House Calls

The Trinity Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL170002A

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend and sit back
00:03 as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of House Calls.
00:27 Hello, and welcome to House Calls.
00:29 My name is John and so is his name.
00:33 We are two and we are one.
00:37 Brothers from a different mother.
00:38 Brothers from a different mother.
00:39 Thank you for tuning into House Calls.
00:41 Today we are so excited whenever we get a chance
00:43 to open the Word of God and share with you.
00:46 It is our privilege
00:47 and so invite your friends and family.
00:49 If you are by yourself, just get your Bibles
00:52 and sit down and walk with us through this thought provoking
00:55 time of study in God's Word.
00:58 John, you know, whenever the Bible is opened,
00:59 it's always a privilege.
01:01 Absolutely and you know the Lord,
01:04 sometimes we like to read it as a book
01:07 that reads like a treatise.
01:08 But it's not, it's a story. That's right.
01:11 It's God's story of who He is and how He has changed
01:14 the hearts of men and it's a blessing
01:15 to be able to just unfold it and talk about it.
01:18 That's right and we're gonna learn
01:19 let our viewers and listeners know
01:21 that there is no greater joy than to read
01:24 from the Word of God and to share
01:26 as we walk through it together.
01:28 So before we do that, let's ask for the power
01:31 and the direction of God's Holy Spirit.
01:33 John, would you pray for us? Yes.
01:35 Father in heaven, again we ask for You to empower us,
01:40 both in thought and in Word, may You make Your Word
01:45 just come alive today, may it be clear
01:48 and may You speak to our hearts in Jesus' name.
01:50 Amen. Amen.
01:53 As many of you know questions is a very important part.
01:58 A question, well, questions are very important part
02:01 of our program today and all the time,
02:03 and so if you have any questions
02:05 that you would like to send to us via email,
02:07 send those questions to
02:11 That's and many times,
02:16 John downloads the ones from the internet
02:19 and I get the snail mail.
02:21 And so we thank you for your participation,
02:25 and your prayers, and support of 3ABN's network.
02:29 John, what question do you have for us today?
02:32 Well, I've got a question that I won't read verbatim,
02:35 Joe sends in his question in regard to something
02:38 that was said previously on this program.
02:41 A comment that was made that the God of, the Christ,
02:45 the God that Christians pray to is the same God
02:48 that Muslims pray to.
02:50 Okay. Allah is God, same.
02:55 And so they took opposition to that
02:59 and I would say we need to be careful
03:02 as to how we conclude
03:05 or at least coming to do a decision
03:09 or conclusion on that very issue.
03:12 You see, one of the things that Bible does say
03:15 in regard to the Arab countries and the Arab world is that
03:21 the God of Abraham blessed Ishmael
03:26 and his descendents which is why
03:28 they are blessed and growing today.
03:33 And in fact the fastest growing people group,
03:37 one of the fastest growing people groups in the world
03:38 is the Arab world.
03:42 If it wasn't for the sake if there was so much turmoil
03:45 and bloodshed and wars
03:47 that were happening and everything,
03:48 they would be even growing faster.
03:50 But I bring that up to say that God had His hand,
03:55 John, in very much the growth of the Arab world
03:59 that originated and began
04:01 with Ishmael and his descendents.
04:04 If you want to know where that scripture is,
04:07 I'll just point to it here real quick,
04:08 it's Genesis 17:20.
04:15 And as for Ishmael, "I have heard you,
04:17 and will behold I have blessed him
04:19 and will make him fruitful
04:21 and will multiple him exceedingly.
04:23 He shall beget 12 princes
04:26 and I will make him a great nation."
04:29 And we're seeing that, there're many countries
04:31 in the Arab world, nations that have grown, of course,
04:33 they've their sects and disagreement.
04:36 Sects, is in S-E-C-T-S and disagreements overtime
04:41 but yet that blessing still is being seen
04:45 that originated with God himself.
04:47 They would, in asking them, they would point back
04:50 to that verse and not just that verse,
04:53 they believe that it wasn't Isaac
04:56 on the mountain with Abraham,
04:58 it was Ishmael but they point back
04:59 to this story at least,
05:03 referring to God's hand in blessing the Arab world.
05:07 And so we can't say definitively that the God
05:12 that Christians pray to is not the God Allah
05:16 who Muslims pray to.
05:18 What we can say is this though, if we're praying to God
05:23 and we act like the devil, the God we're praying to
05:28 isn't the correct view of God anyway,
05:30 wouldn't you agree?
05:31 True.
05:32 So same goes for Christianity, same goes for the Muslim world,
05:36 you have radical extremists today
05:39 that are doing things that are an expression
05:43 of who they believe God is.
05:46 They pray to a God that is not the true God, we can say that.
05:51 But we can also say there's some Christians
05:54 who have had images or views of God
05:56 that are far different than His true character...
05:58 Right.
05:59 Have also prayed to a God that is not the true God.
06:02 True.
06:03 Look at the time of the crusades
06:07 and the horrific things they did
06:09 to some of the Arab worlds in the name of God,
06:12 the Church of Rome were behind most of that.
06:15 So we can't just make a blanket statement to say
06:18 the Christian God is the true God,
06:19 Muslim God is the false God.
06:21 I think it, John, it has more to do
06:23 with who your God is.
06:27 And we know ultimately that's kind of like,
06:29 that's the Sabbath issue kind of as well, right?
06:34 I think you've asked this question in the past.
06:35 The question isn't so much which day is, who is your God?
06:38 Right.
06:39 And the Bible says that in Exodus 20,
06:41 "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God."
06:44 So it all comes down to who is your God.
06:46 Yeah.
06:48 So you could, I think in history,
06:51 in time with people groups whoever it may be,
06:53 when they're praying, their recognition
06:55 or who they are praying to is more to do
06:57 with in their mind, in their heart,
07:00 in their pursuits of God who they are seeking,
07:04 then it has to do with simply a name, Allah, God.
07:08 So that's all I'm gonna say about that, John,
07:10 I just don't want to get too much into that,
07:12 I just, I don't like blanket sweeping statements.
07:15 I think sweeping statements can often get not only us
07:18 into trouble but it often paints the wrong picture.
07:21 Okay, that's a good one. Thank you, John.
07:25 Truly,
07:28 God is God but we know that the word Allah and Jesus
07:35 are not the same.
07:38 This is an interesting question sent from someone says,
07:42 your sister in Christ and I won't give her name,
07:46 but she is our sister in Christ.
07:50 She says, "Praise the Lord
07:52 my brothers and sister in the Lord first.
07:55 I would like to say that I enjoy your program on 3ABN.
07:58 I feel blessed to have found your television station
08:01 on antenna, TV tuning,"
08:04 and this person watches and they say,
08:08 "I had been Pentecostal for 44 years and those 44 years
08:12 I have become acquainted with the dogmas
08:15 of each of that Christian denominations,
08:17 you know, God and Christ,
08:19 Pentecostals, Apostolic, or Jesus only Pentecostals,
08:23 or Adventist Christians with respect
08:26 to these Christian denominations
08:29 as they all are based on the Word of God.
08:32 But the question that she asked was very interesting, she says,
08:36 "According to Apostolic Pentecostals,
08:39 if you baptize in Jesus name, you don't have it right,
08:44 that's missing out.
08:47 According to Adventist Christians,
08:49 if you do not keep the Sabbath, you don't have it right,
08:53 that's missing out..."
08:54 Now she's doing some kind of comparisons
08:57 and the questions she asked was not so much,
08:59 which one of us is right?
09:02 But she asks this question.
09:05 "I just wanted to ask the Adventist,
09:07 what would this world be if everyone refuse
09:11 to do any work on Saturday,
09:13 like military, first responders,
09:16 hospital personnel,
09:18 since God is no respecter of persons,
09:21 are they excused?"
09:22 And I thank you so much for this question.
09:25 John, look up the passage where Jesus talked about
09:29 if your ox falls into the pit on the Sabbath,
09:34 would you leave him there?
09:37 Thank you so much sister for bringing this question out.
09:39 Now when the Bible says, "Thou shall not do any work"
09:43 speaking about the Sabbath command.
09:45 First part of that, what will the world be
09:47 if no one worked on the Sabbath
09:53 like military, first responders,
09:55 hospital personnel, what would this world be?
09:58 Perfect.
09:59 Just to be very candid with you.
10:01 It will be perfect but since we don't have
10:04 a perfect world, we have need of these elements of society,
10:08 military, police, first responders, hospitals.
10:12 If the world never had sin, there would be no need
10:15 of any of these things at all.
10:17 Now when I use the military in a lighter sense
10:20 because military we know on one side military,
10:24 the purpose of military is to keep peace,
10:27 secure nations as we're sleeping,
10:30 there're submarines,
10:31 there're planes patrolling the skies,
10:35 there are all kinds of military operations
10:39 securing the borders of our nation
10:41 for only one reason,
10:43 those outside of our nation that would want to do us harm
10:46 and that's true in all different governments,
10:48 I think each government that has a strong military
10:50 or that has a military presence has that kind of function.
10:55 But what would happen,
10:59 is it something that is excused?
11:02 Let me read the King James version here
11:05 for a particular moment,
11:06 then I'm gonna make some emphasis.
11:09 The word servile work, when it talked about
11:13 honoring the Sabbath, what was excluded was,
11:18 you shall do no servile work on this day.
11:22 And the word servile, I'll give you an example,
11:25 Numbers 28:25.
11:27 "On the seventh day
11:28 you shall have a holy convocation,
11:30 you shall do no servile work."
11:33 Physical labor when it came to, not the needs of the hungry,
11:39 not the needs of those in medical,
11:42 not the needs of those who are in special cases,
11:45 somebody had to respond to an emergency in that home,
11:48 that's not servile work,
11:51 those were all categorically put
11:53 where the needs of the people came above and by the way,
11:58 Sabbath was made for the good of man,
12:00 not for the injury of man.
12:03 And so Jesus faced many of these issues
12:05 because the Jews misunderstood the importance of the Sabbath.
12:08 They knew it was a holy day, but they made extra laws
12:11 that made the Sabbath a burden,
12:13 such as if you spat on the ground,
12:15 then you would be guilty of what's it called irrigation.
12:19 Then you will be guilty of wetting the ground
12:22 and what if the plants starts to grow up
12:24 then you would have irrigated
12:26 or watered the ground on the Sabbath.
12:28 Now they also mentioned a phrase like
12:29 the Sabbath days journey, talked about that
12:31 in the Book of Acts which was in fact
12:35 a particular distance and you could only,
12:37 they made these laws but they made ways
12:39 to break these laws by saying,
12:41 well, the only way you can travel
12:43 more than this distance on Sabbath is
12:46 if you took food to that person's house
12:49 the day before and on the Sabbath,
12:51 you wanted to go ahead and partake of that food
12:53 or eat with them.
12:54 But what would the world be, the world would be perfect
12:59 if everyone kept the Sabbath.
13:02 However, because of the kind of world in which we live,
13:05 the Bible makes allowances for the needy, for the sick,
13:11 we have hospitals and by the way,
13:13 you may or may not know this
13:14 but the Seventh-day Adventist Church
13:17 runs one of the largest hospital systems in the world.
13:21 If in fact our hospital is closed on the Sabbath,
13:24 this is a different atmosphere on these hospitals
13:27 but if somebody has a trauma they will go to emergency room,
13:30 these are for the needs of the individuals.
13:32 People need round the clock here.
13:35 There is somebody at the bedside of that individual.
13:37 The Lord does not look at this as violating the Sabbath,
13:40 once again, Mark 2:27-28,
13:43 "The Sabbath was made for the good of man."
13:46 And do you have that passage, John?
13:48 Yeah, this one is from Matthew 12:11.
13:53 Jesus said, "What man is there among you,
13:56 who has one sheep
13:58 and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath
14:00 will not lay hold of it and lift it out,
14:03 or how much more value is a man than a sheep,
14:07 therefore, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
14:11 So I think probably what some of the imagery is
14:15 by those who object to Sabbath keeping
14:18 by Adventist is this thought that we're doing it rigidly
14:22 and as kind of this works based system
14:27 with a set of laws in front of us of can and cannot,
14:32 and I'll tell you as a pastor, this is just a practical,
14:35 my practical response to that.
14:37 So, Pastor, if anybody were ever to ask me
14:39 for a list of things that's permissible
14:41 or not permissible to do on the Sabbath,
14:42 I wouldn't do it.
14:46 Right.
14:47 Because I think list are intuitively giving us
14:51 the wrong perspective.
14:52 I think that is pharisaical.
14:55 And it means not to say there's some Adventists
14:57 keep the Sabbath in a pharisaical way,
14:59 I believe that happens to a great degree.
15:02 The Sabbath is made for our time with God,
15:06 for us to spend quality time with God in a relationship.
15:10 And anything that we do that takes away from that,
15:13 that removes our ability to spend that time,
15:15 the quality time with God,
15:17 I think we should just throw it out,
15:19 we shouldn't plan it, we shouldn't go and do it.
15:23 I can tell you a story, John, right after
15:25 I was going through a process of conversion,
15:30 the Lord was really speaking to me.
15:32 I decided I was gonna go ahead and try to play a tournament
15:36 that I used to, had enjoyed playing
15:40 that went over a weekend period.
15:42 So I went down to the beach and we had this tournament,
15:43 this is in Southern California.
15:45 And the first games were on Friday and then,
15:51 no, no, first games were on Saturday,
15:52 second schedule of games were on Sunday
15:56 if you made it that far.
15:57 Anyways, so I reasoned in my mind, I rationalize,
16:00 you know, you ever think about something long enough,
16:02 you're gonna tuck yourself in the way.
16:04 And so I rationalize that I would witness.
16:09 I'll just play but I'll witness while I'm playing.
16:13 That didn't happen.
16:14 In fact I was more focused on winning the game
16:18 that I forgot all about my commitment to witness.
16:21 So in a practical sense, my playing that game
16:26 and competition, the other things
16:27 that I was doing on that day took away
16:29 from by time with God.
16:32 And so I kind of learned a lesson from that,
16:34 if that what would govern my activities
16:38 in the future with God?
16:40 Would be things that are always conducive
16:42 to advancing and building my relationship with Jesus.
16:47 And that's the only measure that I put,
16:50 I rest from my work just to provide for myself financially
16:55 and other ways and I put my trust in God
16:58 and spent time with Him.
17:01 And so to me that's the best thing
17:04 when it comes to Sabbath as far as governing
17:06 what we should and should not do
17:08 rather than list.
17:09 Rather than list.
17:11 People tend to, we tend to legalize the Sabbath.
17:16 Want to be very careful that we don't legalize the Sabbath,
17:20 not in the context of the comparison
17:21 to make the Sabbath illegal.
17:24 It's a legal transaction only because
17:26 it's a commandment of God
17:28 but it's very much a heart issue.
17:32 Who is your God?
17:34 When you realize that, when you read the Bible,
17:36 the Bible puts the Sabbath in a very heart centered place
17:40 in so many cases.
17:42 I'll give you an example.
17:44 Let's go back to the reference about first responders,
17:48 the nurses, doctors, hospitals, military,
17:52 this flies in the face of reality.
17:55 Isaiah 58:13, "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath
18:00 from doing your pleasure on my holy day."
18:03 These are not pleasure positions,
18:05 these are not positions of pleasure,
18:06 these are positions of necessity.
18:09 I'll give you another example, what if,
18:12 and we have a lot of automation today,
18:14 even here at 3ABN we have automation.
18:16 We may, we've gone over to a system
18:18 where there was somebody that,
18:20 many in the past would have to sit there
18:22 and make sure, when 3ABN first started
18:24 there was somebody that had to literally take out the VHS,
18:29 put in the next one, and if they were not there,
18:33 you wouldn't be seeing 3ABN.
18:35 That wasn't violating the Sabbath
18:38 by doing work on the Sabbath, that was living of the...
18:42 That was working for the gospel,
18:44 living of the gospel.
18:45 So they physically did that.
18:47 Now we have automation where the only time
18:49 the engineers and many other guys live
18:50 in air shot here.
18:52 So if anything happens automatically
18:54 machines will kick into a either slate, you know,
18:57 we're having technical difficulties,
18:58 while they are clicking to some kind of video.
19:00 But then again, that's more of the heart issue
19:03 rather than saying, well, now we're keeping the Sabbath,
19:06 but in the past we were not.
19:08 The issue is these are your own pleasures,
19:11 your own words that the Lord was saying,
19:13 when that comes into the fray,
19:16 we're not having a relationship.
19:17 Right, yeah.
19:19 You know, and I go back to the example,
19:23 the steel worker on his anniversary,
19:28 if an emergency arises that the steel
19:31 that he constructed a building which falls
19:33 and there is this catastrophic event,
19:35 he's not gonna say "Well, honey, you know,
19:38 it is the Sabbath, it is our anniversary,
19:41 I know there is a major emergency downtown
19:44 and I did get a call, I'm gonna ignore it,
19:47 because we just want to enjoy our time together."
19:49 The needs of humanity are what Jesus also built
19:53 into the observance of the Sabbath.
19:57 And the question is,
19:59 is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath?
20:01 Jesus said, "It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
20:06 Well, you know, John, it's interesting,
20:08 you don't have to go very far back to realize
20:11 and to know that Sabbath keeping
20:14 was rigid among all groups,
20:17 especially with regard to Sunday,
20:19 just a few decades ago, today often, you know,
20:23 Adventists are thought of as the ones
20:25 that are little more legalistic,
20:28 but if you go back a few years, a few decades actually,
20:31 you'll find that Sunday keeping was very rigid,
20:34 in fact to the point were there are laws
20:37 against even opening up your store on Sunday.
20:39 That's true.
20:40 So, you know, this picture of the fact
20:43 they don't have any sort of legalistic ones
20:44 and it's just not simply true,
20:46 it's affected all groups that are sought to respond to God,
20:51 because they love Him,
20:53 they want to give Him themselves,
20:54 they're all prone, we're all prone
20:56 to a legalistic approach to doing that.
21:00 You know, Sabbath is not a bad day.
21:03 Understatement.
21:04 It's not a bad day, this Sabbath has received
21:07 such bad rap, I'm wondering, I'm not wondering,
21:11 I know what's behind it.
21:12 Yeah.
21:14 But it's amazing when, even in Christianity
21:16 when you mention,
21:17 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
21:19 it's like you just pressed the atomic button
21:22 in some denominations, it's jeered,
21:26 it's talked off in a flipping way,
21:29 it's mocked, it's spoken off as,
21:33 "That's not the only day I worship on."
21:35 Well, that was never said.
21:37 It says remember the Sabbath day
21:38 to keep it holy, keep it holy.
21:40 You can't keep any other day holy,
21:42 'cause the Lord never made any day holy,
21:44 any other day holy.
21:45 I remember growing up
21:47 when I was dating my wife Angela,
21:51 I was at her house on a Sunday and her mom asked me
21:54 to help cut the hedges.
21:56 So she gave me these shears, you know.
22:00 So I went out there cutting the hedges
22:02 and a lady walks by me,
22:03 well dressed, on her way to church obviously,
22:07 because she said to me,
22:08 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
22:12 And she said this on a Sunday.
22:14 I was so caught off guard, I was frozen like an ice tray
22:17 just in the position with the hedges
22:20 like a deer caught in the headlights
22:22 'cause she caught me off guard.
22:24 She said, "Remember the Sabbath day
22:26 to keep it holy."
22:27 And she was referring to Sunday as the Sabbath.
22:29 Yeah.
22:30 So I sat on the front of the steps waiting for her
22:31 to come back to clear it up but she never came back
22:33 or went home a different way.
22:35 In the minds of some individuals
22:37 Sunday is the Sabbath, but in the mind of God
22:40 and in the Word of God,
22:43 Saturday from sunset, Friday to sunset,
22:46 Sabbath is in fact the Sabbath day.
22:51 From sunset Friday to sunset Saturday
22:53 is the Sabbath day.
22:56 Another question about setting up the kingdom of God,
23:03 Micah 4 and Isaiah 2 speaks of a kingdom,
23:06 all nations flowing to the mountain of God.
23:12 Specifically and they are talking about,
23:16 when is the kingdom of God going to be set up
23:22 during the millennium or before the millennium?
23:26 Now when you read Daniel 2, the Bible says
23:30 speaking about the four kingdoms of the world,
23:34 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome,
23:36 and the Bible says in the days of these kings
23:39 shall the God of heaven set up another kingdom
23:41 which shall never be destroyed.
23:43 Now you got to remember, in the days of those kings,
23:46 not after those kings but in the days of these kings,
23:51 God has always had a kingdom.
23:53 But when the disciples prayed, they pray their prayer,
23:58 "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth
24:02 as it is in heaven."
24:04 Matthew 6:10.
24:06 But you will notice also Jesus made it very clear that,
24:10 "My kingdom is not of this world.
24:13 If My kingdom were of this world,
24:14 My disciples would fight."
24:17 But you may also point out that when Jesus began to preach,
24:23 He said the kingdom is,
24:25 the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
24:27 So the kingdom is established now,
24:30 we are in kingdom living now.
24:33 What's the difference with the millennium
24:35 is that sinless kingdom will come
24:39 at the end of the 1000 years.
24:42 Meaning, when sin is all eradicated,
24:44 all done away with,
24:46 but the 1000 years those who will be spending in heaven,
24:49 the saints will be a part of that eternal kingdom already.
24:53 But is the kingdom gonna be established?
24:56 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
25:00 How can you seek a kingdom if the kingdom does not exist?
25:05 The kingdom life is the relationship
25:07 that we presently have with Christ,
25:09 but entering into the kingdom,
25:11 come ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom,
25:14 that's entering into the New Jerusalem,
25:16 that's later on.
25:17 But we're in the kingdom living now
25:19 and the relationship setting,
25:20 we're not waiting for a kingdom,
25:22 we're living in thy kingdom relationship now.
25:24 But one day we will enter into the kingdom.
25:27 Yeah.
25:29 The physical kingdom. Pretty good.
25:30 Well, you know, a lot of these questions
25:31 come out of the dispensational view of things.
25:35 You know, the era of law, era of grace.
25:38 You know, the era of, you know, God's work of grace
25:42 in the New Testament, and then, of course,
25:44 the era of God's kingdom in the future that is set up
25:47 and most actually believes set up on this earth.
25:50 Right, very good point.
25:51 But in fact the Bible says in Revelation 20 very clearly
25:54 that the saints are with Him in heaven.
25:57 That's right.
25:58 And so anyway, we don't wanna believe
26:01 in that too much.
26:02 I have a question that will segue us
26:03 into our topic today.
26:06 And it comes from Mark, and he says that he knows
26:11 if the God had consists of three distinct beings...
26:19 Oh, he doesn't know, he wants to hear our comments on that.
26:22 So we are doing that a bit here in these programs.
26:24 But he says as you might know some who believe
26:26 in two distinct persons with the Holy Spirit
26:29 simply God's spirit and not the third person
26:31 of the Godhood.
26:33 I would like to know what type of human nature
26:35 Jesus had as the Son of Man.
26:37 Okay.
26:39 And so these are things that we're gonna be
26:41 covering today and in the next program.
26:43 I think we're gonna spend most of our time today
26:46 in regard to Jesus as the second person
26:49 of the Godhead and His eternal nature,
26:52 His deity, and even maybe some of His nature
26:56 while He was here on this earth.
26:59 Although we know there is some differences
27:00 of opinion in regard to that as well, right, John?
27:04 The nature of Christ is a very important topic,
27:08 because there are two schools of thought on that,
27:10 one, well, let's not go into it now,
27:12 Yeah, let's...
27:14 We're just going to cap this off
27:15 and then we'll go into the nature of Christ,
27:19 it's a powerful topic, very insightful
27:22 but very necessary to understand
27:23 in the proper context.
27:25 If you have any questions for our future House Calls program,
27:27 you can send those questions
27:29 to this following email address,
27:33 That's
27:36 And we surely will try our best to answer those questions
27:39 when they do come.
27:41 John, let's segue into our program.
27:44 The nature of Christ, the nature of Christ.
27:48 Now, I think you, we talked about Isaiah.
27:53 You want to go to Isaiah 9 now
27:55 or you want to leave that for later?
27:57 All right.
27:58 No, let's go to Isaiah 9 because we are talking about
28:01 the evidence of Christ throughout scripture
28:06 as the second person of the Godhead.
28:08 Okay.
28:09 And Isaiah does speak very clearly in regard to that,
28:13 and in fact I had it here.
28:17 Isaiah 9:6, right?
28:20 Yes, Isaiah 9:6.
28:22 And turn that, turn with us to that particular passage.
28:25 If you have it, you could go ahead
28:27 and read it or I have it.
28:28 Go ahead.
28:30 Isaiah 9:6 very familiar passage,
28:33 "For unto us a child is born,
28:37 unto us a son is given,
28:42 and the government will be upon His shoulders
28:45 and His name will be called Wonderful,
28:49 Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
28:55 Prince of Peace."
28:56 Wow, make reference to those names,
28:58 John, that Jesus is given.
29:02 Well, we can talk about the different things.
29:04 Wonderful, we know Jesus is wonderful.
29:08 He is our counselor in many respects,
29:11 not only does He counsel with us,
29:13 but He is our advocate as in a legal counsel
29:16 in the courts of heaven.
29:18 He is Mighty God, okay, so He is the mighty God
29:23 and here is the interesting thing,
29:25 it refers to Him as everlasting Father.
29:27 Right. What does that mean?
29:30 That means no beginning, no end.
29:31 I mean, does that mean that He is the Father?
29:34 Or does that mean that He represents the Father?
29:37 Or that the Father is in Him?
29:39 I know that there is a passage in John 17
29:42 which is the prayer of Christ
29:46 showing that Christ has His Father in Him
29:48 and He is in the Father.
29:50 So I think that helps to explain everlasting Father.
29:54 But I like to focus on the everlasting piece first,
29:57 because Jesus spoken of here is referred to as everlasting.
30:04 That's right.
30:05 And everlasting means no beginning, no end.
30:09 That's right.
30:11 He always has been in existence
30:13 and so that is decrypted to me of deity.
30:18 One of the significant, I guess challenges
30:23 probably of the church early on back in even pioneer days,
30:26 and I'm speaking
30:27 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
30:29 was the deity of Christ.
30:31 How do we explain that?
30:34 I know, Uriah Smith even for a period wrote that
30:37 he was created of the Father
30:39 and then he changed His terminology later
30:41 and used the word begotten 'cause it was the biblical term
30:44 but also somewhere up in arms
30:46 by referring to Christ as a created being.
30:50 But then later on, you have around
30:51 the turn of the century
30:52 that is there from 1800s to 1900s,
30:54 you have this discussion of the deity of Christ.
30:59 And the statement is made by Prescott,
31:02 more significantly he says, you know,
31:04 he has been convinced that you cannot have deity
31:07 without eternity.
31:08 You can't.
31:10 And so when the Bible speaks of Christ
31:12 in the sense of everlasting,
31:14 it's speaking of Him as deity, He is God.
31:17 So He is the Son of God, He is God
31:20 and He is yet the Son of man.
31:21 We will talk about the Son of man part later on.
31:25 But here we find an answer to the Arian controversy,
31:31 which was settled way back with Nicene Creed,
31:34 we have it addressing that.
31:37 But this controversy that said essentially
31:40 that Christ had a beginning that He was created
31:42 by the Father Himself.
31:44 Right.
31:45 And we don't agree with that, nor do we find scripture
31:47 agrees with that.
31:48 You find also in Hebrews 1,
31:49 if you have your Bibles go to Hebrews 1.
31:51 Oh, that's another good one, yeah.
31:52 Very, very important point, Hebrews 1, God,
31:55 and I'm reading verse 1, "God who at various times
31:59 and in different ways spoke in time pass to the Fathers
32:04 by the Prophets has in these last days
32:08 spoken to us by His son
32:13 whom He appointed heir of all things,
32:16 through whom He also made the worlds.
32:19 Who being the brightness of His glory
32:22 and the expressed image of his person
32:25 and appalling all things by the word of His power,
32:30 all things by the word of Christ power.
32:32 When He had by himself purged our sins,
32:35 sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high."
32:40 And going further down, you go down to verse 6,
32:45 notice how verse 6 puts it together beautifully,
32:48 actually verse 8, okay, actually verse 8.
32:52 But to the sun he says, notice, "Your throne,
32:55 O God is forever and ever, a scepter of righteousness
33:02 is the scepter of your kingdom."
33:06 So the scepter of righteousness, you know,
33:08 as the king sits with his scepter,
33:10 you've seen that probably a many examples
33:13 of a royal throne.
33:15 And here you have God's speaking to His son.
33:18 Calling Him God. Referring to Him as God.
33:20 Exactly. Yeah.
33:21 And referring to His throne as forever.
33:23 That's right.
33:25 Your throne is forever and ever.
33:28 So there is no beginning, nor ending to Jesus
33:32 who is in fact called God by His Father.
33:36 And look at verse 10. Okay.
33:39 Not only does it say you, referring to Christ,
33:43 in the beginning laid the foundations of the earth,
33:45 but also the heavens are the work of His hands.
33:50 That's right. So what are the heavens, John?
33:52 Where the Lord exist, that God exist.
33:54 The universe. The universe.
33:56 So what is being spoken of here is Christ having no beginning.
34:02 Right, none.
34:04 He was the creator of all things,
34:07 which it says here very clearly,
34:09 at the beginning in verse 2.
34:12 So the picture that the Bible is painting
34:15 here very clearly by the apostles,
34:18 by those that wrote the gospels is of Jesus
34:22 who is the second person of the Godhead
34:24 yet is fully God,
34:26 yet separate in being from the Father, just in being.
34:31 But yet are referred to as one.
34:33 And this, and we have to use, we have to clarify really well,
34:37 when we say Jesus, in His incarnation, He became,
34:43 He says, "I of My own self can do nothing,
34:46 I do the will of the Father that sent me."
34:49 How did He become in that sense as man and God.
34:54 As the Son of man, the Son of a...
34:56 He became subject to His Father,
35:00 and here is the key reason why,
35:02 Jesus came to exemplify in His life,
35:05 the way that victory can't be attained
35:07 if He used any of His divinity above his humanity,
35:12 then He would have definitely had an advantage over us
35:14 and we could never say that He was tempted,
35:18 and the Bible says, He was tempted in all points
35:19 just as we are, yet without sin.
35:22 Just as we are would not have been a case
35:25 had Jesus infused His divinity when He became the Son of man.
35:30 The other thing that what needs to be pointed out
35:32 very carefully is that until then this human flesh
35:37 that He... He had flesh prior to this.
35:40 And let me tell you how I know that
35:42 because in Genesis 3
35:43 when Adam and Eve fell, the Bible says
35:45 and I heard the voice of the Lord God,
35:49 that's Jesus right there, but it was not called Jesus.
35:52 Lord God, I heard the voice of the Lord God.
35:55 Hebrews 1 said, "God, I heard His voice
35:59 walking in the garden in the cool of the day."
36:02 Now how do we know that, that was Him?
36:04 Let's go to John 1.
36:06 How do we know that, that was Jesus?
36:09 It says, "All things were made by Him
36:12 and without Him nothing was made
36:14 that was made, in Him was life,
36:17 and the life was the light of man.
36:20 And so clearly, this word that was with God
36:23 and the word that is God, the word that became flesh
36:29 and dwelled among us and we beheld as glory,
36:32 that word is the same one who was in the garden
36:36 when Adam and Eve had sinned.
36:39 Why was he the one that was there
36:41 and how do we know that He is the one that was there?
36:44 Well, simply by as the Bible describes His role,
36:48 the Bible describes the role of God,
36:51 the Bible describes the role of Jesus,
36:55 the same as the plan of salvation.
36:59 Let me read it for you very carefully here.
37:03 Well, Isaiah 44: 6, we made reference to that,
37:06 but I want to go ahead and make reference
37:09 to Isaiah 43:3, "Why did Jesus show up?"
37:14 Isaiah 43:3, "I, even I am the Lord
37:18 and beside me there is no savior."
37:21 So what did He come to do?
37:23 He came to save.
37:26 Behold, Luke 19:10,
37:29 "The son of man has come to seek and to save."
37:32 Did He just begin that in the book,
37:35 in the New Testament?
37:36 No.
37:37 He showed up in the Garden of Eden,
37:39 to come and save Adam and Eve from their transgression.
37:42 Right, I would even say that this plan
37:44 had been developed in ages way before that.
37:46 Yes.
37:48 The plan of redemption, the plan of salvation
37:50 for any of His creation that fell into sin
37:56 was already prepared and laid for even before its existence.
38:02 Yeah.
38:04 It's interesting too, you have a bigger picture painted here
38:07 in Hebrews 1
38:09 which pictures Christ is not just
38:10 the creator of this earth but worlds.
38:12 Right.
38:14 And the word there implies inhabited world.
38:17 Right, that are inhabited.
38:19 And so, you know, being that He is the creator,
38:25 He also is the only one that can be the redeemer.
38:31 In fact who knows
38:32 and who has the closet relationship...
38:37 than the redeemer, than the creator himself?
38:41 The one that tends to create something
38:44 has the most investment
38:46 and the most affection toward the thing
38:48 that's created.
38:49 Now even people that create inanimate things.
38:52 That's right.
38:53 You know, building a boat or carving a ship
38:55 or things like that, the one that cares most about that
38:57 is the one that built it.
38:59 Right.
39:00 And what this is saying is that the very one
39:02 that created this world was the one that came in
39:04 to redeem this world and you find Him in the garden,
39:08 first hand, boom, He is there,
39:10 seeking to extend a hand of grace to Adam and Eve
39:13 and to save them.
39:15 Right, I want to read Psalms 90 and then I'm gonna go ahead
39:19 and read in the Book of John.
39:21 Psalms 90:1, "Lord..."
39:24 Once again referring to this,
39:27 referring to Jesus in a very real way,
39:30 "You have been our dwelling place
39:33 in all generations,
39:36 before the mountains were brought forth or ever,
39:40 you form the earth and the world."
39:42 Now who formed it?
39:45 By Him nothing was made that was made,
39:50 all things were made by Him
39:52 and without Him nothing was made,
39:53 so who is being referred to,
39:55 before the mountains were brought forth or ever
39:59 you had formed the earth and the world
40:02 even from everlasting to everlasting, you are God.
40:09 Yeah. Who is that?
40:11 John, it made it very clear,
40:13 "Without Him nothing was made that was made,
40:16 all that was made by that we see was made by Him,
40:21 was made through Him."
40:23 So who is one that formed the earth and the world?
40:27 We know Him in the New Testament as Jesus.
40:31 And so when it says
40:32 from everlasting to everlasting,
40:34 John, how long, how far back is everlasting?
40:38 Forever. Everlasting.
40:40 We often think of eternity as future
40:42 but if there is an eternity past.
40:44 There is an eternity past.
40:46 I didn't understand that until I was, I got into astronomy.
40:50 Astronomy is a fascinating topic.
40:53 Somebody once said, well, I was reading a blog,
40:56 an astronomy blog and I almost has brain freeze
41:01 when I was reading the astronomy blog,
41:02 that means psychological brain freeze
41:05 and they talked about how far away
41:06 this light had to travel.
41:10 And they said that light that we saw or that light
41:17 that constellation or that light
41:20 that came to us that was taken,
41:21 a picture was taken of it, it is so many light years away
41:25 that it had to start traveling.
41:30 It blew me away.
41:32 Thousands of years ago, so that we could see it where,
41:37 where we see it in the picture
41:39 is where it was thousands of years ago,
41:43 but it's not in that direction any longer,
41:45 because the earth has moved.
41:47 I mean, that is in the sense of the rotation.
41:49 So if we look up and he says, the reason why we were able to
41:53 take this picture with our telescope,
41:54 this was the light started traveling,
41:56 and it talked about how fast and how far it traveled
41:58 and I thought, "Huh."
42:01 That's the dog was at moment, your head lean to the side.
42:03 Yeah.
42:04 Jesus, from everlasting to everlasting
42:07 and He made this statement.
42:08 You have a passage, you gonna read?
42:10 Yeah, but it's a shifting gear, so you better finish with it.
42:11 Okay, He made the statement here in John 17:5
42:19 "And now O Father,
42:21 glorify me together with Yourself,
42:24 with the glory which I had with You
42:27 before the world was."
42:30 Before the world was.
42:32 He also says verse 24 of John 17,
42:35 "Father I desire that they also whom you gave me
42:40 may be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory
42:44 which You have given me for You love me
42:47 before the foundation of the world."
42:51 Wow.
42:52 So this glory that Jesus is now reflecting in humanity,
42:56 that's the glory that the Father gave to Him
43:00 as He is in fact on the earth,
43:02 He is reflecting the glory of the Father
43:04 and why do we say reflecting the glory,
43:06 why not say reflect His own glory,
43:08 because now He is in human flesh,
43:10 He became sin for us,
43:13 and sinful human nature
43:16 doesn't have any glory of itself.
43:18 So when Jesus says, the glory you've given to me,
43:23 He's talking about that
43:24 in the sense of His incarnation,
43:26 human flesh revealing the glory of God.
43:29 The other example you would find of that is
43:30 when Moses came down from the mountain
43:33 and received the commandments of God,
43:35 they had to put a cover over his face,
43:38 because the glory of God shown so brilliantly from his face.
43:43 Was it his glory?
43:45 No, it was the glory of God that was seen there.
43:51 What I'd like to do is head over to Colossians 1.
43:55 Oh, beautiful passage.
43:57 Paul, the apostle is writing to Colossae,
44:01 the Christians in Colossae and inserted in Chapter 1
44:06 is what is known by many as the Christ Him.
44:11 And the Christ Him begins in verse 15,
44:15 it's speaking of Christ in His preeminence.
44:19 Some believe that Paul could have used this Him
44:22 that was being sung in the churches in those days
44:25 and put it in his letter.
44:26 Okay. Okay.
44:28 And so very interesting, because I wish
44:32 we had more time to spend on just this Christ Him,
44:34 but I think we need to focus on what it says.
44:36 Okay.
44:37 And so let's start with verse 15,
44:41 and we'll read through verse 18,
44:43 it says in verse 15
44:44 "He is the image of the invisible God,
44:48 the first born over all creation.
44:51 For by Him all things were created
44:54 that are in heaven and that are on earth,
44:56 visible and invisible, whether thrones,
44:58 or dominions, or principalities, or powers,
45:01 all things were created through Him and for Him.
45:05 And He is before all things..."
45:08 That's right.
45:09 Not some things, He's before everything.
45:11 All things.
45:13 "And in Him all things consist.
45:16 And He is the head of the body, the church,
45:18 who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead
45:21 that in all things He may be made..."
45:23 It mean, "He may have the preeminence."
45:25 Right.
45:27 The emphasis here clearly is Christ as the preeminent one.
45:32 That's right.
45:34 And the term firstborn there,
45:37 some have been confused in the past.
45:39 Arians were confused by this term,
45:41 they connected it with the word begotten...
45:44 Right.
45:45 And referred the firstborn as if it was literally
45:47 a firstborn child.
45:49 Like a first birth, right.
45:51 But it's not at all.
45:52 In fact this firstborn refers to first in preeminence,
45:58 first in status, first of a kind.
46:03 That's right.
46:04 And in fact He is the first and only of this kind
46:07 but has now redeemed the earth
46:09 and we look to Him as our savior.
46:14 So He is preeminent,
46:15 He is the firstborn over all creation,
46:18 but He's also, interesting words here
46:19 firstborn from the dead, verse 18.
46:26 And so firstborn is referring there
46:28 to the first one who has,
46:30 now was He the first one to have been raised
46:32 from the dead?
46:34 No.
46:35 No, but He is firstborn of the dead
46:37 because through Him
46:38 and His act of the resurrection following His crucifixion,
46:42 He then He has the right to raise all who follow Him.
46:45 Right.
46:46 So He is preeminent as the firstborn
46:49 over the dead as well, those who have died in Him.
46:54 And so you have Christ here as preeminent,
46:56 He is in a position of authority.
46:59 But He is not greater than His Father,
47:03 He is not less than His Father.
47:06 And when we talk about in the terms of the Godhead
47:09 or the trinity, what we are talking about
47:11 is those who are three co-eternal persons
47:14 who are equal, yet are of one purpose.
47:18 And this is painting Christ in His role
47:20 as Creator and Redeemer.
47:25 So fantastic passage here
47:27 that Paul inserts into his letter
47:30 that I think really paints a powerful picture
47:32 of not only who Christ is,
47:36 but of His position within the Godhead.
47:41 The firstborn is...
47:42 Paul uses language that the Jew would know.
47:47 When the Jew heard the word firstborn,
47:50 we have to keep in mind
47:51 where their mind went instantly.
47:53 Their minds went right back to the sacrificial system.
47:57 I want to give you a piece of this firstborn
48:00 that sometimes we overlook.
48:03 You could not bring any offering to God
48:06 except the first fruits, if it was grain
48:11 or the firstborn if it were an animal.
48:14 And it had to be a clean animal
48:15 without blemish and without spot.
48:18 So when the Bible speaks about the firstborn,
48:21 it's not talking about
48:23 in the sense of preeminence alone
48:27 or in the sense of first birth only,
48:33 in the sense of an animal, but it's referring to the one
48:37 who is expectable in his sacrifice.
48:40 So when John uses the word behold the Lamb of God
48:46 that taketh away the sin of the world.
48:48 The word firstborn and lamb link right together,
48:53 because they knew that in order for the sacrifice,
48:56 in order for their redeemer and the sacrifice
48:59 that He would give to be acceptable,
49:03 he had to be in the preeminent one.
49:06 Firstborn of the dead, firstborn over all creation,
49:10 and firstborn only to be sufficient
49:14 for the sacrifice.
49:15 This is a preeminent position, and thus so it's be,
49:18 that word firstborn is used not in the sense to describe that,
49:21 okay, Jesus is born and then everything else
49:23 is born after Him,
49:25 but Jesus is the sacrificial lamb
49:28 and now His sacrifice can be acceptable,
49:30 'cause you couldn't bring a second born,
49:32 you couldn't bring, so the pre-eminence
49:34 is what's being referred to here,
49:36 not the order of birth.
49:37 Well, and here is the text to establish this, Psalm 89:27.
49:41 Okay.
49:42 Referring to David now, King David, it says,
49:46 "Also I will make Him mine," this is God speaking,
49:49 "My first born."
49:51 Right.
49:52 "The highest of the kings of the earth."
49:55 Was David firstborn in his family?
49:56 No. No.
49:58 Was he the first king?
49:59 No. No.
50:00 So God is talking in regard to firstborn,
50:03 He is speaking of David as preeminent,
50:06 the preeminent king.
50:07 Right, the position I have put him in.
50:08 A position of power and authority as king.
50:11 So the Bible doesn't use
50:14 the word firstborn always in terms
50:16 of the first one coming out of the womb.
50:18 No.
50:19 Or even one coming out of the womb at all.
50:21 That's right.
50:22 But the point I think could be made very clear here is that,
50:27 Christ is firstborn not in that He was a created being.
50:31 That's right.
50:32 But He was firstborn in that He was preeminent in authority
50:35 and status, and by the way He is unique.
50:38 Some people say "Well, you know,
50:40 He came in the likeness of sinful flesh,
50:41 so He is like us.
50:43 So He came to fully prove that we can overcome
50:45 just like He did.
50:47 Yes and no, likeness is not sameness,
50:52 there is a difference.
50:53 Right, very good point. He is not.
50:55 We are not just like Him.
50:57 He is not just like us. No.
50:59 Okay, He came in the likeness of sinful flesh.
51:03 Okay, our likeness but He was not just like us.
51:07 Right.
51:08 He is unique, uniquely our savior,
51:11 the only one who created the world,
51:13 and the only one who's condensated
51:15 to save the world from the position of man.
51:18 Right.
51:19 He is the Son of God, He is the Son of man.
51:22 Right, and He...
51:23 This is the other thing, and this is very delicate topic
51:25 because, when you deal with the nature of Christ,
51:28 it's a topic that will inevitably remind you
51:31 that there is a deep, deep ocean here.
51:33 Yeah, it is.
51:35 This ocean is very, very deep
51:36 and if you don't tread carefully in it,
51:39 you could end up in a shark tank
51:41 if I could use that phrase and do injustice.
51:44 Thus people can overemphasize something to the nth degree
51:47 and come out wrong.
51:49 Yeah, and you could injustice to the divinity of Christ.
51:52 Yeah, yeah.
51:53 But what was mentioned so beautifully here
51:57 as you were talking about the statement,
51:59 make that statement again,
52:00 so my thought will come back to me,
52:02 the preeminence of Christ, the glory of Christ.
52:04 Yeah, just the position,
52:05 He is positioned as savior here,
52:08 He is unique to anyone, He is the only one
52:11 that could be our redeemer.
52:12 Here, okay, here I am.
52:14 Jesus had that He took on the nature,
52:17 our nature but He did not take on our bend to sin.
52:22 That's right.
52:23 See, when you go to...
52:24 That's why it's a likeness not sameness.
52:26 Right, so go to 1 Corinthians 15,
52:29 he did not take on our bend to sin.
52:32 And I'll show you one difference here,
52:36 we're gonna go to 1 Corinthians 15.
52:41 Okay, and we gonna talk about, okay, let's go here.
52:46 Well, it tell you what...
52:48 Here it is.
52:50 And speaking about being raised from the dead...
52:57 we will start with verse 22, and then we gonna scroll down
53:04 and look at the comparisons, verse 22,
53:08 "For as in Adam all die,
53:10 even so in Christ all shall be made alive."
53:13 Now right away that shows the similarity
53:16 but the difference.
53:17 Yes, absolutely.
53:19 And the reason why I say the similarity, John,
53:21 read verse 45.
53:29 "And so it is written: "The first man Adam
53:31 became a living being,
53:33 the last Adam became a life giving spirit."
53:36 Notice same name Adam, Adam.
53:39 But the second Adam is Christ who in Him we live,
53:44 in the first Adam we die, in the second Adam
53:48 which is Christ or the last Adam
53:50 which is Christ, we live.
53:52 Similarly Adam, Adam, were Adam failed Christ,
53:57 the last Adam succeeded.
53:59 If He had the same, and this is huge,
54:06 if He did not overcome that Adam nature
54:10 because He became sin for us.
54:13 Why?
54:15 So He could take upon himself the failing nature
54:19 that Adam imparted to every one of us.
54:22 He became sin for us.
54:25 But did He conquer that? Yes, He did.
54:28 He was tempted in all points just as we are,
54:30 yet without sin, He took on the nature of sin
54:34 but He never sinned, yet without sin.
54:38 In fact, His temptation was greater than ours.
54:41 Far greater.
54:42 At every point He was tempted like we are tempted
54:44 but to a greater extent.
54:46 I mean, we don't have the power,
54:48 we don't have the power to snap our fingers
54:49 and have something happened.
54:51 He could have gone the route of divinity
54:53 and just made something happen but He did not and He resisted,
54:57 and we don't have a power like that to have to resist.
55:02 No. But Christ did that for us.
55:04 And He imparted to Christ, He imparted to the son
55:07 at that moment just exactly what He needed
55:09 and what did he do?
55:10 He stuck to the, it is written, stuck to the, it is written.
55:13 Now I want to emphasis this one more time.
55:14 He became sin for us.
55:16 He became sin for us but He never sinned.
55:21 He took on the nature but He never had the act.
55:24 So when the Bible says that taketh away
55:26 the sin of the world, that's the nature.
55:30 If we confess our sins, that's the actions.
55:34 He had the nature that could have produced the actions
55:37 but He never yielded.
55:40 That's why He said the prince of this world has come
55:42 and He has nothing in me.
55:44 But what did Paul say about what's in Him?
55:47 He said "I know that in me that is in my flesh,
55:50 nothing good dwells."
55:52 See, to will His presence with me but how to perform it,
55:55 I do not find.
55:58 So it is in this unique position of preeminence
56:03 that God sends, the Father sends
56:05 the Son into this world.
56:07 He begots him into the likeness of mankind
56:13 and any discussion with relation to the Godhead
56:18 and the second person being Christ Himself
56:21 in the context of begotten is never regarding origin,
56:26 it's always regarding the manifestation
56:32 although I used the word carefully,
56:34 but He's coming into the world as man
56:38 because He had to be begotten of God into this world
56:42 to be our Savior as well.
56:44 And so that's when you find the word begotten
56:46 used quite often,
56:48 that's the context in which the word begotten is used
56:51 throughout scripture.
56:52 That's right.
56:54 So we don't stumble on the nature of Christ to say,
56:56 "Well, He had advantages over us,
56:59 well, we had advantages over Him."
57:02 Well, some people even believe that
57:05 Jesus did not exist until He was born through Mary
57:10 and He had this temporary existence,
57:13 but I ask people today, where did He come from?
57:15 He even said, "I come from my Father,
57:18 I goeth back to my Father."
57:20 But He went back after He conquered death
57:22 and after He defeated sin.
57:26 Deep things that are tough for us to understand, I mean,
57:29 it's been even a challenge putting some of this together
57:32 and as you can tell me be in this program
57:34 we're using our words even more carefully...
57:35 Yes.
57:37 Than we would in another programs
57:38 but we pray that somehow it has touched your heart
57:41 and drawn you closer to who Christ is today to you.
57:45 Job 11:7, "Can you search out the deep things of God,
57:49 can you find out the limits of the almighty
57:51 and the answer is no."
57:53 Until we see you again, may the Lord bless you
57:55 as you continue studying in His almighty Word.


Revised 2017-07-14