Focus on God's Word

Where Is Jesus When It Hurts?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charissa Fong


Series Code: FGW

Program Code: FGW000015

00:27 Good evening everyone.
00:28 Welcome. Ah, I should have waited for you to say
00:31 good evening. Welcome to the Encounter Series.
00:33 Our subject tonight: Where Is Jesus When It Hurts?
00:37 And I invite you to bow your heads with me as we open
00:39 with a word of prayer.
00:41 Father in heaven, as we take a look at what Your Word
00:44 has to say tonight concerning a question which all of us
00:48 would love to know the answer to
00:50 pray, Lord, that You'll send Your Holy Spirit
00:52 to speak to our hearts.
00:53 In Jesus' name. Amen.
00:56 Lee Strobel, a former atheist turned Christian journalist,
01:01 he writes of an encounter he had with a man by the name
01:05 of Charles Templeton. And you can see him there
01:08 on your screen. Charles Templeton met
01:10 Billy Graham in 1945.
01:13 Together they struck up a quick friendship
01:16 and went many places together,
01:18 often roommates on preaching tours.
01:21 Charles Templeton was a very successful evangelist.
01:24 He built a church, and very quickly the membership of that
01:28 church grew to over 1200 people.
01:31 But like many people in our world today
01:34 doubts began gnawing at Templeton's faith
01:37 until soon - decimated by doubts - Templeton
01:41 left the ministry and he moved with his family to Canada
01:45 where he became a commentator and novelist.
01:49 It was there that Lee Strobel, our atheist-turned-Christian
01:53 journalist, he tracked Templeton down for an interview.
01:56 And when he found Templeton he was an aged man
02:00 suffering from Alzheimer's disease, a death sentence
02:04 above his head. And Strobel looked Templeton in the eye
02:08 in his home there in Canada and he asked him this question.
02:12 He said: "Was there one thing in particular
02:15 that caused you to lose your faith in God...
02:18 to stop believing in God? "
02:20 And Templeton nodded. He said: "Yes. " He said:
02:23 "There was this picture in LIFE Magazine.
02:26 It was a picture of a woman in northern Africa
02:29 and she was holding the little body of her dead baby
02:33 and she was looking up to the sky with the most forlorn
02:37 expression and she was weeping.
02:39 Her child could have lived, " he said,
02:42 if she only had rain. " And he said: "When I saw that
02:46 picture I thought to myself and I knew in my heart
02:49 that there couldn't be a God. "
02:51 And then he shifted in his chair and became more animated
02:55 and he said: "I don't run the rain; you don't run the rain.
02:58 HE runs the rain. And so if God was really who He claimed to be
03:03 well then surely you'd think He could turn it on
03:05 for a woman like her. "
03:07 Strobel sort of expected this response from Templeton
03:11 and so he asked another question. He said: "Well,
03:13 do you believe that Jesus ever lived? "
03:17 And Templeton nodded: "Oh, yes, I believe He lived. "
03:20 "Well do you believe Jesus was God? "
03:21 "Oh no... no, He's not God. "
03:24 He said: "Well what is your estimate of Jesus Christ? "
03:27 Templeton's body language relaxed.
03:30 It was as though he was about to talk about a loved friend
03:34 and he said these words. He said: "He was the
03:36 greatest human being who ever lived.
03:39 He was a moral genius.
03:41 His ethical sense was unique.
03:43 He was intrinsically the wisest man I have ever encountered
03:47 in my life. His commitment was total and led to His own death.
03:53 What could one say about Him except that this was a form of
03:57 greatness. " Strobel was shocked.
04:00 He hadn't expected this kind of response from a man
04:03 who gave up on faith altogether.
04:06 And he said: "Well you sound like you really care
04:08 about Jesus. " And Templeton said: "Well yes I do.
04:12 I know this might sound strange to you, " he said,
04:15 "but I... I... I adore Him.
04:19 I think He's just the most important human being
04:22 who has ever existed. " And then he paused
04:25 and added these words: "And if I might put it this way"
04:29 his voice beginning to break,
04:31 "I miss Him. "
04:34 And with that, Templeton began to weep.
04:38 You can read the rest of this incredible interview
04:41 that transpires between Strobel and Templeton
04:44 in Strobel's book called A Case For Faith.
04:47 Friends, Templeton's dilemma is one which all of us
04:50 must face. We have to deal with it because, let's face it,
04:54 in our world today everywhere we look
04:56 every single day of our existence
04:59 there is evidence all around us of a hurting planet.
05:03 Heartbreak and human suffering are our daily diet.
05:07 Everyone has encountered pain and suffering.
05:10 Everywhere we look we can see stories of people
05:13 whose lives have been wrecked by pain and suffering.
05:18 Often when I go on the Internet to check my e-mail
05:21 I'll check the headlines for the day.
05:23 And I think... I've always through that I've seen the worst
05:26 headline I could possibly read.
05:28 But then I'll hop on and I'll read this headline that
05:30 just seems to drip of hurt and reek of pain...
05:35 so much so that it seems to outdo all the others.
05:39 And so the question arises: "Well where is Jesus
05:42 in all of this hurt? "
05:43 "Where is Jesus in pain and suffering? "
05:45 "Who is responsible for all the tragedies that we see
05:49 around us? " And "If God is good,
05:52 then what on earth went wrong? "
05:54 Well friends, when Jesus came to this earth many years ago
05:58 He put His finger on the guilty party.
06:01 You see, He once told the story about a sower
06:04 who went out and he sowed good seed in a field.
06:08 But when the plants began to grow
06:11 there were noxious weeds among them.
06:13 And so the Bible tells us in Matthew chapter 13 verse 27
06:28 I was sitting in my garden just the other day
06:31 asking exactly the same question.
06:33 And notice the response of Jesus when He interprets
06:37 this parable.
06:59 Wow! Who is this enemy that we find here
07:02 mentioned in the book of Matthew
07:04 and where on earth did he come from?
07:06 Well friends, the answer is absolutely shocking.
07:10 It's about enough to knock your socks off!
07:12 And my sister when she listens to me and she hears me say that
07:16 she says: "Charissa, if you want to make it more impactful
07:19 you could say 'it's about enough to knock your
07:21 wet socks off. ' " So ladies and gentlemen,
07:24 tonight this is about enough to knock your wet socks off.
07:27 Come with me to the book of Revelation.
07:30 Revelation chapter 12 verses 7 to 9.
07:33 You can look it up in your Bible or you can read it
07:35 on the screen. Revelation chapter 12 verses 7 thru to 9.
07:41 And the Bible says:
08:12 Friends, did you catch that?
08:15 The Bible tells us that there was war in heaven.
08:19 Now I mean, sure, we have plenty of wars on planet earth.
08:23 The earth is filled with peace monuments that are erected
08:26 after every war, but who would have thought
08:29 that there could have been war in heaven?
08:32 War in paradise?
08:34 The two words are binary opposites.
08:37 I recognize - I really do - that human nature
08:40 is such that when there are earthquakes and wars
08:43 in other countries and calamities far away
08:46 they seem less catastrophic than the first scratch
08:50 on your new car. But friends, let's not miss this.
08:53 The Bible tells us there was war in heaven.
08:57 Let's continue reading on verses 3 and 4 of the same
09:00 chapter. Notice what it says:
09:21 Evidently this enemy of God who appears here in heaven
09:26 he is so effective in his rebellion against God
09:30 that he is able to convince 1/3 of the angels in heaven
09:34 to follow him in his rebellion.
09:37 But where did this devil - this Satan - come from?
09:42 Nothing comes from nothing... nothing ever could...
09:46 So did God create a devil?
09:50 No. The Bible tells us here in Ezekiel chapter 28
09:55 verses 12 to 14. The Bible describes this same being
10:00 and relates it to the king of Tyre.
10:03 The Bible says:
10:26 He has a pretty good description there, don't you think?
10:29 Now I don't know about you, but names absolutely fascinate me.
10:34 When I was growing up, I used to very much enjoy
10:38 reading the baby names book that my mum had in her library.
10:41 And I used to enjoy reading it because I could see what
10:44 my friends names meant and I could tell them
10:47 "Ah, your name means storm" or whatever.
10:50 And then I could also see what names were legal.
10:53 So it was really interesting to explore the names
10:56 in the baby names book.
10:58 And one day I approached my parents and I said to them:
11:01 "You know how you called me Charissa? "
11:04 Well are there any other names that you considered
11:06 when you were trying to name me? And they said: "Oh yes.
11:10 There were many names. " My mum said:
11:12 "We thought of calling you Emily or Katherine
11:15 or Sarah. Yes, we thought of those names for girls. "
11:18 And my dad said: "Yes, if you were a boy we were going to
11:21 call you David" - because his name is David -
11:24 "or Conan or Tyrell or... " get this...
11:28 "Tell - T-E-L-L. "
11:32 Why would he choose names like that?
11:34 Because apparently they were the hero in some cowboy book
11:38 he was reading.
11:39 Can you imagine that? If my name was Tell he'd say:
11:42 "Can you tell Tell to tell them about the telster bill? "
11:45 So I praise God I'm not a Tell.
11:47 But friends, the Bible is about to tell us
11:51 that the name of this fallen angel was Lucifer.
11:55 We'll see that in just a moment.
11:56 But that name... it means Lightbearer.
12:00 And I think that's fascinating because often
12:03 when we think of the enemy - the devil or Satan -
12:06 we picture him as having, you know, red leotards
12:10 with two horns and smoke coming out of his ears...
12:13 green eyes and a pitchfork and a tail.
12:17 But according to the Bible Lucifer was a perfectly-created
12:21 angel. He was absolutely beautiful.
12:24 And in the text that we just read the Bible calls him
12:28 the cherub who covers.
12:30 In other words, he was one of the two angels who stood
12:34 right next to the very throne of God in heaven.
12:38 But he wasn't content to be next to God.
12:41 Lucifer wanted to be God.
12:45 And this is what God said of Lucifer. He said:
12:56 And again in Ezekiel 28 verse 17:
13:08 Friend, this beautiful, exalted angel
13:12 became self-centered.
13:15 Satan started to have I trouble. And I'm not talking about
13:20 eye trouble... the eyes that you see with.
13:22 No, Satan had a problem with himself.
13:25 I is the middle letter in sin;
13:29 it is the middle letter in pride;
13:31 it is the middle letter in Lucifer;
13:33 it is our most common pronoun;
13:36 and it is also our most common problem.
13:39 He coveted all the honor and glory that was due God
13:43 for himself and he was power hungry.
13:47 He was a little bit like this man here.
13:52 One day Frederick the Great decided that he wanted to
13:55 declare war on a neighboring country.
13:57 And so he instructed his secretary: "Take down notes
14:01 and write a proclamation to tell them - my kingdom -
14:03 that we're going to war. "
14:05 And so the secretary began to dictate out loud.
14:08 "Whereas in the providence of God... " and Frederick
14:11 snapped his fingers and said: "Stop right there. "
14:13 He said: "Just stop lying. Tell them quite simply
14:17 that Frederick wants more land. "
14:19 There was no hiding his motives there.
14:22 Frederick was selfish and so was Satan.
14:25 And Satan... he had the boldness to challenge the Creator
14:30 of the universe... in fact, his very own Creator...
14:33 for the rulership of His universe.
14:37 Isaiah 14 verses 12-14:
15:00 A big head is hard to keep under your hat.
15:04 And friends, as these arrogant words spilled forth from
15:07 Lucifer's lips, the perfect harmony of heaven
15:11 was disrupted and shattered into a million selfish pieces.
15:16 And it wasn't long before Lucifer's spirit of discontent
15:20 began to spread slowly to the other angels.
15:24 And in my mind's eye I can see it all happening.
15:27 I imagine Lucifer walking down the streets of gold
15:30 one day. And as he does he sees a group of angels
15:34 sitting by the side of a lake... of a river there in heaven.
15:38 And so he goes over to them and he starts to talk to them.
15:41 This is what he says:
15:43 "Hey, God is a dictator. "
15:46 And the angels' faces change. They've never heard this before.
15:50 And he continues... he said:
15:52 "He cares nothing about us.
15:55 He's only concerned about Himself.
15:57 He's only interested in His own power.
16:00 Come on. Let's join forces. Let's go and face Him
16:03 and stop Him from being this way. "
16:06 Now lies were foreign to the angels in heaven.
16:10 They had never heard a lie before in their lives.
16:13 And so as they hear these lies they start - some of them -
16:17 start to believe them. And like a rotten piece of fruit
16:21 in a box, rebellion spreads to the other angels
16:25 there in heaven.
16:26 And perhaps at this point you are wondering:
16:28 "Well couldn't God destroy Satan and stop him right then?
16:33 I mean surely God knew that there was rebellion
16:36 brewing there in heaven. "
16:38 And I believe He knew that as well.
16:40 But friend, had God wiped him out in a blinding flash
16:44 all the other angels would not have worshiped God because
16:48 they truly loved Him. They would have worshiped God
16:51 because they were afraid that He might do the same to them
16:54 if they didn't worship Him.
16:56 Suppose I break it down a little bit more
16:59 and make it a little bit more understandable.
17:01 How many of you have children here tonight?
17:04 Can you raise your hands? Oh good, quite a few of you.
17:07 Now, how would you like it if your child
17:12 was like a robot so they did everything that you asked them
17:14 to do whenever you wanted them to do it?
17:16 Yes I expected there would be a few parents who would want that.
17:19 Well suppose you could program them to wake up and say
17:23 "Good morning, mom. Yes I will eat my breakfast. "
17:26 "Dad I will mow the lawn. "
17:27 "Yes dad, I will put out the rubbish... "
17:29 and they actually did it.
17:30 You wouldn't have a child... you would have a robot.
17:34 And I expect you actually want children not robots, correct?
17:38 You're not sure.
17:40 OK. Well, I hope you want children. And friends,
17:44 God... He wanted children as well.
17:47 God created humanity with the ability to be Mother Teresas
17:52 or Joseph Stalins. To be Adolph Hitlers
17:54 or Winston Churchills.
17:56 How did He do that? He gave to the human race
17:59 the freedom of choice.
18:02 And friends, freedom has a quality of what we call
18:05 irrevocability. In other words, if you give
18:09 someone the freedom of choice
18:10 and they take that freedom and do something you don't want them
18:14 to do... you cannot take it back
18:16 and make it work the way you want it to
18:19 because that's not freedom.
18:21 That's being a control freak.
18:23 And friends, God isn't a control freak.
18:25 God is love. Can you say "Amen? " Amen.
18:28 And friends, He is only happy when you and I are in a love
18:31 relationship with Him.
18:33 A minister... he asked a group of children one day...
18:36 He said: "Why do you love God? "
18:38 And there were many responses that came back
18:41 but the one he loved the most was this:
18:43 one little boy said: "I think it runs in my family. "
18:46 Wouldn't it be wonderful if the love of God could run
18:49 in the family. But friends, true love
18:51 demands a choice. It must allow you to say "yes"
18:55 and the right to say "no. "
18:58 And friends, Satan - when he challenged God's rules there
19:01 in heaven - basically he was challenging God's laws.
19:05 He made these laws to protect His creatures
19:07 and to ensure their perfect peace and happiness.
19:11 But Satan... he tried to thwart that.
19:13 It was a bit like... He was a little bit like
19:15 an admiral on a U.S. Navy battleship.
19:20 And this battleship was heading on a course one night
19:24 and they looked out and the admiral said: "I want you
19:28 to make your course this way. " And so they started
19:31 to direct the ship in this certain direction.
19:33 And as they were going in this certain direction
19:35 the navigation officer... he looked out through his
19:38 binoculars and he saw a light in the distance.
19:42 And so he sent word back to the admiral
19:45 and he said: "Look, we're going to have to...
19:46 There's a course... there's a ship in our course ahead of us.
19:49 We might need to tell them to move. "
19:51 And so they send word to the radio center
19:54 and the radio center sent a message to this on-coming ship.
19:58 And they said: "You need to change your course
20:01 10 degrees to the south. "
20:03 And the word came back: "You change your course
20:06 10 degrees to the south. "
20:08 They had two unsuccessful exchanges until finally
20:12 the admiral, he was so annoyed and upset, he made his way down
20:16 to the radio control room himself.
20:18 He picked up the microphone and he bellowed into the microphone
20:22 "Do you know that you are talking to an admiral
20:25 in the United States Navy? "
20:27 And then after a brief moment of silence
20:31 the even-tempered response came: "Sir, do you know that you
20:35 are talking to the lighthouse? "
20:38 Yeah, it's a good story, isn't it?
20:41 In the same way, God's laws were there to protect us.
20:46 Like that light of the lighthouse, it was there
20:48 to protect the ship. God's laws are like traffic lights
20:52 and signs. They're there to make your life and my life
20:55 so much more wonderful and easier.
20:57 But friends, this most honored angel in heaven
21:00 he thought that he could run God's universe
21:04 better than God Himself.
21:06 And so God... well, the devil... he made a devil out of himself.
21:11 And friends, God is a God of love.
21:13 And He allowed Satan to demonstrate to the universe
21:17 how he would run that universe if he was in control.
21:21 I don't personally understand why the devil wanted to run
21:25 the universe when God was already so loving and so good,
21:29 but he did... and that's what the Bible tells us.
21:32 History tells us of a statue that was erected
21:36 in honor of the victims of the Grecian games back there
21:40 in Greece. And one of the losers of the Olympic games there
21:44 they were so jealous of this person who had a statue
21:48 erected in their honor that one night they snuck out.
21:52 They made their way to the statue and they began to attempt
21:55 to push it over because they were so jealous.
21:58 But the statue was so heavy it didn't move very easily
22:02 at first. And so they threw their weight onto the statue
22:06 and it suddenly began to topple.
22:08 He was very happy with that and he kept pushing
22:11 and eventually the statue fell...
22:13 but it toppled on him and it crushed him.
22:16 And in exactly the same way the devil went out to try and
22:20 overthrow God's kingdom... overthrow His rule.
22:23 But it backfired and Satan lost.
22:26 And I'll tell you why in just a moment.
22:28 Friends, Satan's war was not a war on drugs.
22:31 Wasn't a war on terrorism... it was a war on people.
22:35 And when that war began in heaven it shifted territory
22:39 and it moved down to planet earth.
22:42 Because Jesus and the Godhead they had just finished creating
22:46 this planet. It was beautiful. Spectacular.
22:49 A wonderful showplace of creative brilliance
22:52 just fresh from God's hand.
22:54 And evidently when Satan saw our planet
22:57 he thought to himself: "Um-hmm. This will make a wonderful
23:01 place for me to establish my headquarters.
23:04 And so he planned to seize this newborn world.
23:08 And although Adam and Eve were created perfect
23:12 and they were living in a perfect environment
23:14 God gave to them that freedom of choice
23:18 which meant that they could also sin and choose
23:21 to turn their backs against God.
23:23 And of course God warned them
23:25 back there in the Garden of Eden.
23:27 Genesis 2 verses 16 and 17:
23:44 Now that must have seemed like a very reasonable request.
23:48 After all, they had fruit trees and wonderful things
23:52 all around them. And if God said "just don't touch that one"
23:55 well they would have thought to themselves: "Yes,
23:57 we can handle that. "
23:58 And often when we are in a place where we feel secure
24:02 and we feel very comfortable we are also very vulnerable.
24:06 And that is exactly what happened to Eve
24:09 because you see Satan came down into that garden.
24:12 And when she least expected it
24:15 he appeared in the form of a serpent
24:18 and he began to speak to her.
24:20 And as she was walking and she hears this voice
24:24 coming from this tree that God said: "Don't touch"
24:27 she was greatly... she had a lot of curiosity.
24:31 And so she walked over to that tree
24:33 and she sees this talking serpent.
24:36 And this is what the serpent says:
24:45 And Eve replied very quickly:
25:09 And as Eve listened to the serpent
25:12 she must have known that this didn't ring true
25:15 with what God had told her and Adam.
25:18 And so perhaps as she was considering this in her mind
25:22 her facial expression started to look slightly concerned.
25:25 And so the serpent quickly adds another lie
25:29 into his argument, and he said:
25:43 The devil was suggesting to Eve that God was unfair.
25:47 He was holding back something that they would really like.
25:52 And remember too? He had wanted to be like God in heaven.
25:55 Now he presents the same idea to Eve and she falls for it.
26:01 In an impetuous moment Eve sold out.
26:05 The Bible says in Genesis 3 and verse 6:
26:20 Ah, in that one small act
26:23 the ramifications we are still continuing to experience today.
26:27 I like it... it's very similar to this adage right here
26:31 about the horseshoe nail. The adage goes like this:
26:34 For the want of a nail the shoe was lost.
26:37 For the want of the shoe the horse was lost.
26:40 For the want of the horse the rider was lost.
26:42 For the want of the rider the battle was lost.
26:44 For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
26:47 And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
26:50 Little things... little things can have huge consequences.
26:55 And friends, the source of evil is not God's power...
27:00 it is mankind's freedom.
27:03 Eve then gave that fruit to Adam and then Adam and Eve
27:06 when they both ate of it
27:08 they had failed in their test of loyalty to God.
27:11 And it wasn't long before they started to realize
27:15 that their planet had changed, it had been hijacked.
27:20 They started to see things they'd never seen before.
27:22 Thorns on rose bushes
27:25 and leaves falling off the tree and dying
27:28 and flowers dying. They had never seen this before.
27:32 And so Adam and Eve... they started to feel guilty.
27:36 And that evening when God came
27:38 to walk in the cool of the garden in the evening
27:42 like He always did
27:43 He called out for Adam and Eve.
27:45 "Adam... Adam, where are you? "
27:47 And usually they came running. They loved this time of the day.
27:51 They loved to talk with God.
27:54 But not on this day... they went and hid.
27:56 And God went looking for them in the garden until finally
27:59 He heard and voice. And Adam said... he said:
28:10 Adam had never been afraid of God before in his life.
28:14 But friends, that's what sin does.
28:16 It separates us from God. It makes you feel afraid of God.
28:21 In verse 11 God said:
28:27 And he said:
28:34 Very quick to pass the blame, hey?
28:36 And a few hours before Adam... he loved Eve so much
28:40 he would have been willing to die with her.
28:42 But sin had wrecked their perfect relationship.
28:46 Sin wrecks relationships.
28:49 And so Eve... she was not really any better, was she?
28:52 When God asked Eve she said:
28:57 In other words, she was blaming God for making the serpent
29:01 who deceived her. And so, of course, God had asked
29:04 Adam and then he had blamed Eve. And so God asked Eve
29:08 and she had blamed the serpent.
29:09 When God got to the serpent, he didn't have a leg to stand on.
29:13 The cost of obedience is nil compared to the cost of
29:18 disobedience. It costs very greatly
29:21 when we disobey God. And that very day
29:25 when they sinned they were doomed to die.
29:29 And so to keep Adam and Eve from eating of the Tree of Life
29:33 which may have meant that they lived on and on and on
29:35 and sin would never be stopped God evicted them from
29:38 the Garden of Eden. But the Bible says:
29:48 During World War I, in his intense studies of the
29:53 strategies and movements of Adolph Hitler
29:55 Winston Churchill, the British prime minister,
29:58 he operated on one primary assumption:
30:02 that any foreign policy statement given by Hitler
30:06 was the exact opposite of the truth.
30:10 And friend, I wish Adam and Eve had worked that same thing out
30:14 about Satan back there in the Garden of Eden.
30:17 Could have saved us a whole lot of trouble.
30:19 But friends, they discovered too late that Satan is:
30:26 And friends, it is easy to blame God for the world...
30:29 for the heartbreak and devastation that we see
30:32 around us. But friends, Satan is really the one
30:35 who is responsible for all the havoc.
30:38 He is the one who brought trouble to this planet
30:41 causing sin and suffering ever since.
30:44 And Jesus, when He came down to this planet,
30:46 He made sure He unmasked this truth.
30:50 One Sabbath the Bible tells us He went and He was preaching
30:53 in the synagogue. And when He was in that synagogue
30:56 he encountered a suffering woman who had been suffering
31:00 with a crippling deformity.
31:03 And Jesus was greatly touched by her condition
31:06 and He felt very much for her, so He healed her.
31:10 And then the Bible says that Jesus says concerning this woman
31:14 in Luke 13 verse 16... He said:
31:31 Friends, Jesus said that Satan had bound this woman
31:35 for 18 years. Satan was the guilty one.
31:38 He was the sinister force behind all the pain and suffering
31:42 she was experiencing.
31:45 Though perhaps nowhere in the Bible do we see his strategy
31:49 and his sinister scheming more clearly
31:52 than we do in the book of Job.
31:57 Job was one of the most richest men who ever lived.
32:01 That's probably bad English. He was the wealthiest man
32:04 who ever lived back then in the very beginning.
32:07 And the Bible tells us that one day
32:08 God had a meeting in heaven where He called all the sons
32:12 of God to come. And would you believe it?
32:16 But Satan gatecrashed that meeting and this is what
32:19 happened here. Notice what the Bible says in Job 1:7.
32:29 In other words, "Who on earth invited you and what gives you
32:33 the right to be here? "
32:35 And so Satan answered the Lord. He said: "I come... "
32:44 Satan here claims to have taken the dominion of planet earth.
32:49 That dominion God had given to Adam
32:52 but now Satan said: "It's mine. "
32:54 At any rate, he has a challenge for God.
32:56 And so God... He hears him say this.
32:58 And this is what God says in Job 1 verses 8, 9, and 11.
33:04 He says:
33:31 What a challenge to give to God!
33:37 Satan claimed that the only reason why Job was loyal
33:40 to Him was because God was giving him so many good gifts,
33:45 good things. And so God said to him:
33:57 And he was very eager to get his hands on Job's possessions.
34:02 And the Bible tells us these things happened
34:04 in quick succession.
34:05 First, the Sabeans stole all his cattle
34:09 and murdered all his servants and shepherds.
34:12 Then second, lighting struck his sheep and killed his sheep
34:16 and shepherds. Third, the Chaldeans came
34:19 and they plundered Job's camels.
34:22 And fourth and perhaps the most heartbreaking of all
34:26 all of Job's sons... all of his children...
34:29 they were there in the eldest son's house having a party.
34:33 And while they were having that party
34:35 a tornado comes out of nowhere and wipes them all out.
34:39 Poor Job! Poor Job!
34:42 He thought that the Lord had taken everything away from him.
34:46 He didn't realize that Satan was the one responsible.
34:50 And yet did Job change his loyalty to God in the midst
34:54 of this? Incredibly the Bible tells us
34:58 Job 1 and verse 21:
35:08 He couldn't understand why all these tragedies had happened
35:12 but he trusted in God's goodness.
35:14 And Satan was mad! It didn't work.
35:18 So he came back to God and he said:
35:41 And so the test was on. Would Job remain faithful
35:47 to God in the midst of all of this?
35:50 The Bible tells us that:
36:02 I have never had a boil before in my life,
36:05 but if you have had a boil you will know exactly
36:08 how Job would have felt. Can you imagine
36:10 being covered with these sores from your head to your toes?
36:15 And not only that, but your wife starts leaving you as well.
36:18 Everything was going wrong for poor Job
36:21 because he chose to remain faithful to God.
36:24 But friend, I think he's absolutely amazing.
36:27 Notice what the Bible says.
36:29 In the midst of all of Job's pain and suffering
36:32 the Bible says:
36:44 Who hurt Job? Satan.
36:47 Who played Job? It was Satan.
36:51 Who was the one who killed his servants
36:53 and all of his livestock? Satan.
36:55 Who was the one responsible for the deaths of his children?
36:59 Satan. Satan was the one behind all the pain and suffering
37:03 that he endured. And friend, the Lord may allow difficulties
37:07 to come into your life and mine to test us.
37:10 To test our loyalty and love to Him.
37:13 But it is Satan who is the guilty party responsible for
37:18 all the pain and suffering on planet earth.
37:21 And you and I are caught in the middle of this bewildering
37:26 cosmic conflict between Christ and Satan.
37:30 We are not spectators to this great battle.
37:34 No. We are involved whether we want to be or not.
37:38 The Bible tells us in Revelation chapter 12 and verse 12:
37:57 For this very reason the Bible writes in I Peter 5:8
38:13 That arch enemy of God continues to be present today.
38:18 But friends, when you and I think that Satan does his work
38:22 let's never forget that God has sent Jesus to save us.
38:27 Amen? Amen. And He has conquered Satan.
38:30 Satan worked to try and destroy Jesus.
38:32 When He was a baby he worked through king Herod
38:35 to try and wipe Him out.
38:36 When Jesus was in the wilderness he appeared to Jesus
38:40 and he tempted Him to give up everything
38:43 and to give up his true loyalty to God.
38:45 But Jesus... He was faithful and He remained true
38:48 and He did not give in to the temptations of the devil.
38:52 And then Satan... right to the very end
38:55 he worked through a crowd and he tried to get them
38:58 and he motivated them to crucify the King of the universe.
39:03 And so they nailed Him to a cross,
39:06 but he did not destroy Jesus.
39:08 When Jesus was on that cross, the victory and Satan's defeat
39:13 were sealed forever.
39:15 Because, friends, although there was a cross
39:17 there was a resurrection. Amen? Amen.
39:20 Jesus rose from the dead, and by His death He earned the right
39:25 to destroy evil and suffering forever and for good.
39:31 Yeah, i's exciting news. Paul wrote in Hebrews:
39:50 And friends, he demonstrated... Satan demonstrated how he
39:54 would run the universe.
39:55 Today we continue to see how he intends to run this planet:
39:59 through disasters, through crime, through violence,
40:02 through pain and suffering that he inflicts all around us.
40:06 But friends, these are not acts of God
40:09 as many people think they are... they are acts of the devil,
40:13 the arch enemy of Jesus Christ.
40:16 But in the midst of pain and suffering
40:19 no matter how much we may know the big picture and the big
40:21 story, like Templeton you and I may cry out:
40:26 "Where is God in my hurt? Where is God in my suffering? "
40:30 I like to think of it as the story told of Irene and Jerry
40:35 who had been married for 25 years.
40:37 And on their 25th anniversary
40:40 Irene woke up and she expected Jerry to do something special.
40:44 She expected him to say something nice;
40:47 to do something nice. But he didn't seem to notice.
40:51 There were no flowers, no card, no breakfast in bed.
40:55 Nothing! And she was greatly depressed thinking he had
40:58 forgotten all about her.
41:00 And so she hopped in her car and she began to drive out
41:04 of the garage. And as she was backing out the garage
41:07 she got the garage door control, she hit the button,
41:10 and down came the garage door.
41:12 And there on the door were these big red words:
41:16 Happy 25th, Irene.
41:19 He hadn't forgotten.
41:20 And friends, in the same way, when you and I think
41:23 that God's forgotten us, there are signs all around us
41:26 to remind us He hasn't.
41:28 He still remembers... He still cares.
41:30 Satan exists... yes he does. But God is there.
41:34 He is a very present help in time of trouble.
41:37 He is there for you in the midst of pain and suffering.
41:41 When your heart is breaking God is there.
41:44 The Bible tells us that His name is Immanuel.
41:47 That's translated God with us
41:51 and I think that's beautiful because He understands.
41:55 Everything that you go through He understands.
41:58 And so friends the good news tonight is not that this planet
42:01 has been hijacked. The good news is that Jesus
42:04 is coming back to take us from this hijacked planet
42:07 to a better place. Amen? He's coming soon.
42:10 And this is why in Ezekiel He says concerning that devil
42:14 and Satan... He says:
42:25 Friends, one day soon God will beat pain and suffering forever
42:30 because Jesus will come back.
42:32 And He's not coming back as a baby born in Bethlehem.
42:35 He's not coming back to walk on the streets of Palestine.
42:39 He will come back as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
42:43 And He will take us to live with Him in His home.
42:47 And friends, tonight God wants to know will you choose
42:51 to accept Jesus as the Lord of your life?
42:53 Will you take His side in the midst of the fiercest
42:57 controversy in all of human history?
42:59 There are only two sides: God's side or Satan's side.
43:04 And the whole world is being polarized into these two camps.
43:10 That is the question tonight:
43:12 will we choose to follow Jesus and to take His side
43:15 and be loyal to Him in spite of what may come our way?
43:21 In longing to leave her poor Brazilian neighborhood
43:25 Christina wanted to see the world.
43:29 But as she looked around herself, in her home there
43:32 all she could see was, you know, poverty
43:37 and lack of things that she wanted.
43:39 And so one night, Christina... she slipped out of the house,
43:43 unbeknownst to her mom, and she caught a bus
43:47 and she set her way to Rio de Janeiro...
43:50 to the big city. Well, when her mom woke up the next day
43:54 and discovered Christina was gone
43:56 she was greatly upset. But she wasted no time.
44:00 She knew that Christina had no means of earning a livelihood.
44:05 She was only young, and she knew what that might mean
44:09 and that when you're in the city and you need to have money
44:11 and food you will be pushed to do things that you may
44:14 never have thought of doing before.
44:17 And so her mother, Maria... she caught a bus
44:20 and she set course for the big city as well to find Christina.
44:25 And when she got there she went to a pharmacy.
44:28 She went into the pharmacy and she sat in a photo booth
44:31 and she used all the money that she had on her
44:34 to buy pictures of herself. She took pictures of herself,
44:38 as many as she could afford,
44:40 and then she went looking for her daughter in the big city.
44:43 And because of what she expected Christina might do
44:47 she went to all the places where Christina might have been
44:51 able to find work.
44:52 She went to the hotels.
44:54 To the pubs, to the bars, to the brothels,
44:56 to the prostitute places... everywhere she could think of
45:00 that Christina might be.
45:02 And when she went to these places
45:05 she'd take a picture of herself and she'd tape it to a
45:08 bathroom window or she'd put it on a phone booth
45:12 or she'd leave it in the lobby. And on the back of each picture
45:15 she wrote a little note to her daughter.
45:18 Well finally her money and her time and her photos...
45:23 they had run out and she had to go back home.
45:26 And so very upset she boarded a bus to go back to her home
45:30 in her little village.
45:31 Well, a few weeks later a young Christina
45:35 descended the steps of a hotel there in Rio de Janeiro.
45:39 Her young face was tired;
45:41 her vitality was gone.
45:44 Her youthfulness was replaced by a sense of pain and hurt.
45:49 But as she came down the steps there in that hotel
45:52 she looked up in the lobby and there on a mirror
45:56 in the lobby she saw a familiar face.
45:59 It was the face of her mother.
46:01 Her throat began to tighten
46:05 and she felt tears coming to her eyes.
46:08 And slowly she moved to that picture and she picked it off
46:12 the mirror and she looked at it.
46:13 And then she turned it over, and there on the back of
46:17 that photo was this beautiful message:
46:19 "Whatever you have done, whatever you have become,
46:23 it doesn't matter... just come home.
46:26 Come back and I'll take you in. "
46:28 And friends, God says that to you and I tonight.
46:32 Whatever you have suffered, whatever your hurt m may be,
46:36 Jesus says to you and I tonight "Come back; come to Me. "
46:40 The Bible says in Matthew chapter 11 verse 28:
46:49 And again He says:
46:55 And then not only that. He doesn't just say "Come to me"
46:59 He says "I'll take you to a better place. "
47:13 He promises a land where there is no more pain.
47:15 And friend, tonight, Jesus wants to know your decision.
47:20 Will you come to Jesus tonight?
47:22 Will you come to Him and take His side?
47:25 Will you choose to remain loyal to Jesus Christ
47:27 no matter what may come?
47:29 If that is your desire tonight, would you raise your hand
47:32 with me? Say: "Lord, I choose to be loyal to you tonight. "
47:35 God bless you. I'll just close with prayer.
47:37 Father in heaven, We thank you, Lord, that
47:40 You are there for us in the midst of pain and suffering.
47:44 And tonight as we have seen that there is an enemy
47:47 who works to destroy us, to destroy this planet,
47:51 we pray, Lord, that You will help us to be faithful to Jesus.
47:54 Faithful till You come.
47:57 We look forward to that better land which You have promised
48:00 and we ask you, Lord, to look after us now.
48:02 And help us to trust You in everything that happens
48:05 to us in our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17