Health for a Lifetime

Your Immunity, Faith And Prayer Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Glen Wiltse, Don Mackintosh


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000046

00:51 Hello and welcome to "Health for a Lifetime"
00:54 I'm Don Mackintosh, your host, and today I am delighted
00:57 with the topic we're going to be talking about.
00:59 We're going to be talking about IMMUNITY, FAITH AND PRAYER!
01:04 To talk about this subject with us today,
01:07 we have Dr. Glen Wiltse...
01:09 He's a physician from North Dakota,
01:12 but does some work with Black Hills in South Dakota,
01:16 that Community Health Education Center
01:18 And also, you still do some practice,
01:21 and you are seeing patients,
01:22 and has a wealth of experience for many years.
01:26 We're talking today about immunity, faith and prayer.
01:30 What, first of all, is immunity? What does that mean?
01:32 Immunity is the resistance to adverse circumstances,
01:36 and we think of it particularly with regard to
01:38 infections, bacteria and viruses.
01:40 So if we're immune to something, we're less likely to get it.
01:44 Now, we do give vaccinations to children and to
01:47 people who are going overseas for various diseases...
01:49 So it increases their immunity; it fortifies their immune system
01:54 But what we're interested in today, particularly,
01:55 is the built-in immune system
01:57 that God designed our bodies with originally.
01:59 So talk to us a little bit about that...
02:02 What is that built-in system?
02:03 Would that be like the skin? What is that?
02:05 Yes, we do have the skin which helps to protect our bodies
02:08 from germs getting in.
02:10 Our digestive system helps to kill bacteria
02:12 that we may have swallowed as we're eating our food.
02:14 We know that our immune system can be fortified by exercise,
02:17 and by eating a proper type of diet,
02:20 and it also is affected by many other aspects of our lifestyle
02:25 that the built-in mechanism is there,
02:29 is working well, but we can help to make it work better.
02:32 You know since the AIDS crisis that developed a few years ago
02:36 in this country, the "autoimmune deficiency syndrome,"
02:40 I think that's what they call it,
02:41 a lot of focus has come on immunity and whatnot.
02:46 There's a lot of things even in our bloodstream
02:48 that help fight disease, aren't there?
02:50 Yes, there are; we have a number of cells of the
02:53 lymphoid system called T- cells and also some
02:57 others called B-cells which are technical terms
03:00 but there are different ones that have different functions.
03:03 We have, for instance, a helper T-cell that recognizes
03:05 a problem; a foreign substance that enters the body,
03:08 and we have the killer T-cells that are activated then
03:11 by this helper T-cell.
03:15 He kills the viruses. He kills the germs...
03:18 And then when things get under control,
03:20 then the suppressor T-cell comes along
03:23 and tells the killer T-cell... "Gotta cool it now,
03:25 we're winning the battle; everything is going okay"
03:28 Then following this, we have the memory T-cell
03:31 that remembers the specific virus or germ
03:35 that caused this infection, so that the next time it comes,
03:38 the forces can be more readily
03:40 rallied to fight that specific infection.
03:43 It's a MARVELOUS system!
03:44 How long do those memory cells stay there?
03:46 Let's say I'm 70 years old, do I still have
03:48 memory cells from when I'm 5?
03:50 That's right, you certainly do.
03:51 That's something that says with a person for life.
03:53 A marvelous mechanism... So they're like gray-haired
03:55 white blood cells that are floating around. I guess so
03:58 Apparently, it's passed on from generation to generation.
04:00 I'm not sure exactly how it works,
04:02 but the memory does remain.
04:04 Now the interesting thing is that what you're suggesting
04:08 and what science is suggesting now, is that we can enhance our
04:12 own physical immune system which is on the outside
04:15 and that which is within our bloodstream by
04:18 behaviors of faith and prayer.
04:20 Talk to us a little bit about that.
04:21 That's an interesting thing all right.
04:24 A number of scientific studies have been done
04:27 demonstrating the fact that people who are prayed for
04:30 who are ill or who have had surgery.. recover more quickly
04:33 than the ones who are not prayed for.
04:36 This has been kind of an interesting thing that
04:40 people have found this to be true.
04:42 And I don't understand how it works, really...
04:44 I don't understand the mechanics of prayer.
04:46 How is it that I can offer a prayer, say some words,
04:48 and they reach God, and He sends a message back
04:51 here and helps someone else.
04:52 But neither can I understand how a TV reporter
04:57 with his cameraman can be over in Afghanistan
04:59 or Turkey and there's an earthquake
05:00 and he can take pictures there and I can see them
05:03 a minute later or less in my own TV, in my own living room.
05:07 That happens... I see it happen, I know it happens,
05:10 and I'm sure that that prayer, that message to heaven
05:13 reaches its subjective and comes back
05:16 with the power just like that TV picture comes back.
05:19 That's a good analogy.
05:22 You talked with me a little bit before the program here,
05:26 and you were mentioning the study where they had
05:28 so many patients that really didn't even know who
05:32 the people that were praying for them
05:33 and they got better... Is that right?
05:34 That's right... This was in a coronary care unit,
05:36 and part of them were prayed for,
05:38 part of them weren't, the doctors didn't know,
05:40 and the patients didn't know who was being prayed for...
05:42 But the ones who had prayer offered for them,
05:44 on the average, recovered
05:45 more quickly than the ones that were not prayed for.
05:48 Let me ask you this question...
05:51 Let's say someone today is watching and I know there
05:53 are many people that are watching and saying...
05:55 "Oh, you know, I REALLY believe that"
05:58 "I believe with all my heart; I've been praying about
06:01 this situation or that situation;
06:03 I know other people are praying for me,
06:05 but they're not healed. "
06:07 What do you have to say about that?
06:08 Well I think we can go to the Bible for an answer to that...
06:11 To the Apostle Paul, himself...
06:12 You know, the Apostle Paul records there in
06:14 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 how he had a problem...
06:18 We don't know for sure what it was...
06:19 A lot of theologians feel it probably was poor eyesight;
06:23 maybe as a result of the blinding light that
06:24 hit him on the way to Damascus.
06:26 But he asked the Lord to remove that from him.
06:28 And how many times did he ask Him?
06:30 Not just once, or twice... He asked Him 3 times.
06:33 And the Lord said, "My grace is sufficient for you. "
06:36 That's the burden that you have to carry;
06:38 maybe it was to help keep Paul humble.
06:40 But the fact that our prayer is not answered in the
06:42 way that WE want it to be answered
06:44 doesn't mean that it's not being answered.
06:46 God has the answer; He has the ultimate knowledge.
06:49 And I think we need to, when we pray, have faith
06:52 that God is going to work out what is best for us
06:54 even though it may not be what WE think
06:56 we would like to have happen.
06:58 So, in other words, just because we're praying,
07:01 or someone else is praying, we're not really the judge
07:05 as to whether or not prayer has been answered
07:07 in some senses... That's exactly right
07:11 You mentioned Scripture, you mentioned the story about
07:14 Paul in the Bible; is Scripture a good guide
07:18 to help us figure out what maybe God may will
07:22 or is or has been up to in other people's lives
07:25 than what might be happening in our own?
07:26 Well I think we have to take into consideration
07:29 the fact that, as the Apostle Paul wrote,
07:32 "All things work together for good to those who love God"
07:35 And if we love Him, even though we may not get the answer
07:39 that WE desire for our prayer,
07:41 we must recognize and have faith
07:43 that God is working things out in His own way,
07:46 and in a way that will be best for us as well.
07:48 Can prayer, can practices concerning faith
07:54 help with depression?
07:55 Yes, they really can...
07:57 And as we go on for the next few minutes in our program,
08:01 I'd like to just refer specifically to some of the
08:03 medical literature regarding some of the aspects of medicine,
08:09 and we do find that depression really can be helped by prayer.
08:14 There was an article in the "American Journal of Psychiatry"
08:17 which they researched a group of 87 depressed patients
08:21 who were hospitalized... actually hospitalized with a
08:25 physical illness, but they were prayed for...
08:27 and not only did their physical illness recover more rapidly,
08:30 but they also overcame their depression at the same time.
08:34 Now, was this an answer to prayer?
08:36 We don't know for sure, we have no
08:37 scientific proof for that,
08:38 but I have confidence in the Lord and His willingness
08:41 to help us out, and if they got better,
08:43 I think that had something to do with it.
08:45 There was also another article along the psychiatric aspect
08:48 that some research that was done in 1997...
08:52 Well, it was reported in 1997, and they found there that
08:56 people who attended church at least once a week,
09:00 were half as likely to have a substance called
09:04 "interleukin-6" which is an adversary of the immune system
09:08 than the people who did NOT go to church regularly.
09:10 So apparently there's something about just going to church
09:13 ...the confidence and relationship a person has to God
09:16 and the fellowship that is there at the church as well
09:19 that help to make a person so that his immune system
09:22 functions more readily, and more effectively.
09:25 So just going to church, just attending church,
09:28 studies are now showing that hey, THAT protects
09:32 or in some way boosts your immune system.
09:35 That's exactly right, and along with that
09:38 there's another article from "Southern Medical Journal"
09:40 that was reported also in 1998,
09:42 which found that older persons who attended church services
09:46 on a regular basis were less likely to be admitted
09:50 to the hospital, and when they were admitted,
09:52 they had spent fewer days in the hospital
09:55 than the people who did not attend church regularly.
09:58 So there are real physical benefits...
10:00 I mean, physical healing can come...
10:02 Depression would be more of a psychological
10:07 or a psychiatric-type situation.
10:09 There are some real blessings that come from
10:12 attending church, faith and prayer in the corporate setting.
10:17 Anything else that you've discovered as you have
10:19 been looking at this research.
10:21 Well there was also another article, and also a new one
10:24 reported just last year in 1998
10:27 in the issue of journal called "Health Education and Behavior"
10:31 and they concluded there, and I'm going to refer
10:33 specifically to that article...
10:35 They conclude that religion and faith promote health
10:38 and fight disease through increasing social support,
10:42 improving coping skills, and giving people
10:44 positive views of themselves.
10:46 And these researchers then pointed out also...
10:49 that religion seems to, and this is an interesting thing
10:52 ...seems to discourage behavior that increases health risks
10:57 such as use of tobacco, drugs, and so forth.
11:00 So it has a behavioral component. That's right.
11:03 And this isn't the only researcher that
11:05 has reported that either.
11:06 This spirituality has to do with our
11:09 social behavior very definitely.
11:11 Our relationship to God is not just a personal matter,
11:15 it influences our interpersonal relationship as well.
11:19 What is the difference between someone saying...
11:21 "I'm a spiritual person" and someone saying...
11:24 "I'm a religious person"
11:25 Okay, well I think a person who is spiritual
11:27 actually has a direct relationship with God.
11:31 A person who is religious, he can think about
11:33 religious things; he can pray to idols,
11:35 or icons and he can be religious,
11:38 but not really spiritual.
11:39 I think "spiritual"... this is my interpretation at least,
11:42 has to do with our relationship with God, Himself,
11:45 the Living God, the true God in heaven,
11:47 the Creator of heaven and earth.
11:49 So I think that spirituality has to do with a
11:52 definite relationship and acceptance of Him
11:56 as a part of our life.
11:59 So spirituality then is our personal relationship...
12:03 Then religion, is that more of a social aspect?
12:05 I think for many people it is.
12:07 In fact for most people, in fact for a lot of people,
12:10 I think church is just sort of a social club, you might say.
12:13 Are there good things about that? There are, yes!
12:17 I mean, the interpersonal relationship,
12:20 visiting with your friends and so forth
12:22 has positive effects on an individual,
12:24 but it's not the same as that
12:26 personal relationship with the Divine Being.
12:29 So it's best to be spiritual and religious.
12:32 I guess that would be a good way to say it; yes, I think so!
12:35 So you have the best of your relationship
12:37 with God, and then you have the best of
12:39 that religious setting where you can get encouragement;
12:42 you can get social support,
12:43 you can have those things working together.
12:46 Yeah, that's precisely correct.
12:48 Okay, well, as we look further at this subject,
12:54 you were mentioning to me some fascinating research
12:58 that came out of Duke University.
13:00 Maybe you could introduce that for us before we go to our break
13:03 Okay, there was a doctor, Dr. Koenig, at Duke University;
13:07 he was the director of their study
13:11 of religion, spirituality and health...
13:13 And the fact that he is in charge of a program like this
13:18 and the fact that he wrote about it,
13:20 is an indication that there is a high interest,
13:23 even among the medical profession,
13:25 in this particular subject...
13:27 And he refers to that in his writing
13:29 about the work that he has done.
13:30 So the fascinating thing is that...
13:32 Hey, they're even writing books about this, and what not.
13:35 And when we come back, I hope that you join us.
13:39 We're going to look a little more closely at other
13:41 research that goes beyond the physical and the behavioral,
13:46 and some of the psychological things that we've talked about,
13:49 and looks at stress and how it affects our immunity.
13:52 We hope that you can join us.
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15:16 Welcome back! We have been talking with
15:19 Dr. Glen Wiltse from North Dakota
15:21 We've been talking about immunity, faith and prayer,
15:25 and we've discovered that faith and prayer can really
15:28 enhance our immune systems not only physically,
15:31 socially, behaviorally, but there are other ways as well
15:36 And, Dr. Wiltse, why don't we just pick up where we left off.
15:39 We were talking about the social aspects, what about stress?
15:44 Stress is something that's extremely important.
15:47 We did talk about the immune system earlier,
15:49 and one of the aspects of the immune system is
15:51 antibodies, so we didn't talk about that before.
15:54 But it's been discovered by those who study stress...
15:56 that these antibodies which are substances that are developed
15:59 by our immune system that help to fight off
16:03 another infection similar to this that might come on
16:06 next time, or later on in life...
16:08 And that if a person is under stress,
16:10 there was a Dutch study that was done several years ago
16:14 in which they observed a group of 80 people
16:16 over a 6-month period, and they found out
16:19 that those with high stress levels had fewer than
16:23 half of the antibodies in their systems as the ones
16:27 that were under less stress.
16:28 So apparently there's something about stress that affects
16:31 the immune system.
16:33 You hear a lot of people that say...
16:34 "I'm stressed out" "It's just getting to me"
16:37 What IS stress? What does that mean?
16:39 Well, I think we have to go back to Dr. Hans Selye
16:42 who was a Canadian physician researching about
16:45 30 or 40 years ago...
16:47 He devoted his life actually to investigating stress,
16:50 and he came to the conclusion that what most
16:53 people call stress, really should be called the stressor.
16:57 The stress is not what is adversely affecting us,
17:04 it's the way we ALLOW it to affect us.
17:09 So that stress isn't actually what happens to us,
17:12 it's the way we respond to what happens to us.
17:15 And there's something over which we can have some control.
17:18 He called it DISTRESS...
17:21 and, of course, well all know what DISTRESS means.
17:23 We're uncomfortable when we're in distress.
17:26 So in other words... let me just see if I got this right
17:30 It's not so much what happens to us,
17:32 but how we RELATE to it that's important.
17:35 That's exactly right, and I think that we can
17:38 look to the Bible again for an answer here.
17:40 Christ gave us the antidote for stress,
17:42 we quoted that text on a previous program.
17:44 He says... "Come unto me all ye that labor
17:47 and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. "
17:49 So if we have the peace and the equanimity that
17:52 comes with knowing Christ, then we're not going
17:55 to react adversely to the adverse circumstances
17:58 in which we're surrounded or the things that
18:00 happen to us.
18:02 That kind of reminds me of Job...
18:04 That's one of my favorite Bible things, you know...
18:06 He said when everything happened bad to him,
18:09 I think it's chapter 1, and actually throughout the book,
18:12 but he says, hey... "The Lord gave it to me,
18:13 the Lord took it away... Blessed be the name of the Lord"
18:17 Is that what you're talking about? That's exactly right.
18:19 So that an attitude of contentment, and a resignation
18:24 to live with whatever circumstance we're in
18:28 ...whatever the outcome may be,
18:31 even though we don't get healed, we're praying for healing...
18:35 Even though we have a death in the family,
18:38 or we have somebody that cheated us,
18:39 or somebody has stolen our car,
18:41 we could allow these things to stress us out, as we say,
18:45 but the way we react to this adverse circumstance,
18:48 determines how we feel...
18:50 And actually, it affects the status of our immune system.
18:54 In other words, if we react adversely,
18:56 we're going to be less able to fight off a disease,
19:01 a virus or a germ that comes along to us,
19:03 or maybe have a heart attack, or have to have surgery...
19:06 All of these things are assisted by a good healthy immune system
19:09 ...But if we allow stresses to adversely affect us,
19:13 and if we don't react properly to them,
19:15 then they're going to have an adverse affect on us,
19:18 and we will really be under stress.
19:20 Now, you mentioned some of these Bible characters,
19:24 Christ, Job... a couple of texts comes to mind for me.
19:29 "Great peace have they which love Thy law,
19:31 nothing shall offend them. "
19:34 And you see Christ went out and He prayed for nights on end;
19:37 He got up early in the morning.
19:38 Has there been any scientific documentation of this?
19:42 Not that we need it, but you kind of got your
19:44 fingertips on that... does science say anything about that?
19:47 Well, there's a doctor, Dr. Benson,
19:49 from Harvard University, who has done
19:51 a lot of research along this...
19:53 In fact, he has written 5 books just on this specific subject.
19:57 So, I don't know how he could find enough words
19:59 to write 5 books about this, but he's done it.
20:01 And he has found in his research, over a period of
20:04 25 years, has shown that people who meditate and use
20:08 simple prayers have strikingly favorable physiologic changes
20:12 in their bodies, and these things include things like
20:16 lower oxygen consumption, lower heart rate,
20:20 lower respiratory rates, lower blood pressure.
20:25 The results also include the abatement of a
20:29 variety of different diseases that these people had as well.
20:33 So that here we have meditation and prayer as being important
20:37 aspects of our life.
20:38 I'm a little bit concerned about this term "meditation" though...
20:41 You know, it has some perhaps unfavorable connotations.
20:45 Maybe as a minister, and as a nurse as well,
20:48 you can give us a little enlightenment on this.
20:50 Well, that's an interesting consideration.
20:55 I would just say... "You know, this research
21:00 indicates that meditation, simple prayer of any kind
21:03 can bring changes. "
21:05 I think the Bible is fairly clear, and you correct me;
21:07 you're also a Christian physician,
21:09 and referred to the Bible for many years...
21:11 that there are definitely two sources of power
21:15 in this great controversy.
21:16 If we meditate on one, if we're closely connected
21:19 with the powers of evil, they can actually bring
21:22 the Bible says, "signs and symptoms or change
21:26 signs and symptoms," bring apparent healing.
21:29 There also are the forces of good which we've focused on,
21:32 and I think that, you correct me if I'm wrong,
21:36 but I would think, doctor, the best thing to do would be
21:38 within the rubric or within the confines of Scripture
21:42 to operate within that...
21:44 "To the law, to the testimony," it says in Isaiah 8:20,
21:48 "If they speak not according to these,
21:50 there is no light in them. "
21:51 Even though I might feel better, I might look better,
21:54 and I might physically be, in some sense, better!
21:56 Would that be accurate? I think so...
21:58 To my mind, I think meditation has a connotation of
22:01 association with God, and with Christ...
22:04 We get this by reading His Word and by praying.
22:07 If we read His Word, meditate upon the message
22:09 that it gives to us there, this is the appropriate
22:11 type of meditation, rather than the individual
22:16 who sits out here with his eyes closed,
22:18 and humming some meaningless symbols.
22:22 That, I think, is the meditation
22:23 that leads people down the wrong path.
22:25 You mentioned to me, before we began discussing this subject,
22:30 that there really seems to be, in the scientific literature,
22:34 real positive benefits from being religious or spiritual
22:41 in terms of recovery times and whatnot.
22:43 Tell us a little bit about that. Yes, that's right...
22:44 Yes, there was a report from New Hampshire,
22:46 from Dartmouth Medical School,
22:48 some research work that they had done there...
22:50 And they found that people who
22:52 classified themselves, and this is a personal
22:55 classification, as very religious,
22:57 were 3 times more likely to recover from an illness
23:00 than the people who did not consider themselves
23:02 to be religious.
23:03 So apparently, a person's appraisal of his own religiosity
23:07 and I think we would better say probably "spirituality"
23:10 is even more important, are much more likely to
23:12 overcome illnesses than the people who do not consider
23:14 themselves to be spiritual or to have religious concepts
23:19 and component of their lives.
23:20 Can these elements prevent disease?
23:22 Yes, they won't completely prevent, but they can be a
23:26 positive influence in helping to
23:28 keep a person from getting diseases.
23:30 In other words, people are LESS likely to get diseases
23:33 if they are, what we call, religious,
23:36 or what a lot of people call religious and we'd like to call
23:38 spiritual... They're much less likely to become ill.
23:43 And of course, there are other things that enter in to it too.
23:46 I'd like to read a statement from Dr. Koenig
23:49 from Duke University...
23:50 Some study that he did there regarding church activities
23:54 and the fact that it isn't just our relation to God,
23:56 but it's also our relationship to other people...
23:59 the interpersonal relationships.
24:01 He concluded the following statement...
24:03 "The church activities may prevent illness by a
24:06 direct effect using prayer or Scripture reading as
24:09 coping behaviors, plus church-goers are usually
24:12 people who enjoy a good diet,
24:14 don't get involved in substance abuse, smoking,
24:17 unsafe sexual practices, or other self-destructive behaviors
24:21 Moreover, those who go to church or a temple usually have a
24:24 strong network of friends who are quick to help. "
24:28 So here, I think we see the conclusion of a researcher
24:30 who spent a lot of time studying this...
24:32 That the person who has a relationship with God
24:36 is also going to have a better lifestyle as far as the
24:41 daily habits of life are concerned.
24:43 And they have people watching out for them.
24:45 That's right, and the association with others
24:47 is a very positive influence, a positive effect.
24:50 Now, you know, we're sitting here on a television set
24:53 and we're taping a program that will be viewed by
25:00 many people, and is it best to get your religion
25:05 from the television?
25:07 Can you get ALL the benefits by maybe just staying at home
25:11 and watching the religious programming whenever it comes on
25:13 Is that the best way to do this?
25:15 Well I think a person can be benefited by that,
25:17 but RESEARCH, and this is just not my personal opinion...
25:20 Research has demonstrated that people who
25:23 worship at home, by watching religious TV programs,
25:26 are not as healthy as the people who actually attend
25:29 church services with other people.
25:31 So there's something about the
25:32 social environment of fellowship...
25:36 And you know, the Apostle Paul
25:37 must have recognized this
25:38 because in one of his writings, he says, in his counsel,
25:42 that we should... "Forsake not the assembling of ourselves
25:45 together, as the manner of some is. "
25:48 So, even back in Paul's day, either he observed it,
25:51 or else God inspired him to write this.
25:53 So there's no substitute for getting out
25:57 and being with the people, being with the body of Christ,
26:01 and interacting. That's right
26:05 We've got about 2 minutes left, doctor.
26:07 Are there any parting studies or most important things
26:11 on this subject of faith, prayer and immunity
26:13 you want to share with us?
26:14 Well I think there's one other study that was done
26:16 at Georgetown University in Washington, DC
26:19 and they reviewed 212 different studies.
26:23 And this was not 212 people, he went through the
26:26 medical literature and reviewed 212 reports from
26:29 different researchers on the
26:31 influence of religious belief on health...
26:34 And he found that 75% of these articles showed that
26:37 there was a positive effect and relationship
26:42 between religion and spiritual belief,
26:45 and the health of the individual.
26:46 So this is pretty strong proof, I think...
26:48 When three-fourths of all of the articles were written
26:50 by these specialists, and showed a
26:53 favorable relationship between our spiritual lives,
26:55 and our health.
26:56 So the Bible has said it; science says it...
26:59 But I want to leave one question here for you
27:02 and then we can get your response
27:03 then we'll closeout, I think this VERY important program.
27:06 Should prayer and faith;
27:08 should religious practices...
27:09 should all of these things be
27:11 used in place of just good common sense?
27:14 No, they shouldn't. I think that's important.
27:17 It IS good and it's an excellent practice
27:19 for us to follow healthful living practices,
27:22 but we shouldn't allow prayer
27:24 to take the place of living properly.
27:27 We should live a healthful diet, have exercise,
27:30 and along WITH this, exercise, prayer and faith.
27:33 We've been talking with Dr. Glen Wiltse.
27:35 We've talked about prayer, faith and immunity.
27:38 We hope that what we've shared today
27:40 has given you confidence that there IS a God,
27:43 that He DOES love you;
27:45 that you CAN go to Him in prayer.
27:47 It DOES increase your immune response.
27:50 It CAN give you health; it can PROTECT your health...
27:53 And we hope that as a result of today's program,
27:55 you will have health that lasts for a lifetime!


Revised 2014-12-17