Celebrating Life in Recovery

The Work And The Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Wayne and Sherri Labins, Cheri Peters


Series Code: CLR

Program Code: CLR000009

00:10 Welcome to Celebrating Life In Recovery,
00:11 I'm Cheri your host and this is going to be one of the
00:14 best episodes ever and one of the hardest, you decide.
00:17 Come join us in the café.
00:45 I love who God is, I love the fact that He forgives us.
00:48 I love the fact that He knows every single thing about me.
00:50 It doesn't bug Him.
00:52 You know God's greatest joy, and I read this in Steps To
00:57 Christ going through the series Celebrating Life In Recovery.
01:00 In Steps To Christ in the chapter the Work And the Life,
01:03 it says that Christ greatest joy was to work with us.
01:07 To work with us, and it doesn't matter how wretched
01:10 we are, it doesn't matter all our character defects,
01:12 it doesn't matter about that kind of stuff.
01:14 His joy is to get us to see ourselves as we really are,
01:17 to hand it to Him and to allow Him to bring us back to
01:22 the place where we were created to be.
01:24 Who He knows we are and I'm thinking Amen! I love that.
01:28 I want to introduce the people on the set because I have
01:31 some people here that I just love.
01:32 I have Teresa, you are going to be with us and this is
01:36 the first time your with us, I want to say thank you.
01:38 Curly's your back again.
01:39 And I love you - I love you. -I love you!
01:41 And Jeanette, Larry, Wayne and Sherri you are back again.
01:46 But you were here before doing the radio show and not
01:50 television so now we get to hear you on television,
01:52 which is fun.
01:53 I've got to tell you when I first met Wayne it was so
01:56 funny, I'm at SoCal Camp meeting and they asked me
01:59 to be a speaker and it was like my first time of going
02:02 out into the ministry and I was so nervous.
02:05 Whenever I'm nervous and I think you know what I better go
02:09 shopping, get something cute to wear or whatever.
02:12 So I went out and got this outfit, and I'm prayed up,
02:16 I'm reading the Bible, and I'm asking God to bless us and I get
02:21 there and they're some heavy-duty speakers there.
02:24 Rojas was there, the youth speaker from the conference.
02:28 He is amazing, and we had a guy from Breath of Life was
02:33 there and they were amazing, and then me and I'm thinking
02:35 no way, and I'm so nervous.
02:37 So I get up and I remember getting up and just feeling so
02:40 nervous and so inadequate, and I'm such a mess.
02:43 Just a heroin addict in recovery who wants to hear that?
02:45 But I absolutely love God, so I get up and starting my
02:51 testimony and all of a sudden I feel the Holy Spirit,
02:53 all the nervousness goes away and I just feel like
02:56 I am blessed and so glad to be there.
02:58 And after I get done, I come down and Wayne comes up.
03:03 Do you remember what you said to me?
03:04 Wayne comes up and says to me, Cheri, come here.
03:08 I said what? And he said do you realize that your outfit
03:12 is totally see through it? Oh shut up! Shut up!
03:16 Don't even tell me that. I said totally see-through?
03:19 So the whole time I'm up there, I'm walking around,
03:22 finally getting over the nervousness, talking about who
03:26 God is and my outfit is see-through.
03:28 I'm thinking I'm dead, I'm so devastated, I'm thinking
03:32 I'm never going to show my face again.
03:33 I go to room and said you know God, first of all I have
03:36 to find somebody, we're at Camp meeting, I have to find
03:40 somebody with an extra slip.
03:41 Jeanette did you bring an extra slip?
03:44 She says I'm at Camp meeting, I didn't even bring a slip.
03:48 Why would I bring an extra one if I did bring one,
03:50 if I have one I'm wearing it.
03:52 You know, so I had to find somebody with a slip.
03:54 You don't want to go up again with the see-through outfit.
03:57 So the women's Ministry leader, who really does not want
04:00 me up there again with this outfit,
04:02 is trying to find a slip.
04:03 I'm in the room praying, God, You could have told me.
04:09 You could have told me, You are God and know everything
04:12 when I bought it You knew that it was see-through.
04:14 You could have gotten me a slip, You could have had one
04:18 just laying on my bed when I walked in the room.
04:20 Somebody forgot it in a drawer or something.
04:22 You know, and God said something through the Holy Spirit.
04:25 He said, Cheri aren't you glad that the robe of
04:28 righteousness isn't see-through?
04:31 And I am like, oh Amen! Amen! God covers us and He
04:35 never sees our sin again. He sees Christ.
04:38 He sees Christ's robe, He doesn't see our junk.
04:41 He doesn't see the stuff we struggle with.
04:42 He doesn't even see our relapses, how fun is that?
04:46 He doesn't see how twisted our mind is, none of that kind
04:49 of stuff, He sees Christ.
04:51 And I am thinking, Amen!
04:52 I'm going to tell you a story before I introduce you to
04:54 the main guest, but until then I want to say we have
04:59 incredible folks here on the set and you've met them.
05:02 But I want to tell you a story, I got this call, and I
05:05 can't even tell you what state because she really wants
05:07 me to be careful about people knowing this about her.
05:12 So I got this call from this girl's mother,
05:14 and I'm going to say from New York.
05:18 I'll just pick a state. From New York.
05:20 Her mom calls me and says, my daughter is a mess.
05:24 Absolutely a mess and I am afraid she will die, she will
05:28 not survive this, she is depressed, she suicidal, she is
05:32 angry, and she is not going to church anymore.
05:34 She is in my face and I can't even hold her anymore.
05:37 I can't even comfort her, she is so angry at me.
05:40 I want you to work with her.
05:43 I'm thinking, Oh! I don't know about anybody else even
05:47 in ministry, or in your friend- ships when you feel in adequate
05:50 when somebody ask you to do something like that for them,
05:52 I just felt overwhelmed.
05:54 I thought what if God is working with her already,
05:59 and for whatever then he will give us something to say,
06:01 but I can't do it if she is there and I am here.
06:04 So somehow we have to get where we are together.
06:07 In the same state. So I said, send her to me.
06:10 She won't do that, she won't even come,
06:13 she hates everybody and especially people in the church.
06:16 So I wrote the book Miracle from the Street and I said,
06:18 I'm going to sign the book and put my phone number in it,
06:21 and I want you to give it to her.
06:22 If she reads it then I want her to call me.
06:25 So let's just do that. Well she won't read it.
06:28 Just give it to her and pray like crazy that she
06:33 opens this book, because I really believe the book is
06:35 about God, it's a vindication of God's character.
06:37 It tells that God is bigger than anything we deal with.
06:40 So I wanted her to have the book and then call me.
06:43 So she gives it to her daughter, and I go on a trip.
06:46 I know that I take all these side things, but I got to
06:49 tell you I went on the strip and working with a guy
06:51 named Ron Halverson.
06:53 I don't know if anybody knows him, but he is awesome.
06:56 Like this gangster in recovery and now a Pastor.
06:59 He is fun, he's loud and some thing like me, how fun are you?
07:03 So anyhow we are working together, doing a Camp meeting
07:07 and I'm thinking Ron Halverson, and I am doing a Camp meeting.
07:10 You know what let's do it a little different.
07:12 And I had just ministered at a strip club with a stripper.
07:16 I had to pay a cover charge to come in and minister
07:18 with her, so I said what if we have a cover charge
07:21 at Camp meeting? And somebody says can you do a cover
07:24 charge at Camp meeting? I said you know I can do
07:26 whatever I want, I'm the speaker.
07:28 And so I said let's do a cover charge, and the cover
07:31 charge is you cannot come to Camp meeting unless
07:35 you bring somebody that is an absolute mess.
07:38 An alcoholic, a drug addict, a sex offender, somebody
07:43 that is porn addiction, somebody that is beating his wife.
07:45 You have to bring somebody, and people are like,
07:48 where do I find them?
07:50 While in your own family most of the time.
07:53 If you're not finding them there, and you can find them
07:56 in your church, go down to the Main Street.
08:00 Because in this town we were doing this Camp meeting in,
08:03 Main Street it heroin was drug of choice but a lot of addiction
08:07 People started getting into this, and started bringing in
08:11 addicts, and it was hilarious.
08:13 There was one girl that came in drunk every single time.
08:15 Her name was Beth, I love her and Beth if you are watching
08:18 you know that I love you.
08:19 But anyhow Beth comes in and Beth is drunk every time.
08:23 Half the time asleep and snoring like crazy in the front
08:26 row, the only time she came to was to say you know what
08:30 Cheri Amen! And I'm thinking
08:32 you're a little bit late on the Amen!
08:33 But anyhow, even the last day, the last day,
08:37 we are getting finished and people are really,
08:40 I'm watching addicts decide to step into recovery for the
08:44 first time in their life.
08:45 So absolutely amazing, but Beth comes, she had missed
08:49 one meeting, and she knows I'm flying out and she wants
08:51 to do a one on one.
08:52 She comes late at night and I'm with all the organizers
08:55 at Camp meeting, Beth is so wasted that she cannot walk.
08:58 Cannot walk, she has her keys in her hand.
09:02 I'd like to Um, I'd like to give Cheri a ride home.
09:06 cause I want to talk with her.
09:08 People are like you are not taking Cheri out of here
09:12 in your condition, and they are so serious.
09:15 It was like people around me protecting me.
09:17 You are not going with her.
09:18 I took the keys and I said, Beth how bout I drive?
09:20 Alright! We get into the car and go back to the Bed and
09:25 Breakfast I'm staying at.
09:26 It is late at night by this time, 1:30 in the morning.
09:29 I said, maybe I can walk her sober, we'll walk around.
09:33 She was so drunk that was not happening.
09:35 So we walked by the lake and around the lake, we walk out on
09:38 the pier, I finally think maybe I could just poof,
09:42 and I pushed her in the water.
09:43 It was freezing, freezing cold and she sobered up faster
09:48 than anybody I've ever seen.
09:51 And we got to do ministry and it was so fun, so fun.
09:54 Beth now is in recovery, and this has been a few
09:57 years, so it is amazing, amazing.
09:59 But anyhow I come home from that Camp meeting and I'm
10:02 checking my messages on the phone.
10:04 And guess who called me? Katie, I'm thinking shut up
10:08 how cool is that? She says, this is Katie and my mom
10:12 gave me your book and told me that you want me to call
10:15 you, and I don't care if you call me back, but whatever.
10:19 Here is my phone number and hangs up.
10:21 I'm like Wahoo, she called me, how fun.
10:24 I'm so thrilled, so I call her back.
10:27 I tell her I'm doing a weekend with Hyveth Williams,
10:32 I don't know if you know her but she is so awesome.
10:34 So high, Hyveth!. If you are out there, I want to speak
10:38 at your church, no sorry we are doing a show, right?
10:40 So anyway, I'm working with Hyveth Williams, and I tell
10:44 Katie, fly into Idaho, because that is where the ranch is
10:48 that I work at, so fly into Idaho and I will have some
10:52 body pick you up at the airport, and they will pick me
10:53 up in Baker, because I'm in Baker Oregon at the time that
10:57 she is going to fly in because I am a Pathfinder leader.
10:59 I don't know of anybody knows what a Pathfinder is,
11:02 but they have me as a leader.
11:04 So I'm doing this pathfinder event, somebody's going
11:06 to pick you up at the airport in Boise,
11:08 they will fly you in their private plane to Baker.
11:11 They are going to pick me up in Baker and then fly to
11:14 Medford Oregon and we are going to do a weekend.
11:17 You don't have to go to the meetings or anything, it is
11:20 just a way for you and I to hang out, but I will meet
11:23 you when you fly in. So she says okay.
11:26 Chris Chapman is somebody I work with that just buried
11:29 her son with a meth addiction, she is going to meet with
11:33 Katie in Boise, and I know the story is complicated,
11:36 but stay with me, because it is so fun.
11:38 So anyhow, Chris going to meet her at the airport and
11:41 get in the plane with a friend that works for the
11:44 Ministry that has a plane and they are going to fly us
11:46 to Baker and then flies us to Medford and a storm comes in.
11:50 A horrible storm, and the guy that flies the small plane
11:54 can't fly it because he doesn't have the right pilot's
11:57 license to fly in a storm.
11:59 So now instead of flying to Baker and to Medford,
12:02 we have to drive, so it is hours. Right, hours!
12:06 We are barely going to make it there for me to speak
12:09 at this weekend thing.
12:10 But Chris picks Katie up from the airport, Chris just
12:13 lost her son and tells Katie the whole story.
12:15 A By the time they get to meet me in Baker they are best
12:18 friends, Chris and her have cried together, they have
12:21 prayed together, they have loved on each other.
12:23 But you know what Katie says, my mom is crazy,
12:27 I have no problems, I don't know what she's talking about.
12:30 So I'm thinking, how funny is that because her mom is
12:33 ready to kill herself because she is so depressed over
12:36 her daughter, and the daughter is saying mom is crazy.
12:39 She is the cutest Italian kid, this girl was just as
12:43 beautiful, and kind of a smart aleck you can tell.
12:46 But I said are you sure there's nothing wrong?
12:48 You said nothing other than my folks.
12:50 So we started driving from Baker to Medford, right?
12:53 It is hours, this is going to be a trip that is hours.
12:56 Up through the mountains and all that stuff.
12:58 It was late at night by this time and I realize
13:00 I'm speaking at 7:30 in the morning, first thing in the
13:02 morning, never do that to an addict in recovery.
13:04 We don't like getting up early.
13:06 But anyhow, so first thing in the morning I'm the speaker.
13:09 So I realize I have to get some sleep, I had to sleep.
13:13 You know what? This is crazy, I can't talk to you guys
13:17 anymore and they were so funny, joking and having fun.
13:19 I got in the back seat and lay down, no matter what
13:23 you say I have to get some sleep.
13:24 They would say a joke or something and I would be up,
13:28 and do you think I just got up and said, oh that was
13:31 funny and laid back down?
13:32 I got up and talked and talked and talked, oh!
13:35 I have to go to sleep and I would lay back down.
13:38 So finally I said, no matter what you say, I am not
13:40 getting up, and you know Curly, you are funny,
13:43 you are so funny, and I know you would try to get me
13:46 with your jokes, and that is what they tried to do.
13:48 Kept trying, kept trying and kept trying.
13:50 So finally I thought, you know what I can even listen
13:53 to them, and I started to drift off to sleep and
13:56 I hear Chris say, did you see that?
14:00 That was the cutest thing I ever seen, how cool is that
14:04 and Katie said the same thing, that was so cool.
14:06 Chris, turn around, go back, oh man, did you see him.
14:12 Oh! He is so cute.
14:13 And I'm thinking I'm not getting up.
14:15 I'm not keeping up, you cannot get me up.
14:18 But then, the car started to turn around,
14:22 and I'm thinking you guys this is not funny,
14:23 we are going to barely make it.
14:24 And it is on such a small country road,
14:27 through the mountains that they literally had
14:28 to do one of these kind of turns, right?
14:30 So they turn around and I get up and I said, you guys
14:33 this is not funny, we can't turn around.
14:34 And as I said that, I saw another car turnaround to go
14:38 back to the same spot.
14:40 So everybody turned around, and then the lights from
14:42 both cars went and did a spotlight on the cutest raccoon
14:46 you have ever seen in your life.
14:48 Just looking up at us, and he was adorable.
14:50 Adorable, kind of like a baby raccoon.
14:53 I thought how cute is that. Man, how cute is that?
14:58 So we are all saying the same thing, how cute is that?
15:01 So we end up looking at this raccoon and I realize as
15:05 I am looking at him that the whole bottom part of
15:08 his body is smashed, smashed.
15:10 He is trying to pull himself off the road.
15:14 No way, no way and so I end up, we get out of the car,
15:18 and this guy that pulls around with us in a different
15:21 car, he put his jacket on him and got the raccoon off
15:23 the side of the road, and we are looking at the raccoon
15:26 trying to figure out what to do.
15:28 Chris has just buried her son, you have to remember this.
15:30 But she says you know what? We have to give him to the
15:32 hospital, I said Chris, it's a raccoon.
15:36 And I know that is sad and all, but things get hit,
15:41 we are in the middle of nowhere and I don't know where
15:43 a vet is, and she is like I cannot leave this raccoon
15:46 here to die, we have to take it to the hospital.
15:49 So I said, you know okay.
15:53 So we now get back in the car and I have a raccoon on
15:56 my chest, and this raccoon is bleeding.
16:00 I have to tell you, bleeding and he is in pain.
16:03 He is afraid, I am not sure why he didn't scratch me up.
16:07 But I held this raccoon, I thought if I was dying what
16:11 would I want someone to do for me?
16:12 I thought you know, pray for me. Sing, just something.
16:16 It doesn't even matter what it is.
16:18 But as I am going, do that for me and so I started doing
16:22 that for the raccoon, I prayed, God I know this animal
16:26 is afraid, and I know that he is afraid and he's dying and I
16:31 can hear it in his breathing. I just ask You to bring
16:34 peace to him, and I started to pray.
16:36 I started singing simple things, because I can't sing.
16:38 Just sing humble myself in the sight of the Lord,
16:43 and I just started singing and as I'm singing
16:45 I'm hearing Chris and Katie talking in the front seat.
16:47 They are saying you know what, when he gets well,
16:51 Chris says, I'm going to adopt him, I'm taking him home.
16:54 This is going to be my pet.
16:55 And Katie is like, what are we going to call him.
16:57 I'm listening to them, and they said, let's call him
17:02 boo-boo, because he made, he got in front of a car and got
17:06 run over, boo-boo. I thought you guys are so creative.
17:08 You know so, anyhow they are talking in the front and
17:12 I'm telling them, you know what? He's not going to make it.
17:16 This raccoon is not going to make it, and they're saying
17:19 no he'll make it.
17:20 I said we will not be able to find a vet.
17:22 Well let's go to the emergency room now,
17:24 let's just go to a hospital, and I could see me now
17:27 walking in a hospital with this raccoon and saying,
17:29 excuse is there a Doctor in the house?
17:32 So I am thinking, you know okay.
17:35 So we end up driving further and further, we end up
17:39 having this real struggle with this raccoon.
17:42 But then the raccoon dies, and I held him for a long time,
17:46 because I don't know when life actually leaves something.
17:49 So I held him for a long time.
17:51 And I said, you know what? You guys, the raccoon is dead.
17:54 They cried, I mean they cried.
17:57 We got out of the car and found a place to bury this
17:59 raccoon and we are in the middle of nowhere.
18:01 We dug this whole, and Chris is going to do the eulogy.
18:05 I don't even know what we were thinking, but as we were
18:08 getting ready to put this raccoon in the hole we saw
18:10 a bear and I promise you, I looked up and there was a bear
18:14 probably 15 feet away from us.
18:16 I screamed and threw the raccoon and we ran to the car and
18:19 got in the car and drove away.
18:21 We saw ourselves with this raccoon flying through the air
18:24 after all that and couldn't stop laughing.
18:26 And then we didn't want to laugh because we thought
18:27 how bad, we shouldn't be laughing, that was a dead
18:30 raccoon. So every time we stopped laughing we just
18:34 started laughing again and I'm trying to stop myself.
18:36 I'm thinking is it wrong to laugh, but you know what
18:39 it was just, and all of a sudden I hear Katie and
18:44 she is sobbing, absolutely sobbing.
18:46 Her laughter changed, and now she is sobbing.
18:48 I said Katie, what is the matter? Are you okay?
18:52 I'm thinking the raccoon still, she said no.
18:54 My life is a mess, a mess and I feel like I'm dying
18:59 on the side of the road and nobody is picking me up.
19:01 Nobody is picking me up.
19:03 This show is going to be about God picks us up.
19:06 You have to hear me with that, is what I said is
19:08 that Katie you're in a car, stop you are in a car
19:11 with two women that are fanatical about God.
19:14 I would do anything for you to see the healing power of
19:17 God, the God I know.
19:18 I don't care what you have done, I don't care what
19:20 you have got yourself lost in, that God wants to reach
19:23 in and pull you up.
19:25 And he doesn't want to do that to hold to while you are
19:28 dying, He wants to pour life into you.
19:30 I promise you that God will be faithful.
19:33 So we will be right back, I want to introduce you
19:34 to the guest and I will tell you the rest of the story
19:36 about Katie and that whole thing because it is amazing.
19:39 Stay with us!
19:45 We want to introduce you to a beautiful book
19:47 called 'Steps To Christ'.
19:49 Each program in this series is based on a different
19:51 chapter showing you how to become a Christian and
19:54 gain victory over your addictions.
19:56 'Steps To Christ' is our gift to you free of charge.
20:00 Just call us at:
20:27 Welcome back, you know this is my favorite part of the
20:29 show and again, the show is hard, it is hard for me.
20:32 We haven't even got into the content yet, so you probably
20:35 don't even know what I am talking about.
20:37 I want to tell you that the last time, Wayne and Sherri,
20:40 you are going to tell us your testimony.
20:42 You are going to talk about what God has done in your life.
20:46 And the last time you and I did a radio show together,
20:49 I triggered for three months after that and got into all my
20:54 own stuff and thought I can't do this and all that stuff.
20:57 I remember just praying, and praying and saying, God
21:00 I can't do this and I didn't even want to e-mail,
21:03 I didn't want you to e- mail me and say something.
21:04 I didn't want to e-mail back, and someone else had
21:07 triggered during hearing your testimony and I was dealing
21:11 with them, I was dealing with some kids that had gone
21:13 through some issues and finally God said to me, in prayer.
21:18 This morning, that is how long it has taken.
21:22 But this morning in prayer what He said, Cheri I want you
21:25 to think about the worst thing you ever did, ever did.
21:29 The worst thing that God has come into my life and had to
21:33 work through with me, and He said, do you feel forgiven for
21:38 that? And I did, I thought I know I even teared up
21:42 because some of my stuff is horrible with 10 years on
21:44 the street and strung out on heroin and stuff.
21:46 I think you know I did, I feel forgiven.
21:50 He said, do you feel like the blood of Christ has covered
21:54 that and My mercy and My Grace, and I said yes.
21:57 He said, don't be so arrogant to think that you can't
22:00 forgive Wayne and I thought oh man, I didn't even think
22:04 that was the issue.
22:06 I just want to say, I want to ask you to forgive me for
22:08 having that stuff, that no sin is different from another,
22:12 God looks at all of us as we are dying in our sins before
22:15 He pulls us out.
22:16 I want you to just talk to us about what is your story?
22:19 And before you get into it, will you forgive me?
22:24 Oh, certainly! - okay, good, good.
22:26 Well you talk about my story and testimony, there is no
22:30 reason to share a testimony unless it is going to be
22:32 a blessing to someone else.
22:34 Every person has a testimony that is unique.
22:36 This is a tough one, we shared years ago, we said
22:41 it was a tough one.
22:42 I am guilty being a child molester. - convicted.
22:48 Convicted child molester from 1992.
22:51 But praise God, He has delivered me from that.
22:55 I have absolutely no urges for molesting children anymore,
22:59 and that is only because of God. Only because of God.
23:02 Early on in my recovery there was times when I would feel
23:07 like you what am I going to be struggling this my whole life
23:10 long and the answer is yes, and the answer is no.
23:13 The answer is yes in that you have to monitor yourself, your
23:17 entire life, and there are things you cannot do any more
23:20 Wayne, you can not allow yourself to be around children
23:23 isolated ever, period. Okay - right.
23:27 Just like any addict, it is a day to day program
23:31 in recovery. - that's right!.
23:34 But just because the code of conduct is now set up in my
23:37 life, it doesn't mean that God doesn't bless and bring
23:40 people into our lives who need to hear this story.
23:43 They need to hear that it is possible to be in recovery
23:47 and not have those urges anymore.
23:50 We praise God, it's completely Him.
23:52 Because there is a lot of people struggling with this kind
23:56 of sin, even though their own molest, though own early
24:01 childhood stuff or what ever, but they struggle with this.
24:03 You are telling them, you know what? God is so good that
24:06 even to us, He frees us.
24:09 It's almost like you have to beg the church
24:11 to allow you to heal.
24:14 Sometimes, sometimes that's the case.
24:15 Some people can't handle it, and you know what?
24:17 That is alright. God says, He will not test us beyond
24:21 what we can endure, so even in those tough times,
24:23 I mean I tried to rent rooms in people's homes early on,
24:27 after I was divorced, and things were all set up and ready
24:31 to go, but I had to share with them this testimony.
24:34 I felt I owed them that courtesy.
24:37 Do you have to register too, right?
24:39 I have to register, it is a lifelong thing. Yes.
24:41 I owed them that courtesy and they said you know what?
24:44 We appreciate your honesty but we really can't handle
24:47 that, and I said I understand and that is alright.
24:50 God will provide some other way. And He has.
24:54 God has blessed, as we are willing to let God into our
24:58 hearts and save look, I'm trusting You here, because
25:02 no one else seems to be trusting me.
25:03 I need You to provide Lord, and He does. He really does.
25:08 He provides accountability partners.
25:11 That is really what I would like to emphasize during this
25:14 program is accountability. - Amen!
25:17 But first I want to say, even to the point of when you
25:20 say it is difficult for people to forgive you.
25:22 For one people trigger into their own stuff, like I was
25:26 a molest kid so people trigger into all that stuff.
25:29 Feel like, what if you reoffend, and all that stuff.
25:33 So people have a difficult time, but I remember
25:37 you telling me a story that even in your conference
25:40 where you worship, that they made some rules at Camp
25:44 meeting that were pretty intense,
25:46 can you talk about that?
25:47 Yes, interestingly enough we have been attending Camp
25:50 meeting for seven or eight years straight,
25:53 and been part of the Ministry there.
25:55 I have been an audio engineer at there and just love it.
25:59 It is high point spiritually throughout the year.
26:01 And we are pretty close with the conference leadership
26:04 too, but this last year, because they had some legal
26:07 issues with another situation, they made a new policy
26:11 that said anyone who is registered as a sex offender
26:14 they are not going to be allowed at the Camp meeting.
26:17 - so you can't even go anymore? - no, no I can't.
26:20 And then they realized, we didn't realize it applied to
26:23 you, and I said well I'm not asking you to make any
26:25 exceptions here at all, I just think you know what?
26:28 As a church, there is only one organization on the
26:31 planet that really needs to reach out to
26:34 everybody in their dirt and their junk.
26:36 We have got to be able to be protective of children,
26:40 absolutely, protective of our precious children but also
26:44 redemptive at the same time.
26:45 So there has got to be a way to have policies to make
26:48 sure that the children are protected when they are in
26:51 church activities, there is always two adults present,
26:54 there's always windows in the doors when their Sabbath
26:57 school rooms are in other rooms.
26:59 If we can take those precautions and still say,
27:05 you know what? We are going to use the tools to find
27:08 out who is suffering, or has suffered with these
27:12 addictions, and these problems and use Megan's law.
27:15 Use the tools that are out there to identify sex offenders.
27:18 If they want to participate in a church program,
27:21 praise God, we want them in the church safe, rather
27:24 than out side and offending.
27:27 But when you're saying in the church safe, we want
27:30 to teach people how to put in accountability programs
27:32 so that everybody is safe.
27:34 The kids are safe, the victims aren't triggering,
27:36 and the offenders themselves gets to walk in their
27:39 recovery, knowing they have accountability around them.
27:42 - that is right, that is right.
27:44 It's amazing, can I? Before we go there, because we are
27:47 going to stay on there, but I know that you married
27:50 Wayne after you found out about his sex offending stuff.
27:54 To me I am looking at you as another woman thinking,
27:57 what were you thinking? how did you do that?
28:00 And I want to say that not in an offensive way, Wayne
28:03 because I do love you, and I am sorry about my own
28:07 triggers when that happens, but I know that
28:10 you had to struggle with that?
28:12 Sure, I would have never at all, if anybody would have
28:15 said you are going to marry somebody who is a sex offender
28:18 because in my mind you never hurt a child, and you never
28:21 hurt an animal, those are my two babies.
28:25 So when I met Wayne, I thought wow, because we'd met
28:30 through Adventist singles and he seemed like such a nice
28:34 guy, but within the first week Wayne told me.
28:37 He said well Sherri before you get to know me with your
28:40 heart, I want you to know me with your head.
28:42 So he told me this is what I have in my background.
28:46 I have a Jail Journal that he wrote while he was in jail.
28:50 As he was coming to the Lord and stuff, so he had told me
28:55 but I want you to read this, take us home with you to
28:58 read, because I live in a different town than him.
29:01 So I took it home and was reading it, and about a month
29:05 after dating, well one of the main things I said, was
29:08 I was going to watch him, and the main thing you can do
29:11 is see how people are by their actions.
29:14 People can say whatever they want, they can tell you
29:16 they love you, they can do whatever, or are not going to
29:19 do this again and I'm going to do whatever, but if
29:22 they don't change, or their behavior so I'm going to
29:24 watch him and how he interacts with his children,
29:27 because even though he had those he had his three children,
29:30 so I watched his behavior and it was very good.
29:34 But what was funny is about a month after dating
29:37 I was sitting on my bed and I was just thinking.
29:40 My mom comes in and she goes so Sherri, what's going on?
29:43 She said you look like you are thinking really hard or
29:47 whatever, and I was like well I was just thinking about
29:49 Wayne, she said, he just seems like a really neat guy.
29:52 So I'm like, you know all of us have baggage mom in our life.
29:56 She does yeah, and she goes well it is not like he's a
29:59 child molester or anything.
30:01 And I am like well mom, actually why don't you have a seat
30:06 over here and we talked.
30:08 And she was molested kid. - right.
30:10 And her father had died before she ever got to have the
30:13 talk with him or anything.
30:15 One of the neat things was she was able to talk with Wayne
30:19 and have a lot of closure on that, because she needed it.
30:23 She had so much guilt and she was one of the people that
30:27 just can find guilt and blamed herself for
30:30 a lot of things. So that was really, really good.
30:34 So you have watched him and believed in his recovery?
30:38 Yes. - and what is really funny is that when we first
30:42 met years ago, I think I watched you and believed in
30:45 your recovery, and so that is kind of fun.
30:48 - you asked me if you could kiss him.
30:49 - no, can I kiss him, I know he is your husband.
30:53 - you can kiss him on the forehead.
30:55 You know what I think, the reason I wanted to do that
30:58 is that my father molested me from three months old on.
31:01 I wanted somebody, it's like when somebody says well
31:04 molester's don't get well, I say that's gotta not be true.
31:07 Because I wanted my father to get well, I want for people
31:10 in my life that have hurt me in that way, I want them
31:14 to get well and not hurt anybody else.
31:16 So I was so discouraged and when I saw somebody actually
31:19 getting well, and really fighting for that and holding
31:22 onto Christ, I just had to give you a kiss.
31:24 I have to say I don't care what it takes Wayne, for us
31:28 get well. - Taking account- ability is what you said.
31:31 You saw somebody take accountability.
31:33 Taking accountability, stepping up to the plate.
31:35 You know victims need that, and it is a shame that your
31:39 father didn't admit even on his deathbed that you know
31:43 what? I did do this.
31:45 Because the victim says did I imagine it? Did it really
31:49 happen? Am I crazy? - Was it my fault?- Was it my fault?
31:53 There is no complete closure and healing available when
31:58 the perpetrator doesn't say yes I did it and I am sorry.
32:03 Can you please forgive me?
32:05 Now I say that understanding that with Christ all things
32:09 are possible, all things and He can heal our hearts.
32:12 But what a gift it is when a perpetrator not only changes
32:16 through Christ's strength, but then says to all his victims
32:21 I am sorry, can you forgive me?
32:24 And truly from the heart means it.
32:27 And that is why I am so blessed by you, I know from the
32:31 heart you are holding on to your recovery and you mean
32:35 what you are saying.
32:36 I'm going to open it up for questions, it's a little early
32:39 then we typically do but I'm going to open up for
32:41 questions, we are going to talk about your accountability.
32:43 That is my favorite thing about you guys is that you keep
32:46 yourself accountable and God is going to put you in a
32:48 ministry where you are going to say this out loud people.
32:51 You are going to get nailed, you know that? - oh yeah.
32:54 He promises not to test us beyond what we can endure.
32:57 But you're going to feel sometimes, did you remember that
33:01 God? And I say that I admire the fact that you are not
33:04 going to shut up, because you have gotten healed.
33:06 God is faithful to you.
33:07 So open up questions, Teresa, we're going to talk to you
33:13 first, do you have a question for Wayne?
33:14 When I was a teenager I was molested by my cousin for a
33:19 couple years, and I always feel guilty and I was thinking
33:24 why me? Why are you doing that to me?
33:26 What am I doing that, I don't know why feel like what am
33:31 I doing so you are trying to tease me, trying to touch me,
33:36 why? I never understand why he did that to me.
33:39 It has nothing to do with you per se, you didn't do
33:42 anything that brought that on.
33:45 The person, was he much older than you? - yes
33:49 - just a little bit older than you.
33:50 Okay, that person has the power, both physical power and
33:53 the mental power.
33:54 You weren't in a position, how old were you?
33:56 I was 12. - you were 12 and you weren't in a position
33:58 really to think clearly, Oh why is this happening at the time.
34:03 You were taken advantage of. Okay? You were an object
34:08 to that person, they didn't see you as a precious child
34:14 of God with a soul, with feelings.
34:16 That person somehow had to take the truth that you are
34:20 a precious real person and push it aside and treat
34:24 you as an object and how that happened for that person
34:28 you would probably have to go back deeper.
34:30 I don't know what happened in that person's life,
34:32 not that it excuses what he did in any way,
34:36 but you will probably find something in his background
34:39 that led to that.
34:41 I'm sorry, I'm sorry that happened for you.
34:45 No one deserves that, we have rights to our bodies.
34:49 No one has the right to touch our bodies without our
34:53 permission, we need to teach our boys, especially boys,
34:58 to be respectful of girls and of women.
35:02 That needs to be something we are intentional about in our
35:06 churches, especially our churches. - Amen!
35:09 You know Teresa, one of the things that I have learned
35:12 over the years is that it stays with us forever.
35:16 I mean it just so much pain with molest, and this violation,
35:22 there is so much pain and so much the stays with us.
35:25 I really believe, and I know that we are talking about
35:28 you and your healing but I really believe that God wants
35:32 us, victims both male and female to stand up and know
35:36 that He can restore that innocence within us.
35:39 He can also restore that sense of who we were before the
35:43 violation and we also have to surrender that to Him.
35:47 You know God give that back to Me, that was stolen from Me and
35:51 God wants to do that both for the perpetrator and
35:55 for the victim because it was never supposed to happen.
36:00 I want to now say Jeanette, Jeanette you are criminologist
36:04 and you have dealt with the subject in a number of ways.
36:08 Seeing both the victims and perpetrators, what do you
36:12 want to say? - First of all I want to talk about
36:15 accountability, I think it is a very good word and a word
36:18 that the general public needs to understand.
36:20 It is a mutual responsibility, this is not
36:22 a responsibility just for the perpetrator, but also
36:26 for all of us.
36:27 I grew up in New York City, and my mother was very,
36:31 very protective of who we stayed with and what we did and
36:34 what we wore. I think these things are very important.
36:37 I think we tend to just label the offender and
36:41 we don't label how the offense came to be.
36:44 Criminal justice perspective, criminals can't commit
36:47 crimes unless there is opportunity.
36:49 I think that we leave a lot of opportunity open out there
36:52 for children to be unattended, we leave them alone at
36:54 home, we leave them with the neighbor we don't know much
36:57 about, we send them on Camping trips that the Church has,
37:00 all male or all-female and we don't think about the
37:03 consequences or the accountability that goes on
37:07 there because we are so naive.
37:09 I think accountability requires that a lot of the
37:12 naive behavior dissipate and that we in this sinful
37:15 world we live in that we open our eyes because even with
37:18 Megan's law, even with all the registry.
37:21 Explain Megan's law, because a lot of people don't
37:23 understand what that is.
37:24 Well Megan's law is basically that they are required to
37:28 register, every time they move they are required to
37:31 register so that everyone in the community has public
37:34 record of where the sex offender are listed.
37:36 Although that might be well, there are sex offenders that
37:39 are not registered yet and they still live near you and
37:42 are offending, I think they are offending because Megan's
37:45 law is a double edge sword.
37:47 If we take the sex offender to the left is the one
37:49 we need to worry about, but what about the ones to
37:51 the right that hasn't been registered yet?
37:53 So I think what I am saying here is mutual accountability
37:55 where they are in a church setting, or you are in
37:58 a community, as parents, and I have a child myself,
38:01 I have to be aware of my surroundings.
38:03 I have to be aware that everyone from the cable Guy that
38:06 walks into the house with cables, anyone can be a sex
38:08 offender. - and women, sometimes we don't think of
38:11 women, it is not - the babysitter.
38:14 What about what she pointed out, your relative?
38:18 Did you report him? - no. - so how many of them in
38:22 our family that are not reported that are right there.
38:25 No let me just say, I just want to make a point where you
38:28 are saying Jeanette is that was somebody I worked with
38:31 before told me that they had their son a church and what
38:35 they would say to their son, he was probably three or four
38:37 years old and would want to go to the bathroom and they
38:40 were talking to a bunch of other adults and they said,
38:42 just run in there and go to the bathroom.
38:43 He was molested all the time in the bathroom at church
38:47 when the adults were in a meeting.
38:49 So just being able to say that as you're talking about
38:53 Wayne is accountability programs and that kind of stuff
38:57 is to in church not to be paranoid, because God doesn't
39:01 want us to live in fear or paranoia.
39:02 What He is saying is be smart, certain places attract
39:06 people that look for opportunities, and if there is
39:09 somebody trying to be healed, that person needs
39:11 accountability, but if there is somebody in there
39:14 that is not in healing and is acting out, if you have an
39:17 accountability program that is just there.
39:20 The children are not left under attended, that people
39:23 are aware of what is happening in the building and that
39:26 is a blessing, isn't that what you're saying Jeanette?
39:29 What I'm saying to everyone that is watching this program,
39:31 we have the tendency of beating the dead horse.
39:35 Yes he is a sex offender, yes he has paid his debt to
39:39 society and he served his time.
39:41 What do we do from this point on?
39:43 How can a person change if you are not given the
39:45 opportunity to change?
39:47 If you are eliminated from everything that is mainstream,
39:49 how will you ever know if you will reoffend?
39:52 It doesn't make sense, it's like chopping off arms and
39:55 legs and say walk, you can't do that.
39:56 You have to give the person the opportunity, but that
39:59 requires accountable people.
40:01 From a church perspective, looking at it from a Christian
40:04 perspective, I belong to a church and if I know there
40:07 is a sex offender in the church, whether they ask me to
40:10 be accountable or not, if I see them get up to use the
40:12 bathroom I may make the excuse used the bathroom myself
40:15 make sure where he goes, not that I'm going to stop him
40:17 from doing anything but at least that can be
40:20 accountable for he has been.
40:21 He's been to this room and he's been to that room.
40:23 I think that we are all responsible, we can't leave it
40:25 to just one person to be accountable.
40:27 What is really incredible with you Wayne, and what
40:30 you told me about your accountability program is that
40:34 there are some men that have contacted or said to you
40:36 I will be your partner, and when you go to the bathroom
40:39 what happens? I can just tap one of them on the shoulder
40:42 and say, hey, Tom or Ralph, I need to use the bathroom.
40:45 They know what that means - and they go with you.
40:48 That means follow me into the bathroom.
40:50 They are aware of that but what happens when people are
40:51 not aware, and I think that is a part.
40:53 We can't all walk around with a cowbell and say, hey,
40:56 I'm a sex offender, I'm making noise and bringing this
40:58 attention to myself.
40:59 I've had to counsel, by myself, in an office at night
41:04 a group of convicted rapists, and to me
41:08 everyone said did you have a gun? No I didn't have a gun,
41:10 I had common sense that the good Lord gave me from living and
41:13 being raised in New York City, what I did is I
41:15 kept their hands busy.
41:17 And at the end of the night there was one or two
41:19 that wanted to talk to me privately and I would keep
41:21 their hands full, can you carry these books for me and
41:23 you carry this for me and never when showing them there
41:26 was any fear because there really wasn't.
41:28 I felt protection from God.
41:29 I'm not saying that everybody should have that kind of
41:31 fearlessness, what I am saying to you is that you have to
41:34 use some common sense.
41:35 I had to say for the years that I did this, I never had
41:38 any incidents that I could ever say made me feel fearful.
41:41 But I think part of that has mutual respect, when that
41:44 person felt respected at that time and that there was one
41:48 smidgen of trust, they were required to fulfill that role.
41:51 That was what was happening.
41:53 I think when you're given trust Wayne, I think you feel
41:56 responsible for given that trust back. -Oh yeah!
41:59 So that is where we fall short, now I understand some
42:02 of the issues is contributed to you, but you have to
42:04 understand, Wayne wasn't the one who offended you.
42:06 We have the tendency of generalizing, if anyone type of
42:10 person did something to us, we can't say that everyone
42:13 that looks like that did the same thing.
42:15 I think it is also being able to identify, yes I was
42:18 molested, but it wasn't Wayne who molested me.
42:20 I know that he might have molested someone else,
42:23 and that is terrible, but he wasn't the person.
42:25 That is how you are able to cope with a lot of
42:27 the stuff, when you recognize this is not
42:28 the person who molested you.
42:31 What's really interesting about that Wayne it is even as I am
42:34 dealing with that, I realize a lot of my difficulty was
42:40 not being able to forgive that.
42:42 It was like what was left unfinished with me and so what
42:46 you are saying is he is not the offender.
42:47 I went to a church and they asked me to help them set
42:50 up an accountability program in their church.
42:52 So I went to the church, it was three churches and nine
42:55 offenders, registered offenders within those three
42:58 churches, and so it's like how do we keep everybody safe?
43:02 As I walked in what was really interesting, it felt like
43:05 half of the church were victims and half of the church
43:08 were offenders, I mean it was just like.
43:11 They were not speaking to each other, and one half wanted
43:15 me to say, you know what? He is wrong.
43:17 He should not be here. He should be shot.
43:20 The perpetrators were wanting me to say to the other
43:24 people, is let me heal and I am only going to get through
43:27 this if God holds me, if I can stay in this building, if you
43:32 could love me and trust me, I so desperately don't want
43:35 to reoffend, and I saw that so loudly on both sides.
43:39 And being able to walk in, I took a breath and thought God
43:42 I don't even know how I'm going to present this weekend,
43:45 these seminars? And God said the same thing,
43:47 I love every one of you.
43:49 I don't want to heal one side and not the other.
43:52 I want to heal everybody.
43:53 And what was really interesting looking at these two
43:57 groups, I understand the triggering stuff, I understand
44:00 when you see somebody you know has that history and all
44:04 of a sudden every abuse that have ever hurt you in any
44:07 way comes into your mind, God says you know what?
44:10 A church cannot be healthy that way, we have to give
44:13 all of that to Him.
44:14 We have trust in Him with all that and accept healing on
44:18 every side, and I love, even with Jeanette said, is when
44:22 you and I become friends you actually want to be even
44:26 accountable to me in my victimization and I want to be
44:29 accountable to you and forgiving you and not having
44:32 you live over from what happened to me.
44:35 What do you think of that Wayne? What do you think
44:37 of all this stuff?
44:39 Well what I think is that God is finally bringing this
44:43 into the church, He is finally saying look, this has had
44:47 such a strong stigma for years.
44:49 It needs to be dealt with head-on.
44:51 - and said out loud. - said out loud.
44:53 It used to be alcoholism was something that had such a
44:56 stigma that people were embarrassed to check themselves
44:59 into rehab, we have to have people come forward even on
45:02 sexual addictions and sexual offenses.
45:04 And child abuse, if anything it needs to be child abuse.
45:07 They are the most innocent of all victims on the planet.
45:12 As the church hits this head on, it can finally get to the
45:17 point where all God's people can feel healing from both
45:21 sides of it, the victims, from the perpetrator side.
45:25 You know who loses? Satan! He has been winning
45:28 too long with this because he keeps it suppressed.
45:32 He keeps people afraid of saying anything, and that is
45:35 what is so diabolical about this particular sin.
45:38 It is kept under the rug for years and years and gets
45:42 passed on from generation to generation.
45:44 God is saying enough. I am bringing this out.
45:48 I need my church to be healed from this before
45:52 He can take it home.
45:54 You know what I would like to have you do is talk to
45:57 somebody watching that is a perpetrator and is hurting
46:01 children right now, what would you say to them?
46:04 What I would say, right now while this subject is
46:07 in your mind, do not turn off the TV.
46:10 God has an appointment with you right now, not with me
46:13 but with God.
46:15 You know what you have done, you know the look of fear
46:18 over your victims when they see you coming towards them
46:22 yet again, you already know what it is like to hurt
46:26 this child. Stop, now.
46:28 Make a choice in your mind right now, you have stopped.
46:33 Not next week, not next hour, today this second.
46:37 Get help, you need to find someone you trust.
46:42 If you cannot find someone you trust to share this
46:45 right now you need to go to Child protective services,
46:48 or some other agency.
46:50 They are there to help, you will go through certain
46:54 consequences but none of those consequences is compared
46:57 to hurting a child even one more time.
46:59 You have got to look at that as a balance.
47:01 Hurting a child more time verses maybe going to jail,
47:05 maybe losing your marriage, maybe losing your job.
47:08 None of that compares to hurting a child,
47:10 even one more time.
47:12 Right now, make that call to someone you trust who will keep
47:17 you accountable. - you know Wayne, what I have to say is
47:22 that I know that your passion to not be silent about this
47:28 issue and to be able to work with perpetrators and
47:32 encourage them to get a life, to get healing, and let
47:35 God bless you and bring joy into your life and not
47:38 secrecy and hiding and all that kind of stuff.
47:41 Think of the joy, put your mind in a minute where I am.
47:44 Nobody wants to emphasize with the offenders.
47:47 But think about what an offender feels.
47:50 They go through so much guilt, if they have a conscience
47:53 left and are not total psychopath, if they are have
47:56 a conscience left, they feel so guilty, so angry but
47:59 there is no outlet. There is no way - so filthy.
48:01 So filthy, so ugly.
48:03 In my case it was my daughter, two years old.
48:07 Now there was no penetration but the point is
48:11 she was still molested.
48:12 Her father, the one most responsible for taking care
48:16 of her, was the one hurting her.
48:18 Take all of those feelings and then know that society
48:23 just like you said would like to shoot you.
48:26 It is very difficult for anyone to say I need help,
48:30 very difficult. God says I see all of that and I know
48:33 all of that, you know what I sent my Son Jesus Christ
48:36 to take it on Himself, even that filth.
48:41 Jesus didn't do it, but He said I will take it because
48:44 I love you Wayne, I love you who ever it is right now.
48:47 I love you He says.
48:49 I will put it on Myself and I will die in your place,
48:52 but now can we be friends? I want to heal you from this.
48:55 Not partway, when Jesus said here to the blind man,
48:59 I will heal you, well actually next week, next year.
49:03 Now! He wants to do it now and use you to help someone
49:08 else come out of that junk too.
49:10 That is when God has triumphed and the devil he loses.
49:15 And that is what we want.
49:16 You know what is really funny is as you're saying that?
49:19 I never really thought about the joy you must feel when
49:21 God says I forgive you. I love you. I think you are
49:25 amazing, you are a man of God standing holy in the
49:28 presence of a holy God. - by God's grace. - man!
49:31 I wanted to point out that when you opened up you said
49:34 something about the fact that he pointed out to you on
49:36 that meeting that you were wearing an outfit
49:38 that was see-through.
49:40 When you think of addiction, and you think of triggers,
49:43 if that was the trigger for him or any sex offender,
49:46 think about some of the stuff we do.
49:49 We tend to point the finger at everyone else, but some
49:51 of the things that we do that trigger the people
49:54 that are dealing with these issues - exactly.
49:57 I think that we have, that's why mutual accountability
50:01 is so important because like I said, the criminal mind
50:04 requires opportunity, and opportunity is obviously
50:08 through triggers and leaving things unattended,
50:13 children unattended situations where you are scantily
50:16 clad, or inappropriately dressed, or just creating
50:20 situations and those are the things that I have concerns.
50:22 I see a lot of young people today even in the church where
50:25 very young girls are wearing very little into church,
50:28 not even the house of God gets respect and even from
50:30 a church perspective because I know in some states before
50:33 they even allow a sex offender to go to church, they have
50:36 to meet a certain criteria, and they had contact the Pastor
50:39 of that church to find out if it is okay, and who is
50:43 going to become accountable for that person.
50:45 They can't just walk right into church, they are
50:48 required in some states to actually be notified if
50:50 they are going to be there.
50:51 Yes there is a lot of red tape that goes along with the
50:56 scarlet letter, and I think even to the house of God
51:00 some people had to wait two years before they are eligible
51:02 to be able to be in a church setting, in a park,
51:06 in a library, in a movie theater.
51:07 They are not allowed to go into places where children are
51:10 at, mostly because the irresponsibility of some parents
51:13 letting young kids go to places unattended.
51:15 I think that is something that we as a society need to
51:18 take responsibility as well if we're parents of young children
51:22 not to let them go to certain places in this day and age
51:24 alone and unattended.
51:26 That is an incredible point Jeanette.
51:27 It's very important amusement parks, Disneyland, places like
51:31 these were children going to bathrooms unattended and
51:33 they don't know what's there in a place where there is
51:35 just a lot of people there from all walks of life and
51:37 they can't put a sign in Disneyland
51:40 don't have sex offenders here.
51:42 That is a playground for sex offenders, would be a place
51:45 like Disneyland, yet parents let their kids run amok
51:47 in a place like that.
51:48 And I want to say, even with that, it sounds like if
51:52 we could do what the church is called to do and just
51:56 keep a safe environment that I don't have to keep you
51:59 from Camp meeting. - right.
52:01 - because I want you to hear these
52:03 incredible speakers, I want you to be there.
52:05 I want you to be blessed by that, I want you to get
52:07 stronger on your feet and if we keep pushing you out,
52:10 pushing anybody out, if I am an addict and nobody wants
52:13 me there than I am not going to be able
52:15 to stay in my recovery.
52:17 So the same time as saying is being able to say that
52:20 please don't, don't exclude me from these things that
52:24 are going to give me life. - that's right!
52:26 If we do, we do it at our own hurt because sex offenders,
52:29 if they are wanting recovery, I realize many do not.
52:35 That is sad. - you do. - praise God.
52:37 I love that. - praise God for that. - Amen!
52:40 But if they are wanting help, if they are wanting to be
52:42 a part of a church family, and I see church because again
52:46 it is the one organization on the planet that really needs
52:49 to rise to the occasion here.
52:50 It needs to say, you know what? There for the grace of
52:53 God, God. - exactly.
52:55 If they want healing and recovery, we have to find a way
53:00 that protects the children again, but also is redemptive
53:04 in the way we reach out to them.
53:05 If we do not, they end up what? Once they're released
53:09 from jail, they end up recidivism is so high for this
53:13 offense, it is so high because the depression comes in,
53:16 the fear comes in, oh am I going to do it again?
53:18 Once you get over that boundary of, well I just might
53:23 as well do it, that is so dangerous.
53:25 We have to not only go through therapy, learn the walls
53:32 they need to be erect against opportunity.
53:35 You said the opportunity, can't have opportunity you
53:37 can't have an offense. Okay?
53:38 You have to have that there, but they also have to have
53:41 Christ, because without Christ there really isn't any
53:45 full accountability and recovery.
53:47 And I have to say we are running out of time.
53:49 I can't even believe it, and I love you and I want to
53:52 thank you for your being so brave.
53:54 I want to thank you both for coming on the show.
53:56 I want to thank you for your ministry and I wanted to say
53:59 you know what I will pray for you whenever I think about
54:02 you and I want to ask you to never be silent.
54:04 Make sure that we get this point.
54:07 Please stay tuned because this is not it.
54:10 We will be right back!
54:16 Amazing stories, real people in real situations, discussing
54:19 issues that really matter.
54:21 A complete first season of Celebrating Life In Recovery is
54:25 now available on DVD and can be ordered by calling 3ABN
54:28 or online at 3ABN.org hosted by Cheri Peters.
54:31 This season follows principles of the book
54:34 'Steps to Christ'.
54:36 See for yourself how God changed the lives of the
54:38 convicted and the accused and victims of terrible crimes.
54:41 You won't want to miss a moment of these powerful interviews.
54:49 So what have you decided? Remember I told you it was
54:52 going to be one of the best shows.
54:54 And a really think it is the best episode because
54:56 we have to bring this stuff out in the open.
54:58 We have to believe that God is bigger than our junk.
55:01 And we can't believe He is only bigger than our junk
55:03 if our junk is small, we have to believe He is bigger
55:06 than all of that.
55:07 That Christ took on everything, and He took on everything
55:10 to reconcile us back to God because that is the only thing
55:14 that brings Him joy, that is what the whole thing is
55:16 about is bringing us into a place of healing.
55:19 I have to ask you Wayne, is what ever happened with your
55:22 daughter was there reconciliation there?
55:24 Praise God there was, she was only two years old when
55:28 I molested her, and she has no real recollection of it.
55:31 She was told about it later in therapy and it was tough
55:35 for her, but she was only nine at the time.
55:37 It was later when she was 11 and going through puberty
55:41 that it really hit her hard and for three years she cut
55:44 off communication with me, my wife and my whole family
55:48 actually, but praise God we have been praying seriously
55:51 ever since this all started and I became a Christian.
55:56 She came to the Lord in 2005, will actually she came back
56:00 into our lives and with talking with us she and I had
56:05 a conversation where she heard me take full
56:08 responsibility for what had happened.
56:10 And she yanked my hand to the sky and said you are the
56:12 best father in the world.
56:14 And you know what? She finally got it, she didn't get it
56:18 at nine as much, she finally had the real healing that
56:21 she needed and praise God she is in the church,
56:25 she is a part of our life, and she's a blessed
56:28 16-year-old daughter now. Yes I do. Always have.
56:32 You know what is really interesting to me is as
56:35 God heals us, as He comes into our lives, He really does want
56:39 us to stand up and help someone else.
56:42 We were talking about God using other people or standing
56:49 up and bringing reconciliation, bringing healing, bringing all
56:52 that stuff, but He does that for a reason.
56:55 He says when you get it, when you finally get it I want
56:58 you to stand and help someone else.
57:00 I want you to go out, for me I work with addicts, people
57:03 who are strong on different things, people who have
57:06 came out a life of dysfunction and try to encourage
57:10 them to surrender that to God.
57:11 Wayne, his ministry right now, his love is to work with
57:15 perpetrators, we looked at Jeanette and she works with
57:19 people coming out of all kinds of lifestyles.
57:22 God says, you know what? I want to heal you so that
57:24 you can bring that healing to someone else and I don't
57:27 want you to be oppressed by that, I don't want you to
57:30 in fear of that, I want you to accept healing and I want
57:32 you to be blessed, I want you to be filled with joy,
57:35 I want you to know that I am absolutely crazy about you.
57:38 Until next time remember that God is crazy about
57:41 you and me too! See you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17