Body and Spirit

Burning Body Fat

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg Morikone, Michael Webb, Dick Nunez


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000016

00:01 [Disclaimer]
00:14 Stay tuned for Body & Spirit!
00:16 You wont want to miss today's show!
00:17 We're going to learn how to burn body fat.
00:48 Hello I'm Dick Nunez, Wellness Director for
00:51 the Black Hills Health and Education Center.
00:52 Welcome to Body & Spirit!
00:54 Today we're going to be going over
00:55 one of the most controversial topics
00:56 that's very badly misunderstood
00:59 and that's how to burn body fat.
01:00 The Bible tells us in the book of Proverbs
01:02 that "we're better to put a knife to our throat
01:04 "than be a person taken by appetite."
01:06 So that's makes us feel like
01:08 we're not supposed to be obese
01:10 and we feel like all the exercise we do should be
01:12 helpful but often times
01:14 we don't realize there's a missing ingredient to
01:16 how to burn body fat
01:17 and that's stimulating the muscles in order to
01:19 make the metabolism have a nice boost.
01:21 So, we're gonna do that today as we get into our exercise
01:24 So let's get started!
01:26 Joining me today will be Mike and Greg
01:29 as we get into our routine.
01:34 It's very important whenever we train the body
01:37 to do the entire body
01:39 because the stronger we get
01:40 the more calories our body's gonna be able to burn.
01:43 It's just like having a very large car
01:45 or very large truck,
01:46 the bigger it is the more gas it burns.
01:48 So as our body gets stronger
01:50 our metabolism will kick up in gear.
01:52 We're going to start by
01:53 squeezing our hands together
01:55 and we're going to push over to the side.
01:59 All the way.
02:01 Feel the chest contract.
02:02 Now we're going to come the other way.
02:04 Go all the way across.
02:05 Feel the chest contract.
02:06 And again, this can be done by anybody!
02:08 And, it doesn't have to be done
02:11 from a standing position.
02:12 You could be sitting down in a chair
02:14 and still doing this exercise.
02:16 No matter if you're 15
02:17 or 95 you can still do this!
02:19 Whether you're male or female!
02:21 These exercises will be good for you.
02:23 The stronger you are the harder you push.
02:26 If you don't have that much strength then just simply
02:29 go through the range of motion
02:31 and even that will make you much,
02:33 much more effective at moving your body
02:35 and as you get stronger you'll get built push harder
02:38 to get the type of work out you need.
02:41 Let's keep pushing across.
02:43 One after the other!
02:44 Push...
02:46 ...and push,
02:48 ...and push,
02:50 Contract the chest each time!
02:54 And push.
02:55 Let's keep it going!
02:57 And do five more!
03:02 There's 1 and 2.
03:06 Keep contracting that chest!
03:09 There's 3!
03:10 Two more times!
03:13 And 4,
03:15 And last one!
03:17 5!
03:18 Now let's bring it to the middle.
03:19 Turn your hands up and I want you to push hard!
03:22 Push a nice steady push!
03:25 Push it!
03:26 Push it as hard as you can.
03:28 Push, push...
03:29 Let's go ten more seconds!
03:31 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
03:41 Good!
03:42 Now as we always do, we want to stretch out.
03:45 Just lean back,
03:47 feel it stretching through the chest.
03:52 Now let's reach across our body.
03:59 Again you're going to reach back
04:04 and bring it across our body.
04:09 Okay.
04:11 Mike if you would,
04:12 could you get our towels for us please?
04:17 As you can see here we have our very expensive
04:20 exercise equipment again,
04:22 our towels!
04:23 -Very useful when it comes to adding some resistance.
04:26 What we're going to do is we're gonna
04:28 work the upper back muscles.
04:29 Very important to train all the major muscle groups
04:31 because they're the ones that really call for the
04:34 main metabolic action.
04:35 So we're gonna put the towels up over our head
04:38 and we're going to pull over to the side
04:44 and feel it stretch.
04:46 Now pull across the other way.
04:47 Resist yourself both ways as you do it.
04:52 Keep the tension on!
04:57 Feel it work.
05:00 Again, pull and pull.
05:07 You wanna really pull tight as if you're trying
05:11 to pull that towel right in two!
05:14 Okay, let's keep going here!
05:16 You guys keep going!
05:19 And you really wanna focus
05:23 on those muscles right here in this area.
05:24 Right in through the latissimus dorsi.
05:27 Keep the arms straight!
05:30 Contract the muscles in through here.
05:34 Okay let's do five more!
05:39 And back across!
05:44 Okay two more!
05:48 Okay good! Relax.
05:51 Okay, we wanna stretch that area out now.
05:53 Let's stretch the arm up over the head and pull.
06:01 Remember we're going to hold each stretch
06:03 for a 10 to 15 second time period.
06:06 Now switch over!
06:13 Feel that pull in through the latissimus area?
06:17 The area we were just working.
06:20 Okay relax.
06:21 Okay now we're going to work the shoulder area.
06:24 The way we're going to do the shoulders today is
06:26 we're simply gonna turn our hands like this
06:29 and we're gonna push up and then as we come down
06:32 we're going to alternate the other arm.
06:35 We're going to go up and down.
06:38 Try and give yourself a little resistance
06:40 as you push and pull down.
06:42 Use muscle against muscle.
06:46 There's various actions of muscular movement.
06:49 One's called isotonic which is resistance
06:52 through a range of motion.
06:53 One's isokinetic where the resistance is
06:56 controlled through a range of motion.
06:58 And then there's isometric which is movement against
07:00 or pressure against an immovable object.
07:03 Now what we're going to do is turn our hands to the side.
07:08 Keep going up and down.
07:10 All the way up!
07:12 All the way down!
07:17 Okay now we're going to turn our palms in
07:22 and up and down still.
07:25 Since we're not using weights
07:27 we're gonna have to do a few more repetitions
07:30 than we otherwise would.
07:31 But as we look to metabolize fat
07:34 the more we keep the movement going
07:35 the better off we are!
07:37 Rotate the hands back to the front again!
07:44 When we look to burn body fat,
07:47 obviously, aerobic exercise,
07:48 a rhythmic activity of a major muscle group
07:50 is very effective in burning fat.
07:54 When you do an aerobic training which is
07:56 resistance work -what we're doing here,
07:58 you don't burn fat while you're doing it!
08:01 However, when you rest,
08:02 then your body is metabolizing fat.
08:05 Okay keep going there!
08:07 Let's turn the palms again -in.
08:15 Reach way up!
08:17 Okay rotate them totally inward now.
08:21 So the palm is facing you.
08:24 Reach way up.
08:25 Remember, if you need to stop and relax,
08:28 put your arms down, that's fine!
08:30 Not for you guys though!
08:32 Keep going!
08:33 Okay, now let's rotate them back to the front again.
08:37 Keep pushing up!
08:42 You starting to feel that yet?
08:44 Way up high!
08:45 Okay now we're going to take the arms down to the front
08:49 now we're gonna draw the arms up and back down.
08:53 And up and down.
08:55 We're gonna to concentrate on the muscles on
08:57 the side of the neck called the trapezius muscles.
09:01 They are very long muscles.
09:02 That starts all the way up at the back of your skull
09:05 and goes down to the 12th thoracic vertebrate.
09:08 Very long muscle!
09:09 Very important for posture and neck stability.
09:18 Once again,
09:19 as we do this exercise program we're focusing on
09:21 the major muscle groups because the stronger we get
09:24 the more fat we can burn!
09:28 Up and then down.
09:30 Anytime we do this type of exercise our body
09:32 produces what are called fat burning enzymes.
09:35 When those fat burning enzymes are released
09:38 then when we do our aerobic exercise,
09:40 our walking, or our bicycling.
09:42 Whatever we want to do...
09:43 ...gardening or whatever we're doing!
09:45 We can burn more fat because our body's now more effective.
09:50 Okay, we're going to put our arms out straight
09:53 and we're gonna go out to the side,
09:56 Back in!
09:59 Now out.
10:00 And in,
10:02 and out,
10:04 and in,
10:06 out!
10:08 Good!
10:09 Keep it going!
10:10 Keep those arms nice and level.
10:12 We're gonna do three more!
10:15 1
10:18 2
10:20 and 3!
10:21 Now we're gonna just hold it there!
10:23 We're gonna try to hold it for 30 seconds.
10:24 And once again, if you have to put your arms down,
10:27 that's fine!
10:28 But we want you to really
10:29 focus on getting as much stimulation as you can
10:31 out of the exercise.
10:33 So you want to challenge yourself just a little bit.
10:35 We're not looking to cause any joint discomfort
10:38 but you might feel a little bit of muscular burning
10:40 as you do it and that's the lactic acid
10:42 that takes place through the metabolic process.
10:45 And, when that happens then the body is
10:47 going to go in to an emergency mode wanting to
10:49 produce more fuel for the muscles
10:52 and that's where the fat starts to burn.
10:54 Okay good!
10:56 Feel that?
10:57 Alright!
10:58 Okay, now we need to stretch those shoulders out.
11:00 So, we're going to bring our arm across.
11:02 Pull it all the way across and feel that nice stretch!
11:11 Okay let's go to the other side now.
11:15 Feel it stretch!
11:19 Once again, we're holding it for
11:21 about 10 to 15 seconds.
11:25 Okay good!
11:26 Let's pick up our towels again.
11:31 Now once again, because of the fact that burning fat
11:33 requires a lot of calorie stimulation to the muscles;
11:36 we're going to add resistance by
11:38 adding curls with the towel.
11:41 So, you're going to grab the towel like this.
11:43 So when you pull down on it it's going to encourage
11:46 your wrist to turn out to help you with
11:49 the suprastination position.
11:50 You're going to resist down with the other hand
11:54 and curl up and go all the way down.
11:57 Okay, go ahead and start doing that.
12:00 I want you to do 15 on each side.
12:03 Put a lot of effort into it!
12:04 You want to make sure you really focus on the muscle.
12:07 Pull it all the way down.
12:08 Remember, we want a full range of motion!
12:10 Always want a full range of motion
12:12 as we do the exercises.
12:16 We wanna make sure we get a good exchange of air,
12:19 in through the nose and out through the mouth preferably.
12:24 People worry about whether or not
12:26 they should breath in or out
12:27 during the contraction phase.
12:29 The most important thing is that you breath!
12:31 I don't want anybody passing out up here!
12:33 But, as people exercise we don't want them to
12:36 get into what's called the valsalva effect
12:38 where they [exhaling tightly through the mouth]
12:40 just strain and cut off their air because
12:42 it creates inner thorastic innercranial pressure
12:45 and we don't want that!
12:47 So we want to do about 15 and then switch sides.
12:50 You've already switched?
12:51 Okay!
12:55 Remember, you control how hard you work on this.
13:04 As we focus in here,
13:05 if we look at Greg here we can see that
13:07 the muscle is going through contraction
13:09 the way we want it to be doing.
13:11 As we go through the exercise...
13:18 -Okay you about done there Mike?
13:20 Okay good!
13:21 Okay that's the spirit!
13:24 He had a couple more to do.
13:25 He didn't want to stop and prematurely.
13:27 That's good.
13:28 Okay now we're going to do the tricep
13:29 and we're going to do these just a little bit different
13:32 than we've done before.
13:33 We're gonna hold our towel,
13:35 we're gonna bend over
13:37 and then we're going to push out
13:39 and then pull back through.
13:40 Push out and pull through.
13:41 This is called a kick back exercise
13:43 and it's a real good one for tricep isolation.
13:50 The thing we want to remember
13:52 when it comes to muscle versus fat,
13:54 a lot of people think that they're interchangeable
13:56 and they're not.
13:57 Fat and muscle are not the same things!
13:59 You have to burn one, you have to develop the other!
14:03 One pound of fat is 3500 calories.
14:06 One pound of muscle is 600 calories.
14:08 So somebody can lose 6 pounds of lean body mass
14:12 for every pound of fat.
14:15 Okay, let's switch to the other side now.
14:21 Extend all the way out
14:22 and pull back through.
14:28 So what that means is that
14:29 if somebody called you from a grocery store
14:30 and said I have this great sale here for $1.25 a pound,
14:36 Hopefully the next question would be
14:37 "$1.25 for a pound of what?"
14:39 So often these places that advertise
14:41 this "fast weight loss"
14:43 lose 30 pounds in 30 days...
14:45 first question should be
14:47 "30 pounds of what?"
14:48 It's easy to have somebody lose muscle mass
14:50 and lean vital organs
14:52 and necessarial fluids
14:55 but burning fat is a whole different thing!
14:58 Okay let's do five more there.
15:06 Two more!
15:10 Okay good.
15:11 Now we're going to put our towels behind our back
15:14 and we're just gonna raise up,
15:17 to get a stretch there.
15:22 Hold it for about ten seconds!
15:26 Now relax!
15:27 And back up one more time...
15:29 Raise it up!
15:31 Mike you should be pretty good at this
15:32 with your shoulder flexibility there.
15:36 Yeah he sure is!
15:39 Okay good and relax.
15:41 Okay we're gonna just put our towels off to the side.
15:44 We're still going to use them one more time.
15:47 What we're going to do now
15:48 is we're going to do some leg exercise.
15:49 We're gonna do what is called lunges.
15:52 We've shown lunges before.
15:53 We're going to do them this time
15:55 with a little bit of variation.
15:56 So let's go ahead and put your hands on your hips,
15:58 I want you to lunge way out,
16:01 okay now while you're there
16:03 go down, now come up,
16:05 back down again
16:06 And up,
16:08 and down,
16:09 and up,
16:10 And down!
16:11 Two more times!
16:12 Down.
16:13 One more!
16:15 Okay now back.
16:16 Now switch over!
16:18 Okay good.
16:24 And one more time!
16:26 Now switch!
16:29 Now for you at home if you can't go
16:32 as far down as these fellows are going
16:34 that's okay!
16:35 Just get a little range of motion
16:36 that's fine,
16:38 we're gonna do five
16:39 and then we're going to switch!
16:43 And if this becomes too easy
16:45 you can always add dumbbells in your hand
16:47 as you do this exercise!
16:50 Okay if you have sore knees
16:53 or have problems in that regard
16:54 this might be a difficult exercise for you to do.
16:57 So what we'll do then is just not step out very far
17:00 and once again just a short range of motion.
17:02 Just enough to make those muscles start to contract.
17:07 Okay let's keep going!
17:10 This is a great metabolic stimulator.
17:12 Nothing stimulates the body like training legs
17:15 because it requires so much energy!
17:17 The legs are constantly on the move so there's
17:19 lots of aerobic fibers in there
17:20 so you can really take them far into the training range
17:24 and still keep going
17:27 but nothing creates a metabolic effect
17:28 and starts helping body fat burn like this,
17:30 I've seen people time and time again
17:33 who have gone on weight loss programs,
17:35 calorie restricting programs,
17:37 they exercise, they do their walking and so forth
17:39 but they still don't burn body fat and then when
17:43 we put them into a resistance workout program
17:45 then all of a sudden the fat starts to burn.
17:53 Okay let's just do a few more here.
17:56 You started with your right leg right?
17:58 okay
18:02 Let's do them one more time on each side
18:03 step out with the right leg.
18:06 Good!
18:11 And back with the left.
18:19 Okay what we're going to do now is
18:21 just step out with the right leg
18:23 and just go into the position
18:24 and just hold it there.
18:26 Hold it, good!
18:27 Remember you wanna keep the chest up,
18:30 the zyphoid process up as we hold the position.
18:36 No problem right?
18:37 Keep smiling Greg!
18:42 Okay switch!
18:55 We're looking good!
18:56 Looks like we're starting to get just a little bit
18:57 of wobble in that leg.
18:59 That's what we're looking to see!
19:04 Okay go ahead and relax.
19:06 I want you to go ahead
19:07 and lay down on your side there on the floor.
19:10 Yeah that's fine.
19:12 Head up that way.
19:14 Okay you just get yourself comfortable
19:16 and kind of brace your head in your hand.
19:18 Now what I want you to do is grab your ankle here,
19:21 bring your leg back and feel that quadriceps stretch.
19:25 Now go ahead and pull it back!
19:32 There you go!
19:36 This is a good way to do a stretch
19:37 if you don't have someplace to brace yourself.
19:43 Once again, we're going to hold it
19:44 for about a 10 to 15 second time period.
19:50 Okay let's flip over and go the other way.
19:59 Okay as you get more flexible
20:01 you can pull back even further.
20:04 There you go!
20:07 Mike you should be plenty flexible.
20:11 There you go!
20:12 Pull that leg a little bit.
20:14 That's pretty good!
20:15 Nice and firm.
20:18 Now remember,
20:20 even though we have a couple of young men like this
20:22 these exercises are for everybody!
20:23 Not just for men, not just for young men
20:25 but anybody can do them!
20:28 Okay good.
20:29 Now I'd like you to take your towel
20:31 and just in a seated position
20:35 put your legs out straight... I'd like you to
20:39 hook the towel around your feet.
20:40 Okay and now I'd like you to assist yourselves
20:43 in a hamstring stretch by pulling forward.
20:47 Okay pull yourself forward.
20:50 There you go!
20:51 I want you to hold it for about a five second count
20:55 and then just relax.
20:58 Okay and pull again.
21:03 Nice, steady pull.
21:06 We've talked before about the hamstrings being
21:08 so important for flexibility.
21:11 Okay relax
21:13 and one more time,
21:14 stretch it out!
21:21 Okay good.
21:22 Okay Mike you want to go ahead
21:24 and put the towels back away there.
21:30 I want to give you an example
21:32 of something you DON'T want to do.
21:34 Mike, I want you to
21:36 touch your toes just standing there.
21:39 Okay now back up again and back down again.
21:42 This is a common exercise that used to be
21:43 done all the time called the toe touch.
21:46 It's not one that we want you to focus on doing
21:48 because it can cause back problems so we go away
21:50 from that type of stretch
21:53 I tell you, right?
21:54 We go away from that type of stretch
21:56 and do it from a seated position
21:58 and then we can do them without hurting our self.
22:00 The other thing we want to try and avoid is
22:02 any type of resistance behind our head where
22:05 we're either pressing up or pulling down.
22:07 Now when you do the stretching with the towel that's okay.
22:09 But if we have a lot of bearing resistance
22:11 when we're trying to push up
22:12 then we can create some problems with
22:15 the upper thoracic area
22:16 and that's something we don't want.
22:18 We don't want to injure ourselves.
22:19 One of the most popular exercises out there is
22:21 just a common bench press but actually,
22:24 if you look at the biomechanics of it,
22:25 it doesn't allow your scapula to come together properly.
22:27 So it actually can become dangerous to do
22:30 especially if you do it improperly
22:32 which a lot of people do.
22:33 Okay, so now what we're going to do is
22:35 we're going to do some calf work
22:38 and I just want you to step back,
22:40 press your heel into the ground
22:42 and we're gonna push up on the toe and back down.
22:46 Press up and then down.
22:48 Feel it stretch all the way to the ground each time.
23:02 Way up on the toe and back down.
23:05 Five more!
23:10 And two more.
23:12 Good!
23:13 Switch over!
23:17 Remember,
23:18 this area is so important that often times
23:20 athletes or people who used to be athletes
23:22 will go out and they'll get into some
23:24 athletic competition
23:25 and all of a sudden it feels like
23:27 somebody hit them in the back of the heel
23:29 with a racket or a bat.
23:30 The reality of what happened is that
23:31 they just tore their Achilles tendon.
23:33 Not something you want to do!
23:35 So, it's very important to keep these muscles in good,
23:37 strong shape and also very flexible.
23:48 .Okay good.
23:49 What I'm gonna have these fellows do now is
23:52 a little bit of an advanced abdominal exercise.
23:54 Why don't you go ahead and get on your back.
23:58 Okay you're going to put your hands behind your neck,
24:02 bring your knees up
24:04 and take your feet off the floor.
24:06 Now I want you to draw an elbow up to a knee
24:09 and alternate it across and come back
24:11 and hit the other one.
24:13 Good.
24:18 This encourages full abdominal contraction
24:20 as we draw up with the lower abdominal
24:22 and contract with the upper abdominal.
24:26 Now the way a body contracts on a homosapien
24:28 is once you contract a muscle
24:30 the whole thing contracts.
24:32 So we're gonna get a good abdominal effect
24:34 by doing it this way.
24:37 As you see, we have a little variance here.
24:39 Greg is doing it more by using his trunk to come up.
24:44 That's fine you can do it that way!
24:46 Where Mike is depending more on his hips
24:49 to come up to his elbow.
24:51 Both will create the desire effect.
24:56 Starting to feel that yet?
25:00 Keep going!
25:09 Okay good.
25:11 Flip over onto your stomachs.
25:15 Now we want to stretch those abdominal muscles out.
25:18 Okay I want you to push up
25:20 and keep your pelvis on the ground.
25:23 Good!
25:24 Just feel that stretch!
25:28 Okay
25:30 Come down.
25:32 Let's go up one more time!
25:34 Feel that nice stretch!
25:41 Good!
25:42 Okay, lay back down.
25:43 Put your hands behind your back.
25:44 Now let's just raise the chest up off the floor.
25:48 Okay and back down.
25:49 Now let's just do repetitions.
25:51 One after the other.
25:52 Let's do 20 one right after another.
25:59 Good!
26:00 Keep going!
26:02 8, 9, 10
26:04 Ten more!
26:14 Three more!
26:16 Okay now up on your hands and knees
26:20 and what you're going to do is
26:21 you're going to put your left arm out
26:23 and point it out.
26:24 Now put you right leg back
26:26 and point that straight out!
26:28 Right leg!
26:29 There you go!
26:31 -Just hold that.
26:36 Okay, let's switch over to the other side.
26:45 Nice, steady contraction!
26:52 Alright!
26:53 Good job fellows!
26:54 Thanks a lot!
26:58 What we went over today was a
26:59 program designed to help you burn body fat.
27:03 Remember body fat is not lost in rapid measure.
27:06 It takes time!
27:08 If you have to burn 3500 calories
27:09 that means you're burning 500 calories a day
27:11 for 7 days in order to get 3500!
27:13 You're not going to lose body fat overnight!
27:15 It didn't come on over night!
27:17 So it's going to take time.
27:19 But just by restricting calories
27:20 or eating less isn't going to do it
27:22 because when people do that,
27:23 they actually start tapping into their own
27:25 lean body mass and instead of losing fat
27:28 people are losing muscle.
27:30 We don't want to do that!
27:31 Muscle is the key to helping us get
27:33 that metabolism back to the excitement
27:36 and stimulation of our youth.
27:38 But remember,
27:39 no matter what else we do
27:41 whenever we exercise-
27:43 we do it for the proper reason.
27:44 "We can do all things through Christ
27:46 "who strengthens us."
27:47 God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17