Grace Pipeline, The

The Gospel Of Grace

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host)


Series Code: GPL

Program Code: GPL000001

00:01 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:02 Please join us today on "The Grace Pipeline"
00:05 where we will consider how the Bible explains
00:08 that the love of God is the compelling force
00:11 behind the grace of God.
00:38 Welcome to "The Grace Pipeline."
00:40 This series will be a journey through scripture
00:43 to help broaden our understanding
00:45 of God's wonderful gospel of grace.
00:49 The series will follow along with the Bible study
00:52 that I was also privileged to write
00:54 and it's in a book entitled "The Grace Pipeline."
00:58 Because the words of scripture are so much weightier
01:02 than any other words that could be shared,
01:04 we will provide plenty of scripture to let the Bible
01:08 become the foundation of our understanding.
01:11 We hope you will tune in each time
01:13 as we progress through topics like justification,
01:17 righteousness by faith, God's work of sanctification
01:21 and how we can develop victorious faith,
01:24 but most of all, how we must guard
01:27 the relationship of grace in which we stand.
01:30 Today, we will lay a foundation for this series
01:34 by examining the very root cause of grace
01:37 as we try to increase our comprehension
01:40 of God's amazing channel of blessings to us.
01:44 Today's program content will follow
01:46 chapter 1 of the series companion book.
01:50 You might frequent a favorite place of worship
01:53 or perhaps even though you believe in God,
01:56 you have never entered a church.
01:58 Either way, there is something you possibly share in common
02:02 with many who believe in God's existence,
02:05 and that is confusion concerning God's character.
02:09 Popular misconceptions are bound and that is understandable.
02:13 If you think about it,
02:15 how can the self-centered nature of mankind
02:18 hindered by our limited human understanding
02:22 and reasoning in our limited experience?
02:25 How can we comprehend the glorious character of God?
02:30 It requires serious study and a personal experience
02:34 with our loving Heavenly Father
02:36 to even get a glimpse of His goodness.
02:39 The Bible tells us in 1 John 4:16 that God is love.
02:45 Not just loving, His very nature is love.
02:49 He is the author and source of unconditional love.
02:53 We humans have difficulty even defining it.
02:57 And as I tried to think of an illustration,
03:00 I could think of only one and perfect example.
03:03 Perhaps the closest condition of the natural human heart
03:08 which captures a portion of God's nature of love
03:11 is the free flowing feelings
03:13 of a devoted parent to their child.
03:16 Such parents love their children
03:19 whether their behavior is good or bad.
03:21 And these parents are inclined to make sacrifices
03:24 for their children's security and happiness.
03:27 But tragically, not all parents model this behavior
03:31 which makes even this limited example
03:34 difficult for many to absorb.
03:37 Do we really understand that the very essence
03:40 of God's nature is self-sacrificing love?
03:46 Paul writes in Romans 5:8
03:49 that God demonstrates His own love toward us
03:53 in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
03:57 When this occurred, the grace of God
04:00 that brings salvation appeared in the flesh to all men.
04:04 What is your picture of God?
04:07 Do you realize what a merciful God He is?
04:11 Let's look at Micah 7:18-19,
04:16 "Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity
04:20 and passing over the transgression
04:23 of the remnant of His heritage?
04:25 He does not retain His anger forever,
04:28 because He delights in mercy.
04:32 He will again have compassion on us
04:35 and will subdue our iniquities.
04:37 You will cast all of our sins into the depths of the sea."
04:43 God delights in mercy and longs to be gracious to you and me
04:50 but deep within our hearts
04:52 we feel unworthy of such love from our creator, don't we?
04:56 Frankly it sounds too good to be true.
04:59 So many of us resist this revelation.
05:02 We don't recognize the love of God
05:05 is the compelling force behind the grace of God.
05:09 And to resist His infinite love is to resist His abundant grace.
05:16 Above all else, God wants to reveal
05:19 His true character to His created beings
05:23 so that we may know Him
05:25 and accept all that He desires to bestow upon us.
05:29 I love the way the Old Testament prophet Isaiah
05:32 assures the people of God, of His loving care
05:36 in Isaiah 30:18-19, let's read that.
05:40 And it says, "Therefore the Lord will wait,
05:43 that He may be gracious to you.
05:45 And therefore He will be exalted,
05:47 that He may have mercy on you.
05:49 For the Lord is a God of justice.
05:51 Blessed are all those who wait for Him.
05:54 You shall weep no more.
05:56 He will be very gracious to you atthe sound of your cry.
06:00 When He hears it, He will answer you."
06:06 A just and tender hearted God
06:09 is earnestly seeking opportunities
06:12 to multiply His mercies to you.
06:14 His heart's desire is to demonstrate
06:17 His loving kindness, to lavish His love,
06:20 His joy, and His peace on you.
06:23 He calls to you and with eager expectation He waits,
06:27 willing to answer your cry for help
06:29 by exchanging His power for your weakness.
06:32 In fact, in 2 Corinthians 12:9, Christ said,
06:36 "My grace is sufficient for you,
06:38 for my power is made perfect in weakness."
06:42 Do you realize that the almighty stands ready
06:45 to give you victory over sin and its destructive consequences
06:50 and to grant to you life abundantly?
06:53 This, my friend, is the good news.
06:56 It is the gospel of God's grace.
06:59 Grace, there's no other New Testament word
07:02 that is more meaningful and none other
07:05 is as greatly under valued or as grossly distorted
07:09 by man's feeble attempts to define it.
07:12 Far too many Christians live with an understanding of grace
07:16 that is fundamentally flawed leaving the immeasurable riches
07:21 and the power of divine grace untold.
07:25 Some suffering consciences
07:28 have yet to be soothed by its great promise.
07:32 Let me ask you, has yours?
07:35 And in other cases, there are people
07:37 who have twisted the meaning of grace
07:40 to their own destruction,
07:42 turning God's grace into an excuse
07:45 for the absence of restraint.
07:47 This reminds me of the time Jesus confronted the Sadducees
07:51 who rejected the truth of resurrection.
07:53 He refuted their argument by saying in Matthew 22:29,
07:58 "You are in error because you do not know
08:01 the scriptures or the power of God."
08:04 You know what?
08:05 I would also extend this same rebuttal to believers today
08:09 who abuse His truth of grace.
08:13 Well, it is accurate to say God's abundant grace
08:17 grants us liberty from pharisaical legalism.
08:21 It is the devil's distortion of truth
08:23 to suggest grace grants us license to sin
08:27 or that anyone who mentions obedience
08:30 is legalistic and unlearned in grace.
08:33 Sin turns our hearts away from God.
08:37 Grace draws us toward His embrace.
08:41 God's divine grace contains power to set us free from sin.
08:46 This revelation radically changed my Christian experience
08:50 and I'm excited to have this opportunity
08:53 to share the good news with you.
08:57 The master of grace can make
08:59 a dramatic difference in your life too
09:02 if you will just accept these truths and embrace them.
09:07 In Hosea 4:6 God says,
09:10 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
09:14 The same holds true today.
09:16 For anyone who doesn't understand grace,
09:20 they're breaking the heart of our loving Father.
09:23 I am convinced that Christians walk
09:25 in a lesser degree of power than is available to us
09:29 because we don't comprehend the full value of words
09:33 that encase great biblical concepts,
09:36 words like grace, love, faith, justification, sanctification,
09:42 and others which represent systematic and practical truths.
09:48 If we cannot comprehend the value of the word,
09:53 we cannot really define it.
09:55 And you know what we do?
09:56 We overlook and under appreciate undefined words.
10:01 Many resources are available to help today's Bible students
10:05 interpret meanings of the scripture
10:08 in original Bible languages.
10:11 Still the definitions provided are not always sufficient
10:15 because Bible writers sometimes enhance
10:18 the value of a word with spiritual meaning.
10:21 So to determine the true significance
10:24 of an original Bible word or phrase,
10:26 we must look at its every use within scripture
10:31 examining pages in passages
10:34 that come before and after for complete understanding
10:38 because scriptural context
10:40 is a certain compass that points us
10:43 to the writer's intent and true meaning.
10:46 And in God's language of love,
10:48 there is no weightier or more worthy word than grace.
10:53 Everything in God's economy, His pardon, His provision,
10:58 His privileges, His protection, His power, and His peace
11:03 comes to us by the pleasure of His grace.
11:07 Who better to help us understand this than the apostle Paul,
11:10 the self proclaimed chief of sinners
11:13 who was rescued and renewed
11:15 after encountering the master of grace?
11:18 Our beloved brother became a believer,
11:21 considered his own indebtedness to life altering grace
11:25 and accepted Christ's commission
11:27 to bear witness to the gospel, the good news of grace.
11:33 Let's look at the emphasis that Paul puts on the value
11:36 of God's grace in his own life
11:39 as he expressed in 1 Corinthians 15:10 saying there,
11:45 "I am what I am by the grace of God.
11:49 And His grace toward me was not in vain.
11:52 But I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I,
11:57 but the grace of God which was with me."
12:02 All that Paul had become, everything that he achieved,
12:08 he attributed to the power of God's life-changing grace.
12:13 Paul made it the goal of his life to testify
12:16 to the gloriously good news of the grace of God.
12:20 Listen to what he says in Acts 20:24,
12:25 "But none of these things move me,
12:28 nor do I count my life dear to myself,
12:31 so that I may finish my race with joy,
12:34 and the ministry which I received
12:37 from the Lord Jesus,
12:38 to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."
12:44 Paul strategically in his epistles,
12:47 he uses the word grace at least 100 times
12:50 accounting for more than half of the some 170 times
12:54 the New Testament employs this term.
12:57 And from a heart that throbbed with passion
13:00 borne of his experience,
13:02 Paul supplies a special significance to this word.
13:06 It's a significance not found elsewhere
13:09 in classical Greek literature.
13:11 Together, you and I will take a closer look
13:14 at this respected apostle's revelation on this matter
13:18 allowing it to unfold naturally in upcoming programs
13:22 like a fragrant rose bud coming into full bloom.
13:26 Although grace was not a common place greeting of the day,
13:30 Paul assigned such noteworthy value to this word.
13:33 It became his customary blessing
13:35 at the opening and closing of his writings.
13:38 He always began and ended his letters by pronouncing
13:42 a divine blessing of grace on the readers.
13:45 And in like matters so did the apostles Peter and John.
13:49 They used grace as a salutation.
13:51 And it is the final benediction,
13:53 that's the final prayer of blessing
13:56 found in the very last scripture of the Bible.
14:00 To the apostles, the affirmation of grace over the believers
14:05 was a sufficient summary of all of God's blessings.
14:10 The expression evolved
14:12 as it were into the New Testament version
14:15 of the blessing found in the Old Testament
14:18 in Numbers 6:24-26 that says,
14:23 "The Lord bless you and keep you.
14:25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
14:28 and be gracious to you.
14:30 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."
14:37 Grace, grace fits into the category of words
14:41 that the Bible authors enhanced with spiritual meaning.
14:46 In its classical Greek definition,
14:49 grace was a very elastic word.
14:52 It covered multiple but related concepts.
14:56 But more than any other writer,
14:58 Paul further stretched its meaning
15:00 and shaped the unique New Testament
15:03 rendering of divine grace as representing
15:07 the unity of God's enormous endowments to humanity.
15:12 Divine grace is a solid foundation
15:15 upon which we build our hope, you and me.
15:19 And it is essential that we comprehend
15:22 this marvelous concept for our salvation
15:25 and everything good depends upon it.
15:29 Our most desperate need is to recognize
15:32 and receive the manifold grace of God.
15:36 And as we recognize His gifts of grace,
15:40 we will begin to understand the effects of grace.
15:45 God is wholeheartedly engaged in His covenant of grace
15:49 by which He bestows all of His blessings and benefits upon us.
15:53 We can't afford to allow a misunderstanding
15:56 to be a barrier between us and our benevolent Creator.
16:01 If we can but grasp the scope of grace,
16:05 the height, the depth, the width, and the length of it,
16:08 we will more fully recognize His perfect plan
16:12 is for us to be completely dependant upon Him.
16:17 And understanding His love and His plan to carry us
16:22 through our journey on earth will, I feel certain,
16:25 result in our spending more time in prayer
16:28 embracing the master of grace.
16:32 At least I know that has been my personal experience.
16:37 My most significant time of personal spiritual growth
16:41 was the years of 1999-2004.
16:45 God called me to full-time ministry
16:47 and simultaneously to sit at His feet to learn from Him.
16:53 During that time of intense study,
16:55 I had to let go off some difficult errors.
16:58 They were significant errors that I had learned from man.
17:02 And let me tell you it's not always easy
17:05 to let go off the errors that you believe.
17:09 But as I looked to scripture only,
17:12 God taught me stunning truths.
17:15 Many of which took root in a study on the sanctuary
17:19 that I was shocked to learn that the tabernacle
17:22 and the wilderness was the sanctuary of grace.
17:27 His method of salvation
17:28 has always been by the wonders of His grace.
17:33 God does not change.
17:35 He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
17:39 But wait I'm getting ahead of myself here.
17:41 The foundation we want to lay in this opening program
17:46 even before we work out a definition of grace
17:49 is how God's system of grace works.
17:53 Let me explain what I mean by system.
17:58 Don't you just marvel at the order
18:00 and the rhythm of creation
18:02 designed by the master craftsman?
18:05 God is the architect and engineer
18:07 of astounding life-sustaining systems.
18:11 Certainly as it is in the physical world,
18:14 it is likewise in the spiritual world.
18:17 God ordained a systematic order to our spiritual world
18:21 and our spiritual development as well.
18:24 He is the God of order not confusion.
18:27 And within scripture are revealed
18:30 His systems of interwoven spiritual principles,
18:35 their relation to each other
18:36 and their cause and their effect.
18:38 God has taught me
18:40 to search for His systems, to connect the dots.
18:44 Do you remember when we were children
18:47 they were drawing lines that they had little numbers
18:52 and we would go from one number dot to the next,
18:54 drawing a line to reveal a picture
18:57 that could not be seen before?
18:59 That's kind of what it's like when we're studying the Bible.
19:02 And as I began grasping the process of divine grace,
19:07 I ask the Lord for an illustration
19:10 to help make it practical
19:12 and this is how God impressed me, it operates.
19:16 God's heart wells with love for us.
19:20 He loves us with an everlasting love
19:24 and He draws us to himself with His loving kindness.
19:28 Jeremiah 31:3 says, "The Lord has appeared of old to me,
19:33 saying, 'Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
19:37 Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you.'"
19:41 And from that well of love flows all of God's blessings.
19:47 So grace is the pipeline
19:50 from which all blessings flow from heaven to earth.
19:54 Everything, absolutely every good thing comes to us
19:59 through His great pipeline of grace.
20:03 God is the giver of every good and perfect gift
20:06 and He makes them available to all mankind.
20:10 James 1:17 tells us
20:12 that "Every good and perfect gift is from above,
20:16 and comes down from the Father of lights,
20:19 with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."
20:23 And Titus 2:11 says, "For the grace of God
20:28 that brings salvation has appeared to all men."
20:32 Now on this grace pipeline, faith is the faucet.
20:37 It is how we tap into God's grace pipeline
20:41 and our faith regulates
20:44 the release of blessings from His great reservoir.
20:48 Through Christ we have access by faith
20:52 into this marvelous grace of God.
20:55 That's what Paul says in Romans 5:1-2.
20:59 He says, "Therefore having been justified by faith,
21:04 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
21:09 through whom, through Christ also we have access
21:14 by faith into this grace in which we stand,
21:17 and rejoice in the glory of God."
21:21 Now here's the pipeline, we tap in by faith
21:25 and prayer is the handle that opens the faith faucet.
21:31 In Mark 11:24, James says,
21:35 "Therefore I say to you,
21:37 whatever things you ask when you pray,
21:41 believe that you receive them, and you will have them."
21:46 That is the foundation for the--
21:48 our trust is the foundation for the prayer of faith.
21:52 And Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us,
21:55 "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart,
21:58 and lean not on your own understanding.
22:01 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
22:05 and He shall direct your path."
22:08 So if trust is the foundation for the prayer of faith,
22:12 relationship is the foundation for trust.
22:16 The Apostle John recognized the enormity
22:20 of being a child of God and he said in 1 John 3:1,
22:25 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
22:30 that we should be called the children of God."
22:35 And finally, love is the foundation for relationship.
22:40 Jesus tells us in Mark 12:30,
22:44 "You shall love the Lord your God
22:47 with all of your heart, with all of your soul,
22:50 with all of your mind, and with all of your strength."
22:56 Indeed the love of God
22:58 is the compelling force behind the grace of God
23:02 and the greater our understanding
23:04 of God's love for us the greater our love will be for Him.
23:09 We love Him because He first loved us.
23:12 The greater our love, the more intimate
23:15 our relationship will become with Him.
23:18 The more intimate our relationship,
23:20 the greater our trust.
23:22 And the greater our trust,
23:23 the more persistent our prayer of faith will become.
23:27 The more persistent our prayer of faith,
23:30 the greater our actions of faith develop.
23:34 And the greater our faith, the more we will tap
23:37 into the various areas of God's grace.
23:42 The more we access God's grace pipeline,
23:45 the greater blessings we receive.
23:48 God's streams of grace flow from His heavenly pipeline
23:53 without any shortage of supply turning our dry and dusty
23:58 life experiences into a spiritual oasis.
24:03 We hope that you have enjoyed this program today.
24:09 What we're doing is laying this foundation
24:12 and as we do my prayer is that God will increase
24:18 the measure of your expectations of grace.
24:22 Let me pray that with you right now
24:25 because what we want more than anything
24:28 is for God to do a work in our hearts.
24:31 Let's pray. Heavenly Father,
24:33 we come in the name of Jesus Christ
24:37 and Lord, we praise You.
24:39 We praise You for who You are.
24:42 Help us, oh, Lord, to understand Your nature.
24:48 Father, we glibly say God is love
24:52 but we don't comprehend it.
24:54 I pray in the name of Jesus Christ
24:57 You will open our eyes
25:01 to understand how much You love us,
25:03 to understand, Father, that Your love,
25:08 everything that comes from You
25:11 comes through this grace pipeline.
25:15 And I pray, Father, that around the world
25:19 as my brothers and sisters are tuned in,
25:22 people who may not even know You, Father,
25:25 that You will give them wisdom from above,
25:29 uncommon wisdom, to understand Your grace.
25:34 I pray that for myself as well
25:36 that You will broaden our understanding of grace.
25:40 And, Lord, not that it will just be an understanding
25:43 but that it will become our experience
25:47 to walk by faith in the grace in which we stand.
25:52 Lord, we ask these things in the name of Jesus
25:57 and we receive them in the name of Jesus.
26:00 Thanking You for the answer to the prayer of faith, amen.
26:05 Well, I am very pleased to tell you
26:09 that on our next program what we are going to do
26:13 is delve a little bit deeper into the definition of grace.
26:18 It's a little more than what you and I have thought in the past.
26:23 I'm sure that you are saying, "Well, I know
26:24 the definition of grace is God's unmerited favor."
26:29 But what does that mean? What does it mean?
26:32 We're going to learn next time.
26:34 And we hope that you will join us
26:37 so that we can learn together.
26:40 We want you to experience God's presence in your life
26:44 and the life-changing grace that will help you
26:48 grow as a Christian, grow as a mother, as a father,
26:53 as a brother or sister, to grow as a person
26:57 who is becoming more like Jesus every day.
27:01 And now our prayer is that you will grow in grace.
27:08 Grace is something that we should pursue.
27:13 We should become seekers of grace
27:16 to tap into God's grace pipeline by faith
27:20 so that we may overcome all that has been troubling us
27:26 and hanging on to us if you will like a viper,
27:30 something that has bitten us.
27:32 And God is going to show us how that can change.
27:35 So now we thank you so much for joining in.
27:38 We pray that next time please have a pen and paper handy
27:43 because we are going to give you
27:44 lots of scriptures to give you a foundation
27:48 and we want you to be able to jot down
27:50 these scripture references
27:52 so that you can have them for your continued study.
27:56 Grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord.
27:58 Goodbye.


Revised 2014-12-17