Carter Report, The

My Heroes and What They Taught Me Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002036S

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:24 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:29 My Heroes and What They Taught Me,
00:33 a personal message from John Carter.
00:39 Hi, friend. I'm John Carter.
00:40 Welcome to the Carter Report.
00:42 This is part two of this tremendous program
00:45 on Heroes and What They Taught Me.
00:49 I was telling you folks a few months ago
00:51 about the Soviet Union
00:52 and the terrible things that happened to believers
00:55 in the days of the Soviet Union.
00:58 I've been to Russia 49 times.
01:00 In the Soviet Union, this is true,
01:02 tens of millions of believers and dissidents
01:06 died in the Soviet Union.
01:08 You can read about this in the Gulag Archipelago
01:11 by that other great hero,
01:13 Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
01:16 a great Christian, great hero, like Paul the prisoner.
01:21 In the first segment,
01:23 I told you about Paul the prisoner
01:24 who did some translation work for me.
01:26 He was thrown into one of these hellholes.
01:29 His teeth fell out,
01:32 they put him in this refrigerator cell,
01:35 they'd freeze him, then they'd warm him up,
01:37 beat him.
01:38 You know why?
01:40 They did it for one reason, my friend,
01:41 because this man would not inform
01:44 like others did on the church members.
01:47 He was a man of courage and a man of great integrity.
01:52 I'm just overwhelmed when I think
01:54 of some of these great friends of mine.
01:57 Then there was the pastor from Chernobyl.
02:02 God bless his soul.
02:05 Chernobyl, it was an awful meltdown
02:08 caused by great criminality and great ineptitude,
02:13 but it also showed great courage.
02:16 We saw children who were the product
02:18 of the meltdown at Chernobyl.
02:21 Beverly visited the orphanages where she saw
02:25 not just healthy little children
02:27 but she saw lots of poor little deformed babies,
02:30 the product of the meltdown
02:31 that occurred on April 26, 1986.
02:36 There were many heroes that day.
02:39 The firemen. Thank God for the firemen.
02:41 They went in there and they fought the flames,
02:43 no protective clothing.
02:45 They had to clean up huge concrete blocks
02:48 of radioactive material,
02:49 the pilots who flew the helicopters
02:52 that dropped the concrete on the reactor.
02:55 And all of this, of course,
02:56 was covered up by the communists.
02:59 And sometime later,
03:00 we started up the meetings in Kiev.
03:03 There we saw the glory of God.
03:05 I have never seen anything quite like it.
03:08 We had this tremendous auditorium.
03:11 We had tens of thousands coming to the meetings.
03:14 At one stage we had a crowd of 100,000 people
03:19 standing outside
03:22 because they were so, so hungry for God.
03:27 And one night there came a busload of people
03:29 from the area of Chernobyl from this hellhole.
03:34 I met there a gaunt young pastor.
03:38 He was so skinny.
03:40 He looked so unwell.
03:42 And he was bringing his people every night
03:45 because the people, unlike us, were hungry for God.
03:50 I said to him, "Why are you staying there?
03:51 This is going to kill you, young man.
03:53 Don't you know this is going to kill you?"
03:55 He said, listen to these words.
03:57 He said, "I cannot leave my people."
04:00 He said, "I cannot leave my people.
04:02 I'm their pastor."
04:04 I don't know his name, but he's an unsung hero.
04:07 God knows his name.
04:10 If the Bible were written today,
04:12 he would be in Hebrews Chapter 11.
04:15 Hebrews 11 talks about so great a cloud of witnesses.
04:21 You know, I've seen and I've met
04:23 some of the greatest people on the face of this earth.
04:27 And they've touched my life.
04:29 Then there was the police captain
04:32 in the city of Kiev.
04:34 The meetings were so successful
04:37 that the Minister of religion for the government order
04:39 that the meetings be closed down.
04:41 I was brought to town hall
04:43 and threatened and interrogated.
04:45 They said to me,
04:46 "You're ordered to close down the meetings."
04:48 I said one word that I knew very well yet.
04:51 Nyet, no. We're not going to do it.
04:53 I said, "You got to do it."
04:54 I said, "No, "
04:56 that was one word they hadn't heard before.
04:57 They hadn't had a pastor say to them
05:00 in their faces, "No, no, no.
05:02 What don't you understand about that?"
05:05 But we could not hold meetings without a police presence.
05:08 That was the law.
05:09 So the minister of religion ordered the police
05:11 to stop protecting us and to withdraw.
05:14 So they did.
05:15 Therefore,
05:17 we were going to be forced out of the city,
05:19 out of Ukraine.
05:20 Then Pastor Murga,
05:22 watch the first part of this program,
05:25 Pastor Murga and his team took to the streets,
05:27 they found a police captain from outside the city.
05:31 He said, "I've heard about these meetings,
05:33 I will bring my officers
05:36 and we will patrol the meetings."
05:39 I don't know his name, but he was a hero.
05:41 He put his life on the line for us.
05:44 Under God, he helped to save the meetings
05:46 that resulted in thousands of souls
05:49 being baptized.
05:51 I wish I could tell you his name,
05:52 but I can't
05:54 because he's one of God's great heroes,
05:56 along with Pastor Murga and Mrs. Murga.
05:59 We received messages from overseas,
06:02 telling us to get home and to close down the meetings.
06:05 We said to them, "Nyet, nyet, no.
06:08 What don't you understand about no?
06:10 We will not forsake Christ."
06:14 Now these people over there in Russia and Ukraine,
06:17 they stood up against the authorities
06:19 were the real heroes.
06:20 Their names are recorded in history,
06:24 along with the director of the Kyiv, Palace of Sport.
06:31 He was given an ultimatum by the government,
06:34 "Close down Carter's meetings."
06:37 He said, "No."
06:39 He said, "I'd like listening to him.
06:42 He's blessing my soul.
06:45 The meetings will continue at the risk of life and limb."
06:49 He said no, he had courage.
06:52 I wish I knew his name.
06:55 I don't.
06:57 But I want to tell you something, God knows it.
07:00 He's one of God's unsung heroes.
07:02 God has got a big family, my friend.
07:06 Another one of my heroes, Dr. Julia Outkina.
07:11 Sister of Dr. Barth Nemstov, who was murdered not long ago,
07:15 I met her, my friend, in the Governor's Palace.
07:19 The governor had invited me to the Kremlin.
07:22 And I was talking to the governor
07:24 and explaining to him the truths of the Bible.
07:27 And Danny Shelton was there standing with me to support me.
07:32 Thank God, I had some supporters.
07:36 And then I had this big bunch of letters,
07:39 showing them to the governor.
07:41 And we took the letter off the top
07:43 and we started to read it.
07:46 And the governor said, he went white, he said,
07:49 "That's my sister, that's Julia."
07:52 And just then
07:53 there was a knocking on the door in the palace.
07:55 And in came Julia.
08:00 God is great.
08:02 And Julia told how she had found Christ
08:05 at the meetings
08:06 and how she had become baptized.
08:09 Now she is the director of 3ABN in Russia.
08:15 Under God, Danny Shelton,
08:17 built the largest Protestant evangelistic meeting,
08:22 the largest Protestant building in all of Russia.
08:25 It was built not by the church organization
08:28 but by a bunch of laypeople who had caught the vision.
08:34 Three Angels' Broadcasting Network
08:36 Cultural Center,
08:38 and Julia is the director.
08:41 And there she's putting out great television programs.
08:43 They're being broadcast, we can't do it anymore.
08:46 But it's being broadcast across Russia.
08:49 It is having a powerful impact for Christ.
08:56 Barth Nemstov's sister, a defender of freedom,
09:01 a lady with courage.
09:06 Recently she's been in hospital.
09:09 But her faith and courage remained steadfast and true.
09:13 She's one of God's heroes.
09:15 She is one of God's unsung heroes.
09:17 We are proud of her.
09:20 Look at Hebrews 11:29, 30, 32.
09:24 Look at this text. Gonna read it to you.
09:26 "By faith they passed through the Red Sea
09:28 as by dry land,
09:30 whereas the Egyptians, attempting to do so,
09:33 were drowned.
09:34 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down
09:37 after they were encircled for seven days.
09:39 What more shall I say?
09:41 The time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak
09:45 and Samson and Jephthah,
09:47 also of David and Samuel and the prophets."
09:50 Listen to me.
09:51 With God, you can do the impossible.
09:55 Where's your faith?
09:57 People say, "That can't happen anymore."
10:00 My friend, where's your faith?
10:01 Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
10:06 And this lady, this Russian lady Julia,
10:09 she's got faith, steadfast, courageous and true,
10:14 like the old pastor in St. Petersburg.
10:17 This is one of the great stories.
10:19 We ran a great city-wide campaign
10:21 in St. Petersburg,
10:22 in this great auditorium, biggest hall in town.
10:26 That's why we hired it.
10:28 It had been called Leningrad.
10:29 Dr. Julia has a PhD from Leningrad University.
10:33 I visited Leningrad around December, 1994,
10:36 the urgent request of the Christians there.
10:39 One evening, I sat with a group of pastors,
10:43 and I was eating food with them,
10:45 breaking bread
10:46 with the Russian brothers and sisters,
10:48 they gave me pancakes also,
10:49 the best pancakes you ever tasted,
10:52 anywhere in the world with real cream,
10:55 but we won't talk about that now
10:56 because those pancakes are not real good for you,
10:58 but they taste great.
11:00 I was sitting beside an old pastor.
11:03 He told me the story, it went back to about 1938
11:06 when communism had the nation by the throat,
11:12 and Christians especially.
11:15 He told how his father was taken away
11:17 by the KGB.
11:19 Never saw him again,
11:20 even though every day they would take gifts
11:23 and they take food
11:25 so they could keep these people alive.
11:28 But that night,
11:29 the communists seized 30,000 dissidents,
11:33 pastors, intellectuals,
11:35 doctors, philosophers, scientists,
11:37 and they dug a great big pit
11:40 and they threw into that pit still alive,
11:43 30,000 dissidents,
11:45 Have you ever been a dissident, my friend?
11:47 Have you ever thought of yourself?
11:49 Have you ever stood up
11:51 against the tyranny of the crowd?
11:53 Have you ever stood up against unjust authority?
11:57 In America, we believe in freedom of speech
11:59 and freedom of religion,
12:01 and freedom to think differently.
12:03 We are not caller
12:05 to simply go along with the crowd.
12:08 Did you know this
12:09 that conformity produces mediocrity?
12:13 And so these people were thrown into the pit,
12:16 and then they were shot to death.
12:19 And then the son took the father's place.
12:22 It was a son to whom I was speaking,
12:25 he told me of this story.
12:27 He said, "Please come and preach the Word of God."
12:32 He is one of God's unsung heroes,
12:34 so is his wife.
12:37 The Bible says
12:38 the World was not worthy of them,
12:40 says that in Hebrews 11.
12:42 No one knows about them.
12:43 You're not going to read about these people on
12:46 in the newspapers or anything else.
12:48 You're not going to see them on television.
12:50 But their names are written down and glory.
12:54 They're forgotten and recognized
12:56 and acknowledged.
12:57 But let me tell you something.
12:59 When Jesus comes,
13:00 they're going to shine like the stars
13:04 for forever and ever.
13:06 They are the people who count
13:10 because of their integrity, honesty, courage.
13:14 That's what I learned from these people.
13:15 What about you?
13:17 Are you just going along with the crowd
13:19 or are you standing up for the truth?
13:22 Then it was the pastor in Siberia.
13:26 And this is a great story.
13:28 We hide a whole carriage
13:30 or whole car on the Trans-Siberian Express.
13:34 They painted it in the colors of Russia for us.
13:38 And we had this whole carriage or car to ourselves.
13:41 And we took a team right across Russia,
13:44 in the middle of winter,
13:46 from Moscow to Vladivostok in places -40.
13:49 And every time we came to a town or city
13:52 or a hamlet,
13:54 when the train stopped,
13:55 we got out and set up a big PA system.
13:58 And we had thousands of Bibles,
14:00 tens of thousands of audio tapes,
14:03 medicines,
14:04 and the people had been told beforehand,
14:07 "The Carter team is coming."
14:09 And so they were there to meet us
14:10 and I'd be preaching at 2:00 in the morning,
14:13 4"00 in the morning, 6:00 in the morning, - 40.
14:17 And meeting some of the best people
14:19 on the face of the earth, Heroes for God.
14:23 You see, hardship makes heroes, hardship makes heroes.
14:28 A soft lifestyle makes soft people.
14:32 But then we got to one big town.
14:34 There's no one there, not a soul.
14:37 So we looked around, no one there.
14:39 Hey, they couldn't have got the message.
14:41 Then we saw a lonely figure standing by himself.
14:45 My team, one of the Russians, ran up to him said...
14:49 talked in Russian.
14:51 Yeah, I'm the pastor. Where's the church?
14:54 He said we got the time mixed up apparently.
14:56 I've been standing here for 24 hours
14:58 and the church members, when nighttime came,
15:01 they went home.
15:04 I don't know his name, but he was a hero.
15:06 He stood there on the railway track
15:09 for 24 hours,
15:10 we gave him Bibles, we hugged him,
15:12 we gave him medicines, we gave him the tapes.
15:16 We hugged him
15:17 and blessed him in the name of God,
15:19 we prayed with him.
15:20 I don't know his name.
15:23 But what a pastor,
15:26 what a soldier, what a hero.
15:32 His name is written down in glory,
15:34 the Bible says,
15:35 of whom the world was not worthy.
15:38 Hear what I'm telling you folks,
15:40 the Bible says,
15:41 of whom the world was not worthy,
15:43 the world was not worthy of these people.
15:47 The world was not worthy of a Paul the prisoner.
15:51 The world was not worthy of Pastor Mrs. Murga.
15:54 And Pastor Kulikov.
15:57 These people who were beaten up and threatened
16:00 and persecuted for their faith.
16:04 And then other people,
16:05 you know, I've met so many of them.
16:08 These people of courage and integrity,
16:12 who were thrown into prison, you think, Paul the prisoner,
16:16 put in this refrigerator cell, frozen up and then warmed up,
16:20 frozen up, warmed up.
16:21 You know why?
16:22 Because he wouldn't inform
16:24 on his brothers and his sisters.
16:26 That's why, because he had courage.
16:31 Of whom the world was not worthy.
16:33 What am I learned from these heroes?
16:35 I've learned, my friend,
16:39 I've learned this that the darker the night,
16:44 the brighter the stars,
16:47 and that God is sufficient
16:49 for all of our trials and tribulations.
16:53 And Paul the prisoner now is working for prisoners,
16:57 lots of prisoners still in the Russian system.
16:59 He's there working for the prisoners,
17:01 you've got all sorts of diseases
17:03 in those places.
17:05 He goes, there he goes, because he's a man.
17:11 I'm going to tell you now about the old Chinese pastor.
17:15 This is quite an amazing story.
17:19 Little while back,
17:21 I had the privilege of speaking to the pastors
17:23 from the inland of China,
17:25 I was invited to go to Hong Kong.
17:28 These were the people
17:29 that I had the privilege of meeting.
17:31 Some of the Carter Report team came with me.
17:35 Well, you know, folks,
17:39 we're sort of living in a bubble here.
17:42 When you tell people
17:44 in this part of the world and in Australia,
17:46 about these heroes,
17:47 they look at you dumbfounded
17:49 that you know that like, just not taking in,
17:52 I can understand it.
17:55 You see, these people know what, it is
17:58 to suffer for Christ.
18:01 I met these young women there
18:05 who are looking after big churches,
18:07 tens of thousands of people.
18:11 An old pastor that told me the story,
18:14 I'm going to share it a bit with you.
18:19 The old pastor told me about the communist...
18:21 When I say the old pastor, he's about my age, I guess.
18:25 The old pastor told me about the communist revolution
18:28 under Mao Tse-tung.
18:31 You know, what's one big problem
18:32 we have in America
18:34 and other places like Australia today?
18:36 People don't know anything about history.
18:40 They're completely dumb on history.
18:44 When you talk about Mao Tse-tung
18:47 and the great leap forward and the great revolution
18:50 that happened in China,
18:52 they'd look at you as though you're crazy
18:55 because they just don't know any.
18:56 Don't they teach these things in the schools anymore?
18:59 When you talk about,
19:00 when I tell people about Stalin and Lenin,
19:05 and the terrible things
19:06 that the atheists and the communists did.
19:10 People today, how can they support communism?
19:13 How can they support atheism?
19:16 When we know what atheism did?
19:17 It killed tens of millions. No, no, no.
19:22 When I was in Russia
19:23 after the collapse of the Soviet Union,
19:27 some scholars, they told me the communists in Russia
19:29 had killed at least 70 million people.
19:34 You see, the death of God
19:35 always leads to the death of man.
19:37 In America today, God is dying in some places,
19:40 and you can see what's happening.
19:43 You can see what's happening.
19:45 The crime, the terrible things that are happening.
19:51 And in China, well, those people,
19:55 they're like Mao Tse-tung.
19:57 They followed Stalin.
20:00 Yeah.
20:02 Mao, as he's called,
20:03 and the communists hordes murdered 45 million people
20:10 within a few years.
20:11 Hey, 45 million,
20:13 that's more than everybody in California being killed,
20:16 it's like,
20:17 two Australias being killed in a few years.
20:23 Thousands, tens of thousands every day,
20:26 just murdering them.
20:28 That's what atheism does.
20:29 When you get away from God, it's hell and hell and hell.
20:35 In those days,
20:37 when people were starving to death,
20:40 because of the policies of this rotten evil government,
20:45 if a child, a little child stole a potato,
20:51 the penalty was
20:52 that the parents had to tie him up
20:53 and throw him into a pond and watch him drown.
20:57 The little kid starving to death.
21:00 Other parents were forced to bury their children alive.
21:04 Listen, let's be plain about this.
21:06 Let's not be foolish about this.
21:08 Let's get the facts about this.
21:10 The death of God
21:12 always leads to the death of man.
21:14 Somebody said, God died in the 19th century.
21:19 And man died in the 20th century
21:21 with the deaths of millions,
21:23 thanks to Darwinism and the teachings of Nietzsche.
21:28 But that's another subject.
21:29 You need to read up on these things.
21:31 Listen.
21:33 So this pastor I'm talking about
21:36 was arrested for preaching.
21:39 Wasn't getting paid, but he still kept preaching.
21:41 A preacher will keep on preaching
21:43 whether he's paid or not.
21:46 That's how you can tell the difference.
21:50 He was thrown in prison for 10 years.
21:51 He told me the story, the starvation, the beatings.
21:55 Where would he sleep?
21:57 On concrete, sometimes out in the rain.
22:00 The floggings, the beatings, why?
22:02 Because he followed Christ.
22:04 In his mind, he had the texts of the Bible,
22:07 what about you?
22:08 And so when they were trying to interrogate him
22:10 and brainwash him,
22:11 he was recalling the texts of the Bible.
22:15 With God, we can do all things.
22:19 Then he was released after 10 years
22:20 into an indoctrination prison for another 10 years.
22:24 He said it was worse because the beatings got worse.
22:28 More readings
22:30 from The Little Red Book of Mao Tse-tung.
22:34 But he kept praying and recalling
22:35 the texts of the Bible.
22:37 After 20 years he was released.
22:39 He's a hero.
22:40 Look at Hebrews 11:32-34.
22:43 Hebrews 11:32-34.
22:46 "What more shall I say?
22:47 For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak
22:51 and Samson and Jephthah,
22:53 also of David and Samuel and the prophets,
22:56 who through faith subdued kingdoms,
22:59 worked righteousness, obtained promises,
23:01 stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire,
23:05 escaped the edge of the sword,
23:08 out of weakness were made strong,
23:10 became valiant in battle,
23:12 turned to flight the armies of the aliens."
23:15 With God's help, you can do the impossible,
23:19 and you can be a hero for God.
23:22 Will you believe it?
23:23 I ask you.
23:26 And so that's the story of that pastor,
23:28 the Chinese pastor.
23:30 Goodness me.
23:32 God and His heroes today.
23:33 We may not know them, they may be unrecognized,
23:37 but their reward will be great.
23:41 I was tremendously moved when I met these people,
23:43 the pastors, the men, the ladies,
23:47 caring for tens of thousands of souls,
23:51 all God's heroes,
23:52 of whom the world is not worthy today.
23:57 May be unrecognized and unrewarded,
24:00 but I want you to know something about it.
24:02 God knows about it.
24:03 That's what counts, you know?
24:05 You might say, "You know,
24:06 I'm not recognized by the church."
24:07 Well, who cares?
24:09 As long as God recognizes you.
24:11 I'm not recognized by the government,
24:13 who cares?
24:14 As long as Christ knows about you.
24:18 And nothing is lost, and nothing is forgotten.
24:24 So what are some lessons I can learn from my heroes?
24:28 Well, there's grace for every trial.
24:32 Grace, Grace, great grace.
24:37 Amazing Grace.
24:39 Out of great tribulation comes great strength.
24:43 When the fire is hot,
24:47 the steel is refined.
24:51 One of the reasons we've got so much weakness today
24:53 among men and women and all of us
24:55 is because we don't know what tribulation is.
24:58 We become weak people.
25:00 God has His secret heroes, both men and women,
25:06 and the darker the night, the brighter they shine.
25:12 God's greatest heroes I guess
25:14 or some of them are still to come.
25:18 A time of test does not make us weak or strong, remember that.
25:22 It doesn't make us brave or cowardly, good or bad.
25:26 It just reveals what we are,
25:29 and I want you to know, a great, listen to me,
25:34 a great time of test is coming to America
25:36 and to the world.
25:38 We are living in the age of the Apocalypse.
25:42 You better believe it, my friend.
25:46 But God will have his heroes.
25:49 What do we need?
25:50 Well, we need
25:52 a genuine experience with Christ.
25:55 We need to read our Bibles every day.
25:56 You say, "I find it hard."
25:58 Well, just try a bit harder.
26:02 Read the Word, it is written,
26:04 "Man shall not live by bread alone,"
26:06 read the Word.
26:09 We need to escape manmade religion
26:11 with all its palaver, all this talk.
26:15 And I want you to know this.
26:16 Listen to this, with Christ, we become invincible.
26:21 He is all we need, my friend.
26:25 I need nothing else.
26:26 As Martin Luther said, "All men need is Jesus Christ."
26:33 And when I'm by myself
26:34 and I'm forsaken by friends and everybody else,
26:39 and this happens to all of us on occasions,
26:41 I want you to know this,
26:43 all man needs is Jesus Christ
26:49 and His Word.
26:50 It is written,
26:52 "Man shall not live by bread alone."
26:56 And by God's grace,
26:58 you my brother and you my sister,
27:03 you can be a hero for God.
27:08 And the most important thing is this.
27:12 God will know, Amen.
27:21 God created His people in different cultures,
27:24 countries, and in cities around the world.
27:29 He made the human race,
27:31 he made us one people under God.
27:39 At first, when you see someone
27:40 that looks and acts differently than you,
27:44 you may turn away.
27:46 But take your time.
27:48 Look closer.
27:51 You will see that we share the same dreams,
27:56 the same troubles,
28:00 the same world.
28:05 Open your minds and hearts to one another.
28:08 Love each other as He loves us.
28:11 Do this for God, honor His creation,
28:14 and let His love shine through each one of us.
28:24 For a copy of today's program,
28:26 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:29 Thousand Oaks, California,
28:34 or in Australia,
28:35 contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:39 Terrigal, New South Wales, 2260.
28:43 This program is made possible
28:45 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:48 We thank you for your continued support.
28:51 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2020-11-09