Behold the Lamb Presents

The Bible’S Path to Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000113A

00:39 Hello, and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton, your host.
00:42 I wanna thank you for joining us.
00:44 Today's message is entitled "The Bible's Path to Health."
00:48 And it is lesson 21 out of 25 studies
00:51 that we're presenting from this Bible study guide
00:54 that is entitled
00:56 "Sharing God's Love Makes You Happier,
00:58 What the Bible Says."
01:00 This study guide was compiled by Brother Richard Bland
01:03 of United Prison Ministries.
01:05 And, friends, miracles have taken place
01:08 during the airing of this series.
01:10 Just recently a viewer called in
01:12 and shared that after watching lesson number 10,
01:16 that was entitled
01:17 "Take Control and Quit Smoking,"
01:19 that he began to pray about the message
01:21 he had just heard and claim victory
01:24 from the habit of smoking and drinking,
01:26 that had held him in bondage for over 50 years.
01:31 Nothing, absolutely nothing that he had ever tried before
01:35 had ever worked,
01:36 but being led of the Holy Spirit
01:39 this time to pray to God.
01:41 After hearing this message,
01:43 he is now rejoicing in the fact
01:45 that the grips of these addictions
01:47 were totally taken from him after his prayer.
01:51 And it has been two weeks after viewing the message
01:54 that he finally called in, gave his testimony,
01:57 sharing with us that after watching the program
02:00 that he no longer even had the desire
02:04 to smoke or to drink
02:05 and we are just praising God along with him.
02:08 And I'm expecting
02:09 lives to be changed after today's message
02:12 just as well.
02:13 Why, you may ask.
02:14 Because God has promised in His Word
02:17 that His Word would not return
02:19 to Him void.
02:20 Let's read this promises found in Isaiah 55:11.
02:26 "So shall my word be that goeth forth
02:29 out of my mouth,
02:31 it shall not return unto me void,
02:33 but it shall accomplish that which I please,
02:38 and it shall prosper
02:39 and the thing whereto I sent it."
02:41 We are claiming that promise today
02:45 as we study "The Bible's Path to Health."
02:49 And we know that God's purpose for His children
02:52 is to prepare us to be citizens in His kingdom.
02:56 Therefore, we can be assured that His path to health
03:00 is most certainly the path that we should be following.
03:04 But before we join Pastor Kenny Shelton,
03:06 let's visit 3ABN for a blessing in music,
03:10 as sung by Pastor John Lomacang and Celestine Berry-Dickens
03:15 entitled "Gentle Healer."
03:25 Gentle Healer came
03:28 Into our town today
03:32 He touched blind eyes
03:35 And the darkness left to stay
03:40 But more than the blindness
03:44 He took their sins away
03:47 Gentle Healer came
03:50 Into our town today
03:58 Gentle Healer came
04:01 Into our town today
04:06 He spoke one word
04:08 That was all He had to say
04:12 And the one who had died
04:15 Just rose up straight away
04:20 The Gentle Healer came
04:23 Into our town today
04:43 Oh, He seems
04:45 Like just an ordinary man
04:51 With dirty feet and rough
04:53 But gentle hands
04:58 But the words He says
05:00 They're hard to understand
05:05 And, yet, He seems like just an ordinary man
05:16 The Gentle Healer
05:19 He left our town today
05:23 I just looked around and found
05:27 He'd gone away
05:30 Some folks from town Who followed Him
05:34 They say
05:39 The Gentle Healer is the truth,
05:43 The life, the way
05:47 The Gentle Healer is the truth,
05:51 The life
05:55 The way
06:01 Hello, and welcome once again
06:02 at Behold the Lamb Ministry.
06:04 We appreciate you tuning in today.
06:06 You know, it's a wonderful, wonderful blessing,
06:08 you know, be able to stay the Word of God
06:09 and some of these beautiful truths
06:11 that God has given to us.
06:13 Today, as you've already been mentioned,
06:14 we're gonna be studying the Word of God,
06:16 that what the Bible has to say the path to health.
06:19 Everyone wants to be healthy.
06:21 I think there's no question about that.
06:23 So before we get into this study,
06:25 and we always have prayer.
06:26 But I wanna just give you a little bit of background,
06:28 a little bit of a foundation
06:30 that we can build upon as we do this study together
06:33 before prayer.
06:35 I went to
06:38 This is what the...
06:40 I'm gonna say nice as I can, the world's view,
06:43 this is not Adventist review, or somebody else's,
06:47 whatever it might be of this subject,
06:49 but it's just, you know, out there in the health line,
06:51 here's what they had to say about health.
06:53 This is why we're doing this subject, by the way,
06:56 is that a balanced diet is important
06:59 because your organs and your tissues
07:02 need proper nutrition to work effectively.
07:06 Notice the wording.
07:07 Without good nutrition,
07:09 your body is more prone to disease,
07:12 infection, fatigue, and poor performance.
07:17 Notice this,
07:18 this poor performance can lead over
07:20 into our young people
07:21 in their academics at school too.
07:24 And they can also pursue you for the rest of your life.
07:27 So we wanna look at this subject
07:29 because we find out there's rising levels
07:32 of all of these diseases,
07:34 things that we've talked about, things that we will talk about,
07:36 as we go along in this study.
07:38 This is very interesting
07:39 but two things that this study brought out.
07:41 It said, there's two things,
07:42 the levels of the weight gain and diabetes in America,
07:46 notice this, are prime examples of poor diet
07:50 and lack of exercise.
07:52 See, some people say, "Well, you do this study
07:54 because it's a, you know,
07:56 this is what your church believes and so on."
07:57 We're talking about the world has given
07:58 this information right here.
08:00 This is the Center of Science in Public Interest
08:05 made this statement here.
08:06 It reports that 4
08:09 out of the top 10 leading causes of death
08:13 in the United States
08:14 is directly influenced by diet.
08:18 Kind of interesting, isn't it?
08:19 And they mentioned as we well know,
08:21 number one is heart disease, number two is cancer,
08:24 number three is stroke, number four is diabetes.
08:28 Here's what they said.
08:30 They said what we need is a balanced diet.
08:33 This is what the world was saying.
08:34 They're not bringing in the Bible.
08:35 They're just bringing them out,
08:37 you know, the things that they've studied,
08:38 people, the cases that's coming to the hospital.
08:40 They say we need a balanced diet.
08:42 And here's what they said.
08:43 They said number one, you need a lot of fruits,
08:45 you need vegetables, you need grains,
08:49 and you need protein.
08:50 And I thought was very interesting with protein
08:52 because you can go a lot of different directions.
08:54 But even beside where it said protein,
08:56 they said this on a diet.
08:58 A good source of protein are nuts and beans,
09:03 peas and lentils, and seeds.
09:07 I thought that was pretty neat
09:08 for the world to come up and say through our studies,
09:10 they're coming back to what God has said where?
09:13 In His Words.
09:14 I thought how interesting that is we do our study,
09:17 the Bible's path to health.
09:18 Let's pray, shall we
09:19 as we study the Word of God together?
09:21 Merciful Father in Heaven,
09:23 thank You for Your precious Word.
09:24 We ask now that Your Holy Spirit
09:26 will have Your will and Your way.
09:28 Pray that You'll illuminate these beautiful truths
09:29 in our hearts and our mind.
09:31 Help us to understand the importance of sound bodies,
09:34 to have sound minds
09:35 that we may make sound decisions.
09:36 Thank You, Lord, for hearing and answering prayer,
09:38 in Jesus' name. Amen.
09:41 Again, always have pencil and paper
09:43 and jot down as we move quickly along,
09:45 you know, time goes by,
09:46 at least to me very quickly as we study the Word of God,
09:48 so much information, Bible's pathway to health.
09:52 I've heard it said and I think
09:54 you might have heard this saying before.
09:55 They said, "Man made imitation foods,"
09:58 man made what?
10:00 "Imitation foods are fine for imitation people."
10:05 Kind of an interesting thought, notice that.
10:07 So really we look at today information is empowering,
10:11 is it not?
10:12 So we're getting a lot of information out there,
10:14 we need to dissect it and information in God's Word.
10:17 Does God have a plan
10:19 that we might be healthy and happy Christians,
10:22 live longer?
10:24 I think He absolutely does.
10:25 You know, one study,
10:27 it's said that our land has been depleted.
10:30 You know, this is what grows our crops,
10:31 the things that we eat has been depleted
10:33 of most of the minerals that are in it.
10:36 And it simply have been depleted not only by erosion,
10:39 but by farming the land.
10:42 Farmers usually replace only three minerals.
10:46 Now thinking about that,
10:47 that's leaving dozens of minerals out,
10:50 but they replaced three main minerals here,
10:53 nitrogen, phosphorus, and also potassium.
10:57 Now, why?
10:58 Because they want to have these,
11:00 help produce rich crops.
11:02 Not necessarily saying, it's all healthy
11:05 because we're now mineral deficient,
11:08 as far back as 1936.
11:11 This is why this subject is important about our health.
11:14 Back as what? Thirty six.
11:16 That would be what? Eighty some odd years.
11:19 They made this statement.
11:20 Notice the one report stated this.
11:22 It said, "The farm soils are depleted of minerals,"
11:27 notice this, "crops grown and eaten by people
11:31 become mineral deficient and subject,"
11:35 notice this,
11:37 "to mineral deficient diseases."
11:40 Kind of interesting, isn't it?
11:42 The United States Surgeon General
11:45 in his report said this,
11:47 "Almost 70," listen carefully,
11:49 "almost 70% of all diseases
11:53 is diet related."
11:57 That's interesting, isn't it?
11:59 Diet related.
12:00 So it's very, very important
12:01 to see what God's plan is for us,
12:04 a lot of disease in the world.
12:07 You know, every time our body,
12:08 if you think about it, all I'm up here,
12:10 every time my hands go up and they go down,
12:12 or you nod your head or whatever you might,
12:14 you smile.
12:16 Every time the body moves, it uses energy.
12:20 And so the energy
12:21 or it's not using energy as it were, it still is,
12:23 it's breaking down tissue that needs to be rebuilt.
12:27 Think about that.
12:29 And so it's rebuilt by the food that we eat.
12:33 Think about it.
12:34 But now, not all foods are good to be,
12:37 we know that, we have to look them over.
12:39 All foods are not to nourish these things that,
12:42 you know, that nourishment that we need in our body.
12:45 So we might be able to say today good habits.
12:48 Hopefully you have some good habits
12:50 when it comes to eating.
12:52 Good habits can lead to good health.
12:56 But on the other side of the coin,
12:57 evil habits can lead to what?
12:59 Certainly bad health, we know that.
13:02 Just give you a couple of...
13:03 These are very simple illustrations
13:05 for instance, and you say, "Well, I didn't know that
13:07 or oh, well, we've known that for years."
13:09 You know, if you think about a stomach needs,
13:11 our stomach and digestive organs need rest.
13:14 And so we need to be careful
13:16 that we don't eat in between meals,
13:18 and it has to rest in order to be healthy.
13:22 How many think about millions of people have what?
13:25 Digestion problem,
13:27 prominent problems with the stomach.
13:29 Could possibly would be one
13:31 that we're not letting it, get its proper rest.
13:34 You know, we eat a lot at night,
13:35 we go to bed, we might go to sleep.
13:38 The stomach is what?
13:39 Process of working, working, working,
13:41 about time you wake up, you put more in it,
13:43 it's working, working.
13:44 It never gets its rest.
13:45 It needs to rest like we rest at night.
13:48 Another interesting, if we eat or drink things,
13:52 let's say too hot,
13:54 we eat too many spices,
13:57 you know, could be pepper or whatever it might be
14:00 because we love these things.
14:02 But you know, they really, they irritate the stomach.
14:05 Now there's just little things we're throwing out.
14:06 So you can say,
14:08 "I'm having irritation in the stomach."
14:09 It just might be some very little simple things
14:11 that we are putting on,
14:12 or maybe too much of it that can cause some problems.
14:15 Also, if we drink cold drinks, what happens?
14:19 Before the stomach can use that cold drink,
14:22 it has to warm it up first for digestion.
14:25 So it makes it work, work, work.
14:28 Today, I think we can be safe
14:30 to say most people want to have,
14:32 want to be healthy.
14:34 They want to be healthy.
14:36 And if we do,
14:37 if I said somebody raise your hand,
14:39 if you want to be healthy,
14:40 everybody probably would raise our hand.
14:43 But if we raise our hand today, we want to be healthy,
14:45 then we must be willing
14:47 to do something about it, right?
14:50 We have to be willing to do something about it,
14:53 something to bring it about.
14:55 It's not just, oh, I'm going to
14:56 and then just do what we want to do.
14:58 I think it's in Book of Ephesians Chapter 6,
15:01 the Bible says, verse 13,
15:03 basically the bottom at the end of that passage,
15:05 it says, "Having done all to stand."
15:08 God expects us to do what?
15:10 Do all that we understand
15:12 and know so that we might have health of body
15:16 and health of mind.
15:17 So it's not just saying, "Oh, we do this,
15:19 we're better than somebody else."
15:20 This is God's plan
15:22 that we might be healthy Christians.
15:24 So people that God can use to finish the work.
15:27 We want to live longer. We want to be happier.
15:31 We don't want to mistreat our bodies.
15:33 Do we realize,
15:35 if we're taking things into our body
15:36 that's not good for us,
15:37 we are mistreating our bodies?
15:40 No one would want to mistreat your body
15:42 because you know, and I know when you're sick,
15:44 you don't want to be sick.
15:46 You don't like it because you're sick.
15:48 And it may be because
15:49 and then sometimes sickness and things go around,
15:51 but sometime, maybe something we've taken into our body.
15:54 So God says, you know, be careful,
15:57 and I think I've neglected every one of these,
16:00 and so I'm trying by the grace of God
16:01 to do better,
16:03 and that's what we do.
16:04 Rather than be in denial, we look and say,
16:06 there can be some improvement.
16:08 Never say, "Oh, I can't improve it more
16:10 on doing that."
16:11 No, there can always be improvement.
16:13 So God wants us to have good habits
16:15 when it comes to working.
16:18 Huh?
16:19 Working, and eating and drinking.
16:22 It makes a difference.
16:23 Work too much, you can break down your system
16:25 just as if you're already eating the wrong things
16:28 because we're told in the Bible.
16:29 I love this in Genesis 1:27, it simply say,
16:33 "When God made us," he made us what?
16:36 "Into His, in His image."
16:39 That means you're special.
16:41 He made you in His image, not anything else in the world,
16:45 but just God's creation, His people.
16:47 He made him in His image.
16:49 And that goes along with Psalms 139.
16:51 Just jot it down quickly, Psalms 139:14.
16:55 I like the way it starts out.
16:57 It says, "I will praise," what?
16:59 "I will praise thee,
17:01 for I am fearfully and wonderfully," what?
17:04 "Made."
17:05 Notice the words, I am fearfully, that means,
17:08 notice this word, be careful with it,
17:10 I am exceedingly great.
17:13 That sound like, "Whoo! I'm exceedingly great."
17:15 We're given the praise to the Creator, aren't we?
17:18 It says here, you're exceedingly great
17:20 because God created you.
17:22 That's wonderful special touch from the hand of the Creator,
17:26 how wonderful it is.
17:27 You're wonderfully made
17:29 and I think certainly in other word
17:30 there is marvelous as we read the passage.
17:32 You are marvelously made.
17:35 Marvelously there or wonderfully means
17:37 you are set apart.
17:39 God touched you, God made you, He set you a part.
17:42 He distinguished you from everything else,
17:45 isn't that wonderful?
17:46 "And marvelous are thy works."
17:49 See, there's a reason why we're studying this
17:52 but a good foundation lets us understand,
17:54 why we need to get on this maybe more healthy diet,
17:57 something that will help us to live for Jesus.
18:00 The Psalmist is telling us something here
18:03 that we just read.
18:05 Once again, how wonderful and how great
18:08 is the human body?
18:10 Think about the human body,
18:12 and all the things that it takes
18:14 millions of things to function together
18:16 to have the mind and the body and every function of it,
18:19 to work the way God would have it to work.
18:21 It takes millions of things working together,
18:24 it couldn't just have happened.
18:25 There had to be a Creator, no doubt about it.
18:28 But when the Psalmist wrote these,
18:30 I thought so exciting.
18:31 When the Psalmist said,
18:33 you know, we're wonderfully made here,
18:34 we're fearfully made here.
18:36 Think about the years that have passed,
18:38 and now all of science that has come back and said,
18:42 the body is wonderfully made.
18:45 We have all of us now saying,
18:46 we just can't believe all of these things
18:48 how they're working together.
18:50 It proves that we were made by the Creator.
18:54 How wonderful that is.
18:55 The first question in our study simply says
18:58 what is the desire of our Heavenly Father
19:01 in regard to our physical well being?
19:04 Now if we know that God has a desire
19:06 or He wants us to be a certain way,
19:08 shouldn't we be interested?
19:10 Yes. Yes!
19:11 Take the Bible,
19:13 and this is the one that everybody gets
19:14 in every health talk.
19:15 Yeah, I think you probably would start out with it.
19:17 Is it 3 John 2?
19:20 3 John 2, the Bible said, notice this, "Beloved,
19:25 beloved, I wish," what?
19:28 "Above all things that thou mayest prosper
19:31 and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."
19:36 So it's a combination of things,
19:38 that things that are going on here
19:40 that we need to kind of,
19:41 I think, put together just a little bit.
19:43 Number one, the Lord is mindful of my needs.
19:47 He's mindful of your needs,
19:49 before you ask, He knows all about it.
19:52 And we're talking about not only temporal needs,
19:55 but spiritual needs.
19:57 He's mindful of both, and then He says, here,
20:00 I want you to do something here in the spiritual.
20:02 2 Timothy 2:15, He says, "Study to shew thyself," what?
20:07 "Approved."
20:09 He's mindful of our physical, He's mindful of our spiritual.
20:11 But He says, "Kenny, what I want you to do
20:13 is learn to study the Word of God."
20:16 This is good. This comes together.
20:18 And it gels together, and it should,
20:20 because God said that it does.
20:23 I believe this with all my heart,
20:24 God wants us to be happy.
20:26 He doesn't want us to go around with long faces.
20:28 He doesn't want us to go around with our chin
20:31 dragging on this sidewalk.
20:32 All you do is gonna get a scab on your chin.
20:34 You know, what I'm talking about here.
20:36 You know, sometimes there are reasons,
20:37 some time there's sadness, but you understand what I mean?
20:40 We should be happy because we got up this morning.
20:43 We should be happy because we're walking around.
20:46 We should be happy that we came to church
20:48 on the seventh day Sabbath.
20:49 We should be happy and give Him praise
20:51 that you can think
20:53 and still make decisions for Him.
20:54 You can be happy because probation is still open
20:57 and the doors and we have an opportunity to come to Him.
21:00 We should be happy today and praising God,
21:02 because we have an opportunity
21:04 where we have fouled up to make it right.
21:07 That's exciting to me.
21:09 Think about it, we've had the opportunity,
21:11 the door's not shut yet, that we can come and say,
21:14 "Oh, I've messed up miserably, God."
21:15 And He's gonna say,
21:16 "Well, yes, I know, but come on."
21:18 He said to me, "Kenny, just redeem the time?"
21:21 Didn't go back and give me a whip and you see about it.
21:23 He didn't go back criticizing and condemning.
21:25 "Why'd you do all of that?"
21:27 He just said, "Redeem the time."
21:28 That means pick up from that moment
21:29 and just march on.
21:31 That's good news.
21:32 God wants us to be happy.
21:34 He daily, He sends us blessings after blessings.
21:38 There's not room enough to receive us.
21:40 And sometimes all we do is dwell on the negative
21:43 and the things that could happen,
21:44 that might happen.
21:45 I'm dwelling on those things that I know is gonna happen
21:48 based on the Word of God because it's good.
21:51 There's such a close connection,
21:53 we know between the mind and the body, right?
21:57 The mind and the body close connection there.
22:00 When the soul, no soul prospers about it,
22:03 you know the by passage just said,
22:05 the body is better able to be healthy.
22:08 Does that make sense?
22:10 When you have a smile and you're happy
22:12 and you have a good attitude, right?
22:15 The body seemed to be healthier.
22:17 You get along a lot better.
22:19 In Proverbs 14:30, the Bible says this,
22:22 jot it down quickly,
22:23 Proverbs 14:30.
22:25 Now notice this, it says,
22:27 "The heart or a sound heart
22:30 is the life of the flesh."
22:33 Now we realize as we go on
22:34 and read some other about the blood,
22:35 you know, in the life and so on.
22:37 But notice this passage,
22:38 "A sound heart is the life of the flesh."
22:41 Now let's reverse that just for a moment.
22:44 If you don't mind, reverse.
22:45 "An unsound heart," what happens?
22:48 "Is the death of the flesh."
22:51 Does that makes sense?
22:52 And it's talking about the blood.
22:54 It's talking about the blood, the heart
22:55 because it pumps what?
22:57 Blood to every, you know, avenue of the body,
23:00 you know, the mind too and also.
23:02 And we know this old saying
23:03 that we've heard all of our life.
23:05 I heard it when I were young,
23:06 they couldn't prove it like they can prove it today,
23:08 always could from the Word of God
23:09 because it's always been there.
23:12 But man always said,
23:13 "Now you're gonna be what you eat, son."
23:16 You gonna eat all this junk,
23:18 you're gonna turn out thinking...
23:20 Okay, you know what I'm talking about.
23:23 Yeah, you are what you eat.
23:25 Think about.
23:26 And a lot of us just kind of, you know, we think it's funny.
23:28 "Well, yeah, we are..."
23:30 But we still go ahead because we let our senses
23:32 and our smell and think whatever
23:34 lead us to do things we know we shouldn't do.
23:38 And I wanna be that part of our study today
23:40 as we need to be careful.
23:41 I have said it many times.
23:42 And God forgive me from
23:44 and I'm not gonna be saying that,
23:45 you know, I'll say, "Well, I know it's not good for me,
23:48 but I'm gonna eat it anyway
23:49 because it looks good, it smells good..."
23:52 Okay, all right, it's all right.
23:54 How many times have we maybe said that
23:57 more of a joking way and so on so far?
24:00 But you realize how sensitive the Word of God...
24:03 May I use that word sensitive?
24:04 The Word of God is on that subject.
24:07 Think about. I know it's not good for me.
24:10 But where do we stand between,
24:15 you know, between us and God at that point?
24:18 Him that know what to do good and do it not, to him it is?
24:21 To Him, it is sin.
24:23 You know, just think about the statements
24:26 as we study here, Proverbs 14:30,
24:28 "Sound heart is," what?
24:30 "Life of the flesh."
24:31 Ministry of Healing, in page 241,
24:34 it's just a little line here.
24:36 Notice what it said.
24:37 I like it because it talks about courage.
24:39 "We need courage to live in this world.
24:42 We need hope in this world.
24:45 We need faith in this world.
24:47 We need sympathy at times.
24:49 We need love."
24:51 You know, what it does?
24:53 These little words that I just use promote health
24:57 and prolong life.
24:59 Did you get it?
25:01 It prolongs the life.
25:03 It helps you to be healthy
25:04 if you have love and you can share love,
25:06 and you have hope and you have faith.
25:09 You find people who are discouraged really,
25:11 you find their life is shortened
25:12 because they're discouraged,
25:13 and they're down and out all the time.
25:15 I choose by the grace of God, do I look on the bright side
25:18 to know who sits upon the throne,
25:20 who's ruling the universe,
25:21 who's promised He's gonna be with us.
25:23 He's not gonna leave us, He's not gonna forsake us.
25:25 I'm gonna supply all your needs,
25:28 according to His riches in glory.
25:31 He didn't say some pauper.
25:33 He didn't say this parable of the rich man,
25:34 he said, "I'm gonna to supply and I own everything.
25:38 You want everything, I've got it."
25:40 Man, that's when we go to, praise God for that.
25:43 Proverbs 17:22, notice moving on,
25:46 you know this, Proverbs 17:22.
25:48 When I started out, you finish it with me.
25:49 The Bible says, "A merry heart doeth good like a..."
25:54 Now the notice the word translated,
25:55 a merry heart says a rejoicing heart.
25:59 A what kind of heart? A rejoicing heart.
26:01 You can't be rejoicing with a long face.
26:04 You can't be rejoicing with a heavy heart.
26:06 We realized there are times for all of these things.
26:09 There's time for tears.
26:10 There's times a heavy heart,
26:12 but we did take those to God and we give them to Him
26:14 and He cleans up this mess for us.
26:17 Praise God for that.
26:19 Merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
26:22 Interesting from the...
26:24 On the net you can go there,
26:25 it's WilmingtonHealth.Care says this,
26:29 oh, lot of information
26:30 but notice just this line what it says,
26:33 "Going along with the Bible,
26:35 blood is vital to the life."
26:40 Remember we talked about a sound heart,
26:42 the blood here they're going on
26:44 and the, you know, the doctors, right?
26:48 Scientists are looking and they're saying,
26:50 "Oh, my, you know, blood is vital to life."
26:54 The Bible said that in Leviticus 17,
26:56 you remember, verse 11.
26:58 It says here,
26:59 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood."
27:02 "For the life of," what?
27:04 "The flesh is in the blood."
27:06 What is it the first thing that doctor wants to do
27:08 when you go and you've got an ailment?
27:11 First thing they do is get the needle.
27:14 Don't let that scare you. That's good.
27:16 The first thing they wanna do is check your what?
27:19 Your blood.
27:21 Because the blood just reveals things
27:23 that's going on inside your body,
27:25 that's not showing yet.
27:27 We all need a blood test.
27:28 It's all right.
27:30 We need a heart test.
27:32 We need a spiritual test.
27:34 You see, we need to be examining
27:36 the Word of God to see where we fit,
27:38 whether we're in the faith or not.
27:40 And we can examine the blood because that's it.
27:43 Remember, the life is what? Is in the blood.
27:46 So then what you eat, when you eat it goes, what?
27:48 Gets into the bloodstream, doesn't it?
27:51 And then it's distributed
27:52 to the different sections of your body.
27:54 Thought very interesting with that.
27:56 We must remember that
27:58 when the health of the body is neglected.
28:01 Here we get into, notice.
28:02 When the health of the body is neglected,
28:05 what happens?
28:07 We become sick.
28:10 Yeah, we become sick
28:11 or when we neglect our health
28:13 and we by bad habits,
28:16 it also affects our spiritual life.
28:19 You see?
28:20 Interesting, it affects us
28:22 bad habits in eating or drinking,
28:24 all of a sudden it affects us spiritually.
28:27 Now think about it.
28:30 The religious life suffers, none of us want that for sure.
28:35 In the study about the Bible, in the path to health,
28:38 we need a good balance.
28:40 Let's do this. You know, it's more about them.
28:42 Most people say, when you do health,
28:43 you gonna say, "Well, this is what we're gonna study,
28:45 we're gonna eat this, we're not gonna eat this,
28:46 we're gonna do this, we're gonna do that."
28:48 There's a platform
28:49 that's being laid here, say, why?
28:51 Why should we eat certain things
28:53 and maybe certain things we should not eat?
28:56 Is it proven in the medical field now?
28:58 Yes, it is
28:59 as the Word of God always said it.
29:01 Yes, it always has.
29:02 Is God's way the best or is man's ways the best?
29:05 This is what we're deciding.
29:07 And we'll have to make a decision on that.
29:09 So I assume that we need a good balance between the two,
29:14 number one, a good health plan.
29:17 A good health plan.
29:19 We lay it out, well, how we wanna be healthy
29:20 and what God says in order to be healthy,
29:22 this is what we need to take into our body.
29:24 And then we also need a good spiritual plan.
29:28 And I wanna call it a spiritual advancement plan,
29:31 because our spiritual plan should always be what?
29:35 Advancing.
29:36 See, if you're sitting today
29:38 and your spiritual plans going backwards,
29:39 you're on the wrong road, you're making the wrong choice.
29:42 Things are going wrong.
29:44 Something's happening in our life,
29:45 because our plan spiritually should always be advancing,
29:50 advancing.
29:51 God never said stop.
29:52 God said go.
29:54 This is just what it's all about
29:55 when we look here, so we need that kind of a plan
29:58 that will help us to prepare for heaven,
30:01 while we're also what?
30:02 Getting the right think, so we can think properly,
30:05 make right decisions,
30:06 how the two work together so closely.
30:10 You know, praise God for that.
30:11 What a plan! We need that plan.
30:14 Now here's God's plan for us.
30:16 Have your Bible.
30:17 Be sure and turn quickly here with me,
30:19 the New Testament in John.
30:20 I think somebody talked about this today
30:22 for just a moment.
30:23 But anyway, I'm gonna talk about it right now.
30:25 John 10.
30:28 I think I'm in Romans, I better get back to John.
30:33 This is one that people quote all the time.
30:36 But let's just dig in just a little bit.
30:38 Now, I'm gonna read the last part of John 10:10.
30:42 Because notice this,
30:44 God's plan for us is given to in John 10:10 in a nutshell.
30:49 God's plan for us, notice what it says,
30:51 "I am come that they may have life
30:55 and they may have it more," what?
30:57 "Abundantly."
30:58 God's plan for us is that you have life
31:01 and you have it more abundantly.
31:03 And the word abundantly means,
31:05 it means, a super,
31:08 abundantly super bound.
31:12 There's excess of it.
31:13 There's more than enough to go around.
31:15 I love that.
31:17 One word there translated said, there's leftovers.
31:20 Somebody's not gonna get that one.
31:22 Yeah, there's leftovers.
31:23 God's doing plan, explain everything
31:25 that you can possibly need more abundant
31:27 and there's leftovers.
31:28 Praise God, they're spare.
31:32 That's how God were, He doesn't say,
31:33 "Oh, I cut it little short.
31:35 Somebody's gonna have to do without."
31:39 Somebody pray.
31:40 Now that's Christ plan for us, is that right?
31:44 That's Christ plan.
31:45 But the first part of that verse
31:46 is the devil's plan.
31:48 Remember if God has a plan, what?
31:50 If God has a plan, you can be sure
31:52 that the enemy has his plan.
31:54 He waits till God reveals His plan
31:55 and says, "Oh, now I know what I need to do."
31:59 John 10:10, the Bible said, "The thief," who's the thief?
32:02 The enemy.
32:03 "The enemy cometh not
32:05 but for steal, to kill and to," what?
32:08 "To destroy."
32:10 So the enemy's plan, is going to kill you.
32:11 He's wanna destroy you.
32:12 He doesn't care how he does it.
32:14 If he can do it in things you take into your body
32:16 that you eat and you drink, you breath, you snort,
32:18 whatever you might do, somebody with me.
32:20 He doesn't care.
32:22 He wants to make sure your life is shortened.
32:24 And make sure that you can't find Jesus here
32:26 about the one that says there,
32:28 "I've come that they may have life
32:29 and they may have it abundantly.
32:31 There's leftover."
32:33 Jesus said in the Book of Luke, it's a beautiful chapter.
32:36 Luke 12:23.
32:39 Notice this, notice, Luke 12:23.
32:42 "The life is more than meat."
32:45 Now notice this,
32:46 Bible students there and we should
32:48 but when you're beginning sometime, it's difficult.
32:50 When the Bible says, "Meat all the time,"
32:52 it doesn't mean flesh food.
32:54 You've got to look at.
32:55 Here translate, the Bible said here,
32:57 the life is more than food.
32:59 That's the proper word here.
33:02 Life is more than food.
33:04 "The body is more than raiment."
33:07 Jesus just put it down line and said,
33:08 don't you realize life is much more important
33:11 than the things you put into this bodies.
33:12 Be careful, you know, you got to be careful with it
33:15 because as I mentioned while ago,
33:16 some people will just simply say,
33:18 "I choose food because it tastes good.
33:20 I choose food because it looks good.
33:22 I choose food because it tastes good,
33:25 not because it's good for me."
33:30 My dad said a long, long time ago
33:32 after he had his heart attack,
33:34 he had to change his diet.
33:38 And we couldn't figure out some time
33:39 when he's eating some kind of a cereal
33:41 or whatever it might be at that point in time.
33:42 He go to the faucet and he'd put water in it.
33:45 "Oh, Dad, come on."
33:48 Somebody not...
33:49 I don't have to go in detail.
33:51 He looked around several times, he'd say,
33:53 "Hey, I don't eat to live.
33:56 I don't live to eat.
33:59 I eat to live."
34:02 That makes a difference, doesn't it?
34:05 That's totally opposite than lot of times that we do
34:07 because the devil makes sure
34:08 that things are pleasing to the eye
34:10 and the smell and so on,
34:12 and so this is the things that we want.
34:15 Let me give you example.
34:16 Example, do you remember Eve?
34:18 Yeah.
34:20 What did Eve say?
34:21 Remember about the tree?
34:23 She said she looked at the tree
34:24 of the knowledge of good and evil,
34:26 and she saw that it was good for what?
34:29 She saw that it was good for food
34:31 and it was pleasant to the eye.
34:35 Did you see,
34:36 the enemy was already working, he's same thing today.
34:39 He said, "Oh, it's good for food.
34:40 Oh, this is gonna taste good, and also it looks good."
34:44 Same thing, enemy is using the plan today,
34:48 we have to be very careful about that.
34:52 Maybe the lesson is needed more today
34:54 than it was even needed
34:56 back when Jesus spoke the words,
34:59 pleasant to the eye, good for food.
35:03 I believe this that God has placed responsibility
35:07 on every one of us
35:09 to preserve our bodies in the best condition possible.
35:12 How about you?
35:14 What it is?
35:15 It's not just, "Well, I choose or I think or if I want to,"
35:19 the Bible is gonna be so clear with this
35:21 as we study and get time to get through this right here.
35:23 That is not any longer, "Well, I choose."
35:25 Now you can choose do wrong if you want to,
35:27 but there's gonna be a payday
35:29 and maybe not the one that you're looking for.
35:31 Jesus makes it very clear because I've created you.
35:34 I've given you life.
35:35 I've taken care of you.
35:36 I'm meeting all your needs,
35:38 but you know there are conditions
35:40 and He let us so we have responsibility.
35:43 Remember, bodies, minds, what?
35:46 Working together
35:48 that we might make right choices for eternity.
35:52 1 Corinthians 6, very familiar verse 19 and 20.
35:56 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "What?
36:01 Know ye not that your body is the," what?
36:03 Temple.
36:05 "Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
36:07 which ye have of God and ye are not your own?"
36:10 Here it goes. It's saying right now.
36:12 You're not your own.
36:14 I'm on my own. I wanna do what I wanna do.
36:17 God's telling you right now, you are not your own.
36:19 You can't just make a choice.
36:20 You can do it, but you're gonna pay for it.
36:22 I'm going to pay for it,
36:24 whether it's in this life or the life to come.
36:27 Why don't you know
36:28 your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?
36:31 Where would the Holy Ghost want to dwell?
36:34 In your heart, in your body.
36:35 But Jesus is telling you something here,
36:37 notice, you're not your own.
36:39 Verse 20,
36:40 "For you are bought with a," what? "A price."
36:43 What's that price?
36:44 Christ. Christ Jesus.
36:46 "Therefore," here notice this.
36:47 We have an opportunity to "glorify God
36:49 in our, ooh, our body,
36:52 and in spirit, which are God's."
36:55 We have a responsibility, a duty to God
36:58 because He created us,
37:00 He redeemed us, He sustained us,
37:01 He wants us to be in heaven with Him someday.
37:04 That He said, you're not your own,
37:06 you're bought with a price, then how valuable that you are.
37:10 You're bought with the blood of Jesus Christ.
37:12 Nothing else can purchase that, only the blood of Jesus Christ.
37:16 How awesome that is.
37:18 And that's no different
37:19 if you compare that with Romans 12:1.
37:22 You know, it talks about here that
37:24 this is our reasonable service.
37:26 You know, think about our reasonable service,
37:29 you're to be a living.
37:31 He said, our bodies are to be a living sacrifice,
37:33 holy and acceptable to God,
37:36 which is your reasonable service.
37:38 Do you notice that?
37:40 He says our bodies have to be what?
37:44 Holy and acceptable to God.
37:46 Assuming I may say this, if you don't mind,
37:48 I'm saying you said,
37:50 be acceptable to God,
37:51 there's a way in which we could conduct ourselves
37:53 that will be unacceptable to God.
37:56 Anytime scripture says that,
37:58 it always leaves the other door open there to say,
37:59 we can conduct ourselves will be unreasonable.
38:02 God will not, you know, bless that.
38:06 We must understand,
38:08 I think the blessings from scripture
38:09 and passage of scripture, put them together.
38:12 Psalms 36, the Bible said, verse 9,
38:15 "For with thee," talking about with God,
38:17 in Psalms 36:9,
38:20 "For with thee," that means God,
38:22 "He is the fountain of life."
38:25 God is the fountain of life.
38:27 Where are you going today? Where am I going today?
38:29 What fountain are we drinking from?
38:32 You know,
38:33 you know, talking of drinking from fountain
38:35 that never runs dry?
38:36 Are we drinking from nothing it's just,
38:38 you know, overnight and this is it,
38:39 then that's gonna hurt us
38:41 and we'll get ourselves in a bunch of trouble.
38:42 God says come to Him, He's got the answer.
38:45 We realized from scripture that we just read
38:48 God is the originator of all things,
38:50 no question about it.
38:52 Again, it's for the sake of many
38:53 who maybe have not read scripture in a while
38:55 that God is the originator of all things.
38:58 He's the life of everything, do we believe that?
39:01 He's the life and the light of everything
39:03 because my Bible tells me so.
39:05 John 8:12, Jesus said, "I am the light of," what?
39:10 He said, "I'm the light of the world here."
39:13 So He's the light and the life of everything that lives.
39:17 Everything by Him lives and it moves and as our being.
39:21 Notice this, He's our life.
39:25 It's because of His death that we have eternal life.
39:29 So it's because of Him,
39:31 the food that grows we eat of it,
39:33 it grows because there's life in Christ,
39:36 it wouldn't grow without Him.
39:39 And we realized that the body and the mind,
39:41 we either when we're eating,
39:42 we're either building up the body and the mind
39:44 or we're tearing it down.
39:46 You have two choices, I do too.
39:49 What we eat either builds up the body and the mind
39:52 or it tears it down.
39:53 The devil just said here, what?
39:55 Jesus said, "I come to give you life
39:56 and have it more abundantly."
39:58 The devil said, "I come to kill,
39:59 steal and destroy."
40:01 So he says you can do the other,
40:02 eat wrong and so it will destroy you.
40:04 So it destroys your thinking,
40:05 so that you can't make right proper decisions.
40:08 See, this is vital.
40:09 This is life and death issue.
40:12 It's not just, "Well, I too."
40:13 This is life and death, we're talking about here.
40:17 John 1:4.
40:19 Remember it says, "In Him was life
40:21 and the light was the light of men."
40:25 So we can either come in harmony with God,
40:28 laws on health,
40:30 or you know what we can do?
40:31 We can tell Him
40:32 we have a better plan than you do.
40:35 Now who's gonna be bold enough to do that?
40:38 Not any God fearing person will.
40:41 Some unbeliever and some pagan might do it,
40:43 because they don't know any better.
40:44 Are you still there?
40:46 But not anyone in the right mind
40:47 that loves Jesus.
40:49 You're not gonna say, "Well, I have a better plan."
40:51 Not at all.
40:52 Education, page 195 says this.
40:55 "Whatever promotes physical health,
40:57 promotes the development of a strong mind
41:00 and well-balanced character."
41:02 Somebody needs to get this before we're done with it.
41:05 "Without health no one can,"
41:07 notice, "as distinctly understand
41:10 or as completely fulfill the obligation to himself
41:14 or to his fellow human being or to his Creator.
41:19 Therefore," listen,
41:20 "therefore health should be as faithfully,
41:24 faithfully guarded as the character."
41:27 Did somebody get that?
41:29 What are we gonna take to heaven with us?
41:30 You've heard it all your life.
41:31 The only thing you can take is what?
41:33 All your money? No.
41:34 Only thing you can take with you is your character.
41:37 It's who you are.
41:39 It says our health that needs to be regard as closely,
41:42 because it's such a close relationship there.
41:44 Wow!
41:46 Again, let's be reminded of this
41:47 in case we've forgotten in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17,
41:52 is what the Bible says,
41:55 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, tells us,
41:58 it says, "Ye are the temple of," what?
42:01 You're the temple of God.
42:03 "The Spirit of God dwells," where?
42:05 "In you.
42:06 If you defile this temple," somebody needs to listen,
42:10 "If you decide
42:11 you want to defile this temple,"
42:13 oh-oh, "him shall God destroy."
42:17 Whoa! Wait.
42:18 Why?
42:19 In my notes, I put why at the end.
42:22 Because the Bible goes on and says because
42:24 "The temple of God is holy which temple ye are."
42:29 If you're born again Christian, you love Jesus.
42:31 There it tells very correctly, if you destroy it,
42:34 willfully destroy the temple right there,
42:36 said God shall destroy you.
42:37 God's temple is to be holy,
42:39 though we need to take the right things
42:40 into it for sure.
42:42 This leads us to the question number four.
42:44 What diet did the Creator originally planned for man?
42:46 I wish we had a lot more time. We don't.
42:48 Genesis 1:29, the Bible says,
42:51 "I have given you every," what?
42:55 "Herb bearing seed."
42:58 God's given us a diet here.
43:00 Oh, it's Old Testament here.
43:01 Same God sits on the throne, same as He did before,
43:05 same mind,
43:08 "I've given you every herb bearing seed,
43:11 every tree which is in the fruit of a tree
43:15 and yielding seed,
43:16 to you it shall be for," notice it says, "for meat."
43:20 It means food.
43:21 No meat involved here, it said food.
43:22 Did you get it?
43:24 We need to be careful that we translate the right way.
43:26 Notice this.
43:28 Interesting, God said right here,
43:29 what I want you to eat is
43:31 something that has seeds in it.
43:36 I want you to have seeds in it.
43:40 Every bearing seed, every tree
43:42 and the fruit of the tree and yielding seed.
43:45 Is it interesting that fine in our man made GMO world,
43:51 you can't find any seeds?
43:54 Okay, somebody's not with me.
43:58 Listen, the devil has a plan, don't you get it?
44:00 This is so important.
44:02 God said in His Word
44:03 things that have seeds in them as well,
44:04 He wants you to eat.
44:06 Now, man has come up and they, what?
44:08 The GMOs, right? Yeah.
44:11 Other thing right there, the enemy says,
44:13 "Oh, God said you gonna have seeds,
44:14 and I'm wanna have things that produced by man
44:18 that doesn't have any seeds in it."
44:20 Because you're leaving out a lot of nutrients
44:21 and a lot of things that are essential
44:23 for good health.
44:25 Oh!
44:26 They're gonna make it taste good.
44:27 Oh, I wanna say most of my research
44:30 and reading about some of these things.
44:32 I said a couple of times
44:33 and "Lord, forgive," I said, well, these people
44:35 who are producing this kind of things are liars.
44:39 Because you go to read about the GMOs
44:41 and they make you think like it's God given.
44:44 That there's never anything bad
44:45 if they say, it's better for you in some research,
44:47 better for you than that which God made with seeds in it
44:51 or something just wrong there.
44:53 That's the counterfeit for the truth.
44:55 So we need to do what God said.
44:57 This is what God said in the beginning,
44:58 He has not changed.
45:00 Genesis 3:18, the Bible says,
45:03 we have some 10 minutes, somebody's got to be...
45:05 Genesis 3:18, it says,
45:06 "After Adam and Eve have eaten from the tree,"
45:09 notice it,
45:10 after Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree that means what?
45:12 Sin had already come in, isn't that right?
45:14 You know what God turned around and said to them,
45:16 "Thou shall," still as it were, "eat the herb of the field."
45:19 People say, "Well, after sinning,
45:21 they went on, you know, we can't do what?"
45:22 God said, "Here's your still your diet."
45:25 We can see from the Word of God that man uses,
45:28 notice that, to eat food from...
45:30 God intended for us to eat food from the ground,
45:33 from the tree, grain, nuts and fruit.
45:37 Notice this right here, to animals...
45:39 The Bible... even said about the animals,
45:41 he said, to eat every green herb,
45:43 vegetables, green plants and grass.
45:46 See, God lined it out.
45:47 But somehow we've taken God off the throne and decide,
45:49 oh, because we read a couple of passages
45:51 in the New Testament that apply.
45:53 Remember, once God has said this is clean,
45:55 that's unclean, it stays that way.
45:57 You cannot change it. Something is wrong.
46:00 The Word of God, some way people in there,
46:01 somebody's been tampering with something.
46:05 It's not God's will.
46:07 It was never God's will for man to kill animals.
46:09 Did you know that?
46:11 For food.
46:12 It was never God's plan
46:14 that animals should kill one another.
46:17 That came about after sin entered.
46:20 And it was, listen very carefully now,
46:23 it was not, I'm not trying to hurt anything or anybody
46:25 but we need to listen up,
46:26 if we hadn't thought about in a while.
46:28 Well, it was never, it was after the flood
46:31 that God gave permission for man
46:33 to eat flesh, is that true?
46:35 After the flood God gave man permission
46:38 to eat of the flesh food.
46:39 Notice though, when you read Genesis 9:3,
46:44 flesh was eaten by people
46:47 before the flood.
46:51 But notice the ones who ate the flesh were those
46:54 who were had rebelled against God
46:57 and they were noted in their rebelliousness.
47:00 Somebody with me.
47:02 Not trying to point fingers anything or anybody today.
47:05 But we have to rely history and studying with this,
47:08 you'll find there were people that certainly killing
47:10 but they weren't followers of God.
47:12 Because God said already
47:13 what we should eat, and what we should not eat.
47:16 Oh man, this is heavy duty.
47:19 What specific animals
47:21 as God forbid man to eat?
47:23 I wish we had time to go into.
47:25 But we need to in Leviticus Chapter 11.
47:27 It just simply says,
47:29 what we are to eat and what we should not eat.
47:32 We have no right to tear out any portion of scripture.
47:35 We have no right to say what's inspired
47:37 and what's not inspired in the Bible.
47:39 Because the Bible said all scriptures,
47:41 ooh, was given by God, by inspiration.
47:43 Now it's written down
47:44 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
47:46 So Holy Spirit's not gonna tell you
47:47 one thing in the Old Testament
47:49 and tell you something new in the New Testament.
47:50 It's not.
47:52 It's going to be these beautiful truths
47:53 that God has for us.
47:55 I want you to just really think about that.
47:57 I'd like to go through those things.
47:58 But you can read that in Leviticus Chapter 11.
48:01 Right on down that God says,
48:02 He talks about the fish and so on scales,
48:04 you know, fins and scales you can eat it,
48:06 talks about, you know, the ones that chews the cud
48:08 and then there's cloven hoof and so on.
48:10 So God just lays it out so clean
48:13 and clear for us
48:15 what He had said that you can eat this,
48:17 and then He says, don't eat that.
48:20 It makes sense. He's our Creator.
48:22 He made us.
48:23 When I have trouble with the car,
48:25 I go to the car manual,
48:26 isn't that right?
48:27 And because they made the car,
48:29 developed, they know what's best for it.
48:31 Now, you know, I think we're figuring out.
48:34 So as man is thinking, notice this,
48:37 as man thinks, it determines his actions.
48:41 He's thinking.
48:42 You think at first in there and then it comes out what?
48:45 In actions or in conduct.
48:46 It's first in the mind,
48:48 then it comes in and is played out.
48:50 If a man thinks know to right,
48:52 it's a good possibility that he's gonna do right.
48:55 If a man thinks on bad things,
48:57 his deeds will probably be bad.
49:00 Please think.
49:02 Does food affect the mind?
49:04 Absolutely, it does.
49:06 Does food affect the spirit spiritually?
49:08 Absolutely, it does.
49:10 Drinking the wrong thing? Absolutely, it does.
49:13 Overall, this is interesting.
49:15 Overall, the food God approves of
49:17 has been found to be the best,
49:20 isn't that beautiful?
49:21 The food that God has approved to heaven said,
49:23 this is what you eat to live and be healthy and happy.
49:26 It's basically approved.
49:27 I've noticed this, it found to be the best.
49:31 We don't have. Here's a key.
49:32 We don't have a disagreements on things
49:36 God approves of.
49:39 But we have disagreements on things that God forbids.
49:43 Somebody listen.
49:46 Notionally, not the things He approves that's the things
49:48 that God says, don't,
49:49 that we have the argument with God about it.
49:51 I wonder why that is, because we want it,
49:53 we like the way it tastes.
49:54 We don't care, even though we know it can hurt.
49:57 It's medically proven it will hurt.
49:58 Take the Bible, lay it on the shelf.
50:00 I don't mean that you really do that.
50:01 But you know what I'm saying here,
50:03 just read what scientists tell, read what doctors,
50:06 look at the reports, the first thing.
50:08 You go in the hospital the first thing you do
50:09 is take you off a pork and meat and different things like that
50:12 because they said that stuff will kill you.
50:16 But they turn around serve it to you
50:17 in the hospital.
50:20 That's all right. Nobody wanted to hear that.
50:21 I know it.
50:23 Got went all day long without saying that.
50:26 But that's what happens.
50:33 We need to be very, very careful
50:35 that we don't have a disagreement with God.
50:39 God gave four laws,
50:40 I'm not gonna have time even to go into it all.
50:42 Four different laws and we need to be careful,
50:43 we don't get them all confused.
50:45 When once He gave us the law of God,
50:47 which is The Ten Commandments, did He not?
50:49 Then He gave us a ceremonial laws,
50:51 you remember that?
50:52 A system of worship
50:54 pointing to Jesus who would come and die.
50:56 He gave us three the civil laws.
50:58 How we could, you know, treat one another.
51:02 In fact, you know, apply to it.
51:04 They say, well, it's applied to Israel only,
51:06 you know what, as long as there are nation
51:08 and so on and so forth.
51:09 Though the fundamentals of these
51:10 are the several things that God give.
51:12 The principles are still good today,
51:14 about taking care of that thing which is well almost same
51:16 which God says to take care of your body, they're good too.
51:18 Fourth, He gave us health laws.
51:20 No one wants to talk about that.
51:22 The health laws for to promote health
51:24 and longer life.
51:26 They're based on the human body,
51:29 the nature of man and the requirements of man,
51:34 which could not be affected by the cross.
51:37 Somebody gets that?
51:39 Well, at the cross, things changed.
51:42 Man's nature, did you get it, the human body,
51:45 the requirements of man
51:46 could not be affected by the, what?
51:48 By the cross
51:50 or Israel even being a nation in operation.
51:54 What was good for the body then is good for the body now,
51:58 as for today.
52:00 Bible says quickly, "Whatever we do, do all to the," what?
52:04 "To the glory of God."
52:05 1 Corinthians 10:31. 1 Corinthians 10:31.
52:09 Whatever you do, whatever you eat,
52:10 whatever you drink, do all to the glory of God.
52:12 How can we say,
52:14 "Well, I'm doing this to the glory of God
52:15 when it, you know, it affects your mind,
52:17 it affects your system, it affects your body?
52:19 1 Corinthians 9:27.
52:21 Paul said this, but he said, "I have kept my body,"
52:24 notice that "under my body and bring it into subjection."
52:28 You notice this?
52:30 A sincere Christian today, are there sincere Christians?
52:33 I believe there are.
52:34 If we consider that our body
52:36 is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
52:39 we need to bring our bodies into subjection.
52:41 The scriptures tell us here, doing all to the glory of God.
52:45 So in order to be a consistent Christian,
52:49 with the Bible and Bible principle here,
52:52 we must accept what the Bible has to say
52:55 about the words in Leviticus Chapter 11.
52:58 We have to if we wanna be consistent with Bible
53:01 and principle of the Word of God,
53:02 if we really believe the Holy Spirit
53:04 is the temple of God.
53:07 Solomon brings up that a wise man.
53:09 Proverbs 20:1, as we wind it down.
53:11 He said, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging,
53:15 and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."
53:20 All drinks it talks about here, they're deception,
53:23 just like Eve was deceived.
53:26 You know, she thought that she was gonna have more wisdom.
53:29 She thought, things were gonna work out better, she ate.
53:32 Man sometime drinks and thinks
53:33 he's better than what he is.
53:34 And he's thinking properly when he's not.
53:37 On the says this,
53:41 "Negative effects of the brain materialize
53:43 only after a few drinks.
53:45 Heavy drinking and binge drinking can result
53:48 in permanent damage of brain and nervous system.
53:50 Long term, it can cause big problems
53:53 for our mental health.
53:56 You know, we need to really think about
53:57 and be praying about these things
53:58 that God has given us in His Word.
54:00 We haven't covered half of it but you know,
54:02 we need to be thinking along this line.
54:04 Today, you know, He has a door that's open
54:06 and He invites us to come in.
54:08 He invites us to make a decision today
54:10 of what we're gonna do.
54:11 Follow God's plan
54:13 when we wanna be healthy and happy.
54:14 And follow what God has said in His Word
54:16 or we're gonna follow the enemy's plan.
54:17 Big disappointment and heartache
54:19 not only in this life, but in the life to come.
54:22 It's up to you to make that choice
54:23 and that decision.
54:24 Don't do it by your eyes, don't do it by your nose
54:27 and by your ears or whatever it might be,
54:29 do it by thus saith the Lord.
54:31 I'm gonna say a quick prayer as we close,
54:33 a few seconds left.
54:34 I'd like if you pray with me please.
54:36 Father in Heaven, thank You for Your love and Your mercy.
54:38 Thank You for the Word that You've given us today.
54:40 Help us to accept it
54:41 and say thank You for it in Jesus' name.
54:43 Amen.
54:45 Good to spend this time with you.
54:46 Thank you for your prayers, your support.
54:48 We'll see you next time.
54:50 Hello and welcome back.
54:51 One thing is for certain, when it comes to knowing
54:54 and understanding spiritual matters,
54:56 we will never graduate from the School of Christ.
54:59 So many of God's children are totally unaware
55:02 of the wonderful principles of health,
55:04 our Creator God has given us in His Word.
55:07 Again, the message for today was entitled
55:09 "The Bible's Path to Health."
55:12 And how wonderful that God cares so very much
55:15 about the sufferings of His children.
55:17 So much so that He directed the Bible writers
55:21 through the power of the Holy Spirit
55:23 to give us sound direction
55:26 as to the importance of our body temples,
55:29 as well as the best nourishment for optimal health.
55:33 And who can argue with the original diet
55:36 given to man from our Creator,
55:38 and who would dare to say that habits such as
55:42 using tobacco, drinking strong drinks,
55:44 eating unclean foods are good for us,
55:47 when all we have to do is just look around.
55:51 Look around and see the lives of those
55:53 who are suffering from these habits
55:55 and of those whose lives have literally been cut short
55:59 by these health destroying consumptions.
56:02 Friends, our prayer is that you have
56:06 or are making the decision right now,
56:10 right here along with us that from this day forward
56:14 you will plan to continue to study
56:16 and follow the Bible's Path to Health.
56:20 And let us help you.
56:21 Let us continue to remind you of what you heard here today.
56:25 We will send you this message for a love gift
56:28 of just $8 or more, along with our free offer
56:32 of this Bible study guide that is entitled
56:35 "Sharing God's Love Makes You Happier,
56:37 What the Bible Says."
56:39 And should you decide that you would like to have
56:42 all 25 hours, 25 hours of programming
56:47 that includes other topics such as
56:49 "Your Day in Court,
56:51 How You Can Become a New Person,
56:53 What Happens to Man After Death,
56:56 and Prayers that are Answered."
56:58 We will gladly send all 25 hours of studies
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57:11 So all you have to do is simply pick up the phone right now
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57:48 Until next time, friends,
57:49 may our precious Lord continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2019-05-10