3ABN Australia Homecoming

The Year That Changed The Modern World

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HCAU

Program Code: HCAU190003A

00:01 Music...
00:30 Hello and welcome to the 3ABN Australia Homecoming 2019
00:36 at Wahroonga Church in Sydney Australia.
00:40 We're so glad that you could all come
00:43 and listen to these programs,
00:45 they are a big blessing, I know, for me
00:49 because we live in a very uncertain world
00:51 and we need to know the truth for this hour
00:54 wouldn't you say that? Amen.
00:55 We had our homecoming at Avondale Memorial Church
01:00 last year at Cooranbong.
01:02 We didn't know we were going to have another one
01:03 so, welcome to the second one.
01:06 This is really exciting.
01:08 So, Rosemary, we have an item now from "Redeemed. "
01:13 It's a group of people who will be singing,
01:15 "Ye Shall Feed His Flock"
01:17 and straight after that will be Pastor Geoff Youlden
01:21 and he will be speaking:
01:22 "The Year that Changed the Modern World. "
01:24 You may have a question about that
01:26 but sit and listen to what he has to say.
01:29 He also has a key text and it's Revelation 14:6-7.
01:34 "And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
01:37 having the everlasting gospel
01:38 to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
01:41 and to every nation, and kindred,
01:43 and tongue, and people,
01:44 saying with a loud voice, 'Fear God and give glory to Him
01:48 for the hour of His judgment is come:
01:51 and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea,
01:54 and the fountains of waters. '"
01:55 And I am just going to say a short dedicatory prayer
01:59 for those who will be presenting to us today.
02:02 "Father in heaven,
02:03 I pray that you will bless 'Redeemed'
02:06 as they sing a song of praise to You.
02:08 Be with them and give them clarity of mind and of voice
02:12 and please be with Pastor Geoff, Father,
02:15 as he preaches your Word to us today.
02:18 May it have enlargement in our hearts.
02:21 May the Holy Spirit please inspire us
02:24 and those who listen to his voice with Your truth,
02:27 I pray in Jesus' name, amen. "
02:29 Audience: Amen.
02:31 Pause.
02:40 Music...
02:58 more music...
03:04 He shall feed His flock
03:09 like a shepherd;
03:15 and He shall gather
03:22 the lambs with His arm...
03:28 with His arm,
03:34 music...
03:40 He shall feed His flock
03:44 like a shepherd;
03:51 and He shall gather
03:57 the lambs with His arm...
04:03 with His arm,
04:10 music...
04:15 and carry them
04:21 in His bosom,
04:28 and gently lead those
04:33 that are with young...
04:40 and gently lead those
04:45 and gently lead
04:51 those that are with young.
05:00 Music...
05:10 Come unto Him,
05:15 all ye that labour,
05:21 come unto Him
05:26 ye that are heavy laden,
05:33 and He will give you rest.
05:40 Music...
05:45 Take His yoke upon you,
05:51 and learn of Him,
05:58 for He is meek
06:03 and lowly of heart,
06:09 and ye shall find rest...
06:15 and ye shall find rest
06:22 unto your souls...
06:27 come unto...
06:31 unto...
06:34 come unto...
06:40 come unto Him
06:44 and ye shall bring
06:47 you rest.
06:57 Audience: Amen.
07:02 Pause...
07:06 Well, thank you very much, Redeemed,
07:07 I'm sure you enjoyed that as much as I did.
07:10 The Year that Changed the Modern World...
07:13 that's got to be 1989
07:18 because that's the year, you'll remember,
07:23 the Tiananmen Square took place
07:24 where the Communist Government ordered their troops to go in
07:29 and with a million people demonstrating,
07:32 they mowed down 1,000s of young people
07:35 in Shanghai.
07:37 1989...
07:41 that's the year that the Catholic Solidarity in Poland
07:47 overthrew the Communistic Government
07:51 for the last 44 years
07:52 and then that spread through Eastern Europe
07:57 so that all the Communistic Governments were overthrown.
08:05 Mostly, peacefully but one was overthrown with great war
08:13 and so forth and that was in Romania
08:16 and you will remember that Romania...
08:18 the head of the Romanian Government
08:21 was finally executed on December 25, 1989.
08:27 1989 was when the Berlin Wall fell down.
08:32 1989 is when John Paul believed
08:37 that it was the Virgin Mary that gave the Catholic Church victory
08:42 over Communism in Europe
08:44 but 1989 is not the year that changed the modern world.
08:49 Even though significant events happened in that year.
08:54 Well, you say, what about September 11?
08:57 That changed the modern world.
09:00 Yes, it did to some extent
09:02 but the world before September 11
09:05 was not a lot different to what it was after September 11.
09:10 I'm going to suggest to you this morning
09:14 that the year that changed the modern world
09:18 is the year 1844.
09:20 Audience: Amen.
09:23 And I'm going to prove that to you in just a few moments
09:27 as we go through our discussion this morning
09:31 but would you take your Bibles
09:33 and we will get a Biblical perspective
09:35 of Daniel chapter 8 and verse 13,
09:39 Daniel, the 8th chapter,
09:41 and we'll pick it up in verse 12 and 13.
09:49 Daniel the 8th chapter...
09:52 Pastor is turning the pages of the Bible...
09:56 and this is what it says...
09:57 Verse 12...
10:01 "Because of transgression,
10:03 an army was given over to the horn
10:05 to oppose the daily sacrifices;
10:08 and he cast truth to the ground.
10:10 He did all this and prospered. "
10:13 So, here Daniel is being told
10:15 that truth is going to be cast down
10:18 and wonder of wonders that power is going to prosper.
10:22 Verse 13, "Then I heard a holy one speaking;
10:25 and another holy one said to that certain one
10:29 who was speaking,
10:30 'How long will the vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices
10:33 and the transgression of desolation,
10:36 the giving of both the sanctuary and the host
10:38 to be trodden underfoot?'"
10:40 So, here we have a picture of truth and the sanctuary
10:44 being trodden underfoot
10:46 and that would suggest to me that the sanctuary and truth
10:50 is in for a very, very hard time
10:53 as it's trodden down
10:55 and then the period is enunciated in verse 14
11:01 when it says, "And he said to me,
11:03 'For two thousand three hundred days;
11:06 then the sanctuary will be cleansed. '"
11:09 So, for this 2,300 prophetic-day period of years,
11:15 and this morning I haven't got time to prove all that,
11:19 that's a subject of another time,
11:21 but for 2,300 prophetic days or years,
11:26 the truth of God and the sanctuary
11:29 were going to be trodden underfoot
11:32 which means that for that long period of time,
11:35 people would not understand the truth of God
11:39 and furthermore,
11:40 they would not understand about the sanctuary.
11:42 You see, the way the devil has worked down through the years,
11:45 is by counterfeiting the truth of God.
11:49 He has done that as a masterful act.
11:52 Every period of time when God has a truth,
11:56 the devil has always counterfeited
11:59 what the... what God was about to do
12:02 and there is no exception here
12:04 and he has worked by diversion
12:06 as he has taken people's attention
12:10 when God had a message ready to go to the world,
12:13 the devil raised up all sorts of diversions
12:18 to take people's attention away from the truth of God
12:23 and we're going to go through that this morning.
12:27 You will remember that Christians
12:29 from many, many denominations like the Baptists...
12:34 and the Methodists...
12:36 and the Presbyterians...
12:38 and the Catholics...
12:41 and the Lutherans...
12:43 all believed that Christ was going to return
12:49 on October 22, 1844.
12:52 Pause...
12:54 Now, I'd like to remind you
12:55 there were no Seventh-day Adventists in existence
12:59 at that time.
13:00 Seventh-day Adventists have never set a date
13:04 for the coming of Jesus.
13:06 It was the Baptists and the Methodists...
13:08 and the Presbyterians...
13:10 and the Lutherans
13:11 and the Catholics...
13:13 they were the ones that set the date
13:14 for the coming of Jesus.
13:16 Pause...
13:18 They were sincere people... very good people...
13:21 and they sincerely believed that Jesus was going to return
13:25 on October 22, 1844
13:28 and when He didn't return,
13:29 you can understand the disappointment...
13:32 because many of these people sold their businesses...
13:36 they... they sold their farms
13:38 and they put all the money they got
13:40 into spreading the message about Jesus returning
13:43 and so, you can understand the bitter disappointment
13:46 in those people when October 22 went past,
13:53 and Jesus never returned
13:56 and so, as a result of that,
14:00 there was a tremendous falling away.
14:03 People felt that they had been disillusioned.
14:06 They had been deceived
14:08 and as a result of that, many left Christ and the Bible
14:15 and Christianity
14:17 never to embrace it again
14:19 but there was a groups of those people
14:22 who said, "No, the Bible is not wrong,
14:26 it must be our misunderstanding of some things
14:31 and so, in 1848,
14:35 they called together what has been known today now
14:39 as the Sabbath Conferences
14:41 in which they studied the Bible.
14:44 All these people came together...
14:47 these Baptists and these Methodists
14:50 and Catholics
14:51 and Lutherans... they came together
14:53 and they said, "We need to study God's Word
14:57 because something is amiss,
14:59 we have misunderstood some things
15:02 and as a result of the Sabbath Conferences,
15:06 that started in 1848, a theology was worked out.
15:12 It was not new but it was a resurrection of theology
15:18 that had been lost over the ensuing years...
15:22 during the Dark Ages.
15:23 Remember the Bible said...
15:25 the truth was going to be trodden down...
15:27 and during that long period of time,
15:29 these truths that they began to find as they studied the Bible
15:34 were being resurrected and restored
15:37 and as a result of that
15:42 they made some amazing discoveries.
15:45 I want to share with you five of those amazing discoveries.
15:52 The first was, the sanctuary doctrine.
15:56 They...
15:59 as they began to study the truth of the sanctuary,
16:04 they began to understand the depth
16:06 of Jesus' death on the cross.
16:09 Up until that time,
16:11 they had a very wonderful understanding of the cross,
16:16 but not in its fullness
16:17 but as they studied the type that the sanctuary gave,
16:22 they began to understand the work in its entirely
16:26 that Jesus was doing
16:27 and the work that He was doing in the heavenly sanctuary today.
16:31 That was the first great discovery that they made.
16:37 The second came out of the disappointment.
16:40 As a result of them being misled...
16:44 being disappointed in 1844,
16:48 they developed a doctrine
16:52 regarding the 2nd Coming of Jesus.
16:54 The third great doctrine that they found
17:00 was the Sabbath
17:01 and they discovered the Sabbath because
17:04 all of these people were Sunday Keepers up until this stage
17:08 and then they discovered the state of the dead
17:12 they had never understood that before
17:14 and finally they discovered the Spirit of Prophecy
17:19 and it is these five great pillars
17:23 that are the foundation of Seventh-day Adventism.
17:29 Audience: Amen.
17:31 The sanctuary message...
17:34 The Second Coming of Christ...
17:36 The Sabbath...
17:38 The State of the Dead...
17:39 and the Spirit of Prophecy.
17:41 These are the pillars.
17:45 This is what makes Seventh-day Adventism unique.
17:50 Now, I have come across some of God's people
17:56 who are a little embarrassed by some of these doctrines.
18:02 Pause...
18:05 Some are embarrassed that we would have a prophet.
18:08 Pause...
18:10 Others are embarrassed by the sanctuary truths.
18:13 Pause...
18:16 On the other hand, I mix with young people today...
18:19 a growing number of young people,
18:22 who understand the messages of God in these last days,
18:27 these five pillars...
18:28 and today, they have taken hold of these five messages
18:33 and they are convicted that this is God's message.
18:37 Pause...
18:40 And today, God is doing an amazing work
18:42 among many of our youth
18:45 and this message has it's context in the sanctuary
18:50 and in the final judgment.
18:51 "The hour of God's judgment has come... "
18:56 the Bible says.
18:57 Those three messages that we often refer to
19:02 as the three angels' messages.
19:05 They are the foundation of this last message
19:11 that is to go to the world.
19:12 Now, truth is never allowed to surface
19:16 but there's always conflict with that message of truth
19:21 and the devil is a great student of Bible prophecy.
19:26 By-the-way, the devil is no modernist...
19:30 he is no liberal...
19:33 he is no revisionist...
19:36 when it comes to theology,
19:39 the devil is very, very conservative.
19:43 In fact, he is so conservative that the Bible says,
19:48 that when he reads it, he trembles
19:51 because he knows that it's true.
19:54 He doesn't try to re-interpret it
19:56 because he knows exactly what God is about.
20:00 That's why in 1844,
20:03 when God had a message that was to go to every nation, kindred,
20:07 tongue and people,
20:09 the devil got to work
20:12 and he's brought in every conceivable "ism"
20:16 at that very time
20:19 in that very year
20:21 and this morning, I'm going to go through it with you
20:24 and show you that 1844 is the year that has changed
20:31 the modern world
20:32 pause...
20:35 and the message is just so clear.
20:37 In fact, come over to Revelation chapter 12, if you don't mind,
20:41 Revelation the 12th chapter
20:43 and we'll read here how the devil feels about God's message.
20:47 Revelation 12 and verse 7, it says,
20:49 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman... "
20:54 that word "wroth" is not just angry...
20:58 he is livid...
21:00 his jugular veins sticks out of his neck
21:04 and his face is red.
21:06 He's so angry...
21:07 the devil is angry with the woman...
21:11 "went to make war with the rest of her offspring. "
21:16 That is... all of God's people who stand for the truth,
21:21 the devil is against.
21:23 Those particularly who are faithful to Jesus
21:27 and faithful to His commandments.
21:29 They're the two identifying marks in the last days
21:33 of God's people
21:35 whom the devil is particularly angry with
21:38 against Jesus, of course,
21:42 and because they're faithful to Jesus, he's angry
21:46 but also because they're faithful to His Commandments
21:49 which means that the devil is not very concerned
21:53 about the three angels' messages being taken to every nation,
21:57 kindred, tongue and people... is that true?
21:59 Absolutely not...
22:00 he's very, very concerned about it.
22:03 Pause...
22:06 If fact, he's so concerned that he called together
22:11 all his evil angels.
22:15 and they worked out a strategy
22:19 as to how they were going to oppose these three messages...
22:24 how they were going to oppose the message that arose in 1844
22:30 and the first thing they came up with
22:33 was an opposing theology
22:36 so, they developed two theologies...
22:39 but the devil soon realized that those who love the Lord
22:47 and those who are studying the Bible
22:50 will soon see the difference between the false and the true.
22:55 So, he said, "That's not going to deceive everybody,
22:58 we have to work on other strategies
23:01 so that we involve every person in the world
23:05 because one strategy is not going to appeal to everybody.
23:09 Pause...
23:13 So, he decided, "Well, we will pervert truth"
23:16 one of his angels said, "Let's pervert truth. "
23:19 Now, that had a very, very big effect upon many Christians
23:22 because they had been taught to follow the truth
23:27 and now the devil brought in a perversion of that truth.
23:31 But that wasn't enough
23:35 because that wouldn't appeal to everybody either
23:38 because he realized
23:40 that any person who had a relationship with God
23:43 was going to work the difference out
23:45 between that which was a perverted truth
23:48 and that which was the real truth.
23:49 Pause...
23:51 Then he brought in another strategy.
23:53 This strategy was to bring in a lukewarmness
23:57 among those who are giving the truth...
24:00 a lukewarmness among those who are preaching the truth.
24:04 Pause...
24:07 and that was extremely effective
24:09 and it continues to be extremely effective.
24:13 Now, I want to have a look at some of these strategies
24:17 that the devil used because
24:19 the first one was to set up a counter theology.
24:22 Pause...
24:25 Now, you will remember that in the Sabbath Conferences,
24:28 those sincere Christians of all denominations
24:31 when they came together...
24:32 pause...
24:34 they took the Bible and the Bible only
24:37 and they said, "This is where we stand...
24:40 nothing more... nothing less"
24:44 and that was the foundation.
24:47 Now, what was the significant year that we're talking about
24:51 that has changed the modern world...
24:52 what was the date?
24:54 1844.
24:55 Pause...
24:57 In that very year... in the month of August,
25:04 1844... just before God's message was to be announced,
25:12 two men met in a... in a Cafe in Paris.
25:16 Pause...
25:18 The first man's name was Karl Marx,
25:21 the second man's name was Engels.
25:25 and they then met a little bit later
25:29 on the 19th of November 1844,
25:31 and Engels wrote to Marx these words, listen,
25:35 "We are at present holding public meetings
25:39 all over the place,
25:41 to set up societies for the advancement of the workers.
25:45 By a large majority, everything 'Christian' has been bound
25:51 and banned from the rules... "
25:53 and then he continued on...
25:55 "the criticism of religion
25:57 is the pre-requisite of all criticism
26:00 and we are working for the abolition of religion
26:03 and for real happiness. "
26:05 Pause...
26:08 Now, that would suggest to me
26:09 that if you go into a Marxist Society today,
26:13 they are all happy people smiling... living in utopia
26:17 because that's what Engels was writing to Marx about
26:22 and we know, of course, that that's not true
26:25 but the devil brought this counterfeit in
26:30 and is it dead today?
26:31 Is Marxist philosophy... is that dead today?
26:35 No, we see it... the hammer and the sickle
26:38 in the Trade Unions.
26:39 Pause...
26:41 The very basis of Trade Unionism here in Australia
26:45 and around the world is largely Marxist's philosophy
26:50 and they carry the...
26:54 as I said, the hammer and the sickle
26:55 and it satisfies those who are downtrodden in our society
26:59 who are told that they can rise to the top of the pile
27:03 without any reference to God.
27:05 Pause...
27:07 And then, there was the intellectual.
27:09 The devil said, "Well, we haven't appealed yet
27:11 to the intellectual. "
27:12 Pause...
27:15 With appeal to the perversion of truth,
27:16 with appeal... by bringing in a false theology,
27:21 with appeal to the workers who feel downtrodden,
27:24 but we haven't attacked the intellectuals yet.
27:28 Pause...
27:31 What's the year? 1844...
27:34 in that very year, a man by the name of Charles Darwin...
27:38 you heard of him?
27:40 In that very year... 1844...
27:43 Charles Darwin begins to write
27:47 the first sketch of his "Origin of Species. "
27:51 The very year when God's message goes out
27:54 to worship God as the Creator... here Satan is inspiring this man
27:59 to write a philosophy
28:01 that is the very opposite to God's message...
28:05 in the very same year that God raised up that message
28:10 and I must admit, I find it difficult
28:13 to understand how intelligent human beings...
28:17 especially, educated human beings
28:22 can come to the conclusion
28:24 that everything that we have in the world came from nothing
28:27 and we have the Hawking's and the Dawkins
28:33 in our society
28:36 who were the heads of Oxford and Cambridge Universities
28:40 in England,
28:41 until Hawking's death
28:44 and they formed a group together called "The Bright's"
28:51 which meant that if you didn't accept the philosophy
28:57 of Hawking's and Dawkins, then you weren't bright.
29:03 If you believe in the supernatural,
29:05 you are not bright.
29:06 that's a very, very clear implication.
29:11 In fact, Dawkins wrote in his book,
29:16 the most absurd statement
29:18 I think I've read for a long, long time
29:20 and it's on the screen.
29:22 "God almost certainly does not exist. "
29:25 Have you... just imagine... just think about that.
29:30 "God almost certainly doesn't exist. "
29:34 That's an impossible statement...
29:36 so-called "intellectual" makes it.
29:39 Now, either God exists or He doesn't exist
29:44 but you can't say,
29:45 "He almost certainly doesn't exist. "
29:47 Pause...
29:51 That teaching appeals to those who want to reason
29:55 that God doesn't... doesn't need to be a part of my life.
30:01 That's why evolution appeals to people.
30:04 It's not because the Science is on their side...
30:07 pause...
30:10 it's simply because it gives people the opportunity
30:17 of not accepting God and still remaining
30:20 intellectually...
30:23 well they feel... intellectually acceptable.
30:29 Pause...
30:32 Now, the devil realized that this idea of evolution
30:39 is not going to appeal to everybody either.
30:41 There are other Christians... and he wanted to get them.
30:46 So, he worked on a man...
30:50 and what was the year are we saying?
30:52 Audience: 1844...
30:53 he worked on a man by the name of J.N. Darby.
30:58 Pause...
31:00 Now, J.N. Darby taught what is referred today
31:07 as "Dispensationalism. "
31:09 Now, Dispensationalism,
31:12 for those of you who perhaps don't understand this,
31:15 and that wouldn't surprise me,
31:17 but Dispensationalism...
31:20 Darby divided the world-period into seven sections
31:25 and God, he said, used a different method of salvation
31:29 for each one of those seven periods.
31:31 For example,
31:34 in the Old Testament it was Law
31:35 and people were saved by keeping the Law
31:37 in the Old Testament.
31:39 In the New Testament, we're saved by grace
31:42 which means, you don't have to keep the Law,
31:45 this is his argument.
31:46 Pause...
31:49 And that year was 1844.
31:51 "But now in these end times... " Darby said,
31:57 that there was a difference between Israel and the Church.
32:01 God is working presently with the Church
32:05 and then the church will be "raptured" away...
32:10 you've heard of the "Secret Rapture"
32:12 the church will be raptured away
32:14 before the "Tribulation"
32:15 and then, God is going to work on the Jews
32:19 and give them another chance.
32:20 This is basically the philosophy of "Dispensationalism"
32:25 and associated with "Dispensationalism"
32:28 was Antinomianism.
32:30 Now, that's a big word,
32:31 it simply means that they were teaching
32:33 that the Law has been done away with...
32:35 "Anti" meaning against...
32:38 the Law of God
32:40 and that surfaced with "Dispensationalism"
32:44 and just about every Evangelical Christian today,
32:49 has accepted J.N. Darby's theology.
32:53 That is... if you go to talk to your Baptist friends
32:57 and your Pentecostal friends,
32:59 they have been steeped in this theology
33:04 and you've heard of the "Secret Rapture"
33:08 that's where it all comes from
33:10 and it was another aim of the devil
33:13 to divert people away from the truth...
33:15 that they would get sucked in by a false theology.
33:20 Now, J.N. Darby, by the way, didn't invent this theory.
33:25 It was actually invented by the Catholic Church
33:30 as a result of the Reformation.
33:32 You may have heard in history... the Counter-Reformation
33:37 which means that they... that the Catholic Church
33:40 instituted a "counter" to what Luther and Knox
33:44 and all the Reformers were teaching.
33:47 Countered them...
33:48 and they came up with this theory
33:54 and a man over there in Chile
33:59 accepted this theory...
34:01 he was a Jesuit, by the way,
34:03 and his name was Manuel Lacunza and he lived in the late 1700s.
34:11 and he posed as a converted Jew under the synonym Ben-Ezra
34:20 and so he took this apocalyptic writing
34:26 and he composed a book
34:29 and the book was entitled:
34:32 "The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty. "
34:37 Now, this was written in Spanish
34:39 and so, it wasn't making much in-road
34:43 into the English-speaking world
34:44 until a man by the name of Edward Irving in England
34:49 translated it into English
34:53 and he popularized this... this theory
35:02 in the English-speaking world
35:03 and by-the-way, it was in Edward Irving's church
35:06 that "speaking in tongues"
35:10 modern "speaking in tongues" began.
35:13 and so, J.N. Darby took the doctrine
35:16 and he modernized it into Christianity today
35:21 and as I said, just about every Evangelical Christian today
35:25 that you meet and that you talk to
35:28 has been soaked in this theology
35:31 and today, you need to understand it
35:33 if you're going to be able to communicate with them
35:35 because, when they're talking about the coming of Jesus,
35:38 they're not talking about it as many of us understand it.
35:41 Pause...
35:44 Now, the devil realized then, of course,
35:46 that it needs to be vibrant.
35:51 If it's going to win people over,
35:54 this theology and idea needs to be vibrant...
35:58 it needs to be a vibrancy
36:00 and so, what year?
36:03 1844...
36:05 in Hydesville in New York,
36:10 pause...
36:14 a house was bought
36:16 and a few years later,
36:19 that house was occupied by the Fox Sisters
36:23 pause...
36:26 and you will remember that the Fox Sisters...
36:28 the rappings...
36:30 and modern spiritualism was born
36:32 in that decade.
36:35 You know, I meet some people
36:39 who tell me that 1844 is a non-event.
36:43 Pause...
36:46 I've heard some of these people
36:49 say that it's a non-event.
36:52 I like to remind them,
36:55 "You might think it's a non-event
36:57 but I tell you who doesn't think it's a non-event
37:00 and that's the devil himself... "
37:02 because the devil understands Daniel 8:14
37:06 and as I said, he's no revisionist.
37:09 He's no modern Christian.
37:13 He is fundamental... he's conservative...
37:18 and he understands exactly.
37:22 That's why he has brought all these delusions in.
37:27 In fact, in the early 1800s,
37:31 there was a man born by the name of Joseph Smith.
37:34 Pause...
37:38 Joseph Smith believed that we are divine
37:42 and that we are of the order of Melchizedek
37:46 and then on June 27, 1844 you remember, he was murdered
37:53 but the Mormon Church has gone on
37:57 and has grown over those years,
38:00 so, here we have another counterfeit
38:03 that the devil has raised up
38:06 once again to divert that person who that appeals to
38:10 to get into that area
38:11 because every one of these different strategies
38:15 that the devil is using
38:16 doesn't appeal to everybody
38:19 but what he's doing is,
38:21 he's got a hat for every-size head
38:25 and he knows human beings that's why all of these "isms"
38:32 all of these strategies that he developed
38:34 all began in 1844.
38:36 In that decade of the 1840s is the most significant decade
38:43 of modern time.
38:44 Pause...
38:47 Then you have the spiritualistic secret society...
38:50 the Delta, Kappa, Epsilon,
38:53 commonly known as the DKE
38:56 and there are about 58 chapters of the DKE
39:02 throughout North America and Canada.
39:07 It started in Yale College in 1844.
39:11 Now, he's into the universities.
39:14 Pause...
39:17 Then you have the Bá'haí faith.
39:20 Pause...
39:23 The Bá'haí Faith was begun by an Iranian in Iran...
39:28 a member of a section or a part of the Shiites
39:32 which are very strong, of course, in Iran
39:36 and this young man proclaimed...
39:41 and called himself the Báb
39:44 and his philosophy was that there was Moses as a prophet...
39:50 that there was Jesus Christ as a prophet...
39:52 there was Muhammad as a prophet...
39:54 and now there's going to be another prophet...
39:57 pause...
40:01 and that's the basis of the Bá'haí faith.
40:05 Once again, it began in the year 1844...
40:10 the very year that God's message was proclaimed
40:14 and in and around 1844,
40:18 we find the Feminist Movement began.
40:19 This is when the Ecumenical Movement began.
40:23 All began in that very year...
40:27 in that very period
40:29 and Satan brings in counterfeits in various forms
40:36 to appeal to different peoples
40:38 and different brains and different thought patterns
40:41 and the devil is not worried
40:45 whether a person accepts this strategy
40:47 or that strategy or the other strategy
40:50 as long as... they don't accept God's truth
40:54 and that's why... that's how the devil has worked
40:57 over the years
41:00 all around 1844.
41:03 Let me just go back now to the year 1844...
41:08 there was a Seventh-day Baptist lady by the name of Rachel Oaks.
41:15 She was a Sabbath keeper...
41:19 pause...
41:23 and she met a Millerite man by the name of Frederick Wheeler
41:28 and Frederick Wheeler was a Sunday keeper
41:32 and Rachel Oakes said to Frederick Wheeler.
41:37 "Do you believe in the Commandments?"
41:39 And he said, "Absolutely. "
41:40 "Well," she said, "what about number 4
41:43 about the Sabbath?"
41:45 And she gave him a Bible Study about the Sabbath.
41:48 And Wheeler went home and he studied it
41:52 and he re-studied it
41:53 and he became convinced that the Sabbath was correct...
41:58 that Rachel Oakes was correct in her teaching
41:59 on the Seventh-day Sabbath
42:02 and as a result of that he began to preach it
42:08 and to teach it and on March 1844,
42:13 he preached his first sermon on the Sabbath
42:18 and so the Sabbath was rediscovered in 1844
42:24 pause...
42:26 and re-established.
42:29 In 1844, a man by the name of Joseph Fitch
42:34 Charles Fitch... I'm sorry... Charles Fitch.
42:39 He discovered the Biblical truth on soul sleep
42:44 and so we find that soul sleep...
42:47 that is... when you die, you sleep
42:51 until Jesus comes back,
42:53 that was re-discovered in 1844.
42:58 Then we find that in 1844,
43:02 the Spirit of Prophecy was re-discovered...
43:06 and amazing that God's church in the last days
43:10 has to have the Spirit of Prophecy
43:12 because Revelation says that God's message in the last days
43:17 will have the Commandments and the testimony of Jesus
43:21 of Revelation 19:10 says very clearly
43:24 that the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.
43:27 So, if a church doesn't have the Spirit of Prophecy,
43:30 it is not God's last true church.
43:33 It's got to have it
43:35 and this was rediscovered in 1844
43:40 and what a wonderful gift that has been.
43:42 You know, sometimes people say to me,
43:44 "Well, do you think that God is going to raise up
43:48 another prophet, now that the prophet's been dead
43:51 for over a 100 years.
43:55 Pause...
43:59 Do you think that God might raise up another?"
44:01 Well, I like to answer that question
44:05 by going back to the type,
44:06 you know, in the Bible,
44:08 there are some wonderful lessons to be learned
44:10 by following the type and anti-type
44:13 and one of the greatest types in the Bible
44:17 or illustrations that the Bible uses of last-day truth
44:21 is the experience of the children of Israel
44:24 going through the wilderness...
44:26 leaving Egypt through the wilderness
44:28 to the Land of Canaan,
44:29 because 1st Corinthians chapter 10 says,
44:33 that all these things happened unto Israel
44:38 as an example or an illustration
44:41 for those of us who are living in the end of the world
44:45 and so, if we want to find out what God's truth is
44:48 in the last days,
44:50 simply go back to the type
44:51 and let's have a look at the type.
44:53 The type was led by a prophet.
44:56 His name was Moses
44:58 pause...
45:01 and Moses wrote down all the instructions
45:04 that God gave to him.
45:05 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
45:09 pause...
45:12 and that was designed to guide God's people
45:17 in their wilderness wanderings
45:19 pause...
45:21 and you will remember
45:22 that Moses took the children of Israel
45:24 into the Promised Land, true or false?
45:27 False...
45:29 Because he died just before going into the Land of Canaan.
45:36 Pause...
45:39 And so, we look at the type
45:41 then we look at the anti-type...
45:43 the church in the last days
45:46 that is based on the type
45:48 and by-the-way, every single truth
45:52 that is part of this message today
45:56 is found in that "type. "
45:59 Doesn't matter what you talk about,
46:01 the Sabbath... the State of the Dead...
46:04 our stand on health reform...
46:08 because Moses wrote down in the instruction
46:11 that he gave before he died, all about health reform.
46:15 Isn't that right?
46:16 And the anti-type is exactly the same.
46:20 and he died just before the children of Israel went in
46:24 and then was resurrected
46:25 and I believe exactly the same with the anti-type.
46:31 Ellen White died just before the people would go
46:37 into the true land of Canaan.
46:38 But before she died, she wrote all the instructions down
46:44 for us to follow.
46:46 We don't need any other prophet...
46:48 we're not even following all that she gave us, is that true?
46:50 Audience: Yes.
46:52 Why would God give us more when we haven't even followed
46:56 that which He has already given?
46:58 Audience: Agreeing.
47:00 And it's wonderful to see and to study that... that type
47:05 and she talked about a special resurrection...
47:08 remember in Daniel chapter 12,
47:10 one of the people that's going to be raised
47:12 will be some of those in the early Advent message...
47:16 they're going to be raised to see Jesus return
47:19 in the clouds of heaven.
47:22 What year was the sanctuary re-discovered?
47:26 1844...
47:28 the very year when God raised up His message
47:34 and then in the Sabbath Conferences in 1848,
47:39 those messages were formalized
47:42 and today, our understanding is really based
47:48 on those Sabbath Conferences that were developed in 1848.
47:53 But the devil has come along with all his counterfeits
47:56 to try to divert... to try to confuse people
48:03 and that's his strategy
48:06 and today we are not immune to being confused
48:11 and being diverted ourselves
48:13 pause...
48:16 when we understand the importance of this
48:18 and so, those people,
48:20 as they began to study Revelation chapter 14,
48:23 the message was to go to every nation, kindred,
48:27 tongue and people,
48:28 suddenly they realized, we have to be missionaries.
48:32 Give me a date...
48:34 what date...
48:36 1844...
48:38 a man by the name of Samuel Morse...
48:42 ever heard of him?
48:44 What did he discover?
48:45 You will remember that Samuel Morse
48:51 was the first man who discovered the telegraph...
48:56 and in... in Washington, D.C.
49:00 he had his friend, Vail, go down to Baltimore
49:04 and he typed out those words... four words...
49:09 "What hath GOD wrought"
49:15 and Vail, in Baltimore, typed back the message,
49:19 "What hath GOD wrought"
49:21 that was discovered... telegraph was discovered in 1844
49:26 the very year that God's message now needs to go to every nation,
49:31 kindred, tongue and people.
49:32 And by-the-way,
49:36 Samuel Morse was a very, very good Bible student.
49:39 He studied Daniel and Revelation...
49:43 he was an expert...
49:45 in fact, he wrote more on Daniel and Revelation
49:48 than he ever did on telegraph.
49:49 Pause...
49:52 God has given to us a message which is absolutely water-tight
49:56 pause...
49:58 and the trouble is and the tragedy is
50:01 that today, we are trying to water down the message
50:05 that God has given to us
50:07 pause...
50:09 and it's interesting that Columbus Xenia Railroad...
50:12 the railway was first built in 1844
50:15 so that the message could be taken
50:18 on land and sea.
50:21 In fact, let me just read you some of the discoveries
50:24 that took place in the decade of the 1840s.
50:28 Railroads were discovered in the 1840s.
50:32 Oceangoing steam ships were discovered in... in the 1840s.
50:39 The electric telegraph as we have noticed.
50:42 They discovered the Penny Post.
50:44 Up until this stage,
50:47 the only persons that ever had a post... a letter delivered
50:50 were the very wealthy.
50:52 Then they developed the Penny Post
50:54 and if you look up the Penny Post,
50:56 you will find that this is the development of...
50:58 of the Post as we know it today
51:00 when letters could be delivered.
51:02 Up until 1840s, that wasn't the case.
51:04 Pause...
51:06 This was when photography with negatives was discovered
51:12 and in 1844, the first news to provide sanitation
51:18 in English cities, was legislated.
51:22 If you want to read something that will turn you...
51:25 don't do it before you have a meal
51:27 but if you want to read something
51:30 that will turn your stomach,
51:32 just read how they were living before the 1840s in Briton
51:36 and the filth and the sanitation
51:40 was absolutely nil in existence
51:44 and Daniel chapter 12 and verse 4...
51:47 that wonderful verse that we have always understood
51:50 says, "Many shall run to and fro and... " what?
51:53 "knowledge shall increase. "
51:56 In that very year, the knowledge of God...
52:00 God allowed knowledge to increase
52:02 and all these amazing discoveries took place
52:06 so that His message could be taken
52:08 to every nation, kindred, tongue and people
52:11 and today, the devil is attacking the remnant
52:15 because how it is attacking the remnant is to make us unsure
52:19 of what we believe
52:21 because once you're unsure...
52:24 once question marks come into your mind,
52:26 I tell you, you're not going to share the truth
52:29 because your always thinking, "Maybe it's not right... "
52:33 and so, the worst thing that can ever happen
52:37 is uncertainty that will come into our hearts
52:40 and that's why the devil is trying to disseminate
52:42 uncertainty among us
52:44 pause...
52:48 and today there's a stupor...
52:50 a sleepiness among many of us,
52:53 in fact, let me read you a statement,
52:56 "As the Lord's people show
52:57 their determination to follow the light that has been given,
53:01 the enemy brings all his powers to bear to discourage them.
53:05 But they are not to give up because of the difficulties
53:09 that arise when they try to follow the counsels of the Lord.
53:13 Every wind of doctrine is going to blow before Jesus returns
53:18 and today, God is appealing to us...
53:23 He has given us evidence upon evidence upon evidence
53:26 that this message is water tight.
53:30 There is nothing in this message
53:32 that we need to be apologetic for.
53:35 This message is God's message
53:37 and God is calling for us to be faithful
53:41 in the giving of that message.
53:43 May God help us to do that.
53:45 Let's just bow our heads in prayer.
53:47 "Our Father in heaven,
53:49 I just want to thank You today, Lord,
53:51 for the wonderful message.
53:52 Those three messages of Revelation 14
53:55 that ought to be taken to every nation, kindred,
53:57 tongue and people.
53:59 Please Lord, help us to be faithful.
54:01 Help us to spend time not only getting to know you
54:04 but in sharing this wonderful truth with others...
54:08 I pray for Christ's sake, amen. "


Revised 2020-01-08