Carter Report, The

Antichrist In Action Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002012S

00:01 The COVID-19 pandemic stopped
00:03 the return to Manila programs,
00:05 but the teachings of John Carter continue.
00:08 From his Los Angeles studio,
00:10 John Carter takes on the important message
00:12 of the Antichrist in Action.
00:14 What must we understand
00:16 about the Antichrist in today's new world?
00:19 Here is John Carter.
00:22 Hi, friend. I'm John Carter.
00:24 Welcome today.
00:25 This is part two
00:27 of the great Antichrist program.
00:31 Now I'm so glad you joined us today.
00:34 Because this program tells you where you came from,
00:37 why you are here, and where you are going.
00:42 I want to thank you all for joining us,
00:45 especially our viewers on Roku,
00:48 Amazon Fire, and the other great networks
00:51 around the world.
00:53 In the first section,
00:54 we spoke about the grave beasts,
00:57 a Bible prophecy.
00:59 We're not gonna go into that too much now.
01:01 We talked about the lion Babylon,
01:04 the bear which was Medo-Persia,
01:07 then we came down to Greece
01:08 that was likened to the leopard with the four wings,
01:12 then we came to the fourth beast,
01:15 which represents
01:16 the greater iron monarchy of Rome.
01:20 Now listen carefully,
01:22 this is history in advance.
01:26 If this is true, then this is evidence
01:29 that there is a God.
01:31 And if there's a God, I know where I came from,
01:35 and I know where I'm going.
01:37 So please notice this text.
01:39 I talked about this in the first section.
01:41 I'm going to talk about it just for a moment now.
01:43 Daniel 7:7.
01:48 "After this I saw in the night visions,
01:50 and behold, a fourth beast,
01:54 dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong.
01:58 It had huge iron teeth,
02:02 it was devouring, breaking in pieces,
02:05 and trampling the residue with its feet.
02:08 It was different from all the beasts
02:11 that were before it, and it had ten horns."
02:14 Now are you listening?
02:16 Now in Bible Prophecy,
02:18 a beast represents
02:21 a kingdom or a power.
02:25 And this is the great power that came after Greece.
02:29 This indeed is the great
02:32 iron monarchy of Rome.
02:36 It came on the scene about 160 BC
02:40 and ruled the world until around 300.
02:44 This was the power that put Christ on the cross.
02:49 It was the power
02:51 that destroyed much of the world.
02:54 It was the power that ravaged
02:57 and destroyed the city of Jerusalem.
03:01 Now I'm not asking you to believe this.
03:04 One day I'd like to show you.
03:06 There's a prophecy in the Bible that actually describes
03:10 the destruction of the city of Jerusalem by Titus.
03:15 You say I can't believe it.
03:17 I don't expect you will believe it.
03:19 But I've been to these places,
03:21 and I've studied the prophecies,
03:23 and I've seen the evidence.
03:25 All of these things, my friend,
03:27 were written down in the prophecies,
03:30 hundreds and hundreds of years
03:33 before they came to pass.
03:36 Now this is my premise today.
03:39 If genuine prophecy exists,
03:42 then the main issues of life are met.
03:45 Because if there is actually genuine prophecy in the Bible,
03:49 then this is evidence for an intelligent,
03:53 personal God and therefore, I know where I came from,
03:56 I know why I am here, and I know where I am going.
04:00 Now that's just a little bit
04:02 of a revision of some of the stuff
04:04 we went through in the first section.
04:07 But I'm going to read now Daniel 7:7
04:09 and we're going to talk now.
04:11 Are you listening?
04:12 We're gonna talk about what comes after Rome,
04:14 and we're going to talk about the coming of the Antichrist.
04:17 But let me tell you something
04:19 before we get too far into this.
04:22 The Roman Empire was destroyed because of internal decay.
04:27 The barbarians came down like a wolf on the fold,
04:31 but the Roman Empire really destroyed itself.
04:35 The Roman Empire was absolutely confident
04:38 that it was going to last forever.
04:41 But the Roman Empire destroyed itself.
04:45 It's very, very interesting
04:47 that Dr. Ben Carson a number of years ago,
04:51 at a prayer breakfast,
04:53 a presidential prayer breakfast said that
04:55 we in the United States are walking in the footsteps
04:59 of the Roman Empire.
05:03 Makes you think, doesn't it?
05:05 Because the Roman Empire thought
05:07 it was going to last forever,
05:09 but the Bible says the Roman Empire
05:12 would be followed by another power and another...
05:18 Well, in fact, not another power,
05:21 but a number of kingdoms.
05:23 And we're gonna notice Daniel 7:7 again.
05:26 "After this I saw in the night visions, behold,
05:29 a fourth beast, Rome, pagan Rome,
05:32 dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong.
05:35 It had huge iron teeth." Terrible power.
05:38 "It was devouring, breaking in pieces,
05:43 and trampling the residue with its feet.
05:45 It was different from all the beasts,
05:47 all the kingdoms before and it had ten horns."
05:50 I want you to hear this.
05:51 The Roman beast,
05:53 the Bible tells me has got 10 horns
05:56 and those 10 horns are symbolic of the breakup
06:01 of the Roman Empire into the kingdoms
06:05 in the States of Europe.
06:06 And I'll prove it to you. Daniel 7:24.
06:12 Listen to these words, written 2,500 years ago.
06:18 The ten horns are ten kings
06:23 who shall arise from this kingdom,"
06:26 from the Roman kingdom.
06:28 "And another shall rise after them."
06:31 It's the Antichrist.
06:32 "He shall be different from the first ones,
06:35 and shall subdue three kings."
06:38 The Bible says that after the Great Roman Empire
06:43 would come 10 kingdoms
06:47 that was symbolized by the 10 horns
06:51 on the Roman dragon.
06:54 This is the teaching of the Bible.
06:56 Listen.
06:58 The Roman Empire rotting from within
07:02 and destroyed outwardly by the barbarians,
07:06 collapsed not into another empire,
07:09 but into the kingdoms and the states of Europe.
07:15 That is not theology.
07:18 That is not religion.
07:21 That is history.
07:23 And this prophecy was written long
07:25 before it happened.
07:28 Now here is my question.
07:29 Here is my question to, my friend, the atheist.
07:33 Here's my question to, my friend, Richard Dawkins
07:36 and every other atheist in the world.
07:39 How did a Jew in Babylon 2,500 years ago
07:45 know that this would happen?
07:47 How would he know that after the Great Roman Empire
07:51 that was likened unto a dragon,
07:54 there would come not another empire,
07:57 but there would come a division?
08:02 Now this is why I suggest to you today
08:05 that the Bible is completely
08:06 unlike any other book because it contains,
08:09 listen to me, it contains genuine prophecy.
08:14 And if there is genuine prophecy...
08:16 Listen, Brother, listen, Sister,
08:19 if there is genuine prophecy,
08:22 then the main issues of our age,
08:24 the main issues of life are met,
08:27 because there is a God.
08:29 And if there's a God, I know where I came from,
08:32 I know why I'm here, I know where I'm going,
08:37 and life has got meaning, and I know who I am.
08:41 I am not a machine as the communists taught,
08:44 I am not an animal.
08:46 I am a child of God.
08:50 I was speaking in Red Square, outside the tomb of Lenin,
08:55 just as communism was going down.
08:58 And I was asked this question.
09:00 I was asked it on Soviet television.
09:03 "Why is our great empire falling down?"
09:06 I told them this,
09:08 "Because it was based upon a dead man."
09:12 It was based upon Linen.
09:14 But the Christian church survived the Holocaust
09:18 of the communists
09:20 because it wasn't based upon a dead man.
09:22 It was based upon a living Christ.
09:28 And I had the privilege of sharing these things
09:31 with thousands of atheists
09:33 and many professors from Moscow University.
09:37 What I'm saying to you is there is evidence to believe.
09:41 Look at Daniel 7:8,
09:44 "I was considering the horns," this is Daniel 7:8.
09:49 "I was considering the horns,"
09:53 or these kings, "and there was another horn,
09:58 a little one, coming up among them,
10:02 before whom three of the first horns
10:04 were plucked up by the roots.
10:07 And there, in this horn, were eyes,
10:10 like the eyes of man,
10:13 and a mouth speaking pompous words."
10:16 Listen to me,
10:21 the 10 horns represent
10:25 the breakup of the Roman Empire
10:28 into the kingdoms and the states of Europe.
10:31 Did that happen? Absolutely.
10:34 Between around 300 and 500 AD,
10:37 the Roman Empire was not followed by another empire.
10:40 It broke up into the kingdoms and the states of Europe.
10:43 That is a fact.
10:44 That is not theology. That is simply history.
10:47 And then the Bible says another king comes up
10:50 because these horns are symbolic of kings.
10:54 Another horn comes up
10:56 and this horn says amazing things,
10:58 pompous words.
11:01 This horn
11:03 is the great Antichrist
11:08 of Bible prophecy.
11:10 Now, we don't have a lot of time,
11:13 but we got enough time.
11:15 I want you to notice his identification marks.
11:18 Are you listening now?
11:20 We're going to give you the identification marks
11:23 of the great Antichrist of Bible prophecy.
11:27 Number one, here it is.
11:30 He is a European king,
11:34 because he comes up
11:35 on the ruins of the Roman Empire.
11:38 He is one of the 10 kings
11:40 that is described in the prophecy of Daniel 7
11:43 as coming up on the ruins of the Roman Empire.
11:46 He's European. Number two.
11:48 I've already said it. I'll say it again.
11:50 He comes up on the ruins
11:53 of the Roman Empire.
11:57 He is not found in America, he is not found in China,
12:01 he is not found in Russia.
12:03 No, he is found on the ruins of the Roman Empire.
12:09 This was written down
12:10 in the prophecies of the Bible 2,500 years ago.
12:14 Number three, the Bible says he is a pseudo religious power.
12:19 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
12:24 I'm going to read it to you.
12:25 It says, "He opposes and exalts himself
12:27 above all that is called God or that is worshiped,
12:32 so that he sits as God," where?
12:35 "In the temple of God,
12:36 showing himself that he is God."
12:38 Are you listening to this?
12:40 Because this is pretty hot stuff.
12:42 The Bible says that
12:44 the Antichrist is a pseudo Christian power,
12:48 and he looks in the church.
12:51 He hides in the very garb of religion.
12:54 Astounding, isn't it?
12:57 That's why so many people
12:58 became atheists back in those days
13:01 because they said,
13:02 "Look at what the church is doing.
13:03 Look at the persecutions of the church."
13:06 The Bible told the story
13:08 thousands and thousands of years ago.
13:12 Point number four.
13:14 The Bible says this king speaks pompous words.
13:19 He even says that he has tremendous power
13:23 and can even forgive people's sins.
13:27 Now the Bible would suggest that this was blasphemy.
13:30 But the Bible says there arose a king on the ruins
13:33 of the Roman Empire would do this very thing.
13:37 Identification mark number five.
13:40 The Bible says he persecutes God's people.
13:44 And the Bible says it in Daniel Chapter 7,
13:48 I think it is verse 21.
13:52 Yes, listen.
13:54 "I was watching, and the same horn
13:57 was making war against the saints,
13:59 and prevailing against them."
14:02 This pseudo Christian power persecutes people.
14:07 Do you want to know what Antichrist really is?
14:10 It is the spirit of intolerance.
14:15 It can be found in any church,
14:17 any system, any ideology
14:21 the desire to persecute
14:23 and to get rid of people who disagree with you.
14:28 This is the very opposite of the Spirit of Christ.
14:33 The spirit of intolerance
14:34 and the spirit of persecution is the spirit of Antichrist.
14:40 And history tells me that
14:42 the great power that arose
14:45 on the ruins of the Roman Empire
14:48 was a persecuting power and gave to the world.
14:52 Check this up on the internet.
14:56 Read it in the encyclopedias.
14:57 It gave to us the bloody inquisition.
15:03 And history tells me thousands and thousands,
15:07 tens of thousands of all religions,
15:12 all beliefs were persecuted by this king
15:16 that arose on the ruins of the Roman Empire.
15:22 The spirit of Antichrist.
15:25 Yes, the identification marks continue.
15:29 The Bible says that
15:30 the Antichrist is a union of church and state.
15:34 This is interesting.
15:36 Because where I live today
15:38 in the United States of America,
15:40 there are many wonderful people
15:42 who want to see
15:43 the church unite with the state,
15:47 and they want America
15:48 to become a great Christian theocracy.
15:52 They want the church and the state to be one,
15:55 and they want the government to represent the church.
16:00 Now I'm going to read you a text that may give you
16:03 a second thought on this.
16:04 Revelation 17:1-2
16:07 which is describing the Antichrist.
16:10 It says, "Then one of the seven angels
16:13 who had the seven bowls came and talked with me,
16:16 saying to me, 'Come, I will show you
16:19 the judgment of the great harlot
16:22 who sits on many waters.'"
16:24 A harlot in the Bible prophecy
16:28 is symbolic of the Antichrist church.
16:32 "With whom the kings of the earth
16:34 committed fornication,"
16:35 and unholy alliance, church and state.
16:39 "And the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk
16:42 with the wine of her fornication.'"
16:45 It goes on in Revelation 17.
16:49 "So he carried me away
16:51 in the Spirit into the wilderness.
16:54 And I saw a woman," an apostate church,
16:57 "sitting on a scarlet beast,"
16:59 that is state, "which was full of names of blasphemy,
17:04 having seven heads and ten horns."
17:06 There you've got the 10 horns again.
17:08 It's amazing, isn't it?
17:10 And then there's another verse.
17:12 "The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet."
17:17 She has got lots of money.
17:20 "And adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls,
17:25 having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations
17:29 and the filthiness of her fornication."
17:33 So the harlot woman is symbolic of a harlot church.
17:38 I want to say to people like Richard Dawkins,
17:41 don't give up on Christ and the Bible
17:45 because of the abominable things
17:47 that people who call themselves Christians have done.
17:53 Yes, of course,
17:55 I know that people claiming to be the church
18:00 have persecuted
18:01 and murdered people by the millions.
18:04 I know this. It was predicted in the Bible.
18:07 But the Bible said, "That doesn't belong to me,
18:11 that is the very spirit,
18:13 that is the very Antichrist itself."
18:17 So the Antichrist is a union of church and state.
18:21 Listen, history tells me,
18:25 history tells me that there was a time
18:27 for more than 1,000 years in Europe
18:31 when church and state church like into a woman
18:36 and the state like into a monster,
18:39 they joined together.
18:42 And what happened when church and state joined together?
18:45 There was persecution.
18:47 Listen, Brother, Sister,
18:52 I'm gonna tell it to you straight,
18:53 only way I know how to say it.
18:57 The union of church and state is Antichrist.
19:03 It was described in the prophecies
19:06 of the Bible 2,500 years ago.
19:09 This is why I believe in the Bible
19:13 not because of blind faith.
19:15 I believe in the Bible
19:17 because of the evidence of Bible prophecy,
19:21 which is shown to be correct through history.
19:26 And so if you think the union of church and state
19:28 would solve all our problems, I've got news for you.
19:32 When church and state come together, my friend,
19:34 then you have Antichrist and the judgments of God.
19:39 Now Daniel 7:25.
19:40 Now here's another identification mark.
19:43 I think it's number seven.
19:46 I'm gonna read it to you.
19:48 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High."
19:53 He'll say, you know, he can forgive sins.
19:55 "Shall persecute the saints of the Most High."
19:57 That is history.
20:00 The church in the Dark Ages
20:01 put to death hundreds of thousands of people,
20:04 Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims,
20:09 and dissidents, sort of people like me.
20:13 It says, "The Antichrist shall intend
20:17 to change times and laws.
20:19 Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time,
20:22 times and half a time."
20:24 I don't have time to talk about that,
20:26 the time times and half a time actually describe the period
20:29 when this Antichrist system would exist.
20:35 Now I want you to know this.
20:37 God has got His people everywhere.
20:39 But we're talking here about a great system of deception
20:44 that is changed the law of God
20:46 because it says he changes the...
20:49 He tries to change the law of God.
20:53 I give this to you.
20:54 Think about it. The Catholic Mirror.
20:57 "The Catholic Church for over 1,000 years
21:00 before the existence of a Protestant
21:03 by virtue of her divine mission changed the day
21:06 from Saturday to Sunday."
21:09 Hey, yes, we changed it.
21:12 We've got another statement here,
21:13 I'm gonna read it to you.
21:14 These are amazing statements.
21:17 Question, which is the Sabbath day?
21:19 Answer, Saturday is the Sabbath day.
21:23 Then I think we've got another thing coming up here.
21:26 Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
21:30 Here comes.
21:32 Answer: "We observe Sunday instead of Saturday
21:35 because the Catholic Church,
21:37 in the Council of Laodicea transferred the solemnity
21:40 from Saturday to Sunday."
21:42 The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine.
21:46 I mean, the Bible says
21:49 this power would change the day,
21:51 this power says.
21:53 Yes, yes, we did it.
21:57 Now, can I have your attention please?
22:02 Would you please indulge me?
22:04 Let's listen to the evidence.
22:07 Two and a half thousand years ago,
22:09 a Jewish prophet in Daniel
22:12 predicted the history of the world
22:15 for the next 2,500 years.
22:19 He predicted, well, the lion was Babylon.
22:23 And then you had,
22:25 the next power would be the bear,
22:28 that would be Medo-Persia.
22:29 I've shown this to you.
22:31 Then he said there would come
22:33 another person like the leopard,
22:34 which was Greece.
22:36 Then he said there would come, and we've shown you
22:39 pictures of these great monsters.
22:42 Then we would have this terrible power,
22:44 which of course is pagan Rome.
22:47 And then this power has got 10 horns.
22:50 And the Bible says the kingdoms
22:53 that come after Rome, Roman Empire broke up
22:56 into the kingdoms and the states of Europe.
22:58 How on earth did Daniel know these things?
23:03 How could he give such a guess?
23:06 You say it's impossible.
23:07 Here is evidence, my friend,
23:09 evidence that demands a verdict.
23:11 Here is evidence, here is proof for God.
23:16 No man could do these things.
23:19 And then after the kingdoms of Europe,
23:22 you have the great Antichrist,
23:24 who is called that little horn of Bible prophecy,
23:30 a pseudo religious power
23:33 that rules the world
23:35 for more than 1,000 years.
23:39 I could say I rest my case.
23:45 Here is the question.
23:48 I say it to the honest in heart,
23:50 the skeptic, the atheist, the unbeliever whom I love.
23:54 How did a Jewish prisoner of war 2,500 years ago
24:00 accurately predict the history of the world for 2,500 years?
24:05 I say, here is the finger
24:10 of Almighty God,
24:14 but we're not through.
24:16 Daniel 7:26-27.
24:20 It talks about the climax of history.
24:24 It says, "But the court shall be seated."
24:26 There's a judgment day.
24:29 "And they shall take away his dominion,
24:31 to consume and destroy it forever.
24:33 Then the kingdom and the dominion,
24:36 and the greatness of the kingdoms
24:38 under the whole heaven,
24:39 shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High.
24:43 His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
24:47 all dominions shall serve and obey Him.'"
24:50 Listen, this is not theology.
24:56 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Roman Empire,
25:01 breakup of the Roman Empire
25:04 into kingdoms and the states of Europe.
25:06 The rise of the little king,
25:08 the pseudo Christian power
25:11 that rules for more than 1,000 years,
25:15 and then you come down to the very climax of history.
25:20 And the Bible says,
25:22 "God himself will intervene
25:25 in human history and Christ will return."
25:29 That is your glorious destiny.
25:34 Therefore, my friend,
25:36 I don't ask you to believe on the basis of blind faith.
25:40 I ask you to believe on the basis of the evidence.
25:44 And I say this to you, there is a God.
25:49 He loves you.
25:52 You are very, very special.
25:57 He has a home prepared for you.
26:01 Therefore, believe in the God
26:05 who believes in you.
26:10 Amen.
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Revised 2020-07-17