Carter Report, The

Holiness: the Big Letdown, and Hearts Strangely Warmed Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002032S

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:24 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:29 Holiness, the big letdown, and hearts strangely warm.
00:34 Now here is John Carter with today's message.
00:39 Hello, friend.
00:40 I'm John Carter
00:41 in the great city of Los Angeles.
00:43 Welcome today to the Carter Report.
00:46 I want you to notice the topic what we're talking about.
00:49 This is the second part of the program,
00:51 Holiness: The big letdown...
00:54 If you get it wrong, it's going to be a big letdown.
00:56 Believe me, Holiness:
00:58 The big letdown and Heart Strangely Warmed.
01:01 We need to have our heart strangely warmed.
01:04 We don't want to end up like little icebergs.
01:07 I want to take you to a text over here
01:09 in the book of Deuteronomy.
01:11 And I'm going to turn, here it is Deuteronomy.
01:13 If you've got your Bible, please go get it.
01:15 Deuteronomy 6:24 and 25.
01:21 I'm going to answer the question.
01:22 Does the Old Testament teach salvation by works,
01:25 by obedience?
01:27 "And the Lord commanded us to observe all these statutes,
01:31 to fear the Lord our God, for our good always,"
01:35 that's saying, if you obey God's laws,
01:37 it's going to be good for you,
01:39 "that He might preserve us alive,
01:41 as it is this day.
01:43 Then it will be righteousness for us,
01:46 if we are careful to observe all these commandments
01:50 before the LORD our God, as He commanded us."
01:53 Well, that text by itself seems to teach righteousness
01:56 or salvation by obedience to the law of God.
02:00 But if you get this wrong,
02:02 then you're going to end up my friend
02:04 sort of like an iceberg.
02:07 You know, we're going to work and work,
02:09 doo-doo-doo cock-a-doodle-doo.
02:11 But I want you to notice this text
02:13 also in the book of Genesis
02:16 because a text without a context
02:19 is a pretext, did you get that?
02:21 Genesis 15:6,
02:25 you got to go by all the texts of the Bible,
02:28 Genesis 15
02:33 and verse, let me see,
02:37 Genesis 15:6, got it right.
02:42 "And he believed in the Lord," this is Abraham,
02:45 "And he believed in the Lord, and He," God,
02:49 "accounted it to him for righteousness."
02:53 That doesn't sound like righteousness by works
02:55 to this pilgrim.
02:57 The Bible says he believed in God,
03:00 and God gave him a gift,
03:02 a total gift of righteousness, not like this,
03:06 we're going to work our way home to heaven
03:09 by keeping the commandments of God,
03:11 that was the doctrine of the Pharisees.
03:14 But it is not the teaching of the Old Testament.
03:18 And it is not the teaching of Jesus our Lord.
03:22 Listen carefully, the Pharisees,
03:26 and they're not dead.
03:28 The Pharisees believed in perfectionism.
03:31 They believe that when Israel
03:33 perfectly kept the law of God,
03:35 Messiah would come,
03:37 that was the alpha
03:39 and the omega of their theology.
03:42 They believe that if they could only keep
03:44 the Lord God perfectly for a little bit of time,
03:48 Messiah would come
03:50 and the Kingdom of God would come.
03:52 Some people still think the same thing.
03:55 Now I say kindly,
03:56 but the Pharisees are still alive today.
04:00 You've probably met some of them.
04:02 They're usually cold, judgmental, legalistic,
04:07 self-righteous,
04:10 very, very proud
04:11 or else they're very, very depressed.
04:13 They're very depressed because I know
04:14 that they're just not cutting it.
04:16 So, you know, they know what they really are.
04:18 They're [moral] icebergs.
04:22 Jesus called them the Pharisees,
04:24 He said Pharisees, hypocrites, just to put on.
04:28 Remember Simon the Pharisee, remember that story, my friend?
04:31 Simon the Pharisee
04:33 and the lady who was a great sinner.
04:36 Why doesn't it say that the men were the great sinners too?
04:38 No, no, no, it's always the lady
04:40 who is the greatest sinner.
04:42 You know the story.
04:43 He'd caused this woman to fall into sin,
04:46 but he was sitting as a judge upon her
04:49 because he considered that his righteousness
04:51 was by his attainment,
04:53 not by Christ's atonement.
04:56 There's a big difference.
04:59 Often their lives are inconsistent.
05:00 I'm talking about the Pharisees.
05:02 They're inconsistent with their speeches.
05:05 Then you know the great story of the woman
05:07 who was caught in adultery.
05:09 The Bible says, in the very act,
05:12 believe me, she's caught.
05:14 How did they catch her in the very act?
05:16 They must have been super spies,
05:19 super religious spies, very pious spies.
05:23 Like, really good at picking up stones.
05:27 But they didn't know about picking up people.
05:29 So they catch this woman.
05:30 And they bring this woman to Jesus,
05:33 to the Pharisees.
05:34 And you know the story.
05:36 Jesus sits down
05:37 and He writes the dirty secrets
05:39 of their dirty little lives in the dust,
05:43 and then they all stink away.
05:46 Jesus said, "Nobody here to condemn you."
05:48 "No, Lord."
05:50 "Neither do I condemn you.
05:51 This is grace.
05:52 Go and sin no more, this is Holiness."
05:57 And so the Bible teaches salvation by grace alone,
06:00 that always leads to holiness.
06:05 The Pharisees said again, "Big on little things.
06:11 Big on little things.
06:13 I like what you wear, big on what you wear,
06:17 little on big things like love, faith and mercy."
06:21 Jesus was big on people and love, and faith, and mercy.
06:26 What about you, my friend?
06:28 What are we big on?
06:30 Are we big on man-made rules and being little Popes
06:35 or do we believe the gospel?
06:38 Do we believe the gospel that teaches
06:41 that salvation is not by my obedience
06:45 but it is through Christ?
06:49 It is through Jesus,
06:53 who died for our sins on the cross.
06:55 Are you listening to me, my friend?
06:59 I'm going to quote one of the greatest exponents
07:01 of the gospel,
07:03 one of the greatest exponents of the gospel in history.
07:06 And that was Martin Luther.
07:09 This might take a little bit of getting,
07:10 so I want you to concentrate.
07:12 Would you do this for me, please?
07:14 I want you to concentrate on this and you might say,
07:16 "I don't believe this.
07:18 This is a heresy."
07:19 Well, I want you, please, just to concentrate.
07:22 Martin Luther said,
07:24 "Mine are Christ's living,
07:29 doing, and speaking.
07:34 Mine are Christ's living, doing, and speaking,
07:38 His suffering and dying,
07:41 just as much as if I had lived,
07:45 done, spoken, suffered, and died as He did."
07:51 That's the gospel.
07:54 Everything that Christ was
07:55 and everything that Christ did is given to me as a gift.
08:01 This is grace.
08:03 This is God's mercy.
08:05 It is not infused in me.
08:08 Justification is not an infusing of righteousness.
08:12 It is a declaration.
08:15 And because of the merits of Jesus Christ,
08:19 God gives to me as a gift
08:23 His perfect righteousness.
08:26 He said, "No, no, I can't believe
08:27 it's too good to be true."
08:29 That's why it's called, my friend, the gospel.
08:32 And the word gospel as you know,
08:35 it means good news.
08:39 Hey, please listen to me.
08:43 News.
08:44 News is about what somebody has already done.
08:48 You get it? It's not advice.
08:51 If I'm giving you advice today, I'm not giving you good news.
08:55 But the good news is about somebody
08:57 who has already done something in time and space.
09:02 And the gospel is the good news
09:03 that the Almighty created God became a man,
09:06 and it came down to this earth.
09:08 And He perfectly kept the law of God,
09:11 the only person who ever had since Adam,
09:15 and He went to the cross and paid the price of our sins.
09:19 And if we truly believe in Him, God gives to us as a gift.
09:24 It is true, He gives to us
09:26 as a gift His righteousness.
09:32 Good news indeed.
09:34 Now come over with me here
09:35 to the book of Romans Chapter 3.
09:37 A lot of people say,
09:38 "I can't understand the book of Romans."
09:39 Well, my friend,
09:41 you better learn to understand it
09:42 because it's probably the greatest book in the Bible
09:46 on the gospel.
09:48 Tyndale, the British reformer, said,
09:50 "Good, glad, and merry tidings
09:51 that makes a man's heart to sing for joy
09:53 and his feet to dance."
09:55 So let me read it to you,
09:56 Romans 3:21 and think about this place.
10:02 "But now," 21,
10:05 "the righteousness of God
10:06 apart from the law is revealed,
10:09 being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets."
10:12 This righteousness doesn't come
10:14 because of my success in keeping the law of God.
10:19 It doesn't come because of my attainment,
10:22 it becomes
10:23 because of His atonement on the cross.
10:26 You get it.
10:27 Romans Chapter 3, ask God to open your mind.
10:31 A lot of people have no idea about this, verse 22,
10:34 "Even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ,
10:38 to all and on all..."
10:40 Who works very hard. No, no, no, why?
10:44 If you don't think that's in the Bible,
10:45 then why do you act like this?
10:48 "To all and on all who believe.
10:51 For there is no difference, for all have sinned,"
10:54 verse 23,
10:55 "and fall short of the glory of God,"
10:56 we are all sinners, you're a sinner,
10:59 I'm a sinner,
11:00 we are falling short of the glory of God.
11:02 None of us are good enough to be saved.
11:04 Verse 24,
11:06 "Being justified freely by His grace
11:08 through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
11:11 When it talks about being justified,
11:12 it doesn't mean to make you righteous.
11:14 It means that God,
11:16 on the basis of Christ's death for our sins,
11:19 declares that we are righteous.
11:22 It is a declaration,
11:23 which is legally placed in my account in heaven.
11:28 God says, "This man is now accounted righteous,
11:33 not because he's good enough
11:36 but because Christ is good enough."
11:39 This is why the cross is so important.
11:42 That is why so much of the Bible
11:44 is about the cross
11:46 because the cross teaches not by law,
11:49 in fact, it doesn't say the law is abolished
11:51 because the law can never be abolished.
11:53 The law is eternal.
11:54 But the Bible says, "We are dead to the law."
11:57 You say, "Where does the Bible say that?"
11:59 Oh, if I could only get you to read the Bible, my friend,
12:02 going to come over here to Romans Chapter 6.
12:05 Now I've had folks say,
12:07 "Look, I've read through the book of Romans,
12:08 I can't understand it,"
12:10 I say to you, keep trying.
12:12 Keep trying,
12:14 put the little gray cells to work.
12:16 Ask God for a supernatural revelation,
12:18 He'll give it to you.
12:20 God will give you a supernatural revelation,
12:22 if you seek Him.
12:23 Romans 6:6-8.
12:30 This text most folks don't understand.
12:34 "Knowing this,
12:35 that our old man was crucified with Him,
12:39 that the body of sin might be done away with that
12:41 we should no longer be slaves of sin,"
12:44 who wants to be a slave?
12:46 "For he who has died has been freed from sin."
12:49 Hey, would you please read that again?
12:52 "For he who has died has been freed from sin.
12:55 Now if we died with Christ,
12:56 we believe
12:58 that we should also live with Him."
12:59 The Bible says that we have died with Christ.
13:03 What on earth is the text talking about
13:05 when it says that we have died with Christ?
13:08 The Apostle Paul in the book of Romans
13:10 says that when Christ died,
13:11 He died for the whole wide world.
13:16 Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
13:18 Of course, you were there.
13:20 I was there, we were all there.
13:24 And when Christ died, the Bible says,
13:28 "I was crucified."
13:33 And the Lord cannot condemn a dead man.
13:38 You hear this?
13:39 The Lord cannot condemn me
13:41 because Christ died for my sins on the cross.
13:47 I want you to see this.
13:49 The devil doesn't want you to see this.
13:50 The devil wants you to be confused.
13:52 The devil wants you the think
13:53 that the law has done away with,
13:54 the devil wants you to think that you've got to be perfect
13:57 before you can be saved.
13:59 This is not so.
14:01 Christ died
14:02 because the law could not be abolished.
14:08 And if you truly believe in Him,
14:12 the Bible says you are justified
14:15 or declared righteous.
14:18 And don't get this idea of infused righteousness,
14:21 like our beloved friends
14:22 in the Roman Catholic Church teach.
14:25 We believe that God changes the heart
14:27 but that is the fruitage of the gift of salvation.
14:33 Do you get it?
14:35 You know the story about the prodigal son
14:38 and the father?
14:39 You know the story.
14:41 Here's the great painting by the great Rembrandt.
14:45 Look up here.
14:46 Not hard to guess who this guy is.
14:48 This is a Pharisee.
14:50 The old father is God and the bad boy,
14:54 he's you and me.
14:57 When we come to ourselves and when we come to ourselves,
15:00 we come back to the Father and the Father doesn't say,
15:04 "Hey, you stinker, the pig pen,
15:05 you're covered in filth."
15:07 You know what the Father does?
15:08 The Father puts a robe around him,
15:11 the robe of God's own righteousness
15:14 and he says, "Come home, my boy."
15:17 Puts a ring on his finger. Imagine that.
15:19 He puts sandals on his feet, and he says, "Come home."
15:24 The boy is saved
15:26 when the Father puts his arms around him.
15:28 If you want to be saved,
15:30 let the Father today put His arms around you.
15:33 Don't think you're going to get home
15:34 to heaven
15:36 by climbing up
15:37 the quaking sides of Mount Sinai,
15:39 friend, that is the doctrine of the Pharisees.
15:43 We get home through Calvary.
15:47 I can never be good enough.
15:49 Only God is good enough.
15:52 That's why Christ came.
15:54 I heard this as a boy, at Avondale College.
15:57 I heard it in a big evangelistic campaign
15:59 down in Sydney.
16:01 I heard it preached by a great, great American preacher,
16:05 HMS Richards.
16:07 I heard it, I heard the true gospel.
16:10 Thank God I heard the true gospel
16:12 or else I would have been filled
16:13 with despair,
16:15 I would have been in darkness,
16:16 I would have been a legalist, I would have been a Pharisee.
16:20 And I would have had no peace.
16:22 If you don't understand the gospel,
16:24 you're going to have a big letdown.
16:26 If you think you can be saved by your own works,
16:28 even with God's help.
16:30 If you think you can be saved by obedience,
16:32 if you think you can be saved
16:33 because somehow you become sinless,
16:35 that is a delusion.
16:39 He said to me, "What am I going to..."
16:40 I say read the Bible, try reading the Bible.
16:43 People say, "I don't want to read."
16:45 Well, you're not going to get the truth unless you read it.
16:47 You say, "I find it a bit hard."
16:49 Well, try harder to read it.
16:51 You're not to say
16:52 because you're doing something which is hard,
16:55 but the most important gifts in life are hard to attain.
17:00 That's why I read my Bible every day.
17:02 I try to practice what I preach.
17:05 Then what is a cult?
17:07 Well, I've heard some colleague preaching
17:09 about how great we are.
17:12 The gospel is not about how great we are.
17:14 It's about how great God is.
17:15 I don't want a sermon about our church organization.
17:18 I've heard enough of that stuff.
17:20 I want a sermon about Jesus
17:22 because the church organization cannot save me.
17:25 You hear this?
17:27 You don't believe that?
17:28 It's because you're not believing the Bible.
17:31 Whatever gets your attention gets you.
17:33 Remember this, if Christ gets your attention,
17:35 Christ will get you.
17:36 If your sins get your attention,
17:38 your sin will get you.
17:39 If people get your attention, they'll get you.
17:42 If fear gets your attention, that fear will get you.
17:49 HMS Richards, when he was just a boy,
17:53 he was always teasing his brother
17:56 to the point of distraction.
17:57 His mother said, "Don't do it, Harold."
17:59 He said,
18:00 "I'll never do it again, Mother."
18:02 But of course, two minutes later,
18:03 he was doing it.
18:05 His brother was screaming, crying, and his mother said,
18:08 "I want you to go down to the creek
18:10 and get a big, big stick
18:12 because no good my beating you,
18:14 you got to beat me because I must have failed."
18:18 He said, "I can't beat you mother."
18:22 But he went down to the creek
18:23 about six or seven times until he got a big rod.
18:25 Then his mother bared her back and said,
18:28 "Harold, beat me."
18:30 He said, "I can't beat you, Mother."
18:31 "Beat me, Harold."
18:34 So he tried to, but he couldn't hit.
18:36 He loved his mother.
18:39 But in the end,
18:40 when she saw that he take it no longer
18:43 and he was breaking down,
18:44 she put her arm around him
18:47 and told him the story
18:49 of how Christ was beaten for us.
18:54 The innocent was beaten for the guilty with the guilty
18:59 for the guilty that bring us to God.
19:01 That's when this great preacher whom I have always admired,
19:06 the founder of the Voice of Prophecy
19:07 became a saved Christian.
19:10 Are you a saved Christian?
19:12 Or do you think you're going to get home
19:14 because you're good enough?
19:16 We're never going to get home because good enough.
19:19 The only way that we can get home
19:20 to the Kingdom of God, my friend,
19:23 is because Christ is good enough.
19:27 Let me talk about cheap grace.
19:29 Some of you folks are going to be saying,
19:30 "Oh, John Carter is talking cheap grace."
19:34 I met a pastor in Glendale years ago,
19:36 not a member of my denomination.
19:38 He said, "I'm going to live like hell and go to heaven."
19:42 No, he's not he's going to go to hell,
19:44 I'm afraid.
19:46 That's cheap grace.
19:48 Grace changes the heart.
19:50 Too often, the world in the church today
19:52 can hardly be distinguished.
19:55 Some people come too easily to salvation.
19:57 They have the idea
19:58 and I have been a pastor in Los Angeles
20:00 for many, many years.
20:02 As I say, in Australia, for donkey's years,
20:08 and I have met so many people who think they're saved
20:11 and they're lying
20:12 and they're cheating and they're stealing,
20:15 all of this stuff.
20:16 They think
20:18 there's nothing wrong with telling lies.
20:20 You can't be saved if you're a liar.
20:23 Oh, no, no, no. Well, no one...
20:26 No.
20:27 Cheap grace says
20:29 just come as you are and live like hell.
20:33 And you'll go to heaven.
20:36 That's not the gospel of the Son of God
20:38 because God calls us to holiness.
20:41 Listen, religious talk is cheap and plentiful.
20:45 I've heard it, I've heard too much of it.
20:48 It's called the Jesus business.
20:51 That's what they call it.
20:52 I was being interviewed
20:54 on a big Los Angeles television station.
20:56 The man who was interviewing me said,
20:58 "Welcome to the Jesus biz."
21:02 A billion-dollar industry based on religious talk.
21:07 God is not so much interested in religious talk.
21:09 God wants holiness, heard of Bonhoeffer?
21:15 The great German who stood out
21:17 against the Nazis
21:21 rather die than deny Christ.
21:25 We're talking not to hear about cheap grace.
21:28 We're talking about expensive grace.
21:30 We need a revelation of expensive grace.
21:33 What a cost God...
21:34 People say it's all free. No, it's not free at all.
21:37 Salvation is not free.
21:38 Don't believe that lie.
21:39 Salvation is tremendously expensive.
21:43 It cost the life of the Son of God.
21:46 Don't you get this?
21:49 and don't be a trivial person
21:50 it cost the life of the Son of God.
21:55 And salvation produces holiness deep down inside.
22:00 You know the story of John Newton?
22:02 Of course you do.
22:04 The English man who was converted
22:05 through the preaching of the Wesley's,
22:10 used to be a slave ship captain.
22:14 But he found Christ and Christ changed his heart.
22:18 That's how we got the hymn, "Amazing Grace."
22:21 You know the hymn, don't you?
22:24 We sing "Amazing Grace,
22:25 how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me."
22:28 You won't be saved until you feel
22:29 that you're a wretch.
22:31 "I once was lost but now I'm found,
22:33 was blind but now I see."
22:35 We're blind without Christ.
22:36 We don't see Christ, we don't see ourselves.
22:39 "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
22:43 and grace my fears relieved,
22:44 how precious did that grace appear
22:48 the hour I first believed."
22:49 If you don't have any fear,
22:51 you're never going to have confidence and salvation.
22:54 "The Lord has promised good to me,
22:56 His Word my hope secures.
22:59 He will my shield and portion be
23:01 as long as life endures.
23:04 When we been there,
23:06 ten thousand years bright shining as the sun,
23:08 we've no less days to sing God's grace
23:10 than when we'd first begun."
23:12 That was written by a person
23:14 who was the captain of a slave ship.
23:17 God saved him.
23:19 God justified him.
23:20 God declared that Newton was righteous.
23:23 And then God changed his heart.
23:25 If God doesn't change the heart, my friend,
23:27 it's a big fake.
23:30 We're not talking here about cheap grace,
23:32 we're talking about expensive grace.
23:34 I want you to come over here to John 3:5-8.
23:38 John 3:5-8, a great text,
23:43 "Jesus answered, 'Most assuredly,
23:45 I say to you,
23:46 unless one is born of water and the Spirit,
23:49 he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.
23:50 That which is born of the flesh is flesh,
23:53 and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
23:56 Do not marvel that I said to you,
23:58 'You must be born again.'"
23:59 Have you been born again?
24:01 "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it,
24:04 but you cannot tell where it comes from
24:07 and where it goes.
24:08 So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
24:10 We're not talking here about cheap grace,
24:12 we're talking about a change in the life.
24:14 When God comes inside a person,
24:18 he's been justified.
24:19 He's been declared righteous, and then God stops to work,
24:23 our real holiness in the life.
24:27 If you don't have that, my friend, it's a fake.
24:31 You read Matthew 5, 6 and 7,
24:34 you read there the tough sayings of Jesus.
24:37 You read texts like Matthew 5:43 and onwards,
24:41 "You have heard that it was said,
24:42 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
24:44 But I say to you, love your enemies," amazing,
24:47 "bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you,
24:51 and pray for those who spitefully use you
24:53 and persecute you,
24:55 that you might be the sons of your Father in heaven,
24:58 for He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good,
25:02 and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."
25:05 This is the power of God.
25:07 God takes a person full of hate,
25:09 and it makes him into a loving person.
25:11 He takes a person full of lust,
25:13 and He makes him into a pure person.
25:15 We are not talking a counterfeit gospel.
25:18 We are talking the blood red gospel of Jesus
25:22 that changes the life.
25:23 It's called the new birth.
25:26 I could give you lots of other stuff.
25:28 My problem today is I got so much stuff,
25:30 I'm just running out of time.
25:32 But that's okay.
25:33 But I want you to know this, people plus salvation,
25:39 they become new people and love comes into the life,
25:46 this warm love.
25:49 You know, God doesn't want these people
25:50 to be like icebergs.
25:53 So many, many,
25:55 you know, people don't go to church
25:56 to sit in a refrigerator.
26:00 People go to church
26:02 because they're looking for people like this.
26:05 No lying, no cheating, no stealing, no laziness,
26:08 no hating, no dishonesty but genuine humility,
26:13 with courage and loyalty, truth, integrity.
26:16 You say, "Well, that's hard."
26:19 Not when Christ is in your life.
26:23 When you go to Christ
26:26 and you understand His gospel
26:28 and you understand
26:30 if there had been only one sinner,
26:31 if you had been the only lost soul,
26:35 Christ would have come down from glory
26:42 and died for you on the cross.
26:45 We're never good enough, we're declared righteous,
26:49 but when God declares us righteous,
26:55 He works a miracle.
26:59 And cold people become warm, frigid people become loving,
27:06 hating people become filled with kindness.
27:12 And God is waiting to do this
27:16 for you today.
27:20 In Jesus' name, amen.
27:28 God created his people
27:29 in different cultures, countries,
27:32 and in cities around the world.
27:36 He made the human race.
27:38 He made us one people under God.
27:45 At first, when you see someone that looks
27:48 and acts differently than you, you may turn away.
27:53 But take your time.
27:54 Look closer.
27:57 You will see that we share the same dreams,
28:02 the same troubles,
28:07 the same world.
28:12 Open your minds and hearts to one another.
28:14 Love each other as He loves us.
28:17 Do this for God, honor His creation,
28:21 and let His love shine through each one of us.
28:30 For a copy of today's program,
28:32 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:36 Thousand Oaks, California,
28:40 or in Australia,
28:42 contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:45 Terrigal, New South Wales, 2260.
28:49 This program is made possible
28:51 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:54 We thank you for your continued support.
28:57 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2020-10-19