Behold the Lamb Presents

Between Two Opinions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000119A

00:40 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb presents.
00:42 I'm Chris Shelton, your host.
00:44 I'm thankful that you've chosen to join us today.
00:47 Today is a little different.
00:48 We're actually gonna pick up in part of a sermon
00:52 that has already begun by Pastor Kenny Shelton,
00:55 and it is entitled Between Two Opinions.
00:58 And I truly believe that you're gonna be blessed.
01:01 It was actually recorded for us to send out on our monthlies.
01:04 We have monthly DVDs that we send out all over the world,
01:07 but this one, we thought, was so good.
01:10 We wanted to share it with you.
01:11 I pray you'll be blessed Between Two Opinions.
01:17 They began to look at the message that's delivered
01:20 and then they began to criticize
01:22 the, what, the messenger.
01:24 Does that make sense? You understand?
01:26 They began to criticize the messenger
01:29 or they might say,
01:30 "Well, we're criticizing the preacher,"
01:31 or we go home for lunch and we have the preacher
01:33 for lunch rather than food.
01:35 Are you still with me?
01:37 That happens. That should never happen.
01:39 If mom and dad has something to say,
01:40 they need to say it in the closet
01:42 if they have children if you know
01:43 what I'm talking about.
01:44 They should never criticize
01:46 what's said at church around children
01:48 and other people who don't maybe understand.
01:49 You may have questions, but criticizing,
01:52 we need to be careful how we criticize
01:54 those who are standing for the cause of Christ.
01:58 Doesn't take long, somebody's found fault,
02:01 they become critical.
02:04 They didn't like the way that he did it.
02:06 They didn't like his manners or his mannerism.
02:11 And then pretty soon,
02:12 they just don't like his life at all.
02:16 They don't like him because he drives a vehicle
02:18 they don't approve of.
02:19 He lives in a house that they don't approve of.
02:23 Say, just google him as it were,
02:26 and they're watching every little move
02:28 so that they might be critical,
02:31 you know, that's doing the work that the enemy,
02:33 I hope, you know.
02:35 And so they began to look and inspect everything
02:39 that this messenger does.
02:44 But what happens for some?
02:46 This is almost too much.
02:48 And I'm talking specially to ministers.
02:50 This is too much for a lot of ministers
02:53 to have that pressure day-in and day-out
02:56 that the 10, 15, 20 congregations
02:59 always is against him.
03:03 And they try to wear him down, so he's tired of criticism,
03:08 so he doesn't want to put up with that anymore, so he,
03:12 to avoid to criticism, what does he do?
03:15 He begins to tone down the message.
03:18 He begins to do, what?
03:20 He begins to tone down this message.
03:23 Why?
03:24 He wants to...
03:25 He wants to satisfy the unsanctified.
03:29 And why?
03:32 Because it's the unsanctified that's doing that kind of work.
03:37 We're talking about if he's preaching
03:38 the truth now.
03:40 I don't have time for preaching falsehood, preaching a lie,
03:41 somebody needs to stand up and say something.
03:44 It needs to be dealt with, there's no doubt about it.
03:49 But they begin to tone it, water it down and little bit,
03:52 and say, "Well, you know..."
03:53 And then when they do that, automatically,
03:56 there becomes a separation between the minister and God.
04:01 This is what this is all about.
04:03 If we tone it down
04:04 because Josh doesn't want to hear,
04:07 Brother Josh doesn't want to hear,
04:09 and God has impressed me to say it,
04:10 then I'm separating myself from God.
04:13 And I have to look, and I say, "Well,
04:15 Josh doesn't want to hear this..."
04:16 I'm just talking, I'm using the name.
04:18 "He doesn't want to hear this,
04:20 and I don't wanna be separated from him,"
04:21 but I've got a choice here.
04:23 There's two opinions,
04:25 I'm gonna be separated from him,
04:26 I'm gonna be separated from God, what do I do?
04:29 Does anybody get that?
04:31 I have to make a choice.
04:33 You have to make a choice.
04:36 And sometimes they're not pleasant.
04:40 No longer does God look upon that minister of the Word
04:45 with divine favor anymore
04:47 because he's chosen someone else.
04:50 Interesting.
04:52 The pastor's faith and his courage is beaten up,
04:58 it's gone.
05:00 The people have beaten him up.
05:03 He becomes powerless in the cause of Christ.
05:07 At this scene, think about it, at this point in time,
05:10 when it seems like everything is going down the tomb
05:13 for Israel, Elijah shows up.
05:16 He shows up on the scene.
05:19 He shows up to rebuke the king.
05:21 Man, you don't want it, you'd be careful with that.
05:24 And as soon as he rebukes the king,
05:26 tells him how it's gonna be,
05:28 then he turns and he runs and he hides.
05:32 The prophet of God goes and...
05:33 Is everybody with me?
05:35 He goes and hides for three years.
05:38 God told him where to go, didn't He?
05:40 Because... why?
05:41 Because he gave a message that God said to give
05:44 and there was be a death-decree on him.
05:48 And all behind it was Jezebel.
05:54 She didn't want the real prophets to be around,
05:56 she wanted the false prophets there.
05:59 He had to run and hide for his very life.
06:02 Why?
06:04 Because he did what God asked him to do.
06:06 See, you think that doesn't happen today.
06:08 You think, that's not...
06:09 I'm telling you, we haven't seen anything yet.
06:13 People are being watched what they say.
06:16 They're watched what message they are given
06:19 or some under-handed thing is going on
06:21 between two opinions.
06:23 I Kings 18:21, let's read that.
06:27 I Kings chapter, what, 18, good, verse 21.
06:31 Very good.
06:33 Now remember, we just said, what,
06:35 things were going down the tomb, God sends Elijah,
06:38 he gives his message, then he goes in to hiding.
06:40 There's gonna be a drought, it's gonna be a bad, bad scene.
06:43 There's going to be a large destruction
06:45 and they'll be looking for the man
06:46 that said to cause it.
06:49 I Kings 18:21, the Bible says,
06:52 "And Elijah came unto all the people, and said."
06:55 You remember this, the height of this confrontation?
06:59 He came to them and said, "How long," what?
07:03 Good.
07:04 "How long halt ye between," what is it, "Two opinions?"
07:07 What's the message? Between two opinions.
07:09 "How long halt we between two opinions?"
07:14 "If the Lord be God," do what, "you follow Him,
07:17 if it be Baal then follow him."
07:21 Listen.
07:23 This is interesting. We'll talk about it more.
07:24 And the people didn't open their mouth.
07:26 They answered not a word.
07:29 We're talking about all of Israel,
07:31 we're talking about the prophets,
07:32 we're talking about the bad prophets,
07:33 the good prophets, everybody was there.
07:36 I wondered why, at one time,
07:37 and we'll answer this in a moment,
07:38 we hope we have time to do it.
07:40 Because we wonder why Elijah would come
07:41 to the point in his life,
07:43 he said, "I guess I'm the only one."
07:46 Maybe you've often thought about that.
07:48 I thought, "Well, why did he come to that point?"
07:49 There's a reason why he came to that point,
07:51 there's a reason why he said what he said.
07:53 It was maybe different than our reasoning like,
07:55 "Well, I'm so good. I guess I'm the only one now."
07:58 But it's different than that.
07:59 He was making a point.
08:04 "They answered not a word."
08:08 We need what Elijah had.
08:11 He had this deep love for Israel, the people,
08:16 a deep love for people.
08:18 And when we study this lesson...
08:22 I found just a little, small quote.
08:23 It was in a letter 22 written in 1911.
08:28 And it said he has such a love for the people.
08:31 And as we study this,
08:32 the instruction is for all of us.
08:35 What we're studying today is for all of us right now
08:38 today as representatives of God, notice that,
08:42 and the work on earth.
08:44 So we're working on earth, right?
08:45 We're representatives of God,
08:47 this is for you and this is for me.
08:50 And so this is very, very important to me,
08:52 and I know it's important to you.
08:55 You see, at this point in time, what happened?
08:58 You remember the king,
09:00 they'd all been searching for Elijah for three years.
09:03 They couldn't find him.
09:06 The drought that devastated them
09:08 and tore them up.
09:11 And then in I Kings 18:1, it just simply says,
09:16 after they're in such a horrible mess,
09:19 God says to Elijah,
09:21 "I want you to present yourself before King Ahab."
09:25 My first answer would be, "You're not talking to me,
09:27 I'm sure. It must be somebody else.
09:29 Send Mary."
09:34 See?
09:35 "Send John, send Brother Mark,
09:36 send somebody besides me
09:38 because he thinks I've caused this mess."
09:41 You know, how people in this world do
09:43 when they think you've caused a little mess in their life?
09:45 They're out to get you.
09:47 They're out to get even in the world.
09:48 You know that.
09:49 "Well, they did this and that's why this turned out.
09:51 I'm gonna get even with."
09:54 This was kind of...
09:56 how many hundreds and thousands of people.
10:01 Everything looked bad
10:03 and they were looking to find him,
10:04 they could not find him.
10:05 God says, "Elijah, I want you to go show yourself to Ahab."
10:09 Notice this.
10:11 "And then I'll send rain."
10:12 Boy!
10:14 Elijah knew his life was in danger,
10:17 but he also knew that God of Israel, didn't he?
10:20 If God said to go, he knew God would take care of him.
10:23 You see?
10:25 Notice, he hid for three years, over three years, he hid.
10:29 But now God says, "Go."
10:31 And so when God says go, a man of God or woman will go.
10:35 You don't look at, "Well, the odds are not good.
10:37 I'm not supposed to go."
10:38 You go because God said to go, you don't hesitate,
10:41 make excuses, you just go because God said it.
10:45 Because Elijah had confidence in God and in God's Word.
10:51 He obeyed.
10:52 He trusted God to protect him.
10:56 During this time, he realized that the destruction and the...
11:00 We're talking about Jezebel, had promised as it were,
11:04 to kill all the good prophets of God,
11:07 and not only the good prophets of God
11:09 but she's gonna kill everyone
11:10 that was associated with Elijah.
11:13 How would you like that today?
11:14 Somebody put the death-decree on, they say, "Well,
11:16 are you associated with Kenny?
11:19 If you're associated with Kenny in any way, then you go too."
11:23 All of sudden, there'd be a lot of people here
11:24 would distance themselves.
11:28 Hello?
11:30 Think about it.
11:32 All of a sudden, we'd had to think it over.
11:36 And I believe Brother Bobby is gonna be right there.
11:37 Now I'm gonna have to believe he's gonna be.
11:41 But if that came out, there has to be a distance,
11:45 you have to distance yourself from him.
11:48 And if you do not,
11:49 then we count you as one of the same.
11:54 You know, the world has been gearing that way
11:56 for a lot of years now when it comes
11:57 to even bank robbery and everything else.
12:01 You don't have to go in and rob the bank,
12:02 you just drive the car.
12:04 You don't have to be in the building,
12:05 but you're one of them.
12:08 Your friend pulls the trigger, but since you were there,
12:10 and the person is somewhere, you're guilty of pulling that.
12:13 So you're all guilty, you see?
12:15 They've got ways in which they're doing it,
12:17 but you'd be seen normal when that time comes.
12:19 God help us.
12:24 Everyone was to be killed.
12:27 I thought that's kind of interesting.
12:28 Now who comes on the scene quickly?
12:31 Obadiah.
12:32 Well, most people know Obadiah.
12:35 He comes on the scene and God places him
12:38 where he can be of service.
12:40 God places you where you can be of service
12:42 if we'll just listen.
12:45 You're not by mistake,
12:47 there's a reason why you're
12:49 where you're at this time in earth's history.
12:52 See, Obadiah just happened to be, notice this,
12:56 the governor of the king's house.
12:59 He was a believer, was he not?
13:00 Absolutely.
13:02 Obadiah was a believer, he believed in God.
13:04 He knew all this. And so he's...
13:05 He happened to be the governor of King Ahab's house.
13:09 And so what can he do?
13:11 It put him in a position that he could take 100 good prophets
13:14 and he could hide them in the caves.
13:17 You say, "Well, man, how did he hide these prophets,
13:20 you know, in the caves?"
13:23 I mean, it's kind of interesting
13:25 when you look in the Mount Carmel area.
13:29 There's over 2,000 caves, that's a lot of caves.
13:35 But there were places where some men could be hid
13:39 so that they were not killed.
13:41 And Obadiah comes in on the scene,
13:42 and of course, Ahab got together,
13:44 and they realized,
13:45 and he wanted Obadiah to go,
13:47 get Elijah and bring him to him.
13:49 Interesting.
13:53 Obadiah simply means a servant of Jehovah,
13:58 a servant of Jehovah.
13:59 Man, wouldn't that be nice to have that name,
14:01 I'm a servant of Jehovah.
14:05 So as we look, Obadiah was to take Elijah to Ahab,
14:11 but notice how it turned out.
14:13 What happened?
14:14 Obadiah gets Ahab and he takes him to Elijah.
14:20 God's people are in charge.
14:22 Is somebody getting the point here?
14:23 Even if you're dealing with kings,
14:25 God is still in charge.
14:27 And He said, "You don't have to go to him,
14:29 I'll bring him to you."
14:31 Man, how wonderful that was!
14:34 And the Bible even says there when the king,
14:36 notice this,
14:38 the king had all kind of soldiers around him,
14:39 there's nothing to really fear about,
14:41 and Elijah goes in as one man under death-decree,
14:44 he could be killed, but he goes,
14:45 you know, and does what God tells him.
14:47 But now when the king comes before Elijah,
14:49 you know what happened?
14:51 The Bible says he did it with fear.
14:54 Even though the numbers may be on the other side,
14:56 when you're with God, you're in the majority.
15:01 Did you get it? You're in the majority.
15:02 God's gonna take care of you.
15:04 This is good news. This has really happened.
15:06 It's gonna happen time and time again through the ages.
15:09 1 Kings 18:17, moving on quickly.
15:11 Notice, 1 Kings 18:17 records this.
15:15 As soon as the King Ahab saw Elijah, what was his word?
15:19 What did he say?
15:21 Art what?
15:23 "Art thou he that," what, "troubleth Israel?"
15:28 We have to understand relationship of a king
15:31 and somebody on the death-decree
15:33 that the king had all power as it were.
15:38 But as soon, see, as they met together,
15:42 the king's gonna start pushing some blame off on somebody.
15:45 And so he says,
15:46 "Are you the one that's troubling Israel?"
15:50 Notice, Elijah doesn't mince words around
15:53 and tries to dance around the barn we call it,
15:55 say pretty things like a lot of people do today,
15:58 and try to make, you know, peace and everything
16:00 just to get along and compromise.
16:02 Not at all.
16:04 1 Kings 18:18 tells this.
16:07 Elijah said, "I have not troubled Israel."
16:12 He's talking back to a king, did you get it?
16:15 "I have not troubled Israel, but thou,
16:18 and thy father's house,"
16:20 now notice how they troubled Israel.
16:22 They're in the mess that they're in.
16:24 No dew, no rain, cattle's dying,
16:26 people dying, it's a mess.
16:29 They're in that mess because Elijah told,
16:32 "That ye have forsaken the commandments of God,
16:36 of the Lord, and thou hast followed after Baalim."
16:40 Here's the reason they were going through
16:42 what they were going through.
16:43 They had sunk so low
16:44 that God was trying to get their attention
16:46 and to bring them back.
16:48 And sometimes it's through horrible disasters.
16:52 "It wasn't me," he said,
16:54 "It was you and the choices that you have made."
16:57 Notice how it is,
16:58 "You've forsaken the commandments,"
17:00 that word there in many translations.
17:02 It simply is talking about here,
17:04 it's the law of God.
17:05 "You've forsaken the law of God,
17:07 you've forsaken the ordinance of the God.
17:09 You have forsaken the precepts of God."
17:13 And encapsulates all of it.
17:14 Yeah, it's God you have rebelled against.
17:18 You have forsaken, you have forsaken
17:20 and the standard of righteousness.
17:23 People who try to throw out the Ten Commandment law today,
17:25 they're trying to throw out the standard and righteousness.
17:27 We have no standard
17:29 without the Ten Commandment law.
17:30 We wouldn't know what's right and wrong,
17:32 we would be divided with that two opinions.
17:37 There's two opinions on it.
17:38 So I'm saying, you know,
17:40 it's minding others say it's not.
17:42 But then we have to go to the Word of God.
17:46 Here we see that real battle royale
17:48 is going on.
17:50 Notice what happens and this happens
17:52 in individual lives too but with the King Ahab.
17:55 Other words, his kingdom was looking bad,
17:58 things weren't going very well at all.
17:59 He was angry, he would be afraid to do
18:02 before he brings any harm against Elijah right now.
18:04 He's trying to find out how
18:05 maybe he can get this thing rectified, get it changed.
18:08 And so the king tries to, notice this,
18:10 he tries to put the blame on Elijah.
18:13 Interesting. Put the blame on Elijah.
18:17 He doesn't want the blame for the devastation.
18:19 He doesn't want the blame for what was going on here,
18:23 the drought.
18:26 Evil has a lot of bad things.
18:28 Sin has a lot of bad things.
18:30 But one evil of sin, listen carefully,
18:32 one evil of sin
18:34 is that it always tries to confuse the issues.
18:39 Somebody listen. What happens?
18:42 It always tries to confuse the issues.
18:46 You go try to talk to someone about something,
18:48 they want another subject.
18:49 They confuse us, "Yeah, yeah, but..."
18:51 It won't be apples with apples, if you know what I mean,
18:53 oranges with oranges.
18:55 They try to confuse it and make it look like,
18:57 "Well, it wasn't me, it was you.
19:00 It was somebody else, they made me do it."
19:05 Sin always,
19:08 sin always refuses to take the blame.
19:12 Is somebody listening?
19:14 Sin does what?
19:16 Sin always refuses to take the blame
19:20 for all the problems that it causes, always.
19:25 It even goes so far to make it appear
19:31 that right doing is wrong doing and wrong doing is right doing.
19:35 Is somebody home? Yeah.
19:37 You see?
19:38 That's how far someone is steeped in sin,
19:41 when they had this, they try to push it
19:43 somewhere else and make it what?
19:47 Appear when you're doing the right thing,
19:48 it's the wrong thing.
19:50 And you're doing the wrong thing,
19:51 it's the right thing.
19:52 We have to be very careful.
19:54 We have to know what's right.
19:55 But Elijah clears the air. I love him.
19:57 He's like a big exhaust fan.
19:59 He's going to clear the air right quick.
20:00 Is somebody there?
20:02 He's gonna, I mean,
20:03 he's going to turn that fan on high, notice.
20:06 He says, "It's not me, it's you.
20:08 And it's yours, your family, it's your house
20:11 because you have rebelled against God.
20:15 You've brought about these judgments
20:17 because you turned your back on God by your disobedience.
20:21 You turned your back because you wanted life.
20:24 I've heard people say here,
20:25 "Well, I don't want to go to church here,
20:26 I don't want to observe any law,
20:28 I don't want to do this because I want total freedom."
20:30 Bible said, total freedom is doing
20:31 what God wants us to do, that's freedom, isn't it?
20:35 We have no freedom without God.
20:38 Ahab and Jezebel convinced him that they could have a life,
20:43 and their life would be better if he did worship her way.
20:48 So he said, "Well, we just wanted life."
20:50 But you know what they've found?
20:51 They found death
20:52 because they turned their back on God.
20:55 He wanted joy and he wanted happiness,
20:59 but all they found was sorrow and despair.
21:04 They thought they would want this.
21:05 They wanted peace, but all they found was trouble,
21:09 trouble on every hand.
21:11 This is when you move away from God.
21:13 Move toward God, there's peace.
21:16 You move away from God, there is no peace.
21:19 God says to the wicked,
21:20 "There is no peace, there'll never be any peace."
21:24 The lessons that we can learn from these things.
21:29 But the good thing I like about this is
21:30 there was time now to find out
21:32 who was the real troubler of Israel.
21:36 I always like to get down to the point.
21:37 Who is it?
21:39 Who's really troubling?
21:40 Find out who is troubling Israel.
21:43 May I just say it today and be bold,
21:46 some of you get it, some of you won't, some don't.
21:48 I understand all of that, and some never heard
21:51 some of the stuff that maybe we'll talk about
21:52 but I believe, I believe with all my heart
21:55 that there's troubles in Israel today.
21:59 God's last day people. There's a lot of...
22:02 I mean, a lot of trouble, God's church,
22:05 call it what you want, God's people,
22:07 God's church, whatever.
22:08 At this movement, there's a lot of problems.
22:11 And I think a fair question, a fair question must be asked.
22:16 Who's causing the trouble?
22:21 Are the troublers of Israel those who are advocating
22:24 God's Ten Commandment law, all ten?
22:27 Or is that the ones that's trying to say
22:29 we no longer have to worry about it.
22:32 They're pulling it down and stomping on it.
22:35 They're no longer lifting any kind of in sign, you know.
22:40 They're not lifting up any kind of flag.
22:42 They're not just saying, "This is what I am."
22:45 They're trying to hide behind something.
22:51 Who is the real troublers of Israel?
22:56 I think a decision has to be made
22:59 as in 1 Kings 18:21,
23:02 "How long ye halt between two opinions?"
23:06 Once again, is it what?
23:07 It's God or it's Baal,
23:09 it's one or the other what the Bible said.
23:12 Who's going to be your master?
23:15 In the Book of Matthew 6:24, it says,
23:19 "You can't serve two masters."
23:20 Isn't that right?
23:21 You can't serve two.
23:23 Many people try to serve two today.
23:25 You think you can go to two or three
23:26 or four different churches or whatever it might be,
23:28 and be this and be that over there, you can't.
23:30 You're going to have to get down
23:31 to one or the other.
23:33 You've got to do it.
23:36 Now I will say, if people are not happy,
23:38 these lessons, over and over,
23:39 bring out that God requires us
23:42 to make a decision for Him or against Him.
23:46 Get in, we say, or get out.
23:49 No one wants to,
23:50 "Oh, you don't have to say it that way, get in."
23:52 Get in or get out.
23:54 That's what Elijah said, did he not to Israel?
23:56 Decide, if you want it beautiful,
23:59 if you don't like it, why are you still here?
24:04 President Trump said one time,
24:05 "If you don't like the country, go to another one."
24:11 I believe it, if that's all right.
24:14 You get the point.
24:17 Love what God has given, enjoy it.
24:21 This was a challenge.
24:25 Elijah gave a challenge to the people of God
24:28 and everybody that was there.
24:30 I like a challenge personally.
24:34 But when a challenge is given, Brother Levi,
24:37 I'm gonna have to respond to that.
24:39 When a spiritual challenge is given,
24:41 we are going to have to respond to that and not just hot air.
24:47 And when we're given the challenge,
24:48 then we need the right to express
24:51 how we feel about this decisions
24:53 or how we feel about it.
24:56 What happened? Notice this, listen carefully.
24:58 What happened to Elijah's challenge
25:00 when he challenged the people of God?
25:03 He challenged everybody there,
25:04 but specially the people of God,
25:06 because when he told, "Here, we're going to meet up,
25:09 this is going to be a challenge.
25:10 We're going to see whose God's real."
25:12 And he told King Ahab, what did he say?
25:15 "Bring all of Israel here on Mount Carmel."
25:17 Did you get it?
25:19 The Bible says all, if I remember correctly.
25:21 "Bring all of them here."
25:25 And so there's Elijah there and he said,
25:27 "All of Israel is here, they should know what is right.
25:31 And sometimes, we say in the church,
25:32 "We should know what's right."
25:33 And I say, "Why are we doing so many things wrong?"
25:38 You say it's critical if you want to,
25:40 but you always look at the Word of God,
25:41 the Word of God is clear.
25:44 After the challenge was made, 1 Kings 18:21,
25:49 I think the last line of it, notice,
25:51 when he made a big challenge.
25:52 Man, when you make a challenge, I say,
25:54 "How many is with me today?"
25:56 Might come out here.
25:57 "How many is with me today?"
26:00 And nobody standing up, nobody is raising their hand.
26:05 They're all looking down and shuffling the dust,
26:09 you see?
26:11 Some of them has got an itch.
26:16 No eye contact.
26:18 Elijah said, "How many? How many?"
26:24 Wow.
26:26 Here is so...
26:27 It makes you want to weak, all of God's children,
26:32 all of Israel.
26:33 1 Kings 18:21, it said,
26:38 "The people answered him not a word."
26:42 I'm not talking about Baal worshippers,
26:43 I'm not talking about heathens, I'm not talking about pagans,
26:46 I'm talking about God's people.
26:48 When the challenge was put to them,
26:50 they hung their head down and said nothing.
26:52 No one said anything.
26:55 I want to say, "For crying out loud,
26:56 but somebody would say something."
26:59 Somebody would stand up and say, "Yes!"
27:02 How do you think you feel?
27:06 Think about what's written in Holy writ, no one stood up.
27:11 All the people of Israel came, not one said,
27:14 "Oh, I stand on the side of God.
27:17 This is what I want to do."
27:19 They had become blind as bats,
27:23 or blinder, I don't know.
27:26 They became blind.
27:27 And let me tell you,
27:29 you do not become blind overnight.
27:32 It's by succession of things that's been going on for years
27:35 in and around and among us
27:37 that many of us will become blind,
27:39 and we don't see well anymore.
27:41 May God help us.
27:43 That's why he's talking about the eye salve,
27:44 we need to put some eye salve on
27:46 because we need to see properly.
27:48 We need to understand properly.
27:52 I mean, that just reminded me
27:54 which just brought tears to my eyes.
27:55 The other evening I was reading, I said,
27:56 you know, maybe at least in my mind,
27:59 at least in my mind, it remind me so much
28:01 as when Jesus went into the Garden of Gethsemane,
28:03 are you still with me church?
28:05 He's in the Garden of Gethsemane and He said,
28:07 "Will you pray with Me," was an hour?
28:09 "Would you pray with me just for an hour?"
28:13 He came back and they were asleep.
28:15 He comes back and He said, "Would you pray with Me?"
28:17 In other words, if just one, Mary,
28:20 if there just been one that said,
28:22 "I'll pray with you, Lord,"
28:23 how would that brought joy to His heart.
28:26 But He came back and they were all sound asleep.
28:28 How that must have hurt?
28:33 How that must have hurt?
28:37 Sin blinds us just a little bit at a time.
28:41 Sin blinds us gradually.
28:44 See, if it happened just like that, you'd say,
28:46 "Oh, I'm blind, I can't see.
28:47 What's going on?"
28:49 But it's just in little incubus,
28:50 this is done, that's done.
28:52 Can I say junk?
28:53 Junk of the world is brought in to the church,
28:56 and we let a little bit of junk get by.
28:59 Then there's more junk, and then there's more junk.
29:02 You try to shovel the junk out, and it seems to be multiplying
29:05 because you've let...
29:07 Oh, be careful with this.
29:08 When you let the junkers come in and bring junk,
29:12 they untruths of God's word.
29:13 Are you following, somebody?
29:16 We can't let anything like that in
29:18 because it just produces more.
29:21 And if it's not taking care of it,
29:22 it gets worse and worse,
29:23 and then you've got real issues.
29:27 They had not, they did not want any kind of reproves
29:32 or warnings from God, they turned Him all down.
29:34 Here's a test.
29:35 Prophets and Kings 147, I'm going to try to hurry,
29:37 you know I am.
29:39 But I am feeling pretty good today.
29:44 I'm sorry. That's a way it is.
29:49 It may just be me and you, Brother Bobby,
29:51 but it's all right.
29:52 You stayed by me before, it's all right.
30:00 Prophets and Kings, I know what I said a while ago.
30:02 Prophets and Kings 147 and 148.
30:05 It says this,
30:07 "Each departure from rightdoing,
30:10 each refusal to repent,
30:15 had deepened their guilt
30:17 and driven them farther from heaven.
30:20 And now in the crisis, they persisted in refusing,"
30:24 notice this, "and take their stand for God."
30:29 Did you notice how it happened?
30:31 Each departure from rightdoing was what?
30:34 And they didn't repent, it just deepened and deepened.
30:39 They refused.
30:41 If we are in a time of crisis in this movement,
30:46 everybody in the world,
30:48 this is a crisis time that we're living in.
30:50 If you can't see it now
30:51 from what's happening in the world,
30:53 pray about it, please pray about it.
30:55 Man, it's so obvious
30:56 of what's going on in the world.
30:58 The end could come quickly.
31:01 Quick, real quick in what people can think
31:02 and I don't understand why, but here's what God abhors.
31:06 God hates this, may I just say, "God hates indifference.
31:11 God hates disloyalty
31:13 in the time of crisis in His work."
31:17 I say it's time of crisis.
31:19 God hates disloyalty.
31:21 We cannot be disloyal to God.
31:24 Israel was disloyal to God because no one said,
31:27 "Oh, I'm gonna be on God's side.
31:29 I'm gonna be on God's side."
31:32 Would we not think, the call must go out.
31:37 Exodus 32:26, just jot it down.
31:39 Exodus 32:26, could this call go out right now,
31:42 could it go out, would it work?
31:45 It simply says, "Who is on the Lord's side?
31:49 Who is on the Lord's side?"
31:50 I'm bringing that out today, think about it,
31:52 my brothers and sisters, who is on the Lord's side.
31:55 You're either on His side or you're on Baal's side?
31:58 You're on God's side or you're on the enemy's side?
32:00 There's no other place to go.
32:02 You might say,
32:03 "Well, I wish there was other place."
32:04 There's not,
32:06 because the Bible said there's not.
32:09 Oh, whose side are we on?
32:12 You see, that question is not just a...
32:14 See, some of you sat and thinking about it now.
32:16 This is deeper than a thought question.
32:19 This is more than just...
32:21 Did you get it? Who is on the Lord's side?
32:24 This is deeper than just a thought question.
32:27 It demands that we identify our self.
32:31 I identify myself with it, I step forward.
32:36 See, it's more than just going through our mind and say,
32:37 "Yeah, I do, I do."
32:39 We have to stand up, we have to take a stand.
32:42 The world has to know where you stand.
32:47 This is what God says.
32:49 So that everybody can see
32:51 that we have chosen to be on the Lord's side.
32:57 What did three Hebrews do
32:58 when they heard the sound of the flute,
33:00 the music, whatever, on the plain of Dura,
33:02 what did they do?
33:03 Did they bow down like everybody else?
33:06 They stood up and did what?
33:09 They took a real stand, did they not?
33:10 They were standing.
33:12 They were identified, it was more than,
33:14 "I'm on God's side."
33:16 They were showing they're on God's side.
33:18 Shouldn't we show that we're on God's side?
33:20 I believe that we should show that we're on God's side.
33:24 Elijah now, you know, he breaks the silence.
33:27 Here's what I was talking about a moment ago.
33:30 All right, now Elijah breaks the silence in 1 Kings 18:22.
33:35 When he says, "I, even I only
33:39 remain a prophet of the Lord."
33:41 Man, that's a big statement.
33:43 That's a bold statement.
33:45 "I, even I am the only one."
33:46 What if I got up here today and said, "I am the only one"?
33:50 Well, somebody will love to throw stuff.
33:53 I love to throw it back.
33:56 That's kind of what you said.
33:58 It would disgust, Brother Mark, it would disgust some people.
34:01 You got up front and taught Sabbath School, and you said,
34:02 "I'm the only one here that's doing the right thing,"
34:04 it's going to disgust some, they may be right.
34:07 It may be the truth
34:08 but you don't just get up and say that,
34:11 unless there's a reason.
34:12 See, there was a reason for him to say this.
34:14 There was a reason.
34:17 Who's on the Lord's side?
34:20 "How long halt ye between two opinions?"
34:24 How long will we as God's last-day people
34:27 fail to take a stand for what is truth?
34:33 It's not difficult.
34:35 Let me just name three or four things right quick.
34:37 And if you get a little...
34:39 You know, if it stings you just a little bit,
34:41 just try to forgive me and just move on.
34:42 There's issues and these issues need to be met hit on.
34:46 If you don't do it,
34:48 you're not a man and woman of God,
34:49 or I'm not doing what I'm impressed to do,
34:50 I'm gonna do it because I think it's time,
34:55 it's back on Mount Carmel.
34:58 If God be God,
35:02 worship Him, choose Him if He's God.
35:05 Why?
35:06 Because Israel was going backwards.
35:08 Today, Israel, to me,
35:10 is retreating back toward Egypt.
35:13 That's a heavy duty, but there's so many things,
35:15 and we can spend hours going through.
35:17 I want to mention three or four things
35:19 that we need to take a real stand on.
35:21 It's not difficult for me to figure out
35:23 that abortion is murder.
35:26 Somebody's not advanced.
35:31 Abortion is murder, and we've taken up ten years
35:35 and we can't take a stand on it,
35:37 we can't figure out that it is.
35:40 Something is wrong.
35:42 My problem is just God just leave it alone
35:45 and not deal with it?
35:46 No.
35:48 He's gonna react like He always has.
35:51 It's gonna hurt us.
35:52 Somebody needs to say that's wrong.
35:55 We can't accept that at our movement.
35:59 We can't do it in our hospitals.
36:02 We can't because we want God's blessing.
36:06 The Bible is clear.
36:09 It shouldn't have taken years and still working on it.
36:12 Still from teen years, while I was growing up,
36:15 well, we haven't taken official position.
36:17 The Bible already has taken the position.
36:22 The Bible has already taken official position on that stand
36:26 and we should follow.
36:30 Teaching the theory of evolution
36:34 is just plain wrong.
36:37 It has no place in our schools or any place else in the world
36:42 as far as I'm concerned.
36:43 God is our creator, what the Bible tells me,
36:46 end of the story
36:47 because I've read the first of the book.
36:49 In Genesis 1:1, it says, "In the beginning God created."
36:54 That's the end of the story. I want you to see that.
36:56 Yeah, I'm excited about it 'cause I say,
36:58 we got to do something because it's same thing
37:00 they were fighting with on Mount Carmel, if it's God.
37:04 And God has already said, "This is right."
37:07 Why won't we stand for it?
37:10 How long halt we between two opinions?
37:14 Your decision, my decision could be fatal.
37:17 It will be fatal if we don't choose right.
37:20 Another issue is interesting is why, you know,
37:24 women's ordination as pastors and elders is unscriptural.
37:29 The Word of God has spoken it, it's always been there.
37:34 The world church has taken a vote on it
37:36 and we still can't decide what we want to do.
37:40 I'm deciding in what the word teaches.
37:44 See, that may not sound like anything, and somebody say,
37:47 "Well, that's not a very big thing."
37:49 It is, because there's a matter of truth
37:51 on this issue, and the other is untruth.
37:55 And how can you balance it up
37:56 and say one is more important than the other?
37:58 This is what we have to look at.
38:03 Take a stand, my brothers and sisters,
38:05 based on scripture.
38:07 Or I will say this.
38:09 I'll take a stand on this today
38:11 or the curse of God will be filled,
38:13 division and separation will come.
38:16 There's no doubt about it.
38:18 It may take a while but it's going to come.
38:20 Right now, we're just behind waiting, it's gonna burst.
38:23 I'm telling you, it's gonna come wide open
38:24 before too long.
38:26 It's gonna devastate each and everyone,
38:28 gonna devastate the church because we have not stepped in
38:31 and done the right thing to begin with,
38:33 but you know there's always hope.
38:35 There's hope that we can make it right.
38:39 There's hope for me, I can make things right.
38:41 There's hope for you that you can make things right.
38:43 You've done things in your life that's not right,
38:44 you can make it right with God rather than have too much pride
38:47 and say, "Well, we can't go back now."
38:50 Yes, you can go back now.
38:53 Yes, the changes can be made.
38:54 God is gracious and long-suffering.
38:56 Truth is truth and will always remain truth.
38:59 God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
39:03 See, this is the beauty of this study
39:05 as we go through here.
39:08 I can say this.
39:09 I want to say this as nice as I can, try to get it right,
39:12 wrap your head around it the right way.
39:14 For the love of God, for the love of the church,
39:20 for the love of God's people, for the love of unity,
39:25 put it back right, put it back right
39:30 or there will be no sound of abundance of rain,
39:34 there will not be.
39:37 In fact, we will hear,
39:40 they forsaken the commandments of God,
39:43 they followed after Balaam.
39:46 I'll mention another thing, it's not really popular
39:48 but I don't care it to be popular,
39:50 I will never be in this life,
39:51 I'm too old to worry about what you're gonna do to me.
39:56 Now what can be done is now already been done.
40:01 You see, God's toughening His people for this last,
40:03 big match that we have to be able to take
40:06 what people throw at us,
40:08 and keep your eyes on Christ and not get discouraged,
40:11 not soften down the message.
40:12 I believe the message needs to get a little more straight.
40:15 It needs to be on target.
40:17 That's the only way this work is gonna wrap up.
40:20 I want the rain, I want the rain.
40:25 When Elijah did the right thing,
40:27 they heard the sound of rain coming.
40:31 There's a drought going on now.
40:36 And, Lord, have mercy!
40:37 How in this world
40:41 can we, as people,
40:46 embrace the LGBTQ movement.
40:50 Some of you are not with me.
40:52 How in this world can we embrace
40:55 the lesbians, the gays,
40:57 the bisexual, the transgenders, and so on and so forth?
41:01 The names go on and on.
41:02 So, you say, "Well, that's nothing."
41:04 Because it's sin, that's why.
41:07 You don't have to try to make excuses about it.
41:09 God knows everybody, He knows, He loves everybody,
41:11 we understand that.
41:12 It's not the person, it's the sin
41:14 that God called a fire down from God,
41:18 destroyed and He will do it again.
41:21 He will do it again because He is the same.
41:26 May God help us to see.
41:27 We cannot make special allowances
41:31 for these individuals.
41:32 And everybody went, "Well, God loves...
41:34 I'm not going to all that, I know God loves them,
41:36 but He doesn't love the sin.
41:38 He loved Israel back there in Elijah's day, did He not?
41:42 They said right then and there,
41:44 things are going to have to change.
41:45 This was their time of probation,
41:47 they had to make it right or it would not rain.
41:50 They would all perish.
41:53 We cannot accept their lifestyle in the church.
41:57 We cannot afford to have them to hold office in the church.
42:02 I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings here at all,
42:04 that's not the issue.
42:06 And if you don't understand all that, it may be a brother,
42:08 it may be a sister, may be a family member,
42:09 whatever, that's immaterial because I stand on God's side.
42:13 I'm just allowing all that right there.
42:17 I have to because God has spoken in His Word.
42:21 And if we want more problems and more troubles,
42:23 my friends and brothers, just keep making more room,
42:26 keep building on building, keep accepting them on in,
42:30 just keep,
42:32 and you're gonna see what happens.
42:33 Why, because when...
42:34 I'm just gonna let...
42:36 I'm just gonna lay it out, there's no use.
42:40 You allow it to come in,
42:42 it just contaminates everything else.
42:46 Anybody get that?
42:50 It contaminates everything else that goes on.
42:55 God cannot bless when you do that,
42:57 when it's open, when it's there for you to see,
42:59 you know what's going on.
43:00 And there's people in good standing,
43:02 saying, "Well, it's okay.
43:03 You know, God loves, God understands."
43:05 Yeah, He does.
43:06 But man, look what He's done through the past ages,
43:08 He will do it again.
43:09 I'm wanting to see this come together.
43:10 Do the right thing, finish the work
43:12 so that we can go home.
43:17 God forbids this kind of lifestyle.
43:19 Yes, I know it's happening in the world.
43:22 I know it's happening in politics.
43:24 We're electing them into offices
43:26 and things right there.
43:27 Oh my lamb, Lord, have mercy!
43:33 Shoo!
43:36 That is happening in the churches.
43:41 You have the audacity sometimes
43:42 to start at point for a pastor of the church.
43:49 What can be going through our mind!
43:53 See, I'm looking for sin, I'm over looking.
43:55 I'm not looking at faces. You follow me?
43:56 He, she, they?
43:59 How can God bless us as people?
44:09 This kind of sins
44:12 will bring the judgments of God on us.
44:17 Behold the Lamb and other ministries
44:19 for several years now
44:21 have been crying these points out
44:24 of what's going to happen to us
44:26 as a people if we don't change our ways,
44:29 and no one's listening.
44:33 And they may never listen,
44:36 but I sure hate to see the results
44:38 'cause I know what God has said in His Word.
44:44 Nothing has been done, and because nothing was done
44:48 when it started, they become big issues now
44:52 and almost impossible to get rid of as it were
44:57 because the devil comes in with big hooks.
45:02 We must choose, and we must be identified for
45:06 or against such an abomination, and that's what these things,
45:10 I'm talking about their abomination.
45:12 That's what the Bible says, I don't have to say it.
45:15 Isaiah Chapter 59,
45:17 couple more minutes, stay with me.
45:18 Isaiah 59:2 simply say, you know this passage.
45:22 What happens when there's...
45:23 Do you want to be separated from God?
45:25 No.
45:27 Then that means we can't deal around,
45:28 we have to separate ourselves from sin, sinners.
45:30 You work with them, you love them, you do all that,
45:32 but you don't dilly dally around with it.
45:34 Notice, "Your iniquities have," what,
45:37 "separated between you and your God."
45:40 Our iniquities, our sin,
45:42 our lifestyle has separated us from God.
45:44 So if we're doing
45:45 what the Bible said don't do it,
45:46 it's abomination and you do it, you're separated from God.
45:49 And the sad thing is we don't know it,
45:51 because we're so lukewarm.
45:55 At the end of that passage there in Isaiah 59:2, it says,
45:59 "God will not hear you."
46:02 Now, is He just talking?
46:03 No. He means it.
46:05 This is the sad...
46:06 He means it, He said,
46:07 "No, I won't, I can't hear you."
46:11 The time is coming, we have to choose.
46:14 How long will you halt,
46:16 "I will halt between right and wrong," how long?
46:21 There's so many more issues,
46:22 don't have time to mention and go into them right now.
46:24 But that's dynamite right there.
46:28 We're either going to follow God or follow Baal.
46:32 And I'll tell you, if we don't root it out
46:34 right now by the roots
46:36 and get rid of it, and just say, "Oh, God,
46:37 we made the wrong choice and decision,"
46:39 everything that I've taught just the four areas there,
46:42 if we do that, God will bless.
46:44 He will bring us back. He will heal the nations.
46:46 If we do not,
46:47 then you will see that the little hands
46:49 and all these little feet
46:50 and all these people who are doing the wrong thing,
46:53 they're going to make greater and bigger demands upon us.
46:58 It's not gonna just see of this.
47:01 They're going to want more and more and more and more
47:04 of they call it freedom, the right to do what...
47:06 You have a right to do that, but you do it somewhere else,
47:09 not in God's church.
47:12 Our work is simply to rouse the people,
47:17 our work is to rouse one another to the reality
47:20 of what's happening and going on.
47:24 We do not withhold truth because it's opposed.
47:28 See, there's opposition to truth,
47:30 but you don't withhold it because people say
47:32 don't do that or you're erring dirty laundry.
47:34 No, somebody is dirty,
47:36 somebody is doing the wrong thing.
47:38 But God says, "You cry loud and spare not."
47:41 Did you see that, we'll read that
47:42 if we will have time in five more minutes,
47:44 Great Controversy, 459 and 460.
47:48 It said, "He has no more reason
47:50 for withholding the testimony of God's word,"
47:52 talking about a pastor or teacher,
47:54 "because it excites opposition, than had earlier Reformers."
47:58 We cannot remain silent,
48:00 we don't have any reason to remain silent,
48:02 the testimony of God's word.
48:04 You might say, "Don't do any good,
48:05 they're not going to listen."
48:08 In Ezekiel 2:7, the Bible says,
48:10 "Thou shalt speak my words unto them,
48:13 whether they will hear or whether they will forbear."
48:17 In other words, you tell them anyway whether they hear
48:19 or whether they won't, you still warn them.
48:21 Lord, have mercy on us if we don't.
48:24 Did you get it?
48:25 Lord, have mercy on us if we don't tell
48:27 what God has impressed us to tell
48:29 or what the message is or what you accepted
48:31 when you came into this movement as truth
48:33 and the last day message.
48:34 God requires that of us.
48:38 We're told over and over, the least, listen,
48:40 the least departure from truth
48:43 is the transgression of God's law.
48:45 The least, what, departure from truth
48:48 is a transgression of God's law.
48:50 Four Testimonies, read that if you want to, page 312.
48:55 And also says in that same page 312,
48:59 "Those who disregard the requirements of God,"
49:01 notice, "in this life would not respect
49:04 His authority were they in heaven."
49:06 Did you get it?
49:07 If we're disrespecting God and His word right now,
49:10 then are we in heaven, you would nod it either.
49:13 And God's not gonna allow that to take place.
49:15 Sin will not rise up again the second time
49:17 or just not going to be
49:19 unless we get things and make it right.
49:22 We're to lift up our voice,
49:23 and I mentioned just a second ago,
49:24 Isaiah, what is it, chapter 58:1,
49:26 we're to lift up our voice like a, what,
49:28 like a trumpet that Bible says,
49:30 "Show my people their transgression and their," what,
49:33 "and the house Jacob their sin."
49:36 That's what we're told to do.
49:38 How do you get away from that?
49:39 Somebody help me right now.
49:41 I'll sit down, be quiet.
49:42 Somebody help me to get away from that.
49:44 If I can get away from that,
49:45 maybe I can sleep a little bit better at night,
49:47 maybe I won't have all these things
49:48 going through my mind all the time
49:50 if what can we do to rouse the people to say,
49:52 "This is not the way,
49:54 we're going to walk the way God said to walk
49:56 or we walk by our self if we have to walk."
50:01 And now what it says,
50:02 "Lift up your voice like a trumpet.
50:03 Show my people."
50:08 How do you do it unless you call standbys.
50:10 Right name.
50:14 Great Controversy, 460 says,
50:15 "Whatever may be their profession,"
50:17 listen, here's some of the culprits,
50:20 "Whatever may be their profession,
50:22 it is only those who are world servers at heart
50:27 that act from policy
50:29 rather principle in religious things."
50:33 I get tardy in about policy sometimes.
50:35 Now if it coincides with the Bible,
50:36 I'm okay with it.
50:37 Start giving me policy over "Thus saith the Lord",
50:39 you're going to have fight on your hands.
50:42 "We choose right because it is right,
50:46 and we leave consequences," where,
50:49 "we leave the consequences with God."
50:51 You do it because God said to do it, Brother Mark,
50:54 and you leave the consequences with Him.
50:56 Yeah, it's gonna cost you but look, look.
50:59 He said, "I'm coming back after you."
51:02 Well, you know the end of the story,
51:03 here it comes, the end of the story.
51:06 After God works the miracles, you know, did it once,
51:09 did it twice, calling fire down,
51:10 did it three times, Elijah prays.
51:13 This is it, this is it,
51:14 this is what this whole thing is about.
51:16 If you remember nothing else, remember,
51:18 Elijah there begins to pray as God's working marvelously
51:21 in his behalf of the children.
51:23 Notice this, he says this,
51:25 "That this people may know that Thou art the Lord God."
51:30 Elijah begins to pray, now after they seen
51:32 all of these things, what? "Lord, help their mind,
51:34 their eyes to be open that they may see that
51:36 You are the Lord God."
51:38 And notice this, 1 Kings 18:37 says,
51:43 "Thou hast turned their hearts back again."
51:47 Because of that demonstration, the power of God, what it got,
51:50 Israel's attention, they were far gone,
51:53 but they had to repent, they had to say they did wrong.
51:58 And the people now, when set forth,
52:00 not a word would say.
52:03 Now the people are crying, screaming out with one voice,
52:06 "The Lord, He is the God."
52:08 You remember, the Lord, He is the God,
52:10 1 Kings 18:39.
52:12 What is He?
52:13 "He is God," they're saying,
52:15 "Now we know who's the right God."
52:16 Why? Because we've been in between,
52:19 we've been double-minded.
52:21 We didn't know, we got confused here
52:23 but now we see who is the real God.
52:28 And they again admitted, they confessed their wrong.
52:30 They admitted that Elijah's God is above every idol,
52:35 that's what we have to say, "Our God is above every idle.
52:37 Our God is above everything."
52:40 But you know what happened?
52:41 Notice, those who are not willing to change,
52:43 see we have people today, not willing to make a change
52:46 because it's gonna look bad,
52:47 because of things they've already done.
52:50 They're in trouble.
52:51 Based upon consistency of scripture,
52:54 based upon what God has always done,
52:56 here's what happened to those who said...
52:59 Listen, those people that were there,
53:00 even the pagan, heathen, and Baal worshippers,
53:04 they seen the mighty workings of God,
53:06 and they knew it was the power outside of them.
53:08 Conviction was brought, Spirit of Prophecy
53:10 said upon their minds and hearts.
53:12 But they refused to leave the sight of Baal.
53:16 See, they refused to do right,
53:18 even though they knew they should.
53:19 Listen, there's lot of people know they should be,
53:21 but they're not making changes.
53:25 Priest of Baal have a different ending.
53:28 They wouldn't repent of their evil works.
53:31 They wanted to stay with Baal and they did.
53:33 They refuse change.
53:35 And every one of them was slain,
53:38 every one of them was slain.
53:41 Interesting.
53:44 But you realize, even though every one of them was slain,
53:47 this was the beginning of a reformation for Israel,
53:52 a reform.
53:53 Sometimes, it takes things like these.
53:57 God forbid, but it takes things like these
53:59 for us to look around and say,
54:00 "We need a reformation, we need a change."
54:04 And we need it now, we need it now.
54:07 Not later, do not let the devil get his hooks in little deeper
54:10 than they already are.
54:12 We know what the end results are going to be
54:14 for those who're not willing to make a necessary change.
54:18 The same ending, and I say that with sadness,
54:22 the same ending for those today
54:26 who's not willing to make the change
54:29 and get back to God to make it right,
54:32 and it's good to say,
54:34 "Oh, God, the things that we have done before,
54:35 it's not been pleasing in Your sight,"
54:37 and begging for forgiveness and mercy.
54:39 He's a God of mercy, He'll extend that mercy.
54:44 Things can be changed.
54:45 But sometimes, pride gets in the way.
54:48 Remember,
54:49 if they're not willing to do it,
54:51 if I'm not willing to do it, remember the prophets,
54:53 all the Baal worshippers, not one was permitted to live.
54:58 Wow.
55:00 How long, I ask you today,
55:01 how long, refugee?
55:07 How long
55:10 that ye halt between two opinions?
55:14 If God, follow Him.
55:17 If Baal, follow him.
55:21 That's your choice, that's my choice today.
55:24 If it's God, follow God.
55:27 You don't have to understand everything about it,
55:30 just follow God and the blessings will come.
55:35 Man, He wants to do great things for His people.
55:38 I just want to be in the middle of this.
55:41 When God starts to really bless the way
55:42 that He wants to,
55:44 see it the way things He wants how the church to go
55:46 and how what we're to be doing,
55:47 don't you want to be a part of that?
55:48 Man, I do. If it's God, then it's God.
55:51 I choose God today, how about you?
55:53 If anybody chooses God,
55:54 why don't you stand where you're at
55:56 and I'm gonna pray with you right now.
55:57 Remember we talked about,
55:58 it's more than the thought question,
56:00 it's much more.
56:01 You can just think.
56:02 You can say, didn't think,"Well, yeah.
56:04 I want to be on God's side."
56:05 No, right now, I'm standing, I'm saying,
56:06 "Yeah, you see me standing. I want to be on God's side."
56:08 Yeah, to some, maybe it's hard,
56:10 difficult standing but you can raise your hand
56:11 or whatever you want to do.
56:12 We want to be on God's side,
56:14 that is the most important decision
56:15 you will ever make in this life.
56:17 Let's pray about that and seal it up right now,
56:19 as the angels of heaven record what's going through your mind,
56:22 in your heart as well as mine, and seal it right now.
56:26 I'm not gonna halt between two opinions anymore.
56:29 I know God.
56:31 I know what God's Word says.
56:32 And by God's grace and strength,
56:34 I will follow Him. Let's pray.
56:37 Oh, our loving God in heaven,
56:39 we thank You so very much for Your Word.
56:41 So thankful that Your Word is just always so consistent
56:46 that we can read and we can learn.
56:47 You said, "These are examples that I've left for you
56:50 so that you can learn what's going to happen."
56:52 And, Lord, I'm very grateful and thankful for Your grace
56:55 and Your mercy and Your longsuffering.
56:58 We've come a long way but it's not far enough.
57:01 Made a lot of decisions, many of them are wrong,
57:03 we can all say that.
57:05 And we're not trying to point fingers at this group
57:07 or that group or someone else, we're looking at sin
57:09 and calling sin by its right name.
57:12 And where we have the opportunity to reach out
57:14 and to help or to do or change things
57:18 and we feel like here at this church,
57:19 Behold the Lamb,
57:21 we have an opportunity to try to get the word out
57:23 to help change things and we're require to do that.
57:28 God, have mercy on our souls and souls of everyone
57:31 who have some tough decisions to make.
57:34 Lord, we want to see Your hand work.
57:36 Oh, we wanna see the marvelous, mighty, mighty hand,
57:40 miracles that you can perform for Your people.
57:42 Energize us with thy Holy Spirit.
57:45 Energize us with the love for truth.
57:48 Energize us today in regards what is said, what's done,
57:50 and some of the repercussions.
57:52 I'm sure that we will hear, that we'll just say,
57:54 "I look to the Word of God.
57:56 This is what I believe is right.
57:58 And, God, help us."
57:59 Thank you, Lord, for hearing, and for answering prayer.
58:01 Thank Him for the decision
58:03 that's been made in everyone that's here right now,
58:06 raising heart and hand and mind,
58:08 and you have recorded it in the books.
58:10 May we be faithful to that decision.
58:12 In Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2018-12-17