Carter Report, The

The Coming Dictatorship Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002027S

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:24 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:29 The Coming Dictatorship.
00:31 Are you a marked man?
00:33 Welcome to the Carter Report.
00:35 Here's John Carter.
00:38 We're talking today
00:39 about the coming world dictatorship.
00:43 We're going to answer the question
00:44 and ask it, of course,
00:46 are you and I marked men and women?
00:51 I must warn you,
00:52 this talk is totally
00:54 politically incorrect.
00:59 So maybe you're going to hear some things today,
01:01 you're not going to like,
01:02 but I can promise you one thing,
01:04 by the grace of God, you're going to hear the truth.
01:10 We're going to go to a prophecy in the Bible
01:12 that most people totally ignore
01:16 is Revelation Chapter 13
01:19 that talks about the lamb
01:22 that becomes a dragon.
01:25 Totally politically incorrect.
01:30 But after all is said and done, what really matters,
01:33 what really matters, my friend, is the truth.
01:38 Now some would say
01:39 that this talk today is heresy.
01:44 They'd say, "Why didn't you let
01:46 sleeping dogs sleep on."
01:50 But I would suggest to you today
01:52 that those dogs are well and truly awake
01:57 and they're snarling at our heels.
02:02 And so today the question is,
02:05 are you a marked man.
02:09 Now we're going to come in the scriptures
02:12 to Revelation Chapter 13,
02:16 and we're going to read verse 11.
02:20 "Then I saw, I saw another beast,"
02:24 another nation, another power.
02:26 A beast represents a nation or a power.
02:29 "Another beast coming up out of the earth,
02:33 he had two horns like a lamb
02:36 and spoke like a dragon."
02:39 Now he doesn't start out by speaking as a dragon.
02:44 He starts out speaking like a lamb
02:48 which, of course, represents Christ,
02:51 but he ends up speaking like the devil.
02:56 Years ago when I was working
02:58 over in the great city of Dallas
03:00 in the great state of Texas,
03:03 I would walk down to the Trinity River.
03:06 We were doing some television work,
03:08 and I'd go down to the Trinity River,
03:11 and I would gaze down into the waters.
03:15 And there I saw a little turtle,
03:18 the Texas turtle.
03:22 He was a great little Texan,
03:23 he was swimming against the current.
03:26 And he was doing great.
03:28 He was swimming against the current.
03:30 But the trouble is,
03:32 the current was going faster than he was swimming,
03:35 and therefore,
03:36 he was swimming backwards, like some of us.
03:39 Now you and I need to learn to swim against the current,
03:43 but we need to go faster than the current.
03:45 Now he hadn't...
03:47 Notice he had an outboard motor strapped on,
03:48 it's only 50 horsepower.
03:51 He needed 250 horsepower,
03:53 and then he could go faster than the current.
03:57 I want to tell you today we're living in times
03:59 when you and I have to swim against the current.
04:04 And there's something that we need desperately
04:07 here in this great United States of America
04:12 and that is knowledge, the knowledge of the truth,
04:16 not just a lot of raw emotionalism
04:20 and a lot of religious talk,
04:22 what you and I need is the truth,
04:25 even though the truth
04:27 is politically incorrect.
04:32 Now, in Revelation Chapter 13, you've got two beasts.
04:36 And these beasts represent two great powers,
04:40 and two great kingdoms,
04:42 or two great forces in the world.
04:44 Now the first one is found
04:46 in Revelation 13:1,
04:51 notice this.
04:53 "Then I stood on the sand of the sea,
04:55 and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea,
04:58 having seven heads and ten horns,"
05:01 this is the dragon, "and on his horns ten crowns,"
05:04 representing the kingdoms of Europe,
05:07 "and on his heads a blasphemous name."
05:10 Now what does this represent?
05:13 Well, if you notice, if you don't mind,
05:15 verse 5 of the same chapter.
05:20 Verse 5 of the same chapter, it says,
05:25 "He was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.
05:29 He was given authority
05:30 to continue for forty-two months."
05:32 And every person knows in Bible prophecy,
05:35 the forty-two months represent 1260 days,
05:38 which was symbolic of the Dark Ages,
05:42 when the great Antichrist Church
05:46 ruled the world.
05:49 And may I remind you of the words
05:52 of the great, great professor
05:54 and church historian, Dr. Wylie.
05:58 He said these words,
06:00 "The noonday of the papacy
06:05 was the midnight of the world."
06:11 This was a time of prelates,
06:14 popes, priests, paganism
06:17 and persecution of the people of God.
06:21 And this is symbolized by the first beast.
06:24 Who teaches these things today?
06:26 Oh, not many.
06:28 But this is completely un-American.
06:29 No, no, no, very American,
06:31 because this is what America was based on and found.
06:35 You say, I can't, well you, this is just the facts.
06:38 This is what was taught by the Pilgrim Fathers
06:41 who came to this country.
06:42 This is the truth.
06:44 The Dark Ages turned to superstition.
06:47 A time of man-made religion.
06:50 There's nothing worse than man-made religion.
06:52 A time of persecution.
06:55 Many thousands, even millions were tortured and killed
06:59 during the time of the beast.
07:01 The beast is not a derogatory term.
07:04 It simply means a power in Bible prophecy.
07:08 Revelation 13:7 says.
07:13 Revelation 13:7 says,
07:17 "It was granted to him to make war
07:19 against the saints and to overcome them.
07:22 All authority was given him over every tribe,
07:25 tongue and nation."
07:27 And this is a correct description of the Dark Ages
07:33 when the church ruled the world.
07:36 Thousands, tens of thousands,
07:40 millions of people who were dissidents
07:43 who thought for themselves
07:46 were taken into these terrible places,
07:49 the places of the bloody inquisition
07:53 and tortured and put to death
07:55 because of their faith in Christ
07:58 and because they believed the Holy Scriptures.
08:01 And the sad thing is this
08:03 that most folks went along to get along as it is today.
08:08 You've got to go along to get along,
08:11 but where you're going to get along to.
08:13 Conformity, I would remind you, my friend,
08:16 is the pathway to mediocrity,
08:19 also the pathway to apostasy
08:22 and the easy road always leads down to hell.
08:27 Now here's a statement from Newman
08:29 out of a manual of church history.
08:32 This is a profound statement,
08:35 I will try to get through but it has so much in it.
08:39 "The points in which Constantine and his followers
08:42 favored Christianity
08:43 may also be regarded as involving evils.
08:49 When he put restrictions on idolatry,
08:53 he fostered a spirit of intolerance in Christians,
08:57 and let them to trust in physical power
09:00 rather than in the power of the truth."
09:01 The same as today.
09:03 "When he enjoined
09:05 the universal observance of Sunday,
09:07 it ceased to be a spiritual, and became a legal festival.
09:13 When he offered temporal inducements
09:15 to the profession of Christianity,
09:18 he not only brought multitudes of unregenerate people
09:21 into the churches,
09:23 but he also aided in making it a part of public opinion
09:28 to regard the profession of Christianity
09:31 as a mere form," as it is today.
09:35 "And to attach a magical significance
09:38 to the ordinances," as it is today.
09:41 "The church became a persecuting power,
09:45 making use of the civil authority
09:47 for the suppression of dissent."
09:50 Now Constantine lived about 300 years after Christ.
09:54 And he was the Roman Emperor,
09:57 who became "a Christian"
10:01 but he was pagan to his black soul.
10:06 But he joined, my friend, with the church.
10:10 Here's another statement from Newman.
10:13 Newman is great church historian.
10:16 He's not a part of my church.
10:18 He says this, "The church has persecuted Christians
10:23 far more cruelly,
10:24 and has destroyed vastly more Christians
10:27 than pagans have done.
10:29 The Diocletian persecution is as nothing
10:32 when compared with the work of the 'Holy office.'"
10:36 And the holy office is talking about the office of the papacy.
10:41 Now, we're not talking about the present pope,
10:43 we're not talking about this.
10:44 We're talking about history.
10:47 Nobody has persecuted more Christians
10:50 than the great church of the Dark Ages.
10:55 So, listen, the first church of Revelation 13
11:00 is the Church of the Dark Ages.
11:02 This is what was taught by the Puritans,
11:03 the Pilgrim Fathers, all the early Americans.
11:06 They don't know it today, they're not teaching it today,
11:09 not because it's not American,
11:11 but simply because they don't know it.
11:15 So the first beast of Revelation 13
11:17 is the Church of the Dark Ages,
11:19 reborn, vigorous, deceptive,
11:22 active, and here now.
11:25 Hey, is this too strong for you?
11:28 Well, there's strongest stuff to come,
11:30 so you better stay tuned.
11:35 says this.
11:37 "All who dwell on the earth will worship him,
11:40 whose names have not been written
11:41 in the Book of Life of the Lamb
11:43 slain from the foundation of the world."
11:47 The Bible teaches that the first beast
11:50 that ruled the world in the Dark Ages
11:52 is going to come back with tremendous power.
11:56 And the Bible says the whole wide world
11:59 is going to fall down and worship.
12:02 The question is, are you?
12:04 Am I?
12:05 Are you, my friend,
12:08 a marked man?
12:12 How is this going to be accomplished?
12:14 Well, it's going to be accomplished, my friend,
12:17 through the second beast.
12:20 Now, I know that some of you who are listening to this,
12:22 you're absolutely stunned and you're blown away,
12:24 you say, I just can't believe this.
12:26 This is what was taught by all of the great churches
12:29 in America,
12:31 by all of the great churches in Great Britain.
12:34 In fact, when I was just a boy growing up in Australia,
12:37 this was taught in virtually all of the churches,
12:41 it was bread and butter religion,
12:43 but we have come to dark times as far as truth is concerned.
12:47 But Jesus said, you will know the truth
12:50 and the truth will make you free.
12:52 Are you ready for it, my friend?
12:54 Can you take this?
12:56 Am I being too politically incorrect?
12:59 Who is sufficient for these things?
13:02 Now we come to the second beast of Bible prophecy.
13:05 The first beast is the Church of the Dark Ages.
13:13 down to 13
13:15 and notice it, if you will.
13:18 "Then I saw another beast," another nation,
13:22 "coming up out of the earth,
13:25 and he had two horns like a lamb."
13:28 Hey, he acts like Jesus.
13:31 He talks like Jesus.
13:33 He is a Christian power.
13:36 "Two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon."
13:42 Verse 12, "And he exercises all the authority
13:45 of the first beast in his presence."
13:48 He gets all the authority of the Church of the Dark Ages.
13:52 "And causes the earth
13:53 and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast,"
13:57 he leads the world back to the church
13:59 of the Dark Ages, it's happening today.
14:03 "The first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."
14:05 Verse 13,
14:06 "He performs great signs,
14:09 so that he even makes fire come down from heaven
14:12 on the earth in the sight of men."
14:15 And so here is another power
14:16 that comes up on the world scene.
14:19 This is a power, my friend, that comes up like a lamb,
14:25 has two horns like a lamb,
14:27 and the lamb is the symbol of Christ.
14:30 The lamb is the symbol of the gospel.
14:35 And even though this power comes up like a lamb,
14:37 this power ends up
14:39 speaking like a dragon.
14:43 And it is his work to lead the whole world
14:46 back to the worship of the Church of the Dark Ages.
14:51 Let me tell it to you as plain as I can.
14:53 Are you still listening to me?
14:56 You're saying, I do not,
14:58 I just don't want to take any...
14:59 Well, I want you to listen, my friend,
15:01 because your soul salvation may depend upon hearing
15:05 and understanding this truth today.
15:07 This power that comes up like a lamb
15:10 with lamb like horns is a fake Christian power.
15:15 The lamb is the symbol of Christ.
15:18 He has a worldwide influence.
15:21 In fact, this power that comes up like a lamb
15:26 becomes the greatest power in the world.
15:31 And it is this power
15:33 all through this false religious system
15:36 in the last days
15:38 that the whole world is forced
15:43 with the exception of a little remnant, foster,
15:47 coerced to get the mark of the beast.
15:51 So the question is directed as plain,
15:53 it is powerful, it is poignant.
15:55 The question is, are you, my friend,
16:00 a marked man?
16:02 This power not only has a worldwide influence,
16:05 but this power does miracles.
16:08 is significant.
16:13 Revelation 19:20 says,
16:18 "Then the beast was captured."
16:20 Ah, that's the first beast of Revelation 13.
16:24 "The beast was captured," who captures him?
16:27 God does.
16:28 "And with him, the false prophet,"
16:30 that's the pseudo Christian power,
16:33 the one like a lamb.
16:34 "The false prophet
16:36 who worked signs in his presence."
16:38 Oh, he's a miracle worker.
16:41 He's a miracle worker.
16:43 "By which he deceived those
16:44 who received the mark of the beast
16:47 and those who worshiped his image.
16:49 These two were cast alive
16:52 into the lake of fire burning with brimstone."
16:56 Listen, this pseudo Christian power
17:00 that arises in the last days
17:03 that has a worldwide influence is...
17:08 Let me say it again. It's fake man-made religion.
17:12 But this is a power, my friend, that works miracles.
17:18 And because the multitudes are so ignorant
17:21 of the truth of the Bible, they will be deceived,
17:25 diluted and damned into getting the mark of the beast.
17:30 Therefore, I ask you the pertinent soul
17:33 searching question today, my friend, my brother,
17:36 my sister, are you a marked man?
17:41 I would remind you of this that religious deception,
17:44 religious deception is the biggest game in town.
17:49 Remember, Satan was once in God's inner circle.
17:53 Satan knows everything about religion.
17:58 The false prophet is a great liar.
18:02 When I was in Russia some time back,
18:04 I've been there 49 times.
18:07 But some folks were making, some crooks were making bogus,
18:12 counterfeit $100 bills.
18:15 It was mighty hard to tell the difference.
18:18 You had to be an expert.
18:19 I want you to become an expert in telling the truth,
18:24 in unmasking deception.
18:26 But this power, my friend, is the great counterfeiter.
18:32 Satan was the first liar.
18:34 He is the master of deception.
18:37 I've told you the story from the Kremlin.
18:41 This happened in the days of the Soviet Union.
18:45 There was a new member of the governing council.
18:48 And the Communist had put up this bogus lying plan.
18:54 And this young man said, comrade, comrade,
18:59 but it isn't the truth.
19:03 And then there was a stunned silence.
19:07 And then they started laughing.
19:09 They laughed and they laughed.
19:12 They laughed.
19:13 They laughed
19:15 until they fell off their chairs.
19:21 And then in the end the chairman said, comrade.
19:27 What we say, whatever we say, it is the truth.
19:31 And if you don't understand that comrade,
19:34 you will be on your way to Siberia.
19:37 You see, the Communists were liars.
19:41 They did not understand the truth.
19:44 But Jesus said, "You will know the truth
19:49 and the truth will make you free."
19:52 Look at John 8:32.
19:55 Jesus said, "You will know the truth
19:58 and the truth will set you free."
20:01 If you want to be free, then you got to know the truth.
20:04 People say, what I believe is the truth.
20:08 No, it's not, my friend.
20:10 The Word of God is the truth.
20:14 You will know the truth
20:15 and the truth will set you free.
20:19 Facts and opinions are different.
20:21 You can have your opinion, I can have my opinion.
20:24 We can all have different opinions,
20:25 but we, but we all can have different truths.
20:28 You can't say, hey, I've got my truth
20:30 and you got your truth.
20:31 No, my friend, there's only one truth.
20:33 And I need to bring my opinion into humble conformity
20:38 to the truth of God.
20:39 Now today in the world, in America,
20:42 millions of people are being deceived.
20:46 Look at John 17:17.
20:50 And notice John 17:17,
20:54 "Sanctify them by Your truth.
20:56 Your word is truth."
20:58 Ultimate truth is found in the Holy Word of God.
21:03 The truth that you need to be saved,
21:06 the truth that you need to get home
21:08 to the kingdom of God.
21:09 That truth, my friend, is found in the Word of God.
21:13 Now look at John 8:43-48.
21:16 These are the words of our blessed Lord.
21:20 "Why don't you understand My speech?
21:24 Because you are not able to listen to My word."
21:27 Same as today.
21:29 "You are of your father the devil,
21:32 and the desires of your father you want to do.
21:35 He was a murderer from the beginning,
21:37 and does not stand in the truth,
21:39 because there is no truth in him.
21:42 When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources,
21:47 for he is a liar and the father of it."
21:52 Lying comes from the devil.
21:56 If you and I tell lies,
21:58 it's because we are not children of God,
22:00 it's because we are sons of the devil.
22:04 And this power, my friend, that comes up is a liar.
22:09 So the second beast we're talking about today
22:12 is a religious power
22:14 that is filled with lies while talking about Jesus.
22:17 It is fake Christianity.
22:20 But it is not the same
22:21 as the Church of the Inquisition,
22:24 the old church from Europe that followed the Roman Empire.
22:27 No, it is found in the new world
22:31 that starts out good like a lamb,
22:33 but it ends up speaking as a dragon.
22:36 And some would say,
22:38 it is happening today in America.
22:43 And Satan is winning a great victory.
22:46 I asked you the question, are you a marked man?
22:50 He has stopped the people from reading the Holy Bible.
22:53 Most people today are completely ignorant
22:55 of the truths of the Bible.
22:59 He's got the people so bamboozled,
23:02 they've stopped thinking for themselves,
23:04 and they get all of their information from television.
23:10 And thus they're deceived
23:12 like the Dallas turtle
23:16 out of the Trinity River,
23:18 who thought he was doing great
23:20 and he was doing great swimming against the current.
23:24 But the current was going faster
23:25 than he could swim.
23:28 I want you to notice now, I mean,
23:30 this is pretty heavy stuff I know, but this is,
23:32 this is the stuff that America was based on.
23:35 This is what made America great.
23:38 I want you to notice, my dear friends,
23:39 the amazing work of the Lamb.
23:43 This pseudo Christian power
23:45 that ends up talking like a dragon.
23:48 Revelation 13:14,
23:52 here is the text.
23:55 "And he deceives those that dwell on the earth
24:00 by the signs which he was granted
24:02 to do in the sight of the beast,"
24:05 that's the Church of the Dark Ages,
24:07 "telling those who dwell on the earth
24:09 to make an image to the beast
24:10 which was wounded by the sword and lived."
24:14 And so, the pseudo Christian power
24:17 makes an image to the Church of the Dark Ages.
24:23 When I was a boy going through college,
24:25 I used to raise my fees
24:27 by selling Christian books from door-to-door.
24:31 Sometimes, young mother would come out
24:33 with a little girl.
24:35 I'd learned by then a few psychology tricks.
24:40 And so, I would say to the mother, if I could say,
24:43 truthfully, your little girl
24:46 is the spit image of you.
24:51 That's how I sold so many books.
24:53 What am I talking about?
24:54 I'm saying the little girl looks like her mommy.
24:59 The image of the beast
25:02 that is set up by the lamb like beast
25:05 is a copy of the Church
25:09 of the Dark Ages
25:12 which was a union of church
25:14 and state which is called a theocracy.
25:18 Are you still listening to me?
25:23 Let me say it again. What was the first beast?
25:24 The union of church and state persecuting dissidents.
25:29 Revelation Chapter 17.
25:31 Oh, I think I'll deal with that
25:33 in the second part of the program.
25:36 But Revelation 17 talks about a woman
25:42 seated on a beast.
25:44 She's dressed down in gorgeous robes,
25:48 and she's got a big cup in her hand
25:51 and is filled with wine.
25:55 And she's persecuting the people of God.
26:00 That's the Church of the Dark Ages.
26:02 And the Bible says, listen to me.
26:06 It's going to happen again in America.
26:10 More amazing truths, don't go away, we'll be back.
26:14 We're talking about the mark of the beast.
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Revised 2020-09-18