Body and Spirit

Time Efficient Training

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dick Nunez, Greg Morikone, Moses Primo Jr.


Series Code: BAS

Program Code: BAS000012

00:01 [Disclaimer]
00:14 Exercise is a very misunderstood topic!
00:17 Stay tuned for Body & Spirit!
00:18 Find out how you can get a good
00:20 total body work out in a short amount of time!
00:50 Hello I'm Dick Nunez, Wellness Director for
00:51 Black Hills Health and Education Center.
00:54 Welcome to Body & Spirit!
00:55 When I worked in the athletic club industry,
00:58 I saw so many people come in and go through
01:00 hours and hours of exercise!
01:02 And unfortunately,
01:03 many of them were just beating their heads
01:05 against the wall!
01:06 They think they need to do more to get more benefit.
01:09 And actually, the reverse is true!
01:11 If we do a little bit and do it properly;
01:14 we're going to get a lot more benefit than if we
01:17 just spent a lot of time and waste that time.
01:19 In the Bible we read about the fact that Jesus was
01:23 very efficient at what He did.
01:24 When he went around helping people
01:26 and healing people
01:27 He got right to the point!
01:29 He didn't make things draw out for
01:30 a long period of time!
01:31 When there were demons to cast out;
01:33 He got it over with and got it done.
01:34 So, if we use that type of principle,
01:37 whenever we look at life;
01:38 let's not make things too drawn out
01:39 and make it so difficult for people
01:42 that nobody can follow it!
01:43 Let's make things precise and affective!
01:46 And we're going to do that today
01:48 with our exercise program!
01:49 We're gonna get a very good overall body workout
01:51 and do it in a very short amount of time.
01:53 I think we're ready to get started here!
01:55 Helping me out today will be Mo and Greg!
02:01 Okay let's go ahead and get loosened up here!
02:04 We'll start with some arm circles!
02:08 Careful to give yourself enough room.
02:11 We don't want anybody to hit each other!
02:14 Okay and let's go five more!
02:17 Nice and big!
02:21 Last one!
02:23 Now the other way.
02:30 And five more!
02:37 Good!
02:38 Alright!
02:39 We're gonna start with the upper body
02:41 and we're going to start with some push ups;
02:43 so hit the deck!
02:46 We're gonna do them slow!
02:48 We're gonna do ten seconds down,
02:50 ten seconds up!
02:52 So pay attention to my count.
02:54 Ready!
02:55 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
03:02 Up!
03:03 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
03:09 Try not to bounce!
03:10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
03:18 Up!
03:19 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
03:26 Down!
03:27 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
03:34 Up!
03:36 ...2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
03:42 Down!
03:43 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
03:51 Up!
03:52 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
03:57 Get up! Get up!
03:59 Come on!
04:00 Come on!
04:01 Okay, let's go partway down
04:04 and we're gonna hold for 20!
04:06 Hang on!
04:08 Good!
04:09 There's five seconds. Hang on!
04:11 I see the muscles are starting to
04:12 tremble a little bit!
04:14 That's good!
04:15 10
04:16 Hang in there!
04:19 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
04:26 Alright!
04:27 Good!
04:29 Up on the feet!
04:30 Okay let's stretch out.
04:33 Reach back!
04:36 Feel it stretch!
04:38 Bring it across.
04:40 Pull the scapula out.
04:44 Okay and back again.
04:48 Chest up!
04:50 Bring it across.
04:52 Pull the scapula out!
04:56 Okay good!
04:57 Okay, Greg, you wanna get our towels for us there?
05:03 We're gonna do some upper back training there
05:05 and for those at home if you don't have a partner;
05:09 I just want you
05:10 to do some one arm pulls helping yourself.
05:13 We're gonna do a little buddy action here.
05:19 Okay!
05:20 What you're doing;
05:21 -let me give a little demonstration here for you.
05:22 We're going to be facing opposites
05:23 so we're each going to be doing...
05:25 here turn your left foot towards me.
05:28 There you go!
05:29 We're gonna be doing the right arm.
05:30 So you're going to be pulling in and pulling back.
05:33 Okay.
05:34 So what you want to do is try
05:35 to give each other a good full range of motion;
05:39 but yet give resistance as well.
05:42 So, it doesn't want to turn into
05:43 a tug of war match.
05:46 Okay, let's go!
05:49 Good!
05:52 Again for those at home;
05:53 just do it with one arm at a time!
05:58 Good!
05:59 Nice and tight!
06:01 Make sure the person gets all the way out.
06:10 Good!
06:11 And one thing they're doing is they're communicating
06:13 with each other saying;
06:14 "Give me more! Make me work harder!"
06:17 And that's good!
06:18 When you work out together you want to communicate
06:20 with one another.
06:23 Good!
06:25 Good!
06:26 Excellent!
06:28 Okay!
06:29 Let's go ten more each way!
06:30 You should be feeling it in the back there!
06:35 Good!
06:43 Four more!
06:49 And last one coming up!
06:54 Okay, pull back!
06:56 Good!
06:57 We didn't want you to get cut short.
06:58 Okay, reverse it now.
07:00 Now have the other leg forward
07:02 now we're doing the left side.
07:04 Okay and go.
07:12 Good!
07:17 Arnold Schwarzenegger used to do this
07:18 with Franco Colombo all the time.
07:21 In getting ready for body building contests.
07:23 Not that you guys remind me of that
07:24 but this is the exercise they knew!
07:27 [chuckle]
07:30 Pull!
07:34 Twelve more!
07:37 Good.
07:38 Nice steady pull.
07:39 You're doing excellent!
07:41 Reach out.
07:42 You want to feel it in your back as you do that!
07:51 7, 8, 9
07:57 Good!
07:59 10 Two more!
08:02 11 and 12
08:05 Excellent!
08:06 Okay, we're going to put the towels off
08:08 to the side here for a moment.
08:10 We're going to do some lateral raises.
08:12 Come on up front Greg.
08:14 And what we're going to do is
08:16 help each other with resistance!
08:17 Okay up and then you push down.
08:19 Okay, alright!
08:21 Go ahead and take my spot there Mo!
08:24 For those at home;
08:25 just go ahead and do this without weight
08:28 or take some dumbbells
08:30 or take some books or some cans
08:33 or some empty jugs which you can just use
08:35 as a consistent weight.
08:38 If you have somebody to work out with;
08:39 a partner can be an excellent benefit!
08:42 For one thing, it gives you somebody
08:45 to be accountable with.
08:46 Sometimes you may not feel like working out
08:49 but if you have a work out partner,
08:51 they'll say,
08:52 "Yeah come on! Let's do it!"
08:53 So, you help keep each other going.
08:57 Ten more!
08:59 Okay make him tired MO!
09:02 Make him tired!
09:03 Okay, we're not getting in
09:05 a wrestling match though.
09:07 Get them down.
09:09 Good! Good!
09:11 Again, they're communicating with one another saying;
09:13 "give me a little more resistance
09:16 "here or a little less."
09:18 Let me get the full range.
09:21 Either one!
09:23 And two more times!
09:26 Last one!
09:27 Now hold it up there Greg!
09:29 Make him push you down.
09:32 Okay you're in a little bit of a match now.
09:34 He wants you to push him down!
09:35 He's giving you a good static hold on the last one.
09:38 Make sure you breath!
09:40 Keep pushing down!
09:42 Good. Good.
09:43 Good. Good!
09:44 Good!
09:45 Keep pushing on him Mo!
09:47 Alright! Good job!
09:48 Alright reverse it.
09:55 Okay and up.
10:02 It's very helpful when
10:04 you're working out with somebody.
10:05 Especially if it's someone in your own family.
10:07 That can be a really good way of having
10:09 social interaction.
10:10 Families need more things they can do with one another
10:13 and exercise is a great thing!
10:19 Good!
10:21 It's very important when you do your exercise
10:23 to make sure you keep breathing.
10:25 Don't hold your breath at all!
10:27 These guys are doing fine.
10:28 I can hear a good exchange of air.
10:32 The best way to breath is;
10:33 in through the nose and out through the mouth.
10:37 Now, we're gonna do five more.
10:45 And three more.
10:47 Good!
10:52 Now hold it up there Mo.
10:53 Make him work to push you down!
10:55 Good! Alright!
10:56 Okay, let's stretch out now.
10:58 Let's bring the arm up over the head and pull it over.
11:05 Okay.
11:06 And let's hold that for ten more seconds.
11:10 And 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Switch!
11:20 And ten more seconds.
11:27 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Good.
11:32 Okay now we're going to do some bicep exercise
11:34 and we'll do it in partner fashion again.
11:36 Go ahead and face me.
11:38 You won't need the towel there.
11:40 Palms up.
11:41 Okay you're going to bring it up all the way
11:42 and then you're going to help resist
11:44 on the way down.
11:45 ...And then up
11:47 and down.
11:48 Okay.
11:49 Take that spot!
11:50 For those at home; go ahead an use your towel.
11:53 If you have one -you can do curls that way
11:56 or you can manually resist. Okay.
11:58 The thing we want to do is
12:00 make sure we get full range of motion
12:05 and make sure that we get some resistance there.
12:08 Now, remember, we're going to be doing a certain
12:10 amount of repetition so we don't have to get
12:12 a maximum fatigue right at first.
12:14 Each repetition will start to take
12:16 a little bit of energy out of you.
12:19 The goal is to try to get to momentary
12:21 muscular fatigue.
12:23 If we do it properly,
12:24 we only have to do one set of them.
12:27 Now, people can do 3, 4, 5 sets or 10 sets!
12:30 Whatever they want.
12:31 But if they do it right one set is found
12:34 to be as good as doing three sets.
12:36 I used to train 7 days a week 4 hours a day
12:38 and found just as much benefit from
12:40 3 times a week for only about 20 minutes.
12:43 Okay up.
12:45 Good!
12:46 All the way down.
12:47 All the way down.
12:48 All the way down.
12:51 Up, okay good!
12:54 We're going to do five more!
12:56 You can also use dumbbells for this, although,
12:58 you don't want to refer to your partner as that.
13:07 Okay now hold it tight
13:09 and give him a ten count!
13:10 Push it hard!
13:11 1, 2 Push hard.
13:13 3, 4
13:14 Try and get him back down Mo!
13:16 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
13:19 Good!
13:21 Okay reverse!
13:22 Obviously the partner's getting some
13:24 workout there as well.
13:25 Just holding him back.
13:27 Okay go ahead and start your curls.
13:36 One of the main factor's I have found
13:37 when it comes to exercise, is the rest factor.
13:42 If I were to go out and shovel snow
13:45 and do it for 2 straight hours without gloves;
13:47 my hands are gonna look like hamburger!
13:48 But, if I work up to 2 hours my hands will become
13:51 very calloused and that's about the same thing
13:54 with muscle when we're exercising.
13:56 We're stimulating the body to a point where
13:59 we put fatigue on it and put stress on it;
14:02 and when it recovers it becomes stronger!
14:04 If we do too much at once
14:07 we don't recover.
14:08 Let's go all the way down.
14:11 Good!
14:12 That's better!
14:14 All the way down!
14:16 That's so important to get
14:17 the full range of motion here.
14:19 Now this is a little bit more awkward than
14:21 just doing weights on your own, but still,
14:23 it gives you a good workout!
14:25 And as you get better at it;
14:26 it will become more of a natural movement for you!
14:31 Okay, we've got five more Mo!
14:40 Good!
14:41 Two more!
14:44 Last one coming up!
14:47 Okay keep the palms up!
14:49 Come back up again, okay half way.
14:52 Okay push down.
14:54 Give him a ten second count.
14:56 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
15:00 Keep pushing Greg!
15:01 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10
15:05 Okay, good!
15:06 Now we're going to reverse it.
15:07 We're going into a tricep position
15:09 and Mo you're going to get in here like this
15:11 and as you push down Greg,
15:12 you're going to ride with him down
15:14 and then give him resistance on the way back up.
15:17 Okay, for those at home;
15:19 you can then use a towel again to help yourself
15:22 or just use your hand to give you
15:25 the resistance down.
15:26 The main thing is going through
15:29 the range of motion and fatiguing the muscle.
15:32 When people wonder what's better; free weights,
15:36 nautilus equipment, body masters, any type
15:40 of equipment or just even doing it like this;
15:41 the bottom line is the muscles do not know
15:44 what type of equipment you're using!
15:46 All they know is that they're being
15:48 called upon to do hard work.
15:51 Good!
15:52 Push all the way down and come back up.
15:57 And you really want to focus on
15:58 the muscle that you're working so, in this case,
16:00 we're working on the triceps.
16:01 So, if I go behind Greg, I should feel those
16:03 triceps contracting on each repetition.
16:09 And push.
16:13 While they're doing this;
16:14 they're continuing to communicate as far as
16:16 how much help to give each other.
16:20 And they're also feeling...
16:21 --their partner's feeling it as well as we go through this...
16:24 Push.
16:28 Good!
16:29 Let him get all the way down.
16:33 Okay, let's go five more reps!
16:40 Good!
16:43 And two more!
16:47 And last one.
16:49 Okay now let him go halfway down
16:51 and let's do a ten count!
16:54 1, 2 Pull up.
16:55 3, 4 Pull up Moses!
16:57 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
17:01 Good!
17:03 Switch!
17:04 You feeling those?
17:06 Good.
17:09 Do unto others as has been done unto you!
17:13 Okay, push.
17:16 Good!
17:19 Okay let him have a movement there.
17:20 You don't want to make it too hard
17:23 right at the beginning!
17:26 They can't get through a range of motion
17:27 they won't get the type of effect they're looking for.
17:31 Good!
17:34 Okay, let's work ten more!
17:44 Good!
17:46 Eight more!
17:48 Work it hard!
17:50 Giving a good range of motion!
17:58 Okay and we're down to the last five!
18:00 They continue to communicate about how it feels there.
18:04 That's an important part of working out.
18:08 Especially if we're doing it manually like this.
18:10 If you get a personal trainer you need to
18:13 be willing to tell them what you need
18:15 out of your workout.
18:16 If they're going to dictate the whole thing
18:17 then you probably need to find a different trainer!
18:23 Good! Okay,
18:24 now part way down.
18:26 Okay, now hold tight.
18:28 Pull up Greg!
18:29 Push hard Mo!
18:31 Push hard!
18:33 5, 6
18:34 Get down a little further.
18:35 7, 8, 9, 10 Good.
18:39 Okay Greg you want to take the towels
18:41 off the stage there.
18:42 Now, when you do this type of exercise, again,
18:44 it's really imperative that you breath properly.
18:47 Never cut your breath off salver maneuver
18:50 where you're creating, inner cranial
18:52 and inner thoracic pressure.
18:54 Keep that breath going!
18:55 In fact before doing the legs let's just take a
18:57 moment and take a few deep breaths.
18:59 In through the nose... [inhaling]
19:01 out through the mouth. [exhaling]
19:04 Again! [inhaling]
19:05 Really try and fill your lungs up!
19:08 [inhaling]
19:09 And out. [exhaling]
19:10 Okay we're going to do some squats...
19:12 and I'm going to do a manual resistance thing on
19:15 this as well so you can see how it's done.
19:17 Greg I want you to come up and get into a squat position.
19:21 Okay and what you're going to do Moses is
19:23 you're going to get behind him...
19:25 Now up!
19:26 ...and then go down.
19:28 You can give each other some resistance again.
19:34 And up...
19:36 ...and down...
19:41 ...and up...
19:43 ...and down.
19:45 Greg's talking about somebody named mercy.
19:46 I'm not for sure who that is.
19:48 Up...
19:49 ...and down.
19:51 Down! Down! Down!
19:54 Up! Up! Up!
19:57 Down, lets back down again!
20:00 All I'm doing is pushing on the top of his pelvis
20:03 in the low back to give him some resistance.
20:06 He said "a whole lot."
20:08 I can do a whole lot
20:09 if you want to feel what that feels like.
20:11 Down, down, down, down
20:15 and up!
20:17 Good.
20:18 We're going to do three more!
20:19 Back down! Down! Down!
20:24 Good, good, good, good!
20:26 Up and two more!
20:30 Down, down
20:34 and up!
20:36 Last one back down again.
20:41 Down, down, down.
20:43 Now partway up and pull back for a ten count!
20:46 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
20:55 Good.
20:58 Next!!
21:01 Okay cross your arms
21:02 and push your hips back as you squat down.
21:05 Push your hips back more.
21:07 Push back.
21:08 There you go!
21:09 Up and back down.
21:12 And up.
21:13 Now you can put some weights in your hands to
21:16 give you more resistance if you want.
21:18 For most people squatting alone
21:21 is hard enough work.
21:25 Back down.
21:27 Good.
21:28 You can also push down from your shoulders
21:30 but then if you do that
21:31 you have to be careful how their back is.
21:39 It gets better for me too because
21:41 I can push harder now.
21:44 Good!
21:45 Down and ten more!
21:55 Good!
21:56 Keep going!
21:59 Seven more.
22:06 And four more.
22:10 There's one!
22:12 And 2,
22:15 and 3,
22:16 last one!
22:18 Part way up, ten count.
22:20 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
22:28 Good job!
22:29 Okay let's go ahead and lay down on your sides there.
22:35 Grab an ankle and stretch your quadriceps.
22:38 After we work a muscle
22:39 we want to stretch it out as well.
22:44 Okay let's hold that for five more seconds.
22:48 4, 3, 2, 1
22:51 Switch!
22:58 If you look at the actual amount of time that
23:00 each one of them spent lifting or exercising;
23:02 they really haven't put in that much time.
23:05 But if you think about how much they've
23:06 put into it and how fatigued the muscles are;
23:09 we've gotten a really good affect on them already,
23:11 [at least I'd like to think so!]
23:13 I think they feel a little bit fatigued
23:16 from what we've done.
23:18 Okay five more seconds!
23:20 4, 3, 2, 1
23:22 Good.
23:23 Okay on your backs!
23:25 Let's do some abdominal crunches.
23:27 Okay hands behind the neck
23:29 and you're gonna crunch up.
23:32 Good
23:33 and down.
23:37 You wanna think about lifting
23:39 your chin towards the ceiling as you do this.
23:44 Okay let's speed it up now.
23:47 Speed it up.
23:49 Good.
23:55 Keep going.
23:57 Keep going.
24:02 Ten more.
24:10 Abdominal crunches don't have to be done
24:12 in a difficult fashion to be effective.
24:14 As long as you're focusing on the abs it's good.
24:16 Okay bring your feet off the ground,
24:18 cross at the ankles and let's go!
24:21 We're going to do another 30 of them.
24:27 Excellent!
24:28 Excellent!
24:29 By taking the feet off the ground we're changing
24:32 the stimulus on the abdominal a little bit.
24:36 Keep trying to lift that chin high.
24:38 Blow out as you come up!
24:41 Good.
24:42 Keep that intensity going!
24:45 Good, good, good!
24:49 Five more.
24:54 And legs straight up and go!
24:57 These last 30 become a little bit more difficult.
25:01 Keep those legs up!
25:04 I'm not gonna hold them!
25:08 Good.
25:09 Now for those at home;
25:10 if you have to stop and rest that's okay.
25:12 You don't have to try to keep pace with these guys!
25:14 You can see they're both in pretty good shape.
25:21 Okay eight more!
25:22 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
25:26 Keep your legs up after you're done.
25:28 6, 7, 8
25:29 Okay keep your legs straight up in the air.
25:32 Okay uncross the feet.
25:34 Okay we're going to lower the legs down slowly.
25:38 Slowly.
25:39 Good!
25:41 Okay let's stop right there.
25:42 Okay now let's go down some more.
25:45 Stop.
25:46 Come down a little more.
25:47 Yeah you can put your hands down
25:49 and pull.
25:50 Legs straight.
25:52 Okay now hold for 15 seconds.
25:54 See if you can hold out there.
25:57 There's five!
26:00 Hang on!
26:02 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
26:06 Alright! Excellent!
26:10 Okay up on your feet!
26:13 I'm getting a little slow response on that one!
26:17 Okay.
26:18 Let's put a leg out
26:20 and we're gonna stretch the hamstring.
26:23 Feel it stretch the back of your leg there.
26:26 You should feel it behind your knee.
26:27 Five more seconds.
26:30 4, 3, 2, 1
26:33 Switch!
26:41 Okay and five more seconds!
26:44 4, 3, 2, 1
26:47 Let's stretch the calf.
26:50 Press that heel down in to the floor.
26:55 You don't want to bounce your stretch at all.
26:57 You want to feel a nice steady move there.
27:00 Okay let's go!
27:03 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
27:06 Okay switch.
27:09 We're almost done, how about that?
27:13 That's the best part of the workout,
27:14 when you're finished!
27:17 Five more seconds.
27:19 4, 3, 2, 1
27:22 Good.
27:23 Alright fellas, thanks a lot!
27:28 Exercise does not need to be long and drawn out.
27:30 You can get great benefits in a short period of time!
27:33 And remember, you don't grow
27:34 or get stronger while you're doing the exercise,
27:37 you get stronger while you rest
27:39 and that comes into Biblical principles
27:40 as well of getting rest and doing everything for
27:43 the right reason.
27:44 Remember,
27:45 you "can do all things through Christ who strengthens" you,
27:47 Philippians 4:13;
27:48 God bless, we'll see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17