3ABN Australia Homecoming

Can The Dead Really Live Again?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HCAU

Program Code: HCAU190009A

00:01 Music...
00:29 Welcome to 3ABN Australia Homecoming 2019
00:34 and I am here with Pastor Alban.
00:35 Good morning.
00:37 Good morning, welcome to the Program this morning.
00:40 Good morning and thank you for that.
00:42 And he has recently had a new child born.
00:45 Yes, a young little girl.
00:47 How old is she?
00:48 She's just 10 days old.
00:50 Aaah... and he's getting some sleep, I hope.
00:54 Right now, in this Program,
00:57 we're going to be listening to Diane Hope
01:00 and she's going to sing an Aaron Wilburn song called,
01:03 "Four Days Late... "
01:05 and then, John Malkiewycz, my husband,
01:08 is going to be speaking to us
01:11 and he's going to ask us a question,
01:13 "Can the dead really live again?"
01:16 What is his key text, Pastor?
01:18 His key text is taken from the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 9,
01:24 verses 5 and 6,
01:26 and I would like to read for you this morning,
01:29 and it tells us,
01:30 "For the living know that they shall die:
01:33 but the dead know not any thing,
01:37 neither they have any more a reward;
01:40 for the memory of them is forgotten.
01:43 Also, their love... their hatred...
01:47 their envy... is now perished;
01:50 neither they have any more a portion for ever
01:53 in anything that is done under the sun. "
01:56 Would you like to pray for them before they come out?
01:59 I'd like to do that.
02:00 Let us bow our heads,
02:02 "Precious loving Father,
02:03 we thank You Lord for this beautiful day.
02:06 We pray that You will be with us...
02:08 in a very special way,
02:09 we pray that You will be with John and Diane,
02:11 we pray that Your Holy Spirit will guide them,
02:13 we ask Your presence here and we ask for Your leading,
02:16 in Your name we pray, Jesus, amen. "
02:17 Amen.
02:23 Pause...
02:28 Music...
02:32 The news came to Jesus
02:37 Please come fast
02:42 Lazarus is sick
02:44 And without Your help he will not last
02:51 Mary and Martha
02:56 watched their brother die
03:00 They waited for Jesus
03:03 He did not come
03:05 They wondered why
03:10 The death watch was over
03:13 Buried four days
03:19 Somebody said,
03:22 "He'll soon be here,
03:24 the Lord's on his way"
03:28 Martha ran to him
03:32 and then she cried
03:37 "Lord, if you had been here
03:40 You could have healed him,
03:43 He'd still be alive
03:47 But You're four days late
03:52 And all hope is gone
03:56 Lord, we don't understand
04:01 Why You waited so long?"
04:04 But His way is God's way
04:10 Not yours or mine
04:15 And isn't it great
04:17 When He's four days late
04:19 He's still on time
04:24 Jesus said, "Martha,
04:29 show me the grave"
04:33 But she said, "Lord, You don't understand,
04:38 He's been there four days"
04:43 The grave stone was rolled back
04:48 Then Jesus cried,
04:52 "Lazarus come forth... "
04:54 Then somebody said,
04:57 "He's all right, he's alive"
05:03 Music...
05:07 You might be fighting
05:11 a battle of fear
05:15 You cry to the Lord
05:18 "I need You now"
05:20 But He has not appeared
05:25 Friend, don't be discouraged
05:29 'Cause He's still the same
05:34 He'll soon be here
05:36 He'll roll back the stone
05:38 And He'll call out your name
05:43 But He's four days late
05:48 And all hope is gone
05:53 Lord we don't understand
05:57 Why You waited so long
06:02 But His way is God's way
06:06 Not yours or mine
06:11 And isn't it great
06:13 When He's four days late
06:16 He's still on time
06:21 My God is great... He's four days late...
06:25 He's still on time...
06:33 Music...
06:40 Pause...
06:44 You know, that song
06:45 really resonates with me.
06:47 The first time I heard it was in 3ABN in USA
06:52 and we met Aaron Wilburn and he is an incredible man...
06:57 the Bible talks about... "We have gifts. "
06:59 Well, this man has the gift
07:01 to make you laugh and be happy.
07:04 He said, "You know, God said that the fact that we laugh
07:09 is merry to our heart... it makes us feel really good.
07:14 A joyful smile brings something to you
07:18 that will make you feel good
07:21 and Diane, you sang that very beautifully, thank you.
07:25 In our title for our Program,
07:30 it's "Certainty Amid Uncertainty. "
07:32 The world is fully of uncertainty
07:35 but unless we read the Bible,
07:38 we will discover
07:40 that every answer to any uncertainty we have
07:44 is found in the Word of God
07:46 and I discovered that when I first became a Christian
07:50 because there were a lot of things
07:51 that I was uncertain about
07:53 but God revealed to me through His Word
07:57 that there is certainty in His Word.
08:00 In our key Bible verse,
08:03 in Ecclesiastes chapter 9 and verse 5,
08:06 I want to tell you, Solomon got it right.
08:09 "The living know that they shall die... "
08:12 has anyone seen Solomon recently?
08:16 No, he died...
08:18 there's not a man or a woman here or anywhere on this earth
08:24 who does not have to come to terms with death.
08:26 It is a part of life.
08:29 From the moment we are born, we start our journey
08:33 to the grave.
08:34 In most countries, everyone starts with...
08:38 a what? A Birth Certificate...
08:40 and if you go to college and school,
08:42 you'll end up with a... with an educational certificate
08:47 and then, if you're blessed and you get married,
08:50 you have a marriage certificate
08:53 but at the end of life's journey,
08:56 you will receive a death certificate
08:58 confirming you died.
09:01 Audience: Laughter.
09:03 And you have legal access to your last resting place.
09:08 For some, it's in a box like this
09:12 and, you know, it is even tailor made
09:16 just to suit you.
09:18 But in some cases, you see a procession of cars
09:22 of friends and family following a funeral hearse
09:26 traveling slowly... bearing the body in a coffin
09:31 to its final resting place.
09:33 Just to make sure by-the-way, you don't get out of that box...
09:38 the lid on the coffin is secured
09:41 and then, when it gets to its destination,
09:45 it is placed in a hole.
09:47 You can see there, it's covered with soil.
09:50 That's doubly sure you can't get out
09:52 and then, in some cases,
09:55 a granite slab is placed over the coffin.
09:59 That's triply sure you won't get out.
10:03 You may be smiling,
10:05 but this box or whatever method a body is disposed of
10:10 in this world,
10:11 awaits every one of us when we die.
10:14 It doesn't matter if you're an Atheist.
10:18 It doesn't matter if you are a Hindu,
10:20 or a Buddhist...
10:22 it doesn't matter if you're a Muslim...
10:24 it doesn't matter even if you are a Protestant,
10:27 or even if you're a Catholic,
10:28 or any other belief,
10:30 what is sure... that as time continues,
10:36 sooner or later, whatever we're doing in this life...
10:41 it comes to an end.
10:42 You know, when you are younger,
10:45 you don't think about these things,
10:47 they are way out of your mind, it seems to be so far away.
10:53 However, as the years roll by and you get older,
10:59 you notice, the body doesn't respond
11:02 to what the brain is telling you,
11:04 and if you're older and you're getting closer to retirement,
11:08 you know that for a fact
11:09 and we realize that that final certificate,
11:15 is not too far away.
11:17 You know what we do?
11:20 We start to think more about the things that apply to us
11:23 and it seems to happen just automatically.
11:27 We begin to think and prepare and plan
11:31 for the time we think we have left
11:34 and I know when we've traveled around Australia,
11:38 particularly with older people,
11:40 they're traveling in their caravans around Australia,
11:44 and we often hear them say,
11:46 "You know, the last thing I want to do
11:49 before I die,
11:51 is travel around Australia
11:52 and so, people have these bucket lists
11:56 that they want to accomplish before they die.
12:01 With each one of us, there is a desire to know
12:05 the answer to many questions that confront us during our life
12:10 and some are very basic
12:14 but some are very challenging.
12:15 One challenging question... and this one, I think,
12:19 is very pertinent,
12:22 and this is, "What happens when we die?"
12:25 It's a question that confronts every one of us
12:28 and the young may not think about it,
12:30 but you need to think about it.
12:32 There are many differing views,
12:34 but one thing that none of us can argue with
12:38 is the Scientific and somewhat graphic reality
12:42 of what actually takes place to these bodies of ours
12:46 when we die.
12:48 You know, modern Science has made great contributions
12:53 in the battle against illness and disease.
12:56 You know that this world is full of all sorts of diseases
13:00 and I think of Cancer in particular,
13:02 they've made progress on that and in any other way... but...
13:07 at the best they can do,
13:10 is give us some additional time in this life,
13:14 but the inevitable day does come
13:17 and the heart stops pumping blood through our bodies
13:21 and we die.
13:22 I want to say to you,
13:25 if the heart beats at about 70 times a minute,
13:28 took... to... took... to... took...
13:31 with each beat, it pumps 60 to 90 milliliters
13:36 of blood out of the heart,
13:39 that's about two to three ounces.
13:41 It can move five to seven liters of blood in one minute
13:45 and 7,600 liters in one day,
13:51 that's 2,000 gallons, think about that.
13:54 That's what your heart's doing
13:56 as you're sitting there... 2,000 gallons in a day.
14:01 In a life time, it beats over 2.5 billion times
14:06 and pumps over 200 million liters,
14:10 that's 50 million gallons of blood.
14:15 This is an amazing organ and it determines if we're dead
14:22 or if we're alive.
14:23 The Bible speaks a lot about blood
14:27 and it's right when it says in Leviticus 17:11,
14:31 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood... "
14:35 so, what does Science tell us
14:40 happens when this heart of ours stops beating
14:43 and the blood flow stops?
14:45 When a person's heart stops beating,
14:48 the body goes through several stages,
14:51 the heart is no longer pumping blood,
14:54 and within minutes, the blood begins to settle
14:59 in the lower parts of the body.
15:02 Usually, eight to 12 hours later,
15:05 the skin becomes discolored where the blood settles
15:09 and is known as Liver mortis
15:11 and you have the postmortem stain.
15:14 That's why during a postmortem investigation,
15:19 they can tell the position of a body,
15:22 when it... when you die.
15:23 For example, if you are lying on your back,
15:26 the blood would flow to the lower parts of your back.
15:30 If you were lying on your side when you died,
15:33 the blood would flow to the lower side of your body.
15:36 In fact, that's how they know if someone has moved the body.
15:41 Pause...
15:44 At the moment of death,
15:45 the body muscles relax completely
15:49 and this is called, "Primary Flaccidity. "
15:52 The body temperature also begins to drop,
15:55 usually cooling to match the surrounding
15:58 environment temperature
16:00 and begins to stiffen two to six hours later
16:04 known as Rigor Mortis.
16:05 Now, I've got to tell you something about Rigor Mortis.
16:08 Now, I grew up on a farm...
16:09 how many of you have grown up on a farm?
16:12 There's a... quite a few have grown up on a farm
16:14 and you know, we had cattle,
16:16 and sometimes, things would happen
16:18 and some of those animals might die
16:21 and usually always happens seemed to be at night
16:24 and, you know, if you left the body there,
16:28 you had a problem in the morning
16:31 because it had stiffened
16:34 and so, we would all have to dig a hole as kids
16:37 and we would put that dead body in that...
16:40 the carcass of that animal in the grave
16:42 but there was a problem
16:44 sometimes, it was laid out like this
16:46 and so, it was very difficult
16:49 and you had to manipulate that body to fit it into that hole.
16:53 So, Rigor Mortis is a real thing
16:55 and I saw it and it is very interesting.
16:59 Now, we're told the body begins to decompose,
17:03 and as bacteria and insects break down the body,
17:08 with it comes a notable stench
17:11 often becoming unbearable.
17:14 You know, I have to tell you,
17:17 Australia is a big country,
17:18 and as we traveled around Australia,
17:21 putting satellite dishes,
17:22 we traveled across the vast lands of Australia,
17:26 and unfortunately,
17:27 a lot of animals wander up to the edge of the road,
17:31 and often, they are killed by these big road trains and trucks
17:35 or vehicles...
17:37 you don't want to hit one of these animals with the vehicles
17:39 and they are killed
17:40 and they are left on the side of the road
17:42 and it's interesting as we would be driving along...
17:46 what I said... that stench is unbearable.
17:49 As you're driving along,
17:51 suddenly, something is coming through the vent
17:54 and I can remember, Rosemary and I
17:57 as we were driving along, we would always say,
17:59 "Quick, close the vent... "
18:01 so that it won't come in
18:02 and after a little while, we'd open the vent
18:04 and down the road, we would go.
18:06 Pause...
18:09 It's a reality.
18:10 That's what happens to the body... it decomposes.
18:14 So, we see that over a period of time, the body decomposes.
18:19 Given sufficient time, it breaks down
18:23 to where there is no visible evidence of its existence.
18:26 We know that the body left in the open environment
18:30 decomposes the fastest...
18:33 the quickest.
18:34 It takes longer in water...
18:36 it's quicker in an acidic soil environment,
18:40 and slower in an alkaline soil environment.
18:43 Science is clear and it's accurate,
18:47 the body returns to the ground.
18:51 What does the Bible say?
18:54 And before we go there,
18:56 I'm just going to ask you to bow your heads.
18:58 "Father in heaven,
19:02 the Bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
19:07 You made us, Father,
19:08 and we thank you that we have Your Word to confirm that
19:12 but You also give us hope.
19:14 Thank You for Jesus Who is able to do
19:18 all that You have said to give us life
19:21 and to give it abundantly.
19:23 Thank you, Father, and I pray right now
19:26 that the Holy Spirit will be here as people open the Bible
19:29 to learn more of what You have to say on this subject,
19:33 in Jesus' name, amen. "
19:35 Pause...
19:37 I want you to turn with me in your Bibles
19:40 to Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 20.
19:44 Pause...
19:46 This is a book that Solomon...
19:48 Solomon was supposed to be...
19:49 well, he was, the wisest man that ever lived,
19:51 and the Bible is very clear
19:54 in relation to what happens when we die...
19:58 the Bible says, "All go... " where?
20:01 "unto one place...
20:03 all are of... " what?
20:05 "the dust, and all turn to the dust again. "
20:10 I think that that text is very clear...
20:13 Science confirms... we go to one place...
20:18 it returns to the ground
20:20 and that's why we hear a Minister at the graveside say,
20:25 "Dust to dust and ashes to ashes. "
20:29 In the teachings of different religions in this world,
20:33 there are many different doctrines and beliefs
20:36 but the Bible text is clear... all go to one place.
20:42 Yes, it doesn't matter if you're an Atheist,
20:46 it doesn't matter if you're a Buddhist,
20:48 it doesn't matter if you're a Hindu,
20:51 it doesn't matter if you're a Muslim,
20:53 or a Catholic...
20:55 or a Protestant...
20:57 or any other religion.
20:58 When we die, we all go to the same place...
21:02 back to the dust and back to the earth.
21:07 This leads to an underlying thought,
21:10 and it's an important question,
21:14 "Can the dead really live again?"
21:18 "Can the dead... really live again?"
21:22 I want you to turn with me to Job chapter 14 and verse 14.
21:29 Job chapter 14 and verse 14.
21:34 Pause...
21:36 Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon,
21:40 and Ecclesiastes.
21:41 In Job 14:14, it says,
21:44 "If a man die, shall he live again?"
21:49 Now, you know Job, had terrible boils...
21:52 he was afflicted with terrible boils
21:55 and he couldn't find any relief and he just wanted to die,
22:02 but the question was... if he did die,
22:04 what did he say?
22:06 "If a man die, shall he live again?"
22:10 This was on his mind... this is the same question
22:13 that I believe many of us can ask.
22:17 So, what would you say?
22:19 Would you say, "Yes... "
22:22 would you say, "No...?"
22:24 Would you say, "Maybe... "
22:27 or "I just don't know. "
22:29 Pause...
22:31 Science has only one answer, "No... "
22:34 Science cannot bring a body back to life
22:38 once the blood flow stops
22:40 and the blood flow settles in the lower parts of the body,
22:44 and Rigor Mortis sets in.
22:46 They cannot make the heart beat again,
22:49 the blood flows through the body...
22:51 the brain... the organs... and the tissues again.
22:54 You know how I know that?
22:56 It's true... they can't because the Undertakers
23:00 are still in the "Dead" business
23:02 arranging funerals every day.
23:04 However, if your answer was "Yes"
23:09 a resounding "Yes... "
23:11 then with absolute certainty, you are right.
23:15 If you said, "Maybe" or "I just don't know... "
23:19 then, I'm hoping you too will discover why those who say "Yes"
23:25 know with absolute certainty that they can live again
23:29 after they die.
23:31 Notice, I said, "Can... "
23:33 not "maybe live again"
23:35 it's true but it's conditional...
23:38 it is a conscious decision you make while you're living
23:44 that comes from the knowledge and the writings of this book...
23:48 the Bible.
23:49 In fact, the idea of living again
23:54 is a fundamental teaching of all Christian faiths
23:58 and is called, "The Good News. "
24:01 It is God's plan for all of us to know God
24:06 and His good news of the plan of salvation for mankind
24:12 and if by faith, we believe God's Word,
24:16 we will discover how we can live again.
24:21 Pause...
24:23 I want to ask you this question, "Why is it then that we die...
24:28 when we die, we return to the ground?"
24:32 And I want you to turn with me to the book of Genesis,
24:35 chapter 3 and verse 19.
24:38 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 19.
24:43 Pause...
24:45 And I want you to just follow along with me here,
24:49 it says, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,
24:55 till thou return unto the ground;
24:58 for out of the ground...
25:00 for out of it wast thou taken:
25:05 for dust thou art,
25:06 and unto dust shalt thou return. "
25:09 I need to say something here
25:11 that will help you understand the thought...
25:13 why we return to the ground.
25:15 In Genesis chapter 2, God told Adam and Eve
25:19 to eat the fruit of every tree except one
25:23 and if they ate from this forbidden tree,
25:27 they would die.
25:29 In chapter 3, we have the sad story
25:32 where Eve was deceived by Satan,
25:35 as she took of the fruit and gave to Adam
25:38 and they did both eat.
25:39 And so, we see, that they disobeyed God.
25:44 They were barred access to the Tree of Life
25:50 and Adam and Eve died... they died.
25:54 God tells Adam exactly in that verse,
25:57 the consequences for what he did.
26:01 Pause...
26:03 He says, "When you die... " what happens?
26:07 "You will return to the ground. "
26:08 let me read it again to you, "In the sweat of thy face... "
26:11 now, these are the consequences, Adam would have to now work
26:15 when you work... and you men know
26:17 and some of you ladies that work hard,
26:19 sweat comes upon you, does it not?
26:21 And so... and He said... "This will happen for you...
26:25 you would have to feed your family...
26:27 you'll have to care for them...
26:28 you will have to work
26:30 and then, at the end of that, when you die,
26:35 you will know what happens, you return to the ground. "
26:39 Pause...
26:42 It was our Creator's plan
26:45 that none of us should have ever or would die.
26:50 It was His aim that you and I would live forever with Him
26:55 in the earth throughout eternity
26:58 but because of this one act of disobedience,
27:02 death came upon all men.
27:05 it was our Creator's plan that we would not die.
27:11 How does this Bible describe human beings
27:14 and I want you to just come back to Genesis chapter 2
27:17 and verse 7.
27:19 Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7.
27:23 And the Bible says,
27:26 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,
27:31 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
27:35 and man became a living soul. "
27:37 I want to tell you this morning,
27:39 if you can imagine dust with water... it's like clay
27:44 and I can see a sculpture... a sculptor... sorry...
27:48 with a large piece of clay
27:51 and He works on it and he molds it and He makes it
27:54 but I want to tell you that this piece of clay
27:58 stood about 16 or 17 feet high
28:01 and there it is... there... there it is...
28:04 the form of the first man...
28:07 you know, man was made in the image of God
28:11 male and female...
28:13 and then, when God had finished,
28:16 I can imagine God leaning over...
28:18 Jesus leaning over and breathing into his nostril
28:21 and suddenly, you could see the eyes of that creature...
28:27 that new person... open...
28:30 and you could see the body beginning to work
28:33 and I can just imagine him meeting Jesus' eyes
28:37 and the smile that would have come across his face.
28:41 What an experience that would have been!
28:44 Pause...
28:48 It is often believed by many people
28:52 that a human is comprised of a body and soul...
28:58 two separate entities
28:59 which is not what the Bible says,
29:02 as a formula it looks like this,
29:06 Dust + Breath = Living Soul
29:10 or a Living Being.
29:12 Many modern translations of Genesis 2:7,
29:16 read, "And man became a living being. "
29:20 "Soul" and "Being" are interchangeable
29:23 and encompass the whole person.
29:26 In English, we use the word "soul" in the same way
29:32 for example, we send an emergency SOS
29:37 Save Our Souls...
29:41 we refer to someone as an "honest soul"
29:46 or a "soul of discretion" etc...
29:48 in each case, we are referring to the whole person.
29:53 Pause...
29:55 The soul... being a separate immortal entity
30:00 that exists apart from the body is not a Biblical notion at all.
30:06 Furthermore, the Bible states and if you come with me
30:11 to Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4,
30:15 we will find that it's very clear in Ezekiel 18 verse 4,
30:24 the Bible says, "Behold, all souls are mine;
30:31 as the soul of the father,
30:32 so also the soul of the son is mine:
30:36 the soul that sinneth, it shall die. "
30:40 It's very clear...
30:42 very clear.
30:44 What else does the Bible say happens to us when we die?
30:49 And I want to come to our key text that we used
30:53 at the very beginning,
30:54 and it's found in Ecclesiastes chapter 9, verses 5, 6
31:01 and I'm adding one, Ecclesiastes chapter 9,
31:05 verses 5, 6, and I'm adding 10.
31:10 So this is... what else does the Bible say happens at death?
31:14 And we read... we read in our text at the beginning,
31:19 "For the living know that they shall die... "
31:21 tick one... okay...
31:22 "but the dead know not anything,
31:25 pause...
31:27 neither have they any more a reward;
31:30 for the memory of them is forgotten.
31:32 Also their love... their hatred...
31:35 and their envy, is now perished;
31:38 neither have they any more a portion for ever
31:42 in any thing that is under the sun. "
31:44 And verse 10 says,
31:46 "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,
31:48 do it with thy might;
31:50 for there is no work nor device,
31:54 nor knowledge, nor wisdom,
31:56 in the grave, whither thou goest. "
31:59 Very clear... very clear.
32:02 Where you're going in the grave,
32:05 there's no wisdom...
32:08 there's no knowledge...
32:11 there's no device.
32:13 In Psalm 146 verse 4, "His breath goeth forth,
32:20 he returneth to his earth;
32:22 in that day his thoughts perish. "
32:25 So where... what does the Bible say happens at death?
32:28 Where do we go?
32:29 To the earth.
32:30 What happens to your thoughts?
32:32 They perish...
32:33 It's very clear...
32:34 come back with me now to Job chapter 7
32:37 verses 9 and 10.
32:39 Just one back... book back more...
32:43 Job chapter 7 verses 9 and 10.
32:47 Pause...
32:52 It says, "As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away:
32:57 so he that goeth down to the grave
33:01 shall come up no more.
33:03 He shall return no more to his house,
33:06 neither shall his place know him any more. "
33:10 To me that's a... a very clear text.
33:13 You know, you wake up in the day
33:15 and there are clouds in the sky,
33:17 you see them move across the sky...
33:19 do you ever see them again?
33:21 No...
33:22 do they ever come back to the same place?
33:24 No.
33:26 That's exactly what happens to us.
33:28 The Bible tells us... this is what happens to us when we die,
33:33 Pause...
33:37 I want you to turn... and by the way
33:39 if we... he goes down to the grave and does not come up,
33:44 that's what happens to us...
33:45 we go down to the grave and we do not come up.
33:48 Life is over as we know it.
33:50 The Bible tells us, we can live again
33:53 but it's very different to this life
33:56 and I want you to come with me as we read
33:58 Revelation 21 verse 4,
34:00 that's the last book... Revelation...
34:03 John chapter 21 and verse 4,
34:08 21 and verse 4...
34:12 pause...
34:16 Revelation 21 and verse 4,
34:19 the Bible says,
34:23 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
34:29 and there shall be no more death,
34:30 neither sorrow, nor crying,
34:33 neither shall there be any more pain:
34:36 for the former things are passed away. "
34:38 Now, at the beginning,
34:40 Solomon made a very profound statement...
34:43 "The living know that they shall die... "
34:45 but there's a profound statement here... even two...
34:49 because the living know that they shall live...
34:52 it is true that there will be no more death... yes absolutely.
35:00 Here is what the Bible records
35:03 and if you turn with me...
35:04 if you turn with me to John chapter 1, verses 1 to 4,
35:09 we will discover that God is not only the Creator of life,
35:15 He's the Intelligent Designer
35:17 and the Bible says, "In the beginning was the Word,
35:20 and the Word was with God,
35:22 and the Word was God.
35:24 The same was in the beginning with God.
35:26 All things... " you notice that...
35:28 "all things were made by Him;
35:30 and without Him was not any thing made that was made.
35:34 In Him was life;
35:36 and the life was the light of men. "
35:39 Beautiful passage of Scripture.
35:42 Come with me to Psalm 36 and verse 9...
35:50 pause...
35:54 And we read, Psalm 36 verse 9,
35:56 what is it telling us...
35:59 what is the Bible telling us?
36:00 "For with thee is the fountain of life:
36:03 in thy light shall we see light. "
36:06 In Acts chapter 37,
36:10 sorry 17 and 24 and 25,
36:13 that's Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts...
36:18 chapter 17 and verses 24 and 25, we read,
36:25 "God has made the world and all things therein,
36:28 seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth,
36:32 dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
36:34 neither is worshipped with men's hands,
36:37 as though He needed any thing,
36:39 seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things. "
36:45 Beautiful passage of Scriptures
36:47 telling us that God is the One Who gives us life
36:51 and He sustains it also.
36:54 Did you know that God not only gives life to human beings
37:00 but also to the animals.
37:01 God formed the beasts of the land and the fowls in the air
37:05 out of the dust of the ground and He gave them life.
37:09 Those same creatures... they also die like we die,
37:13 as a result of man's disobedience.
37:17 How does the Bible describe death?
37:21 The Bible clearly records ten people that were raised to life.
37:28 Young... old... male... female...
37:30 but I want to look at Lazarus
37:33 and that song that Diane sang is one of those songs
37:39 that tells me something very special
37:42 and I want you to turn with me to John chapter 11:11
37:48 to see what Jesus said what death really is,
37:55 John chapter 11...
37:56 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
38:00 chapter 11 and verse 11,
38:03 and the Bible says, "These things said He:
38:07 and after that He said unto them,
38:09 'Our friend Lazarus sleepeth;
38:13 but I go, that I may awake him from death. '"
38:17 Pause...
38:19 Did you hear what Jesus said?
38:22 Death is a sleep...
38:26 Jesus describes death as a sleep.
38:28 I want to read to you the full account.
38:33 In John chapter 11... just a page or two...
38:37 a page over... we're going to read verses 39 to 44
38:41 but I want you to know something,
38:43 this is the exciting thought that I get from that song...
38:46 and the thought that I get from this portion of Scripture,
38:49 the account that Jesus said... gives us...
38:53 it doesn't matter how long we have been dead,
38:57 it doesn't matter if we've been dead for one year...
39:01 one thousand years...
39:03 six thousand years...
39:06 God, through what Jesus has revealed,
39:10 can bring us back to life.
39:11 Four days... it's never too late for God to bring you to life.
39:17 Let's read the full account in John 11:39-44.
39:21 Jesus said, 'Take ye away the stone. '"
39:24 He's now at the graveside.
39:26 "Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto Him,
39:30 'Lord, by this time he stinketh:
39:33 for he hath been dead four days. '
39:35 Jesus said unto her, 'Said I not unto thee,
39:39 that, if thou wouldest believe,
39:42 thou shouldest see the glory of God?'
39:44 Then they took away the stone from the place
39:46 where the dead was laid,
39:48 And Jesus lifted up His eyes, and said,
39:50 'Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
39:52 And I knew that thou hearest me always:
39:54 but because of the people which stand by... I said it,
39:58 that they may believe that thou hast sent me. '
40:02 And when he had thus spoken, He cried with a loud voice,
40:07 'Lazarus, come forth. '
40:09 And he that was dead came forth,
40:12 bound hand and foot with grave clothes:
40:15 and his face was bound about with a napkin.
40:18 Jesus said unto them, 'Loose him, and let him go. '"
40:22 Folk, Jesus has the power to bring a person back to life...
40:29 even a person who has been dead for more than four days...
40:35 pause...
40:38 then there's Jesus Himself.
40:39 It doesn't matter... we are sleeping in the grave
40:44 and Jesus can bring us back to life.
40:47 Then there's Jesus Himself...
40:49 please take time to read the story in the gospels...
40:52 Matthew, Mark, Luke and John have the account,
40:54 of how Jesus died.
40:56 In summary, certain people conspired
40:59 to murder Jesus Christ.
41:02 After a mock trial, He was scourged and taken to Golgotha,
41:05 till just outside Jerusalem,
41:08 where Roman soldiers nailed Him to a cross,
41:11 but it was all part of God's plan of salvation for humanity,
41:15 Jesus died on a Friday
41:17 and that afternoon, before the Sabbath began,
41:19 His lifeless body was put in a tomb
41:21 belonging to Joseph of Arimathea.
41:23 He was in the tomb all Sabbath.
41:25 Soldiers guarded the place.
41:27 Sunday morning, the stone was found rolled away,
41:30 the tomb was empty...
41:32 angels said, "Jesus is risen from the dead. "
41:36 He has risen as He said
41:37 and appeared first to Mary Magdalene,
41:40 then to His apostle...
41:42 then to many others around the city,
41:44 Jesus died and rose again
41:47 and it gives us certainty that we too can live.
41:51 He is able to bring us back to life.
41:54 God is eager to do the same for all of you... all of us...
41:57 the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
42:01 God sees death as His enemy.
42:04 He longs to have you live with Him throughout eternity.
42:08 He has defeated the enemy when He rose from the dead,
42:11 He has told us that there will be a resurrection,
42:14 and I want you to turn with me to 1st Thessalonians
42:18 chapter 4 and verse 13
42:20 and the Bible tells us something here,
42:24 it's a beautiful, beautiful account
42:27 of what is going to happen when Jesus comes to take us
42:31 to bring us back to life
42:35 and verse 13 through to 18,
42:39 and we read from the Bible,
42:42 "But I would not have you ignorant... "
42:45 what does Jesus say, "I would not have you ignorant,
42:47 brethren, concerning them which are asleep,
42:51 that ye sorrow not,
42:52 even as others which have no hope.
42:55 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
42:59 even so them also which sleep in the dust...
43:03 Jesus will bring with Him.
43:05 For this we say unto you by the Word of the Lord,
43:09 that we which are alive and remain
43:11 unto the coming of the Lord
43:13 shall not prevent them which are asleep.
43:15 For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven
43:19 with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,
43:23 and with the trump of God:
43:25 and the dead in Christ shall rise first.
43:29 Then we which are alive and remain
43:32 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,
43:34 to meet the Lord in the air:
43:36 and so shall we ever be with the Lord. "
43:40 We are going to live again.
43:44 Then He says, "Wherefore comfort one another
43:48 with these words. "
43:50 Living again... it will be a reality.
43:53 You know, when we had our building
43:56 when it was being built,
43:57 a lady who loved 3ABN and had a radio station,
44:01 said, "I want to give you something
44:03 to put in that building... "
44:05 and she commissioned an artist to paint that picture,
44:09 and I want you to look at it because a messenger of God
44:13 by the name of Ellen White said this
44:15 and it's found in the Review and Herald,
44:17 of September 5, 1899.
44:20 When you look at that picture, listen to what I'm saying,
44:24 "No human language
44:26 can portray the scenes of the Second Coming
44:29 of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven.
44:32 He is to come with His own glory,
44:35 and with the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.
44:39 He will come clad in the robe of light
44:42 which He has worn from the days of eternity.
44:45 Angels will accompany Him.
44:48 Ten thousand times ten thousands will escort Him on His way.
44:52 The sound of the trumpet will be heard
44:56 calling the sleeping dead from the grave.
45:00 The voice of Christ will penetrate their tomb
45:04 and pierce the ears of the dead,
45:06 and all that are in the graves shall come forth. "
45:11 Do you see in that picture...
45:13 I've seen many pictures
45:14 and you see those people coming to life again...
45:19 coming for... and the others are waiting...
45:22 they will rise to meet Jesus first in the air
45:25 followed by those who are His people
45:28 who have been waiting for Jesus to come.
45:31 What a beautiful picture!
45:34 The resurrection assures us we can live again.
45:39 There is life after life...
45:44 with absolute certainty we can live again.
45:49 It's your choice...
45:51 for if we believe in God and Jesus Christ Whom He sent,
45:56 it will be a reality.
46:01 So, what will we do up there?
46:03 There's no end to what we will do...
46:05 we will be able to do...
46:07 everything you ever wanted to do,
46:10 but didn't have the time... the skill...
46:13 or the resources to accomplish
46:15 will be freely available to every one of us,
46:19 and I want you to turn with me to Isaiah chapter 6...
46:23 65 and verse 22...
46:26 Isaiah 65 and verse 22,
46:31 Isaiah 65 and verse 22...
46:35 I like this text, listen to what it says,
46:39 I'll actually read verse 21
46:42 but there will be on the screen only verse 22,
46:45 "And they shall build houses, and inhabit them;
46:48 and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. "
46:50 Verse 22 now says,
46:52 "They shall not build, and another inhabit;
46:56 they shall not plant, and another eat:
46:58 for as the days of a tree are the days of my people,
47:02 and mine elect shall long enjoy the works of their hands. "
47:08 What a beautiful thought!
47:10 You know, in my short life,
47:12 I built four houses for myself to dwell in,
47:16 and I don't live in any one of them,
47:19 I don't live in any one of them.
47:22 Someone else has bought them and is living and enjoying them
47:25 and I often thought, you know,
47:27 when I know Jesus is coming,
47:28 I won't hesitate to strike up a match and let it all go
47:32 because it's not my final home.
47:35 My final home is in heaven.
47:39 God... Jesus said,
47:42 "I've gone to prepare a place for you...
47:44 that where I am, there ye may be also. "
47:47 Pause...
47:50 In my wildest... in our wildest dreams,
47:52 we never even come close to what God has in store
47:57 for His people.
47:58 Pause...
48:00 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9,
48:02 1st Corinthians has come over quickly...
48:05 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9,
48:08 pause...
48:10 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9...
48:12 the Bible says, "But it is written,
48:14 eye hath not seen...
48:16 eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,
48:21 neither have entered into the heart of man,
48:24 the things which God has prepared for them
48:27 that love Him. "
48:28 Isn't that fantastic?
48:31 We think we know it all,
48:33 but the Bible tells us,
48:36 it doesn't even enter our hearts and mind...
48:37 you see, we have only the vision of what we see here on earth.
48:41 God is going to give you a vision
48:44 that goes beyond eternity.
48:47 What a thought!
48:48 Best of all... God will be there,
48:52 what peace...
48:54 the most wonderful people will be there too,
48:57 everyone will be kind, loving, considerate and joyful.
49:01 The experience is literally out of this world.
49:04 Is there anyone who wouldn't want to live in a kind,
49:09 loving, considerate, deathless and joyful society?
49:14 Is there anyone who wouldn't want that?
49:16 It's simple, really,
49:18 All we need to do is tell God... we do...
49:21 and if you'd never before heard of what I'm speaking about,
49:25 or sharing to you from the Bible,
49:27 Jesus makes it possible.
49:29 Please take time to pray and read.
49:32 Pause...
49:35 I want to say something,
49:37 remember back there in the Garden of Eden,
49:41 Adam and Eve were barred from entering it
49:44 and having access to the Tree of Life,
49:48 I want you to turn with me to Revelation 22 and verse 2,
49:52 Revelation 22 and verse 2,
49:55 the Bible is very clear here,
49:58 Revelation 22 and verse 2,
50:01 it says, "In the midst of the street of it... "
50:05 this is talking about the new heaven and earth
50:08 when Jesus comes and takes us home,
50:10 "there is the Tree of Life
50:12 which bear twelve manner of fruits,
50:14 and these yielded her fruit every month...
50:17 the leaves of the tree were there
50:19 for the healing of nations. "
50:21 God is going to give you access back to the Tree of Life
50:24 and in Revelation 22:40, it says,
50:28 "Blessed are they that do His commandments,
50:30 that they may have right to the tree of life,
50:33 and may enter in through the gates into the city. "
50:36 What a blessed place that will be... no more death.
50:39 I want to conclude now with what we've learnt.
50:42 The ability to bring us back to life
50:46 does not come through Science or medical discoveries,
50:49 instead, it comes through the teachings
50:51 revealed through the Bible by knowing the only Creator God
50:55 and Jesus Christ Whom He sent to this world.
50:58 Would you believe and look to Jesus and live again?
51:02 Here is the summary, at creation there was no death...
51:05 Sin brought death to all living beings...
51:08 The living know they shall die...
51:10 All the dead go to one place...
51:13 Science confirms we all return to the earth...
51:16 Science is not able to take a decomposing body
51:20 and make it live again...
51:22 The Creator God of the Bible
51:24 Who with His hands formed man from the dust of the ground
51:27 can bring a body back to life at any time
51:30 whether it's four days or 6,000 years...
51:33 The body and breath equal a living soul... a living being...
51:38 They are not separate entities but the same...
51:41 Jesus said, "Death is like a sleep... "
51:44 Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead...
51:47 Jesus Himself rose from the dead...
51:50 He will raise us at His second coming...
51:53 We will see Jesus when He comes...
51:56 The righteous will live forever...
51:59 They will again have access to the Tree of Life...
52:03 Look to Jesus Christ,
52:04 believe in Him,
52:06 and walk by faith and keep His Commandments...
52:10 You can live again, it's your choice.
52:15 Let me conclude with Job's answer to his earlier question
52:20 and I want to quickly go to Job 19...
52:23 pause...
52:30 "For I know that my redeemer liveth,
52:33 and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
52:36 and though after my skin worms destroy this body,
52:39 yet in my flesh shall I see God. "
52:42 If a man dies, shall he live again?
52:45 Job answered that question.
52:47 I pray we will maintain confidence like Job,
52:53 believe our Redeemer lives...
52:54 rise to meet Him in the air
52:56 and live for Him forever.
52:58 God bless you
52:59 and the church said, "Amen and amen. "
53:04 Audience: Amen.


Revised 2020-02-13