how we relate to that.
08:22 So if we become a spiritual Unabomber,
08:25 or a physical Unabomber, or something, if we're bitter.
08:28 We get upset at ourselves, and the whole society...
08:31 and we can be very damaging, or it defiles many.
08:34 The author of Hebrews put it that way...
08:38 it defiles all kinds of people.
08:39 So it's really essential!
08:40 Yeah, life is going to make us bitter or better.
08:44 It all depends of how we relate to it.
08:48 You know, who is in the driver's seat?
08:50 Who was our hand? See?
08:53 Do we just think about ourselves as the center of the universe,
08:57 and if we do, we're in trouble!
08:59 I remember some time ago, there was a story about
09:03 a society woman... a high society woman.
09:06 I mean, she would always go to this special...
09:09 not just a restaurant but to that very special hotel.
09:12 It was the #1 hotel in New York,
09:14 and she ALWAYS would have her hideaway there...
09:18 One week, that was her private time,
09:20 and nobody knew where she was.
09:21 Nobody was SUPPOSED to know! This was her time.
09:24 Penthouse suite, no DISTURBANCE!
09:26 I'm going to be there! MY TIME!
09:28 LEAVE EVERYBODY OUT! And everybody knew that.
09:31 I mean everybody respected that lady.
09:33 She was a good customer for years, and then it happened.
09:35 She comes to the hotel; it's 10 o'clock at night...
09:40 Just as she is settling in there
09:43 SOMEHOW she hears a lot of noise, music...
09:49 somebody is playing the piano!
09:50 She is ENRAGED!
09:52 She is calling down to the desk, and she says,
09:53 "I WANT TO SEE THE GM, the general manager, RIGHT NOW!"
09:57 Well, you know what they do...
09:58 They called the general manager at HOME!
10:00 "Yes Madam, I'll be there right away. "
10:03 He gets dressed.
10:04 He dashes over to the hotel.
10:06 He goes up to the penthouse suite...
10:08 He says, "Madam I made a terrible mistake"
10:11 "We want to profoundly apologize. "
10:14 "We have done the IMPOSSIBLE!"
10:17 Can I explain to you...
10:19 All the way from home...
10:21 She was a high society... just responds to her whims
10:23 So, you know, I think this is a good time to break.
10:27 I hope you don't mind... because you need to come back
10:31 and hear what happens with this lady.
10:33 Come back and join us.
10:37 Have you found yourself wishing that you could shed a few pounds
10:40 Have you been on a diet for most of your life,
10:42 but not found anything that will really keep the weight off?
10:45 If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions,
10:48 then we have a solution for you that works!
10:51 Dr. Hans Diehl and Dr. Aileen Ludington
10:54 have written a marvelous booklet called
10:56 "Reversing Obesity Naturally"
10:58 and we'd like to send it to you FREE of charge.
11:01 Here's a medically sound approach successfully
11:04 used by thousands who are able to eat more and lose weight
11:07 permanently without feeling
11:09 guilty or hungry through lifestyle medicine.
11:12 Dr. Diehl and Dr. Ludington have been featured on 3ABN
11:15 and in this booklet, they present a sensible approach
11:18 to eating, nutrition, and lifestyle changes
11:21 that can help you prevent heart disease, diabetes,
11:23 and EVEN cancer.
11:24 Call or write today for your free copy of
11:27 "Reversing Obesity Naturally"
11:28 and you could be on your way to a healthier, happier YOU!
11:32 It's absolutely FREE of charge, so call or write today.
11:38 Welcome back!
11:40 We've been talking with Dr. Hans Diehl
11:42 Normally, Dr. Diehl, you talk with us about heart disease.
11:45 Today, you're talking about hardening of the attitudes...
11:48 Love and Forgiveness.
11:49 And at the break, you were telling a very exciting,
11:52 interesting story about this lady of high society
11:55 I recall, correct me if I'm wrong,
11:57 she was at a very famous hotel in New York,
11:59 and she took that week vacation,
12:01 and she liked to have things done a certain way...
12:04 but then next door, there was this terrible racket
12:06 of someone playing the piano...
12:08 She called the manager; the manager comes...
12:10 And says, "We're very sorry" and then we didn't have time
12:13 and we had to go to a break... What happened?
12:15 You know, the manager was very, very apologetic, obviously...
12:21 and then he said, "We have made a TERRIBLE mistake"
12:29 We SOMEHOW placed Arthur Rubinstein next to you
12:36 because that was the only place where we have the grand piano.
12:39 You mean THE Arthur Rubinstein? THE ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN!
12:42 All of a sudden, this woman said ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN... THE
12:48 And all of a sudden, she wanted NOTHING more BUT
12:52 to be ALLOWED to go next door
12:54 and to sit at the feet at the master
12:57 and she sat there for hours...
12:59 And when she got back home,
13:01 she would tell all of her friends that she was
13:03 the special guest of Arthur Rubinstein.
13:05 Everything had to do with attitude, huh...
13:09 It was the same person... It was the same music,
13:11 but BEFORE, it was noise and racket,
13:13 and now it was heavenly music.
13:15 What made the difference?
13:17 I suppose it was the perspective of knowing
13:20 what she was involved in,
13:22 and changing the attitude; but let me ask you a question...
13:25 Is it true then, would you say that we need to
13:27 have a bigger perspective.
13:29 We need to maybe surrender some of our rights
13:31 until we have the whole picture... What would you say?
13:34 Yeah, I think as long as we think of our RIGHTS...
13:37 I have a RIGHT... How can they do this to me?
13:40 We have a tendency to go on the pity pot.
13:42 Why me? Poor me.
13:44 And when that happens,
13:45 that opens up then the doors to ALL these negative emotions.
13:50 It opens up the doors to resentment, to bitterness,
13:54 to anger, to hatred.
13:56 You know the guilt, and actually you become ENSLAVED.
14:01 Right? And to think that this is
14:03 all related to the spiritual atherosclerosis.. poor attitudes
14:09 They begin now to block... It's a clot!
14:12 Yeah, they BLOCK the channels of communication. Right?
14:18 It's a spiritual atherosclerosis,
14:21 and oftentimes, it becomes almost like a spiritual cancer
14:23 that is growing.
14:25 And in the process, we talk about
14:27 people that look like prunes...
14:29 You know, I mean they shrivel up from the inside out.
14:33 So what can we do, doctor?
14:34 What can we do...
14:36 Well, maybe I can tell you another story from
14:40 what happens sometimes in our professional lives.
14:46 I had a woman come to me one time, and I was seeing some
14:50 people in counseling.
14:55 And this woman came to me
14:56 because of her overeating problem.
14:59 She said that she would go into
15:02 binges and she just couldn't control herself.
15:04 And so I was taking just a very careful inventory of her life,
15:08 and I wasn't even halfway through the 10 minute interview,
15:12 to do that part of our program, when she blurted out...
15:18 And I looked at her, and I said
15:19 What do you mean, "He did this to me?"
15:21 "SHE DID IT TO ME!"
15:23 And I looked at her, and all of a sudden I realized
15:26 there was a problem here.
15:27 And then it came out...
15:29 She said, "This woman betrayed the professional trust
15:37 between herself, as a nurse,
15:38 and MY husband, a cardiovascular surgeon. "
15:43 An affair or something... Affair
15:45 And I was stunned at the response, and then I was
15:50 even more stunned when I asked her...
15:51 "And when did this happen; is this still going on?"
15:54 She said, "NO, it was 13 years ago!"
15:56 And I thought to myself... 13 years ago,
15:59 and this woman is still distressed, still focused
16:04 on that particular tragedy.
16:09 You know, we don't want to brush over that, really.
16:13 What the people did was wrong.
16:15 What the people did was wrong, it HURT obviously.
16:18 But harboring these emotions of hurt for 13 years,
16:22 I mean, did this really improve
16:24 her marriage relationship to her husband?
16:26 It doesn't sound like it.
16:27 It sounds like it added some pounds to her.
16:30 YEAH! As-a-matter-of-fact, when I talked with her
16:32 she said, "I know everything about that woman. "
16:34 "I know how heavy she is. I know what she's wearing"
16:36 "I know where she's at. "
16:38 This woman became this person's EMOTIONAL FOCUS.
16:42 So she was enslaved to that
16:44 situation... Yeah, she was enslaved.
16:45 Instead of moving on and developing, perhaps
16:49 a new understanding of herself, and her husband,
16:51 and perhaps beginning to see how can we connect better
16:55 so that we have a solid relationship... what can we do
16:58 No, she became a totally focused person on the other person,
17:02 and thus, and here's what she said in notes
17:05 that I took down... I brought them with me here.
17:07 She said, "When I finally gained some insight,
17:13 here's what I learned...
17:15 The moment I started to hate that woman, I became her slave"
17:20 "I couldn't enjoy my work anymore
17:23 because she controlled my thoughts. "
17:26 "I became fatigued. "
17:27 "The work I once enjoyed became drudgery. "
17:30 "Even vacations ceased to be joy. "
17:33 "I could not escape her tyrannical grasp on my mind
17:38 until I focused on my life and what I was going to do with it"
17:42 That's pretty powerful, isn't it?
17:43 So she was enslaved by that person,
17:45 and so she understood what the problem really was.
17:48 She gained that insight.
17:50 That was very, very powerful.
17:53 You see, now life was no longer necessarily the BITTER pill...
17:59 But she related now in a more BETTER understanding.
18:02 Yes, life was difficult, but she began to relate to it,
18:06 and out of that came that insight,
18:08 and greater self-understanding,
18:10 greater sensitivity towards these kind of issues in life,
18:14 personal growth, more communication skills perhaps,
18:19 and a new form of freedom.
18:22 Do you find this a lot in the classes you teach;
18:25 for instance, your CHIP program, different things
18:27 Are there underlying problems that really
18:29 you sense you're dealing with?
18:30 I think you're on a very good track there,
18:35 go a little bit further.
18:37 Well, you know, the programs that you run as
18:41 helping people with heart disease,
18:43 and all these different things,
18:44 do you find, when you really get to know the people
18:47 personally, which probably you can't with the AMOUNT of people
18:50 ...that there really are some of these issues like
18:52 this lady was focusing underneath?
18:54 I think so... you know particularly when it comes to
18:58 obesity... particularly with ladies in our society.
19:04 They oftentimes have been abused verbally or otherwise
19:08 by usually relatives, loved ones marriage relationships...
19:13 And it's not just good enough to help them to understand
19:18 how to better choose food,
19:20 and how to get on an exercise program;
19:21 but it also is important to begin to look
19:23 for these blockages.
19:25 The blockages in the arteries; the channels of communication
19:29 feel that you are worthwhile,
19:32 that you have self-esteem in SPITE of how people
19:35 may have abused or treated you.
19:37 So, we've gotten the spiritual blood work back.
19:40 We've had a diagnosis now.
19:42 We've seen that the problem is hardening of the
19:44 spiritual arteries or attitudes.
19:46 What would you say the treatment is?
19:49 You know, the treatment is probably not always an easy one.
19:55 And there are probably different aspects to the treatment.
19:59 But I think one of the key ingredients would have to be
20:03 to help people understand that you can only go from
20:06 resentment and bitterness to insight and understanding
20:10 and growth... through the dynamic of being willing
20:13 to forgive and to accept.
20:16 Forgiveness and acceptance... forgiveness and acceptance,
20:19 and sometimes we have to learn to forgive ourselves,
20:22 and sometimes we have to be willing to forgive OTHERS
20:26 who may have done this to us...
20:28 But if we were in their shoes, maybe we'd understand
20:31 WHY this actually happened.
20:33 And sometimes we have to also find the forgiveness
20:37 by going to a Higher Source.
20:39 Sometimes it takes GOD to come into a person's life
20:42 that can now provide that ultimate source of healing
20:47 by saying, "Yes, I'll give you the strength and the power
20:52 and the faith to do that which is humanly oftentimes
20:59 next to impossible to do, and that is to forgive somebody else
21:02 Would you say everyone has to come to this understanding
21:05 of forgiveness and acceptance,
21:06 and it's something everyone has to come to terms with?
21:09 It is a human condition isn't it?
21:12 We ALL do things wrong... All of us.
21:16 So we have to learn to maybe not just
21:20 forgive ourselves but to find that Power...
21:24 To find that GOD who is there who says, "I'm love, and
21:28 I'm FORGIVING you...
21:31 And to give us the strength to go on,
21:33 and then we FALL again, right?
21:35 Well look, I forgave you once, that's it!
21:37 No, no, no, no, no We are growing,
21:41 and we get stronger every time...
21:43 And so out of that sense of knowing that someone
21:46 is forgiving us on the human level and on the,
21:48 shall we say, the vertical level.
21:50 It comes in the strength that we become more open
21:53 to forgive others.
21:54 So really, when we're helping people with health,
21:57 or we're helping them with these issues,
21:59 it's really coming down to this core blockage - forgiveness.
22:04 It really is... I mean, you can eat all the alfalfa sprouts
22:08 you want... you can do all the exercise you want,
22:10 but if you HATE that person that is in your life,
22:13 do you have health?
22:14 No... see. And so that's where
22:17 I think we have to deal with the atherosclerosis
22:21 of the spiritual area.
22:26 We have to take care of the hardening of our attitudes.
22:30 And life has a tendency to harden us somehow...
22:33 almost we do it to protect ourselves, but really,
22:37 in the process, we lose out
22:39 from the richness of life that comes to us.
22:42 When you begin your programs, your health programs,
22:44 your CHIP Program... I believe it's like a 30-day program;
22:47 you don't start out with this though.
22:49 Where does this come?
22:51 This usually comes towards the end of the program,
22:55 and that's when people come and say,
22:56 "We enjoyed the presentations about health, how to lose
23:01 weight, how to bring our blood pressure down. "
23:02 "We learned how to lower our cholesterol,
23:04 and have less angina pain;
23:06 these are WONDERFUL discoveries for us!"
23:09 And we have become involved in implementing those,
23:12 BUT the most important part of the program, to some of us,
23:15 has been how to let go of these resentments, the bitterness.
23:21 I mean, think about that...
23:22 We still shoot arrows of ACID at people that have died
23:29 years ago... we still HATE them!
23:32 And you see, WE become our own prisoner... That's right
23:38 So, let's talk about that situation
23:43 that you've talked about.
23:44 That's a very difficult situation where someone
23:46 that, maybe a parent, maybe a father, maybe a mother,
23:49 maybe an aunt and uncle or someone else
23:51 that has really hurt us, and we have cause...
23:54 we think to be bitter, has died.
23:56 How in the world would you help someone when they
23:58 can't go back and close that?
24:01 It's very difficult, isn't it?
24:03 I think you have to find a substitute, for the parents,
24:07 lets say, in this example.
24:08 You have to find someone that you can relate to...
24:10 Maybe it's a clergyman, maybe it's a
24:14 professional counselor that can stand in the part...
24:19 be in the boots of that person that has harmed you,
24:23 and you can now unload perhaps,
24:25 but you can also come to grips with the fact...
24:28 Well... maybe my parents did the very best
24:34 as they understood it.
24:37 You see, I don't think that I've been raised perfectly,
24:39 and I think most people feel that way...
24:41 But I have to believe, in my heart, that MY dear mother
24:45 and father have been their very best as they
24:47 understood it at the time.
24:49 And therefore, it softens in my heart, and I begin to assume
24:53 responsibility for my own life instead of trying to blame
24:55 it on background.
24:58 And even IF we can't seem to do that,
25:01 there's the Christian religion, baptism, foot-washing,
25:05 these are very healing times...
25:07 where we can wash that away.
25:09 That's been my experience.
25:11 Yeah.. that's very good.
25:12 You know, I read the story, one time, about a Mrs. Hannah
25:16 who had lost the most precious of all of her possessions
25:19 that she still had... her own daughter.
25:21 She had been murdered in cold blood.
25:24 The man was sentenced to prison for life,
25:27 but that wasn't the end for Mrs. Hannah...
25:29 Every day she would have her daily routine
25:31 that she would go into her basement of her house;
25:33 the picture was there on the dartboard,
25:35 and she would throw these darts!
25:37 Did that solve the problem?
25:39 It just probably fed it. Yeah...
25:42 And then one day, a Gideon would come to her house,
25:44 you know, a Bible... And they'd bring one. Yes!
25:47 And he said, "Would you be willing to sign this Bible
25:52 because we want to take it to the prison. "
25:54 Oh, she was infuriated!
25:57 She was INCENSED that anybody could be so insensitive;
25:59 after all, her daughter had been killed!
26:03 And now what happened is
26:05 the Gideon said to her, while leaving,
26:08 "Mrs. Hannah, how can God forgive us, if we cannot
26:13 forgive others. "
26:15 That's exactly what she needed to hear... wasn't it?
26:18 That was very painful.
26:20 She probably prayed about that...
26:22 and over the next 8, 9, 10 weeks
26:23 she came to the conclusion that she had to do that.
26:27 She called him up, he came, and she wrote into the Bible
26:30 "Mrs. Hannah loves you. "
26:34 Wow, that was a major breakthrough for her, wasn't it?
26:37 It was THE breakthrough.
26:39 He takes the Bible back...
26:40 The prisoner sees the handwriting, breaks down
26:44 and says, "I have never been loved in my whole life. "
26:47 I was an orphan.
26:50 And it turned the life around of this man...
26:53 who now becomes a chaplain in that prison.
26:56 And Mrs. Hannah, her life is changed now too.
26:59 Because the prisoner was really herself!
27:04 Do you see?
27:05 And so forgiveness restores relationships.
27:10 Boy, that's almost the same story as the Gospel, isn't it?
27:13 "He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever
27:17 believes will not perish, but have everlasting life. "
27:20 Forgiveness sends a letter to us... says "I love you,
27:24 even though you killed My Son. "
27:26 We've been talking with Dr. Hans Diehl.
27:28 We've been talking about heart disease...
27:29 not just of our literal heart, but also of our spiritual heart.
27:33 We have seen that there are problems with our attitudes.
27:37 There's bitterness that we foster.
27:39 Dr. Diehl has reminded us that we can move from bitterness
27:42 to BETTERNESS by looking at forgiveness and acceptance...
27:48 And if we do this, maybe right now if you're watching the
27:51 program and you say, "Look, I need to do that"
27:53 I encourage you to just send up a prayer right now
27:56 and you'll have health not only for here and now,
27:59 but for a lifetime!


Revised 2014-12-17