Grandma's House

Amish Country

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Joyce Neal


Series Code: GH

Program Code: GH000025

00:01 Hey guys we are really in a neat corner of the world.
00:03 I love it here, it's beautiful.
00:05 We're down in the corner of Amish country in Kentucky.
00:09 We just stopped in to check out Yoder's Country Store and
00:12 all ready on the porch we see all kinds of wonderful bird
00:15 houses and feeders and lighthouses and gliders.
00:18 We are having a ball.
00:19 But I bet you there are even more neat stuff inside.
00:22 You guys want to go?
00:23 Yeah let's go check it out. Come on!
00:44 We're looking around at all the cool stuff in here.
00:46 One thing I wanted to show you is, can you boys guess
00:49 what this is on the shelf?
00:50 Pie filling! - pie filling exactly.
00:52 Isn't that the most ingenious thing you ever saw?
00:54 This is cherry pie filling.
00:56 You just cut off the end there and squeeze it right into
00:59 the pie shell and they have got Apple and cherry and lemon
01:02 and strawberry, any flavor you would want.
01:04 Oodles and oodles of stuff of every kind.
01:07 Oh and look, I love handkerchiefs and I think I will
01:09 get me one or two of those.
01:11 I like the blue one with the pink, this one, let me have
01:14 this one. Do you like the one with the horses?
01:16 Well that would be cool, would you like to have one for
01:19 a souvenir? You guys pick one out.
01:21 A souvenir is something to remember the day by.
01:29 Tiera come here I want to show you something.
01:31 Somebody told me you did something naughty?
01:33 That is hard to believe, but how would you like to get
01:36 paddled with that?
01:39 Ha, ha, she's not having no part of that.
01:41 It says grandma's paddle, look at that.
01:43 It is just soft and sweet as a pillow.
01:46 Yep that's a grandma's pillow alright.
01:48 You don't really want to paddle the kids like the moms do.
01:53 You do with lots of love, a very soft touch.
01:59 Yeah, and look at the ones with the shades on them over here.
02:02 Those would be like in the parlors or sitting room.
02:06 Well what did you boys find? Oh cool!
02:08 Yeah look at the tires, someone's really talented,
02:14 aren't they? Is this cute or what?
02:16 It's got color pockets for color crayons.
02:19 Isn't that cool? - oh cool!
02:22 They are real. But there's one Thomas the Tank.
02:26 Let's see, Cow Jumped over the Moon, and a quilted one.
02:37 Alrighty, we have been looking around the store and
02:39 finding so many interesting things, it's been a blast.
02:42 You know what guys? I happen to know there are some
02:44 horses waiting for us down the road.
02:46 Do you want to go? - yeah! Alright let's go.
02:49 Let's go pay for our things and and were heading down the road.
02:55 Ah, I made it, I made it.
03:01 Hey I like you, you and me are going to be pals girl.
03:04 Yeah, good girl, yeah, Yahoo.
03:10 It's easier walking. There we go.
03:13 One more time, all you are doing such a good job.
03:17 Whoa, slow down, good girl.
03:21 Oh this is my first horse ride and I love it.
03:24 She's doing such a good job, she is a minding very well.
03:27 She is not scaring me too much either.
03:30 The other horse I have tried to drag me through a tree.
03:36 Ms. Bell is a jewel, boy is she nice.
03:39 Oh, I get to feed her an apple.
03:42 Do you want a little treat for taking me on such
03:43 a nice ride? Of course you do.
03:46 Oh she is a lady too, look at that.
03:48 She doesn't want the whole thing.
03:51 She bites in half, there you go.
03:55 Well we have got a small horse, and we've got a medium-
03:58 size horse, I'm a little taller than her.
04:01 But I think I would like to see a horse that is really,
04:04 really big. Are you game for that?
04:05 Hey, come with me. Bye Ms. Bell, see you later.
04:10 Hey guess what? We found a couple of beautiful Belgium
04:14 horses and a hay wagon.
04:16 We are going for a hay ride.
04:17 Let me introduce you to these guys.
04:20 This is Bill, he is a fine fellow.
04:23 And this one on the other side is Barney.
04:26 They are just wonderful and I want you to notice
04:28 especially, look at the size of their hooves.
04:31 They are awesome.
04:33 You are such fine boys, do you think you can take all
04:34 of us, grand kids and me on a hay ride?
04:37 I'm counting on it.
04:39 Hey guys, can you give me a hand up here?
04:42 Lets see I'm going to have to hike my, here we go.
04:45 Somebody give me a hand, alright.
04:48 Oops let's go again, there we go.
04:51 I'm aboard. Alright, this is going to be fun.
04:57 Come on Tiera. The Amish guy right? This is uncle Ben.
05:00 Ha, Ha, Ha. Alright uncle Ben hit it, let's go.
05:04 Hup let's go. Giddy up.
05:12 Boy look how strong those guys are.
05:16 I think they must work out the field all day long,
05:18 what do you think?
05:21 Ah this is fun.
05:26 I think this is my first official hayride
05:29 I've ever had too.
05:45 sound of horses hooves ( clop, clop, clop)
05:55 Hey, these big old Belgium horses are used for work out
05:58 here, out in the middle of this beautiful Kentucky
06:01 rolling hills and they go out into the fields all day.
06:04 They do the harvesting, they do all kinds of work.
06:07 So they are really strong, they are wonderful horses.
06:10 They are very gentle too, but boy are they strong.
06:12 Aren't they Tiera? She tried to hold them back.
06:24 Hey guys are you having a good time? - yeah, yeah!
06:27 Alright I am too, this is the most fun I have had since
06:29 yesterday, I love having fun with kids.
06:38 Whew.
06:40 We are nearing home again and I'm thinking you guys
06:41 haven't got my address yet today.
06:43 So why don't you grab a pencil and paper and get ready
06:46 to write it down.
06:47 Whew, here we go, if you are ready, here it is.
06:53 Hey kids Graham Joyce would love to hear from you.
06:56 So why not sit down and write her a letter?
06:59 Like every grandma she loves to get pictures,
07:01 drawings or anything else you send her.
07:04 Just write to:
07:17 So what are you waiting for? Write her today.
07:22 Hi there you darling grandkids.
07:25 Come on in and find a comfy spot because I have got
07:28 a story to tell.
07:29 Don't you just love this little Amish doll?
07:32 Notice how she doesn't have a face.
07:34 That's because the Amish believe that would be making
07:37 an image and they want to keep the second commandment
07:40 because they love God so much.
07:43 Well I love the way the Amish folks live, don't you?
07:46 It seems slower and more peaceful to us.
07:49 But it has a lot of hard work in it too.
07:52 They don't do things the fast and easy way.
07:55 Even way back when I was a brand-new kid, I always
08:00 loved the natural things of the outdoors.
08:03 The old timey things from times gone by.
08:07 I've always wished I was born back in the pioneer days.
08:10 Have you ever wished that? It seems like it would be so
08:14 much more romantic and adventurous to cross the
08:17 prairies in a covered wagon.
08:19 Or if you lived in a log house where you had to grow all
08:22 your own food to survive.
08:24 Why just the thought of wide open spaces with no fences
08:27 in them just thrills my heart and I want to go tramping
08:31 all over the place with wildflowers at my feet
08:34 and wind in my hair.
08:37 Well I kind of grew up that way when I was very young.
08:40 I guess I never got it all out of my system yet.
08:45 But I'm not so sure that God wants it out of my system.
08:48 I think that maybe God wants us to live in a more quiet
08:52 simple way, you know a way that is more natural like.
08:56 Well the Amish people live that way.
08:59 They live very much like everybody did about a hundred
09:02 years ago when there was no electricity and no cars
09:05 and certainly no iPads.
09:07 Well grandpa Stu was raised with a lots of Amish neighbors
09:12 when he was a boy in Pennsylvania.
09:14 After he grew up we got married, he took me back there
09:17 to meet his family.
09:19 Well his grandpa had a big old farm in the old days, but by
09:23 the time we went back he had sold most of it to the Amish
09:27 farmers that lived all around him.
09:28 In the early morning we would hear the horse-drawn milk
09:32 wagons clattering down the road.
09:34 They would be taking the morning milk to the creamery
09:37 and the cheese factory that the Amish owned.
09:39 During the day we could walk up the road in the other
09:42 direction and see the men working in the cornfields with
09:45 teams of horses, mothers hanging their clothes on the
09:47 line to dry or working with the smaller children
09:50 in the vegetable garden.
09:52 Farther up the road, Mr. Miller worked in his shop where
09:56 he made beautiful, lovely handmade furniture.
10:01 The older children went to a small one-room schoolhouse
10:03 during the day, and the horses they rode to school,
10:06 well they would be munching grass out in the shade while
10:09 they waited for school to be over.
10:11 It was all so peaceful, the loudest noise you could hear
10:15 was the buzzing of the bees.
10:17 One evening, while grandpa and I were sitting in the
10:20 porch swing, he told me that sometimes the Amish young men
10:24 who were courting a young lady, they would take them out
10:27 for buggy rides on Sunday nights and sometimes they would
10:30 race to show off to the girls.
10:32 Hardly were those words out of grandpa's mouth when
10:35 we heard the clattering of horses hooves and
10:38 buggy wheels on the pavement.
10:40 Over the rise they came side-by-side, on a narrow
10:44 two-lane road and went up and down over a thousand
10:47 little rolling hills.
10:49 The boys were yelling to make their horses go faster,
10:52 and the girls were squealing in excitement
10:55 and pretending fright.
10:57 The boys shirts were flapping in the wind and the girls
10:59 bonnets flew to the ends of their strings.
11:01 Oh what fun, in a flash they went past us and out of sight
11:05 around the bend.
11:07 But just before they disappeared one of the girls bonnets
11:11 flew out of the buggy.
11:12 Oh she shrieked, but the buggies raced on and her bonnet
11:16 was lost, oh, what was she going to tell her mother?
11:20 Well I felt sorry for her predicament so I went out to
11:25 the road, I found her bonnet and hung it
11:27 on a fence post for her.
11:29 Grandpa and I laughed and had the best time watching
11:32 the young folks.
11:34 The Amish people live simply and naturally and at a slower
11:38 place than the rest of us often do.
11:40 While most of us grown-ups are always rushing around,
11:44 were trying to cram at least one more thing into our day.
11:47 Sometimes even kids get caught up in the frenzy.
11:50 Well with school and music lessons and soccer and
11:53 baseball, texting and surfing the web and all kinds of
11:57 other things to keep you busy.
11:59 Now there is something to be said for staying busy.
12:03 After all idle hands are the devil's workshop you know.
12:07 But you see there is a natural pace, a temple like music
12:11 God has put into every human heart to measure out
12:14 the chaos of life.
12:15 Do you know what a metronome is?
12:18 Here is one that belong to my friend Jill.
12:21 It belonged to her grandmother, it is very old but I think
12:25 it is very beautiful too.
12:27 People use it to keep the beat of the music going at just
12:30 the right speed.
12:32 Now watch, if I move this little weight up, it starts out,
12:36 see how fast it goes?
12:42 If I move that little weight up, see it go slower.
12:48 If I move it down the time of the music will speed up.
12:51 Well God put something like a metronome in your heart
12:56 to help you live in the happiest way possible.
12:58 He set this little timekeeper in just the right pace to
13:02 give you joy and peace, energy and strength,
13:05 music and song.
13:08 It's not too fast and it's not too slow. It's just right.
13:11 You can feel it in your chest as it goes just about the
13:14 same speed as your heart beats.
13:17 Solomon says it like this, there is a time for every
13:21 purpose under heaven, ah there is a time, I like that.
13:26 You see life has a rhythm that God ordained and we
13:30 just have to be in tune with it to be really happy.
13:34 There is spring and fall, summer and winter, day and night,
13:38 work days and Sabbath.
13:41 It all flows together with a certain rhythm like music.
13:44 And giving time to each thing in its turn
13:47 makes life beautiful.
13:49 Well until I see you again, remember that you are always
13:54 close to my heart and I love you so much.
13:57 You are just my best friend ever.
14:01 Somebody told me you did something naughty.
14:03 That's hard to believe.
14:05 But how would you like to get paddled with that?
14:10 Ha, Ha, Ha she is having no part of that.
14:12 It says grandma's paddle. It's soft and sweet as a pillow.
14:15 Giddyup, giddyup, giddyup!
14:19 This is as much fun as riding a pony isn't it?
14:23 Ah, let me see your faces, are your tongues hanging out boys?
14:25 I can't see anything but slobber and slime
14:28 flying from their faces.


Revised 2014-12-17