Carter Report, The

This Tremendous Hour Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR002006S

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:23 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:30 Now, here's John Carter with today's message.
00:37 Welcome back to this tremendous hour.
00:41 This program is coming from Southern California.
00:44 I'm in the Carter Report Studio,
00:46 got cameras, but no camera people.
00:50 Got lots of seats here, but no people.
00:53 No audience, got a tiny skeleton crew upstairs
00:58 led by my son David.
01:00 And we're sending this program around the world
01:03 because we believe we're living in this tremendous hour.
01:08 And we believe we've come to the end times.
01:11 Now I've got something here.
01:13 I spoke about it in the last session.
01:16 We've just done an eight page Coronavirus virus bulletin,
01:21 full of very, very important facts.
01:25 Where did the COVID-19 virus come from?
01:29 What can we do about it?
01:31 Can we have hope?
01:33 How can we sort of eliminate
01:36 our chances of getting this if that is possible?
01:41 And so please write to me friend,
01:43 John Carter, P.O. Box 1900 Thousand Oaks,
01:47 California 91358.
01:49 It's here in the United States.
01:51 In Australia write to make care of my friend,
01:53 Pastor Harold Harker, down there in Terrigal.
01:59 We've got a box number there, so please write to me.
02:02 And we'll send you this eight page bulletin
02:07 on the Coronavirus.
02:09 Important facts, important information.
02:12 And it comes to you with God's blessing.
02:14 We're so glad that you tuned our way today.
02:19 Now, the texts we've been talking about is a text,
02:21 we're not gonna put it up
02:23 because we've already really gone through it,
02:25 we may refer to it later.
02:27 But there's a text in the Book of Romans
02:29 that says that knowing the times,
02:33 knowing the hour,
02:35 it is high time to awake out of sleep,
02:38 because now is our salvation nearer
02:41 than when we first believed.
02:43 It's a book, is that Book of Romans
02:45 that is full of tremendous information.
02:49 And this text tells us
02:51 that we have come to a certain time
02:53 when the prophecies are being fulfilled.
02:56 In the last session,
02:57 we spoke about some of those prophecies,
02:59 but we're gonna talk about some other things too.
03:02 The Bible says it's high time we say...
03:04 Okay, it's high time, high time for what?
03:07 The Bible says,
03:08 "It's high time to wake out of sleep."
03:11 That's what the text says, the Book of Romans,
03:13 high time to awake out of sleep.
03:16 And I say, my friend,
03:18 it's high time to awake out of sleep,
03:20 and stand on the promises of God.
03:24 You know, there's a lot of fear out there.
03:27 There's a lot of fear
03:29 in the United States of America,
03:31 where hundreds of thousands of people
03:32 have got the Coronavirus
03:34 and tens of thousands of people have died.
03:40 We didn't put up the exact figures today
03:42 because they're changing all the time.
03:44 People are dying every day.
03:48 And there's a lot of fear out there.
03:50 A lot of people are worried.
03:51 I want to say this to you.
03:53 It is high time to wake out of sleep
03:55 and stand on the promises of God.
03:59 I'm going to take my Bible.
04:00 I'm going to come over here to 2 Peter Chapter 1,
04:04 and I'm going to come to verse 4,
04:08 still finding it, 2 Peter.
04:11 What is it? Chapter 1 and verse 4.
04:16 Now, here it goes.
04:18 I want to read it to you right out of the Bible.
04:22 So you're ready for this.
04:24 It says, "By which have been given to us,
04:29 exceeding great and precious promises,
04:34 that through these you may be partakers
04:37 of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption
04:42 that is in the world through lust."
04:45 The Bible talks, my friend, the Bible talks about
04:49 great and precious promises.
04:54 It's not a case of sleeping on the premises.
04:57 It's a case of standing on the promises.
05:01 And if you stand on the promises,
05:04 you're not going to fall down.
05:06 I want to talk to you today about some of the promises.
05:09 I want to quote some of these promises.
05:11 Hebrews 13:5-6.
05:14 Just let this soak down into your soul.
05:18 "Let your conduct be without covetousness,
05:22 be content with such things as you have."
05:24 Here it is, "For he himself has said,
05:28 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'
05:33 So we may boldly say,
05:35 'The Lord is my helper, I will not fear.
05:40 What can men do to me?'"
05:44 What can the Coronavirus do to me?
05:47 If I've got God in my heart, I will not fear,
05:51 I can stand on the promises of God.
05:54 I will not be afraid.
05:58 And here's another one, another great promise.
06:00 Isaiah 40:29-31, I just love this,
06:04 Isaiah Chapter 40,
06:06 one of the greatest chapters in the Bible.
06:08 I just love Isaiah 40:29-31.
06:12 "He gives power to the weak."
06:15 Are you feeling weak today?
06:17 There's power for you.
06:19 "And to those who have no might He increases strength.
06:23 Even the youth shall faint and be weary.
06:26 And the young men shall utterly fall.
06:29 But those who wait upon the Lord
06:32 shall renew their strength,
06:33 they shall mount up with wings, like eagles,
06:37 they shall run and not be weary,
06:40 they shall walk and not faint."
06:42 My friend, if you let God take hold of you today,
06:48 He's going to put His arms around you,
06:51 and you are going to soar like an eagle.
06:55 You're going to walk, you're not going to get weary,
06:57 you're going to run and you're not going to faint
06:59 because you're going to have the breath of God
07:03 under your wings lifting you up.
07:06 So, I want to tell you folk something.
07:08 It's time for us
07:10 in this tremendous hour to stand,
07:12 to stand, to stand firmly on the promises of God.
07:16 This is no time to go to water.
07:18 This is no time to be filled with fear.
07:21 This is no time to run away.
07:23 This is a time to stand up.
07:25 And we can stand up when we're standing
07:27 on the promises of God.
07:29 Are you hearing me today?
07:33 There are two hospital ships
07:35 over here in the United States that are in active service now.
07:40 They're called Comfort and Mercy.
07:43 What names? Comfort and Mercy.
07:48 One here in LA, one in New York,
07:51 Comfort and Mercy.
07:53 The Bible tells us that comfort and mercy come from God.
07:57 They've got big red crosses.
07:59 You know who founded the Red Cross?
08:01 Christians in Switzerland.
08:05 In the 1800s, they saw all the soldiers
08:08 being killed on the battlefields
08:11 and hardly anybody there to help.
08:13 So they founded the Red Cross.
08:15 It comes from the cross of Christ.
08:19 Here you got these two beautiful big
08:22 US naval ships, Comfort and Mercy.
08:27 My friend, there's a message there from God to your heart.
08:32 He's got comfort for you, brother, sister.
08:35 He's got mercy for you.
08:38 Comfort and mercy for you, my sister.
08:41 This is not a time for us to be filled with fear.
08:44 It's a time for us to stand on the promises of God
08:49 and to feel the presence of God
08:52 in our lives.
08:56 Listen, it's high time.
08:59 What time is it the text says that knowing the time,
09:01 that now it is high time to awake out of asleep.
09:05 It is high time.
09:06 I'm telling you today, it is high time to prepare
09:10 for the coming of the Lord, and for the Great Tribulation.
09:15 And some of my Christian friends
09:16 call the coming of the Lord, the Rapture.
09:20 So we're not going to argue over that point
09:22 right here in this meeting.
09:24 But we're saying this, it is high time to prepare
09:27 for the Great Tribulation and the Rapture.
09:31 Now I know some of my dear friends,
09:32 that I've got so many friends in so many different churches,
09:35 and they say, you know,
09:38 bad things don't happen to good people.
09:42 Good people won't get the COVID-19 virus.
09:46 If I do, it's really because they're hypocrites,
09:49 they're not good people.
09:50 But the Bible tells me that
09:52 bad things happen to good people.
09:56 And I'm going to talk to you now about the Great Tribulation
09:59 because I believe
10:01 that the saints of God are going to go
10:05 through the Great Tribulation before Jesus returns.
10:09 Now please don't turn me off.
10:10 I just want you to listen to this,
10:12 and just give me an opportunity to explain this.
10:15 I'm going to come over here
10:16 to Revelation Chapter 7, Revelation 7:9.
10:21 Let me read it out of the Bible.
10:24 "After these things are looked and behold, great multitude,
10:29 which no one, which no one could number,
10:33 of all nations, tribes, peoples,
10:36 and tongues,
10:37 standing before the throne before the Lamb,
10:40 clothed with white robes,
10:41 with palm branches in their hands."
10:44 Here's a picture of God's redeemed saints.
10:49 These are God's people, this could not be plainer.
10:52 And then, if you come to verse 13 and 14.
10:56 Here you got two very powerful texts.
10:59 "Then one of the elders answered,
11:01 saying to me,
11:02 'Who are these arrayed in white robes,
11:04 where did they come from?'" Who are these people?
11:06 Who are they? Where do they come from?
11:08 Verse 14, listen now.
11:11 "So I said to him, 'Sir, you know.'
11:13 So he said to me,
11:14 'These are the ones who came out of this,
11:17 out of the Bible.
11:18 These are the ones
11:19 who came out of the Great Tribulation,
11:21 and washed their robes and made them white
11:24 in the blood of the Lamb.'"
11:28 Listen to me, brother, sister.
11:32 You can't come out of the Great Tribulation,
11:35 if you're not in the Great Tribulation.
11:39 The saints of God are in the Great Tribulation.
11:43 The saints of God are right there in the midst
11:46 of this terrible time of trouble.
11:48 The Bible says so, I just read it to you.
11:52 And then Jesus comes and delivers them.
11:59 What's hard about this?
12:01 This is the truth of the Bible.
12:04 Now I'm going to come over here
12:05 to Matthew 24:21.
12:10 Matthew 24:21-22, I want you to notice this.
12:16 Jesus said, now if Jesus said it,
12:18 that settles it.
12:20 "For then there will be great tribulation."
12:22 This is a great time of trouble.
12:25 But then there'll be great tribulation.
12:27 And people tell me, "Hey,
12:28 we don't need to worry about it,
12:29 because we're going to be raptured home to glory.
12:32 The saints don't go through the Great Tribulation.
12:34 Well, the Book of Revelation says they do,
12:37 we just read the text.
12:38 These are the ones
12:40 who came out of the Great Tribulation.
12:41 You can't come out of it if you're not in it.
12:44 What's hard about that?
12:46 Now Jesus is talking about the Great Tribulation.
12:50 Now, you may say to me, but my church, my friend,
12:53 I respect your church,
12:54 but my authority is not my church,
12:58 neither should your authority be your church.
13:01 Our authority ought to be the Holy Word of God.
13:05 Our authority is Christ
13:07 through the Holy Spirit speaking through His Word.
13:11 "But then there'll be great tribulation,"
13:13 there it is, "such as has not been
13:16 since the beginning of the world
13:18 until this time, nor ever shall be.
13:22 And unless those days were shortened,
13:25 no flesh would be saved, but for the elect's sake,
13:31 those days will be shortened."
13:35 Did you hear that text?
13:38 The Bible says,
13:40 "It's going to be a tremendous time of trouble."
13:44 And if God didn't shorten those days,
13:48 no one's going to be saved.
13:50 But the Bible says, "For the sake of the elect,
13:53 those days are going to be shortened."
13:58 Now if God and the elect are God's people.
14:02 They're the people who washed their robes
14:04 and make them white in the blood of the Lamb,
14:05 as it's taught in the Bible, the elect are God's people.
14:11 It would be totally irrelevant to shorten those days
14:14 for the sake of the elect
14:16 if the elect were not
14:17 in the midst of that time of trouble.
14:21 So I'm telling you,
14:22 on the authority of the words of Jesus,
14:26 that God's people will go through
14:28 the great time of trouble.
14:30 Now notice something else that happens
14:32 in Matthew 24:29 and 30.
14:38 I want to read this to you.
14:41 Matthew 24:29 and 30.
14:49 Listen to these words.
14:51 "Immediately after the tribulation
14:53 of those days the sun will be darkened,
14:55 the moon will not give its light,
14:57 the stars will fall from heaven,
14:58 and the powers of the heavens will be shaken."
15:01 So you've got these great celestial signs.
15:04 And then it says, verse 30,
15:05 "Then the sign of the Son of Man
15:07 will appear in heaven,
15:08 then all the tribes of the earth will mourn,
15:10 and they will see the Son of Man
15:14 coming in the clouds of heaven
15:16 with power and great glory."
15:20 Please listen to me.
15:24 The Bible says, there's the time of trouble,
15:27 the Great Tribulation.
15:29 And if God didn't shorten those days,
15:31 nobody's gonna be saved,
15:33 but because God's people are there in the midst of it,
15:35 the elect, He is going to shorten those days.
15:38 Then the Bible says,
15:40 "After this great time of trouble,
15:44 there's going to be the celestial signs.
15:48 And then the next event will be
15:51 the coming of Jesus Christ."
15:54 How plain can it be?
15:57 The saints, the elect go through
16:01 the Great Tribulation.
16:03 Who said so? John Carter?
16:05 No, Jesus said so.
16:07 So you've got the great time of trouble.
16:10 And then Jesus comes.
16:14 And Jesus, hallelujah,
16:17 Jesus delivers His people,
16:22 who've gone through the Great Tribulation.
16:25 This is the word of God.
16:29 Now, I want you to think of this little statement here.
16:32 It's almost impossible to get a church member
16:36 to see a truth
16:38 when his church membership depends upon his not seeing it.
16:44 There's another statement that's like it that says,
16:46 it's almost impossible to get a person,
16:49 anyone that see the truth with some idea
16:53 if his salary depends upon his not seeing it.
17:00 And it's almost impossible,
17:01 my friend, to get a church member,
17:03 not all by any means not impossible for the elect.
17:08 It's almost impossible to get a church member to see a truth
17:10 when his church membership depends upon his not seeing it.
17:14 I'm here to tell you something today.
17:16 Our authority is not based upon the church.
17:20 Now, I've got a church, I love my church,
17:22 but my authority is not based upon my church.
17:26 All churches have made mistakes.
17:29 My authority is right here.
17:31 It is the Holy Word of a Holy God.
17:33 So the saints, the elect go through
17:36 the Great Tribulation and they are delivered
17:38 when Jesus comes the second time.
17:41 Why am I telling you this?
17:44 Because, my friend,
17:47 we've arrived at this tremendous hour
17:50 when this Great Tribulation may be starting,
17:53 and the church is going to be here.
17:57 We have arrived at this tremendous hour.
17:59 It is time to distinguish between truth and error.
18:04 It is time to follow the Bible
18:06 and lay aside by the grace of God our preconceived ideas.
18:10 I don't want you to follow me.
18:11 I want you to follow Christ.
18:14 I want you to follow the Bible.
18:17 It is time to hold on to God.
18:20 It is time to triumph over the Great Tribulation,
18:24 and finally meet Jesus when He returns.
18:29 This is the good news I'm telling you today that
18:32 Jesus is going to come back,
18:34 and Jesus is going to deliver His people,
18:38 and His people are going to come out
18:40 of this Great Tribulation.
18:43 They're going to wash their robes
18:45 in the blood of the Lamb,
18:46 and they're going to be saved.
18:49 Okay, here's another great truth.
18:52 It's high time to understand that
18:54 during this tremendous hour,
19:00 God is removing His hand of protection
19:03 which brings on the Great Tribulation.
19:07 Now this leads us to the logical question.
19:10 Does the God of the Bible send afflictions to the world?
19:15 I want you to notice this text in the Book of Lamentations.
19:21 It's a great text, this text in Lamentations.
19:24 Here it is, great text.
19:25 Terrance does such a fantastic job
19:28 putting these pictures up from 50-60 miles away, amazing.
19:32 Lamentations 3:33 says,
19:34 "He does not afflict willingly,"
19:37 He has no will to do this,
19:39 "nor grieve the children of men."
19:41 God is not the author of pain,
19:45 of suffering, of cancer or death.
19:48 In a parable Jesus said, "The enemy did these things."
19:51 Some people blame God for this.
19:54 God didn't give us COVID-19.
19:57 It came from the vet markets, most likely in Wuhan, China.
20:03 Because of the violation
20:05 of the health laws of the Bible,
20:06 especially the laws of Leviticus Chapter 11,
20:10 this animal virus got into human beings
20:13 never, never blame God.
20:17 God loves us. God cares for us.
20:19 God does not afflict the children of men.
20:23 But I want you to think
20:24 of the children of Israel in the Old Testament.
20:27 Afflictions came to the children of Israel
20:30 when God removed His hand of protection.
20:36 Heard a great preacher in America, Dr. Stan Lee say,
20:40 "God protected us during the Second World War,
20:42 His hand was over us.
20:44 If we hadn't had the protection of God,
20:47 we wouldn't have won this war against the Nazis.
20:49 God had his hand over America."
20:52 But in the scriptures as God's people turn away
20:55 from God, God removes His hand of protection.
21:00 And these things come upon us.
21:05 And I think, wants you to think about it, too.
21:09 I think many of us have given up on God.
21:12 Remember Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
21:14 one of the greatest Christians who had ever lived,
21:17 who came out of the belly
21:19 of the beast out of the Soviet Union.
21:22 When he saw all the terrible things
21:23 that had happened to the Soviet Union,
21:25 and the terrible things
21:26 that are happening in the world,
21:28 he said, this is one of the greatest Christians.
21:30 He said, "We have forgotten God,
21:33 and all these things have befallen us."
21:36 God doesn't send tribulation.
21:38 He doesn't affect the children of men,
21:40 but we have forgotten God,
21:43 and all these things have befallen us.
21:46 He wrote that tremendous book, the Gulag Archipelago,
21:49 He received the Nobel Prize of literature
21:52 for literature in 1970.
21:54 When he came to America, he warned America
21:57 that if we turned from God,
21:59 great disasters would come upon us.
22:01 There's time, my friend, to turn back to God.
22:04 What is the time?
22:06 It is time to awake out of asleep
22:08 and seek the Lord while He may be found.
22:10 That's the time, my friend, time to wake up.
22:13 Look at Isaiah 55:6 and 7.
22:16 Isaiah 55, "Seek the Lord while He may be found,
22:21 call upon Him when while He is near,
22:24 He's near now, come now.
22:26 Let the wicked forsake his way,
22:28 and the unrighteous man his thoughts,
22:30 let him return to the Lord, He will have mercy on him,
22:34 and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
22:38 My friend, what is the time?
22:40 It is high time to awake out of sleep.
22:41 It is time to come back to God.
22:44 It is time to come to Christ.
22:46 It is high time to understand that God's love doesn't change.
22:51 Some people think that God doesn't love us.
22:53 God's love doesn't change.
22:55 You know the story about the father in the Blitz,
22:58 in London.
23:00 The Nazis were bombing the British.
23:02 This man lost his wife.
23:04 And there he was with his little daughter.
23:06 She's lost her mother. They were in an apartment.
23:08 It was dark, it was cold.
23:10 It was black, and the bombs were falling.
23:13 The father said, "My little girl, go to sleep."
23:16 But she was crying for a mother.
23:18 She couldn't get to sleep.
23:19 So he said over and over again.
23:21 It's time to go to sleep, go to sleep.
23:23 And she would cry out in the darkness,
23:24 Daddy, are you still there? Are you still there?
23:29 We cry out in the darkness, God, are You still there?
23:32 He'd say, "I'm still here."
23:34 "Are you looking in my direction?"
23:36 Yes, I'm looking in your direction,
23:37 go to sleep. Go to sleep.
23:40 I'm here.
23:42 And I'm looking in your direction."
23:43 That's my message I want to tell you today,
23:46 my friend, from my empty studio during this pandemic.
23:49 I want you to know that
23:52 He's alive and He's looking towards you.
23:55 It is high time to believe our hour
24:00 of deliverance is at hand.
24:02 Can you say amen?
24:05 The King is coming.
24:07 We have arrived at this tremendous hour.
24:11 The prophecies are being fulfilled.
24:15 God is sending warning after warning.
24:17 He speaks to us.
24:19 In hurricanes, tornadoes, the fires, the earthquakes,
24:23 the floods, the pandemics, He says, I am coming.
24:28 What is my message?
24:32 That knowing the time
24:34 that now it is high time to awake out of sleep.
24:40 The night is far spent, almost over,
24:47 and the day is at hand.
24:50 Because, my friend, the King is coming.
24:55 Remember this, the King is coming.
25:01 And He loves you.
25:05 Why not open your heart today and say,
25:09 "Christ, come into my heart today.
25:14 I want Your salvation.
25:17 I want Your peace and I want Your paradise."
25:23 We pray this in Jesus' name.
25:27 Amen. And God bless you so much.
25:36 This is a Carter Report update on the Coronavirus.
25:40 Events around the globe
25:41 are being postponed and canceled.
25:43 We do not know how long our lives will be disrupted
25:46 but this we do know, the virus will be stopped.
25:49 Health officials have asked all of us
25:51 to use caution when traveling, wash your hands
25:54 and avoid crowds as much as possible.
25:56 The John Carter Gospel program in Manila will take place
26:00 in the near future.
26:01 Until then, may we all take refuge in the Holy Spirit
26:04 and know that God's grace
26:06 will guide us through this unsettling time.
26:09 Let us pray for a quick recovery
26:11 for those and their families touched by the virus.
26:15 As we continue to provide you
26:16 with new Carter Report programs,
26:19 know that the Lord is watching over us.
26:21 We appreciate you, our Carter Report family.
26:25 This is indeed a time
26:26 when your financial and prayerful support
26:29 will help us reach those who perhaps for the first time
26:32 are turning to God for comfort.
26:39 Time, it takes only a minute to have eternal life.
26:43 How can you get saved in a minute?
26:44 It's simple.
26:46 First believe that Jesus was the Son of God.
26:48 Second, accept His free gift of eternal life.
26:51 And then you're safe. It's not hard.
26:55 It doesn't take any time.
26:56 You can be saved in a minute right now.
26:59 Pray with me, Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner.
27:03 My sin has separated me from You.
27:06 I accept that Your Son Jesus Christ died for me.
27:09 I ask Jesus into my heart.
27:11 If you prayed this prayer, you're saved.
27:14 The next thing to do is tell someone,
27:16 fellowship with other followers of Jesus, get baptized.
27:21 Read your Bible and pray.
27:23 Choices, we make them every day, all day.
27:26 The most important choice you will make in your life
27:29 is whether to choose eternal life
27:31 or let it pass you by.
27:33 If you'd like more information about your new life,
27:35 call the number and visit our website.
27:43 For a copy of today's program,
27:45 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
27:49 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
27:53 Or in Australia, contact us at
27:56 P.O. Box 861, Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:02 This program is made possible
28:04 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:07 We thank you for your continued support.
28:10 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2020-05-07