House Calls

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL150003A

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend,
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's work together
00:06 on this addition of "House Calls."
00:25 Hello, welcome to the best Bible program
00:28 on this side of the continent, and if I didn't believe
00:32 that I wouldn't have my good friend John with me.
00:34 Good to have you here, John. Good to be here.
00:36 I think we're kind of like in the middle of the continent.
00:39 Yeah, we're somewhere in the United States,
00:42 but you know where we are
00:44 because you've tuned in, so thank you.
00:45 Get your Bibles, get your pens,
00:47 invite your family and your friends.
00:50 That rhymes.
00:51 And we're gonna enjoy our excursion together
00:54 through the word of God.
00:55 And we're gonna have
00:57 an interesting topic today, John.
00:58 We're gonna talk about, is there life after life,
01:02 or is there an afterlife, and if the answers is yes,
01:06 when if the answer is no, why do people think that.
01:09 But um...
01:10 It's, you know, it's a very common
01:12 and popular question.
01:13 People want to know. People want to know.
01:15 Where am I going, after this is all done
01:18 and so we're gonna talk about that today,
01:20 and we're gonna talk about your Bible questions
01:23 and your comments.
01:24 We'll tell you how to send those in just a moment,
01:28 but before we do anything more, we always like to have prayer,
01:31 and John is designated as our prayerer, prayer.
01:35 So, John, would you bring us
01:37 before the throne of grace in prayer.
01:38 Dear Father in heaven,
01:40 we again ask for Your presence to be with us here.
01:42 Today, we open Your word, and invite You to,
01:47 to guide us through its pages
01:48 and to help all those that are hearing,
01:50 that are viewing this program.
01:52 To also have their hearts open
01:54 to receive from you the great gift of truth,
01:56 and so we love you, we give ourselves to you
01:59 here now in this program, in Jesus' name.
02:01 Amen. Amen.
02:04 Now, those of you that have tuned in before,
02:06 you know that a major part of our program
02:08 is Bible questions.
02:09 If this is where your participation is so important
02:12 and so needed.
02:14 So send your questions in.
02:15 If you mail them in, you know, I get,
02:17 I get mail from all over the globe,
02:22 I get it from Minnesota, I get it from New York
02:27 and Florida, and I got one the other day from Trinidad,
02:30 and sometimes we get them from as far as somewhere
02:34 in a different time zone, on a different continent.
02:37 But wherever you are,
02:39 if you want to sent some that are quickly,
02:41 that will arrive here quickly,
02:42 here's the email,
02:45 that's,
02:49 and we will attempt by the word of God
02:51 to answer your questions,
02:52 but if the answer is not acceptable or suitable,
02:56 write us back so we can clarify.
02:59 Now, John, what do you have for us today?
03:00 What question?
03:02 Well, I got a question about the Holy Spirit,
03:04 and the baptism specifically of the Holy Spirit,
03:06 and Carol is writing, she says,
03:09 "Are we to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit everyday,
03:14 or for the infilling of the Holy Spirit everyday,
03:16 or are they the same,
03:19 were not given the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
03:23 actually receive it when we're baptized.
03:26 I thank God for your program and I watch every week."
03:29 Thank you, very much Carol.
03:31 Questions about the Holy Spirit,
03:33 and how we're to ask for the Holy Spirit,
03:35 and how we receive the Holy Spirit.
03:38 I have questions that have been around for quite some time,
03:40 and there are many examples of this obviously in scripture,
03:43 the Holy Spirit being sent out at Pentecost,
03:46 and other times specifically to individuals,
03:48 during it maybe an appeal to someone to come to Christ,
03:52 and even from those who follow Jesus,
03:54 but yet have not received the Holy Spirit.
03:56 So the answer to the question
03:58 really is yes to all those things.
04:00 So the baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs,
04:02 at times at baptism of immersion,
04:06 but also it can occur at various times
04:07 after that as well,
04:09 and so it's really up to the Lord,
04:11 the Holy Spirit descends
04:12 and pours himself into the heart
04:15 and minds of people, as we are open to receive him,
04:18 and that can happen at different times.
04:21 The first question here was about,
04:23 should we pray everyday
04:24 for the infilling of the Holy Spirit
04:27 or for the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
04:29 and these are the synonymous words,
04:30 these are the same thing.
04:32 So whether you're asking for the Lord to baptize you
04:35 by His spirit or to fill you,
04:37 to have an infilling of the spirit it is this,
04:39 you're talking about same thing.
04:41 There is one example here,
04:43 and I think on our recent program
04:44 we actually brought this, this passage up,
04:46 that Jesus comes to the disciples
04:47 after His resurrection,
04:49 included that disciples are already baptized by immersion,
04:52 that is already happened,
04:53 they already been following Jesus,
04:55 but after His resurrection
04:57 they, Jesus appears to them
05:00 in one of his four instances that we know
05:04 of at least that he comes to them
05:05 specifically after that,
05:06 and he says to them in John 20:21,
05:09 "Peace to you as the Father has sent me,
05:12 I also send you" and then verse 22,
05:16 and when he had said this he breathed on them,
05:18 and said "receive the Holy Spirit,"
05:21 and specifically I think the reason
05:23 why I want to bring verse 21 here in
05:26 is because the receiving of the Holy Spirit
05:29 in this instance is connected
05:30 to the sending of the disciples out.
05:34 Jesus knows specifically that we cannot go out,
05:37 and utilize, and use the gifts
05:41 that He has given us through His spirit
05:43 unless He pours His spirit into us,
05:46 and so He did that with the disciples
05:48 so they could go out and begin to share the gospel.
05:51 Then we also see them not too much longer,
05:54 we know from Acts Chapter 1 and 2,
05:57 that they gather together,
05:58 they came together in spite of their differences
06:01 and the various personalities they had
06:04 and they sought Christ,
06:05 they sought Him to send His Holy Spirit which He did,
06:08 He poured out His spirit on them
06:09 on the day of Pentecost.
06:11 And then they went about preaching the gospel
06:13 and many received also the spirit,
06:15 I believe on that day.
06:16 So you're having--
06:18 sometimes, John, you have a situation
06:19 where you're baptized initially,
06:21 and you're given the Holy Spirit
06:23 but then in other times in the future
06:24 you're filled with the Holy Spirit again,
06:27 and so some might call this revivals,
06:30 where you have a revival of your spirit,
06:31 God pours His spirit into you,
06:34 as a result of not only your need,
06:35 but you're seeking that closeness with him,
06:39 and a desire to get out there,
06:41 and get involved in sharing gospel with the others,
06:44 and the mission of Christ to seek and save the lost.
06:47 Usually it's centered around that,
06:48 but sometimes the Holy Spirit comes to,
06:54 in ways that maybe we have a personal need,
06:56 or need of not only knowing that Christ is with us
06:59 and he is close to us,
07:00 but also he gives us a healing or something else
07:03 and he does that through His spirit.
07:05 You know, one of the things, John, that Jesus relinquished
07:09 as a result of coming to this earth as one like us
07:12 is He gave up His ability to be everywhere at once.
07:17 Right.
07:19 And giving up that omnipresence
07:20 He uses, He works with the Holy Spirit
07:23 to meet out the benefits
07:25 of His sacrifice on the cross for us.
07:29 The substitution that He has given us,
07:31 and the salvation he brings to us.
07:33 That is all come through the Holy Spirit,
07:34 which is why in John Chapter 14, he said,
07:37 he encouraged the disciples,
07:39 make sure you pray for the Holy Spirit,
07:41 because I will send him,
07:42 ask me anything that you need.
07:45 I will send the Holy Spirit, the helper
07:47 to come into your life,
07:48 and to bring those things that you need to live the life,
07:51 that I've called you to live, and to complete the mission
07:54 that I've given you to complete.
07:56 Yeah, that's a, that's a very, you know,
07:57 that's a very interesting topic about the Holy Spirit
08:00 and the way he comes into our lives but I want to,
08:06 I want to add to what John just talked about,
08:10 and maybe expand on that a little bit more
08:13 because the Holy Spirit works in various ways.
08:18 One, he works to,
08:20 before we give our lives to Christ,
08:21 he works to convict us, and when conviction comes
08:25 and we invite the Lord to come into our lives,
08:29 then the evidence of the Lord in our lives,
08:32 so if the Lord is our savior is we first,
08:35 the fruit of the spirit show up,
08:37 and as the Lord sees our maturity,
08:40 he even imparts to us the gifts of the spirit.
08:44 So what happens is, you have the suggestion
08:48 that the spirit never stops working,
08:50 you know, one of the stories in the Bible.
08:52 The Lord talks about the wind
08:54 that comes from we don't know where it comes from,
08:55 we don't where it goes,
08:57 and so also is the work of the Holy Spirit.
08:59 You don't know, some people say,
09:01 well I was saved,
09:03 I've heard that phrase used so loosely,
09:04 I was saved at 14,
09:06 well that maybe when you accepted the Lord in your life
09:09 but that was not when the work of the spirit began,
09:11 that was when he decided to give,
09:13 to commit your life to the Lord,
09:15 to, to as Peter, was a perfect example,
09:20 of the Apostle Peter, he didn't accept,
09:22 he did not accept Jesus as soon as he saw Him,
09:25 his brother Andrew did first, and about a year and a half
09:28 after the following of Christ by Andrew
09:31 then Peter was invited, and then Bible says,
09:35 immediately he followed.
09:36 But there was a work, there was a connection
09:38 that was going on little more than an year,
09:40 about a year, year and half,
09:41 before he accepted that invitation,
09:43 and then we still see
09:44 that there was still a lot of work left to do in his life,
09:47 but the spirit was the one that was working in him,
09:49 even up to the point where just before the cross,
09:51 the Lord said to Peter when you are converted,
09:54 strengthen the brethren,
09:56 and on the day of Pentecost when the spirit was poured out,
09:59 the empowerment of Peter after his conversion
10:03 gave him the strength
10:04 to now be a part of the fulfilling of the gospel
10:07 which the Bible says, "And you shall receive power,"
10:10 and so I want to talk about the work of the Holy Spirit,
10:14 the fruits of the spirit,
10:15 the power of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit.
10:19 And so you see that those are the ways,
10:21 so when you're saying, "Lord, if I wake up in the morning,
10:25 and I'm gonna ask for the spirit of God
10:28 to abide in my life."
10:30 What I'd like to point out is that he never stops abiding.
10:34 John 14:16, "I will pray the Father."
10:37 This is Jesus speaking to His disciples.
10:40 "I will pray the Father,
10:41 and he will give you another helper."
10:45 King James says, "Another comforter,
10:47 that he may abide with you forever."
10:51 And when you look that up in the context,
10:55 says what when he, "that he may abide with you forever,"
10:58 and who is that, that he is speaking of?
11:01 "The spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive."
11:06 So the one that promises to abide with you forever
11:09 is the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive.
11:13 So what happens? How long is he gonna be around?
11:17 Verse 17 of John 14, "Because it neither sees him,
11:21 nor knows him, but you know him for he dwells with you,
11:25 and will be in you.
11:27 I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you."
11:30 And so when Jesus returned to the Father,
11:34 He sent the spirit and he says it's necessary that I go,
11:38 and there's only, there is one more function of the spirit
11:40 that I want to point out.
11:41 John 16:13,
11:46 "However, when he the spirit of truth is come,
11:49 he will guide you into all truth
11:51 for he will not speak on his own authority,
11:54 but whatever he hears, he will speak
11:56 and he will tell you things to come.
11:59 He will glorify me, glorify me."
12:01 Verse 14, "For he will take of what is mine
12:04 and declare it to you."
12:06 So the spirit never stops working in us,
12:09 and that's why you know, you think of the Holy Spirit,
12:11 and you think, well that's the New Testament,
12:13 but one text, Psalms 51:11, when David prayed,
12:20 the chapter we call that the chapter of his--
12:22 not the chapter of his repentance
12:24 but the chapter of his re-conversion,
12:27 I can use that phrase in a broader sense,
12:30 because chapter 50 was where was repenting.
12:32 In chapter 51 he pleads to the Lord
12:35 and he says verse 11,
12:37 "Do not cast me away from your presence
12:40 and do not take your Holy Spirit from me."
12:44 So a lot of times we think
12:45 that the Holy Spirit was poured out
12:46 only in the New Testament times,
12:48 but the Holy Spirit has always continued to work
12:50 through those vessels that God has called
12:54 and that Jesus has commissioned.
12:56 And I think probably in the New Testament
12:57 what he is doing,
12:59 and the Holy Spirit in the way he is working,
13:02 it has to do with commissioning,
13:04 and getting the word through power out to the world,
13:08 and so, you know, we need to know that the Holy Spirit,
13:11 even before being in us is working.
13:13 That's right.
13:15 I like the passage here from John 14:17,
13:19 "He dwells with you and will be in the future,"
13:23 Jesus' is saying, "in you," so at that point
13:26 the Holy Spirit was working absolutely on the disciples,
13:29 but he had not yet filled them with power
13:32 to be able to then not only transform their life,
13:36 but then allow them to move out into the world
13:39 to share the gospel with everyone else.
13:40 And so the formula I have, kind of like the P, three Ps.
13:44 Salvation from the penalty,
13:46 from the power and the presence of sin,
13:48 there's another formula I have,
13:50 and this is the Holy Spirit works on you first
13:54 then he works in you, then he works through you.
13:58 So when the spirit begins, he works on you,
14:01 if he can't work, if he does not work in you
14:04 before he works on you, when he works in you,
14:07 God both to will and do of his good pleasure,
14:10 then he can work through you, and those are the steps.
14:12 On you, in you, and then through you,
14:14 and when you look at the Bible, you exactly see
14:17 that the spirit worked on Peter, to call him,
14:19 worked in him, to qualify him,
14:21 then worked through him to commission him
14:24 to be a New Testament apostle.
14:25 So in a practical way just to answer the question,
14:28 should we be praying
14:29 for the infilling of the Holy Spirit?
14:30 Yes. Of course.
14:32 Because in many times,
14:33 God needs to instill and fuse you
14:35 with the power of His spirit to do a work,
14:37 He wants to work through you, and recognizing that need
14:43 and then asking for the Lord
14:44 to do that is very important in our lives,
14:46 but we also should know
14:47 that in everyday of our lives the Holy Spirit is there,
14:50 and he's continually working in us.
14:52 It's not that you have to pray everyday,
14:55 so the Holy Spirit doesn't leave you.
14:57 So I'm saying you
14:58 you're praying for the Holy Spirit
15:00 always for Christ to always be in the heart,
15:02 and that you would hear His voice,
15:05 but sometimes there are things that happen that you know,
15:08 are involved
15:10 that you need power and strength for.
15:12 Maybe they're evangelistic or some outreach thing,
15:14 or something else.
15:15 Those are the times
15:17 to really pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit
15:20 in the way that brings power to the message
15:22 and to your life as you look to share Christ with others.
15:26 You know, I love this topic, we need to do it,
15:29 I don't know if maybe we have,
15:31 but it would be good to do another one again
15:33 on just how the spirit works.
15:36 You know, this whole thing about conversion in the Bible
15:40 is so clear on conversion.
15:43 Conversion is compared to either being in the flesh,
15:47 or being in the spirit,
15:49 and one of the favorite passages in the Bible
15:52 in Romans 8:1,
15:56 "There is therefore, now no condemnation
15:59 to those who are in Christ,
16:02 who walk not according to the flesh,
16:05 but according to the spirit."
16:08 So when you look at the spirit the work is just so beautifully
16:13 Romans 8:14,
16:14 "For as many as are led by the spirit of God
16:18 these are the sons of God."
16:20 And when you look at the beginning
16:22 of the ministry of Jesus,
16:23 Matthew 4, the very first verse says,
16:26 "and Jesus," speaking of him, "he was led of the spirit."
16:30 So the leading that the spirit
16:32 that led Jesus in his human form
16:35 is the spirit that leads us in our human form
16:38 when we become part takers of a divine nature.
16:41 So here's what I would say, rather than saying,
16:44 I'm praying for the Holy Spirit to fill me everyday,
16:46 pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you everyday
16:49 because he's already come in, he's doing a work in you,
16:52 and the work that he's begun in you is not gonna,
16:54 he's not gonna,
16:56 he's gonna continue till that work is completed.
16:58 So pray that everyday
17:00 you will have an ear for the spirits of voice
17:02 so you can hear him leading you,
17:04 because you know, John, it's amazing,
17:06 sometime in the mornings
17:08 after I've finished reading the Bible,
17:10 done my devotions, I say "Lord, use me today.
17:16 Cause me to meet somebody
17:17 and what you've just shared with me,
17:19 maybe it could help someone,"
17:21 and I have been amazed how God, friends have allowed me
17:25 to become a vessel of honor for him that day,
17:29 and I will get a phone call, one day I got a phone call
17:32 all the way from the Virgin Islands
17:35 about 15 minutes after I finished my Bible studies,
17:38 and it was on the very thing I just studied,
17:41 and I thought, "Lord you just got me ready
17:45 for this phone call."
17:46 That's what I'm talking about so what you want to do,
17:48 you don't want to pray for the spirit to fill you up,
17:49 and do nothing
17:51 because it's like filling your car with gas
17:52 and doing nothing.
17:53 You want to pray for the spirit to be,
17:55 he's already there, but now say, "Lord use me.
17:57 Holy Spirit, I'm making myself available
18:00 that Christ can be glorified through me."
18:01 That's right.
18:03 And so it's a powerful state--
18:04 That's the really, really good one,
18:06 we can take one day
18:07 and just really dissect that all of the aspects
18:08 in how the spirits works.
18:10 Nutshell in you, on you, in you, through you,
18:13 as He leads you, and so praise God for that.
18:17 We have a Delores from the Amarillo, Texas.
18:21 Delores from Amarillo, Texas, has a question, she says,
18:25 "I have heard on 3ABN more recently
18:28 by one or two, in house speakers
18:31 the term "Father God."
18:34 When I hear this, it makes me wonder
18:37 how many Gods that person has?
18:41 It sounds irreverent,
18:43 and not an appropriate way to address God.
18:46 I have not seen that term used in the Bible,
18:49 I have seen in red, "God my Father,"
18:53 which say, who is God, Father who art in heaven
18:56 which says, which Father.
18:59 However, I've not seen or read "Father God"
19:02 which says, which God.
19:05 What are your thoughts
19:06 and can you show me any references in the Bible
19:08 where God is addressed as Father God?
19:11 Is it common?
19:13 It is common for the Catholic Church
19:16 and some other denominations
19:18 to refer to their priests as Father such and such.
19:22 Is this a subtle way to merge into one religion?
19:26 Let me answer the last part.
19:28 No, we ain't merging into anything.
19:32 Let me use the term,
19:34 when you use the term "Father God,"
19:36 one of the phrases Jesus, one of the statement Jesus made
19:39 is "Call no man your Father"
19:42 except your Father which is in heaven.
19:45 So when you say Father, it is not--
19:49 Let me put the phrase correctly
19:51 Father, comma God not "Father God."
19:55 That's the better way they we're saying,
19:56 Father, God, not Father God, but Father comma God,
20:02 because when you see in the Bible,
20:03 Galatians 4:6 is a wonderful illustration of this.
20:09 Galatians 4:6, "And because you are sons,
20:13 God has sent forth the Spirit of His Sons into your heart,
20:18 crying out, "Abba, Father!"
20:21 that's Father, Father
20:24 and so who is the Father that's talked about?
20:25 Abba.
20:27 That's talking about the endearment of God to us.
20:29 Abba, Father, well, you find one Greek word
20:33 and one English word both meaning the same thing,
20:36 Abba Father, Father, Father,
20:38 and so what Father is being referred to here,
20:40 our heavenly Father.
20:42 So the term, we're not merging into any religions,
20:46 those are terms that people have used,
20:49 one of the things I always recommend to people not say
20:52 is mother God, and I've heard some preachers.
20:55 I heard a preacher once say that
20:57 and I pulled him aside in a heartbeat
20:59 and said, "There the Bible doesn't support a mother God,"
21:03 but when you phrase, when you read the Bible
21:05 and you look at the phrase "Father,"
21:07 our Father which art in heaven or who art in heaven,
21:10 which ever translation you have.
21:11 So, suffice to say that when somebody says Father God,
21:15 it's a term of in endearance
21:16 rather than a term of coming up with a new God,
21:19 because there's no new God, because Bible says,
21:22 "Thou shall have no other gods before me."
21:23 There's only our Lord is one God.
21:26 So, you know, I wouldn't,
21:28 but I could give you number of texts
21:30 where Father and God are used together.
21:32 And I believe that, when you asked the question,
21:35 where is God addressed as Father God,
21:37 surely, you've done your homework
21:39 because you don't often ask a question like that,
21:41 unless you know the answer
21:43 is the Bible doesn't address God as Father God.
21:46 But Abba Father is a term that's close to Abba,
21:50 that my Father, and Father, my God.
21:53 But number of passages in the Bible,
21:58 one of the ones that you see differentiation is made
22:01 between the Father and the Son is in John 20:17
22:06 and also in Matthew 4
22:10 you find the spirit of God descending on Christ,
22:13 you find the Son of God being baptized
22:16 and you hear the voice of God, the Father speaking,
22:19 so you have the Father God, the Son God and the spirit.
22:26 So, there you find God spoken of,
22:28 in the person of the Godhead.
22:32 But here's one that you could see the differentiation
22:34 between the Father and the Son and both being God, here it is.
22:38 He says, Jesus said to her John 20:17,
22:41 "Do not cling to Me--"
22:43 And I'm reading from the New King James Version,
22:44 "For I've not yet to ascended to my Father,
22:48 but go to my brethren and say to them
22:51 I am ascending to my Father and your Father,
22:55 to my God and your God."
22:58 So you have Father, God referred to there,
23:02 Jesus is saying I'm ascending to my Father
23:05 and to your Father,
23:06 to my God and to your God,
23:09 and then when you go to Hebrews now.
23:11 The Bible makes it clear in Hebrews Chapter 1
23:13 I believe it is,
23:14 let me turn there quickly, any comments John.
23:16 No, you're doing a good job.
23:19 So, Hebrews, now you find
23:23 Hebrews 1:8,
23:29 "But to the son he says
23:31 your throne, oh God, is forever."
23:34 So, if you said, Jesus is my God
23:37 and God Almighty is my God.
23:40 You find these terms are simply differentiating
23:43 between the Father and the Son,
23:46 but the term God is broad
23:48 in the sense of encompassing the Son,
23:50 the Father and the Holy Spirit.
23:53 So but as far as the term Father God,
23:55 I would prefer to say Father comma God
23:59 rather than Father God.
24:00 Almost saying like there, is there a different God,
24:04 you know, we're not, we're not talking about a new God
24:07 or an additional God.
24:09 So, anyway that's kind of--
24:11 but just to answer the question,
24:14 no, we're not following Catholicism at all.
24:17 We're not referring to him as a priest
24:19 would be refer to as Father Lawrence,
24:21 as Father John, or you know, so on and so forth,
24:24 and in that sense, Jesus says "call no man your Father."
24:28 One more question? Yes, I think so.
24:30 This message comes from Kiza
24:32 and the question is, well it's a--
24:36 it's a little long.
24:37 So I'm gonna try and pull out the question here
24:39 and just kind of paraphrase.
24:41 I was hoping you'd be able to help me
24:43 regarding a question that has stumped me,
24:46 I know God hates lies,
24:48 so I've struggled for years to workout why,
24:51 in the book of 2 Chronicles 18:18-23,
24:56 God uses a lying spirit to get rid of King Ahab
24:59 to bring about his down fall,
25:02 and so we're gonna go there and take a look here at,
25:06 at this passage from 2 Chronicles 18
25:13 and I'll begin here with, with verse 18.
25:22 By the way, this is Ahab and Jehoshaphat
25:25 kind of creating an alliance
25:29 to defend against an army
25:33 that is coming against them, I believe it was the Assyrians,
25:35 but I don't have it right in front of me.
25:38 Anyway, so they're here
25:40 and Ahab asks for some help from a prophet
25:44 which is, as a result of King Jehoshaphat
25:48 actually pursuing that King Jehoshaphat,
25:49 if you understand was a righteous king
25:52 and King Ahab was a wicked king
25:55 and it says in verse 18 that Micah who was the one,
25:58 who's the true prophet of God that came before them,
26:02 said, "Therefore, hear the word of the Lord.
26:05 I saw the Lord sitting on his throne
26:07 in all of the host of heaven
26:08 standing at his right hand and his left.
26:10 And the Lord said "who will persuade Ahab,
26:15 King of Israel to go up,
26:16 that he may fall at Ramoth-Gilead.
26:19 So one spoke in this manner
26:22 and another spoke in that manner
26:24 and then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord
26:27 and said "I will persuade him."
26:29 The Lord said to him "in what way"?
26:32 So he said "I will go out to be a lying spirit
26:34 in the mouth of all his prophets"
26:36 and the Lord said "you shall persuade him
26:38 and also prevail, go out and do so.
26:42 Therefore look, the Lord has put a lying spirit
26:45 in the mouth of these prophets of yours,
26:47 and the Lord has declared disaster against you."
26:51 So, some I know have read that and they say, well,
26:53 you know why does the Lord ask one of his angels,
26:56 one of the spiritual host to go and lie to Abraham,
27:00 to Ahab here?
27:02 And that's not really what's happening,
27:04 what is happening here is fairly common
27:07 that even occurs today.
27:09 This is a situation
27:10 where God is allowing someone to be tempted,
27:15 someone to be enticed to do something that would be,
27:21 that would go against what God's will is,
27:23 a test so to speak,
27:25 and in this case this test came upon Ahab
27:27 because Ahab was determined
27:30 to bring Jehoshaphat and his army along with him
27:35 to fight against this army that was coming against Israel.
27:40 And one of the things that you'll note here,
27:42 and this is the case with all of scripture
27:44 and it's just the way
27:45 that the Bible reads in various,
27:48 in many places and that is this,
27:51 often when the Bible says
27:55 with the Bible speaks of as the Lord allowing,
27:58 it says it as it reads it,
28:00 what you read is as if he does it, okay.
28:04 So, when God allows something to happen,
28:06 the Bible will actually say
28:09 in so many words that he actually does it, okay,
28:13 and this is very thing you've heard the term,
28:15 John that God hardened pharaoh's heart.
28:18 Right.
28:19 Well, did that mean God went down and said
28:21 "Pharaoh you're not gonna accept me,
28:23 I'm gonna harden your heart now if they go against me,
28:25 so when then I speak to you,
28:27 you'll resist me, is that what God did?
28:28 No. Absolutely not. Is that God like that?
28:30 No, but he allows the spirit, the evil spirit to test
28:35 and to come into pharaoh's life,
28:38 who is already resistant to God's voice
28:41 and God allowed that to happen which hardened his heart
28:44 against the message that God was to bring.
28:46 In very similar way here,
28:47 He's allowing this lying spirit,
28:49 an evil spirit who says, "Hey, I'll go do it."
28:52 And let me tell you, every demonic spirit
28:54 is very willing to bring someone's downfall.
28:57 There's no question
28:58 and here before Christ came and died on the cross
29:01 we have, we see clear access still by Satan and his host
29:05 to come before of the throne of God.
29:08 They always had to seek permission
29:10 into what they wanted to do
29:11 but in this case a lying spirit was coming before him
29:14 and asked to go ahead
29:16 and bring that lie before King Ahab.
29:20 And the Lord allows him to do this.
29:22 And it's nothing less than a test Ahab
29:25 and a temptation to Ahab that God allows,
29:28 but the Bible reads as if God does it
29:30 but really what it's saying
29:32 is God is allowing this to occur.
29:34 And to add to that,
29:36 one of the most beautiful thing's
29:38 that I want to just built on that
29:40 and that was, that's good what you said
29:42 is that God protects those
29:48 that stand for the truth
29:51 and God will not allow
29:53 someone who does not represent Him
29:55 to speak in his behalf.
29:57 This was huge, let me give you a couple of examples
30:00 and then I'll show you two scriptures.
30:02 When Saul was rejected by the Lord
30:04 and the Lord rejected him as King.
30:06 He went to an evil,
30:09 he went to a witch to get a word from the Lord
30:13 and an evil spirit mimicked Samuel the Prophet
30:19 and brought forth the prophecy of doom to Saul,
30:23 which came to pass.
30:24 When that happened, the Bible says
30:27 "Saul did not know
30:29 that the spirit of God had departed from him,"
30:32 when God does not choose you any longer,
30:35 He does not allow the spirit of truth
30:37 to speak through you.
30:38 Therefore, if you come to me and I listened to you,
30:42 I could say as a true prophet I could say
30:45 "what you just said, God did not send you."
30:48 And what you're seeing in this story
30:50 is the enemies of Israel
30:52 always wanted to get an upper hand on Israel.
30:56 But God never allowed them to receive that information.
31:00 So, you have this lying prophet that's going to Ahab
31:05 and Ahab now thinks he's receiving good information
31:10 but God is saying,
31:11 when he comes with that information,
31:12 when you hear this information
31:14 know that I'm not speaking through him.
31:16 We're able to differentiate, and today,
31:18 let me give you an example.
31:19 I'll use a couple of this scriptures
31:21 to show you that, this pattern has been established
31:23 all through scriptures.
31:24 The Lord says to those who know the truth,
31:26 just listen to what they say and you'll know
31:28 whether or not I've sent them.
31:30 Jeremiah Chapter 23, the Bible says,
31:32 "Woe unto the prophets who said I have said
31:34 and I have not said, woe to the prophet
31:37 who said I have sent them and I've not sent them."
31:39 And then, here's one of the classic ones
31:42 that we've heard before
31:43 but now the context that it falls to.
31:45 John laid the context by showing you
31:47 in an application how it actually works.
31:50 God never speaks through false prophets.
31:52 So, when they to come to prophesize or speak,
31:54 you'll know instantly by what they say
31:57 that this lying spirit is working through them.
31:59 Here it is, Isaiah 8:20, this is the prime example,
32:04 "To the law and to the testimony
32:06 if they do not speak according to this word,
32:11 it is because there is no truth in them."
32:15 So, now go back to the application,
32:16 Ahab comes, lying spirit delivers a message to him,
32:21 he now goes and deliver that message
32:22 and the true prophet says,
32:24 God did not say that, you know why?
32:26 Because you're not speaking according to the law
32:27 and testimony
32:29 and then one more, in the New Testament,
32:31 "God always puts into place whether or not we can know
32:33 that this person is filled by God's spirit or not."
32:37 So, you find also when--
32:39 let me read the second example
32:41 to before I read the third example.
32:44 1 John 2:3 and 4,
32:47 and once again these always tests, and let us know
32:50 that God is speaking through that individual,
32:52 here it is.
32:53 And today let me, before I read this text,
32:55 today John, there are many preachers preaching
32:58 and we know by based on what they said
33:00 that they're not being used by God.
33:02 I don't want to use names
33:04 in respect to those individuals,
33:05 whom God can still bring to the knowledge of truth
33:08 but there are many preachers preaching today
33:10 that are saying things that God has not said,
33:12 some of them even say on air,
33:14 God told me I'm being on a bus one day
33:16 and I'm gonna be very vague about this,
33:18 traveling with some people and on television,
33:22 this bus had a television and somebody said
33:24 "God told me that I'm gonna be the next president."
33:27 And I said that's a lie, and people turned to me
33:31 and said "How could you be so judgmental?"
33:33 I said God did not tell him
33:35 he's gonna be the next president.
33:36 I said watch,
33:38 he's not even gonna make it into the primaries
33:40 and he didn't.
33:41 About a month and half later when the primaries were--
33:43 he didn't even get chosen to be on the podium
33:45 as one of the possible running candidates.
33:47 I said I've told you that
33:49 and they said, how do you know that?
33:50 I said because he doesn't speak the truth,
33:52 God is not gonna use a person
33:53 who tells lies as his mouthpiece.
33:55 So this example is
33:57 that spirit that came into him, God said okay.
34:00 Now watch this. He does not represent me.
34:04 So he's asking for this spirit?
34:06 Okay, I'm gonna send a lying spirit
34:08 that you'll know, that he's not my vessel.
34:12 And descending is the part that allows him to go.
34:16 But the Bible reads as he was sent.
34:18 But that's just because that even,
34:20 and here's the good news about this.
34:23 Those evil angels, demons have to go through God,
34:29 before he allows anything to happen to anyone.
34:32 God is sovereign, everything that happens here,
34:35 God has to be consulted.
34:37 He has to allow
34:39 and a lot of this don't like necessarily what he allows
34:43 because we suffer, we experience pain,
34:45 we have a lot of things we go through
34:47 that are very tough.
34:48 Job had the same thing but nonetheless God is with us,
34:51 and he stands for us and unless we put ourselves,
34:56 insert ourselves up against him,
34:58 speaking presuming to speak in his behalf
35:00 when God is not speaking through us.
35:03 We've nothing to fear because God is for you and you,
35:07 we can take confidence in that,
35:09 in many of these stories of the Bible.
35:11 You know another,
35:12 the final example I want to also bring out
35:14 in 1 John 2:3 and 4,
35:16 once again another example of how the Lord says,
35:18 you can tell that the spirit working through that man
35:20 is a lying spirit.
35:22 This is not Old Testament only, this is today
35:25 and you know as a person who knows truth.
35:27 You could say, that person is not telling the truth.
35:28 So what spirit is actually at work?
35:30 A lying spirit. Here's another one.
35:33 1 John 2:3 and 4,
35:34 "Now by this we know that,
35:36 we know him if we keep his commandments."
35:38 Verse 4, the key aspect, "He who says," he's speaking,
35:43 "I know him and does not keep his commandments is a liar
35:47 and the truth is not in him."
35:49 What spirit is at work?
35:50 A lying spirit and then finally in 2 John
35:56 well, 1 John 2:22, "Who is a liar?
36:01 But he who denies that Jesus is the Christ,
36:04 he is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son."
36:08 And 1 John 4:3,
36:11 "And every spirit that does not confess
36:14 that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh,
36:16 is not of God
36:17 and this is the spirit of the antichrist,
36:20 which you've heard was coming
36:22 and is now already in the world."
36:25 And finally 2 John 7,
36:26 "For many deceivers have gone out into the world
36:29 who do not confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.
36:32 This is a deceiver and an antichrist."
36:34 What spirit do you think is working in all of them?
36:35 Lying spirit.
36:37 You know, I'd also add really quickly here,
36:38 you see a lot of these things of healings going on
36:40 and these mass healing stuff and.
36:43 The best way to know whether if it's of God or not,
36:45 is listening to what they say.
36:46 Right, so what you seeing is example here.
36:48 It's not an isolated incidence but what happened then
36:52 is still happing today
36:54 and when a prophet of God heard what they've said,
36:58 he said "That's a lie."
37:00 There's not a spirit of God in him
37:02 and it's all through the Bible.
37:03 Elijah and Elisha, give me a double portion of the spirit,
37:07 these men tell the truth.
37:09 But false prophets that ask for the spirit
37:11 and there's so many examples.
37:12 In the New Testament,
37:14 when the apostles were performing miracles.
37:15 One person says, "Hey, I want the same power,
37:17 what did the demons do to that man?"
37:19 Tore him up.
37:21 Tore his clothes up,
37:22 went into streets running naked,
37:23 you cannot, God never allows his Holy Spirit
37:27 to work in someone whose life is not dedicated to him.
37:30 That's simply what that is.
37:31 Now, this is an easy transition to our topic for today.
37:34 Oh, it is, it very much is.
37:36 And by the way, in transitioning,
37:37 if you have any question you want to send to us,
37:39 here's the email that you'd like to send them
37:41 to that's
37:46 and I guess you can sense,
37:48 we enjoy answering Bible questions.
37:50 So, do us a favor
37:52 and continue sending them our way.
37:54 We appreciate it.
37:55 Transition, John, into the topic today.
37:57 Yeah, our topic today is about "The Afterlife."
38:02 And even more than that, I think the question
38:04 that we often hear and see,
38:07 we feel frequently from people as pastors is,
38:11 you know what happens when my Mom or Dad dies,
38:13 you know, where are they are going?
38:14 What's going to become of them?
38:16 And there is a bit of anxiety out there,
38:17 especially today with the afterlife
38:20 and connections as well to the after world,
38:23 with the other world.
38:25 Today I'm amazed, John, at the programs
38:27 how they have become so overtly spiritualistic today.
38:31 Because, I'll tell you back when I was young growing up,
38:34 you didn't seen this stuff on TV
38:35 but, now it's a regular thing to have,
38:38 you know, the ghost chasers and--
38:42 Ghost whisperers?
38:43 Ghost whisperers is an actual program.
38:45 You know, I'm talking about like the,
38:47 the guys they go out and search for ghosts
38:49 in haunted houses and things and their encounters.
38:52 But everything is, they're pursuing this spiritual world.
38:56 They want the knowledge of that.
38:58 And let me tell you, the devil is all too willing
39:01 to give them that experience they're looking for.
39:03 And of course he couches that, he shares that in a good light,
39:07 you know sometime we hear of, you know witches aren't bad,
39:10 all witches aren't bad,
39:11 you know the bad witches deal with black magic
39:13 and the good witches, you know, deal with good things
39:16 and so it kind of tries to paint a smooth,
39:20 a kind of a good picture of the wicked host
39:25 and what they do.
39:26 Now they don't realize that they're wicked,
39:28 but, indeed they are, and so,
39:31 we want to kind of come at this in a practical way?
39:34 I think we're not trying to be text intensive this time
39:38 because we covered this topic before.
39:39 But we surely want to give Bibles verses.
39:41 Oh, yeah, absolutely, we're gonna give you Bible text,
39:42 but we want to talk about it in a practical way
39:46 and approach it in light of the questions
39:48 we know that are out there.
39:50 Right, you know two of the passages that are,
39:51 I want to ask you to go to Job 7:10
39:56 and we're gonna begin with Ecclesiastes 9:5 and 6.
40:00 These two passages establish, you know,
40:03 we're not gonna be talking about,
40:05 when people go to heaven
40:09 but surely they do not go at the time of death.
40:11 We're gonna establish more of the whole conversation
40:15 about the afterlife.
40:16 That has been the consuming,
40:18 and thank you, John, for bringing that up.
40:19 That has been the consummation of this market today,
40:24 the market has been inundated
40:26 with things about the afterlife.
40:30 I saw an advertisement for,
40:36 it's like NYPD,
40:39 NYPD something like New York Police Department.
40:42 But the commercial look like, people that,
40:46 police that had died,
40:48 were now assigned to spirit cases
40:53 in different locations,
40:54 these, they were still police but in an afterlife sense.
40:58 And I'm thinking, this is so ridiculous,
40:59 but you know what happens,
41:01 when people don't have a foundation in scriptures
41:03 these verses, these things
41:04 begin to plant thoughts in their minds
41:06 that long enough you could look at things long enough,
41:10 they start making inroads into your mind
41:12 and make you think that, this is how it really is.
41:14 But let's start with a couple of passages.
41:17 One of those that makes it very clear
41:19 that when life ceases,
41:21 there's no more continuation after that
41:23 is Ecclesiastes 9:5
41:25 and I'm in the New Kings James Version,
41:27 "For the living know that they will die,
41:29 but the dead know nothing."
41:32 Kings James, "No, not anything and they have no more reward,
41:38 for the memory of them is forgotten."
41:40 That means their memories cease to function.
41:44 Verse 6, "Also their love, their hatred,
41:48 their envy have now perished.
41:50 Nevermore will they have a share
41:54 in anything done under the sun."
41:57 So, when you have these people as you gave the illustration,
42:01 going into houses, with these machines there,
42:05 I'm listening for certain sounds
42:07 and certain tones.
42:10 Oh, there was just a rush of air.
42:12 I think one just passed by us.
42:14 You know, this is so dramatic and so cynical in the sense,
42:18 but that's what they're doing nowadays.
42:19 They're trying to find these spirits.
42:20 Oh, and then they had a commercial once that,
42:24 will you spend a night in this house
42:26 for $100,000 I said, yes, I will.
42:31 I'll be glad to spend a night at that house for a $100,000
42:34 because there's nothing in there.
42:35 That's right.
42:36 Because, I know the reality of the after,
42:39 I know the reality of when the dead are dead,
42:41 but I also acknowledge the fact that evil spirits do exist.
42:44 But I have no fear because my God is my protector.
42:47 He also said the safest place to be on any given night
42:50 is in the graveyard.
42:51 Yeah, you want to have a peaceful rest?
42:53 Nobody will mug you in the graveyard,
42:56 in New York City.
42:57 They ain't coming in there.
42:59 So but, but now let's go ahead this passage,
43:01 so first of all, the living know that they're gonna die.
43:05 You know the older we get John,
43:06 the more we start thinking about mortality
43:09 and we go from plans for college,
43:12 plans for family to the word legacy.
43:16 Because we know that this is eventual,
43:19 but so, so what happens if I, if somebody dies,
43:22 you know, we take him to the cemetery.
43:24 What does the Bible say?
43:26 Will I smell them, will they be in house
43:28 moving clocks and numbers and all that?
43:30 What does the passage say?
43:31 Not at all, I fact I'm gonna read from,
43:33 I think I'm in Job...
43:34 Seven. Seven.
43:36 And I will start with verse 7,
43:38 "Oh, remember that my life is a breath.
43:41 My eye will never see, again see good.
43:44 The eye of him who sees me will see me no more.
43:47 While your eyes are upon me, I shall no longer be."
43:50 That's right.
43:51 "As the cloud disappears and vanishes away.
43:54 So, he who goes down to the grave
43:55 does not come up.
43:57 He shall never return to his house
44:00 nor shall his place know him anymore."
44:03 Is that clear? Yeah.
44:05 You can't get any clearer than that.
44:08 The person is saying, "The eyes that see me,"
44:12 I like that "The eyes of him who sees me
44:15 will see me no more."
44:17 In other words, I'll use a story, one lady said,
44:22 she, I got a call from a young man in Florida,
44:24 and this story is repeated once on a program
44:26 but, the little boy said,
44:28 his mother kept visiting him in his room.
44:30 Little young Adventist boy and he says,
44:33 with that southern accent, "sir,"
44:36 I said next time this happens, I told him what to do
44:39 and it never happened again,
44:40 and there are people that say, you know,
44:42 one mother said, I saw my daughter
44:44 appear in the kitchen while I was cooking
44:46 because I missed her so much.
44:47 She had died about a month and a half earlier,
44:49 I wanted so badly to embrace her
44:50 but I knew that was an evil spirit
44:52 and she called on God's name and whatever she said,
44:58 she said this apparition vanished
45:01 and never saw it again and that's what happens here.
45:03 So, will a person see the person that dies again?
45:06 Yes or No? No.
45:08 See?
45:10 So you see these are, what are these?
45:11 What's happening here?
45:14 To me, well, a death, clearly there is,
45:16 there is a rest in the grave.
45:18 There is no longer a continuance
45:20 on anything that happens under the sun,
45:22 Ecclesiastes talks about the events
45:23 that happen on this earth, they have no influence
45:25 or involvement with.
45:27 That Job 14 says,
45:29 that he will wait until his change comes.
45:32 Rest in the grave until that change happens,
45:34 we know of course from 1 Corinthians 15,
45:37 that change occurs at the second coming,
45:39 at the resurrection.
45:40 That's right.
45:42 So one of the things that's amazing to me John,
45:43 is how accepting
45:48 that the dead continue on in the afterlife,
45:51 in consciousness.
45:52 How that is so destructive to the resurrection.
45:57 Right, it's like it has been cancelled.
45:58 It cancels the need for,
46:00 it makes the resurrection just kind of an anticlimactic event.
46:03 Right.
46:04 When the second coming is all about
46:07 bringing all the saints back together with him
46:10 to heaven at the same time,
46:12 it's a great reunion that happens of all the ages,
46:15 of all the people that are followers of Jesus
46:18 back to heaven with Him and yet it's anticlimactic
46:22 because you know what, the teaching goes,
46:25 that Jesus brings all those that have already died
46:27 back with him to this earth
46:29 instead of going from earth to heaven
46:31 after a resurrection, the resurrection's gone.
46:33 Right, the resurrection has been almost deleted.
46:35 And then the answer is,
46:37 well, the only reason the resurrection is happening,
46:39 the reason why it's important is so we can get new bodies.
46:43 It, it's so now following that train of thought through.
46:47 If they are in heaven, we know they're not,
46:49 I want to make sure so that
46:51 you don't miss the portion of the program.
46:53 They're not in heaven, but if they were,
46:55 what form are they there?
46:57 Some people say, they are souls and there are spirits,
47:00 but when Jesus ascended to heaven
47:01 he ascended in a bodily form.
47:04 He did not ascend to heaven in a spirit form.
47:06 Acts 1, the same Jesus that you have seen,
47:09 that you have seen go,
47:12 you will see him coming like manner
47:14 as you have seen him go.
47:15 He went visibly, they saw the nail prints,
47:18 they saw the hole in the side.
47:21 When He was resurrected, He had a physical body,
47:23 but that was a glorified body,
47:26 people have gotten this idea of spirit
47:28 and spiritual mixed up.
47:30 Paul the apostle talks about spiritual bodies
47:33 not spirit bodies, but some denominations,
47:37 some large denominations talk about spirits
47:41 that existed prior to the earthly birth,
47:43 these spirits come down and get into the body
47:46 and then when they die, the spirit goes back up,
47:49 and this is like the spirit conveyer belt
47:51 that happens back and forth, back and forth, back and forth
47:54 that all these spirit gods are making spirit babies
47:57 and sending them to the earth
47:58 that they come into the baby's body
48:00 at the time of birth,
48:02 so they're kind of hanging out inside
48:03 until they die and they go back.
48:05 That's the concepts that exist
48:07 on a large, large worldwide scale
48:11 through a particular denomination.
48:12 Yeah, and it's the concept of what we once referred to
48:15 as the immortal soul.
48:17 That's right.
48:18 Immortality, here's the amazing part about that is,
48:21 that as human beings, the Bible is very clear
48:26 that we have today in our sinful state,
48:28 we have lost immortality.
48:31 Right.
48:32 Yet, to embrace the teaching of the immortal soul,
48:36 you have to retain it.
48:39 And in fact, the Bible says very clearly
48:41 that the reason why God sent an angel
48:43 to guard the gate and access to the tree of life
48:49 is because, He did not want Adam and Eve
48:51 who now were sinners to have, to be immortal sinners.
48:55 So there is proof right there
48:56 that they had lost their immortality
48:57 yet we as a church, at large,
49:00 I'm talking about most churches still teach
49:02 that we have an immortal soul.
49:04 Right, and immortality even to build strongly on that,
49:09 God never created Adam and Eve,
49:11 they were not immoral at the creation,
49:14 they would have received the gift of eternal life
49:16 on the condition of obedience.
49:18 If Adam and Eve were immoral, they couldn't have died
49:21 and so that test came to them
49:23 because they did not have the mortality.
49:25 If they have been obedient they would have received,
49:27 so Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death,
49:31 but the gift of God is eternal life
49:32 through Jesus Christ our Lord."
49:34 That was true from the very beginning,
49:35 that was not just true in the New Testament times,
49:37 that was always true.
49:39 So when a person is obedient, what do they get?
49:41 The gift of the eternal life.
49:43 So this whole idea
49:44 that immortality is the natural property of the human being,
49:47 the Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:16,
49:50 speaking of God who alone, who alone has immortality.
49:55 He's the only one that has it but then in 2 Timothy 1:10
49:59 speaks about how we're gonna it.
50:00 The gospel brings immortality, the Bible says,
50:03 and I'll just read it, but, speaking of the gospel,
50:07 "but has now been revealed
50:08 by the appearing of our savior, Jesus Christ,
50:10 who has abolished death
50:12 and brought life and immortality to light
50:16 through the gospel."
50:18 So the immortality that we're gonna posses
50:20 when we put on immortality."
50:21 1 Corinthians 15:53 and 55, "When we put on immortality,
50:26 that will happen at the final trump."
50:28 But doesn't happen at death.
50:29 There's no life outside of having our body.
50:33 Wonderfully said. Perfectly said.
50:35 The Bible speaks of no life outside of our body.
50:37 That's right.
50:39 You know, this is one of the problems
50:40 why scientists have issues with faith.
50:45 Hmm. Sure. Now let me explain myself.
50:47 Scientists know, and doctors know,
50:53 they know that our brain, and the cells it contains,
50:58 and the ability it retains to be able to give us thought
51:02 is what drives men and women,
51:04 us to process information into thinking,
51:06 to have a cognitive ability.
51:10 And when we start talking about it as Christians,
51:12 as Christians talk about the afterlife
51:14 and the soul leaves the body, and the brain behind,
51:18 that there's this conscious existence.
51:21 It sounds ludicrous to them. Right.
51:24 It sounds ignorant to them
51:27 because the brain is what gives us thought.
51:31 The brain is what causes to be alive,
51:33 and when the brain dies,
51:35 and it returns to dust in the grave,
51:37 how can you as Christians say
51:40 that you have consciousness apart from your brain?
51:45 Right. Okay, wonderfully said.
51:47 It doesn't make any sense to them
51:49 and so they, they see this as a oxymoron,
51:52 the impossibility, faith
51:55 and believing that kind of stuff in science.
51:57 No, no, no, that's impossible.
51:59 But if we just understood it biblically,
52:03 they wouldn't have the barrier, at least in this regard
52:06 because scientists, we agree with science,
52:09 the Bible agrees with science in that when you die
52:12 the memories, all the things that your brain had
52:15 and it had been retaining for years that you learned,
52:17 that ceases along with it.
52:19 And when God raises you up in the resurrection,
52:22 hopefully the first resurrection,
52:24 but when you are raised up,
52:26 you are able then to resume what you had known
52:30 and continue to learn going forward.
52:33 But your brain
52:34 is what gives you the ability to learn to function,
52:36 that gives you consciousness.
52:38 It is impossibility
52:39 that the soul has that apart from your body.
52:42 You know when the Bible says
52:43 in that day his thoughts perished,
52:45 Ecclesiastes 9:5 and 6 say,
52:46 or in that very day his thoughts perish,
52:50 that's why there is no such thing as brain transplants
52:54 because the seed of your thoughts,
52:56 this, this, allow me to use the phrase loosely here,
52:59 this groovy grey matter,
53:02 when I say groovy because all the grooves
53:04 are places where thoughts have been created.
53:08 We think of somebody says,
53:09 "Well, if you have a smooth brain,
53:11 you're an idiot," I mean, literally speaking
53:13 because these grooves are all created by new though patterns,
53:17 new branches, I'm using very layman's terms,
53:23 when new thoughts, they fire then you continue.
53:26 Like somebody does something for the very first time,
53:29 like when I first took up calculus, huh,
53:32 I had no clue what I was looking at,
53:34 but after about two or three months,
53:36 man, I was so proficient at it then
53:38 when I went to college and was taken,
53:39 I got math books at home in my library now,
53:42 I open that book, I have no clue what I'm looking at.
53:46 And I was a master at that in school.
53:49 Yeah. Why?
53:50 Because I have not exercised that,
53:51 and all those grooves that were created there
53:53 have ceased to function.
53:54 In other words, they stopped firing
53:56 because I didn't start continue to feed those thoughts.
53:58 One of the reasons why people believe the things they do
54:01 is because somewhere along the line
54:02 the thought is planted
54:04 which the brain accepts and it fires, it ignites,
54:07 and they continue feeding that.
54:09 There's a book called, "Evidence of the Afterlife:
54:10 The Science of Near-Death Experiences."
54:13 I'm not gonna give you the author's name
54:15 'cause I don't think you should read it,
54:17 but they said this is the evidence,
54:18 a scientific evidence of the afterlife,
54:21 and the persons that wrote the book,
54:24 I'll say that, well,
54:25 one of the first things they did was,
54:28 they measured the weight of the person prior to death
54:30 and right after death and they said,
54:31 "Oh, there's a few grams difference."
54:34 So that must've meant this so, no, that speculative,
54:37 that must mean the soul departed.
54:39 And you get all these books, Near Death Experiences,
54:42 Out of Body Experiences, The Tunnel of Light,
54:44 and The Bright Light, Seeing Angels during NDEs,
54:48 seeing deceased family members during near death experiences.
54:51 Well, you know, how you see family members
54:52 during near death experiences?
54:55 Dr. Dean Edell, an ABC doctor,
54:57 many years ago when I was in California,
54:59 I used to watch him on ABC News.
55:01 he came up with a medical reason
55:02 why you see these apparitions in your brain.
55:05 He said in 80 percent of those cases,
55:08 these were beliefs
55:09 that the person embodied already.
55:12 Either theologically, spiritually.
55:14 Recorded somewhere, too. Or and they embraced it.
55:17 So these thoughts that were planted there
55:19 begin to fire out of order, and you think
55:21 it's an experiences happening now
55:23 when the brain is holding on for life,
55:25 and it's like a misfiring, it's like an engine,
55:27 you know, all of a sudden,
55:29 the spark plugs a firing out of order,
55:32 and this is evidence that, you know, something is dying.
55:35 The power to the engine is dying,
55:36 or whatever the case may be.
55:37 But this is how Satan is able to give you the idea
55:42 of the afterlife.
55:43 It's called familiar spirits.
55:45 So if you know someone that said
55:46 they've seen their mom or dad,
55:48 here's what Bible says in Leviticus 19:31,
55:51 "Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits,
55:56 do not seek after them to be defiled by them.
55:58 I am the Lord your God."
55:59 So when these talk show hosts that are the medium,
56:03 the Long Island medium,
56:04 this comedian, blonde hair lady,
56:06 The Long Island Medium, she has a show,
56:08 where this very well dressed young man
56:10 who's a in the yuppie lifestyle, he says,
56:13 "I'm getting messages from your mother.
56:15 Does a number nine mean anything to you?"
56:17 These are familiar spirits, demonic spirits
56:20 that conjure up the identity of your parents
56:22 and appear to you in that particular form.
56:24 And not only that, the ones that are talking
56:26 and revealing information about the one
56:27 that they're interviewing with?
56:29 This is, they have a connection in with the demonic world,
56:32 and they're giving information,
56:34 they're impressed with information
56:35 about the individual they're talking to.
56:37 So we think of it as "Wow!
56:39 What amazing things, they got so much power,
56:41 no one could've known that.
56:42 Are you kidding me? The devil knows that.
56:43 Right. They've been around.
56:45 These demons have been around, they've seen this
56:46 and they give that information
56:48 to the person you're talking to.
56:49 You know, if a chord can trace
56:51 all the calls you made on your cell phone,
56:53 don't you think that these evil demons
56:54 that have been around can trace your life
56:56 and bring up back certain things
56:58 to make a person believe that you are alive?
57:00 Yeah.
57:01 Yeah, it truly is something that I think not only are,
57:03 is interested in is the world interested in, the society,
57:05 especially our society in America
57:06 is interested in today,
57:08 but it's something that the devil's getting bored.
57:11 And he's just, he's playing a bit,
57:13 and I think he is more and more,
57:14 he is having fun with this,
57:17 and as we continue into our next program with this topic
57:20 we want to kind of expose some of this tactics today.
57:23 That's right, and so friends continue studying your Bible
57:25 because here at House Calls, we believe
57:28 that the best foundation for truth is God's word.
57:31 Study it and you'll not be deceived.
57:33 God bless you.


Revised 2016-07-11