Celebrating Life in Recovery

This Hood Of Ours Ministry, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cheri Peters (Host), Johanahn Larsosa, Krystal Robinson


Series Code: CLR

Program Code: CLR000104A

00:01 The following program discusses
00:02 sensitive issues related to addictive behavior.
00:05 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:06 may be too candid for younger children.
00:11 Welcome to "Celebrating Life in Recovery."
00:12 I'm Cheri, your host.
00:14 Today I'm gonna introduce you
00:15 to a friend of mine from Detroit.
00:17 He has been through the fire. He has been in gangs.
00:20 He's been the dealer, the guy.
00:22 And now, he is a man of God. It's a powerful story.
00:54 Welcome back.
00:56 This season we're talking about kind of the steps
00:59 after recovery, after you stop doing drugs,
01:01 after you stop drinking,
01:03 after you do the whole kind of detox and all that,
01:06 you stand up and you're in your own skin.
01:08 And I am telling you, there are some times
01:09 I just had to deal with insecurity, shame,
01:12 I lie, and I manipulate, and all that kind of stuff
01:14 and I'm looking at all those issues.
01:17 And those issues are not easy to look at.
01:19 And today what I'd like to bring out
01:22 is one of the deadliest thing is that kind
01:24 of internal shame that we have.
01:26 And it can be deep seeded in our heart.
01:28 We feel that if people actually knew us
01:31 that they would not like us.
01:33 If they actually knew what we were capable of,
01:37 all those kind of things that, you know, I wouldn't fit in,
01:41 and I wouldn't be able to do recovery.
01:42 So we start hiding all that kind of stuff.
01:44 There's an author that calls it a deadly sin.
01:46 It's one of the top deadly sins is that internal shame.
01:50 And, you know, we did a show
01:52 not too long ago with a guy named Kasey.
01:53 And the guy is like 6' 4".
01:55 He's been in prison for 24 years,
01:57 all of that kind of stuff, meets God in jail.
02:00 And God delights in him, literally delights in him.
02:03 There was something with that relationship
02:05 that just changed this man's heart.
02:07 And the other day I'm in church,
02:09 I did this sermon in the local church,
02:11 and I'm getting ready to finish that.
02:14 And he comes up to me and he's got tears in his eyes.
02:16 And he said, "Cheri, what if they really knew me?"
02:19 And I thought, "If we really knew you,
02:21 we would love you. Are you kidding me?"
02:24 But that shame keeps him so--
02:26 in such bondage that he says that if somebody really knew me
02:29 they wouldn't let me in the building.
02:31 They wouldn't let me sit here. They wouldn't give me that job.
02:34 She wouldn't love me, all of those
02:35 kind of things that we tell ourselves.
02:37 And it's really important during that time in your recovery
02:40 to tell yourself the truth.
02:42 You have an advocate in heaven. Christ came down.
02:45 You know, like any 12 step program,
02:47 it's like you've got to admit you have a problem
02:48 and that's really clear to most of us.
02:51 You got to admit there's-- you got to know
02:53 that there's God that can restore you to sanity.
02:55 And step 3 is, you got know that he loves you. He loves you.
02:58 And all of that shame, all of that stuff,
03:01 he really says that if you surrender it to me
03:03 I promise you, not only will I take it,
03:06 I will clothe you with the righteousness of my son.
03:10 And I didn't get that for a long time.
03:13 It's like, what you mean that everything that Jesus is,
03:16 I become, as He works on my junk?
03:20 I love that. How cool is that?
03:23 You know, so I'm working on my lying,
03:24 manipulating, my shame,
03:27 all of the things I know about who I am,
03:28 the fact that I never knew how to even be myself.
03:31 And the whole time, God is looking at me,
03:33 He's looking at the son.
03:35 He sees Christ totally as everyone is working
03:38 on my stuff, all of heaven is working on my stuff.
03:40 And so when you start really look at
03:43 what is underneath all of the addictions,
03:46 you're gonna see some ugly things.
03:47 You're gonna see shame. You're gonna see anger.
03:49 You're gonna see, you know, even rage.
03:51 You're gonna see insecurities. You're gonna see fear.
03:55 You know, we'll talk about that some time.
03:57 Most of us don't like to admit that I'm afraid.
03:59 But you're gonna see all that kind of stuff
04:01 and let God unravel that for you.
04:04 Because, you know, if we hide it,
04:06 it's gonna eat us up
04:08 and the devil just stays in out ear,
04:09 na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na, na.
04:11 But, if we surrender it, we get healing,
04:14 and it's absolutely the coolest thing.
04:16 I'm gonna introduce you to the guest right now.
04:19 And I just did a church in Detroit,
04:22 not long ago, and I loved it.
04:24 Out of every place that I went, for some reason
04:27 this church had people that I just could relate to.
04:31 I mean, in every single way.
04:33 And there was a girl especially.
04:35 I wish I could remember her name--
04:36 I'll ask our guest, but she's like in the back like
04:38 "Amen, I like that, all right."
04:41 And I loved her 'cause she was loud and she was funny
04:44 and I knew she had come from some places.
04:47 And--but the person that I probably fell in love with most,
04:51 I'm gonna introduce you to right now.
04:52 And I just got to say, Han, Johan--
04:55 Johanahn?" Yes.
04:57 But everybody calls you Han. Yes.
04:59 And I want to say welcome to my program.
05:03 How cool is that? It's very cool.
05:05 So we met in Detroit Aha.
05:07 at the Seventh-day Adventist church.
05:09 I think it's Detroit...
05:11 Detroit Northwest Church. Northwest Church.
05:13 And I loved--it was probably the only church ever
05:16 that I had somebody come up and say,
05:18 "You know, I'm on parole and I have to go to meetings.
05:20 They said your meeting would work.
05:22 Can you sign my card for my parole officer?"
05:26 How funny was that? I just--and I signed his card.
05:29 And I thought, yeah, I can sign it.
05:31 But you an I talked. And maybe you and I talked.
05:36 We talked about a number of things
05:38 like where you came from.
05:39 But what got me the most is,
05:41 we were sitting there in between a break and you asked me if I--
05:47 if I had a strong stomach. Right.
05:50 You know, do you have a strong stomach?
05:51 And I said, yeah, yeah, why?
05:53 I want to show you something that someone just sent me.
05:56 And I want you to explain what you showed me.
05:59 What I showed you was a picture of my brother--
06:05 one of my brother's friends. He had just got killed.
06:09 And what had happened was I guess someone
06:13 must have took the picture after they killed him
06:15 and it was kind of like floating all over the city.
06:18 And I'm-- and I get the picture
06:21 and I'm kind of looking at it like,
06:23 you know, we are at a point--
06:26 well, I'm at a point in my life where,
06:28 you know, this type of stuff is kind normal
06:31 where you get pictures in the phone of,
06:35 you know, friend's dead bodies and things like that.
06:37 So it kind a-- it kind a like--
06:40 when I see stuff like that, it kind of shakes me up.
06:42 And I'm like, you know, 'cause I'm so used to stuff like that,
06:45 but I know I'm not supposed to be at the same time.
06:47 And God has literally taken you, like you're at a place
06:50 where you're gonna move beyond that.
06:52 Is helpful. But that's--
06:53 that picture was sent to you
06:54 as I was speaking. Exactly.
06:56 Here was--here was where I'm getting on my phone
06:58 while you're talking. Right. Right.
06:59 And I looked at that-- and I don't want
07:03 a gross somebody out but I mean,
07:04 you know, there was pieces of this kid
07:06 all over the car still.
07:08 You know, this was a pretty intense picture.
07:10 And at that point I looked at you and I thought,
07:12 you know what, nobody has any idea
07:14 what you and God are gonna have to do to walk into a--
07:19 walk into recovery, to really get your life back.
07:23 Nobody has any idea. So I know--
07:25 and I know you didn't start there.
07:26 So talk to us about where you started,
07:28 how you grew up, where you came from, that kind of thing.
07:31 Well, well, I grew up-- I wouldn't say much,
07:33 you know, like I was telling you,
07:35 I don't look at my childhood as a, you know,
07:38 a childhood that really stands out like from the normal.
07:43 I will say that it was kind of normal to me but,
07:46 you know, at the same time I will say it,
07:49 you know, the things that I go through,
07:52 or went through, or the people
07:53 that I was around went through is not normal.
07:55 So and I-- Was it--were there--
07:57 like the picture you showed me,
07:59 were there gang environment-- was it a gang environment?
08:03 Were there people on the street playing, running,
08:05 and all that kind of stuff when you grew up?
08:08 I wouldn't say-- it was kind a like
08:10 not so much as Bloods and Crips but,
08:13 you know, some type of gang environment.
08:18 Not so much as... How was your mom?
08:22 How was she like? How was my mom?
08:24 Well, my mom, she-- you know, she did her best.
08:28 She raised four boys by herself. And...
08:32 Where was your dad? Just away.
08:35 So, you know, by her raising her,
08:38 you know, us four boys, she did her best
08:41 and keeping us out of whatever she had control
08:45 over keeping us out of. But, you know, how...
08:48 So she really wanted to do right by you guys? Right, she did.
08:51 But there was too much happening out there?
08:53 Yeah, it was just too much happening.
08:54 So you know she did her best.
08:56 She was trying to keep us away
08:57 from the things that were going around.
08:59 But, you know, you can only do so much
09:01 as a single parent trying to work
09:03 and take care of the family at the same time.
09:05 I was surprised that-- and I don't know
09:08 where exactly you grew up in.
09:11 but around this church, like the guy with the card
09:14 that I signed on for his parole officer,
09:16 when I took him home there were some places
09:20 where you could tell this was a meth house
09:22 or a drug house and it's vacant now,
09:25 nobody's there.
09:26 And there were some places that were really intense
09:28 just driving him home.
09:30 When you said that there were not syndicated gangs
09:32 around you, like Bloods and Crips that kind of stuff,
09:34 there were still gangs around you?
09:36 Yeah, it was gangs around me.
09:37 I'll say more, I mean, it was Bloods and Crips around
09:40 but not like you will see, you know, in California.
09:44 This is Bloods and Crips-- it was more like territory gangs
09:46 like, you know, claiming streets sort of,
09:49 blacks are certainly like that. But, you know--
09:50 It's funny 'cause you've grown up there
09:52 and you know what that means when they claim an area.
09:55 What does that mean for somebody
09:56 that has never heard that before?
09:58 Okay, like for us, you know, it was a street
10:02 and it was kind of like 15, 10, 15 guys on one street.
10:07 So everybody on that street were from that street
10:10 and then the next street over there
10:12 claimed that street and then--
10:13 So what happens if somebody came over
10:15 to your street, like I come over?
10:16 You know, it was like-- it was like the bla--
10:18 it was like the neighborhood was one neighborhood
10:19 and we had claimed--we all claimed different streets
10:20 but we were one neighborhood.
10:22 So when we go to school and then somebody
10:23 was from another neighborhood
10:25 that's when it will be like a confrontation. Right.
10:27 So it was like neighborhood beefs or neighborhood
10:32 claiming neighborhoods and...
10:34 So from a single mom, try to do the best she could-- Yes.
10:38 At what point did you kind of get out there
10:41 and start kind of mixing with more gang stuff?
10:49 Well, when I was-- I had to be about 14 or 15.
10:56 I was just coming in high school and you know
10:59 we were kind of coming in ourselves
11:00 and trying to find out who we were,
11:02 me and my twin brother and...yeah,
11:07 that's the--that's around the time that, you know,
11:09 we start seeing different stuff and, you know,
11:11 people kind of mingling with older people in the scene,
11:17 what they were doing in their lives and, you know,
11:20 that's when it was kind of a change--
11:22 Your brother and sister are both here.
11:24 And I just want to say hi to you guys.
11:25 But you know, when--
11:28 did your mom pass during that time too? Yes--
11:31 'Cause I remember that you said that, you know, your mom--
11:34 you guys were very close and something happened with her.
11:37 Right. Yeah. We did-- I did lose my mother. I was--
11:40 From what? What happened?
11:42 She had a heart attack. She-- we lost her from a heart attack.
11:46 And the thing was, she wasn't really sick.
11:49 But it was kind of-- it happened on a humble.
11:53 And it was kind of a surprise to the family,
11:57 for all of us because at the time it wasn't her
12:01 that was sick, it was my little brother.
12:03 And she was actually taking care of my little brother,
12:04 you know, things that she was doing
12:07 on a day-to-day basis, taking care of all of us.
12:09 But, you know, he was actually in a hospital and he was sick--
12:13 What was it? What happened to him?
12:14 Some type of-- he was in the hospital
12:17 for some type of infection.
12:18 Well, he didn't know what was going on with that
12:21 but he had to stay in the hospital for 7 days.
12:24 And actually on his day of coming home--
12:27 he was supposed to get released this day
12:29 and he was supposed to come home, you know,
12:30 she had a massive heart attack and we lost her that day.
12:34 And you were in your early teens?
12:36 Yeah, I was 18 by this time.
12:38 Wow. Yeah, I was 18.
12:42 And so did things get worse for you?
12:45 'Cause you had said like in high school
12:47 I started playing in gangs,
12:48 I started doing all that kind of stuff then--
12:51 I will say it did get worse.
12:53 Everything came-- became real to me
12:56 at that time because, you know,
12:57 my mother did so hard in taking care of us.
13:01 You know, it was kind of like a--
13:02 she was kind of like my refuge, my shelter.
13:05 So I was-- I would actually tell myself
13:07 that I didn't ever want to leave the house
13:09 or I didn't really want to take on too much responsibility.
13:12 So when we lost her it was kind of a--
13:15 reality hit so hard that I will have to do something
13:18 in order to, you know, take where she left off.
13:21 You know-- Right.
13:23 And so now, and I think that's incredible
13:25 is that most people do what they know.
13:28 Like I do what I know.
13:29 And so now you're talking about--
13:32 you have to kind of support yourself, raise yourself,
13:34 make sure that everybody's taken care of.
13:36 And what were your choices at that time?
13:38 And you know what I want you to get into
13:40 'cause you and had talked about this before,
13:43 is your addiction is pretty interesting to me
13:47 in that you kind of got seduced by the power of a lifestyle.
13:52 And so talk a little bit about that kind of stuff,
13:57 taking care of your family. Right. All right.
13:59 So when I lost my mother, you know, I was forced.
14:01 I wouldn't say I was forced but option was
14:04 kind of limited to bring in money to, you know,
14:07 pay the bills and take care of what I thought
14:11 I needed to take care of at that time.
14:13 So, you know, all around me was people
14:17 and lifestyle of selling drugs.
14:19 So I got into selling drugs.
14:21 And you talk a little bit more about my addiction.
14:25 My addiction was not necessarily the drugs,
14:28 but it was kind of the man I became by selling the drugs.
14:32 I felt very powerful and like the go-to guy,
14:37 and that's what I got addicted to and--
14:40 It's a power addiction.
14:41 I mean, it's like, you know, I was--
14:43 I'm really surprised 'cause I only got into dealing
14:45 for a few years when I was out on the streets.
14:48 And it is amazing when you walk in the room
14:50 and everybody gives you that respect. Right.
14:53 Everybody pays attention. And it is really seducing.
14:59 It's more seducing than the drugs are.
15:00 Yeah, it is. It's very seducing and it's very attractive.
15:04 You know, not even when-- even when--the cross over,
15:07 when I gave my life to Christ, I was still attracted to that
15:11 but when I had to leave that life alone I was--
15:16 my downfall was power now, you know.
15:20 So I had to look into myself like, who am I now?
15:23 So it was hard for me to-- at times it was hard for me to
15:28 actually, you know, take on that life,
15:32 that new life in Christ because, I'm like,
15:34 I'm nobody. You know, nobody--
15:36 And we talked about when you're--
15:37 when all of sudden you're standing there
15:38 in your own skin without all of that
15:40 kind of stuff, who am I? Right. Right.
15:41 And nobody like, I know him or I know what he does and,
15:44 you know, it's no respect and nothing like that.
15:46 I'm like--it's very hard to be like, you know,
15:49 I'm just Han, I'm just Johanahn, you know.
15:53 And I remember and I can tell you something,
15:55 I was at the church, I was at my church,
15:58 it was after I gave my life to Christ
15:59 and you know I'm just--
16:01 I'm just feeling like I'm a nobody,
16:04 I'm feeling like I'm less of a man
16:06 because nobody gives me that respect that I was used to
16:09 or nobody really knows me, nobody puts me up
16:12 on the pedestal no more so I'm just there.
16:15 And I remember one day we was in the church
16:17 and it was a-- I was at a prayer meeting,
16:20 and I was the only-- I was the only male there.
16:23 I was the only man there.
16:24 And, you know, I'm still just,
16:26 you know, like nobody care about me.
16:27 and there was this lady.
16:29 And I remember her name was Sister Kollie.
16:33 And it was prayer time. And I will never forget this.
16:37 I even told her this to this day.
16:39 She said, she wanted somebody to pray and she was like,
16:42 how about we have the man pray for us? Amen.
16:46 And I was like-- I was like, what?
16:49 I'm like, "What? The man?"
16:51 'Cause I'm looking like how did--
16:53 why does she think I'm a man?
16:54 You know, she don't know, I haven't did anything,
16:58 you know what I'm saying?
16:59 So I even asked her like why do you look at me like that?
17:03 How can you just give me that respect?
17:05 And that's what I was used to.
17:06 I'm like, you know, I felt that you have to earn
17:09 that type of respect and that's what I--
17:11 that was my addiction in doing what I had to do,
17:15 what I thought I had to do to earn that respect.
17:18 And it was nothing but-- And this sister-in-Christ
17:20 have it to you as a sign of God.
17:21 And it was nothing but God that had her do that.
17:25 And I'm like, I am a man without
17:27 all of this stuff that I was used to.
17:29 I'm still a man. Christ has made me a man.
17:31 What I love about that is being able to say
17:34 is God has to really get to your heart to give you
17:37 those kind of truths so that you could heal. Right.
17:40 And it's really intense. It is.
17:41 'Cause once you-- let me--
17:43 I'm gonna go back into that whole gang lifestyle.
17:46 'cause once you got in that and you were that guy--
17:49 were you doing drugs on top of that, or pretty much...
17:52 No, I was never into, you know, doing the drugs,
17:55 just kind of selling them, selling the drugs so.
17:59 So what happened as far as you coming to Christ?
18:02 Tell us a little bit about--
18:05 well, tell us a little bit first about--
18:06 I'm really am curious about that lifestyle.
18:09 So tell us a little bit more about that lifestyle
18:11 and then how you came to Christ. What happened?
18:14 And was it one time, or was it that people
18:16 were kind of-- was it over the years?
18:19 Oh, well, I was-- it was the lifestyle.
18:22 I took on a lifestyle, and I didn't really want to--
18:25 like I said, when my mother pay, you know, I was doing little--
18:28 I was dealing little petty drugs before my mother passed.
18:31 But when she passed I'm like I have to do this.
18:35 I was kind of nervous in getting into--
18:39 deep into the drug game.
18:40 But I'm like I have to make this rent,
18:43 I have to feed my little brother,
18:45 you know, that's how I felt.
18:46 So when I gradually got into it and I saw that reactions
18:52 or whatever from what I was doing I started liking it.
18:57 Then I started loving it.
18:59 And then I started doing more of it.
19:01 And then I started, you know, and it started changing me.
19:04 so I was doing that for a while.
19:08 I look at it now, I was becoming a monster.
19:13 You know, and I ask-- Because I'm like, you know,
19:17 it was just getting more and more attractive to me
19:19 and I see the type of person that I was becoming,
19:22 the people that I was surrounded by,
19:24 it was attractive to them.
19:25 So, you know, I would reach for that feeling
19:30 that to make you--to have you look at me a certain way.
19:34 So that's what I was striving for everyday.
19:35 And whether it's fear or respect, it was something.
19:37 You were gonna have some affect on me
19:40 to where I gave you that position. Right.
19:42 And it was kind of like-- and it was back and forth.
19:45 So I was feeding off of you and you was feeding off of me.
19:48 and I know you like it.
19:49 So I'm gonna strive to be that guy.
19:51 So that's what I was becoming.
19:53 It was getting worse and worse and worse.
19:57 Yeah, I was just-- like I said, I was just--
20:02 I believe I was just growing into becoming a monster.
20:07 And that doesn't happen overnight?
20:09 No, it does happen-- the change or...
20:13 Yeah, the change doesn't happen overnight.
20:15 When you said, I'm beginning to be a monster,
20:18 is it some people think that it happens
20:19 overnight but it doesn't.
20:21 And I love what you said is that initially there
20:23 was that fear of stepping all out into that.
20:26 Not that you hadn't already in some way.
20:28 But there was that fear.
20:29 And that fear starts to leave and you are able then to stand.
20:34 But you have to change who you are to do that.
20:37 Yeah. So, yeah.
20:38 You know, then, 'cause I think a lot of people
20:40 don't realize there's guns, knives, there's crazy behaviors,
20:43 there's all of that kind of stuff
20:45 up in that world. Right.
20:48 And it's like, you know, the devil blinds you
20:50 from all of that stuff because like I said,
20:53 I didn't really want to put myself out there 100%
20:59 in a drug gang but, you know, as you gradually
21:03 get into it the devil gets to blind you
21:04 from the dangerous things that I was putting myself into.
21:10 I was blinded by situations.
21:12 I'd go into a situation and I'd just be blinded
21:17 by what can really happen to me and am I supposed to be in...
21:21 Am I supposed to be afraid right now?
21:23 Right, am I supposed to be afraid and you know,
21:25 the devil has that hold over you.
21:27 You don't even see what's right and what's wrong.
21:30 'Cause you told me one time when we were talking
21:31 that you even pulled your brother into it
21:33 not even realizing-- Yeah.
21:36 And, you know, and that's the way we was raised
21:38 and I'm like I look at a lot and it was so hard
21:40 to pull him out of that because you kind of like
21:45 drew him into it, you know.
21:47 And I was-- when I lost my mother
21:49 my little brother, he was 11.
21:51 So I felt like I'm gonna raise him to be just like me.
21:57 And take care of himself. Right.
21:59 But I want him to be a better me.
22:01 I want him to be a more improved drug dealer or whatever.
22:06 So I was raising him to be me at his age.
22:11 You know what I'm saying? So whatever I would learn
22:14 at that time, I was teaching him
22:16 so he can be that far ahead of anybody else there.
22:18 Well, you know, for somebody that doesn't know
22:20 that lifestyle 'cause it was not--
22:24 like I pulled my sister into the lifestyle that I was in.
22:26 When she left our house and I was working
22:28 in clubs and all that kind of stuff.
22:30 So I taught her what to do,
22:31 how to get a good job, all that kind of stuff.
22:33 And I didn't do it because I'm a monster.
22:35 I did it thinking I did the right thing. Right.
22:37 And so I want you to talk about that
22:39 'cause somebody would say "Well, how could you do that?"
22:41 And it's like, you know,
22:42 you don't even know when you're up in that.
22:45 When you are thinking that I'm surviving.
22:46 That you know what, my alternatives are a few,
22:49 and I have siblings, I'm gonna teach them.
22:53 Yeah, when I--
22:54 only now I can look at it and say I was a monster.
22:58 Then I didn't know-- I didn't look at it
23:00 as I was doing something wrong. Right.
23:02 I felt in my heart that I knew I was doing something right.
23:05 So I'm like, I'm not gonna have him go through the things
23:08 that I went through and not knowing how to over
23:11 and you know, making easy money,
23:14 it's gonna be a lot more easier for him.
23:16 So I thought I was paving a way.
23:18 I thought I was doing a good thing.
23:20 he wouldn't have to struggle as hard as I did.
23:22 So I really thought that I was doing him
23:25 a pleasure by teaching him--
23:26 By teaching him everything I know.
23:27 Yeah, I thought I was doing him a pleasure.
23:29 And he learnt well. Yeah, he learnt well.
23:32 What--was there anything that God was doing at the time
23:36 where you felt that God was pulling on you?
23:38 Or were there dark years where I didn't feel that?
23:41 You know what, it was dark years
23:43 where I didn't feel that but I always had--
23:46 it was something in me that--
23:50 it was just some uncomfortable feeling at times
23:53 where I would say something off the way
23:55 and somebody would look at me like I was crazy.
23:56 And then I felt like I must be crazy.
23:59 Like I remember riding with my friends and I'm like--
24:03 'cause you know, my mother didn't raise me like that.
24:06 You know what I'm saying? So I just--after she left,
24:09 after she passed I just grabbed on to something,
24:12 you know, what I kind of knew everybody else was doing
24:15 and it was kind of easy.
24:17 So it was always something in me like this just can't be it.
24:20 It was something telling on me like this can't be it.
24:22 So if I say something to my friends
24:24 like we got to change.
24:26 And they look at me crazy.
24:28 And I'm like, yeah, maybe I am crazy.
24:29 Let me shut up. You know what I'm saying?
24:31 And then I just continue to do what I was--
24:32 But that was still that part of your heart that said,
24:34 "You know what this is not okay."
24:37 Right. Right. I couldn't say that.
24:40 I couldn't come to-- I wasn't string enough to say--
24:43 you know, to make that change or to even--
24:46 I was strong enough to say it a little bit.
24:47 But then when I get tore down like
24:50 "Man, what you talking about?"
24:51 I just go right back into where the devil had me.
24:56 We're gonna go ahead and take a break and come back.
24:59 But I--you know to me, I wish that as--
25:04 if you're out there and you're coming from this lifestyle,
25:06 what I want to say is God is amazing.
25:08 And he takes our craziest times and just speaks into our lives.
25:13 And you are loved and respected by God.
25:16 And he sees you and all those things.
25:18 I want to say that there is recovery
25:20 and we're gonna come back and talk about that.
25:22 If you're out there and you're a church member
25:23 and you have no idea this kind of background
25:27 is I want you to pay attention because we're coming
25:29 into the building and we want to sit down
25:31 and we want to heal and we want to be loved
25:33 and we want to say to the whole world is,
25:36 I am done with this crazy stuff and I want to be in my own skin.
25:40 And I want to have a normal life.
25:43 And so we're gonna come back.
25:44 We're gonna hear the rest of this story.
25:45 This is my favorite part, is how God breaks
25:47 through all of that stuff and at the end of that
25:50 you have a man of god that somebody can say
25:53 at a prayer meeting, you know, you take the prayer.
25:56 We'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17