Carter Report, The

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002037S

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:24 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:29 Today, John Carter will teach us
00:31 "The Origin and End of Evil,
00:34 the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan."
00:39 Hi, friend.
00:41 I'm John Carter.
00:42 Welcome today to the Carter Report.
00:45 I'm so glad that you joined us.
00:47 Our topic today is the origin of evil
00:53 and also the origin of good.
00:56 Almost every person today recognizes
00:59 that there's good and evil in the world,
01:03 especially since 9/11.
01:05 Before 9/11, most philosophers around the world,
01:09 especially those in Europe,
01:11 said there was no such thing as evil.
01:15 But today, most thinking folks believe
01:17 that there's good and, of course,
01:19 there's evil in the world.
01:21 So we're going to talk today
01:23 about the origin of evil and the origin of good.
01:27 We're going to talk about the great controversy
01:30 between two super superhuman personalities.
01:35 One is called Satan or Satan,
01:38 and one is called Christ the Creator.
01:43 In the scriptures,
01:44 there is an ancient story
01:46 that describes the introduction of evil to the human race.
01:49 You got to go back to the book of beginnings,
01:51 that's the book of Genesis.
01:54 I'd like you to get a Bible if you don't mind, please,
01:56 and turn with me to Genesis 3.
01:59 Come with me to Genesis 3.
02:02 This is a very, very old book.
02:05 It's found in the ancient Hebrew Christian scriptures.
02:08 Genesis 3:1, it says this,
02:14 "Now the serpent was more cunning
02:16 than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.
02:21 And he said to the woman,
02:22 "Has God indeed said,
02:25 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?"
02:28 This is quite interesting.
02:31 Because the Bible here
02:32 talks about a being who is called the serpent.
02:37 There was this supernatural, superhuman personality,
02:42 and he existed
02:43 before the creation of this world.
02:45 And the Bible tells us
02:47 that right at the beginning of the human race,
02:49 he was there in the world.
02:52 It's interesting, he is called the snake,
02:56 the great rebel, the great Satan,
02:58 or the great Satan,
03:00 who preceded the existence of Planet Earth,
03:03 and the human race.
03:04 So evil presided in a person, a person who was called,
03:09 in the Bible, the serpent.
03:12 If you notice now, verses 2-4,
03:16 "The woman said to the serpent,
03:19 'We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden,
03:23 but of the fruit of the tree
03:25 which is in the midst of the garden,
03:27 God has said, 'You shall not eat it,
03:30 nor shall you touch it, lest you die.' '"
03:35 And then if you notice, if you don't mind verses...
03:38 let's see, verses...
03:41 let me see now, verse four.
03:46 "Then the serpent said to the woman,
03:50 'You will not surely die.' "
03:52 That's the biggest lie that was ever told.
03:55 God said, "If you do this, you're going to die."
03:59 But there was this being masquerading as the serpent.
04:03 And he said,
04:04 "I don't care what God said,
04:06 because the truth of the matter is,
04:08 you're not going to die."
04:09 He is the original big liar.
04:14 And then verses 5-6, verses 5-6,
04:20 and the serpent is talking,
04:22 "For God knows that in the day you eat of it,
04:26 your eyes will be opened and you will be like God,
04:31 knowing good and evil."
04:32 In other words, God is the great liar.
04:36 God is the Great Deceiver.
04:38 And so the serpent is unmasked here as the great,
04:42 original liar.
04:45 And then if you come to Genesis 3,
04:47 let me see where it is,
04:48 verses 8-13.
04:51 The Bible tells us that
04:53 Adam and Eve ate the fruit of course,
04:56 and then something strange happened.
04:59 And they could feel it in their bodies,
05:02 a dramatic change,
05:04 because they had rebelled against the Creator God.
05:07 And later on it says,
05:09 "And they heard the sound of the Lord God
05:11 walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
05:14 and Adam and his wife hid themselves
05:16 from the presence of the Lord God
05:18 among the trees of the garden.
05:21 Then the Lord God Yahweh Elohim called to Adam and said to him,
05:25 'Where are you?'
05:27 So he said, 'I heard Your voice in the garden,
05:30 and I was afraid because I was naked,
05:35 and I hid myself.'
05:36 And He said, 'Who told you that you were naked?
05:39 Have you eaten from the tree
05:41 of which I commanded you
05:42 that you shouldn't eat this tree?'
05:46 Then the man said,
05:48 'The woman whom You gave to be with me,
05:51 she gave me of the tree, and I ate.'
05:53 And the Lord God said to the woman,
05:57 'What is this you have done?'
05:59 The woman said, 'The serpent deceived me,
06:02 and I ate.' "
06:04 And so in this amazing story
06:06 that goes back to the very, very beginning of time,
06:09 you have this encounter
06:10 between the originators of the human race,
06:13 Adam and Eve, and this strange,
06:16 mysterious intruder,
06:18 who was called the great liar and the great Satan.
06:23 And the Bible tells us that,
06:25 with this transgression of the law of the Creator,
06:29 darkness came into the world and a sense of nakedness
06:34 and a sense of fear,
06:35 and man has been running from God ever since then.
06:41 And this is why,
06:43 my friend,
06:45 we have death and sin and sorrow in the world.
06:50 And that is why the human race has this sense,
06:53 this foreboding of fear, this existential threat,
06:59 "What's going to happen to me?"
07:01 The Bible says,
07:02 it goes back to the very beginning of time,
07:05 it originated in a superhuman,
07:07 supernatural, dazzling personality,
07:11 who was called in the scriptures the serpent.
07:15 And when you read the scriptures,
07:18 this is the reason
07:20 why God came down in a human body,
07:23 and He is called Jesus Christ.
07:27 Because of the sin
07:29 that Lucifer brought into the world.
07:34 Want to talk about something that's going to interest you.
07:36 It interests lots and lots of people
07:38 and lots of people don't get this,
07:39 don't understand it.
07:41 But you'll get it, you'll understand it.
07:43 We're going to talk about
07:44 the mystery of the fearsome beasts.
07:51 They did exist.
07:52 I've heard people say,
07:53 "No, no, no, it's all bogus.
07:55 Those creatures did not exist."
07:57 I want to tell you, T-Rex was a real creature.
08:03 T-Rex, tyrannosaurus rex,
08:07 the word means king, tyrant lizard.
08:10 He was not a nice sort of guy.
08:12 He was about 40 feet long. He was 12 feet at the hips.
08:17 Now we're talking about hips.
08:20 He weighed between 8 and 15 tons.
08:23 He was very mean, very nasty, and very, very angry.
08:29 He had a very, very big mouth with very big teeth.
08:34 He was the perfect killing machine.
08:37 And these things used to be in the world.
08:40 Thank God we don't have them today.
08:41 But they used to be in the world.
08:43 And the question is, who made T-Rex?
08:47 This is a question for the thinking Christian.
08:51 Because we believe,
08:52 as Christians, that God is love,
08:55 for God so loved the world, God is love,
08:57 then if God is love and if God is the Creator,
09:00 did he make T-Rex?
09:03 It doesn't sound,
09:04 he doesn't sound like something that a loving God would make.
09:07 So who made him?
09:08 There is evil in the world.
09:12 The question that I want to pose
09:14 to my thinking audience today is this,
09:18 was a superhuman personality,
09:23 who was called in the scriptures,
09:26 the serpent,
09:27 this masterful mind,
09:31 is it possible that this masterful mind
09:34 got a toehold in this world
09:38 and he became the manipulator of the genes
09:43 and that God made a beautiful creature
09:45 but Satan made T-Rex.
09:49 This is of course,
09:50 the viewpoint of the famous doctor
09:53 and ethicists from Loma Linda University,
09:56 Dr. Jack Provonsha
09:59 from Loma Linda University.
10:03 I've got a property in Australia,
10:05 as some of you folks know, on the property,
10:08 which is out in the bush and I seldom get there because,
10:11 you know, my program has taken me
10:13 to live here in the United States of America.
10:15 But on my property,
10:18 there's not one but there's quite a few
10:20 Eastern brown snakes,
10:24 the second most deadly snake in the world.
10:28 Did God make the Eastern brown snake?
10:32 If it bites you,
10:34 you better get to a doctor
10:35 and get some anti-poison in your vein
10:39 because it's going to kill you.
10:40 I've seen lots of them out on my property.
10:43 As I said, I don't go there too often.
10:45 So these things sort of come out of the bush.
10:48 Some years ago,
10:50 my son David was coming down from Papua New Guinea,
10:54 and I was going to prepare the room downstairs
10:56 so he'd have a nice place to come.
10:59 So I pattered down the stairs.
11:01 It was dark, nighttime, no shoes on.
11:05 I pattered down the stairs.
11:07 And I was walking over to the room
11:09 where he used to stay.
11:12 I didn't have my glasses on.
11:14 And I didn't have the lights on.
11:15 You say that's a really dumb thing.
11:17 Yes, that's a really, really dumb thing I was doing.
11:20 But sometimes I've done some dumb things.
11:22 And this was my dumbest, one of my dumbest things.
11:25 So I was coming down the stairs.
11:27 Then I walked across the tiles.
11:30 Fortunately, it was winter, and the tiles were cold.
11:33 And snakes don't like cold stuff.
11:36 They sort of become sleepy.
11:39 And as I was walking, I stepped over.
11:42 I thought who dropped that piece of rope there,
11:45 piece of rope,
11:46 and I looked down at the floor.
11:48 It wasn't a piece of rope.
11:50 It was an Eastern brown snake.
11:56 If I had stepped, well, I got rid of him.
11:58 I got him outside.
12:00 But if I had stood on that Eastern brown snake,
12:04 it's quite likely
12:06 I would not be talking to you today.
12:09 The question is that a Christian has to answer
12:11 who made T-Rex?
12:12 Who made the Eastern Brown Snake?
12:15 I would suggest to you that Jesus didn't do this.
12:18 I don't think so.
12:19 I don't think a loving God would do this.
12:22 Have you heard of the box jellyfish?
12:24 I ask my friends today, my audience.
12:26 Have you heard of the box jellyfish?
12:30 North Queensland is very, very beautiful.
12:33 But it's not usually a good idea to go swimming
12:35 just off the coast in North Queensland in summertime
12:39 because, in the waters, there is the box jellyfish.
12:43 He's got these long, long tentacles.
12:46 And they're about 10 feet long.
12:48 Are you listening to me? It's a jellyfish.
12:51 So you wouldn't think it's too smart, would you?
12:53 let me do something about it?
12:56 Tentacles, invisible, 10 feet long.
12:59 It weighs about 4 pounds.
13:01 It swims at 4 miles an hour.
13:03 And it's got 24 eyes.
13:08 24 eyes that are marvelously advanced.
13:12 The question is, who made the box jellyfish?
13:18 Did God?
13:20 Let me talk a moment about another creature
13:22 that's even more deadly than the box jellyfish
13:24 and the Eastern brown snake,
13:27 we're talking now about human beings,
13:30 once made in the image of God.
13:34 What about 9/11?
13:35 Think of the disaster there.
13:37 Before 9/11, many philosophers,
13:39 as I told you just a moment ago,
13:41 they denied that there was such a thing
13:42 as good and evil.
13:44 I talked about things that were,
13:46 you know, more convenient or something else.
13:50 But now every philosopher,
13:51 virtually every philosopher
13:52 since the horrendous attack upon America at 9/11,
13:56 they believe that there is evil in the world.
13:59 And that evil is not caused primarily by the box jellyfish.
14:03 It is caused by human beings
14:07 that are influenced by the serpent.
14:13 Are you listening?
14:14 Let me tell you some stories.
14:17 Let's think about the great tyrants like Stalin,
14:21 Mao Tse Tung, Hitler, Pol Pot in Cambodian.
14:27 When we talk about this,
14:29 we're talking about something far more deadly than T-Rex
14:33 because these people put to death
14:35 hundreds and hundreds
14:37 and hundreds of millions of people.
14:41 Hundreds over a period of time, yes.
14:45 The Russians killed about 70 million.
14:49 The atheists there
14:50 who believe that there's no such thing as God,
14:53 and everything was relative.
14:55 And then the Chinese came along with Mao Tse Tung
14:58 and he killed in a short time period of time 40 million...
15:02 So we're over 100 million.
15:05 So he has become...
15:06 The human being is now the greatest,
15:09 the greatest of all predators.
15:13 I got something here
15:14 that you might be interested in.
15:16 Know what this is?
15:19 This is a spike
15:21 from the Trans-Siberian railway line
15:25 along which I have traveled.
15:26 Now they didn't cover it with gold.
15:28 But I got a number of these and I brought back...
15:31 some of these back to America.
15:33 And because I wanted to put it on my desk,
15:36 so I would never, never, never forget
15:39 what happens to the human race
15:40 when man denies the existence of God.
15:44 This is a spike,
15:46 along the Trans-Siberian railway line,
15:50 tens of millions of ordinary people
15:53 like you and me travel to their deaths.
15:57 Why?
15:58 One great philosopher said,
16:00 listen to this, he said,
16:02 "God died in the 19th century
16:05 and man died in the 20th century."
16:08 Another man said, quite aptly,
16:10 this is true, he said,
16:11 "The death of God
16:13 always leads to the death of man."
16:16 And so if there is no creator, there is really no human being.
16:23 And so we see the deaths and the deaths of millions.
16:26 So there is evil in the world,
16:28 and this evil comes from a being.
16:32 I want you to notice the text over here in Matthew 13.
16:35 This is quite an astounding text.
16:38 Matthew 13, dear hearts and gentle people,
16:42 Matthew 13:24-27.
16:46 Now please listen up. I want you to hear this.
16:50 "Another parable he put forth to them saying,
16:55 "The kingdom of heaven is like a man
16:56 who sowed good seed in his field,
16:59 but while men slept,
17:03 his enemy came and sewed tares
17:05 among the wheat and went his way.
17:06 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop,
17:09 then the tares also appeared."
17:13 "So the servants of the owner came and said to him,
17:16 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field?
17:20 How then does it have tares?' "
17:23 And verse 28, says,
17:25 "He said to them, 'An enemy, '"
17:29 are you listening,
17:30 "'An enemy has done this.' "
17:32 So don't blame the Creator.
17:35 Don't blame Christ. Don't blame God.
17:40 Jesus said, "No, no, no, don't blame the master."
17:43 He said, "An enemy has done this."
17:46 And so there is a fearsome enemy
17:49 at loose on Planet Earth.
17:52 And he is the originator of evil.
17:55 I want you to know this.
17:57 a supernatural being who preceded this planet,
18:01 the enemy of God and man, an enemy has done this.
18:11 But listen to this.
18:12 But there is also good in the world.
18:18 And this good goes back to a source.
18:22 There's good in the world.
18:23 I want you to just think about this for a moment.
18:25 I want you to think.
18:27 You're thinking. Are you listening?
18:29 I want you to think of a baby's smile.
18:35 I want you to think of a mother's love.
18:38 I want you to think
18:40 of the self-sacrificing love of a good person
18:44 my Father Kolbe.
18:47 Father Kolbe was a Roman Catholic priest
18:50 at Auschwitz.
18:51 The Nazis who also derided
18:54 the concept of a loving Creator God
18:56 and who believed in the concept of Germany first
19:00 and becoming a super race...
19:05 they were killing people by the thousands
19:07 and by the millions.
19:09 And there was a man being led away to the slaughter
19:12 and he cried out,
19:13 "My wife and my children...
19:14 Who will take care of my wife and my children?"
19:18 And Father Kolbe,
19:19 who was a Roman Catholic priest said,
19:21 "I will take his place."
19:23 Now the evolutionist has got a problem here
19:26 because this is self-sacrificing love.
19:29 He's not doing it...
19:31 This Roman Catholic priest is not doing it
19:34 with some personal reason
19:36 whereby he's going to be better.
19:38 No, no, no.
19:40 Self-sacrificing love, where does it come from?
19:43 Then they were the born fools in the Russian death camps.
19:47 Now I've been to Russia 49 times.
19:50 I have visited some of these terrible places in Siberia.
19:54 There was a group of Baptist Christians.
19:58 And when the communists were beating up
20:00 and torturing some atheists,
20:02 and that person
20:03 would be compulsively cursing and swearing,
20:08 the Baptist would step up and say,
20:10 beat us instead, beat us instead.
20:13 The communist said,
20:14 "Why should we beat you instead?"
20:16 And they said,
20:18 "Because when you beat up one of your fellow atheists,
20:21 poison and hatred is poured out into the world.
20:25 But when beat treat us, we are going to,
20:27 we're going to praise the name of God,
20:29 even though we are in terrible pain,
20:31 we will praise the name of God."
20:33 And so the communists called them born fools.
20:39 They were God's people.
20:41 And they were reflecting a love
20:43 that is not found naturally in the human heart.
20:47 It comes from the Creator God.
20:50 There's lots of good in the world,
20:52 more good than bad.
20:54 I think when I was in Sydney,
20:55 I left my little bag
20:57 containing my passport and all of my papers.
21:00 And this is a really dumb thing to do.
21:02 I tell you, I've done some dumb things.
21:03 I had my passport. I had my wallet.
21:05 I had my credit cards. I had my cash.
21:08 I was trying to get on the plane.
21:09 Oh, don't have a passport.
21:11 I've lost it.
21:13 I can't even make a phone call.
21:15 I've got everything in that bag.
21:17 I mean, how dumb can you get?
21:21 Just before the plane was due to leaving,
21:23 it was United,
21:25 the attendant at the desk,
21:27 waving her arm
21:28 and I came running over she said,
21:30 a young couple brought you your bag.
21:33 They went through your money.
21:35 They found out that you were flying United.
21:37 They found your ticket.
21:41 I don't know who they are.
21:44 Never met them.
21:45 Can't give them a reward.
21:47 They will get it one day.
21:48 What I'm trying to tell you
21:50 is that there is more good than bad in the world.
21:53 A friend of mine went to Russia,
21:54 a close friend of mine.
21:56 He was sick. He got the flu.
21:58 Never been to Russia before.
22:00 He was not a young man.
22:01 He got so sick he went and lay down on a park bench.
22:05 A Russian came along and took off his overcoat,
22:08 his coat and he covered up my friend.
22:12 Where does it come from?
22:14 This impulse to help others.
22:18 So I say there's more good than evil in the world.
22:21 Look at the beauty of the redwoods.
22:23 How can you look at these beautiful trees?
22:25 Look at the beauty of the redwoods.
22:28 Go to Yosemite.
22:29 No other place like it in the world, Yosemite,
22:32 look at the roses, look at the sunsets,
22:34 look at the waves breaking
22:36 and realize that good originates in a good person
22:39 who created the world.
22:43 So now I asked this question.
22:45 So please think this through
22:47 because we're dealing with issues.
22:48 This is not baby stuff.
22:51 This isn't a baby talk.
22:52 I want you to think about this.
22:54 What is God like?
22:58 Well, the Bible teaches that God is the Creator,
23:01 He's powerful, He's self-existence.
23:03 He has a name in the scriptures.
23:05 And this name is overwhelmingly awesome.
23:09 The name of Almighty God in the Scriptures is Yahweh.
23:14 The self-existent, the Almighty God.
23:19 The person who could speak the universe into existence,
23:22 what a big God.
23:24 And the Bible teaches
23:27 that this self-existent God became a man
23:29 to rescue us from the serpent.
23:32 Believe it or not, it's the truth.
23:35 His name is Jesus,
23:36 totally loving, totally understanding,
23:39 totally good, totally pure.
23:41 When it came to this earth, the self-existent God,
23:44 Yahweh Elohim,
23:46 when this Almighty God became a man on occasions,
23:50 the religious leaders dragged up some poor woman
23:53 they'd caught in the act of adultery.
23:55 They were the adulterers, of course,
23:57 these humbugs and these hypocrites.
24:01 And Jesus protected her, He took her aside.
24:05 He's been taking the side of women ever since.
24:08 And He said, "He who is without sin,
24:10 let him be the first to cast a stone at her."
24:13 So what is this God like?
24:15 This almighty Yahweh Elohim
24:18 who made the universe has a super, super, super enemy
24:24 whose name is the serpent.
24:30 He's a very, very good person.
24:33 He's a very kind person.
24:39 But listen, there is...
24:41 Are you listening to me?
24:43 There is a sinister originator of evil.
24:48 You better believe it, friend.
24:50 You better believe it.
24:52 This is not just talk.
24:55 If you turn to Isaiah 14:12-14,
24:59 this goes back to primordial days,
25:03 back before we were even thought of,
25:06 back before Planet Earth.
25:08 It says, "How you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, "
25:12 there's his name.
25:14 "Son of the morning!
25:15 How you were cut down to the ground,
25:17 who weakened the nations.
25:20 For you have said in your heart, "I..."
25:22 He had I trouble.
25:23 "I will ascend into heaven,
25:25 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,
25:27 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
25:31 on the farthest side of the north.
25:34 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
25:38 I will be like the Most High."
25:42 Please listen to this.
25:45 There was a supernatural being next to God.
25:50 But somehow something got inside him
25:54 and he changed from being
25:56 a star to the serpent.
26:01 We're talking today about the origin of evil,
26:04 about the great controversy.
26:08 And we'll be back
26:09 with more information in a moment.
26:25 Hi, friend.
26:26 I'm John Carter overseas, locked up in a hotel,
26:30 outside in the hallway,
26:32 there are police to make sure
26:35 that we don't break this dreadful quarantine
26:38 because of COVID.
26:40 Everything has changed.
26:42 The Carter Report goes on,
26:44 and we continue to preach the gospel around the world.
26:47 By the grace of God, we continue to do evangelism.
26:51 But listen,
26:53 we need your support as never before.
26:55 We desperately need your help
26:58 to continue to preach the gospel in India
27:02 and other countries
27:03 that are desperately needing Christ.
27:06 My friend, please hear this urgent appeal.
27:10 Write to me at the address on the screen.
27:12 We need your help now during this pandemic.
27:16 Christ is coming.
27:18 We need to preach the word.
27:20 Please write to me.
27:21 In Jesus' name, amen.
27:26 You can now find The Carter Report
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28:29 For a copy of today's program,
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28:48 This program is made possible
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28:53 We thank you for your continued support.
28:56 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2020-11-23