Celebrating Life in Recovery

Identity Epidemic

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cheri Peters (Host), The Otto Family


Series Code: CLR

Program Code: CLR00039A

00:10 Welcome to Celebrating Life in Recovery
00:11 I'm Cheri your host.
00:12 And I love when God just surprises you with something.
00:16 Today is one of those times.
00:18 I am surprised by this show, and you will be too.
00:20 Come join us at the café.
00:49 Sometimes God just surprises me so much.
00:52 I want to grab His face if He was physically,
00:54 if I could physically grabbed His face,
00:56 I would grab Him and kiss Him.
00:57 Everything about the show is going to be different
01:00 and the reason that is, is that we had a show
01:02 kind of fall apart earlier.
01:03 The cameras weren't working, we were trying to get
01:07 this and that together and it was just, we finally
01:09 just called it a day.
01:10 And I'm starting to walk out of the studio
01:14 and this family walks in.
01:15 And I'm telling you, have you ever met someone where
01:19 they kind of light up the room?
01:20 The Holy Spirit is so on them that they light up the room.
01:23 I'm like, where are you guys, who are you guys?
01:26 And then they speak in they are Australian.
01:29 They had the coolest sound, I mean their accent is adorable.
01:32 Then their testimony starts coming out, and I am blessed.
01:37 The only thing I could think of is that I so wanted
01:40 you to hear what they had to say.
01:41 So I just said, I wonder if we could do a show.
01:46 So I am asking producers, I'm asking different people,
01:49 and the only time we had to do it was right now.
01:52 So, it's like can you do a show right now?
01:54 And they looked at me and said well yeah.
01:56 So I'm going to introduce you to a group that it's
02:01 going to be different and I'm so going to so step away
02:03 and let them tell you what, they just told me.
02:04 So Jonathan, I want you to come up first.
02:06 And Jonathan when you came in today, what were you thinking?
02:12 I was just thinking we were going to come in and say
02:15 hello and then go back home again.
02:16 So the little bit that you shared with me, for one
02:21 where you're from, and all those kind of things
02:22 I want to share with them.
02:24 But first of all, I would like you to kind of let us
02:25 know who is in the studio today.
02:27 Sure thing, I will start from the oldest in the family.
02:29 We've got Melissa - because you're all in one family?
02:32 Yeah, basically, there's a ring in.
02:35 There's a ring in of different events.
02:37 Melissa and myself, Jonathan, Billy my little brother,
02:41 and then Sarah.
02:42 Then we've also got Gaea Chapman, she singing with us.
02:47 And our big, big brother Michael, he's our manager.
02:51 So, you are primarily a vocal group singing ministry.
02:58 So we do original music, we play guitars, piano,
03:03 different things.
03:04 We really get into spiritual, scriptural songs.
03:08 But you know, what impressed me today, was your heart
03:12 on a message that you shared with me.
03:14 I'm literally going to back off and let you share that
03:17 message with us, is that all right?
03:18 Yeah that would be great.
03:20 First of all what I wanted to say, is that
03:23 I am 22 years old.
03:24 I've just finished college, and have been
03:27 out of school for 5 years.
03:28 Over the last few years God has really been impressing
03:32 on my heart to be able to share a message
03:34 that relates to old people.
03:36 And explain some of the deepest issues that actually
03:39 go on and in society.
03:40 So, I have spent a lot of time just praying, asking God
03:44 what is it that we deeply crave.
03:47 What is it that our heart really longs for.
03:50 Kept asking deep questions and talk to people, always
03:53 felt that all my heart since I was a little child that
03:55 seemed like I was to minister people.
03:57 It's a strange thing I guess for a little 5 year old to
04:00 think of, but I was constantly thinking about people's
04:04 deepest needs, and I feel that God is bringing me to a
04:08 point where I need to understand people's issues.
04:11 I need to understand and see how that relates to God
04:13 and who He is and how He can be a solution to our
04:16 deepest hearts longing.
04:17 I would like to start sharing with some statistics,
04:22 which may shed some light on the depression epidemic
04:25 that is going on in the world today.
04:27 There are 450 million people
04:30 living depressed today according to the
04:34 World Health Organization.
04:35 In fact, every single year, there is a million suicides,
04:39 ten to twenty million attempts.
04:42 That means it's an attempt every 38 seconds in
04:45 the US, from males between the ages of 35 to 49 suicides is
04:50 the number three cause of death.
04:52 Australia has the highest youth suicide rate.
04:55 We have 3 thousand people commit suicide every year.
04:59 We have thirty attempts for every successful suicide,
05:04 that's 60 thousand attempts every year.
05:05 So my question is, what drives people to this
05:11 loneliness, the sense of worthlessness, where you prefer
05:13 to step out of reality than to face another day.
05:16 And I believe it's related to value.
05:19 We have an increasing craving to feel value, to feel
05:22 like we're worth something.
05:23 When that is taken away, then we lose our sense of
05:28 identity, as if we no longer exist.
05:32 So what is the point in facing another day?
05:34 I see that we are often we are led to think that if we can do
05:40 certain things than we would feel valuable.
05:42 If we do look a certain way if we could achieve something
05:45 great, than we would feel like were we're worth something.
05:48 And then people would admire us and we would fill
05:51 that sense of loneliness.
05:53 So often we try to avoid those times we are
05:55 sitting alone, because in those moments we get reminded
05:58 of feelings of worthlessness. So, we hope to kill those
06:02 feelings by just escaping into another reality.
06:05 Maybe it is even escaping into the media, where you can
06:09 start to become the person that you want be.
06:11 And for a moment you've tuned out from reality and
06:15 stepped into somebody else's reality.
06:16 And there you are the person you want to be, you look
06:19 the way you want to look.
06:20 Maybe a young girl is looking at the beautiful images
06:24 of the girls in their glamour, and say wow that's who
06:26 I want to be.
06:27 For a moment, they have escaped their reality, and they
06:30 are hoping that the movie won't end.
06:32 Often, they just cater to this basic craving for significance,
06:38 because they take somebody that's an underdog, may be
06:41 the geek or the nerd and they change them into the jock
06:45 is so well accomplished.
06:47 Then the whole school falls in love with them.
06:49 That's so appeals to us because we feel like the underdog.
06:53 And we so want to be out of reach, some great height,
06:57 that we can feel good about ourselves.
06:58 You see it in some of the songs, I'm going to bring up
07:05 an example from a group called Destiny's Child.
07:09 It's just an example that sheds light on this.
07:12 They got a song called Bottylicious,
07:14 it's kind of like ghetto.
07:15 My body is too bottylicious for you babe.
07:19 And on this clip, they are wearing short
07:22 skirts and low-cut tops.
07:23 I'm not judging them for that, because they want to
07:24 feel valuable and that is their outlet for it.
07:26 And you can see that they feel value from it because
07:29 they are singing about it.
07:31 And whatever rules their heart creates the eye.
07:34 You have an expression of societies ideas
07:36 through the media.
07:37 These girls want to feel valuable, and so they project
07:41 this image, but the sad reality is that same group have
07:43 another song called Nasty Girls.
07:46 And it goes something like this.
07:47 "Nasty girls put some clothes on, I told you. "
07:50 Don't go leaving the house looking like that.
07:52 And these girls have short skirts and low cut tops
07:56 in this film clip.
07:58 They are actually overweight, and you see
08:04 the message is reinforced.
08:05 You don't have what it takes,
08:06 you don't have what it takes.
08:09 And this is why, you can never go to the world to find
08:13 out your value and how much are worth.
08:15 You can never go to the world to find your value,
08:20 because the world doesn't know, the world doesn't know.
08:24 So why should you expect to be told,
08:27 you are valuable by the world?
08:28 And so many people look to these icons and feel that
08:34 they just can't measure up.
08:36 It seems like nobody can measure up, because if you
08:39 could possibly find value in what you do, and then
08:42 accomplished some great thing and having success and
08:45 people admire you, then who should be the
08:47 happiest people in this world?
08:49 Celebrities right?
08:51 Celebrities should be the happiest people in this world
08:53 because they have what it takes in the world and they
08:56 have people admiring them.
08:57 But they don't seem to have that sense of fulfillment.
09:01 It makes me ask the question is there a greater craving
09:06 of the heart that nothing in this world can satisfy?
09:09 There must be, there must be something deeper because
09:13 the fact that you had that craving is kind of a
09:17 hint that there is something greater that is a
09:20 fulfillment to that craving.
09:25 Because the reality we live every day is often
09:28 really disappointing, we are low and we are so
09:32 determined to achieve something.
09:33 So that we can feel like we are valuable.
09:35 Or maybe we've got something great, but we're actually
09:39 afraid somebody's going to take it from us.
09:41 I'm here with this singing gospel ministry group,
09:46 what if the girls were to get like a lung infection
09:49 and when they go to step up on the stage and sing to
09:51 the crowd they choke up?
09:53 Their voices are gone, what if my little brother and
09:57 I were trying to play guitar and, we can play well and
10:00 then we go and try to do some woodwork or something and
10:04 cut our fingers off?
10:05 Then you go back to play the guitar again and
10:08 you've got no ability.
10:10 The question is, who are you now?
10:13 Once what you had was taken away then who are you?
10:17 You see the suicide rate of retired people in some
10:21 countries is twice as high as the youth suicide rate.
10:25 You define yourself by what you do, and when that's
10:30 taken away, then who are you?
10:32 And you find yourself in a position where you are
10:37 constantly wanting to achieve higher to be able
10:39 to feel satisfied.
10:42 Then when somebody steps onto your turf like,
10:45 they are similar to you, and are slightly better
10:48 at what they do, then you are.
10:49 The first feelings that come are jealousy.
10:53 You wonder, in your own mind,
10:55 why you start hating your own friends.
10:56 It is this internal struggle for significance,
11:01 and it is so not secure that people are always coming
11:04 to threaten that identity that you have, because it's
11:07 based on what to do.
11:08 And you find that the thing you find value in is often
11:14 the thing that you are often thinking about constantly.
11:17 So what is the solution?
11:21 This is the biggest point that I've been hoping to
11:25 understand, the solution to this craving,
11:28 this longing to be fulfilled, a longing to feel secure
11:32 and have an identity.
11:33 I believe you can see by looking at children.
11:37 He look at the way God has designed these children
11:39 and you see that the child when they look up to
11:42 somebody they feel value.
11:44 You see a little girl even will put on a little dress.
11:47 She takes it through the corridor and wants
11:49 to show it to somebody.
11:51 Who does she want to show it to? Daddy!
11:53 She feels valuable when she is around him.
11:56 I read a competition called Messages to My Dad.
12:01 A little girl named Emma said this, she said, every
12:04 time my dad leaves, she lives separate from her father.
12:08 She said every time my dad leaves tears come straight
12:12 out of my eyes.
12:13 My heart breaks, and I feel like I've lost everything.
12:16 Does it sound like she feels value from that relationship?
12:20 Now what about this little boy Daniel, he is 6.
12:25 He says dear father, I don't say dear dad because you
12:29 haven't been a dad to me have you?
12:30 I'm Daniel, I'm Rebecca's son, you might not remember
12:35 my mother, but I think about you all the time.
12:38 So a little child finds them self constantly thinking
12:43 about their father, is because somehow they feel that
12:46 who they are is attached to who their father is.
12:49 If they lose that relationship then they
12:52 lose a part of themselves.
12:54 They lose their identity, and they feel a loss of value.
12:57 What if this whole depression epidemic is stemming
13:04 from the central truth that we have separated ourselves
13:10 from our Heavenly Father?
13:11 That our Father in heaven who has created us is actually
13:16 a sorts of value to every child on this planet.
13:19 Because we have been separated from Him, we have this
13:22 internal struggle and we feel so desperate to reclaim
13:26 that value that it's driven us to do crazy things.
13:29 You realize that 85 percent of all youths sitting in
13:34 prison grew up in fatherless homes.
13:36 Children that live away from fathers, absent fathers,
13:40 they are twice as likely to drop out of school.
13:43 63 percent more likely to commit suicide.
13:46 It affects the child in so many ways, it's
13:50 psychologically affects the child and leaves them in a
13:53 position that they are so desperate to feel valuable
13:55 that they will try to find that wherever they can.
13:57 You know a girl will be driven into a strip club just
14:00 because she wants to feel that value,
14:03 she'll do anything to regain it.
14:04 You see your need for value, and that craving will
14:08 sometimes even outweigh your morality.
14:11 It will outweigh your morality, because that craving
14:15 is so deep within you that you find that your kids are
14:18 again into gangs, because they feel that security when
14:21 they are with friends.
14:22 And it kind of substitutes for something they
14:24 have missed out on.
14:26 This is something that is talked about in the Bible
14:31 in Proverbs Chapter 17 verse 6.
14:33 It says that the glory of children is their father.
14:39 And that word glory you find in the Oxford dictionary
14:43 means to find value.
14:46 The source of value for their children is their father.
14:48 So it makes sense now why God sent His Son into this
14:54 world, He is actually trying to call us back to Him.
14:57 Jesus said Himself, He said. "You will know the truth,
15:01 the truth will make you free. "
15:03 The truth will make you free, you need to be free
15:08 from this false value system, false identity,
15:10 which leaves you depressed.
15:12 He says I want you to be free.
15:13 Now the question is the truth about what?
15:16 Watch what he says in John 14:6.
15:18 He says, "I am the way, the truth and the life:
15:21 no man cometh to the father, but through me. "
15:24 Jesus Christ is the truth about the Father.
15:27 He says, you'll know the truth, you will know who
15:30 the Father is and how much He cares about you.
15:32 You will see that the world can not compare,
15:36 He loves you more.
15:37 That love and a knowledge of who He is,
15:40 will set you free.
15:41 It will set you free.
15:43 You know, I have stayed down I just want to tell
15:46 you that when you were telling me that earlier
15:48 when you came in.
15:49 You started telling me that I saw you had such a
15:52 passion that we have to reconnect with the Father.
15:56 We have to reconnect with God because
15:57 He delights in us.
15:59 He wants to say, for me I was a heroine addict,
16:02 strung out on heroine, ten years on the street,
16:05 teeth missing out the front of my mouth, trying to
16:07 kill myself and God said Cheri you are lovely to Me.
16:11 I just wept, I wept because I thought I'm not
16:14 lovely to anyone, and He said, that is a lie.
16:16 You are lovely to Me.
16:18 I even remember that in that instance, when I was
16:21 sitting there, let Me give you a vision, or a view,
16:24 of who I see when I look at you.
16:26 And He showed me this child that was beautiful, and I
16:29 cried because I thought I've never been beautiful
16:31 I've never been wanted, I've never had a value.
16:33 He said, that is where somebody has lied to you,
16:36 and so clouded your vision that you don't even see
16:38 you have a Father that absolutely adores you.
16:41 How incredible and I have to say that today when I met
16:46 and you were saying all that kind of stuff, I saw
16:49 passion in you with this message that was unbelievable.
16:51 Is your passion just that you just in your heart know
16:55 that people aren't getting it?
16:56 Sure, I just see so many people just so disappointed.
17:01 People that have achieved great things like I can
17:04 from the rock 'n roll industry.
17:06 It just seems like a certain high, but it's still a
17:11 sense of loneliness.
17:12 Because you are getting girls screaming at you,
17:15 and people saying, you know what you're just amazing.
17:17 You are saying, that still didn't feed me.
17:20 It didn't feed at all and you wonder why
17:22 you still feel worthless.
17:23 It seems like those cravings that you have demands
17:27 something greater, you just have that constant
17:30 knowledge that there has to be something more.
17:32 It seems to even drive you to do crazier things, because
17:36 want it so badly, but you're not finding it.
17:39 People all over just feeling this and so hoping that
17:43 somebody will tell them what the truth is.
17:45 You know, what is really weird to me what you said that,
17:47 as soon as I sat with God, and knew that He loved me and
17:51 knew that it was real.
17:52 It was like that feeling was settled.
17:54 It was settled for me.
17:55 It was like, oh You do love me and I am safe, and I am okay.
17:58 And so when God says the peace that passes all
18:01 understanding, and the world doesn't even know about
18:03 this, can't even achieve this.
18:05 When you sit with Me, you'll experience it.
18:08 Wow - that's right!
18:10 You see I met a little boy in Mozambique last year.
18:14 Every time I stepped out of the house to do like
18:18 missionary work, this little boy would just drop everything
18:20 he was doing and fasten his eyes on me.
18:22 He spoke Portuguese, so I could respond to him.
18:25 All I could do was stare back into the
18:27 eyes of this little boy.
18:28 And time will pass and he would just keep looking with
18:31 this big smile on his face.
18:32 I was wondering, what was going on, and later I found
18:35 out that this boy didn't have a father.
18:37 He just had a mom that looked after him
18:39 and a big brother.
18:40 This is what he said to the other children in the
18:43 village, he said, I don't have a dad, but if I did
18:46 have a dad, I want him to be Jonas,
18:49 that's what he called me.
18:50 Jonas like Portuguese, I'd want him to be Jonas.
18:53 That little boy, I realize as I look back at those
18:57 scenes of him just staring and I realize that he was finding
19:00 value, he was feeling like he was worth something.
19:03 So, he said, I don't want you to just be my friend,
19:06 I want you to be my big brother.
19:08 It want you to be my father, because who you are
19:11 just shows me who I am.
19:13 And I feel secure when I'm around you.
19:15 You know, to me, I just want to say.
19:18 I want to go out on break and come back on meet
19:21 the rest of the family.
19:22 But man, I want to say, I'd like to pray for you and
19:28 ask God to continue to lead you into further
19:31 understanding of that very message so that
19:33 you should never shut up.
19:34 You never stop telling people, that you can look
19:36 everywhere you want to look until you see your value
19:39 in the eyes of God.
19:41 You always kind of fall short, and you'll know.
19:44 We know when we've been played.
19:46 We know when it's not real.
19:48 We know when somebody is kind of flattering us
19:50 and the world wants to flatter us,
19:52 and our soul want something real.
19:53 We won't find that reality until we see it in the eyes of God.
19:56 So I would just like to pray for you. Okay.
20:01 Dear father, in Jesus name, I just want to pray.
20:04 I want to thank you for this family.
20:05 I want to thank you for just the way You respond to us
20:09 that you love is that when we come to You that we so are
20:12 settled with who You are, and know who we are,
20:14 and find peace in that.
20:16 All the folks that are watching that are fatherless,
20:19 all the folks at watching that have run to every
20:22 single thing they can run to try to find that
20:24 fulfillment, that value.
20:26 They haven't found it. I pray that they hear this
20:29 message right now that Jonathan has said, as that they
20:31 will find it in God and that they will find it so strong
20:34 in you that You will want to show them, You will want to
20:37 heal them, You will want to be their Father and that You
20:39 do love them and think they are lovely and that You so are
20:43 waiting for them just to turn even a little bit and ask.
20:45 And I pray for that.
20:46 I pray, a special blessing on this young man and his
20:50 message in Jesus name, Amen. Amen.
20:53 Where to take a break and come back and meet
20:54 the rest of the family.
20:55 Remember that you are so valuable to God,
20:58 and find your value there.
21:00 We'll be right back. Stay with us!


Revised 2014-12-17