Carter Report, The

The New Health Revolution Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001940S

00:02 I'm John Carter in Moscow.
00:04 In Havana, Cuba.
00:07 Now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:10 I'm John Carter in Petra.
00:13 Right here in Communist China.
00:16 Reporting from India.
00:18 Hi, I'm John Carter in the Solomon Islands.
00:21 I'm John Carter in Soweto.
00:24 From El Salvador.
00:26 I'm John Carter in Sydney, Australia.
00:29 John Carter explores what is behind
00:32 The New Health Revolution.
00:36 Hello friend.
00:37 Welcome today to The New Health Revolution.
00:41 I'm John Carter.
00:43 Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life
00:48 and have it to the full."
00:50 God wants you to be healthy, happy and prosperous.
00:56 My special guest today is Dr. John Westerdahl,
01:01 a world famous health scientist.
01:04 Welcome today to The Carter Report.
01:11 Greater Manila is more than 20 million souls.
01:14 Almost all these beautiful people
01:16 are ignorant of the true Gospel of Christ.
01:19 Manila needs Jesus.
01:21 Thirty five years ago, John Carter came to Manila.
01:25 Pastor Carter is returning to Manila
01:27 with an urgent assignment,
01:29 preach the Gospel of Christ
01:30 and the great truths of the Bible.
01:33 Don't water down the message.
01:35 Make it plain, make it clear, make it Christ centered.
01:39 The Carter Report needs your help now
01:42 to light a fire in the Philippines.
01:44 Your gift will help open the doors of bondage,
01:47 smash the chains of sin,
01:49 and open the gates of paradise
01:50 to thousands of lost souls.
01:53 The churches have sent out an urgent plea
01:55 for The Carter Report to return.
01:57 Help us proclaim the true Gospel of Christ
02:00 to the beautiful Filipino people.
02:02 Please send your support to the address on the screen.
02:05 Visit our website or call The Carter Report.
02:12 Hello, friend, I'm John Carter.
02:14 Welcome today to The New Health Revolution.
02:17 My special guest is Dr. John Westerdahl
02:22 who is a graduate of Loma Linda University,
02:26 here in Southern California.
02:27 Doctor, welcome to our program today.
02:30 Pastor Carter, it's great to be with you.
02:32 We're delighted to have you with us.
02:34 We've done some tremendous programs together
02:37 and we are so happy,
02:40 we're privileged to have you with us.
02:42 How bad is the health crisis here
02:45 in these great United States of America?
02:48 Well, we are in a major healthcare crisis today.
02:51 And it's not just as politicians
02:53 they're talking about.
02:54 We gotta have a better insurance plan
02:56 or whatever.
02:57 That's not the issue. No.
02:59 The issue is what is the cause of our healthcare crisis
03:02 and it has to do with the way people are living.
03:04 And no one's talking about that.
03:06 None of the politicians.
03:07 None of them talk about because
03:08 I think it's politically incorrect.
03:10 They can say, "Well you should be exercising every day,
03:11 you should be eating healthy."
03:13 They don't wanna hear that.
03:14 They want cheaper drugs of all...
03:16 I'll try to get better deals in drugs for you.
03:19 It's really the new insanity, Doctor.
03:21 It really is.
03:22 It's the new insanity and in our last program,
03:24 we talked about how people's minds
03:27 are influenced by what they eat.
03:29 It is.
03:31 But I wanna say to the audience as we start here today
03:33 because I don't want them to get it wrong.
03:37 We believe that we are saved
03:39 by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
03:42 We believe in the Gospel of Christ.
03:45 We don't believe that we're saved by what we eat
03:47 or by what we drink
03:49 or by being vegetarian or vegans, do we?
03:53 From the spiritual sense, you are correct but what we eat
03:56 and what we drink does
03:57 can save us against heart disease,
03:59 diabetes and cancer.
04:00 But it doesn't get us into heaven, does it?
04:02 No, we're not saved.
04:03 It's not a test of our faith.
04:05 But Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life
04:09 and have it more abundantly."
04:11 That's John 10:10.
04:13 And God does want us to be healthy,
04:15 happy and He doesn't want us to have cancer.
04:18 No.
04:19 And if we are healthy and happy,
04:21 we treat these living temples that God have given us
04:24 and keeping it in good health,
04:26 we can do more to further God's work.
04:32 You're a graduate of Loma Linda University
04:35 which is a great place for health.
04:36 Yes.
04:38 Talk to me about
04:39 the New Testament concept of the body?
04:43 You know, this is very interesting
04:44 because of all religions, ancient and modern
04:47 and all the different religions,
04:49 Christianity is the one that really talks about is our body
04:52 is a temple of God
04:56 and the Holy Spirit living within us.
04:58 Now, you know the Greek concept.
05:01 The Greeks believe that the body was a shell.
05:03 Right.
05:05 And it contained an immortal soul.
05:06 This was an idea of dualism so when a person died,
05:11 the body was just the shell, but the soul went home to God.
05:16 But that is not the teaching of the New Testament.
05:17 It isn't.
05:19 You know, I admired as I remember one surgeon one day,
05:21 he told me that before he performed surgery,
05:25 he goes in the Bible, he looks at it,
05:26 he's going into a cathedral.
05:30 As a Christian, you know, he looks at that
05:33 and that's the way that we are.
05:34 That's a great idea.
05:36 And we need to treat our bodies that way.
05:37 The body as a cathedral? Yes.
05:39 It's not a garbage can with a hairy lid
05:42 that a lot of people just throw.
05:43 Not a garbage can with a hairy lid.
05:45 Did you get that one?
05:46 Throw in everything in it, you see.
05:47 Good one.
05:49 Now, I think it's 1 Corinthians
05:51 6 where Paul says,
05:54 "Don't you know that your body is the temple of God,
05:58 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
06:01 If any man, somewhere he says, "If you defile this temple,
06:06 God will destroy you."
06:08 That's right.
06:09 Because this temple is Holy and you are that temple.
06:12 So this is a very opposite
06:14 of the pagan concept of the ancient Greeks.
06:17 I want to mention one thing about that too.
06:19 It's not that God's destroying us
06:21 and casting judgment on us for that.
06:22 No.
06:24 What it is, He's put laws of nature, laws of health.
06:27 We destroy ourselves by the way we live.
06:29 Talk to me about these laws of health, please?
06:31 Okay.
06:33 Well, the laws of health are the laws of nature,
06:35 they keep our body healthy
06:36 and that includes good nutrition,
06:38 particularly a plant-based diet, exercise...
06:40 But the Bible has got laws,
06:43 I mean nature's got laws is my point, I'm asking.
06:46 Yes, that we know of the Mosaic health laws
06:49 which talk about not eating blood,
06:51 not eating fat by having hygiene.
06:54 These are great health principles
06:56 that we find in the scriptures.
06:58 And, let me just take a little divergence.
07:01 Sure.
07:02 Tell me about the Gospel of Christ.
07:05 Now we're talking about the gospel of health,
07:08 but there's something more important,
07:11 that's the gospel of grace.
07:13 Now, you are a Christian.
07:14 Yes, I am.
07:15 So tell me about the gospel, please?
07:18 Well, the gospel, you know, Jesus came,
07:21 He died on the cross for us, for our sins,
07:24 you know, that's, the gospel is the good news.
07:26 It's good news, not the bad news?
07:27 No, the bad news is that we're sinners
07:30 and we should have eternal death.
07:33 The good news is through Jesus Christ,
07:36 we can have eternal life through Him
07:40 for dying on the cross for our sin.
07:43 And this is free, isn't it?
07:44 And this is free.
07:45 Want everybody to hear this.
07:47 You can be saved by the blood of Jesus now.
07:50 And if you believe in Jesus,
07:52 doesn't matter what you've done,
07:54 if you truly believe in Jesus,
07:57 you get today everlasting life
08:00 and you're going to live one day
08:01 forever with Him in the Kingdom of God.
08:04 This is the gospel, isn't it?
08:05 Yeah, that's true anti-aging, right?
08:07 You live forever.
08:08 Yeah, this is why it's called good news.
08:10 That's right.
08:12 So God wants us, we believe to be healthy, happy,
08:17 prosperous and successful.
08:19 That's right.
08:21 In doing so we can do more
08:23 to serve the Lord is to serve our fellowmen.
08:26 Now, this is something very important
08:29 because you're wealth of information,
08:33 there is certain super foods.
08:35 Yes, there are.
08:37 I mean these are super foods and if you eat the super foods,
08:41 you're going to be all things equal.
08:44 You're gonna be super healthy.
08:45 And you know why they're super foods
08:47 because God has created these foods.
08:49 We'll go over some of these
08:50 and they have wonderful health principles in them,
08:54 and this is compared to the super unhealthy foods
08:57 that everyone else is eating that has no nutritional values
08:59 and that contribute to disease and illness.
09:02 These are the foods that give us life.
09:03 Let me talk to the audience.
09:05 Now please listen up.
09:07 We're giving you information here today
09:10 which is worth more than a million dollars.
09:13 And the government
09:14 can't tell you this and lot of churches can' tell you this,
09:17 but the Bible tells us so many wonderful facts
09:21 and we have here today a man who is a health scientist.
09:27 And he's going to talk now
09:28 about some of the super foods so...
09:31 Okay. Let's look at.
09:33 We have Acai berry
09:34 which is a berry that comes down from Brazil,
09:37 loaded with antioxidants.
09:39 Say this word again.
09:40 Acai. Acai berries.
09:42 Here are some, they are rich in antioxidants,
09:45 they combat premature aging,
09:48 they combat free radical damage,
09:49 these compounds that unstable
09:52 that destroy our cells that can lead to cancer.
09:55 How do you get this stuff?
09:57 Where do you get this?
09:58 Well, you can get it,
09:59 luckily now it's all over America,
10:01 if you look in your health food stores,
10:02 you can go and see the smoothies
10:04 and all types of things they make out of Acai berries.
10:06 Are they full of additives?
10:09 What about sugars?
10:10 Oh, no, no, they're natural berries.
10:12 They're usually frozen 'cause they can spoil quickly.
10:15 I see them in a big place I go to,
10:17 I can't mention it publicly but sit starts with cost.
10:22 It's a big...
10:23 Oh, okay, yeah, I know that.
10:25 You know Costco? Right.
10:26 Now they've got this stuff for sale
10:27 and they've got it in juices.
10:29 They have it in juices, they also have them in bowls
10:32 and so forth with the fruits.
10:33 But in the juices would it be full of sugar?
10:36 You have to read the ingredients.
10:37 Some of them will add sugar to it and some won't.
10:40 So it just depends on the part. So it's a super food.
10:42 But it is a super food.
10:43 And, of course, almonds are a super food.
10:45 Almonds are a great healthy nut.
10:47 Now, I'm not talking about almonds
10:49 that have all the sugar on it and the salt and all that.
10:52 I'm talking about raw almonds
10:53 because it's a great source of healthy type of fat
10:57 what we call monounsaturated fats.
10:59 Do you eat almonds?
11:01 I eat almonds, I eat it raw.
11:02 I had almonds this morning for breakfast.
11:04 Okay, very good. That's why I'm full of energy.
11:06 That's good.
11:07 Okay, tell me more about almonds?
11:08 Well, almonds are also
11:10 they have that monounsaturated fat
11:11 which is a healthy type of fat, that's heart healthy.
11:13 Good for the heart.
11:14 It's good for the heart, it's high in fiber
11:16 and it's a good source of protein
11:17 and also it has calcium in it.
11:19 Good for the HDL?
11:21 It's good for HDL
11:23 which is the healthy type of cholesterol, so...
11:24 Yeah, I just threw that in so that you know I know a lot.
11:27 Yes, that's good.
11:29 But have some almonds every day
11:31 and they're great source of vitamin E
11:32 which is the antioxidants,
11:34 there's the fat soluble antioxidant.
11:35 That keeps within the fat cell parts of the cell,
11:38 keeps that from being oxidized.
11:40 Vitamin E? Vitamin E.
11:41 And that's good for us?
11:43 And that's very good for your health.
11:44 So how many almonds do you need to take?
11:47 You don't need a lot, you know, we talked about as a serving,
11:50 just a small little handful of almonds
11:52 is a serving of almonds.
11:53 Now you can go overboard,
11:54 don't eat that whole can of almonds.
11:56 But I have a big handful of almonds.
11:58 Okay. Yeah. That's good. That's all right.
12:00 I usually overdo things.
12:02 Okay. Okay.
12:04 Let's take look at some of the other super foods.
12:05 Then there's apples, you know, they say,
12:07 "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
12:08 Yeah.
12:10 Now, I've one thing I've to say.
12:11 When you eat apples, eat only organic apples,
12:14 only organic apple products, you know why...
12:16 Let me, I'm gonna tell the people once again,
12:18 don't eat ordinary apples.
12:20 Make sure they're organic because...
12:22 Because they're on the list of the Dirty Dozen.
12:25 The most conventional apples, they use a lot of pesticides.
12:28 Yes, all the poisons. Yes.
12:30 And that's why all these baby foods
12:33 now using organic apples for children.
12:35 You should try to get organic, whenever you can.
12:38 Whenever you can. Yeah.
12:39 They contain these polyphenol antioxidants.
12:42 They protect against free radical damage,
12:44 maintain good health, they contain pectin.
12:47 Pectin is a type of fiber that you find in almonds
12:50 and that type of fiber actually lowers your cholesterol.
12:53 So it's a soluble fiber.
12:57 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
12:59 And they actually help to control blood sugar
13:02 for people with type-2 diabetes.
13:05 So apples are very good... So stabilize blood sugar?
13:07 It can help do that because of the pectin,
13:09 the soluble fiber that we find in apples.
13:10 I'm amazed. Yeah.
13:12 Keep going. What else we got? Okay.
13:14 So let's go on the list and see what else we got here.
13:16 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
13:17 Yes, okay.
13:19 You know, there was one French study
13:20 that show that eating two apples per day
13:22 resulted in an average drop in cholesterol by 10%.
13:25 That's a lot.
13:27 Yeah, that equals 20 to 30% reduction of heart disease.
13:30 When I get out of here, I'm gonna have an apple.
13:32 And one Mayo Clinic study showed that it help prevent
13:35 the growth of prostate cancer cells.
13:37 Okay. But apples are really good.
13:39 The other one is apricots.
13:40 In Hunza, the people who live to be 120 years of age
13:45 and lot of centenarians, they eat apricots every day,
13:48 both in the fresh and even dry them to preserve in...
13:51 You think dried apricots are okay?
13:53 They're good if they don't have sugar added to them
13:55 and if they're the unsulphured type,
13:58 you know, they wanna make them look pretty
14:00 and sometimes they use sulphur dioxide.
14:01 Don't get those types.
14:03 Get the regular, dried apricots without these sugars.
14:06 Yeah, maybe tribe of Jose
14:07 would have those, wouldn't they?
14:08 They may have some of those. Okay.
14:10 They're good source of vitamin A.
14:11 Apricots, folks, apricots, apples,
14:14 almonds put this down in the molecules of your mind.
14:18 This is worth more than a million bucks, okay?
14:21 Beta-Carotene formed vitamin A contains fiber and potassium.
14:24 So apricots are very healthy thing.
14:26 And by the way in the Bible
14:28 when it says golden apples. Yeah?
14:30 Those are apricots. Oh.
14:31 So it's a Bible food.
14:33 Well, that's a bit free nut.
14:34 Holy foods of the Bible.
14:35 Should've said apricots, okay.
14:37 And it protects against free radical damage,
14:39 helps to maintain healthy skin and as I said,
14:43 it's a staple food in Hunza,
14:45 one of the areas of the world where people live...
14:46 Yeah, where people live 120 or something.
14:48 That's right. Yeah.
14:49 Blueberries! I have blueberries every day.
14:52 Blueberries are wonderful because they are brain food,
14:55 and they're also rich in these antioxidants.
14:58 Goodness, I need a lot of blueberries then.
15:01 They contain powerful antioxidants,
15:03 what we call anthocyanins and flavanols.
15:06 They fight free radical damage
15:09 so it doesn't damage the DNA within your cells.
15:11 Now, I gotta tell the folks something
15:13 who are watching the program.
15:15 Hear this, I'm not working for Costco
15:18 and I'm not getting paid by Costco
15:21 and I'm not on a subsidy
15:23 from Costco any of those things.
15:24 But if you go to Costco, you got big bags of organic...
15:27 That's organic.
15:28 I buy mines, it's organic too, organic blueberries frozen.
15:32 By the way, you don't have to get fresh blueberries.
15:33 And they're cheap. Yeah.
15:35 Fresh is much more expensive.
15:37 Get the frozen, organic blueberries.
15:39 Big bag! Look at all these benefits.
15:41 Strengthens tissues and blood vessels,
15:44 protects eye health, wards off varicose veins,
15:47 protects against heart disease and cancer.
15:49 Blueberries are a powerful berry
15:52 to include in your diet every day.
15:54 And by the way, they are low on the glycemic index
15:57 so it's good for people trying to control their blood sugar.
15:59 Yeah, doesn't put your sugar up.
16:01 That's right.
16:02 I have blueberries every morning.
16:04 I do too.
16:05 Yeah. I do.
16:06 And they're anticancer foods that contain substances
16:10 that actually prevent carcinogens
16:12 from binding to the DNA in cells.
16:14 Folks, you better keep listening to this
16:15 'cause this information is worth more
16:18 than a million dollars.
16:21 Blueberries from Costco, not anywhere...
16:25 They better sponsor you.
16:26 But listen, they ought to be organic?
16:28 Yes, organic is better.
16:30 Not the stuff that's covered with all the garbage
16:31 as you know.
16:33 Some places grow them,
16:34 they spray them with pesticides.
16:36 Yeah.
16:37 Another one is broccoli, not President Bush's...
16:40 George Herbert W... Favorite.
16:42 But I'll tell you, broccoli is like
16:44 throwing cancer bombs in the body.
16:47 It has this anti cancer compounds in them.
16:50 They're also good sources of calcium,
16:53 more absorbable than milk calcium,
16:55 high in vitamin K.
16:56 These are very important bone nutrients for you.
16:59 But the cancer properties,
17:02 we call they're anti-inflammatory properties
17:04 but also has these sulforaphane that you see there.
17:08 This actually inhibits
17:10 the proliferation of cancer cells.
17:12 And I gotta keep eating them but I hate broccoli.
17:15 I hate broccoli but Beverley says to me,
17:18 "Eat you broccoli."
17:20 So I eat the broccoli.
17:23 That's my favorite vegetable actually.
17:24 It's your favorite vegetable?
17:26 My favorite.
17:27 It's a cruciferous vegetable
17:29 which have these anticancer products...
17:30 It's what?
17:31 Cruciferous vegetable they call.
17:33 It's a category.
17:34 That puts me off. It has like a cross on it.
17:36 That's where the cruciferous comes from.
17:38 And it contains compounds that stimulate enzymes
17:42 that break down cancer causing chemicals.
17:44 Oh, I tell you, folks, don't give up.
17:46 You better eat your broccoli because it's anticancer.
17:49 Right.
17:51 And you can get to like it, I'm sure.
17:52 Sure.
17:53 You know, some people even grind up
17:55 and they put in their smoothie with other things
17:56 that take the flavor out of it if they like it.
17:58 They deserve a special medal.
18:00 Cinnamon is a healthy food.
18:02 In cinnamon, by the way has compounds that can...
18:06 It's a traditional remedy for digestion,
18:07 but it also has compounds that can help against diabetes.
18:12 One of these cinnamon things on the screen, these likes?
18:15 That's a dried cinnamon,
18:16 you know, cinnamon's from a bark from a tree.
18:18 And I recommend organic cinnamon also.
18:21 So where do you buy that stuff?
18:23 You can buy that...
18:24 Well, cinnamon powder,
18:25 you'll buy as cinnamon powder for most people.
18:27 You're not gonna chew in the bark necessarily.
18:29 No. But it has anti-inflammatory...
18:31 I think the bark looks pretty nice,
18:32 look like chocolate.
18:34 Almost, looks like little bit.
18:36 Anti-inflammatory compounds helps with pain and stiffness
18:39 in muscle joints.
18:41 What we call carminative spice that helps relieve gas.
18:45 But the other interesting thing
18:46 about it is it helps control blood sugar.
18:49 It does?
18:50 Yeah, Nathan Pritikin recommended
18:52 and said that using sugar on your oatmeal and foods,
18:55 sprinkle cinnamon 'cause it has sweet flavor.
18:58 Yeah.
18:59 But not cinnamon buns?
19:01 Not cinnamon buns.
19:02 You know, we're talking now the cinnamon buns.
19:04 No, and that doesn't counteract all that butter.
19:06 It doesn't? No.
19:07 It actually has...
19:09 Accept baby if you ate a lot of them.
19:10 Yeah.
19:11 It has Methyl hydroxychalcone polymer.
19:14 Don't try to remember that word.
19:16 No, I won't.
19:17 But that increases glucose metabolism in cells
19:19 and it actually mimics insulin functions.
19:21 Okay, after this I'm off to get broccoli and cinnamon.
19:24 Maybe I could put some cinnamon on the broccoli.
19:26 Put it on there, it may taste better for you, yeah.
19:29 I think it'll make it taste better.
19:30 Citrus fruits of all kinds.
19:32 Now I know,
19:33 you know, people drink these gallons of orange juice.
19:35 It's better to eat the fruit, the whole fruit,
19:38 nothing but the fruit.
19:39 That's bad news, isn't it?
19:40 Drinking orange juice?
19:42 If you drink too much of that, so concentrated,
19:44 you can fit six orange juice into one glass, you know.
19:47 I read a report.
19:48 I don't know whether it's true or not.
19:49 But I read all these reports.
19:51 They say that they've done a lot of scientific research
19:55 and people who drink lots of orange juice die quicker.
19:59 They don't live as long.
20:01 Well, I don't know about that but...
20:02 It's full up on sugar.
20:03 It is high in sugar so...
20:05 And isn't sugar sugar?
20:06 Sugar sugar but when it's in the whole fruit form,
20:10 you're getting fiber with it
20:12 and you're getting other compounds.
20:13 But that's not juice?
20:15 And that's just not juice in it all.
20:16 No, juicing it is not the natural form, is it?
20:19 Too much juice is not good, particularly fruit juices.
20:22 Yes, stay with us
20:23 because there's still good news to come.
20:24 Keep going.
20:26 Vitamin C, rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids
20:28 contains a good source of fiber,
20:29 that's the pectin fiber
20:31 that actually helps lower cholesterol.
20:32 And it contains some anti-inflammatory properties.
20:35 So it's better to eat it as God made it.
20:39 I say eat the whole fruit. Eat an orange.
20:41 Yes, eat the whole fruit, that's better for you.
20:42 It's okay to skin it.
20:44 See, like I say, in juices,
20:46 you can get six glass orange juice
20:48 in a glass and how many people can eat six oranges?
20:50 Well the point is, it does fills you up on sugar.
20:53 It does.
20:54 And I've heard people say, "Oh, it's natural sugar."
20:57 But what they've gotta realize,
20:58 Doctor, as you've taught eat sugar,
21:01 eat sugar, eat sugar.
21:03 And we eat too much of it.
21:04 And when the pancreas sees it, it can't tell the difference.
21:07 Right. Right.
21:09 Okay, let's keep going.
21:10 Okay Concord grapes.
21:12 Oh, Concord grapes are rich in these antioxidants too.
21:15 Those purple grapes are great
21:18 as they're pharmacy of healthful nutrients.
21:20 Actually they help you with life extension
21:23 and anti-aging and longevity
21:25 because they have these compounds in them
21:28 that are anti...
21:29 Resveratrol for instance
21:31 is one of the compounds antioxidants
21:35 that we find that...
21:36 Do you know they talk about the French paradoxing
21:38 drinking wine cause it's Resveratrol.
21:40 Well you don't have to have alcohol.
21:42 You could have a little grape juice
21:43 or whole grapes and get that resveratrol too.
21:46 And these are called Concord grapes...
21:47 Concord grapes are excellent.
21:49 Now, you know, we gotta do.
21:51 We got a lot of material to go through.
21:53 Sure.
21:55 So I want us to go through this a little faster.
21:56 Okay, well just put the list on.
21:58 I don't want us to lose any of this material.
22:00 Okay.
22:01 Anti-aging and high concentration
22:04 of that resveratrol.
22:06 It has protective factors of heart disease.
22:08 Keeps the blood flowing well.
22:10 Yeah, yeah. Another one, flaxseeds.
22:12 Flaxseeds are rich in these natural Omega-3 fatty acids.
22:16 Flaxseeds?
22:17 You don't have to get it from fish
22:18 if you want or concerned about having from animal source,
22:22 you can get it in a plant source.
22:23 It has lignans.
22:24 These help fight against hormonal levels
22:27 that can increase tumor growth.
22:29 And it tastes okay. And tastes good.
22:30 And ground your flaxseeds when you use it
22:32 because if you just have the whole flaxseed,
22:33 it might go through your whole body and then you...
22:36 What's so if you chew them?
22:37 You could chew them but if you can grind them,
22:40 it releases those Omega-3 fatty acids.
22:41 Yeah, okay.
22:43 Garlic is another one.
22:44 I spent two years studying garlic.
22:45 Oh, I like garlic.
22:47 Another Bible healing food, garlic...
22:49 Why do you say it's a Bible healing food?
22:51 Because it was used by the Jewish people,
22:54 it was the food used in the Holy land quite a bit.
22:55 But they're pretty smart people.
22:57 And they are.
22:58 You can buy also almonds that are covered in garlic.
23:01 Sure.
23:02 I've got someone in my office. Okay.
23:04 These are the reasons I'm so full of energy today
23:09 eating this garlic.
23:10 But this garlic helps you
23:12 keep your blood cholesterol in control.
23:14 Studies had shown that it can keep,
23:16 help with the blood pressure,
23:17 cardiovascular benefits, so garlic is good.
23:19 And National Cancer Institute...
23:21 Eat the garlic, my friend, eat the garlic and the almonds.
23:24 And the National Cancer Institute
23:25 listed of all the cancer fighting foods,
23:27 garlic was number one.
23:29 Let's say that again of all the cancer...
23:31 When they made a pyramid of the cancer fighting foods
23:33 and the number one was garlic.
23:35 I wanna talk to the TV audience.
23:38 Garlic is number one for fighting cancer.
23:41 Get this, garlic. Keep going, Doctor.
23:43 And ginger, I know you like that,
23:44 you like that ginger tea.
23:46 I believe you like to drink that.
23:47 I like ginger covered with chocolate.
23:50 Well, I don't know about that but anyway...
23:52 Dark chocolate.
23:53 It's a natural remedy.
23:55 It's a digestive aid.
23:56 What do the doctors tell you when you have an upset stomach?
23:58 Drink some ginger ale or eat some ginger.
24:00 Yes, indeed. Yes.
24:01 Well, that's because it has compounds in it
24:03 that can help with digestive issues...
24:06 So ginger...
24:07 And anti-inflammatory properties too.
24:09 And I'm told it can help a little bit if you get dizzy.
24:12 Yes, it does.
24:14 My great doctor told me.
24:15 Sea sickness Sea sickness.
24:16 When people go out on boats, they have some ginger.
24:18 I'll take ginger with you when you get on the boat.
24:20 Goji berries, these are that berries
24:23 that come from the Himalaya areas in China.
24:26 Used in Tibet for 1,700 years
24:29 as a traditional Chinese medicine.
24:30 Lot of the Chinese herbal medicines
24:32 use goji berries in them
24:34 because it's considered for longevity
24:36 and strength building.
24:37 And it's one of the most nutrient dense foods
24:40 on all the earth.
24:42 Amazing.
24:43 Eighteen amino acids, lots of great minerals,
24:46 natural fatty acids and a bit carotene, vitamin C.
24:49 it's a great food to include in your food.
24:52 Sprinkle it on salads, and include that...
24:53 Do you eat this stuff?
24:55 Yeah, I have goji berries.
24:57 I make a smoothie that you put it into.
25:00 It improves immune response
25:02 and that's been shown in clinical studies as well.
25:05 So goji berries is a real popular food.
25:08 Go-go goji berries. And kale.
25:10 There's nothing like kale.
25:11 Kale is a rich source of calcium.
25:13 In fact the more calcium absorbility than milk
25:19 and without all the cholesterol.
25:22 And also here one of the most nutrients dense foods
25:24 on the face of earth.
25:25 Your greens are the most important foods
25:27 to get into you as far as healthy nutrition.
25:29 So we got to pause on this.
25:31 The greens are the most important foods you can get?
25:33 We need to get more greens into that.
25:35 People do not eat enough greens.
25:36 I don't have enough greens 'cause I don't like broccoli.
25:39 I'm not too keen on kale.
25:41 But kale is very good for you.
25:43 Kale is excellent.
25:44 Beverley tries to feed me on kale and broccoli.
25:46 It has Lutein and Zeaxanthin
25:48 which is good for protecting against eye disease
25:51 such as macular degeneration and cataracts,
25:55 and it's great source of, as I said vitamin...
25:57 Okay, we gotta keep going.
25:58 Okay, mangoes. Now we're talking.
26:01 I don't know why I had a mango tree in my backyard.
26:04 It has a great source of antioxidants.
26:06 Yeah, I love mangoes.
26:07 And super antioxidants in mangoes.
26:11 You know, they're sweet,
26:12 so you know, you eat them in moderation
26:13 but you don't need that many to get a lot of good nutrients.
26:16 No.
26:17 And they also fight against cancer
26:20 and they're good for the skin.
26:21 That's a winner. I'm voting for mango.
26:23 Okay, you like mangoes. Yes.
26:25 Better than broccoli, right?
26:26 Oh, no comparison.
26:28 And let's take another, mushrooms.
26:30 Mushrooms. Oh, yeah.
26:32 Mushrooms are very important.
26:34 People don't think, this is a fungi food.
26:36 It's not your typical vegetable but it's associated
26:39 with decreased risk of breast, stomach,
26:41 and colorectal cancers.
26:42 So it's a super food, isn't it?
26:44 It's a super food, it stimulates the immune system
26:46 and prevents against DNA damage.
26:49 And by the way, you can get mushrooms now
26:51 that have had ultraviolet light on them and it makes vitamin D.
26:54 it's a source of vitamin D.
26:55 Oh, goodness me.
26:57 What do we have here? Oats. Oh, oats.
26:59 Do you know that's one of the interesting things
27:00 when they studied people have lived to be 100 years of age
27:03 in the United States,
27:04 they found a lot of them had oatmeal for breakfast.
27:06 What about fast oats, you know quick oats?
27:09 Okay, they're not as good as the steel cut oats.
27:13 The steel cut oats are the best type
27:15 because they don't release the carbohydrates.
27:17 And it's a great food.
27:18 And it's a great food.
27:19 Now I've got...
27:21 We've had some great news
27:22 but now we got a little bit of bad news.
27:23 You know what it is?
27:25 We're coming to the end of this program.
27:27 Okay.
27:28 But we've been talking about the super, duper,
27:31 the wonderful foods and even though
27:34 the Bible is not primarily a book about diet,
27:38 God wants us to be happy and healthy
27:40 and the secrets of health
27:42 are found in the Holy Scriptures.
27:44 They are.
27:46 And you have been a perfect guest,
27:47 Dr. Westerdahl.
27:49 We're grateful to you.
27:50 We're so glad that you joined us today.
27:53 If you would like this DVD,
27:55 then please write to me at the address on the screen,
27:57 John Carter P.O.
27:59 Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:03 Write to me also in Australia.
28:05 Dr. Westerdahl,
28:06 thank you so much and thank you so much
28:09 for joining us today at The Carter Report.
28:17 For a copy of today's program, please contact us at P.O.
28:20 Box 1900,
28:22 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:26 Or in Australia, contact us at P.O.
28:29 Box 861, Terrigal,
28:32 New South Wales 2260.
28:36 This program is made possible
28:38 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:41 We thank you for your continued support.
28:44 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2020-02-15