The Carter Report

The Hitler Syndrome Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001833S

00:02 Hitler murdered millions of innocent people.
00:05 What caused the greatest nation in Europe to follow him?
00:09 Why did Catholics and Protestants shout Sieg Heil
00:13 and look the other way
00:14 as six million Jews were butchered and burned?
00:19 What is the Hitler Syndrome?
00:22 Could it happen again?
00:31 I am delighted and glad to see each of you here today.
00:35 This topic is The Hitler Syndrome.
00:40 Goodness me.
00:42 The Hitler Syndrome which has happened
00:47 and which is going to happen again.
00:49 It was almost incomprehensible.
00:54 One of the most enlightened countries,
00:57 nations in all of the world.
01:00 The home of the Reformation, Martin Luther's home,
01:05 accepted willingly the rule of an evil genius,
01:10 a man who put to death horribly tens of millions of people.
01:16 The question is could it ever happen again?
01:20 Could it happen here
01:21 in the United States of America?
01:23 And some have asked, "Is it happening again?"
01:29 So the topic is The Hitler Syndrome.
01:31 I'd like you to take your Bibles.
01:33 I'd like you to turn to the last book in the Bible,
01:35 Book of Revelation that describes
01:37 the last great conflict.
01:40 And it's Revelation 13:15
01:46 and onwards, which talks about the Hitler Syndrome.
01:50 Revelation 13:15 and onwards,
01:54 "He was granted power to give breath
01:57 to the image of the beast,
02:00 that the image of the beast should both speak
02:03 and cause as many as would not worship
02:05 the image of the beast to be killed.
02:09 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor,
02:14 free and slave,
02:19 to receive a mark on their right hand
02:20 or on their foreheads,
02:23 and that no one may buy or sell except one
02:26 who has the mark or the name of the beast,
02:29 or the number of his name."
02:34 The Bible teaches that in the last days,
02:37 there will come
02:38 a tremendous coalition of religious
02:42 and secular powers.
02:44 In fact, many people believe it's going to start here
02:47 in this great country, the United States of America.
02:51 And laws will be enforced so that you can't buy or sell
02:56 unless you have this thing
03:02 which is called the mark of the beast.
03:05 So people to get their security
03:08 are going to give their conformity.
03:12 I want you to remember this.
03:14 To get their security,
03:16 they're going to give their conformity.
03:19 If you're a conformist,
03:21 get ready for the mark of the beast.
03:24 But firstly, a Parable from Russia,
03:27 and the author is Dostoevsky,
03:30 one of the greatest writers in the history of Russia,
03:33 and one of the greatest writers in the history of the world.
03:37 The place is Seville, in Spain,
03:42 around the 16th century.
03:45 The people had just performed
03:47 an auto-da-fe, which means an act of faith.
03:53 Let me tell you about the auto-da-fe.
03:58 It was an invention of the Roman Catholic Church.
04:00 Catholic scholars, I don't disagree with this,
04:04 they will tell it to you same as I'm telling it to you.
04:08 It was run by the inquisition.
04:11 Do you know what the inquisition was?
04:14 The inquisition was set up
04:15 by the priests of the Church of Rome to inquire
04:20 into the way you thought.
04:24 And because nobody knows what you think,
04:28 they had torture so that they would discover
04:31 what you were thinking whether you were conforming
04:35 or whether you were a heretic.
04:38 It was set up under the reign of Pope Sixtus the fourth.
04:44 It was particularly active in Spain, Portugal, Mexico,
04:50 Brazil, and Peru, and other people.
04:55 In Europe alone,
04:56 the Secretary of the Holy Office,
04:59 can you believe it?
05:01 When they were torturing people and burning people,
05:04 they called it the Holy Office.
05:07 "What we are doing here is what Jesus wants us to do."
05:11 The Secretary of the Holy Office says
05:14 he burned alive
05:15 31,912 heretics.
05:21 And most of those heretics,
05:23 of course, would be the Roman Catholics
05:26 who thought for themselves.
05:29 Now the question is why did the common people put up
05:35 with the church
05:37 that was so totally corrupt and so totally cruel?
05:43 Why would people put up with this abomination?
05:51 And it's because they had, my friend, the Hitler Syndrome.
05:56 Conformity at all costs.
05:59 If the government tells me to do something
06:02 or if the church tells me to do something,
06:04 I will not think about it,
06:06 I will do it like the people did with Hitler.
06:11 Now back to the auto-da-fe,
06:13 back to the hot streets of Seville in Spain.
06:17 They just celebrated this great auto-da-fe.
06:21 They'd had a great feast.
06:23 As the people were eating and gluttonizing,
06:27 they could smell the burning flesh
06:30 of the heretics for the glory of God.
06:35 So as they ate their steaks,
06:37 they could smell
06:40 the burning flesh of men and women,
06:42 boys and girls.
06:43 They had celebrated a great mess
06:47 in which they had actually talked to God.
06:51 They had great pomp and ceremony
06:53 and had burned on this day 100 people.
06:59 The smell of burning flesh and the singing of hymns,
07:04 everyone applauded.
07:07 Here is the story, Dostoevsky,
07:10 one of my favorite authors.
07:14 The day after the auto-da-fe,
07:16 on the hot burning streets of Seville in Spain,
07:23 Jesus appeared.
07:24 And Jesus healed the sick.
07:28 There was a funeral going on at the cathedral.
07:32 They were burying a little girl of seven years of age
07:35 and her body was covered with roses.
07:40 And Jesus went over to the little girl
07:43 and He said the words,
07:45 "Little girl, I say to you, arise."
07:50 They were people who were blind and people who were deaf,
07:53 you know what the people were doing?
07:55 They were kneeling down, they were worshipping,
07:57 they were kissing His feet, and they were saying,
08:00 "He's come back, He's come back."
08:10 And then the 90-year-old
08:14 Grand Inquisitor,
08:18 the Spanish Cardinal arrived with the guard of soldiers.
08:23 And what he saw, he didn't like at all.
08:28 He heard the people worshipping and praising
08:31 as they once did in the temple,
08:34 but as He came, as He walked on the scene,
08:40 the people bowed down
08:42 and kissed His feet.
08:47 And then the Grand Inquisitor,
08:49 this old man of 90, said, "Arrest Him."
08:55 And so Christ was arrested
08:58 and taken to the dungeon
09:01 of the inquisition, and that night,
09:05 there was a creak at the door,
09:07 and the Grand Inquisitor came,
09:11 and Christ stood there.
09:15 I quote Dostoyevsky,
09:20 the Grand Inquisitor, "'Is it thou?
09:26 Is it thou?'
09:28 But receiving no answer, he adds at once.
09:31 'Don't answer, be silent. What can't thous say, indeed?
09:37 I know too well what thou wouldst say.
09:40 And thou hast no right to add anything
09:42 to what Thou hast said of old.
09:47 Why, then art thou come
09:50 to hinder us?
09:54 For thou hast come to hinder us,
09:57 and thou knowest that tomorrow I shall condemn Thee
10:01 and burn thee at the stake
10:03 as the worst of heretics.'"
10:08 Listen.
10:11 "And the very people who have today kissed thy feet,
10:14 tomorrow at the faintest sign
10:17 from me will rush to heap up
10:20 the embers of thy fire."
10:27 And then he has a long monologue with Christ.
10:29 Christ is silent.
10:31 Listen carefully what Dostoyevsky said
10:35 every American, every Christian, every person,
10:38 every Catholic today needs to listen.
10:41 He said you came to bring the people freedom,
10:47 freedom to Jews.
10:50 But he said, "Christ, freedom is an intolerable burden
10:56 and people do not want freedom."
11:00 Freedom? No, they want security.
11:06 Like some of you, like most
11:08 of the folks watching on television.
11:15 There's a text John 8:36.
11:19 Of course, it's completely true.
11:22 John 8:36.
11:24 Jesus said, "Therefore, if the Son makes you free,
11:28 you shall be free indeed."
11:29 Look at me, my friend.
11:32 The greatest gift that God can give you
11:34 is freedom.
11:36 Freedom to be the person
11:38 that God wants you to be, I say.
11:43 The Grand Inquisitor said, "It's an intolerable burden."
11:49 And then he preaches a sermon to Christ,
11:51 and he refers
11:53 to the great temptation in the wilderness.
11:55 He said, "You came...
11:59 and the great tempt..."
12:01 Wise person said you turn these stones into bread."
12:05 He said he wouldn't do it.
12:07 He wanted the people to live on the Word of God.
12:10 He said, "Christ, you were so wrong,
12:14 we have improved on Your work, we have given them bread,
12:19 and they have given us their souls."
12:24 He said...
12:27 The great angel said, "Cast yourself down
12:29 from the binnacle, perform a miracle."
12:34 He wouldn't do it.
12:36 He said, "Christ, we had to improve on Your work
12:40 because what people want,
12:41 they want bread, and they want magic,
12:45 and they want miracles."
12:49 Then he said,
12:52 "That is why Spirit said to You
12:55 look at all the kingdoms of the world,
12:57 You could have all the kingdoms of the world
12:59 if You bow down, if You conform."
13:03 And He wouldn't do it.
13:06 "But we have improved on Your work,
13:08 why did You come back?"
13:11 What people want is security,
13:16 wealth, and riches,
13:20 and they'll do anything,
13:22 they don't want freedom.
13:26 They want bread,
13:29 and we have given them bread.
13:34 And the Inquisitor said this, "Jesus..."
13:39 listen carefully,
13:41 "The people bring us their sins,
13:44 we absolve them of their sins, we tell them what to do,
13:50 we promise them everlasting life,
13:52 we lie to them, we lie to them.
13:55 That's okay.
13:58 But we have taken from them
14:00 the intolerable burden of freedom of choice,
14:04 we do the thinking for them,
14:07 we think for them and they're happy
14:12 and they are content."
14:15 He said, "Millions and millions,
14:17 they're going to thank us."
14:19 He said, "I know they're not going
14:20 to get to heaven, we've got to lie to them,
14:23 but they'd never get to heaven with You either.
14:28 We've given them security."
14:31 And then he says,
14:33 "Christ,
14:36 I will burn You tomorrow."
14:40 Then Dostoyevsky says,
14:43 the Grand Inquisitor goes across,
14:48 Christ goes across to the Grand Inquisitor,
14:52 and Christ kisses the old man
14:55 on his lips as a set of word.
15:02 The old man of 90 takes Him to the dungeon door,
15:06 and he says,
15:09 "Go, go, go.
15:14 Never come back."
15:22 And I didn't want Him back
15:26 because he was improving on their work.
15:30 Listen, the Russian Dostoevsky was right,
15:36 my American friends.
15:39 Most people do not want freedom of choice,
15:44 they want bread, they want to be told.
15:46 We have the greatest economy in the world,
15:50 we have a stock exchange that is booming,
15:53 going through the roof,
15:55 we have bread, we want miracles,
15:59 we want the sensational,
16:01 we want authority, we want power,
16:04 we want wealth, we want security.
16:06 And therefore, Dostoevsky said this,
16:11 "They will submit
16:13 to the dreadful beast of Revelation
16:20 because of bread, miracles, mystery, authority,
16:24 and security."
16:26 And he said,
16:28 "Those who kissed the feet of Christ
16:31 will rush to heap up the embers of Thy fire."
16:37 Be warned that the people
16:40 who kissed the feet of Christ today
16:45 in the next moment will heap up
16:48 the embers of His fire.
16:54 That, of course, is the mark of the beast,
16:58 which is conformity.
17:01 Now there is a text
17:02 I wish you would look at it this time.
17:04 Acts 5:27 and 28 and then 29.
17:08 Acts 5:27.
17:12 "And when they had brought them,
17:13 they set them before the council.
17:17 And the high priest asked them, saying,
17:18 'Did we not strictly command you
17:20 not to teach in this name?
17:22 And look, you have filled Jerusalem
17:24 with your doctrine
17:26 and intend to bring this man's blood on us!'"
17:29 And then next verse tells us.
17:33 "But Peter and the other apostles
17:35 answered and said,
17:36 'We ought to obey God rather than men.'"
17:40 Please look at me.
17:43 My first allegiance is not to the state,
17:48 it is not to my church.
17:54 If you think your first allegiance
17:56 is to the church,
17:57 then you are in the company of the Grand Inquisitor.
18:01 Our first allegiance is not to the government,
18:04 it is not to the church, it is not to a political party,
18:10 it is to God.
18:13 Amen. You see.
18:15 If you obey the text, you will be eternally safe.
18:21 Let me talk about the subjects that I found painful.
18:25 At Germany, 80 years ago...
18:30 Let me tell you about the factors
18:32 that cause the rise of Hitler.
18:35 Hitler, of course, was a charismatic figure.
18:40 Before Hitler came
18:42 there was the great German philosopher,
18:44 Frederick Nietzsche, he taught, "God is dead."
18:47 And might he's right, and Christianity is a curse
18:51 because it preserves that what should be destroyed.
18:56 Nietzsche taught might is right,
18:59 and he spoke about the coming of a super race,
19:03 Hitler slept with a copy of Nietzsche
19:09 under his pillow.
19:12 Number two, Catholic conformism,
19:16 do what your superior tells you to do,
19:19 do what the priest tells you to do, be obedient,
19:22 preserve the church at any cost,
19:26 the end justifies.
19:28 That means, that's why, especially all the Catholics
19:32 said Sieg Heil with the Protestants.
19:35 Then there was liberalism which had invaded Germany.
19:39 We don't have time to go into it,
19:41 but the Germans were the first in philosophy
19:44 that taught that the Bible is no longer true,
19:47 it's just a load of myths.
19:51 They were brainwashed with this in all the great universities,
19:54 all the great schools,
19:55 they were the leaders of the intellectual world,
20:00 especially, the Old Testament was an abomination.
20:04 So when Hitler came,
20:05 the people were ready to burn the Jews,
20:08 the people of the Old Testament.
20:11 These were probably
20:14 the smartest people in the world.
20:16 And then they had accepted
20:17 the British Doctrine of Darwinism.
20:22 That we've come from something which is nothing
20:25 and we're simply the product of time
20:28 plus matter plus chance.
20:32 Darwinism taught the survival of the fittest
20:35 and the evolution of a super race
20:38 of the origin of the species
20:40 and the preservation of certain races.
20:43 Go and find out what the full title is, my friends.
20:48 The emergence of a super race, the German,
20:53 the Anglo-Saxon people are to rule the world.
20:58 So the Germans were brainwashed.
21:01 Germany was the birthplace of the Reformation,
21:06 it was the center of scholarship,
21:08 a land of musicians, the center of philosophy, art,
21:12 and the sciences.
21:13 The every German was and still.
21:17 Every German was clean, smart, and dressed industrious,
21:22 perfectionistic, courageous, patriotic.
21:25 That's why some of us like German cars.
21:32 Not because they're that sort of people.
21:37 So I'm not putting them down, I'm putting them up.
21:40 But eventually the vast majority
21:43 of the Germans casting their lot with Hitler,
21:47 95% the Catholics and the Protestants,
21:54 they had tremendous rallies.
21:55 That's where they had the magic.
21:58 Hitler gave them bread,
22:00 they had been starving after their terrible defeat
22:04 at the hands of the British and the Americans.
22:07 They've been starving, Hitler said,
22:09 "I'm going to give you bread."
22:11 And then he gave them
22:13 the great marches with the flaming torches
22:17 and all the flags, and the Sieg Heils,
22:21 millions marching miracle,
22:24 magic, bread, Germany overall,
22:31 the power and the glory.
22:33 Hitler, the orator, who was a Roman Catholic,
22:39 promised them bread, miracle, security, mystery, authority,
22:44 the kingdoms of the world,
22:45 and he asked for only one thing,
22:50 conformity.
22:52 What did most people do?
22:56 At least 95%.
22:59 Then they had the auto-da-fe,
23:02 the death camps for the dissidents,
23:05 the non-conformists,
23:06 the enemies of the state, and the Jews.
23:09 They had the gas chambers, the crematoriums,
23:13 they burnt them the same as they did in Spain.
23:20 And they all shouted out, "Sieg Heil!
23:22 Heil to victory!"
23:25 Go and check it out.
23:26 Almost all Christian churches, almost all the priests.
23:30 Hey, we got a picture here of the bishops, "Sieg Heil."
23:36 The pope himself was a supporter of Hitler,
23:40 almost all Protestant ministers,
23:44 almost all supported Hitler and looked the other way
23:47 when the Jews were murdered.
23:51 We don't like to hear these things, do we?
23:53 It's the truth. Why?
23:57 Because Hitler offered them bread,
24:00 and miracles, and magic,
24:03 and power, and security
24:05 what Christ refused.
24:10 There's one famous German hero, he was a young Lutheran pastor,
24:14 Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
24:18 He was offered a church in London
24:20 where he could have stayed out of the war,
24:22 he was offered a safe passage to America,
24:25 but when Hitler started burning the Jews,
24:28 he said, "I'm going back."
24:31 When the rest were running like rats, he went back.
24:37 He said in one of his sermons,
24:39 "Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness
24:42 without requiring repentance,
24:45 baptism without church discipline,
24:48 communion without confession...
24:51 Cheap grace is grace without discipleship,
24:55 grace without the cross,
24:59 grace without Jesus Christ,
25:02 living an incarnate."
25:05 Like Jesus, he rejected the bread, the miracle,
25:08 the mystery, the authority, and the security of the world.
25:12 You know what he kept?
25:14 Freedom. Freedom.
25:19 On the 9th of April, 1945, just 2 weeks before,
25:25 American soldiers arrived, he was executed by hanging.
25:29 This is where they hung him.
25:33 And the question is...
25:39 If we had lived in Germany in those days,
25:45 what would we have done?
25:51 Because the Bible says in the last days,
25:55 it's going to happen again.
26:00 I'll be back, few moments,
26:02 and we'll talk about the enforcement
26:06 of the mark of the beast, the Hitler Syndrome.
26:21 In this series, John Carter will provide the answers
26:24 to life's most interesting questions.
26:26 Seven great signs of the Apocalypse.
26:30 If the dead are unconscious,
26:32 who are the beings that pretend to be the dead?
26:37 This is such a person as the devil.
26:43 What is the essence of Antichrist?
26:50 What is the root cause of this deadly malice?
26:55 America was founded by people
26:58 who were opposed to the union of church and state.
27:03 But if there's a God who loves us,
27:06 then the future is bright with promise.
27:10 For a gift of $100 US or $140 Australian,
27:14 this 13 DVD series prophecy speaks
27:16 will be yours.
27:18 Call the number or visit our website.
27:24 Do you sometimes get lost in the crowd?
27:27 Do you feel there's just no love in the room,
27:29 like everybody is against you?
27:31 You're all alone with no one to lean on?
27:33 Do you need a word of encouragement?
27:35 Do you know God? Have you tried prayer?
27:38 Pastor Carter would like to pray for you now.
27:40 Let us pray.
27:42 Call 1800-526-9777.
27:46 Nothing to buy, the call is free.
27:48 Call 1800-526-9777.
27:55 1.3 billion people live in India,
27:59 200 million of these are Dalits,
28:02 formerly called, Untouchables,
28:04 100 percent of your gift
28:06 will go to fund projects for Dalit girls
28:09 as an alternative.
28:11 Your gift of $600 will educate, clothe, and feed,
28:15 one Dalit girl between 5
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28:21 Go to
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28:28 For a copy of today's program,
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28:47 This program is made possible
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28:52 We thank you for your continued support.
28:55 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2024-01-24