Focus on God's Word

Noah - She'll Be Right, Mate

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: FGW

Program Code: FGW210046S

00:29 Welcome to Focus on God's Word.
00:32 My name is Danny Malenkov
00:33 and I am blessed to be leading out in another message,
00:38 looking at this all important topic of Noah,
00:42 the story of Noah from the Book of Genesis.
00:46 And so if you are joining us for the first time,
00:48 I wanna give you a big warm welcome
00:50 wherever you may be joining us from,
00:51 whether it be somewhere here in Australia
00:54 or around the world, a big warm welcome to you.
00:58 I wanna welcome our studio audience here
01:01 at 3ABN in the beautiful lake Macquarie region
01:05 of New South Wales,
01:07 where we are filming this program from.
01:10 It's great to see each and every one of you.
01:13 And today is the third presentation
01:15 or the third message in this series on Noah,
01:19 the overall theme "Noah: Another Storm is Coming."
01:21 And today's message is entitled,
01:24 "She'll be Right, Mate."
01:28 Now, if you're an Australian,
01:29 you full well understand what that term is
01:32 or a New Zealander, but for some of you out there,
01:35 you may be thinking, she'll be right, mate,
01:37 what on earth does that saying communicate.
01:42 We'll be unpacking that as we go.
01:44 You see this saying, she'll be right, mate
01:46 is very much part of Australia's DNA.
01:49 It's built within our DNA from when we exit the womb.
01:55 What does it all mean?
01:57 In a nutshell, that means
01:58 that everything is going to be okay.
02:01 In the end, no matter what happens,
02:03 it's all going to turn out okay.
02:07 You see, in Australia we live in a land
02:11 that's very much laid back.
02:12 Wouldn't you agree?
02:14 We are very much laid back.
02:15 And if anyone's encountered Australians,
02:17 you'll know we're pretty laid back
02:19 it's because, you know, we are surrounded
02:21 by some 50,000 kilometers of coastline.
02:26 That's a lot of coastline,
02:28 we're the sixth largest nation on the planet.
02:33 Those 50,000 kilometers of coastline
02:35 contain 10,000 beaches.
02:40 So if you were to spend just one day
02:43 at every one of those 10,000 beaches,
02:44 you would need 27 years
02:46 to get through all of Australia's
02:49 10,000 beaches.
02:50 We are a nation that is focused very much on the beach.
02:55 Eighty five percent of our population
02:57 lives within 50 kilometers of the coastline.
03:00 So going to the beach and enjoying barbecues,
03:04 having a beer, taking your boat
03:07 is very much part of Australian culture
03:09 and the Australian laid back way of life.
03:13 Sadly, not much time for the Bible,
03:15 although we've got time for everything else.
03:18 So that's a little bit of what it means
03:21 when someone says to you, she'll be right, mate.
03:24 In fact, there's a technical term for it
03:26 I discovered, a technical term
03:28 for she'll be right, mate.
03:31 And this is the technical term,
03:34 it's called normality bias or normalcy bias.
03:40 And the definition for normality bias
03:43 or normalcy bias is,
03:45 a human tendency to respond to threat warnings
03:49 with disbelief or minimization,
03:51 and to similarly underestimate a disaster's deleterious,
03:56 that is causing significant harm or damage,
03:59 effects.
04:00 So that's what it means, this normalcy bias.
04:05 Or she'll be right, mate
04:07 as we like to say here in Australia,
04:08 and our politicians here in Australia
04:11 have been telling us over the last number of months
04:14 ever since COVID came to our town
04:16 and every town around the world
04:19 that we'll get to the other side,
04:20 isn't that right?
04:21 The prime minister,
04:23 our premiers have been getting up
04:24 and they've been reassuring the Australian public that yes,
04:27 life is difficult, it's challenging,
04:30 but you know what, she'll be right, mate.
04:32 We'll get to the other side and we'll come back
04:35 better and stronger as a nation.
04:38 That's the optimistic way of life
04:41 here in Australia.
04:43 And I guess that's what's made Australia what it is today
04:47 and why so many people from around the world
04:50 want to come to these land down under
04:54 that my parents certainly did all those years ago.
04:57 Well, what's this title she'll be right, mate
05:00 have to do with the days of Noah?
05:02 Thank you for asking. That's a good question.
05:04 I mean, you know, Danny, we're talking about
05:06 a very serious subject, the days of Noah.
05:09 Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah,
05:11 so it will be before I arrived.
05:13 What on earth has she'll be right, mate
05:15 have to do with the days of Noah?
05:17 In a word, everything, everything.
05:19 We're going to unpack
05:21 what the Bible has to say on this subject
05:23 and how Jesus described our day
05:28 better than we could even imagine.
05:30 But before that, what do we need to do
05:32 before we open up God's Word?
05:34 We need to pray. That's exactly right.
05:35 So let's pause and pray.
05:37 Father in heaven,
05:38 we're once again here seeking to understand
05:41 what Your Holy Word has to say to us.
05:44 So, Father, as we open up Your Holy Word,
05:46 open up our hearts and our minds
05:48 that we may be ready and willing to receive
05:51 what the Holy Spirit has to say to your people,
05:54 for this is our prayer in Jesus' name.
05:56 Amen.
05:59 I wanna go over the three main points
06:02 that we started off our series and as I pointed out,
06:05 this is our third message in this series of six.
06:09 And these are the three key points
06:10 of why the story of Noah
06:12 is especially relevant
06:14 to those who are living on the Eve of Jesus coming.
06:18 The story of Noah firstly,
06:19 clearly identifies earth's final generation,
06:22 and that's going to become even more clear as we go along.
06:25 Secondly, it enables us to know and understand
06:28 how we can be ready when the Son of Man returns.
06:31 And thirdly, it provides instruction
06:34 on how we can prepare others for Jesus' soon return.
06:38 These are the three key points that I have discovered
06:42 in the story of Noah as I've dug deep,
06:44 very deep into this story
06:46 because Jesus said it was of extreme significance.
06:49 So let's go to the words of Jesus
06:51 in Matthew Chapter 24.
06:53 This is our key passage, as we've pointed out at the end
06:56 of the signs of the times that Jesus gave in Matthew 24.
07:02 He brings the signs of the times
07:04 concerning His coming
07:06 and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
07:09 These two events, He wove together
07:13 like a powerful beautiful tapestry.
07:16 And He brings the signs of His coming to a conclusion
07:21 with these words.
07:22 And I'm beginning in verse 36, Matthew 24:36,
07:26 Jesus says, "But of that day and hour no one knows,
07:29 not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
07:32 But as the days of Noah were,
07:34 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
07:37 For as in the days before the flood,
07:39 they were eating and drinking,
07:40 marrying and giving in marriage,
07:41 until the day that Noah entered the ark,
07:44 and did not know until the flood came
07:47 and took them all away,
07:49 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."
07:53 Jesus, crystal clear as it was in the days of Noah,
07:57 so it will be when He returns and life was going on,
08:01 it was just as it always was.
08:04 Now let's go to the passage there in Luke,
08:08 because in Luke there,
08:10 we have not only the days of Noah
08:12 described by Luke,
08:13 but he also adds what Matthew omits.
08:16 Matthew omits the story of Lot.
08:19 But Luke includes that
08:22 as he reflects on the words of Jesus.
08:24 So in Luke Chapter 17,
08:27 and we're picking it up in verse 26.
08:29 Luke 17: 26,
08:32 "And as it was in the days of Noah,
08:33 so it will also be in the days of the Son of Man:
08:37 They ate, they drank, they married wives,
08:39 they were given in marriage,
08:41 until the day that Noah entered the ark,
08:43 and the flood came and destroyed them all.
08:45 Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot:
08:48 They ate, they drank, they bought,
08:50 they sold, they planted, they built,
08:52 but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom,
08:55 it rained fire and brimstone from heaven
08:58 and destroyed them all.
08:59 Even so will it be in the day
09:02 when the Son of Man is revealed."
09:04 Now I find it absolutely fascinating
09:06 that Jesus here in Matthew and in Luke,
09:10 as it's recorded by Matthew and Luke,
09:12 he does not zero in on the violence
09:16 as we've discovered the wickedness,
09:18 the evil, the corruption,
09:20 even the population explosion that we discovered in Genesis.
09:25 But instead He focuses on every day activities.
09:29 Now, is there anything wrong with eating and drinking?
09:33 Not necessarily, I guess it depends
09:34 what you're eating and drinking.
09:36 Is there anything wrong with getting married?
09:39 Well, once again, do I need to fill in the blank?
09:43 Well, it does matter who you're married, doesn't it,
09:45 as we discovered the flood
09:48 was the direct result of the sons of God,
09:51 the righteous marrying the unrighteous,
09:55 the daughters of men.
09:57 We discovered that in Genesis Chapter 6.
09:58 So it does make a big difference.
10:01 It does make a big difference,
10:02 but there's nothing wrong per se with marriage.
10:04 It comes from God.
10:05 God is the one that gave us food and drink.
10:07 God is the one that gives us marriage.
10:09 Is there anything wrong
10:11 with buying and selling, building and planting?
10:14 No, there isn't.
10:16 So why is Jesus honing in
10:19 on these every day activities?
10:24 There's a reason, a very important reason
10:27 why Jesus zeroes in
10:30 on the everyday activities.
10:34 A very good reason which we're gonna get to
10:37 in just a moment.
10:38 But before that,
10:40 we have been given these instructions
10:44 from Scripture.
10:45 We have been given the example of Noah
10:49 and of Lot by Jesus Christ Himself
10:52 in order that we may be prepared,
10:56 so that we too may not end up
11:00 as the antediluvians
11:03 and as the people of the days of Lot
11:05 who were sadly lost and destroyed.
11:08 George Santayana,
11:10 he's a famous Spanish born philosopher
11:13 who lived during the 19th and the 20th century.
11:16 He is most famous for the statement that he made.
11:21 He said, "Those who do not remember
11:23 the past are condemned to" do what?
11:27 "Repeat it."
11:28 Those who do not remember the past
11:32 are condemned to repeat it.
11:35 Jesus wants us to learn from the past.
11:39 That is why we have been given these two examples,
11:42 the days of Noah and the days of Lot.
11:44 And that is why Jesus zeroes in on everyday life.
11:49 So let's take a look
11:50 at what was happening in the days of Noah and Lot,
11:54 but especially Noah
11:55 as he is our focus
11:58 and compare it to what is happening today.
12:00 And let us see, let us see if we can see
12:04 our carbon copy to what was happening back then
12:08 to what is happening today.
12:10 Firstly, as we take a look at the days of Noah,
12:15 "As it was, so it will be," Jesus said.
12:18 The first thing that we discover
12:20 is that it was business as usual,
12:23 business as usual.
12:24 It was an attitude of business as usual.
12:29 Normal, everyday activities, buying, building, planting,
12:34 selling, eating, drinking, marrying,
12:37 they are normal everyday activities.
12:40 Have a look at what Jesus said in Matthew 24:40
12:44 regarding life going on business as usual.
12:47 Matthew 24,
12:49 sorry, Matthew 24 and I'm in verse 40 and 41.
12:55 Jesus here after He speaks of the days of Noah,
12:59 so it will be when I come.
13:01 He immediately continues on with these words in verse 40.
13:04 "Then two men will be in the field:
13:06 one will be taken and the other will be left.
13:09 Two women will be grinding at the mill:
13:11 one will be taken, the other will be left."
13:15 What's Jesus here trying to communicate?
13:17 He is communicating everyday life.
13:20 You see 2000 years ago in Jesus' day,
13:23 an everyday activity for men was to be where?
13:28 In the field, working in the field.
13:30 For the women an everyday activity
13:33 wants to be doing what?
13:35 At the mill, grinding, preparing food for the family.
13:39 It's interesting in Luke 17:34,
13:42 Jesus adds one more element that Luke includes.
13:47 He says, "I tell you, in that night,"
13:50 speaking of His coming,
13:52 "there will be two men in one bed."
13:55 Okay, now we're not, let's not jump to conclusions,
13:59 like what Jesus here is saying is exactly,
14:02 there's gonna be two men, okay?
14:04 They're going to be sleeping,
14:05 not necessarily in the same bed,
14:07 but they're going to be two beds.
14:10 The one will be taken and the other will be left.
14:16 Sleeping,
14:17 is there anything wrong with sleeping?
14:20 No, that's an everyday
14:22 or should I say an every night activity.
14:25 So Jesus here, once again,
14:26 He's pointing out everyday activities.
14:29 One will be ready, one won't be ready.
14:33 Let's take a look at the second point.
14:35 The second point, the main focus in Noah's day,
14:40 in Lot's day
14:42 was on accumulating the goods of this world
14:45 rather than worshiping the Creator God
14:48 who provided the goods.
14:49 I like to refer to this in two words,
14:53 perilous priorities, perilous priorities,
14:57 focusing on the here and now
15:00 rather than on the things to come.
15:03 The kingdom of this world
15:05 and building up the kingdom of this world
15:07 rather than zeroing in and focusing on building up
15:11 the things that really matter, the kingdom of heaven.
15:15 Going back to Luke Chapter 17.
15:18 Fascinating words here from Jesus.
15:20 And I'm picking it up this time in verse 31.
15:22 So we've read about the days of Noah
15:24 and the days of Lot.
15:26 And Jesus continues in verse 31 of Luke Chapter 17.
15:29 "In that day, Jesus says, he who is on the housetop,
15:34 and his goods are in the house,
15:36 let him not come down and take them away.
15:39 And likewise, the one who is in the field,
15:42 let him not turn back.
15:44 Remember whose wife?
15:46 Lot's wife.
15:47 Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it,
15:50 and whoever loses his life will preserve it."
15:53 What is Jesus here saying?
15:56 Jesus is saying, don't get caught up
15:59 in the things of this world.
16:01 And just in case, we're not quite sure
16:04 what Jesus is referring to.
16:05 He says, remember who?
16:07 Remember Lot's wife.
16:10 Now what happened to Lot's wife?
16:13 Well, she turned into a pillar of salt.
16:16 Now, why did she turn into a pillar of salt?
16:18 That is because whilst Lot's wife left Sodom
16:23 with her husband and her two daughters,
16:27 while she left physically
16:30 her heart was still attached to Sodom
16:35 and she turned back.
16:36 She turned back and as a result,
16:40 she ended up a pillar of salt.
16:42 The angels clearly gave instructions to Lot
16:46 and his wife and his daughters do not look back,
16:50 run for your lives, do not look back,
16:53 and that's here what Jesus is trying to say.
16:55 Jesus is saying, don't look back at this world.
16:57 This world is perishing.
16:58 It's perishing.
17:00 It's due for destruction, instead look up, as Jesus said,
17:04 look up as your redemption is drawing near
17:07 and that's in Luke Chapter 21.
17:10 Now, how should we respond?
17:13 Where should our focus be?
17:15 Noah is our example. Noah is our example.
17:17 Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah
17:19 so it will be when I come.
17:21 Notice we're reading Genesis 6:8-9.
17:25 "But Noah found" what in the eyes of the Lord?
17:28 "Grace in the eyes of the Lord."
17:29 In verse 9, "This is the genealogy of Noah.
17:33 Noah was a just man perfect in his generations.
17:36 And Noah walked with God."
17:38 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
17:42 You and I need to be focused
17:47 on the things of eternity
17:49 and right at the very heart
17:51 of the things of eternity is what?
17:53 God's grace.
17:54 We've discovered in our previous presentation
17:58 that at the very heart of the story of Noah is what?
18:02 God's grace, God's faithfulness to Noah.
18:06 In fact, the very heart, the very center,
18:09 the very bull's-eye,
18:10 as we discovered in our previous message
18:12 of the story of Noah, is what,
18:15 is what chapter and what verse
18:16 in the story of Noah?
18:18 Genesis 8:1,
18:21 "And God remembered Noah."
18:25 Noah was an individual who experienced God's grace.
18:30 He embraced God's grace.
18:32 And then the Bible says,
18:33 he was a preacher of righteousness.
18:35 He was a preacher of God's grace.
18:37 He communicated God's grace to his family,
18:42 to his friends,
18:44 to all who were willing to hear about God's grace.
18:47 He was a man, according to the scriptures,
18:49 who was blameless, who was filled with integrity.
18:52 He walked with God, he walked and talked with God,
18:56 just like Enoch in Genesis Chapter 5.
18:59 So that is where our focus needs to be.
19:02 Jesus is saying, may your focus be
19:06 on the things of the kingdom of God,
19:08 not the things of the kingdom of this world.
19:11 Remember whose wife?
19:13 Remember Lot's wife.
19:14 And I think that's a...
19:16 I think that's something we ought to be doing
19:17 each and every day, don't you?
19:19 Each and every day
19:21 we ought to be remembering Lot's wife.
19:24 Why?
19:25 Because that helps us to focus on remembering our Creator God.
19:31 Not getting caught up in the goods of this world
19:35 and neglecting the God of this world
19:39 who has provided those gifts.
19:42 Thirdly, well, before we get to there,
19:45 Jesus spoke of where our focus ought to be
19:48 in Matthew 6.
19:50 Matthew 6:19-21 and onwards Jesus said,
19:54 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,
19:57 where moth and rust destroy
19:58 and where thieves break in and steal,
20:01 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
20:03 where neither moth nor rust destroys
20:06 and where thieves do not break in and steal."
20:09 He goes on, "For where your treasure is,
20:11 there your heart will be also."
20:15 Where your treasure is there your heart will be also.
20:18 He goes on in verse 31 and he says,
20:23 "Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?'
20:26 Or what shall we drink?'"
20:28 What did Jesus speak of
20:29 as it was in the days of Noah they were eating and what?
20:32 Drinking.
20:35 "Or what shall we wear?"
20:37 He goes on, "For after these things,
20:39 the Gentiles seek.
20:41 For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things,
20:44 but instead seek," what?
20:45 "Seek first," what?
20:47 "The kingdom of God and His righteousness
20:50 and all these things shall be added unto you."
20:53 Noah was a man of righteousness
20:55 and Noah was a man who preached a message
20:58 of righteousness by faith.
21:01 And that is what God's plan is for each and every one of us,
21:05 for us to seek first the things of His kingdom.
21:10 In fact, Noah, he invested his resources,
21:14 all of his resources in the ark.
21:16 Isn't that right?
21:18 He invested all of his resources in the ark
21:20 and then someone once put it, his shares floated.
21:25 His shares floated, and they did indeed.
21:29 Everything else perished,
21:30 except for that which Noah invested,
21:32 and he invested everything in the work of God
21:35 and the salvation of humanity.
21:39 Number three,
21:41 things that we can learn from the story of Noah,
21:44 signs and warnings given, signs and warnings ignored.
21:50 Did God give ample signs and warnings
21:54 to the people of Noah's day?
21:56 Yes, indeed.
21:58 Let me put it to you in this way.
22:00 There is nothing more frightening,
22:03 there is nothing more scary to put it in simple language
22:09 than facing a stupendous crime unprepared.
22:13 Isn't that true?
22:15 There is nothing more, nothing more.
22:17 Whenever there's a major storm
22:21 or there's some major fire taking place,
22:25 we have our politicians
22:26 and people from the various authorities
22:30 come on TV and on the radio
22:32 and they give warnings, don't they?
22:33 They give warnings.
22:35 You know, we have cyclones especially up north.
22:37 I don't know if any of you have experienced the cyclone.
22:40 I've just seen it on the news and it looks terrifying,
22:42 but there are warnings given.
22:44 Warnings are given not to scare us,
22:46 but to prepare us.
22:49 God always gives a warning before any significant event
22:54 that impacts humans.
22:56 Notice what we find in Amos 3:7.
22:59 In Amos 3: 7, we read these words.
23:02 This is God speaking,
23:04 "Surely the Lord God does" how much?
23:07 "Nothing, unless he reveals His secret
23:09 to His servants the prophets."
23:12 In the days of Noah,
23:15 there were ample warnings that a flood was coming.
23:20 Let me give you just several.
23:22 Firstly, Noah preached for 120 years,
23:26 he preached for 120 years.
23:30 And by the way,
23:32 before we move on to the next point,
23:34 you know what I discovered?
23:36 Something, I didn't know before,
23:37 until I examined the story very closely.
23:41 And that is that God gave the message to Noah
23:45 that a worldwide flood was coming
23:47 and that he was to be the one
23:49 to give the message to the world.
23:52 When Noah was 480 years old,
23:56 the flood came in the 600th year
23:58 of Noah's life.
24:00 So it was 480 years.
24:04 Do you know that Noah,
24:06 according to the scriptures
24:08 only had his sons in the 500th year of his life?
24:14 Could it be that Noah
24:16 was without children for 480 years,
24:20 for 500 years without children?
24:23 There is no record of him
24:25 having any children prior to this.
24:28 Talk about a man of faith.
24:29 If that is the case,
24:30 we'll find out one day, for sure,
24:32 could it be that he was like Abraham,
24:34 who didn't have a child for so long
24:37 and in that day and age, and in that culture,
24:39 just like today in many cultures,
24:42 not to have children is a big deal, a very big deal.
24:45 And yet he was what?
24:47 Faithful to God.
24:48 He was faithful to God.
24:50 That's just a little aside, but a powerful point.
24:52 Noah preached for 120 years.
24:54 Noah built an ark or a boat that was clear evidence
24:59 that there was something on the way.
25:00 Number three, the Methuselah prophecy.
25:04 Now, what is the Methuselah prophecy?
25:07 You see Methuselah was the son of Enoch.
25:11 Enoch was the first prophet in the Bible.
25:13 And in fact, he prophesied concerning the coming of Jesus.
25:17 And you can read about that in the Book of Jude,
25:20 the last book before Revelation.
25:25 Methuselah,
25:28 his name is made up of two Hebrew words
25:32 and notice what those two words are in reference to.
25:36 "Methuselah,"
25:37 and this is from Strong's Concordance,
25:39 "'to send a weapon or dart or his death sends.'
25:43 Possible meaning, 'when he dies, the weapon
25:45 or dart shall be sent, ' or when he dies,
25:48 it shall come to be or come to pass.'"
25:53 Here's another interesting observation
25:56 by Jeff Benner
25:58 from the Ancient Hebrew Research Center.
26:01 And this is what he says,
26:02 "It is interesting to note that the year Methuselah died,
26:06 something very big was sent, that is the flood.
26:09 Methuselah's name may be a prophecy
26:11 that on the day of his death,
26:13 'his death will send' the flood.'"
26:18 The year that Methuselah died was the year of the flood.
26:23 Have you ever asked yourself,
26:25 why did Methuselah live the longest?
26:28 He lived for 969 years.
26:32 There is no one in recorded history
26:34 that has lived that long.
26:36 He has lived the longest 969 years.
26:38 Why did Methuselah live for 969 years?
26:43 He died the very year of the flood.
26:46 And you can work that out by
26:48 taking a look at Genesis Chapter 5
26:50 and Genesis Chapter 7, the dates are all, sorry,
26:54 the times are all there.
26:57 Nine hundred and sixty nine years he lived
27:01 right up until the year of the flood and then he died.
27:06 His name was a prophecy.
27:08 So they had Methuselah in their midst
27:11 whose name when he dies,
27:13 it shall come to pass.
27:15 And what's Noah preaching?
27:16 Noah's preaching that a flood is coming
27:20 and God gave this message through Enoch,
27:25 through his son Methuselah
27:27 as an added warning, as an added evidence
27:31 that the flood was coming.
27:34 Fourthly,
27:37 the animals mysteriously make their way into the ark.
27:42 The mysterious animal parade two by two
27:48 of the unclean animals,
27:50 male and female, and seven pairs,
27:53 male and female of all the clean animals
27:56 making their way mysteriously into the ark.
27:59 Now, do you think if you saw that happening here,
28:05 where you live
28:06 down the main street of Cooranbong
28:08 or down the main street of Morisset,
28:10 if all of a sudden you saw animals,
28:14 male and female, two by two,
28:16 heading down the main road to the train station,
28:21 would you be wondering what on earth is going on?
28:25 I would.
28:27 They saw all this in the days of Noah
28:30 and yet they still chose to reject those warnings,
28:35 those clear warnings.
28:36 I mean, how much more clear could God have been?
28:40 How much clearer could God have been?
28:45 And then another point,
28:48 scoffers mockers and skeptics.
28:52 There were sadly scoffers mockers
28:54 and skeptics in the days of Noah.
28:57 Even though they had all this evidence,
29:00 they still scoffed at the warnings that Noah gave.
29:05 Notice what we read in 2 Peter 3:3-6.
29:10 He writes,
29:12 "Knowing this first: that scoffers will come in"
29:15 what days?
29:17 "In the last days walking according to their own lusts,
29:19 and saying,
29:21 'Where is the promise of His coming?
29:22 For since the fathers fell asleep,
29:24 all things continue
29:25 as they were from the beginning of creation."
29:29 Are we living in such a time as this?
29:31 Yes, indeed.
29:33 Are people scoffing
29:34 at the promise of the Second Coming of Christ?
29:37 Yes, they are.
29:38 Now notice what Peter goes on and says
29:40 and how he links the scoffers of the last days
29:44 to the scoffers back in the day of Noah.
29:48 Notice these words, we continue reading,
29:50 "For this they willfully forget,
29:52 that is scoffers in the last days,
29:54 "they willfully forget
29:56 that by the word of God the heavens were of old,
29:58 and the earth standing out of water and in the water.
30:02 By which the world that then existed perished,
30:06 being flooded with water."
30:08 So what Peter here is telling us
30:10 is we have the evidence from Scripture.
30:14 We have the evidence from Scripture
30:17 that once upon a time,
30:21 men and women scoffed at the warnings
30:26 given in love by a man called Noah,
30:29 who they thought belonged in the loony bin,
30:34 who needed serious psychiatric help.
30:37 They scoffed at his warnings of love.
30:42 And they perished.
30:45 Peter is saying those of you who live in the last days
30:50 don't follow in their footsteps.
30:53 What did George Santayana say?
30:56 Those who do not learn from the past are what?
31:00 Are condemned to repeat it.
31:02 We have been given this message
31:04 from Jesus Christ Himself
31:08 pointing us back to the days of Noah,
31:11 pointing us back to the days of Lot.
31:16 There's nothing more God could do.
31:19 Nothing more He can do.
31:21 Sadly, today we find ourselves living in what the Bible says
31:26 would be a time
31:28 such as this world has never experienced before.
31:31 We're living in the time of the end,
31:33 mentioned that in our previous message.
31:35 Since 1798, we've been living in the time of the end.
31:39 Since 1844, we've been living in the time of the end.
31:42 In fact, I've been watching these great series
31:44 that I just want to make note of from Dr. Allan Lindsay,
31:49 God's last message to the world.
31:52 I'd highly recommend.
31:53 If you haven't had an opportunity to view that,
31:56 that you do, it's on 3ABN.
31:58 You can order the DVDs or you can watch it.
32:02 And so I want to encourage you to watch
32:04 that because that really fits in
32:05 with the messages that we are looking at here
32:08 in this series of Noah.
32:10 And he unpacks the time of the end
32:12 and the judgment period,
32:14 and some of those all important events
32:15 that we don't have time to deal with in this series.
32:18 But we have now entered the time of the end.
32:20 And it's interesting to me that in the last 200 years,
32:24 we have the advent of atheism,
32:28 communism, Darwinism.
32:31 We have the advent of the age of reason.
32:34 We have the advent of this non-biblical worldview,
32:39 where people by and large
32:40 in the Western world scoff
32:42 and mock and ridicule the story of Noah.
32:46 Do you really believe that's a true story?
32:49 Come on.
32:51 How could that be a true story?
32:54 It's just legend.
32:55 It's just a myth.
32:57 It's a fairytale.
32:58 Do you really, really, really believe
33:01 that God created this world in six literal 24 hour days?
33:06 Do you really believe that?
33:09 Sadly today that's not only the view
33:13 of non-Christians
33:16 in our educational institutions,
33:19 amongst our scientific communities.
33:21 But sadly, today
33:23 that's the reality in many Christian churches.
33:26 Today, many Christian churches
33:27 have lost their biblical worldview.
33:31 It's gone out the window.
33:32 It is no longer to be seen anywhere.
33:36 That's the sad reality
33:37 where Christians today believe that
33:40 marriage can be whatever you want it to be.
33:42 That there is no such thing as a six day creation
33:48 that God created over long periods of time.
33:50 And ended up giving out this crazy term theistic evolution
33:54 as if you can combine atheism and God.
33:59 What are they thinking?
34:02 That there isn't such a thing
34:04 as a literal worldwide flood.
34:09 The story of Lot is also very instructional.
34:12 We go to the Book of Genesis 19:12-14,
34:16 there we discover the interaction
34:19 that Lot has with his family members
34:23 that he's desperately trying to save
34:26 because of the warning the angels have given him.
34:28 Notice the words in verse 12.
34:31 "Then the men said to Lot," that of the angels,
34:34 the two angels, "Have you anyone else here?"
34:36 That is in Sodom.
34:38 "Son-in-law, your sons, your daughters and whomever
34:40 you have in the city, take them out of this place!
34:44 For we will destroy this place because the outcry against them
34:47 has grown great before the face of the Lord,
34:50 and the Lord has sent us to destroy it."
34:52 And then verse 14.
34:53 "So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law,
34:56 who had married his daughters, and he said,
34:59 'Get up, get out of this place,
35:01 for the Lord will destroy this city!
35:04 But to his sons-in-law he seemed to be" what?
35:08 "To be joking."
35:09 They we're like, are you serious old man?
35:13 This city filled with luxury,
35:17 filled with the best of the best,
35:20 this city being destroyed by fire.
35:24 Surely not, you gotta be joking.
35:29 The word here that is used is a very interesting word.
35:33 In fact, the King James picks it up
35:35 probably better than most translations
35:38 and the word there is mock.
35:40 They mocked him.
35:41 They made fun of him.
35:43 They made sport of him.
35:45 Sounds like normalcy bias to me,
35:49 if there ever was a time.
35:51 What's that phrase?
35:53 Normalcy bias, normality bias.
35:55 What does it mean again?
35:57 A human tendency to respond to threat
36:00 warnings with disbelief or minimization.
36:04 To underestimate a disaster,
36:07 serious significant effects.
36:10 Is that what was happening in the days of Noah?
36:12 Is that what was happening in the days of Lot?
36:14 Is that what is happening today all around us?
36:19 Yes, indeed.
36:21 She'll be right, mate.
36:23 It's okay Brother Lot.
36:26 It's okay, dad, it's going to be right,
36:29 she'll be right, we'll get to the other side.
36:30 Everything's gonna be hunky-dory, just chill,
36:33 take a chill pill and relax.
36:35 Don't get yourself all worked up.
36:37 You're gonna do yourself an injury.
36:42 She'll be right, mate, don't worry, be happy.
36:46 Don't worry, be happy.
36:50 Today we are
36:51 in a spiritual pandemic
36:57 that has impacted and affected
37:00 each and every one of us,
37:02 some of us more than others.
37:04 And I pray, Father, may this spiritual pandemic
37:08 of she'll be right, mate not be the disease
37:14 that impacts my life
37:17 and my walk with You.
37:21 Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die
37:24 is what they said once upon a time.
37:27 It's the most deadly disease,
37:30 the most deadly pandemic on the planet right now.
37:35 It's not COVID in case you were wondering
37:38 or any other physical disease or ailment.
37:42 The most deadly disease today on planet earth
37:46 is that of everything's going to be okay.
37:51 Just continue to eat and drink and be merry.
37:54 Go about your life, go about your business,
37:57 for everything's going to be okay.
37:59 There's time. There's time.
38:01 There's plenty of time.
38:03 Plenty of time.
38:06 I'm an optimist.
38:08 I'm an optimist by nature.
38:10 I really am.
38:11 I'm an optimist by nature.
38:12 I like to see things on the bright side.
38:14 I like to put on those rose colored glasses.
38:19 You know, those rose colored glasses are?
38:21 You know, when you look at life in a positive way,
38:25 except for when I have to have makeup put on me
38:27 here at 3ABN,
38:28 which has to happen at times all the time.
38:33 Apart from them,
38:34 and I'm to be positive about that,
38:36 I know, Rosemary.
38:37 I'm really trying to be positive about that.
38:38 And she's working on me
38:40 and I'm getting there by the grace of God.
38:41 I'm getting there bit by bit.
38:44 But I am coming to the conclusion
38:47 more and more each day,
38:49 that with everything that is going on around us
38:52 right now
38:53 that we have well and truly entered
38:56 the final significant stages of human history,
39:00 those final prophetic movements,
39:03 which we are told will be what?
39:04 Rapid ones are not that far off
39:09 in the distance.
39:10 I genuinely believe
39:11 and I'm not saying this to be an alarmist.
39:14 Last time I checked Noah
39:16 and Lot were accused of being alarmist.
39:19 So I don't mind being in that category though.
39:21 I don't really mind,
39:23 but I genuinely believe
39:25 that we are on the verge
39:27 of the stupendous crisis the Bible speaks of,
39:32 that Jesus spoke of.
39:34 And if ever there was a time for us
39:37 by the grace of God to pray that He pull us out
39:41 of this lukewarm apathetic,
39:43 she'll be right, mate pandemic it's today.
39:48 I need the vaccine for the spiritual pandeminia.
39:53 Is that a word?
39:55 That's a word from Danny,
39:57 that we are experiencing right now.
40:01 We need that heavenly virus
40:03 and the heavenly virus is the words of Jesus.
40:07 It's the message of Jesus, the message of His grace,
40:10 the message of His love.
40:12 The signs of the times are fast,
40:15 fulfilling all around us.
40:18 In the world of business and economy,
40:21 in the world of religion, the environment,
40:23 there's political polarization going on.
40:25 There are uprisings and protests,
40:27 social, cultural, ethnic divisions,
40:30 chaos, and confusion.
40:31 And the list could go on and on and on.
40:37 And so I should not have been surprised.
40:41 I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was,
40:45 but I shouldn't have been when COVID hit
40:50 and I was expecting my phone
40:53 to be running off the hook with family, friends,
40:58 people that had known me,
40:59 people that had heard these messages
41:00 that I've been preaching for the last 20 years.
41:03 Calling me saying, Danny, you were sharing this.
41:06 You were talking about the days of Noah.
41:09 You were talking about things all of a sudden are heating up.
41:11 You're talking about things rapidly increasing
41:15 when it comes to the signs of the times,
41:17 and now they hear
41:18 what do I need to do to be saved?
41:21 What do I do?
41:22 What do I need to do to connect with Jesus Christ?
41:24 I was hoping, and I was expecting
41:26 my phone to be ringing hot.
41:28 I was in lockdown like many of you at home
41:32 not much do waiting for the phone to ring
41:35 and guess what?
41:37 The phone never rang or barely rang.
41:42 I'm like, Lord, what's going on.
41:44 I mean, can't people see
41:45 that the world's been tipped upside down.
41:47 Can't people see that what Jesus said
41:49 that this world before the end of time
41:51 will be tipped upside down
41:52 and we're and the life as we know what?
41:55 Will change.
41:57 There's going to be a new normal.
41:59 And aren't we talking about that anyway?
42:01 You know we want things to go back to normal, don't we?
42:04 We're talking about normal,
42:05 but we're saying it's a new normal.
42:09 We want things to go back to normal.
42:12 She'll be right, mate.
42:14 And so, boy, oh boy,
42:16 I've got a reality, a reality shock.
42:20 It's true what Jesus said,
42:22 regardless of what is going on in the world
42:24 people are still going to continue
42:27 to hold on to this normalcy bias,
42:31 this she'll be right, mate.
42:34 And that brings us to my final point
42:37 that I believe Christ wants us to learn from.
42:41 And this is the really, really big one.
42:43 The peril of not knowing.
42:45 Now, what do we mean by that?
42:47 What did Jesus mean by that?
42:49 Have a look at the words of Jesus.
42:51 Matthew 24:38-39.
42:57 Jesus says, "For as in the days before
43:00 the flood, they were eating
43:01 and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,
43:03 until the day that Noah entered the ark,
43:05 and notice, and did know,"
43:07 what's that word?
43:09 What's that word?
43:10 "And did not know until the flood came
43:14 and took them all away, so also will the coming
43:16 of the Son of Man be."
43:17 Hang on a minute.
43:19 Hang on a minute, timeout.
43:22 They did not know that a flood was coming,
43:26 but we have just discovered
43:29 that they had warning after warning.
43:31 Noah was building a boat.
43:33 He was preaching for 120 years.
43:35 The animals were mysteriously making
43:36 their way into that.
43:38 Methuselah was a sure sign that a flood was coming,
43:42 when he dies it shall come to pass.
43:44 I mean, they had all the signs.
43:48 What do you mean they did not know Jesus?
43:51 I'm scratching my head.
43:53 I'm wondering and then it hit me.
43:57 Then it hit me when I read this statement,
44:00 this powerful insight from the book
44:02 Patriarchs and Prophets, Ellen White writes
44:05 under inspiration these powerful words.
44:08 Notice these words,
44:10 "The period of their probation was about to expire.
44:13 Noah had faithfully followed the instructions
44:16 which he had received from God.
44:17 The ark was finished in every part
44:19 as the Lord had directed,
44:21 and was stored with food for man and beast.
44:25 And now the servant of God made his last solemn
44:28 appeal to the people.
44:29 With an agony of desire that words cannot express,
44:33 he entreated them to seek a refuge
44:35 well it might be found.
44:37 Again, they rejected his words
44:40 and raise their voices in jest and scoffing.
44:43 Suddenly a silence fell upon the mocking throng.
44:46 Beasts of every description,
44:49 the fiercest as well as the most gentle,
44:51 were seen coming from mountain
44:53 and forest and quietly making their way toward the ark.
44:57 A noise as of a rushing wind was heard, and lo,
45:00 birds were flocking from all directions,
45:03 their numbers darkening the heavens,
45:04 and in perfect order, they passed to the ark.
45:08 Animals, obeyed the command of God,
45:10 while men were disobedient.
45:13 Guided by holy angels,
45:15 they went in two by two unto Noah into the ark,
45:19 and the clean beasts by sevens.
45:22 The world looked on in wonder,
45:24 some in fear.
45:25 Philosophers were called upon to account
45:27 for the singular occurrence, but in vain.
45:29 It was a mystery which they could not fathom."
45:33 And then notice these words.
45:34 I have them highlighted.
45:36 "But men and women, it's in the generic sense,
45:39 had become so," what's that word?
45:42 "Hardened by their persistent rejection of light
45:44 that even this scene produced but a momentary impression.
45:49 As the doomed race beheld the sun shining in its glory,
45:52 and the earth clad in almost Eden beauty,
45:55 they banished their rising fears
45:57 by boisterous merriment,"
45:59 sounds like they're eating and drinking,
46:01 they're marrying and the given in marriage
46:03 and so on and so forth,
46:05 "and by their deeds of violence they seemed to invite
46:09 upon themselves the visitation
46:11 of the already awakened wrath of God."
46:14 Wow! What an insight.
46:17 What an insight.
46:19 It sounds like they were living out
46:23 that she'll be right, mate.
46:26 Everything's going to be hunky-dory
46:28 and carrying on scoffing and mocking the final message
46:33 of love from God
46:35 through his servant Noah.
46:39 And they did not know, they did know,
46:42 but their hearts had become so hardened,
46:45 so hardened they had grieved away
46:48 the Holy Spirit, our only hope.
46:52 Make no mistake,
46:54 the Holy Spirit is our only hope.
46:59 If we reject and grieve away the Holy Spirit,
47:02 there is no hope.
47:04 The Holy Spirit alone leads us to Jesus Christ.
47:09 He alone leads us to Jesus Christ.
47:14 If we refuse the light,
47:17 God will allow us to experience the darkness.
47:21 Notice what Jesus said in John 3:19-21,
47:25 Jesus said, "And this is the condemnation,
47:28 that the light has come into the world,
47:30 and men loved," what?
47:32 "Darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
47:36 It goes on,
47:38 "For everyone practicing evil hates the light
47:40 and does not come to the light,
47:41 lest his deeds should be exposed.
47:45 But he who does the truth comes to the light,
47:47 that his deeds may be clearly seen,
47:49 that they have been done in God."
47:51 We've got two choices according to Jesus,
47:54 either we can embrace
47:55 and accept the light from above,
47:58 or we will perish in darkness.
48:02 There's only two choices
48:03 as there was in the days of Noah,
48:05 as there was in the days of Lot,
48:07 only two choices, salvation or destruction,
48:11 only two choices.
48:15 If you want to believe the lie,
48:17 if you want to remain in this land
48:22 called she'll be right, mate.
48:24 Everything's going to be okay.
48:25 Eat, drink, and be married, no need to worry.
48:29 Then you will experience
48:31 what the Apostle Paul speaks of
48:33 in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12.
48:36 Notice what he says.
48:38 He says, "And for this reason
48:40 God will send them strong delusion,
48:42 that they should believe the," what?
48:45 "The lie that they all might be condemned,
48:48 who did not believe the," what?
48:50 "The truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness,
48:54 had pleasure in unrighteousness."
48:57 Wow.
48:59 If we choose not to accept the truth,
49:04 which is what?
49:06 God's Word.
49:07 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life."
49:10 In John 17:17 Jesus said,
49:12 "Sanctify them by thy word."
49:14 Thy word is what? Truth.
49:17 Thy law is truth according to the Psalmist
49:20 in Psalm 119:142.
49:23 If we do not accept God's truth,
49:27 His word, there is only one other option.
49:29 And that is for us to be taken in by the enemy
49:32 whose name is evil with a capital D
49:36 into his snares of lies
49:38 and deception and ultimate destruction.
49:42 The Bible says something very fascinating
49:44 about the days of Noah.
49:46 In Genesis 7:16, it says,
49:49 "So those that entered male and female of all flesh,
49:52 went in as God had commanded him,
49:54 and the Lord shut him in."
49:56 The Lord, shut him in.
49:59 Most people don't realize,
50:01 but it did not rain immediately after the door was shut.
50:06 It didn't rain immediately.
50:08 If you read the text, you'll discover
50:09 that it only began to rain.
50:13 Maybe rain is not the right word
50:15 because the heavens literally opened up
50:17 the springs of
50:21 and the fountains of deep erupted,
50:23 or maybe it was something
50:24 that you and I cannot even begin to fathom.
50:26 That only, that only happened seven days
50:29 after Noah entered the ark.
50:33 So for seven days, for seven days,
50:37 that the antediluvians
50:40 who were lost had no idea that they were lost.
50:45 For seven days, they were partying,
50:46 having a great time.
50:48 They were enjoying life.
50:49 I can imagine all the barbecues.
50:51 I can imagine all the beer.
50:53 I can imagine all the fun
50:55 and the mocking and the scoffing,
50:57 and the jesting and the laughing
50:59 that would have been going on
51:00 and all the knocking on Noah's door and on the ark.
51:05 All the knocking
51:07 during that week long period.
51:12 Could it be that Jesus is saying
51:15 that we also can face that same serious situation
51:20 whereby we find ourselves lost
51:26 because we have grieved away the Holy Spirit.
51:29 And we think everything is okay.
51:32 We continue on with life,
51:33 partying and having a great time.
51:36 So what's our only hope?
51:37 Our only hope is to turn to Christ.
51:38 Our only hope is to seek Him with all our heart.
51:42 Our only hope is to pray the prayer that David prayed,
51:46 search my heart, oh God.
51:47 And see if there is any wicked way
51:49 and lead me in the way of everlasting.
51:51 And that's in Psalm 139:23-24.
51:56 So how do we respond?
51:58 How should we respond?
52:01 What did Jesus say in Matthew 24:42-44?
52:05 "Watch therefore, for you do not know
52:07 what hour your Lord is coming.
52:08 But know this, that if the master of the house
52:10 had known what hour the thief would come,
52:13 he would have watched and not allowed his house
52:15 to be broken into.
52:17 Therefore you also be" what?
52:19 "Be ready for the Son of Man
52:21 is coming at an hour you do not expect."
52:23 Watch and be ready.
52:25 Watch and be ready.
52:28 That's the message, continually be with Christ,
52:32 continually be surrendered to Him.
52:35 Don't wait for a better day.
52:38 In fact,
52:39 this is what Hebrews 3:7-8 says
52:44 in concerning you know,
52:45 when is the best time to respond.
52:47 In Hebrews 3:7-8,
52:50 "Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says,"
52:52 so who's speaking now?
52:54 It's the Holy Spirit speaking,
52:56 the one who inspired the scriptures.
52:59 It's the Holy Spirit speaking.
53:01 So we ought to be paying attention.
53:02 Amen?
53:04 We ought to be paying attention
53:05 because the Holy Spirit is the only one
53:07 as we have discovered
53:08 that will lead us to Jesus Christ.
53:10 In fact, in the days of Noah, God said,
53:13 My Spirit, My Holy Spirit
53:16 will not strive with men forever,
53:19 but 120 years.
53:23 Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says today," when?
53:27 "Today, if you will hear his voice,
53:30 do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion,
53:33 in the day of trial in the wilderness,"
53:35 speaking of the children of Israel.
53:37 So don't go down that road.
53:38 Today, why not tomorrow?
53:41 Why not tomorrow?
53:44 Tomorrow may never come.
53:45 We only have today, today, today.
53:50 In fact, that word today appears five times,
53:53 five times in Hebrews 3 and Hebrews 4.
53:58 Five times with a reference
54:00 to today is the day of salvation.
54:05 In fact, the Apostle Paul goes one step further.
54:10 He goes beyond today
54:11 and notice the words that he uses
54:13 in 2 Corinthians 6:2 he says,
54:17 "For, he says," he's speaking of God now.
54:19 He's quoting from the Old Testament
54:21 once again,
54:22 "In an acceptable time, I have heard you,
54:24 and in the day of salvation I have helped you.
54:27 Behold," when is the accepted time?
54:31 "Now is the accepted time, behold,"
54:34 he repeats, "now is the day of salvation."
54:37 So not just today, but when?
54:40 Right now, because that's all we have.
54:43 The reality is we have right now,
54:45 we don't even have the rest of the day.
54:47 We do not have the rest of the day.
54:49 Forget about tomorrow,
54:50 forget about the rest of the week.
54:52 We only have the right now.
54:56 I'll never forget watching images on the news
55:01 and watching a video
55:03 that had been taken on people's phones
55:06 of that tragic blast explosion
55:11 that took place in Beirut.
55:13 Do you remember that blast?
55:14 People were on their phones, you know,
55:18 recording this fire that had broken out there
55:21 at the port in Beirut.
55:24 They were just recording this fire that was happening.
55:26 I mean, fires happen all the time.
55:28 We get out our phones
55:29 and we film a fire, be it a car,
55:32 be it a house, be it whatever we just,
55:34 we're just filming.
55:36 And they're filming and all of a sudden
55:37 that fire ignited that which was there,
55:42 all that ammonium,
55:43 I think it was just tons and tons of it.
55:45 And the explosion,
55:47 you could literally see the explosion
55:50 coming waves, and it came like this.
55:53 It just came within seconds.
55:57 There was a wedding going on and that wedding man alive.
56:02 That wedding was just tipped upside down
56:05 in a matter of seconds.
56:06 Things can change suddenly, suddenly, suddenly.
56:11 I wanna encourage you as we end
56:14 to put your faith and trust in Jesus today.
56:17 Today don't wait.
56:19 Don't wait
56:20 for a she'll be right, mate moment.
56:24 Today's the day, now is the day of salvation.
56:27 Wherever you're watching from, my friend,
56:29 I wanna encourage you
56:30 today to put your faith and trust in Jesus.
56:33 Today, respond to His invitation to come,
56:37 come into the ark of His arms of salvation.
56:42 Come, come, come.
56:45 It's Jesus. He's inviting you to come.
56:47 Let's pray together.
56:49 Father, in heaven we wanna thank You for Jesus.
56:51 We wanna thank You for His love.
56:53 We wanna thank You for His mercy, for His grace.
56:55 We wanna thank You for the story of Noah.
56:58 We wanna thank You for the messages of love
57:01 and warning that Jesus Himself has given us.
57:04 Oh, Father, may we take these messages to heart.
57:07 May we share this with others like Noah,
57:10 to prepare others also for Your soon return.
57:13 Bless us, Father, and prepare us today.
57:15 Prepare us now for Your sake
57:18 and for the sake of Your kingdom.
57:19 We pray in Jesus' name
57:20 and everybody said amen and amen.


Revised 2021-06-10