Dare To Dream Creative Cooking

Dinner at the Fireplace

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DDCC

Program Code: DDCC000021A

00:21 Hola and bonjour!
00:22 Welcome back to Creative Cooking.
00:24 My name is Nicole Braxton.
00:26 And I'm looking forward to being your tour guide
00:29 as we journey the world one bite at a time.
00:32 Today, we're going to continue with our health segment.
00:37 And we're going to make a health and hearty soup
00:40 along with cornbread and a potato leek soup.
00:44 Today's theme is dinner at the fireplace.
00:48 For our first soup, we will need...
01:22 So let's get started.
01:26 For our soup, I'm going to start it off,
01:28 and I'm going to have the two cups of water boiling.
01:32 And while that's boiling, I'll prep our veggies.
01:36 So we're going to cut our onion and dice it.
01:49 Okay, take the skin off.
01:55 And the great thing that I like
01:56 since we're speaking of boiling our water,
01:58 one of the key health principles that I found
02:02 is drinking water really helps
02:05 to do a lot of great things in our body.
02:07 For example, it can help the flow of toxins
02:10 to leave the body.
02:11 It also is really great for promoting
02:15 a good environment for vascular health.
02:19 And it can help your body to properly allow blood
02:25 to flow in your system.
02:28 So that's why I have my water here.
02:30 So when I get thirsty, don't mind me,
02:32 it's really important that we continue to consume
02:34 the amount of water we need daily.
02:37 So I'm going to keep chopping my onion.
02:57 All right.
03:07 Next, we'll add some carrots.
03:13 You can make it into three slices
03:15 or you can buy chopped carrots already prepared at the store.
03:24 And we'll start with our rocking motion.
03:33 All right.
03:35 So we've got our carrots,
03:38 and now we're going to get our lentils ready.
03:45 And a separate skillet you can also...
03:47 You can either saute your onions in the big pot
03:53 or, and if you do it in the big pot, you'll saute it first,
03:56 and then you'll add your water
03:57 or you can separate it and do it separately.
04:00 You can saute it separately in this pot.
04:03 So I'm going to use a little bit of the olive oil
04:05 that we've talked about before or water.
04:08 I highly recommend that too.
04:09 This is a great thing to saute it in so.
04:12 Actually, you can try something different.
04:15 This is Creative Cooking after all.
04:16 You can use water or you can use the olive oil as written.
04:21 So we'll put our onions into the skillet.
04:29 Okay, and then we'll put our carrots.
04:38 I can hear the water boiling, it's waiting for us.
04:42 So we have the onions going in there and the carrots.
04:46 And now we'll just stir them together,
04:51 and let them continue to saute.
04:54 And this is the critical part of the recipe.
04:57 Now, are you paying attention?
04:59 I want to make sure you're paying attention.
05:00 This is critical, this is the step in this stage
05:05 where you're going to put in all of your spices
05:09 so that the oils from it can effectively exude from it
05:12 and come into your soup, so it's important.
05:15 This is where you put your spices.
05:18 You can add it later on,
05:19 but it's the heat that inspires the different oils
05:24 from the herbs and spices to come out during this part.
05:27 So you want to put it at the base
05:29 when you have your onions.
05:30 I'm also going to put some garlic in here as well.
05:37 All right.
05:44 And if you can hear,
05:45 it's starting to saute just as fine with water.
05:54 Now I'm going to put the different spices.
05:57 So on the recipe, it says to put cayenne in.
05:59 Now, I want to let you know,
06:02 if spice is not something or hot food
06:06 in regards to the different amount of temperature it is,
06:09 like for example, if you don't like spicy food,
06:12 I will use less cayenne.
06:14 So you can just put a little bit in
06:16 and taste it and go like that.
06:17 Otherwise, if you like really spicy food
06:19 or you like a kick to it,
06:21 you can put the whole amount of cayenne.
06:23 But I would encourage you to season it as you go
06:26 to make sure it's not too spicy for you.
06:29 Then we'll put in our cumin seeds,
06:35 our cumin powder...
06:41 some Italian seasoning, thyme actually.
06:47 Okay, now we'll saute it.
06:52 And if you start to smell the aroma from the spices,
06:56 that's how you know it's almost done being sauteed.
07:02 So when you start...
07:03 Wow!
07:05 That's amazing.
07:06 It's a really, really, really good smell.
07:11 Okay, I wish you were here so you could smell this.
07:14 But okay, so we've got that going on.
07:16 Now, we're going to put this into our soup.
07:22 We've seasoned it well.
07:26 All right.
07:28 So we're going to add this to our soup.
07:39 Next, we'll put the vegetable broth.
07:49 It's a good base and gives a lot of flavor.
07:52 We'll also put the lentils in.
07:55 So the recipe calls for the lentils being cooked,
07:57 you can do that.
07:59 And if you have them cooked,
08:00 you put the lentils in towards the middle part of it.
08:02 So you can put them in raw as well
08:05 because it's all one pot of soup.
08:09 All right, so we're letting that cook.
08:12 All right.
08:14 Then we've got our diced tomatoes.
08:16 We'll pour this in as well.
08:24 All right.
08:27 And one of the last things you'll let it cook,
08:30 just continue to allow it to boil.
08:34 Okay.
08:36 Wow, that smells really good.
08:38 I like the citrus
08:41 that's going to be coming in when we put our lemon.
08:43 I can sense that that's going to be a good ingredient.
08:46 But I like the tomato base.
08:50 And I also like how the cumin mixes with the tomatoes.
08:54 So it has a nice contrast in this dish.
08:59 Next, we will put some coconut milk.
09:07 This makes the soup creamy.
09:13 All right.
09:16 Now we just let it cook down.
09:19 Let the...
09:20 The more time you leave in it,
09:22 you'll allow the soup to extract all the flavors
09:26 from the different ingredients.
09:28 So you want the ingredients to combine
09:30 and for the soup to become one.
09:32 So you don't want to have everything separate.
09:33 So it's really good
09:35 if we just allow time for the soup to simmer
09:37 and for all the flavors to combine effectively.
09:42 So now we're going to let that cooking,
09:43 especially if you put raw
09:46 or uncooked lentils inside of your soup,
09:48 it's important for you to give it enough time
09:50 so that they're tender.
09:51 If you put cooked lentils in, you'll need less time.
09:54 So just let that continue to cook.
09:56 And when you're done,
09:58 the last thing you'll do
09:59 is you'll put some lemon juice inside,
10:02 and you can also put some lime zest,
10:05 so you just let that cook down.
10:07 And the most important part is you need to get ready to eat.
10:11 So that brings us along to our next recipe
10:16 which is cornbread.
10:18 For this recipe you'll need...
10:35 So let's get started on this good old cornbread.
10:39 Okay, so to start it off,
10:42 what you can do is take your dry ingredients...
10:50 the flour.
10:53 And you can substitute,
10:54 you can choose your favorite flour
10:57 that you would like to use and see how it comes up.
11:03 Okay, so we have that.
11:05 Then we'll also put in some cornmeal,
11:08 which, to me is amazing
11:10 because it's a color that I like,
11:12 and it reminds me of the sun,
11:14 which points me back
11:15 to one of the great health principles I've learned,
11:17 which is about getting a lot of exposure to the sun.
11:21 Getting enough sun exposure,
11:23 it actually can be healthy for us.
11:25 I didn't really know, after doing much research,
11:28 I found that having exposure to the sun
11:31 has the ability to boost
11:34 the melatonin output in our bodies,
11:36 which, in turn, gives us more sleep.
11:39 And who doesn't like rest?
11:41 So I think that's a really cool thing that the sun can do so.
11:44 Now I'm going to mix it.
11:46 And another great thing I found that research has shown
11:49 that it can help build your immunity,
11:51 which is really nice.
11:53 And also, it can enable your body to produce vitamin D,
11:58 which is really great to aid the calcium absorption
12:01 within your body.
12:03 So it's pretty interesting how the sun
12:04 can have some really awesome health benefits.
12:07 All right,
12:09 so we're mixing all these dry ingredients together,
12:12 and we're also going to put
12:13 some baking powder in there as well.
12:16 Okay.
12:21 Just want to make sure it's thoroughly mixed
12:24 because when you put your liquids in,
12:26 it's just going to begin to clump up,
12:28 so you want it to be one.
12:30 Okay.
12:33 There we go.
12:35 Now we're going to go to our liquid ingredients.
12:42 We will add some milk...
12:58 some pureed corn...
13:08 some olive oil...
13:15 and some honey.
13:24 All right.
13:26 Now we will just let all these ingredients
13:29 combine effectively in the blender.
13:39 I really, really...
13:42 I really, really love Vitamixes
13:44 because they're effective, effective blenders.
13:47 I mean, there are so many things that you can put in it.
13:50 You can put your smoothies.
13:52 Right now, we're mixing things for our cornbread.
13:55 I really enjoy just really having effective blenders
13:57 when you are mixing things,
13:59 so just going to allow this to combine.
14:09 All right, looks about done to me.
14:14 And, now we will take our liquid mixture...
14:23 and we'll pour it in.
14:28 Just want to keep stirring,
14:32 allowing everything to combine,
14:37 just like so.
14:40 Okay, so at this point, you can either take a mixer
14:45 or you can mix with the spoon.
14:51 Just want to mix the wet and dry ingredients together,
14:54 so they can combine effectively.
14:57 You can use a whisk, a blender, a spoon,
15:00 whichever works best for you.
15:06 Just mix it all together.
15:10 And this is a good recipe
15:11 to add to your dinner at the fireplace.
15:15 So we've made a delicious soup prior to this,
15:19 and you can accompany it with this cornbread.
15:22 Just continue to mix everything,
15:24 make sure you get everything
15:26 from the sides and continuously mix.
15:37 And if you would like
15:38 to add more moisture into your cornbread,
15:42 you can add some soy milk,
15:46 just depends on the type of texture you would like.
15:52 I cannot wait, and if you want, during this phase,
15:57 you can also taste it before you bake it
15:59 to make sure
16:00 it's the consistency that you like.
16:03 So I'll take a little taste.
16:09 The flavors are good, so I'm okay with baking that.
16:13 Now, we'll take it
16:18 and put it in our baking sheet.
16:28 We'll just put it in there.
16:31 If your pan creates things to stick to it,
16:36 you can put a little bit of oil or something or PAM,
16:41 something to just put it on the side of it.
16:45 Just essentially you want a nonstick baking pan.
16:52 Okay.
16:55 Now you'll just flatten it out.
17:01 And you want to make sure you put your oven to 350.
17:08 Got a little on the sides.
17:16 Okay, so now it's ready to go into the oven
17:20 and bake on 350 for about 20 to 30 minutes.
17:24 Make sure you check it.
17:25 And while it's baking, what you want to do,
17:29 towards the end you want to put your fork inside of it
17:33 or a knife just to make sure
17:34 that you don't have any leftover residue
17:37 when you take your fork out.
17:38 So that's a good way to check and make sure it's cooked well,
17:41 it's not too dry, nor is it undercooked.
17:43 So here is what it looks like,
17:45 and now we're going to put it in the oven.
17:56 All right.
17:57 Super excited to try that when it comes out.
18:00 Now, last but not least,
18:03 we're going to go to our final recipe today.
18:06 It is our potato leek soup.
18:08 The ingredients include...
18:27 So now to start off our soup,
18:30 what we'll do is we'll take some vegetable broth
18:33 and let it boil.
18:39 Okay.
18:42 And we'll chop up some celery as well as some leeks.
18:54 Okay.
19:05 Now we'll get our leeks in the soup too.
19:10 Once you put that in there,
19:11 we'll also put some of our vegan butter...
19:19 or if you don't want to use vegan butter,
19:20 you can just replace it and add more water.
19:26 As we spoke earlier, water is amazing.
19:28 So feel free to use it wherever you like.
19:33 So we'll add our celery inside of our soup.
19:42 That's awesome.
19:43 Now we'll add some leeks.
19:47 And the good thing about leeks,
19:48 I washed the outside of the leek,
19:50 so now I'm ready to cut.
19:53 And we'll just roll it up and just slice it.
20:09 Okay.
20:11 Now I'm going to make sure to go over it again,
20:13 just to make sure everything's sliced well.
20:19 Okay.
20:20 So next, we'll put it in, but the one thing is curious...
20:24 I'm curious about is to check on this leek.
20:26 So I washed the outside, everything looks great,
20:28 put it in there.
20:32 But I'm kind of curious about the inside
20:34 because I want to use the whole thing,
20:35 I don't want to waste something.
20:37 So let's check and see what the inside is like.
20:42 'Cause it looks good on the outside,
20:45 but it's really interesting
20:48 'cause sometimes I found when it comes to different leeks,
20:51 you see there's dirt in the inside
20:54 when you get to the core.
20:56 So going back to our principles we talked about of NEWSTART...
21:02 Sometimes in life, we can get bogged down
21:05 by all the things going on.
21:08 It's really easy to start feeling, you know,
21:11 down and out and focus on our circumstances.
21:14 But the beautiful thing is there's God.
21:17 And God is there for us whenever we need Him,
21:20 He can wipe us clean, He can come into the heart.
21:22 Sometimes, as human beings, we look so great on the outside
21:25 but inside, there's other things
21:27 that we're dealing with.
21:28 So this leek, this very simple leek is something
21:31 that is resemblance of the principle
21:35 we talked about which is trust,
21:37 trust in the Lord.
21:38 You can trust in the Lord and give your burdens to Him.
21:41 He is there for us.
21:43 So this is a cool principle
21:44 that I was taught about a leek from my mentor.
21:47 It really taught us that food is more than food.
21:50 It can be healing, it can be tasty,
21:53 and also, there are some very key characteristics
21:55 and principles you can find just from cooking.
21:57 So I'm going to add this into our soup.
22:05 All right, next, we'll put in our chicken style seasoning.
22:15 We'll put in our sage,
22:21 some olive oil or water.
22:28 Now we'll just stir it, and allow it to simmer,
22:35 and we're going to put in our potatoes and rosemary next.
22:39 So with rosemary, you can just take the stock,
22:42 put your hands like this, and just peel it down.
22:49 Rosemary is one of my favorite, favorite herbs.
22:53 It has such an amazing smell,
22:56 and it tastes really good in different foods,
22:58 such as the soup.
22:59 I love it on pizza.
23:00 It's one of my favorite, favorite herbs.
23:04 So I just chop it and put it inside of our soup.
23:06 It gives it that extra flavor element we need.
23:10 It's really nice
23:11 when the difference spices and herbs blend together.
23:15 So that you can really
23:17 have this explosion in your mouth of flavor,
23:19 it's not bland, you want to have flavor.
23:22 And it's amazing how we've been given so many natural plants,
23:26 herbs, and spices to really season our food.
23:30 We were made with so many different taste buds,
23:33 and it's important that we,
23:35 you know, cater to them in a healthy way.
23:37 So there's no need to have bland plant-based food.
23:40 You can always season it with fresh herbs and spices.
23:49 Just going to keep cutting this.
23:55 Alrighty.
23:56 So we'll put this inside of our soup.
23:58 I'm starting to smell...
24:00 Wow!
24:01 It smells amazing, amazing, amazing.
24:04 Okay.
24:07 Now we're going to add some potatoes in there
24:11 as the broth is going...
24:19 your potato, you'll just cut it in half.
24:33 You can almost use the same principle
24:35 we used for the onions earlier, and then, you'll just dice.
24:41 So depending on what type of shape
24:43 you would like for your potatoes,
24:44 so just dice it.
24:49 And if you find you would like it a little smaller,
24:52 you can just chop it, like so.
24:58 Now we'll put our potatoes in the soup.
25:07 Finish it off.
25:11 And when it comes to different health concerns, right now,
25:14 I'm just using a regular potato,
25:19 but if you notice that,
25:22 let's say, if you have diabetes or any other health concerns,
25:27 you could potentially substitute it out
25:29 with a sweet potato
25:31 because sweet potatoes are a complex carbohydrate,
25:36 which essentially means
25:37 it breaks down slower into the body.
25:39 It doesn't spike your sugars as fast,
25:41 your glucose levels as fast as, you know,
25:45 when it comes to like white flour
25:48 or different things like that.
25:50 So if you would like to use a more complex carbohydrate,
25:53 I would recommend using a sweet potato.
25:57 Now we're going to stir our soup and check in on it.
26:05 Wow!
26:07 Okay, so the potatoes like we just put them in,
26:09 so they have some time to cook,
26:10 but I want you to take a look at how beautiful
26:12 and how green and rich the soup is.
26:17 It has a lot of different herbs and spices,
26:22 lots of fresh products.
26:25 So if you look and see the soup,
26:32 you can see the different colors.
26:39 And just one spoonful of it,
26:42 you can see that
26:43 it has all the rich green leeks and celery,
26:48 and now it has the potatoes,
26:50 the fresh herbs, and spices.
26:54 All right.
26:56 That's a really flavorful dish.
26:58 We're just letting it simmer down.
27:01 But we had a ball today.
27:03 Again, as always,
27:05 it's a pleasure cooking with you
27:07 from my kitchen to yours.
27:09 Let's review what we made today.
27:11 We had our leek soup that we just finished.
27:17 We also did some delicious cornbread
27:22 as well as our hearty holiday soup.
27:26 These are all great meals
27:28 that you could eat at a fireplace,
27:30 bring some friends together,
27:32 and just spend time together over a great meal.
27:35 That's a great thing about food,
27:36 it can bring people together,
27:38 you can share memories and learn about each other.
27:40 At the end of the day,
27:42 I went to school in a small college town,
27:44 and one of the things
27:45 that I really enjoyed about it
27:47 is that there weren't many things around,
27:49 but we had each other,
27:50 and therefore we built really strong relationships.
27:52 So take some time out, have dinner at a fire,
27:56 and enjoy yourself.
27:57 At the end of the day, I had a blast with you.
28:00 Thank you again for tuning in to Creative Cooking,
28:03 and be sure to tune in next time.


Revised 2018-05-02